Al Lambert Must Pay

[ f, fant, tv, celeb, slow, 1st, teen, nc, rape, gang, oral, anal ]

by vile8r

Published: 11-Dec-2011

Word Count:

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This story is a work of fiction and fantasy and contains depictions of graphic rape and non-consensual sex. The author does not condone nor approve of rape or abduction.

Chapter 1: Kyle Sommers

Kyle Sommers had carefully cultivated an image through both junior high and now in high school, of being a lady-killer! With his blonde hair, handsome good looks, athletic physique, and of course, rich parents, Kyle had always been at the forefront of the popular crowd. It didn't hurt, either, being a star athlete on both the football and basketball teams.

Yes, Kyle had a reputation of being a charmer with the girls. But not just any girls. The 17-year-old always went after the extremely attractive, popular girls. The hotties! He had very high standards and he let the girls know that too. So, if Kyle Sommers had his eye on you, you knew you were something!

This was why he decided to ask Alicia Lambert on a date. Alicia, or 'Al', as her family and many of her friends called her, wasn't really a member of the 'in' crowd. But Kyle had had the 16-year-old cutie in his sights for some time.

Kyle had known Al since fourth grade. His dad, Larry Sommers, owned Sommers Electrical Contracting Ltd., and sometimes worked with Al's dad, Frank, who was also a contractor.

Back in elementary school, Al Lambert had been known more as a quick-tongued, ill-tempered tomboy. She was more apt to give a boy a fat lip, than a kiss. And what a potty-mouth! Heck, she even looked like a boy! She wore her hair short and dressed like one. No one ever saw her in a dress or a skirt. For a long time, Kyle and his friends figured Alicia Lambert didn't even like boys. They made jokes about her becoming a tattooed motorcycle-riding lesbian when she grew up.

But as Al became a teenager, Kyle began to notice that she was turning into a serious hottie! She lost the boyish looks and began to grow her hair longer and actually develop some curves. She even began to grow tits! And nice ones too!

Al still seemed to shun the more girl-type activities like cheerleading and she wasn't much of an athlete. But at least she started wearing much more 'girly' clothes like tight jeans and short skirts that accented her tight, firm body.

Despite the fact Kyle still kind of considered her a geek; he couldn't deny that Al Lambert was turning into, well, A BABE! And he wanted her! Her 'geekiness', he decided, would become her undoing. Alicia had dated a few boys from school, but none of them as popular as he.

Kyle knew Al could probably be easily manipulated with the prospect of her popularity taking a huge leap if she was seen dating him. He was certain the love-struck young girl would be like putty in his hands. And he was right.

When he first approached Al, she had been quite excited. Kyle Sommers wanted to go out with her?! An older boy liked her? He saw her running around to all her friends, telling them she was going on a date with none other than Kyle Sommers. That's right! THE Kyle Sommers!

As the night of their first date approached, Kyle was pretty confident he had her in the bag. He bragged to his friends, "Yep, chalk another one up to the Kyle-inator! In a few hours boys, I am gonna be making sweet, sweet love to Alicia Lambert! I am gonna rock her world."

All of Kyle's friends were, of course, quite envious. They too had noticed Al's startling transformation from a rough-and tumble tomboy into a delectable hottie and all of them were very attracted to her. But once again, good ol' Kyle the Stud had beat them to the punch! They didn't know how he did it, but Kyle was always able to land dates with the hottest girls in school.

Friday night came and their date went along great. They went to a movie and then back to Kyle's place. His parents weren't home for the night, so he had the whole place to himself. He and Al had started kissing on the living room couch and that's when things went downhill!

He tried unbuttoning Al's blouse and she stopped him. Then his roving hands tried to undo the snap on her jeans. Again, he was halted in his tracks. The little sweetie was as frigid as an ice cream cone!

He asked her what the problem was. She told him she 'wasn't that kind of girl'. He turned on the charm and tried using a line on her. "Don't worry Al. It'll be fun. Lots of the hot girls in school have done it with me'.

"Like whom?" she asked.

That sort of caught him off guard and he had to quickly improvise a response. He rattled off a list of several girls he had dated. "Melissa Worth, Misty Caldwell, Samantha DiMarco, Natalee Olson! And that's just a few! You wanna be popular, don't you?"

That tack didn't work on her, either. She told him she didn't care who he had done it with, all she knew was, he wasn't doing it with her! And if being popular meant having to lose her virginity, well then, she'd just have to stay unpopular.

He wasn't even able to coerce her into letting him have a little feel down her panties. Even Misty Caldwell, captain of the cheerleading squad and one of the most stuck-up girls in the whole school, had granted him that much!

But no! Alicia Lambert stonewalled him hard! She pushed him away and got off the couch. All he could do was watch her cute ass as it sashayed across the room and stormed out the door. Leaving him with a raging hard-on and intensely frustrated.

But Kyle could not let his friends know how he had been rejected. After all, HE was Kyle Sommers and he had a reputation to up-hold! He had been so sure and so cocky to his friends about getting Al in the sack; he just couldn't let them know what had really happened. So next day when he spoke to his friends, well! It was a much different story!

"So how was she?" asked his good friend Nick. "Did you get lucky?"

Kyle feigned indignation.

"Nick! What kind of a dumb question is that? 'Did I get lucky?' Of course I got fucking lucky! And more than once too!"

"Wow!" exclaimed another friend, Stuart. "What was she like? She got a pretty hot body? Huh?"

Kyle leaned back with a smug smile.

"The hottest, man! The fucking hottest! That girl deserves to be in Playboy someday! And she was awesome in bed! A little unsure at first, but after I popped her cherry, it didn't take long for her to warm up. She turned into a tiger! She didn't wanna stop!"

"Whoa!" said Nick in admiration. "You popped her cherry? Cooool!"

"Fucking right, I did," said Kyle. "And she loved it! Said if she was gonna lose it; she was glad it was with me! Then to show me her gratitude, well......!" He made a motion with his hand of having his dick sucked.

"Oh shit, man!" said Stuart, absolutely astonished. "Al Lambert gave you a blowjob? Oh, you don't know how many times I've dreamed about that! I'll bet that felt good!"

"You fucking bet it did! She said she'd never done it before, but I didn't believe her. That girl sucked dick like a pro!" said Kyle with a huge grin.

Kyle was pretty content with himself. His friends had taken the whole story, hook, line and sinker! His reputation was intact! Kyle Sommers was their hero and they were able to live their sexual fantasies vicariously through him, simply due to the good fortune of being his friends.

Come Monday, at school, things got even better! At Monday morning basketball practice, Kyle was the toast of the locker room. The word had spread to everyone that Kyle had nailed Alicia Lambert! And he, of course, did absolutely nothing to discourage people from believing that.

When he passed Al in the hallway, he gave her a big smile. She just looked the other way. 'Ah, you frigid little bitch!' he thought to himself.

'If only you knew the stories I've told about you!'

He was pretty sure, by this time; she probably had heard the rumours. But he knew that, if Al knew what was good for her, she wouldn't say anything to him. With his social standing in the school, and she being just on the fringe of the 'in' crowd, he could make life very miserable for her if he wanted.

But Kyle had messed with the wrong girl, and very soon, events took a severe nose-dive. There he was, at lunchtime in the cafeteria, holding court with a bunch of his friends. He saw Al come stomping across the room towards him. She seemed pretty mad about something.

She began screaming at him about being a liar and a jerk. She also proceeded to begin telling the entire cafeteria, about how she had not went to bed with him and that he was just making up lies! Kyle was mortified. What did this bitch think she was doing? He tried to shut her up but she just ignored him and continued with her tirade.

Then she did the unthinkable! Just like during their date, Al started saying how she didn't care about how many other girls Kyle had slept with.

"I don't care what you did with Misty Caldwell or Melissa Worth or....." she mentioned the names of a few of the other girls Kyle had listed off to her as past sexual conquests. Suddenly Misty Caldwell stood up, a look of disbelief on her face. Pointing a finger at him, she yelled, "Kyle Sommers! You are a liar! I didn't have sex with you!"

Then Natalee Olson stood up, and Samantha DiMarco. They also informed everyone that Kyle was full of shit. And a couple other girls piped up too that Al hadn't even mentioned! Kyle Sommers felt about a foot tall as he slunk out of the cafeteria, girls and boys alike, jeering and booing at him.

Outside, Kyle was furious! He paced back and forth in the alley behind the school, kicking at empty pop cans on the ground. He clenched and unclenched his fists, looking for someone or something to punch.

He couldn't believe he had been humiliated in such a fashion! To have a girl expose him as such a liar and a sham was horribly devastating. How could he ever face his friends again?

And never mind his friends! What about the girls? From now on, he'd be the laughing stock of every girl in school! He'd never get another date! What was he going to do?

Chapter 2: Alicia Lambert

It was a beautiful Saturday morning as Al walked along the street. It had been a week since her date with Kyle Sommers and still she couldn't get the events of that night out of her head. The nerve of that jerk, thinking that she would have sex with him just so she could be more popular at school. Boy, that guy had a serious ego problem!

She shivered as she thought about how his hands had roved across her body as they kissed. He had pressed his body hard against her and she could feel the hard lump in his pants against her leg. Her heart had jumped into her throat as his hand moved up and fumbled with the top button of her blouse. Al slapped his hand away, but then just a few minutes later; the sicko started pulling at the button on her jeans.

As she felt him opening her pants, the panic button in her brain went off, and she had pushed him off her. She suddenly realized what direction this date was heading in, and she was having none of it!

"I am not that kind of girl!" she told him.

Kyle had tried to put on his charm, but it didn't work. Even when he started listing off the girls he said he had gone to bed with. She didn't care! Most of the girls he mentioned, she considered to be sluts anyway, so she was not surprised if he had had sex with them. Al didn't wish to be lumped in with that bunch! And insinuating she would never be a member of the popular crowd unless she 'did it' with him, that was the icing on the cake!

