Little One

[ Ff, M, 1st, cons, lolita, inc, mother/dau ]

by Ventor


Published: 15-Aug-2012

Word Count:

show Author's Profile

Story Summary
All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Chapter 1

"Yes, Mrs. Campbell, I can be there first thing tomorrow morning," Larry told his customer. "You'll be up and running before noon. Ok, then, have a good day."

Larry hung up the phone and finished making notes for tomorrow's job. Working on Saturday wasn't what he had planned at the beginning of the week, but this was special. Mrs. Campbell was very rich and he knew that she would tip big time. And, she had a daughter who was quite taken with him the last time he was out almost a year ago.

'Eh, she's probably forgotten all about me. I'm just an old cable guy. What's a ten year old gonna remember me for?' he thought.

He straightened out the papers on his desk, made a couple notes on the white board for the techs for next week and called it a day.

On his way home, he stopped in to grab an energy drink for the morning. Placing it on the counter, he spied the latest issue of Lolitas behind the counter and asked for a copy. The clerk eyed him, not judgingly but as if to say, 'you like em young, huh?'

When Larry got home he switched on his answering machine and listened to the messages while he pulled some leftovers out of the fridge.

'Hi, this is Max Klein down at Noonan Realty. I'm calling about the questionnaire you filled out online. There's a couple . . .'

Larry pushed the NEXT button and the message was from Mrs. Campbell. He gave some customers his home number, especially the ones who tip. Tipping wasn't actually allowed in his line of work, but if a customer insisted, who was he to argue? He'd let her know that 'company policy states that any employee caught taking a kick back or monetary compensations will be terminated'. But their secret was safe. Mrs. Campbell had so much money she needed to displace it before the end of the year to avoid getting whacked with taxes. And Larry, sometimes he regretted that name (the jokes were bad and endless), understood that she was just being appreciative. The money wasn't as important this time. He was hoping to get a sneak of that little cutie again. Last time he was there, she had just taken a bath and was standing buck naked in the bathroom that was connected to her room.

Her mother had needed the cable to run to her daughter's room now that the girl had her own 46" flat screen. At first, Tracy hadn't noticed him staring at her. But, when it became evident that he was, she put on a little show for him. Toweling off and bending over with her little butt in the air. She started to walk out of the bathroom toward him when her mother came in and told her to hurry up as lunch was almost ready.

"Children . . . no modesty. I tell you, what would happen if we all walked around like that?" she joked.

Larry thought, looking at her, 'that might not be a bad idea'. Mrs. Campbell, June as she liked to be called, was a very pretty young lady. Under thirty if he did his math correctly.

"Well, I can't speak for the rest of ya's, but I think us cable guys might just watch," Larry chuckled and threw her a wink.

She had laughed heartily at that. "Perhaps you're right," she agreed.

Chapter 2

Larry finished nuking his supper and brought it into the living room, where he had an old 27" Magnivox sitting on a brass-wired stand. On top of this was a set of rabbit ear antennas. They served no purpose other than Larry thought the looked cool. A giant "V" sticking from the top of his set like a square-headed Martian. He was into the retro stuff. His recliner was circa 1970 but still tilted back like it was brand new. The microwave he just heated his supper in was one with a dial that was more of an egg timer; no HIGH or DEFROST controls, just on and off. He clicked on the TV with a universal remote which he was very fortunate to have, since it was the only way that he could control the box. He tuned into a guy's movie and watched it with little interest as he ate. When he was done with his meal, he picked up his new magazine and flipped through it seeing what kind of cuties might be in this issue. These mags were getting boring. Same old poses, just different girls. And at ten dollars a pop, he thought it was time to give em up. He picked up the remote and flipped to an adult channel. Although Larry had no paid cable, he was, after all a cable guy. This gave him special privileges. He had all the channels he wanted because of the black box that sat beneath the set on its own shelf.

He landed on a show he had seen before. In this particular episode, the concept was that the neighbor ladies were sunning by the pool and one was rubbing oil on the other's back.

'Click!' The TV shut off and a little white dot formed in the center and stayed there for a minute, slowly disappearing. That, Larry never grew tired of.

'If only they'd bring back, "and this concludes our broadcast day" Larry thought.

He puttered around for a couple hours and decided to take a shower and hit the sack early. Tomorrow would make up for lame TV and magazines, he told himself. So, he did just that.

Chapter 3

Larry was up at 6 am sharp. He was itching to get started on his day. Since it was an 'off day' for County Cable, he wasn't required to wear a full uniform. He did, however wear a company shirt with an ID badge clipped to one of the pocket flaps. Otherwise, he was comfortable in his jeans and sneakers. He didn't need special boots for scaling utility poles or ladders. This was an inside job all the way and that made it even that much better.

