Published: 24-Mar-2011
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So far, so good. Chrissy threw herself into eating Lolita's pussy. She had confessed to me before the shoot that she'd never fooled around with another girl, but she went at it like Rush Limbaugh with a punchbowl full of Oxycontin. And she made sure that her cute little face was constantly visible while she fed on Lolita's cunt.
The unmistakable sound of a real-life orgasm seeped from Lolita's mouth. I've fucked her often enough to know she wasn't faking it. She clutched at Chrissy's blonde hair, ran her fingers through the fine yellow strands, and just pumped her heart into Chrissy's smacking mouth. Once we got the covering footage, to make up for the squabble and some miscues, this would be "Best of" stuff. We could re-release this scene a couple of times a year on special DVD collections from now till the cows came home.
They played on, sticking mostly to the script. Lolita was a little shaken by the come Chrissy had eaten out of her, and she seemed to be torn between a desire to get closer to this hot little angel and the knowledge that she had a significant rival for the job of Pre-teen Queen.
The pix of them kissing after the pussy-eating were nice, two little sweethearts with their tongues in each other's mouths, rubbing their flat chests together till the nipples stood up. I just hoped they didn't get into another girlfight before it was all over.
"I want to show you something," Lolita giggled, sliding off the bed. She wiggled out of her skirt and now she was buck naked too. You'd have pegged her for eight, not ten, at that moment. Her tits had definitely not begun to develop, as Chrissy had alleged, and I breathed a little sigh of relief. Losing another starlet to the onset of age was all I fuckin' needed!
Lolita got on her knees and nosed her way into the closet. Her little ass stuck out, and she kept her legs apart to show the best angle on that neat hairless puff between her thighs. I motioned for a zoom shot, to get a good sharp closeup of it. Gotta give the audience what it wants!
She stood up, giggling, and turned around. "Look at this," she announced, holding up the strap-on. I found it in my mom's stuff. Now that I've got a new stepfather, she doesn't need it anymore."
She slithered into the harness, adjusting the dildo till it stood up like the cock would be, _right now_, on every guy out there watching. Chrissy's blue eyes enlarged as Lolita took center stage, strutting around the pink bedroom with her fake equipment. The dildo was almost as long as the little redhead was tall.
"What are you gonna do with that?" Chrissy asked innocently from the bed.
Lolita climbed aboard. "You'll find out," she announced in a piping little voice. "On your knees, bitch!"
Chrissy giggled. "Whatever for?"
Lolita slapped her -- a little too hard -- on the ass. There was a big red mark where her hand had made contact. Maybe it wasn't too hard after all. "I said, 'On your knees!'" she repeated. "My name's Johnny and I'm gonna fuck your ass off! But first you better come over here and suck my plastic dick."
Well, if there was one thing Chrissy knew backwards and forwards, it was sucking a dick, plastic or otherwise. She crawled over to Lolita, eyes full of wonderment as she stared at the plastic prong. She touched it, looked up with awe in her expression, then stroked the phallus from its tip to the fake nuts which stuck out in bloated majesty beneath it.
"It's just like a guy, except it's bigger," Lolita announced. "I'm gonna show you what the principal does to me every day in fourth period. Maybe tomorrow we'll both show up for the conference and really blow his mind."
"Blow his mind"? That washed-out hippie yutz we had writing for us needed to update his slang. Of course, a significant part of our audience was made up of DOM, and odds are they knew what he was talking about, but still, you hate to have your dialogue sound like it's mired in the fuckin' 70s.
"Now suck it," Lolita repeated, and with that Chrissy fell to licking the plastic cock. She did it beautifully, shy and nervous at first touch, gradually growing used to the taste, then daintily allowing the tip of it to enter her mouth. She hollowed in her cheeks and sucked.
If it had been a real cock it would probably have been squirting the first jolt across her lapping tongue by then. I'm pretty sure mine would have, and I'm a professional.
Lolita stretched and preened, standing on the bed and shoving her cock in and out of Chrissy's mouth. She held the blonde head tightly, and she fucked hard with the dildo.
I saw Chrissy shiver and knew Lolita had thrust too deep, but Chrissy was nothing if not a trouper. She didn't cry or complain; she just kept on sucking, even if she did make a few gag-noises -- not that it would be so bad to have them on the tape.
Throat-fucking till the girl spews isn't my bag, but some of the competition thrives on it. Even in a class operation like PTHC, it couldn't hurt to cater just a little to the peanut gallery.