If her dad and step-mom had taught her anything in life, it was to stand up for herself and never lose her self-esteem. After re-fastening the button on her jeans, she had stridden out of the house and down the street.

She was very mad at herself. The day Kyle Sommers had approached her in front of her locker and asked her on a date, she had been on Cloud Nine! Kyle Sommers was like, the hottest and most popular guy in school.

For him to be interested in a girl like her, well, it was almost too good to be true. Not that she had never been on a date, but the guys she had dated before were geeks compared to someone as hunky as Kyle.

Usually it was her stepsister Karen who got asked out by guys like Kyle. She could understand that. Karen was soooo pretty! Although, Al would never admit that to her face. She usually treated Karen as a vacuous, materialistic airhead.

But Karen had been rather jealous when she found out Al was going on a date with Kyle Sommers. Al liked that! All her friends had been rather envious too. It had made her feel so.....special, to have a hot guy interested in her.

Al had been such a tomboy for most of her life. Girly things just didn't interest her. Frilly dresses and Barbie dolls? Yuck! Give her a football and a pair of old blue jeans with the knees ripped out and a baseball cap, and Al Lambert was in heaven. Even her dad would tease her that she was more of a boy than her brother, J.T. But the past couple of years, Al had noticed a lot of changes in her body.

Standing in front of the mirror in her bedroom, she had to admit to herself, she was developing.....a female body! And her face was changing too, getting more feminine features. Her stepmother, Carol, who was a very beautiful woman herself, had told her one day, "Al, you are becoming a very pretty girl!"

Karen had talked her into buying a couple denim skirts. Skirts and dresses had been like her kryptonite for years!

"Al, you are getting a body and although you still don't look as good as me, you have to realize that you are a teenage girl now. Guys don't wanna see you dressed like you're going to play in the sandbox. They want you to show off a bit!" Karen had said to her, in her usual condescending tone.

It had all seemed so strange to Al, but she was pleasantly surprised the first time she had wore a skirt to school. Every boy in her class was checking her out! One boy even came right up to her and said, "Holy crap, Lambert! You have legs!"

And what really blew her away was, she didn't really care! A few years before, she'd have punched a guy for him saying that to her, now she enjoyed the attention. And all her friends had told her how pretty she looked too.

Reluctantly, Al began to accept the fact that, yes, she was becoming an attractive girl. Even, heaven forbid, a hottie! But the concept of being a girly-girl was still anathema to her.

And though she was pretty, she was still not a part of the popular crowd. And that didn't really bother her. Al was not a person who was concerned with her social standing in school. Most of the girls that were popular, were a bunch of shallow, backstabbing snotty bitches anyway. Al preferred to not associate with them!

This made it even more satisfying when Kyle had asked her out. A lot of the popular girls could not believe Kyle was interested in Al. She remembered hearing Misty Caldwell, the head cheerleader, venting to some of her friends in the cafeteria.

"Al Lambert? Kyle Sommers asked out Al Lambert?! What is she doing with a guy like Kyle? She's a geek!"

Yep, Al had been on Cloud Nine, until Friday night came along! Now Al had to face the fact that, basically, she had allowed herself to be used. Kyle had been interested in one thing and one thing only. He didn't care about Al! All he cared about was her body and getting inside her pants!

As much as she hated to say it, her other stepsister Dana was right! Dana, who at times could be an insufferable man-hating bitch, had told her earlier that day, "Al, just be careful. Guys like Kyle Sommers, they're pigs!"

"Well, he isn't, okay?" Al had snapped back to Dana. "Kyle is a nice guy and he respects me!"

"That's what they all say," retorted Dana. "Trust me! I've dealt with lots of 'Kyles' in my lifetime."

'Ohhhhh!' Al had fumed to herself as she walked home that night. Dana was soooo right! She hated when that happened!

And of course, Dana had to be one of the first people she ran into when she got home.

Al fully expected Dana to begin gloating when she asked Al how the night had gone.

"Kyle didn't turn out to be the kind of guy I thought he was," replied Al without divulging too many details of what had happened. But she didn't have to.

Dana just gave her a knowing look and smiled.

"You just gotta start listening to me more often, Al," she had said. "I'm sorry things didn't turn out"

"Yeah," Al said, shrugging her shoulders. "I am too."

But then came Monday morning at school. As soon as Al walked up to her locker, she knew something was afoot. Her friends Marcie and Brenda were whispering to each other and looking over their shoulders at her.

"So," she had said walking up to them. "What's the big secret, you two? You don't do a very good job of talking about other people without them noticing!"

Brenda had let out a nervous giggle.

"We were just, ah , talking about you and Kyle," she said. "Oh my God," gushed Marcie. "That must have been sooooo awesome, Al! So tell us, what was it really like? Did it hurt?"

Al had looked at them like they were crazy.

"What are you two talking about?"

"Come on, Al! It's all over the school!" said Brenda.

"What's all over the school?"

'You know!" said Marcie, whispering. "You and Kyle Sommers! Doing the nasty!"

"WHAT???!" Al gasped incredulously. "Kyle Sommers and I didn't do anything!!!"

Marcie shrugged. "That ain't the story we're hearing, Al. Word is, you and Kyle got it on big time!"

"So we're your friends, Al," said Brenda. "Tell us! What was it like? Is he, uh, big?" She let out her annoying little giggle again.

Al looked at Brenda disgustedly.

"Shut up, Brenda! You are such an idiot sometimes. I don't know what you two have heard, but I can tell you right now, me and Kyle did not do 'the nasty'! Okay?"

Al was totally flabbergasted as she walked to class. What was that jerk doing? Spreading completely false stories about her around the school? What an asshole!

All morning she put up with snide remarks and innuendoes from her classmates.

One guy came up to her in biology class and slipped her a piece of paper. On it was drawn a crude picture of a girl kneeling in front of a boy, his penis stuck in her mouth. A caption under the picture read, 'Oh Kyle! You taste so good!'

Al ripped it up and threw it in the garbage. How humiliating!

Two other guys walked up to her.

"Al, you are an animal! Kyle said he had scratches on his back! Meeooowww!" one of them said.

"Fuck off!" snapped Al. She saw Kyle between classes and glared at him. He just gave her an arrogant little smirk.

OH! She was going to kill him, she fumed.

Finally at lunchtime, Al had had enough! Even her stepsister, Karen had confronted her, demanding to know what the hell was going on. Al had tearfully explained to her that nothing had happened between her and Kyle and all he was doing was spreading lies about her. It was then, that she decided something had to be done. Kyle Sommers could not be allowed to get away with this bullshit!

Hence the episode in the cafeteria, where Al had shot him down like an Iraqi jet fighter over the Persian Gulf. Oh, it had felt good! The look on his face when the other girls had stood up too and exposed his lies had been priceless. Al knew it had been a horribly humiliating experience for him, but she had little remorse.

He had tried to do irreparable damage to her reputation. And that was something she was not going to stand for! Kyle Sommers was a massive jerk and it was time the school had been shown the true colours of their hero!

Even Misty Caldwell and Melissa Worth, two girls who usually treated Al like she was dog-crap on their shoes, came up to her afterwards and thanked her for standing up to Kyle.

He had done the same kind of thing to them too. But they had been so concerned with staying popular, that when Kyle had threatened to destroy their social lives if they didn't keep quiet, they had backed down. They too were very satisfied to see the cocky little prick be put in his place.

It had been rather uncomfortable around school for the rest of the week. Every time Kyle had seen Al in the hallways, he had glared at her like a maniac. Al just chuckled to herself. 'I guess if looks could kill, I should be dead by now,' she had joked to her friends.

But, she decided, enough about Kyle! She was not going let that idiot ruin her life. Time to just put the memories of last week in the back of her memory and get on with her life! It was Saturday now and she was looking forward to the weekend.

She had to run an errand to the library to drop off some books. Then when she got back home, she, her step-mom Carol, and her stepsister Karen were all going out for lunch to a nice restaurant. Carol was treating them and then she said she would take them to the mall for some shopping. It was just going to be a fun girls-day-out!

Carol had offered to give Al a ride to the library but Al had said no. It was a beautiful May day and she didn't mind going for a walk.

"It won't take long", she said.

She would cut through the park just a couple blocks from their house and she'd be there and back in a half hour.

"Okay", said Carol. "We'll be ready to leave when you get back."

Chapter 3: Grabbing Al

It had been one hell of a long week for Kyle Sommers. Living down the embarrassment created by his encounter with Al Lambert in the school cafeteria hadn't been easy. It would be a long time before Kyle had the damage to his reputation repaired.

Al Lambert was a mouthy little bitch and he was regretting ever making the decision to ask her out. That girl had proved to be bad news! He realized he had seriously under-estimated her.

Unlike the other girls he had dated, she didn't care about whether she was popular or not. With the others, that had always been the ultimate weapon he had been able to hold over their heads.

"I can make or break you in this school!" he had told them, and they believed him. They were that shallow and insecure and terrified of being nobodies, that he had been able to wrap them around his finger.

But then along came Al Lambert. She wasn't scared of being unpopular, because she wasn't popular to begin with. And Kyle now realized that a girl with nothing to lose was a very dangerous person. It was a wake-up call for him. He would have to be way more careful from now on, about the girls he asked out.

However, he still wanted to get even with Al Lambert somehow. She needed to pay for the way she had humiliated him. He didn't know how, or when, but someday, it had to happen.

So today, he was putting behind himself all the events of the past week. His dad told him he could use one of the work vans and take a few buddies out to Bearspaw Lake for the day. It was a popular recreational area a few miles out of town.

They were gonna do some swimming and hang out on the beach. Hey, it was hot enough today, there'd probably even be a few bikini hotties around there. Maybe he'd get lucky! That would certainly help to take his mind off all the other bullshit. Like his dad said, the best thing to do when you fall off your bicycle, is get right back on again!