He got in his truck and headed down to Joe's for breakfast. He ordered the usual pancakes, bacon and eggs, large tomato juice and coffee. He might not get to eat lunch today, so he filled up now just in case.

The waitress, a cute little thing, brought him his check and gave him a wink. Larry knew she liked him, but today he had other plans. She would hold. He returned her wink and even gave her a gentle pat on the rear, letting his hand linger for a second. This made her smile.

"I'll bring you your change," she said.

"No bother Nancy, keep it," he replied and grabbed his hat. He finished off his coffee standing at the table and then hurried out. Still a little early yet, but he go in his truck and drove slowly out to the Campbell residence where he'd wait in the driveway until 8am. As he rounded the street to June's home, he saw Mr. Campbell coming down the street. He slowed and waved out the window at him.

"Morning Mr. C," Larry said, thinking 'do you have any idea what kind of day I have planned?'

"Mornin' Larry!" he yelled back. "A little early, are we?"

"Yes sir, I figured I'd just wait in the drive and read the paper," Larry offered.

"Good deal," Mr. C. continued, "Hey, don't forget to put a block on her box. We found her in the basement one day watching the Skin channel. We don't want that now do we?" he chuckled.

"Nooo sir," Larry replied. "I'll make sure the box is locked, but don't forget it has parental controls on it that you can choose which stations she watches."

"Yeah, well, I'll leave that up to you. Just don't shut mine off in the bedroom," he winked at Larry, said goodbye and continued on up the road.

Chapter 4

Larry drove a few more houses up the street and turned into the curved driveway. He parked as close to the walkway as possible without getting in June's way. He shook the paper open and browsed the column headings. He went straight to the obits to see if he knew anyone who died. "Not today, thankfully," he said aloud to himself. He checked some sports scores and then decided it was about time to start.

He folded the paper back up and started get out when movement from the second story window caught his eye. It was Annie. She had opened her curtains and saw that he was here and waved at him excitedly.

'Poor kid,' Larry thought, 'getting all excited over the cable guy. Well, when she has a working TV in her room, she won't remember I was even here.'

She disappeared from the window. Larry got out of his truck, grabbed his tool belt from one of the side compartments and ambled up to the front door, which opened as if on its own will. Little Annie was standing in the doorway ready to greet him. Only she wasn't so little anymore.

"Well, little lady, you've grown quite a bit since I saw you last," Larry teased. She also was budding a little more than he thought a ten year old should. His eyes took the little bumps on her chest in and Annie pushed them out in an effort to impress him. He blushed a little and heard the click-clack of June's shoes across the tile floor in the foyer.

"Good morning, Larry," she sang. "Thanks for doing this on a Saturday. She has a party tonight and wants her friends over to watch some 3D movies."

Larry bent over and leaned toward Annie, "And what kind of party might this be?"

"It's my birthday!" Annie exclaimed and then she turned to her mother, "Can Larry come mama?" she pleaded.

"I'm sure Larry has better things to do than come to an eleven year olds birthday party. Don't you think?" her mother replied.

Annie pouted and folded her arms across her small bosom, "I suppose so," she said gloomily.

June opened the door wider to let him in. "Go to it, you know where everything is."

"Can I watch?" Annie asked.

June looked at Larry questioningly.

"Fine with me Mrs. C. I'm sure she'll be no bother," Larry said. "After all, she's eleven." He winked at her.

"Ok. I have a conference call this morning that may run a couple hours. I'll be in the den. If you want coffee, there's a fresh pot in the kitchen. Help yourself," she said.

"Great, thanks," Larry replied.

Annie grabbed Larry's hand and pulled him toward the stairs. "Come on, this way."

Larry followed her up the long stairway and down the hall to her room. He saw the TV and supposed it was no surprise that she had the latest model in 3D. Glancing about the room, he was determining where to run the cable. There'd be some drilling into the wall to install a coax outlet. Some minimal work in the basement to connect to the main supply and then eventually he would end up here again.

"Ok, I've got to run down to the basement for a second to check some stuff out. I'll be right back," he said smiling down at her.

"I'll come with you," she said matter-of-factly.

"Then let's go," he said taking her outstretched hand.

They headed down to the basement where the cable connections came in from the street. Larry had installed the cable himself and found it to be just as he left it. He pulled out a couple of tools from his belt and worked on the splitter. They had a new gadget that allowed several TV's to run simultaneously without causing degradation of picture to any of the sets. He found where he was going to run the cable and placed a small flashlight, pointing up.

"Ok, I've got to run out ton my truck and get some cable. Can you watch my flashlight for me?" he asked.

"Sure!" she said happily, feeling like she was helping him.

And she did, for ten minutes she watched it as if it were her job. He returned with the cable and went to work.

"Ok, time to go back upstairs. We're all set down here," he told her gathering his tools. He looked over and saw that she was sitting there in the chair with her legs spread apart. There was no mistaking that she wasn't wearing anything under it.