"Now I'm gonna fuck you," Lolita declared, pulling her dildo out of Chrissy's mouth. "On your knees with your fucking little ass up." She stroked her plastic dick like a man -- it seemed at least half as tall as she was -- and she knelt behind Chrissy. The obedient little blonde pulled her cheeks open and Lolita fed the pointy end of the dildo into Chrissy's cunt. When she had it seated, she rammed it home with a vengeance.
Chrissy yelped, not entirely acting I was sure, but she kept on holding her crack open and she took it like a teenager. "Ohhhh," she moaned over and over while Lolita fucked the shit out of her with that dildo.
We had three cameras working so there was no need to cut and change setups. It's hard enough getting a nine-year-old to learn lines, let alone making them do the same thing over and over for coverage. They lose a lot of the spontaneity. Well, so far this was doing just great, other than that little contretemps about whether Lo was getting tits or not, and I found myself thinking about another Peoples Choice award for the collection in my trophy case.
"Let's try something different," Lolita chirped. The script girl tapped my arm and pointed to the page. That wasn't in the dialogue the writer had turned in. I waved her off. Lo's instincts were sometimes better than the writer's. I was willing to let her improv a little bit.
Chrissy looked back over her shoulder. "What do you mean -- different?" she asked, ad-libbing.
Lolita pulled the dildo out of Chrissy's pussy. You could see it was coated in slick wetness. She tipped it slightly upward, pushed it against Chrissy's butthole, and started to shove. Chrissy grunted. I motioned for the middle camera to zoom in.
Chrissy wasn't scheduled for anal, even dildo anal, today, but the chemistry on the set was pretty good. The girls still didn't like each other, and some grudge-fucking might even give the project an extra edge. I framed it with my viewfinder as Lolita began to work the dildo into Chrissy's ass.
"Roll with it, girls," I directed. We'd have to edit that off the soundtrack, of course, but I needed to tell them to keep on with the improv.
Lolita was in a mood for rough. She didn't just tease Chrissy with the dildo, she was determined to _fuck_ her with it. The toy was noticeably bigger than my own dick, the only thing Chrissy had yet taken up the ass professionally, and Lo was clearly having some problems getting it inside her. But Chrissy was a game little thing and she strained, shoving her ass backward to meet it.
Lolita was the one who really grunted when the head of the dildo popped Chrissy's sphinc and got inside her. It wasn't the squealing she always did when you stuck something up her own ass on camera, but it was a satisfied, "Oh, yeah!" kind of grunt that would strike a resonant chord in everybody who watched the movie. The dildo pushed into Chrissy's butt and kept on going.
Chrissy was uncomfortable, I had no doubt, but she was out to be a star and she knew she sometimes would have to do unpleasant things to get there. It wasn't as if she'd never been boned up the ass, and if she wanted to hit the top of the biz, she'd have to take it in the butt a great many more times before she collected that Oscar.
If Lolita had just mentioned the idea to me, we could have lubed Chrissy and used a buttplug to open her, instead of her having to take it dry. Still, the dildo had gotten fairly wet while it was up Chrissy's puss, and it couldn't have been _that_ bad. I made a mental note to slip her a little bonus for being such a good sport about an impromptu anal.
"Mmm, fuck my motherfucking ass," Chrissy improvised. "Rip me a new one while you're at it!" She tossed her head, long blonde hair shaking all around. One of her pigtails came loose. Sweat beaded on her forehead. She closed her eyes and fucked back as hard as Lolita was giving it to her. I wondered if she was perhaps even ready to handle Jake Steed or Lex Steele in a hot IR anal. Ideas for her next big feature started flashing through my mind.
By now I'd fucked Chrissy enough times that I was pretty sure she faked the orgasm, but it looked as good as a real one. As she finished whining and sobbing and scratching holes in the bedsheets, she slumped on the bed and Lolita pulled the dildo out.
The redhead looked a little uncertain now, as if she'd tried a plan that fell apart on her. I think she expected Chrissy to cry and throw a tantrum over the unplanned butt fuck (Christ knows Lo would have!), but my little blonde discovery turned out to be more than Lolita Lust could handle.
Chrissy rolled over, her hair a mess, her limbs twitching, her belly heaving, and she looked up at Lolita. "Is that the best you can do, cunt?" she laughed.
That line wasn't in the script, either, but it had a natural vivacity that made it a perfect capper for the scene. I nodded to the script girl. Mark it as a keeper.
