The Apartment, Part 1

[ inter, m, f, g, slow ]

Published: 18-Jul-2011

Word Count: 2045

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Viola Jefferson is an extremely pretty petite eighteen year old black girl. Having just graduated high school and not having nearly enough money to enter college she finds herself like so many others seeking employment.

Because of the tragic accident that took the lives of her parents, Viola at age eight was forced to live with her Aunt Tricia who's modest little place is set in an all black neighborhood. For most of her life Viola has been wary of white men based mainly on the stories told her by her Aunt Tricia and her friends.

Viola knows that she must contribute more than just helping with shopping and housework but as hard as she tries weeks turn into months with no hope of landing a job, During this time she continues to stay in touch with her best friend Nadine Williams who has a little daughter named Brianna whjo just turned eight years old. Nadine and her little girl live in the same neighborhood as Viola and her Aunt Tricia. The child's daddy has long since split the scene leaving Nadine to bring up the child by herself.

Ten years since the first tragedy took her parents lives it strikes again, this time Aunt Tricia's Arthritis is diagnosed as rheumatoid and soon she is forced to sell the modest dwelling they have been living in. Aunt Tricia winds up in a care center and Viola has been offered a place to stay with her best friend Nadine.

Still looking for work Viola earns her keep by doing babysitting chores as well as shopping and cleaning up the small rundown house.....Nadine works across town for one of the food warehouses and has been trying to get a job for Viola, but is told there are no openings and that if an opening does comes they will consider hiring her friend.

Baby sitting for Little eight year old Brianna can be a real pain in the ass for Viola because the child is a bit spoiled always wanting this or t hat . There are two things however that keeps the child behaving herself, the first thing is that Nadine has told Viola to frighten the child by telling her scary stories about white men and what they like to do to pretty little black girls. Viola has no trouble doing just that since she too has been brought up believing white men are evil and only want to beat and rape black girls......the second which also depends on Viola is an old fashioned bare bottom spanking. Nadine tells Viola that Brianna has an extremely sensitive little behind so a good spanking makes her cry a lot. she also mentions that the child's nipples are very sensitive as well.

The living arrangements seem to help both Nadine and Viola although Viola would much prefer to land a job . The opportunity she has been hoping for finally arrived but at an extremely horrible cost......Nadine her best friend is stabbed to death by her daughters daddy....apparently he came back after all those years and like always needed money....he demanded money from Nadine and after a vicious argument stabbed her to death......Seen by some of her co-workers and reported to the police the babies daddy was finally surrounded in an abandoned building and after a shoot out was shot dead by the police.

After mourning her death Viola is forced now to abandon the run down house she and the child have been living in..... the money she collects from the sale only gives her time to try seeking other arrangements...... The one bright side is that the warehouse poor Nadine worked for offers viola a job working the midnight shift. Viola tries hard to find a place to stay but in this black neighborhood riddled with poverty she can find nothing suitable ...... Then one morning reading the apartments for rent column in the newspaper she finds what she's been hoping for, an add for an apartment.....

She dials the number listed and speaks to a man who gives his name as Ben Hardstaff and gives her the location. As it turns out the apartment is located across town, a section Viola is not familiar with. But since she works the midnight shift , she is able to travel to the area mentioned. She grabs a clean pair of panties and bra then pulls a pair of panty hose on and steps into a plain black dress whose hem lays nearly six inches above her knees. She worries that the dress is much too short, but has nothing to replace it with because all her other clothing is really suited for her job in the warehouse, which consists mainly of jeans and similar garb. The black dress really belonged to poor Nadine who was a few inches shorter than Viola and would appear less revealing when worn by her . On the other hand all of tiny little Brianna's skirts are all much too short, but being t he brat she is and causing a scene she gets away with wearing them.

Taking little Brianna with her she takes the bus and after walking several blocks she arrives at the house..... during her walk through the area her eyes see only white people and she had to force herself to continue..... telling herself she had no options, she desperately needed a place to live especially since she now was the guardian of little Briana.

After ringing the bell the door is opened and a grey haired white man stands there looking down at both Viola and wide eyed little Brianna.....He says yes what do you want young lady?...... Viola says hello sir I'm the one you spoke to about the apartment for rent....... Ben smiles and says oh! yes forgive me please come in..... I'm Ben Hardstaff the man you spoke with on the phone, She smiles and then Reluctantly holding Brianna's hand enters the house... Ben ushers both viola and the little child past his studio with all the cameras and lighting and into the den area . He says please have a seat young lady. Ben secretly has always had the hot's for attractive black girls especially the petite ones.