Four of his friends, Nick, Stuart, Keith, and Will came walking up the driveway. They were Kyle's closest friends, having all known each other since elementary school. All of them, but Will, played on the football, basketball, and baseball teams and had done a lot of partying and girl chasing together.

Nick was about the same height as Kyle and had blue eyes and blonde hair like Kyle, although his was curlier. Stuart had dark brown hair and brown eyes. Keith had short brown hair and was very stocky. But it was a muscular kind of stocky. He stood nearly 6 ft. tall, a couple inches taller than the other three boys. All four had very athletic physiques and handsome looks.

This made the fifth member of the group look rather out of place. Will was only about 5' 6", making him shorter than the other boys, and was a bit on the overweight side, weighing around 220 lb. He had brown curly hair and glasses.

Will was definitely not the athletic type. He was more at home on a computer or plopped on the couch playing video games. His football playing was strictly of the "Nintendo" variety! However, he had spent the last two years as equipment manager and statistician for the football team.

That was only because his dad was the coach. Will was a bit of an embarrassment to his dad because of his lack of athletic skill. So he made Will be the equipment manager and do statistics for the team. He would say to Will, "If you're gonna have your ass in front of that goddamn computer, you might as well be doing something constructive!"

But Will and Kyle had always got along good together and Kyle enjoyed his company. Will could be very funny, sort of a Chris Farley-type character! And because of his computer skills, he had helped his friends out a number of times.

He had hacked into the school network numerous times to change test scores or find answer sheets for exams and that kind of thing. Will's only problem was that, understandably, he was nowhere near as popular with the girls as his other friends were.

"Hey amigos!" said Kyle as he high-fived with the four other boys. "Ready for a day of fun at Bearspaw? Ya never know, might be some hotties on the beach!"

"I'm hoping there is!" exclaimed Nick.

"ME WANT WOMEN!" grunted Will, doing a caveman impression.

"Easy, big boy!" laughed Kyle. "Maybe we find you woman today!"

"Will, you got so many cobwebs in your underwear, you'll never be able to find your dick if you do get a girl," joked Stuart.

"Suck my dick, Stu," retorted Will. He was normally a very jovial person, but it was a sore point with him that his friends were much more sexually experienced than he.

The five boys all piled into the van, Kyle getting in the driver's seat. In a few seconds, they were heading down the street. Kyle turned east toward the freeway. His route took him past the library. As the boys joked and laughed amongst each other, Kyle suddenly spotted a girl walking down the steps from the library. She was wearing a short pleated plaid skirt and a white short-sleeved blouse. Her nicely tanned legs were accented by knee-high white socks and she wore pink and white tennis shoes.

Nick, sitting in the passenger seat, pointed at her.

"Hey boys! Hottie at 12 o' clock! Check that out!"

As the van passed the girl walking down the street, Kyle looked across out the passenger window.

"Holy fuck, boys! That's Alicia Lambert!"

"She's looking hot today, man!" exclaimed Nick. "Too bad she pissed you off so bad! We could pick her up and give her a ride!"

"Fuck! I'd give that honey more than just a ride!" smirked Keith.

Kyle suddenly slammed on the brakes and whipped into a back alley. It was as if a light had just come on in his head, except this wasn't just a mere light bulb. It was more like a fucking spotlight!

"YES!" he shouted. "FUCKIN' YES!"

"What's going on, Kyle?" asked Stuart.

Kyle had come to a complete stop. He turned around in his seat. He had a wild look in his eyes, a look the other boys had never seen before.

"Screw the beach! You guys wanna have some real fun today! Like mind-blowing once-in-a-lifetime kinda fun?"

The other boys looked at him, confusion on their faces.

"What do you, uh, mean?" asked Will.

"Al Lambert!" said Kyle. "I just figured out how to get back at that little meddling cunt!"

"How?" asked Nick.

"We grab her, take her somewhere, and fuck the hell out of her today! Just the five of us! She wants to be all high-and-mighty and say 'Oh, I'm not that kind of girl', well, we'll show her what kind of girl she really is! A little fucking slut! How about it? You guys in?"

Nick shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I guess! Yeah! I'd love to fuck Al Lambert!"

"How are we gonna do it without getting in trouble?" asked Stuart. "I mean ain't this kinda like gang-rape? I don't fuckin' wanna go to jail!"

"Don't worry," explained Kyle. "Just say yes or no!"

Stuart shrugged too and said, "Yeah, okay I'm in. Ain't gonna let you guys fuck Al Lambert if I'm not there too!"

Kyle looked at Will. Will didn't know what to say. He smiled nervously.

"Ah, I don't know guys. Sounds pretty dangerous.....not to mention illegal as hell!"

Kyle glared angrily at Will.

"Oh, and you being a computer hacker isn't, huh? Come off it, Will. Don't be a pansy-ass all your life!"

Will blushed. "Okay, yeah, you're right! But this is way fucking worse than computer hacking."

Kyle gripped Will by the shoulder. "Dude, listen to me! This is Al Lambert, we're talking about! Remember back in Grade 9, when you asked her out to the dance and she shot you down? Said you were a fat slob? Now's your chance to get back at her! We could get you FUCKED today, man! FUCKED! By a real hottie!"

A smile crept across Will's face. "That would be awesome! But no one could ever find out!"

"That's my boy!" said Kyle punching him in the shoulder. "You're damn right it'll be awesome! We're gonna get your cherry popped today!"

"And you can definitely count me in too," Keith piped up. " A while back, I tried asking out her stuck-up bitch of a step-sister, Karen! Fucking slut called me a meathead! This'll be a good way to get back at her. If I can't fuck Karen, I'll fuck her hot little step-sis! Haha!"

Kyle put the van back in gear and started driving. "And don't worry, ain't no one gonna find out. Like I said, I got a plan! Just gotta trust me. I've never led you guys astray before, have I?"

"Um, what about the time in junior high when you talked us into sneaking into the girls' locker room, so we could steal all their bras while they were in phys.ed class?" asked Nick with a grin.

"Yeah, we got a fucking month's detention out of that!" laughed Stuart.

"Don't worry," said Kyle. "This will be waaay better!"

"So what's your big plan, Kyle" asked Will sarcastically.

"Al's walking home," said Kyle. "She always cuts through Harrison Park. We're gonna go to the far end where the walking path comes out, and we'll grab her when she comes out of the trees. Stu, you get on the door. When I say, so, you whip it open and Nick, you grab her! Will and Keith, you two get some duct tape or rope or something ready to tie her up! There's lots in the back there!"

"Okay!' said Keith.

Kyle sped to the end of the alley and back onto the street. He turned a corner and went ripping down another street. The boys could see the large expanse of Harrison Park to their right. Kyle drove to the end of the street and hung a left turn. Then he did a u-turn in the middle of the street so he was on the right side.

There was a line of tall elm trees forming a border between the park and the street. Kyle could see where a walking path exited from among the thick foliage. He was parked just to the right side of the exit. He knew Al would come walking out of the trees and turn to her right. She would walk right past the van. And that was when they would grab her!

There was no houses on the other side of the street, just another row of trees. And no cars or anything parked nearby. The street was quiet as far as he could see in either direction. It was perfect!

He looked in the back of the van. The boys were in position. Stuart was crouched beside the side door, gripping the handle tightly. Nick was also crouched beside the door, ready to grab the girl and pull her in. Will and Keith waited, Will holding onto a large roll of duct tape.

He was shaking and sweat rolled down his face.

"What's the matter, Will?" grinned Kyle. "You a little nervous?"

"Y-y-yeah!" stammered Will.

"A little horny too!" chuckled Nick. He pointed between Will's legs. "You got a woody, Will! I can see it!"

Will looked down and could see for himself the protruding bulge in his sweat pants. He blushed as he covered it with his hand.

"Fuck off, you guys!" he snapped.

Kyle smiled. "Nothing to be ashamed of Will. I'm feeling pretty damn horny myself. You just keep that thing hard! I can't wait to see you give it to her. Just remember all the times she insulted and made fun of you. Today's gonna be payback!"

He saw a flash of movement through an opening between the trees.

"All right, boys! She's coming! Everybody ready?"

The four boys nodded their heads. Kyle watched as the young girl emerged from the trees. Her head was down and she wasn't even paying attention to the parked van.

Al was enjoying her walk through the park. It was such a beautiful day. Maybe when she got home, she'd suggest to Carol and Karen that they should go to the park after shopping and do a bit of sunbathing! It'd be great to spend some time out in the sun.

She gave a little start as she emerged from the shaded walkway and saw the large blue and white van parked along the curb. Oh well, must belong to someone out for a stroll in the park. Kind of odd it was still idling, though. The van was vaguely familiar to her, like she had seen it somewhere before, but just couldn't put a finger on it. She shrugged her shoulders and continued walking.

Inside the van, Kyle watched her in the passenger side mirror. As she came up even with the side door, he hissed loudly to Nick and Stu.


Stu cranked down on the handle and pulled back at the same time, the side door whipping open. Nick reached out, his hands closing around Al's left arm. Before she even had time to react, he had yanked her backwards, pulling her body halfway through the open door. Nick grabbed her other arm to help pull her the rest of the way into the van. Her flailing legs were barely inside and Stu was slamming the door shut.

He yelled over his shoulder to Kyle,"GO! GO! FUCKING GO!"

But Kyle was already throwing the van into gear, the minute he saw Al's legs clear the doorway. The van tires squealed as Kyle slammed his foot down on the gas pedal and sped away from the curb.

In the back of the van it was mayhem. Nick pushed Al face- down on the floor of the van as Kyle threw it into gear. She kicked and screamed at the top of her lungs.


Will struggled to get some tape wrapped around her mouth as she threw her head from side to side. Keith grabbed her wrists and pulled her arms behind her back as Stu held her ankles together. Al looked over her shoulder, her eyes growing large as she recognized the boys.