Well, now it was time for lunch break. The mothers were calmed down, and I let them back on the set. Janine would have to be here anyway, because Lo's double anal was coming up first thing after lunch and there was no way she would not be on set for it.
I didn't need an assistant director for this, but I knew I would have one anyway, in the shape of Lolita's mom. And if it helped relax the kid for her breakthrough scene, it couldn't be all bad.
Chrissy was pretty quiet through lunch. She was just going to be a spectator in the big sequence anyway, masturbating while she watched Lo take on two guys, including the anal DP.
Lolita was jumpy. You could tell she was tensed up about the action that was coming. Janine got a buttplug into her, with some help from the P.A., and the little redhead sat on it while she drank milk from her sippy-cup and ate her lunch. The set teacher quizzed her on geography and we got things ready for the afternoon fuck shoot.
As you'll probably remember I had already tried out Lo on a sort of double anal -- me and the dildo, that is. I still didn't really believe she could manage it in front of the camera with two real cocks, but I was willing to try, for the sake of the movie. And both she and Janine swore over and over that she was ready, that she could do it.
Well, I knew how tight her asshole was. She could take a small-dicked guy without much problem, if you prepped her for it, but there was no way I was going to risk double-fucking her ass with a couple of standard porn studs.
Teenage boys are the ones who really got left out of the porn biz. Nobody wants to see them fucking little girls, of course -- that's just a sick idea anyway. The girls in teen porn prefer to work with the same older guys they're already familiar with from PT stuff. None of them want to fuck the same kind of goofy young pimple-faced guys who are hitting on them every day at school. That's understandable.
So just about the only job opportunities for young guys to break into the industry are either in gay films or else the videos they make for old women. And those don't sell worth a shit. I _know_; PTHC used to have an Old Broads/Young Studs line that I had to shut down because the product just doesn't move.
But there are still some marginal companies making them. Kutcher, who puts out the May-December old skank line, owed me some favors, so I borrowed a couple of his young studs. They were both about fourteen, fairly good-looking for young guys, and they didn't have really big dicks yet.
That was key. I didn't cast the roles for handsomest face and tightest body -- I was looking for the skinniest young cocks I could hire for the day. As I watched them stumbling through their light cues I wondered if maybe I'd have done better leasing a couple of gay teen studs from Jeff Christie over at Chicken On Loan from God Video. But I had these yutzes, and I'd have to make do with them.
Lance Hardman and Tony Teen were what they called themselves. They were about the size of Frank Sinatra when all the girls were screaming over him, which means puny, but they didn't have the schwanz old Frankie was reported to swing in those zoot suit pants of his.
The plot called for Lance to play Lolita's teenage step-brother with Tony as his best friend. They just happened to be downstairs watching MTV and checking out the big-ass bitches in rap videos, while the girls were fucking around upstairs in the bedroom.
The dialogue would establish that Lolita was already fucking the step-brother, so she offers to make it a double with him and his dopey pal while Chrissy watches. And to really show up Chrissy, Lolita was gonna get a regulation DP and then -- voila! both guys would fuck her tight little asshole together.
Well, Lolita thought they were both the cat's ass. Turns out her mom loved the May-December tapes and Lo had frigged her little clit along with mommy, watching these very guys bone some thirty year old skanks. She was really excited about having the chance to work with them. As if she thought I wasn't doing right by her, maybe?
But you know how little girls are -- flighty and impressionable. She'd let them blow their loads in her ass and tomorrow it would be just another page in her memory book while she slobbered all over Randy West's fifty-year-old dick.
The dialogue went well. Everyone knew their lines and their blocking, and before too long, the living room set was an orgy.
Lo strutted her stuff. The boys were even more impressed with having the chance to fuck her than she was about getting to fuck them. They knew they were in the presence of real porn stardom and had their chance to help create something magic and beautiful. Their skinny dicks got hard when Lolita started sucking them, and they stayed hard and skinny throughout the rest of the shoot.
Lolita ate the scenery, the way she always does when she's on a roll. Chrissy helped suck dick, even swallowed a little cum when Tony got too excited and popped his load in her mouth, but the kid never drooped.
Mostly, though, it was Lolita, domming the set for everything she was worth. She whored her 65 pounds around the set like Liza Minnelli choreographing a room full of homos who wish she was her mom.
First she blew both guys, then she teased the step-brother by getting all whorey with his friend. She did everything but stick Tony up her nose while wiggling out of Lance's grasp, playing hard to get but so baby-hot you had to get it.