His pedophilia increases ten fold when he sees the pretty little black girls frightened face ....he watches as both of them sit next to each other on the couch and his cock hardens quickly when his eyes begin to feast on their exposed legs. Both Viola and little Brianna can see the grey haired white man looking at their legs and they become increasingly self conscious of it, but are in no position to Jeopardize the importance of their meeting. Viola lays her hand on the hem of her dress and tries keep her knees pressed tightly shut. Brianna just sits and squirms on the couch fully aware that a white man is looking at her short skirt. she whispers to Viola Can I wait outside? Viola whispers back no sit still and behave yourself and don't start acting up now, we need this apartment.

Soon the talks begin about the rent and what is expected of them....... Ben tells Viola a one month security deposit must be paid and then each months rent will be due the first of each month.....

Viola can see the older man looking at little Brianna and looking also at her , His gaze focused on the spot where the hem of her dress lies above her knees..... she places her hand on that spot holding the hem pressed tight against her upper thighs....

Ben tells her t hat the rent must be on time.... there will be no exceptions and looking over at little Brianna he says and the little girl must behave herself.... I have expensive equipment in my studio and if the child damages anything I'm afraid I will be forced to take some very very serious corrective measures that she will not find pleasant.

Now come let me show you the apartment, VIola hesitantly gets up and once again taking little Briannas hand she accompanies the man as he takes her to the apartment in the basement, Viola is impressed at the has modern appliances and the bathroom is perfect with a shower and bath..... there is a large enough living room and a large bedroom area......

After the rent is set Viola looks down at little Brianna she sees the child is wide eyed and she already knows she is frightened.....she says to Ben.... I really need this apartment desperately sir..... I promise to try and pay the rent on time .... but sir I've just got this job and I have very little money left.... will you be understanding if I'm just a bit late in paying the rent sir? Ben looks her over his cock has been hard for some time and he tries to adjust it so it doesn't stick out.... he looks her in the face and says young lady I told you the rent must be paid the first of every month and if not well he looks at her and says well you're a pretty young girl perhaps I can make an exception in your case... but there will be a penalty

Viola looks back at him her eyes open wide... she says penalty sir?

Ben says yes of course there will....

Viola says but sir what kind of penalty?

Ben says it depends... ummmm let me see how old are you? Viola says I'm eighteen sir, he scratches his chin and then taking a deep breath and twirling his index finger in little circles says turn around slowly, Viola becoming uncomfortable with the way this is going but with little options begins to turn around in front of him. Well he says I must say you have quite a lovely butt on you, so I suppose even at eighteen I could take you across my knee and whack that nice behind of yours. Violas mouth drops open and she gasps, your not serious are you sir? please tell me your only kidding? Ben says I never kid when it comes to spanking a sexy ass, no my dear I'm quite serious so I suggest to you that if your stunned at being spanked, make damn sure your not late with the rent. Oh ! and as for the child she too must behave herself like I told you before. Viola desperate for the apartment with no options says ... I will make certain I'm not late with the rent sir..... and sir since I work the midnight shift I will tell little Brianna who will be alone all night when I'm gone to behave herself.... you see sir she is terribly frightened of well sir she is afraid of white I'm certain she wont do anything that will cause you to punish her... but if it comes to that , please sir don't be too mean to her, she has just turned eight years old..... Ben licks his lips and says well we shall see... There might be an alternative to a spanking but I haven't had an opportunity to see either of you pose yet. Viola says pose sir? Ben says yes that studio we passed holds all my equipment, the equipment I use as a photographer and film producer, I produce very special films. Viola says oh I see but we have never done anything like t hat sir, Ben smiles and says well like I said its only an option to a spanking or some other form of punishment and can be discussed in detail should there be a need for it. He reaches out and shakes violas hand....she opens her purse and gives Ben the first months security.... then she takes the trembling h and of little Brianna and leaves...... hoping she will never be late with the rent....thinking of all those terrible tales she heard from Aunt Tricia and her friends...... now could it happen? could all those awful things happen to her.... and what about poor little Brianna what will be her fate at the hands of this grey haired white man......


Part 2 To Follow

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Looking forward to Part 2.

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