She was cut short as Will pressed a strip of duct tape across her open mouth. He proceeded to wrap the tape completely around her head.

"Her wrists!" yelled Keith. "Tape her wrists!"

Will began to wrap strips of duct tape around her wrists as her body twisted and bucked. Stu struggled with all his strength to hold her ankles as she desperately tried to kick at him. In the process of him trying to hold onto her, he pulled her tennis shoes off her feet.

Will finished securing her wrists together and moved down to her ankles. He made about five or six wraps around her slender ankles, effectively binding her legs together. The four boys sat back, panting and sweating from the exertion of fighting with the feisty teen girl.

They watched Al twist and thrash as she tried to break free from the tape. She looked back over her shoulder, tears running down her cheeks and across the tape on her mouth.

"MMMMMMMPPPPPPHHHHH! MMMMMMPPPPHHHHH!" she tried to scream, the tape muffling her.

Kyle looked up into the rearview mirror and surveyed the scene in the back of the van.

"Way to go boys! Good job! We got her!"

"Fuck, she's looking good," said Nick, staring down at Al's tight, firm body. In her struggles, her skirt had rode up on her tanned thighs so it just barely now covered her ass. They could see just a small glimpse of her panties peeking out from under the skirt.

Will licked his lips.

"Wow, I have never seen a girl's panties! Except on the internet or in magazines," he said, looking at the other boys with savage lust in his eyes.

"Feel her up, Will! Go ahead! She's all yours now!" yelled Kyle.

The fat teenager placed his hand on Al's lower leg. He was visibly shaking as he slid it up along one of her knee socks and to her smooth upper thigh. As his hand approached the hem of her skirt, a small dribble of slobber ran down his chin. Nick put his hands on her back to hold her still.

Will pushed her skirt up farther, over her ass. All the boys could now see her pink bikini panties. They had a motif of little white roses on them. Will forced his hand between her thighs and rubbed the palm of his hand across the smooth cotton fabric.

"MMMMMMPPPPPPPPHHHHHH!" Al tried to scream.

With one hand, Will pulled her panties to the side.

"Holy fuck, guys! Come and look!" he said breathlessly.

Nick, Stu and Keith gathered around as they gazed down at the tight pink slit between Al's legs and the wisps of light brown pubic hair surrounding it.

Sweat beaded along Will's forehead as he wiggled a fat finger inside her vaginal entrance. Al's body violently thrashed around on the floor of the van.

He looked at the other boys, wild anticipation in his eyes.

"Holy shit! Holy shit!" he exclaimed. "I'm feeling up a girl!"

"Feels good, doesn't it?" asked Kyle looking over his shoulder. "Tell her how it feels, Will!"!

"Oh, Al!" Will panted. "You are sooooo tight!"

He leaned down and ran his tongue along the side of her face.

"MMMMMPPPPPPHHHHHH!" she squealed in revulsion. Al tried to turn her face away from him.

He pulled her head back towards him as he moved his finger in and out of her. She glanced fearfully over her shoulder at the hard lump jutting grotesquely out of his sweat pants.

"This is gonna be for ALL the times you made fun of me, Lambert!" he snarled. "Remember when you started calling me 'Whale' in Grade 3? Hmmmm? People still call me that, and I fucking hate it! Today I'm gonna get to fuck you and I'm gonna love it! I'm gonna love shoving my cock inside you, Al Lambert, you little bitch!"

He began to pull down his sweat pants.

"Hey, hey, hey!" yelled Kyle from the driver's seat. "Will! Not yet! I get first go at her!"

Will looked over his shoulder at Kyle.

"Oh, okay! But I have a hard-on like you wouldn't believe, Kyle! Where the hell are we taking her?" he asked impatiently.

"You'll see in a bit," said Kyle as he began to exit off the freeway.

Nick pushed Will to the side.

"Get outta the way! I want a feel too!" he said.

Nick pressed two fingers into Al, making her buck and twist more.

"Holy fuck, yeah! She is tight, man!"

"Let me see!" said Stu.

Nick pulled his fingers out of her and sniffed them.

"Oh, the smell of pussy! Me like!"

Stu also slid a hand along Al's inner thighs and pushed a finger inside her.

"Ooooh! I think she's getting a little wet!" smiled Stu.

"Hey, you guys! Stop it back there!" Kyle whined. "I'm getting so fucking hard, I can barely drive!"

Keith leaned in after Stu took his finger out of Al and stroked the outside of Al's vagina.

"Yeah, she is getting a little wet!" he grinned. "You're gonna be a whole lot more wet by the time we're done with you, Lambert!"

He jammed a finger inside her forcefully, making her whole body jump. "MMMMMMPPPPPPHHHHHHH!" she squealed.

Keith took his finger out of her and pulled her skirt back down.

"We are gonna have some good fun with you, Alicia!" Nick said.

Chapter 4: Gang rape In The Barn

Kyle turned off the pavement and onto a bumpy gravel road. He drove for a short distance and then turned into what appeared to be an old abandoned farmyard. There was an old two-storey house with the roof partly collapsed. A couple of other rather dilapidated outbuildings stood nearby. Directly ahead of them, in the center of the overgrown farmyard, stood a large barn.

All the windows in it were broken and the once, bright red paint was now a dull rusty colour. The roof was missing about half of its shingles and there was graffiti sprayed all across the outside walls.

"Oh!" said Stu. "We're at Beer Ranch! Right on!"

Beer Ranch was a popular location for the high school kids in town to throw bush parties. The old farmyard was completely surrounded by large trees and was only a few miles out of town.

"Remember the last party we were at out here?" Nick asked Kyle.

Kyle smiled.

"Oh yeah! When we gang-banged Lacey Sanchez. That was a fun night!"

Lacey Sanchez had been a new girl at their school. She was an incredibly hot little brunette with big tits. She had immediately caught Kyle's eye. Kyle remembered he had been especially attracted to her because she kind of resembled the famous pop singer, Mariah Carey.

One night he had invited her to go to a party with him at Beer Ranch. She had become terribly drunk and had wandered off by herself and passed out in the long grass. Kyle and his friends had found her, dragged her into the trees and proceeded to have sex with the girl. She stayed passed out for most of it and when she did regain consciousness, she didn't remember much. She asked Kyle what had happened the night before and he told her she had had consensual sex with him and his friends.

"Yeah, you were so drunk, you said you wanted to do me, Nick, Keith, Stuart! All of us! You were insatiable!"

She was so embarrassed about the whole thing, she ended up transferring to another school.

"Ahhh, yes. Good times!" laughed Kyle. He pulled up beside the barn and shut off the motor. He swung around out of the driver's seat and came into the back of the van. Kneeling beside Al, he grabbed her ponytail and yanked her head back so she was looking up at him. Her teary eyes stared up at him with fright.


"What's the matter, Al?" sneered Kyle. "Having trouble talking? You look good with that little bitch-mouth all taped up! I hope you're going to enjoy our "second" date. I know I will! And this time I won't have to lie about fucking you, because it's gonna be for real!"

Thrusting his hips forward, Kyle ground his crotch into Al's face.

"MMMMMMPPPPPPPHHHHHH!" she squealed as she felt the hardness in his pants rubbing against her.

"Okay, guys! Let's get her into the barn!" he yelled.

Will grabbed her around the shoulders and Stu grabbed her feet. The two boys hoisted up the fiercely squirming, squealing girl and Nick opened the van door.

They carried Al into the barn and to the middle of the floor in the cavernous building. She was thrown onto a pile of musty hay. Nick closed the large barn door behind them. There was still enough daylight filtering in through the broken windows and the cracks in the walls for them to easily see inside the barn. The five boys formed a loose circle around her.

Kyle bent down and unwrapped the duct tape from around her ankles. Then he removed the tape from her mouth.

"KYLE SOMMERS! YOU ARE GONNA BE IN SO MUCH SHIT! LET ME GO!" screeched Al, the moment the tape was pulled away.

She climbed to her feet, wobbling off balance a bit from her wrists still being tied behind her back. She tried to run but suddenly came to a stop as Will stood in her way.

" 'Whale' Newman! Get the fuck out of my way!" she yelled. "You're gonna be in a lot of trouble too for what you did to me, you gross pig!"

"Shut up, Lambert!" said Will. "My name is Will, not 'Whale'!"

He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off her feet. He threw her several feet towards Nick. Nick put out his hands and caught her as she fell against him.

"Oh! A little game of 'catch'! I'm all for that!" he laughed. He hoisted her up off her feet and pulled her close to him. His hands cupped her ass cheeks and he squeezed them hard.


Nick then flung her over to Stuart. He pulled her close to him as well and tried to kiss her.

"Oooh, come on, Al!" he teased. " Just a little French-kiss? Let me tickle your tonsils with my tongue!"

"Let me go!" she continued to angrily demand. "Have you idiots lost your fucking minds? Do you realize how much trouble you can get in for kidnapping someone?"

"We didn't kidnap you," said Kyle. "We just took you for a little drive in the country."

Stuart scooped up Al like a baby and heaved her at Keith. He caught her easily. Setting her down, he held her tight around the waist as he tried to push his hand under her skirt. She tried to pull away, holding her legs tight together.

"Fuck off, Keith! Let me go!" she pleaded.

"Come on, Al!" Keith laughed. "I just want another little feel of that sweet pussy!"

Keith let go of her and pushed her over towards Kyle. He pulled her closer to him, her back towards him. His hands slid up and down her body as she tried to squirm away from him.


"Oh, but Al," smirked Kyle. "We just got here. It's such a beautiful day, me and the boys thought maybe we'd have a little party at Beer Ranch. Haven't you ever partied here before?"

"NO!" she yelled.

Al had never been to Beer Ranch. She had heard of the place many times around school and all the wild tales of drinking and teenage debauchery. But it was a place she steered away from. Carol and Al's dad would have freaked out had they ever found out Al had attended a party at Beer Ranch.