"You can't have it," she smirked at Lance. "I can give my pussy to whoever I want to, and I want to give it to Tony." She slid her slick little cunt down the length of his tool and pumped madly atop his lap.
The step-brother yanked on her red hair and squeezed her throat until she opened up and let him put his cock in her mouth. She kept on fucking Tony while she blew Lance.
He kept on squeezing her throat, so that she made hoarse choking sounds around his meat -- a little too rough, I thought. That kind of shit might go over when you were fucking old bags in granny porn, but it just didn't look nice in a PTHC production. I called cut and read him the riot act and he promised to behave.
Chrissy got to suck some on Tony while I was explaining the rules of the biz to Lance, and that's when the sneaky little bitch made him cum in her mouth. She giggled as she took his load, blew bubbles with it, and swallowed, and it just looked so cute I didn't have the heart to bawl her out for not following the game plan. And best of all, the Steadicam guy was on her the whole time and got it on tape.
Lolita had the butt plug in, through the whole scene. We'd worked that into the script, because she needed to be as open as possible and there was no way to hide it. The writer made it part of a game Lo and her step-brother liked to play while they were fucking.
But then it was time for the big one. First the guys fucked Lolita in a standard DP, with Tony's cock replacing the butt plug. She looked tiny sandwiched between them, but she was as loud as Sophie Tucker while they banged her. I could see her mom standing behind the left camera, watching every move, and nodding every time Lolita flashed those green eyes at the lens.
Chrissy was playing with the dildo while she watched. She looked a little bored, the way kids do when they're not the center of attention, but her turn would be coming. There were still a couple of major scenes to shoot. First, the one where Lolita has her conference with the principal, and then a reprise, when she takes Chrissy along and the lucky sod gets to fuck both of their hot tight little pussies. So Chrissy still had some time to be in the spotlight.
Did I mention that my cameo in this production was the role of the principal? It's the kind of part Herschel Savage usually plays, but I didn't need Viagra and it would save an actor's fee. Besides, I was looking forward to a couple of hours of fucking Chrissy and Lolita in tandem. RHIP.
Lolita was a little nervous, as well she might be. Her big raise was dependent on delivering the double anal that she and her mom had promised. If anything, Janine looked even more tense, probably afraid she wasn't gonna have all that extra money to spend. But if Lolita could pull it off, she'd be the hottest thing in the biz and worth every penny I was gonna pay her.
The makeup people came in, to touch up the girls and of course they had lots and lots of lube. Lolita spread her butt cheeks, and the makeup girl squirted a big glob of the stuff into her rectum. There's never such a thing as too much K-Y when you're doing a pre-teen anal.
The boys got tubes of gel and greased up their rods. Both of them seemed a little nervous, and well they might be. They were about to make porn history.
I called for action, and Tony went straight to Lolita's butt. He shoved his cock in, fairly hard. She squealed her head off, the way she always does when she gets it up the ass, but that's a trademark, just like the leprechaun tat, and it helps move units. Besides, she'd already had him up her ass while she was getting DP, so she knew every inch of him by now. But guys do love to hear her screech.
It occurred to me that we had not yet gotten Chrissy a signature tat, though she'd had two weeks to take care of it. I couldn't see a mark on her body, and I could see _all_ of her body as she sprawled on the floor, the dildo stuffed up her pussy to the fake balls. I reminded myself to get on Pam's case about that. The teddy bear, with the little heart. It better be bright on her ass the next time she showed up for a shoot. You have to identify your product if you want to sell it.
A quick cut, and Suzi, the makeup girl, hurried in to give Lo another big squish of K-Y. Her asshole was gaping from the workout Tony had given it, so Suzi just stuck the point of the tube up Lo's butt and squeezed till it was dry.
"OK," I said, "Just where we left off. Action!"
Lance joined Tony, and thanks to the effect of the buttplug and all that lube, he was able to make a partial entrance alongside his pal.
Yeah, fucking your dick slap-dab against some other guy's dick is one way to ensure that you really are pals! Personally, I wouldn't do it. I'm just a normal straight guy. I don't need my rod that close to some other dude's meat. A DP is as proximitous as I feel comfortable with. But that's why you hire actors. Give 'em the money and they'll eat shit if the script says to.
Lolita kept on screeching, loud enough to chill the blood in your veins. The guys seemed to be having a major struggle getting themselves inside her. My hopes began to fall. I never really thought we could do this with anyone as tiny as Lo. But it was hers and her mom's idea.