"Well then, we'll just have to throw a little coming-out do for you, Al!" chuckled Kyle as he began to pull the duct tape off her wrists. "Time to get into your party outfit! Get your fucking clothes off!"

The boys had moved in tighter around her. She looked around nervously, wrapping her arms around herself.

"Come on you guys. You're scaring me! Is this some kind of joke? I know you're mad at me Kyle, for what I did, but you have to admit. You deserved it for spreading lies about me!"

Kyle glared at her. "Do we look like we're fucking joking, Lambert? Yes, I'm mad at you. Fucking furious, actually! And now you're gonna pay. Using that little virgin cunt of yours! You're gonna do ALL of us!"

Al looked around at each boy, tears streaming down her face.

"NOOOO! Please don't do this, you guys! I-I'm sorry Kyle, okay? I'm r-really sorry! If y-you wanted to scare me, it worked! Now just let me go."

"You don't get it, do you Lambert?" snapped Kyle. "We ain't playing a fucking game here! Now off with the clothes or they get fucking ripped off!"

Kyle stepped towards the crying girl. She put her hands out in front of her to fend him off. He slapped her hands away and grabbed the front of her blouse. With a sharp tug, he yanked it open, buttons popping off in all directions.

The boys all stared in hungry anticipation as they glimpsed a view of Al's bare stomach and her pink bra. It matched her panties.

"Okay, okay!" she cried. "I-I'll do it!"

Kyle stood back, a satisfied smirk on his face. Al reached up and pulled her torn blouse down off her shoulders. She let it drop to the ground.

Reaching around behind herself, she pulled down the zipper in the back of her skirt. The garment slid down her legs and fell around her ankles.

You could hear a pin drop as the boys drank in the view of the petite girl's firm, tanned body clad now only in a pair of pink bikini panties and bra and her white knee socks.

"Holy fuck!" uttered Will, his mouth hanging open. "Lambert! You are smoking hot!"

"Damn right!" agreed Kyle. "I thought Missy Caldwell had a smokin' bod! You put her all to shame."

"Please!" sobbed Al. "You got to see me in my underwear now. Isn't that enough? Just let me go!"

"Shit!" exclaimed Keith. "Underwear ain't nothing, Al! We wanna see it ALL. Cunt and tits! Take it off!"

"TAKE...IT...OFF! TAKE...IT...OFF! TAKE...IT....OFF!" All the boys began to chant.

Al, with trembling fingers, undid the clasp on her bra and pulled it away from her body.

"Wow! Sweet fuckin' tits, Al!" gasped Nick, staring wide-eyed at her round, perky breasts. The cool air in the barn made her nipples stand out.

"I wanna suck on those babies!" said Stu breathlessly.

"Ok, Al. Off with the panties!" ordered Kyle.

Silently, she shook her head back and forth.

"N-no! Please d-d-don't make me do th-that!" she whimpered.

Kyle reached into his back pocket and pulled out a switchblade. There was a loud CLICK as the six-inch blade popped out.

"Kyle! What the fuck have you got that for?" asked Keith incredulously.

"Oh, I keep it with me for emergencies," said Kyle, an evil grin creeping across his face. He held it up and drew a figure eight in the air as he looked straight at Al. "You just never know when you might come across a girl having trouble with her underwear and you have to maybe...... cut them off her!"

Al's eyes grew big as Kyle stepped towards her.

"NO!" she yelled. " Don't, Kyle! I'll do it! Just get that away from me!"

Kyle retracted the blade and put it back into his pocket.

"I knew you'd see things our way, Al."

She hooked her fingers in the waistband of her panties and began to push them down over her hips. Nick and Stu both let out low whistles as they saw the smooth curves of her bare buttocks.

Keith was a little more crude.

"Nice cunt!" he said as the boys got a full view of the light brown curly bush between her legs. Al bent over as she pushed the panties down past her knees and stepped out of them.

Kyle began to laugh. All the boys looked to see what it was he was laughing at. Will had his hand down inside his sweatpants and was furiously stroking himself.

"Easy, big fella!" said Kyle. "You don't wanna blow your load yet!"

"Oh man, Kyle!" moaned Will. "She is SOOOO fucking hot!"

Alicia looked at him, an expression of silent disgust on her face. She was standing with her legs pressed tight together, her hands covering her nakedness.

"Ughhhhh! You are so gross, Will!" she sneered.

Kyle turned back to her.

"Don't talk about my friends that way, Lambert!" he snapped. "Your attitude is why you're here in the first place. I think it's time to fuck it out of you!"

He snapped his fingers and motioned to the other four boys. They closed in tighter around her. Al tried to back away but Nick and Keith were right behind her. They each grabbed one of her arms. Will and Stu leaned down to each grab an ankle. The boys lifted her up, holding her by her outstretched arms and legs.

Kyle spotted a couple old blankets lying in an empty stall. They were spattered in pale white stains that gave a good indication of what type of activity had taken place on them in the past.

"Here!" Kyle called out. "Lay her down on these." He laid out the two ragged blankets on the dirty floor of the barn.

Al frantically screamed and kicked her legs as the other four boys struggled to pull her down onto the makeshift bed.

"Hold her down!" yelled Kyle as he began to pull down his pants.

Nick, Stuart, Keith, and Will pinned her to the ground spread-eagled.

"NOOOOOOOOOO! NOOOOOOOOOO!" squealed Al as she saw Kyle standing over her. His pants and underwear were down around his ankles and his erection stood out between his legs. It was about 7 ½ inches long and circumcised.

"Here we go, Lambert! Finally gonna get what I want," Kyle sneered as he got on his knees and lowered himself onto her. The other boys looked on like a pack of hungry wolves as Kyle guided himself up to the entrance of Al's vagina.

He grabbed her by the hips and thrust himself into her. She was very tight and dry and there was quite a bit of resistance at first. He pulled back and slammed his hips forward again.

Al screamed. She felt something rip inside her and his teenage cock spread the walls of her pussy apart. A wave of fiery pain shot through her body. Kyle sighed in pleasure as his cock forced its way past her hymen and he felt the tight walls of her vagina envelop him.

"All right!" whooped Nick. "Busted her cherry!"

It took all the boys' strength to hold the bucking, thrashing girl as she frantically fought to break loose.

Kyle began quickly thrusting in and out of Al, sweat breaking out on his forehead. He grunted with every thrust, her tight cunt wrapped around his shaft. He could see blood smeared on his cock as he worked in and out of her. She screamed shrilly. Al had never felt pain like this before. It felt like she was being split in half!

"Not so tough now, are you, Lambert?" mocked Keith.

As he and Nick held Al by her arms, they bent down and ran their tongues across her tits and her neck. Kyle was approaching orgasm. Al's tight pussy gripping his dick was too much for him.

"I'm ready to cum!" he yelled as he sped up his tempo.


But Kyle just ignored her as he slammed his hips hard against her. His body shook as his balls released their load. Al could feel the warm wetness of his cum coating her insides.

"OH GOD! NOOOOO!" she cried out.

Kyle finally pulled out, his cock making a wet slurp as it slipped free of her pussy.

"Holy shit!" he exclaimed. "That was fucking awesome! Lambert, you have got one fucking tight cunt! Who's next?"

Immediately Will hollered out.

"ME! I wanna be next!"

"Okay, have at 'er," laughed Kyle as he zipped up his pants.

"Hey everybody, Will is about to lose his cherry!"

"GO FOR IT!" yelled Stu.

Will let go of Al's leg he was holding as Kyle took his spot. He quickly pulled down his sweatpants and underwear. His erection peeked from under his flabby gut. It was about 6 inches long, the swollen head a dark purple colour.

Will kneeled between Al's spread-eagled legs. She glared at him with a look of utter contempt and revulsion. "Gonna feel really good, Lambert," said Will, looking down at the swollen lips of her pussy.

"Fuck off, Will!" she spat. "Is this the only way you can get a girl?! Get your friends to help you rape one? You're in so much shit now!"

Will had had enough. He slapped Al hard across the face, making her squeal in pain and shock.

"Shut the fuck up! You are such a little bitch, Al!" he snarled.

He guided the head of his cock up to the entrance of her vagina, his hands shaking with nervous anticipation. This was it! He was finally getting to fuck a girl. And a hot one too!

He drove his body against her, but in his excitement, his aim was off and the head of his cock was deflected, jabbing into Al's inner thigh instead. Will tried again, the same thing happening.

"Way to go, Romeo!" sneered Al. " You're such a loser!"

"Shut up, Lambert!" snapped Kyle. "Come on, Will! Give it to her!"

Will lined his cock up with Al's vagina and shoved his hips forward, this time feeling his dick enter her effortlessly.


"Uhhhhhhh!" he grunted with pleasure. He was inside her and it felt soooo good! Laying his whole weight on the petite girl, Will began pumping in and out. He was rough and hard. His thrusts had no real rhythm and his flabby thighs slapping against Al made a loud FWAP...FWAP...FWAP sound. Several more times he slipped out and had to reposition himself.

He was panting and sweating from the exertion. Al's tight hole around his cock felt like heaven. He had never been inside a girl before and the sensation was, well......incredible!

Al grimaced as she felt Will's hot, sweaty skin against hers. His face was right next to hers and she could feel his breath on the side of her neck.

The other boys cheered him on.

"GO WILL GO! GO WILL GO! GO WILL GO!" they were chanting in unison.

Will's whole body suddenly stiffened and his right leg twitched. His mouth fell open as he came. Prior to now, the only place he had ever come was in a sock or his hand while masturbating. To come inside a girl's tight pussy was absolute ecstasy for him! His cock jerked and spasmed inside her. It felt like he was never going to stop cumming.

Will lie on top of Al for a few seconds, trying to catch his breath. Her cunt felt so good around his cock, he did not want to pull out.

"Hey!" yelled Nick. "Get off her so someone else can have a turn."

Will reluctantly pulled out of her and began to pull his pants up.

"So? How was your first time?" Kyle eagerly asked.

"Fucking AWESOME!" whooped Will as he high-fived Kyle.

He took Nick's place, holding one of Al's arms as Nick began to pull his pants down. Without any hesitation, he was between Al's legs and began raping her, jamming his cock into her with short brutal thrusts. He grabbed her tits and squeezed them hard as he fucked her. Al squealed in agony.

Mercifully, he was done quickly, shooting another load of cum into her.

"OHHHH YEAHHH!" Nick groaned as he ground his hips hard against Al, trying to push his cock as deep into her as possible.

He pulled out, sticky strings of cum dangling from the head of his cock. Stuart had already pulled his pants down and was waiting for his turn. Nick got up from between Al's legs, a big smile across his face. He high-fived Stu.

"She's tight, man!" he said.

Stuart licked his lips as he took his place between Al's legs. He drove into her with one hard thrust.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" Al gasped in pain. She had stopped screaming and now just lay with her eyes staring straight up. All she wanted was for the ordeal to be over. Let these pigs have their fun and then maybe they would let her go.

Stu pounded into Al mercilessly, his balls slapping against her thighs. Every thrust lifted her body off the blankets.

"Yeah! Fuck her hard, man!" shouted Kyle.

"Give it to her!" cheered Will.

Stuart's buttocks clenched as he released his load of cum into Al. He kept driving into her vagina even after he had deposited the last spurt of cum into her.

He pulled out at last. His cock made a slurping sound.

"Goddamn, that was good!" Stuart exclaimed. He bent down and kissed Al on the lips as she tried to twist her face away.

"Hot damn!" said Keith. "My turn!" He started pulling down his pants, his large 8 inch erection jutting out from his underwear. He ripped off a piece of blanket and used it to wipe up the mess of cum and blood oozing from Al's pussy and smeared across her inner thighs.

"This is for your bitch sister, Karen, turning me down!" growled Keith. Grabbing Al by the hips, he slammed into her, then pulled back and slammed into her again.

He began to brutally pound her as he bent down and ran his tongue across her nipples.

"You taste good, Lambert! You know, maybe I was asking the wrong sister out to begin with. You're way hotter than Karen!"

He continued to pound his cock in and out of her, revelling in her tightness. At last, he reached orgasm; letting out a long sigh as yet another load of cum was dumped inside the sobbing teenage girl.

He kissed her on the cheek as he got up from her.

"Give my regards to Karen," he chuckled. "Tell her she doesn't know what she missed!"

The boys released their holds on Al. She curled into a fetal position, quietly sobbing to herself.

"Nailed her hard, boys!" said Kyle. "Good work!"

"That's the best fuck I've had in a long time," said Keith.

"A lot better than going to the beach," laughed Nick.

"Well, it ain't over yet, guys!" said Kyle with a sly smile.

Chapter 5: Going In the Back Door!

Looking around he spotted an old hay bale sitting in a corner of a barn stall.

"Will, grab that old bale and bring it over here," he said, pointing to it.

As Will hauled the musty old hay bale over to the middle of the barn, Kyle and Nick walked over to where Al was curled up on the blankets. She saw them coming towards her and tried to crawl away.

"Get the fuck away from me, Kyle Sommers!" she cried. "You've had your fun! Now take me home!"

"Oh, Al," Kyle said. "The fun is just starting!"

He and Nick grabbed her arms and pulled her to her feet. They pulled Al over to the bale and pushed her down so she was bent over it. Her upper body was on one side and her legs on the other, with her butt sticking in the air over the top of the bale.

"Wh-what the hell are y-you doing?" asked Al, panic edging into her voice.

"Hold her arms, boys," Kyle said as he began to undo his pants. "Time for a little back-door action!"

"Holy crap! You're gonna do her ass?" asked Will incredulously.


"Pussy-fucking is one thing," said Kyle. "But the best way to show you what a little bitch you are, Lambert, is to tear your ass apart!"


Nick and Will grabbed Al's arms and held her down over the bale. She was thrashing and bucking as Kyle grabbed her butt cheeks with both hands. He squeezed and kneaded them before spreading them apart. He looked down at the little pink rosebud.

"Lambert, I have always thought you had one of the nicest asses in school. I know many people who would love to tap your ass. Now I can say I was the first!"

Kyle pushed her thighs apart as he guided his cock up to her anal entrance. He began to slowly push the head in. Ohhhh! She was tight!

Al began to scream shrilly. It echoed off the walls of the barn.

Stu grabbed one of her legs and peeled off the sock.

"She's gonna be fucking loud!" he said. "I'll stick this in her mouth."

"Yeah, good thinking!" said Kyle.

Stu rolled the sock into a ball and stuffed it into Al's mouth as she opened her mouth to scream again.

Kyle dug his fingers into her hips as he proceeded to push farther into her. Slowly, he felt the muscles of her sphincter give way and suddenly he was inside her. "MMMMMMPPPPPPPHHHHHHHH! MMMMMMPPPPPPHHHHH!" Al's hysterical squeals were muffled by the sock. Her body bucked and twisted but Nick and Will held her arms tightly. Al threw her head from side to side.

Kyle began to slowly stroke in and out of Al's incredibly tight ass.

"Uhhhhhh! Uhhhhhhh! Uhhhhhh!" he grunted with every thrust. He had never done this to a girl before and he could not believe the incredible sensation of tightness around his cock.

He looked down at his blood-streaked shaft sliding in and out of her. The blood was helping to lubricate his cock and he started to increase the tempo of his thrusts.

"MMMMMPPPPPHHHH! MMMMMPPPPPHHHHH!" Al continued screaming, tears streaming down her face.

"All right! Fuck her ass, man!" yelled Keith. The other boys also cheered him on.

Sweat was running down Kyle's face from exertion. He ground his hips hard against Al as he finally came, shooting his load deep up inside her. He pulled out, his penis streaked with blood and cum.

"Oh, man!" he panted. "That was awesome! My first ass-fuck ever and it was GREAT!"

Keith began to pull his pants down. "Well, I'm going next! Gonna tap that ass hard!"

"Hold her good!" he said to Will and Nick.

Getting behind Al, he grabbed her firmly by the hips. Putting his dick up to her ass entrance, he slammed into her with all his strength, forcing himself into her in a single stroke.


Al threw her head back and her eyes rolled upwards. Her entire lower body felt like it was on fire. It felt as though he was going right up into her stomach.

Kevin began pounding in and out relentlessly. His balls made a loud slapping sound against the back of Al's legs. It didn't take him long to cum, shooting another big load into her rectum.

As he pulled out, Will let go of Al's arm and he was pulling his sweatpants down. He was vibrating with excitement.

"I've always wondered what it would be like to fuck a girl's ass!" said Will. "I've only read about it in magazines."

"Well, get in there and find out then," said Kyle with an evil grin.

Al was not moving much anymore. Her energy and fight was dissipating from the brutal battering her body was taking. She lay across the bale like a rag doll. Will lay his weight on her as he clumsily pushed his cock into her ass. It was well lubricated now with the cum from the other two boys. Will grunted as he felt his cock push into the tight confines of her shit tunnel. Her ass muscles contracted around his cock as he began to pump in and out.

He humped away at her, his hands holding her by her waist. Al was now even beyond screaming and the only sounds coming from her were loud groans of agony as the obese teen bounced awkwardly on top of her.

"Come on, Lambert! Wake up!" he yelled. He began to smack her on the ass cheeks. His hands left bright red welts on the pale skin of her buttocks.

Al wriggled and squirmed, muffled squeals coming from her. Will laughed as he gave her a few more smacks. Every time he did, she would jump and he would drive his cock into her. Soon he was ready to shoot a load.

His mouth hung open and a dribble of slobber ran down his chin as he felt himself release inside her. The tight muscles of her sphincter closed around him, milking his cock of every drop of cum that he had. He pulled out with a very satisfied grin on his face.

Taking his place was Nick, whose pants were already down around his ankles. Al barely had time to catch her breath from Will's heavy body battering at her when Nick was ploughing into her ass.

Nick reached under Al as he slammed her ass and grabbed her tits. He squeezed and pinched at her nipples, making her squirm and squeal.

"That's it, Nick!" said Kyle. "Get her moving!"

Nick pulled back so his cock was almost out and then rammed in again.

"MMMMPPPHHHHH!" groaned Al.

Kyle did that a few more times before beginning to drive furiously in and out of her until he came.

"Goddamn it. That is a tight ass!" exclaimed Nick as he felt his cock explode in her bowels. He pulled out, Al's body sagging down onto the bale.

Al's legs and stomach were scratched and raw from rubbing on the rough hay bale. Her insides felt like someone had been shoving red-hot pokers into her. Her head lay on the ground, pieces of straw, hay and dirt stuck to the side of her face and in her hair. The sock jammed in her mouth was soaked with her slobber and her throat ached from screaming.

However, she knew it wasn't over yet. She could hear Stuart pulling down his pants. She closed her eyes and braced herself for yet another assault.

Al felt Stu grip her by the hips, his legs pressing against the backs of her thighs. She grimaced as she felt the sharp, stabbing pain of his erect penis forcing its way inside her. An involuntary groan escaped from her mouth, muffled by the sock.

Her body shuddered, racked with agony as Stu began to pound in and out of her. She closed her eyes and prayed for this completely horrific ordeal to end soon.

Stuart dug his fingers hard into Al's ass cheeks as he continued to abuse her battered shitter. He could feel the pressure building in his balls and soon he was spurting a load into Al's ass to join the large amount of cum already sloshing around in her bowels.

Stu pulled out of Al and gave her a hard smack on the butt as he did.

"Thanks for the party, Lambert!" he laughed.

Al was still draped over the bale. She was too weak to move and her body was wracked with pain. She wanted nothing better than to just pass out. How could these boys have done this to her? She grew up with them, for Christ's sake! And they had just treated her like a piece of meat.