Then suddenly Lance shoved, and Lolita screamed like a banshee, and I knew that both guys were in her to the nuts! Damn! I never really believed it would work until I saw it happen. We were halfway there!
They ground hard against her, soaking their cocks in her tight asshole. The steadicam guy was shooting up between their legs to get the full effect of their cocks buried inside sweet fresh PT anus.
"Move your balls," he kept telling them. "I can't see the penetration."
We'd have to dub in some music to cover that, something with a heavy bass-drum beat, definitely, that would go "SLAP-BAM!" every time those cocks thrust home together inside Lolita. Maybe something we could turn into a music video and get a little extra promotion on MTV?
"Well, fuck her," I told the boys. They were just standing there, still shoved up against Lolita's ass, and she kept on squealing but they weren't moving at all. I wasn't paying them by the hour but they sure acted as if I were.
Lance looked over his shoulder. "I can't pull it back out," he said.
"For Chrissakes!" I yelled, "she's not _that_ tight! I double-fucked her ass with dick and dildo, and it was no fucking problem! Haven't you little bastards ever done a double anal before?"
Of course I knew they had. Double and even triple anals are de rigueur in granny porn. But then, most of those thirty-year-old granny types started off in mainstream at seven or eight, went into Lucky Thirteen when they lost their girlish figures, and now were just knocking around the pissoirs of the biz because they didn't know anything except the world of entertainment and were too old for honest work. They've all had their asses reamed so many times they could do quintuples if there was any physical way to get five guys up them at once.
Sure, Lo was tighter than those old skanks, but these little bastards obviously just didn't know their jobs and were intent on costing me money. Man, Selective Service couldn't draft their worthless slacker asses soon enough to make my day!
"My dick won't move either," Tony said hoarsely. "It fuckin' won't come out." He wiggled his ass, struggling. Lolita kept on shrieking but you couldn't understand any of the words she was saying. The meaning was obvious, though. And it didn't sound exactly like her trademarked anal-fuck screaming. If I didn't know her better, I'd have thought she was sincere about it.
"Make them take their cocks out, Ray!" Janine shouted into my ear, close enough to maybe burst the drum. "She's not faking this time! She just can't take it." Hmm. A mother really should know. And the screams from our redheaded queen convinced me that her mom might be right about this.
"Well, it was _your_ big fuckin' idea," I replied, pointing out the obvious. And just as obviously something had gone majorly wrong. Goddamn it, I thought, the whole afternoon session was going to be wasted.
There was a tap on my other shoulder and I turned, ready to bite the head off whoever was there. It was Suzi, the makeup girl. The same one who had greased up Lolita's asshole just before the last call for action.
"I don't know how this happened, Ray," she said, "but one of the K-Y tubes is full of Krazy Glue, not anal lube." Suzi held up her fist. The fingers were stuck together. She wiggled her hand. The fingers didn't come apart. "I must have gotten it on me when I was greasing her, and now the stuff has set."
"Tell me it's not the same tube you squirted up that little whore's asshole," I groaned but I already knew the answer. A PT starlet with two cocks up her ass --and her asshole full of Krazy Glue!
I looked to the ceiling. "God," I said, "if you want me out of the biz, why don't you just strike me dead with lightning? Why do you have to _fuck_ with me like this?"
The set grew dead silent, except for Lolita's non-stop screeching. "You're fired," I told Suzi. "Get your ass out of here. You'll never work in this town again, even if you get your goddamn fingers unstuck. Where's that fucking Spielberg? Bring me my cell phone. Where's the Rolodex? I need Dr Starling, right now."
"Can he help?" Janine demanded. Lolita was still wailing her head off. It was starting to get on my nerves.
"Of course he can," I sighed, "he's Richard Gere's proctologist, for Chrissakes! Next to a fucking gerbil, this is _nothing_."
But it _was_ something. The shoot was ruined. The calculator inside my head was running and I didn't like the total that appeared on the LCD screen. Salaries, studio overhead -- a whole day shot to fucking hell!
Lolita might be ruined too, come to think of it. I had no idea how the doc would ever get those two stiff young rods out of her hiney. I was sure it could be done, somehow, but she was hors de combat porn-wise, for today and the foreseeable future. Something told me that redheaded Lolita had filmed her last anal.
Well, I could always find another starlet. No problem there. Someone like Chrissy.
What a pro that kid was! Look at her now, still fucking herself with the dildo, moaning from deep in her little tummy, as if the shoot had not just turned into the _shit_.
But it was all wasted; nobody was even working a camera. The operators were all down on the set staring at Lolita and her disastrous double butt-fuck. I shook my head. That footage coulda been worth $100K and it was all wasted.
This DVD was supposed to ship in three weeks. The distributors' schedule was built around the new product from PTHC. We'd lose money, they'd lose money, the retailers would lose money. God _damn_ it to fuck! I thought. A soft voice murmured into my ear.
"Maybe Chrissy could finish the movie," her mother Pam suggested, leaning close.
Janine was still bitching her head off into my other ear. I suppose she didn't go down and try to help Lolita because she knew there was nothing she could do to get those two hard young cocks out of Lo's glued-up asshole. It was time for the professionals.
Even though she was ranting a mile a minute, Janine obviously heard what Pam told me. She stopped in mid-sentence and glared around me at the other stage mom.
"You bitch!" she snarled, "I'll bet you had something to do with this! You and your little cunt of a daughter! She was always jealous because Lolita was the star and she was just supporting talent."
Pam's eyes saucered. "That's an awful thing to say," and I knew she was totally sincere. "All the time she was growing up Chrissy used to talk about how pretty Lolita is, for an older girl, and how she wanted to be just like her someday. We admire your daughter's talent so much! What happened to her today was just awful. A tragedy. But there's that old saying, 'The show must go on.'"
She was right. Everyone in the biz knows that saying, and we all live by it. I liked the way she thought. Sure, it was terrible what had happened to Lolita. How could Krazy Glue get into a tube of K-Y, anyway? What the fuck ever happened to Quality Control?
I smelled a big product liability case coming up and I wondered just how much we could expect to make from it. The K-Y company would have to _pay_, and pay _big_. Lolita probably had some grounds for action, too.
But you couldn't dwell on it, now that it had happened. You had to think of the future. "The future is where we're all going to spend the rest of our lives." I don't remember whether it was Ed Wood or Dan Quayle who said that, but it never seemed more profound to me than it did right then.
Mentally I was revising the script, trying to think of some excuse to dump Lolita midway through. Maybe her character gets run over by a school bus between scenes. Chrissy could play the rest of the pic in mourning. A tribute to her lost friend, you know? Hmmm, black panties would look kinda sweet on that thin little creamy-skinned bod.
Or we could just reshoot it from scratch and drop Lolita's character completely. Rachel Sunshine was an Asian newbie, awfully cute, who had a couple of dozen supporting roles under her thong, and she could step into the backup spot while Chrissy took over Lolita's part.
Rachel's acting was a still a little nebulous, but at a dewy-fresh seven, she had plenty of time to learn the ropes, and we could give Chrissy most of the dialogue. If we worked all the rest of today and all day tomorrow, we might still make the deadline.
Damn, I hated to lose that footage of Lolita fucking Chrissy with the strap-on, though.
Wait. A flashback.
Chrissy telling Rachel about how she first got turned on, by a girlfriend in the town she used to live in _before_ her family moved here, and that way all of the Lolita footage would still be usable. Then we'd just go on with Chrissy and Rachel -- another G/G scene with Chrissy wearing the strap-on, then get both of 'em properly fucked a few times, and wrap it with a group grope.
I could still play the school principal and fuck both of their tight little cunts, but of course we'd have to find some new guys. Those two weren't gonna be much use for a while, any more than Lolita would.
Luckily, this was the first day of shooting. I had wanted to get the double-anal out of the way first, just to make sure we had it in the can. The scenes of Lolita fucking her stepfather, his golf partner, and the guy who delivers pizza were scheduled for the next few days. Chrissy could take it all over and I knew she could handle it like a champ.
No double-anal, however, which meant rewriting the box copy -- fast. I should have known not to make that the focus point for the blurb until the footage was all safely in the can. No way we were gonna try a double-anal again any time soon.
"I think you're right, Pam," I said. "We _do_ owe it to Lolita to keep on going. She wouldn't want a grotesque accident to destroy the picture she worked so hard for."
I patted Janine's shoulder when I said that and gave her an upbeat smile. She just glared at me. Down on the set Lo was still screeching her little ass off and still glued rectum-full of two skinny young cocks, but I knew it would all work out eventually.
I turned to the P.A. "Get Mike Schumann. I need a rewrite on this script, and I want it fuckin' yesterday. And call Rachel Sunshine. She's on speed dial. We need her on set in an hour, with her asshole greased. Fuck, has anybody called that goddamn doctor yet?"
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