"Hey!" yelled Will. "Look at her butt! You could park the van in there!"

The boys gathered around, laughed, and made jokes about her. Her once tight butt hole was now red and raw, blood and cum oozing out and running in little rivulets down the backs of her thighs.

Keith reached down and pulled the sock out of her mouth. Al looked up at him, her eyes half-closed. She spoke, but her voice was just a hoarse whisper.

"P-p-please let m-me g-go. I-I can't take anymore!"

"What's wrong, Lambert?" asked Kyle. "You're not so tough anymore, huh? Don't have a sarcastic, smart-ass remark for us?"

All the boys erupted into laughter.

"I think she liked it!" said Nick. "Never heard her complaining!"

"Not that we would have listened to her anyway if she did," joked Keith

Al found the strength to roll herself off the bale and she collapsed in a heap on the ground. She pulled her legs up to her chest and curled into a ball.

Kyle looked down at the quietly sobbing girl. He had a supremely arrogant smirk on his face. He had shown Al Lambert that no one fucked with Kyle Sommers! She had humiliated him in front of his friends but now, he was humiliating her. In the worst way possible, too.

But he still wasn't finished. Oh no, not by a long shot. Al had more lessons to learn. He felt his cock growing hard.

Chapter 6: Face-Fuck!

He walked over to the wall of the barn. Leaning against it, he pulled his pants down. His cock was once again erect, sticking straight out.

"Okay, boys! Bring Al over here," he said. "Time for Round Three!"

Nick and Keith walked over to Al and pulled her to her feet. She was unable to stand on her own and the two boys had to support her between them. She winced in pain.

"No m-more," she said feebly.

"Shut up, Lambert," snapped Kyle. "You ain't done being our bitch."

Nick and Kevin dropped her in front of Kyle.

"Get on your knees!" ordered Kyle.

Kyle looked down at Al. "Now Lambert comes your next job. See my cock? You are going to suck it. And suck it nice, just like you should have last Friday night."

Al looked up at him, a dead look in her eyes.

"I-I can't," she whimpered.

"You can and you will," snapped Kyle. "Or maybe a couple of the boys can hold you down and I'll just shove it in your mouth! Which do you prefer? I'm giving you the chance to do it nice or we can do it rough!"

Al looked around at the rest of the boys and then back to Kyle.

"O-okay, I'll do it. But only y-you," she replied.

"Not a deal, Lambert," said Kyle. "You'll suck me off and you'll suck all of them off too. You understand?"

"Y-yes, I d-do," she said.

"All right then," smiled Kyle. "Get to it!"

Al kneeled in front of Kyle and reached out with trembling hands to begin stroking his hard cock. She had never in her life actually touched a penis; much less put one in her mouth. Closing her eyes, she leaned her head in towards Kyle with her mouth open.

"Uh-uh," said Kyle, tapping her on the shoulder. "Eyes open, honey. I want you looking up at me when you put that in your mouth."

Tears streamed down Al's face as she looked up at Kyle and slowly began to place her lips around the head of his cock. Kyle's eyes were wide open as he watched his dick disappear inside her mouth, feeling her soft, warm lips wrap around him.

"Oh yeah!" he moaned. "That feels fucking good, Lambert!"

He gripped her by both sides of the head, wrapping his fingers in her hair, and began moving his hips back and forth. Al slid her mouth along the length of Kyle's shaft. As he tried to push his cock farther into her mouth, Al gagged and choked.


"Easy there, Al," Kyle chuckled. "Don't choke. You still have four dicks to suck after mine! And oh, by the way, you're swallowing too!"

"That looks soooo fucking hot," said Will. He had his hand down the front of his jogging pants, working himself into an erection again.

Al continued moving her mouth up and down on Kyle's dick. He could feel his balls tightening and knew he was ready to cum. The sensation of the young teen's mouth on his cock was becoming too much to bear.

He ground his hips up into Al's face as he held her head tightly. Al, realizing what was happening, tried to pushed back with her hands on Kyle's thighs.

"Uh-uh, bitch!" sneered Kyle. "You're swallowing it all!"

His cock jerked as a jet of cum sprayed against the back of Al's throat.


Al gagged violently and her chest heaved as she struggled to swallow the slimy gobs of cum shooting into her mouth.

"Chug it down!" yelled Keith.

"Yeah! Drink that cum!" said Nick.

Kyle's mouth was hanging open, his eyes closed, as he felt his cock empty into Al's mouth. As he pulled out, he stopped and forced Al to lick his shaft clean with her tongue.

"Oh, boys! That was good!" he sighed as he pushed Al away from him and did up his pants. "Next!"

Nick was standing closest and began unzipping his pants.

"Fuck yeah! I want my dick sucked good, Lambert! Just like you did to Kyle."

Al said nothing but just looked up at Nick. Her ponytail had come loose ages ago and her hair now fell down across her face and shoulders. Nick smiled in anticipation as Al brushed her hair away from her face and opened her mouth for Nick. He sucked in his breath as her lips brushed against his cock.

"Ohhhhhhhh!" he moaned as her mouth slid along his length.

Al worked her mouth and tongue back and forth. She still had the musky taste of Kyle's cum in her mouth. It felt gross, having, ugh, someone's her mouth. But maybe, if she just blocked it all out of her mind and concentrated on making these pigs happy, they would finally be content to leave her alone.

And they would be in soooo much trouble when she got back to town! She didn't know what had possessed these guys to do what they had done. She knew Kyle was very mad at her and he could be very vindictive. But to resort to gang rape???

Well, he had crossed the line was all Al knew. Now they would pay for it. That was all that was getting her through this ordeal. The knowledge that they would pay.

Al wondered about Carol and Karen. Carol would be very concerned that she hadn't come home and, hopefully, the police were looking for her at that moment. And her dad! Oh God! Frank would kill these guys when he found out!

She was brought back from her daydream by Nick pulling on her hair. He was yanking her head back and forth on his cock.

"Come on, Lambert! Faster!" he ordered.

Al increased her rhythm, her head bobbing up and down on him faster and faster.

"Yeahhh! "he moaned. "Like that!"

Suddenly, without warning, his cock spurted in her mouth. He wasn't able to hold back any longer. His hips jerked as his balls emptied. She swallowed more of the vile liquid, it's taste causing bile to rise in her throat. But she managed to hold back the urge to vomit.

Nick had barely pulled out of her mouth when she saw Keith standing in front of her.

"Ready for another face-fuck, Lambert?" he asked sarcastically. "Open that sweet little mouth! And no biting!"

Keith's cock was the thickest of the five boys and she had to stretch her mouth as far as she could to get her lips around his girth. Her jaw was beginning to ache fiercely.

She slid her mouth over the head of his cock. Her tongue ran around the tip. Keith placed his hands on the back of her head and pushed himself farther in.

"AAAAACCKKKKKKK!" she gagged as he invaded her mouth.

"That's right!" Keith said with a satisfied grin. "I'll make you choke on my man-meat, Al."

He rammed his hips up into her face, his balls bouncing against her chin. She tried to push him away from her but he just held her tighter to him.

"Massage my balls, Lambert! And don't try anything funny."

'Why?' she thought. 'Whatever do you think I would try to do? Maybe squeeze the fucking things until they popped?' No, she wouldn't do that, even though every fibre of her being was screaming for her to do so.

She didn't want to do anything to incur their wrath. They had hurt her enough already. She didn't want more! Al brought her hand up and she began to massage and knead Keith's nut sac. He let out a long, low moan of pleasure.

Keith's hips moved back and forth like a piston as Al gagged on his thick cock. Sweat ran down her face. He arched his back and let out a loud bellow as he pulled Al's head down hard on his cock, his buttocks clenching as he prepared to cum. Then without warning, he pulled out of Al's mouth.

Cum spurted from Keith's cock all across Al's face. Across her chin, her cheeks, her nose, even her eyes and hair. Keith vigorously stroked his dick to get every drop out of it.

"Way to go, Keith!" yelled Kyle, clapping his hands. "Nice facial!"

Al wiped at her face, tears streaming down her cheeks and mingling with the gobs of cum stuck to her.

"WHY?" she sobbed hysterically. "Why are you guys doing this?"

"Because we can!" sneered Kyle.

Stuart had his cock out of his pants and was walking up to Al.

"Okay, Lambert," he said. "My turn."

Stu grabbed Al by the hair and yanked her head back. He pushed his cock toward her mouth. Al didn't care anymore. She opened her mouth and allowed him to push it in past her lips.

Al began to move her head up and down on him. Stuart moaned with pleasure.


He moved his hips back and forth, revelling in the sensation of Al's warm, moist mouth sliding along his erection. He wrapped his fingers in her hair and pulled her closer to him, pushing his dick to the back of her throat.


Putting his hands on the back of her head, Stu fucked her mouth, looking down to watch Al's lips wrapped tightly around his shaft.

"Ohhhh, I'm gonna cum!" said Stu excitedly.

He felt his cock twitch and shoot a jet of cum into her throat. Stu watched as Al worked the muscles in her throat to swallow it. He held himself for a little longer in her mouth, his cock still pulsating.

At last he pulled out.

"God, Lambert!" he exclaimed. "That was good. You don't know how many times I've sat, staring at you in class, dreaming about you sucking my cock. I guess dreams do come true!"

"Okay, Will," said Kyle. "You ready for your first blowjob?"

Will was standing in line behind Stu. He had a grin a mile wide across his face.

"You fucking bet I am!" he replied.

Al looked at him with disgust. 'Oh God,' she thought. It was revolting enough having him fuck her. Now she had to let him put his dick in her mouth. At least, he would be the last one. And then, maybe, this whole terrible situation would be over.

Will came up to Al. She was still kneeling in the straw on the floor of the barn. Cum and slobber was smeared around her mouth and her hair hung down over her face.

"You look like shit, Lambert!" laughed Will. "If only your stuck-up bitch friends could see you now. You ready to suck my dick?"

Al looked up at the boy and submissively nodded.

"Good," he said. "Now, I want you to take it out of my pants."

Al reached up for the waistband of his sweatpants. Will slapped her hands away.

"Not with your hands! With your fuckin' teeth!" he said.

Al's body trembled as she took the waistband in her teeth. She pulled down, the sweatpants slipping over Will's flabby thighs.

"Now, my gonch!" he ordered.

The other boys had gathered round in a circle to watch. Al squeezed her eyes shut as she took the waistband of Will's underwear in her teeth. The smell of his sweaty body filled her nostrils.

She pulled the underwear down as far as she could with her teeth. Will's erect cock popped out as it was released from the confines of the underwear, almost poking Al in the face.

"This is my first ever blowjob, Lambert. So you're going to make it good!" said Will. "Whenever I watch porn on my computer, the girls lick the guys' balls. So you're gonna lick mine!"

Will put his hand on the back of Al's head, pushing her face into his crotch. Al brought her hands up, trying to push away from him.

"Lick my balls!" barked Will.

Al stuck her tongue out and began licking the underside of Will's sac. The taste of his ball-sweat almost made her retch. She took a deep breath and continued.

Will's whole body shuddered with ecstasy as he felt Al's tongue run along his balls.

"Ohhhhh yesssss!" he moaned.

The other boys hooted and hollered as they watched Will and Alicia. After a couple minutes of licking, Will grabbed Al by the hair and pulled her head back.

"Okay, Al. Suck it!" He pushed his hips forward, his dick jutting up into her face. Will's mouth hung open as he watched Al slide her lips along the length of his penis. It slowly disappeared into her mouth.

Will, watching what the other boys had done began to move his hips back and forth. He held his hands on the back of Al's head as he humped her face. Al grimaced with disgust as she felt Will's sweaty gut slap her in the forehead with each thrust of his hips.

Al moved her mouth over Will's cock, running her tongue along the underside of his shaft. Will was looking down, his eyes wide open and his tongue hanging out, as his cock slid in and out of Al's pretty mouth. To fuck a girl and then to have his cock inside her mouth was an experience like none he'd ever had. He would never forget this day!

He pushed Al's whole face into his crotch as he tried to force her to deep-throat him. Al was getting more accustomed to it and was now able to control her gag reflex a little better. The sensation of a penis in her mouth still felt horrible, though.

Her face was pressed against Will's meaty thighs and gut as he felt his balls tighten. He grunted like an animal as he let loose his load. His cock jerked upward and sprayed across the roof of Al's mouth. She coughed and as she did, some of the cum was sucked up into her nasal passages. It shot out her nose and across her cheek.

"Oh coooool!" yelled Nick, slapping his leg. "Will, you blew cum out her nose!"

"Too fucking funny!" laughed Kyle.

Will finally released his grip on Al and pulled his cock from her mouth. The other boys all high-fived him as he pulled his pants back up.

"Way to go, Will!" said Keith. "You owned her!"

"That was awesome!" gushed Will. "Blowjobs are the best!"

Al had collapsed in a heap on the straw. Hopefully, it's over now, she thought. They have all had a turn. Her body was wracked with pain, her legs barely able to move. Al's jaw ached and her lips were raw from the forced blowjobs. She had a terrible musky taste in her mouth from all the cum she had swallowed.

"So!" said Nick. "What's next?"

Chapter 7: Blackmail!

Kyle was leaning against a wooden beam, seemingly deep in thought.

"What's the matter, man?" asked Keith.

"I'm thinking," replied Kyle. "We have to come up with a way to make sure this little bitch doesn't blab to anyone about what we did to her."

"You mean like the police?" asked Will worriedly.

"That's exactly who I mean!" Kyle with a grim look. "If she blabs this time, it's gonna be more than just being humiliated in the school cafeteria. We'll be in some serious shit."

"Kyle!" whined Will. "You fucking said you had a plan! Just great! Now we're going to jail!"

"Will, shut the fuck up!" yelled Kyle. "No one is going to jail! You hear me? We just gotta take a minute and think some things out."

"I know what we can do!" piped up Stu. "Your dad has a camera in the van!"

"He does?" asked Kyle curiously.

"Yeah, I was snooping in the glove compartment earlier and saw it in there," explained Nick.

"Oh yeah," said Kyle and a sly grin spread across his face. "My dad does keep a camera in the van. He uses it sometimes if he needs to take pictures of stuff for doing estimates and that kind of thing."

"Okay, well how is a camera gonna keep Al quiet?" asked Stuart.

"Hey, I get it!" said Keith. "We take some pictures of Al and use them to blackmail her!"

"That's precisely what I had in mind," grinned Kyle, slapping Keith on the back.

"But if we take pictures, they'll be on your dad's camera," said Will. "How's that gonna look?"

Then Stu spoke up. "My dad's an amateur photographer and he develops his own film. Has a darkroom down in our basement with all the stuff for doing it. He's shown me how to use it. I can take the film and develop the pictures for you, Kyle!"

"All right! Now we're talkin'!" said Kyle. "Stu, you run out to the van and get the camera."

Stu quickly ran out to the van and was back in a couple minutes with the camera.

"I found an extra roll of film too!" he said, holding it up.

"Good," said Kyle. "We'll probably need it. Stu, you're gonna be our official photographer."

Kyle walked over to Al. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up. "Lambert, today you're gonna start a modelling career. Hell, we might even be able to sell some photos to Hustler or Penthouse. You could become famous!"

"J-just let me go," she pleaded softly.

"Get on your knees!" ordered Kyle. Al slowly got up on her hands and knees. Her pussy and ass were on fire and her whole body ached.

"Okay, hold that pose," said Kyle. He motioned to Stu. "Grab a couple photos of her like that."

Stuart walked up to Al and snapped a couple shots with the camera.

Kyle then pulled her up to her feet. He pushed her up against the wall and began kissing her. Kyle positioned Al's hands on his hips so it looked like she was embracing him. He motioned to Stu to take a couple more pictures.

Next, he pulled his pants down and had Al kneel in front of him. He ordered her to lick his cock and put it in her mouth again.

"N-no!" she protested.

"Listen to me, you little bitch," Kyle snapped. "Either you do as I say or we have another round with you. And when Stu takes the pictures, you're gonna smile like you're enjoying it!"

Reluctantly, she complied and began to lick on his cock. Stu grabbed a photo of her doing that and then placing it in her mouth.

Kyle forced her into several more poses with the other boys. He had her kissing Will and putting her hand down his pants, kneeling in front of Keith and pulling his cock out of his pants, letting Stu suck on her tits and Nick finger-fucking her. Kyle also had her lay in the straw and strike several seductive poses.

"Now for the final event," Kyle said, pulling down his pants.

He rolled Al over on her stomach and got between her legs.

'Oh God,' Al silently cried to herself. 'I thought they were done! I can't take much more!"

Al gasped painfully as Kyle gripped her by the hips and entered her. Stu snapped another picture. Kyle was even rougher this time. He was ramming into her with short, brutal thrusts. He leaned down so his mouth was right by her ear.

"You think what you did was so smart now, Lambert? Huh? Was it all worth it? All you had to do was let me fuck me you last Friday night and none of this would've happened to you! We could have had a great time. But you screwed it all up."

"You've always thought you were so tough, Lambert. You've never given a thought for other people's feelings. What did Will ever do to you, for you to treat him so disrespectfully? So he's got a weight problem! He's a great guy. But girls like you think he's a piece of shit!"

"I-I'm sorry, Kyle!" Al whispered, her body shaking from the abuse Kyle was inflicting upon her.

"No, actually I don't think you are. Girls like you are never sorry!"

"Y-you're hurting me!" Al cried.

"I'm glad," sneered Kyle. "Now you know how I felt when you humiliated me in front of the whole school. But now I have something against you that ensures you won't say anything to anybody! These photos we took are gonna make it look like you did us willingly! If you tell anyone what happened here today, I'll plaster these pictures ALL over the school. And then tell everyone how you took on five guys at Beer Ranch. You'll be the biggest slut in town, Lambert! It'll be your word against ours."

"Wh-what if I'm pr-pregnant from you g-guys?" Al sobbed.

"That's your problem," said Kyle. "You'll have to explain to your parents how you got knocked up from having an orgy with five of your schoolmates."

Kyle sped up his thrusts until he came once again deep inside Alicia. He lay on top of her, feeling her tight cunt gripping his member.

Kyle finally pulled out of her, his cock making a loud slurping noise.

"We're done now, Al," he said. He walked over and picked up her panties off the floor. "I'll be keeping these though. A little souvenir of our time together."

"I'm taking this then!" yelled Will, scooping up Al's bra.

Nick picked up Al's skirt and blouse and threw them at her.

"You can put these back on," he said.

"W-will you give me a ride back into town?" asked Al as she slipped her skirt back on. She had to wrap her blouse around her as the buttons were all gone off it.

"Hmmmm, I don't know," said Kyle. "Me and the boys were gonna go to Bearspaw Lake today and chase some cunt there. But I suppose we could take you into town."

"Thank y-y-you!" she whispered.

"Now we're all good about you keeping quiet, right?" asked Kyle. He waved the camera at her. "Don't forget about the pictures!"

"Yes!" she said. "I-I'll keep quiet!"

"Okay, that's good," said Kyle. "Would be a real shame if we should have to use them."

"Well boys, are we ready to go?" asked Kyle.

"You bet," said Keith.

The group of boys headed towards the barn door. Al walked along unsteadily beside them.

Will put his arm around her. "Come on, Alicia. You can sit on my lap."

The End

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This is a good story one of the few I have read about Step by Step.I just wish I could find one that has Al more or less raping the step brother the one with the glasses that Cody taught how to fight.For I could see a girl like Al with a father and older brother like hers getting tired of them threatening her dates so she does the one boy she can boss a round the is not blood kin to her.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.