"Whatcha doin there kiddo?" he asked.

She said, "I'm bored. Let's do something else."

"Well, I've got about another hour before I finish this up. If you can wait, we'll see what your mom's doing and then maybe we can find something else to do while you wait for her to finish her call. Sound like a plan?"

Annie agreed and followed him back up to her room. She jumped up on her bed and laid back. Larry went to work connecting the cable to the TV and making the adjustments to the cable box so she couldn't watch the wrong stations.

He glanced over and saw her opening and closing her legs. He had a perfect view of her pretty little pussy. He started to touch himself and realized that he was going to burst in his pants if he didn't loosen them up. So, he unbuttoned them and let the zipper down a couple of teeth. Much better. He looked up and saw that Annie was staring at him.

"Whatcha doin?" she asked.

"Oh, I guess I ate a little too much for breakfast," he said as he crossed over to her. Her dress had fallen to her hips and her lower half was entirely exposed now.

"Well, you don't have any panties on," Larry commented.

"Neither do you," she said pointing at him.

"I guess you're right. You don't mind that I can see you naked?" he asked.

"No. Do you?" He didn't know if she meant mind that he saw her naked or she saw him. It didn't matter. His member was too big for his jeans now and she could see the bulge in his pants.

"Wow! Yours is big!" she exclaimed. "Can I see it?"

Larry sat next to her and looked at her seriously. "You know that's not right, don't you?"

"Yes," she said looking down and a little embarrassed.

Larry was in a predicament. On the one hand, Annie was lying here willing and able and her mother was a million miles away on a call. One the other, he was shaking in his shoes. It wasn't knowing that it was wrong, everyone knows it's wrong. It was the way she was just there waiting for it and he wanted it so bad that he couldn't help it. Annie was caressing her thighs and then would touch the sensitive area just above them, looking at Larry and knowing he wasn't going to be able to keep it in his pants much longer.

"Honey, you know this is so wrong, don't you?" he asked with a shaky voice.

"Yeah, but . . ." she started, but Larry held up his hand and interrupted.

"I just want to be clear. You know that you could get in trouble, right?" Larry looked for a sign of recognition in her eyes; something that told him she did. "And even more, that I could get in really big trouble," he continued.

"I guess. I mean, I won't tell if that's what you mean," she explained.

Larry's hand moved to Annie's leg. He glanced toward the door and cocked his head in that direction listening for any sign of her mother moving around downstairs. Nothing. Well, Larry old boy, it's now or never, he thought. He caressed her milky white leg and she let out a soft moan. Annie lifted her ass off the bed and pulled her dress up over her hips, exposing herself in a way that made Larry lose it right there. He stood up and unzipped his pants to unleash the monster that resides within.

Chapter 5

Annie looked up and saw what Larry had in his hand. She'd never seen one up close before and was immediately taken by its size. She knew what boys did with them and thought as she rubbed her hand over her pussy, that's supposed to go in here. Her hand instinctively rose to meet Larry's tool. He let go and it just hovered there for a second. Annie grabbed it gently and her hand seemed to understand the physics of what was supposed to happen. Slowly, she began stroking the shaft, up and down. Larry groaned with pleasure as he removed his shirt. There was no turning back now. Even if June came in and found them like this he didn't think he'd be able to stop. Hell, maybe he could get her to join. And with this last thought, Larry lost all sense of right and wrong.

He took Annie's hand and lifted her so she was sitting on the edge of the bed. His penis was six inches from her mouth and she seemed to sense what she was supposed to do. Looking up into Larry's eyes, sweet and innocent, she licked the clear liquid from the tip of his cock. Warm and sticky and not so bad in the taste department either, she thought. She stroked some more and the pre-cum dripped out a little at a time.

"How come it does that?" she asked.

"Because of what you're doing to me honey. You're making me feel so good that I'm gonna cum," he explained.

More curious now, and taking just the tip into her mouth and pulling it out, "What's that mean?"

"Well," Larry started, "when a man gets all excited like this his body makes it and when I'm ready, there'll be much more. But, you have to be careful, because this is the stuff that gets girls pregnant."

Annie pulled back, a little concerned now, slowing it down some but never stopping her stroking motion, "I can get pregnant doing this?"

Larry let loose a small laugh, "No, not doing this, but if I put it in there," he pointed at her pussy, then lowered his hand and actually touched it with his meaty finger, "then yes. So we have to be careful, ok?"

She said she did and returned to licking and sucking the tip of his cock. When she made the pre-cum ooze out, she licked it right up. "How can I get more?" she asked, pumping his member a little harder now.

"Well, if you keep that up, you'll have your prize any second now," Larry moaned. "But let me get comfortable, ok? My knees are gonna give out if we keep this up.

Larry removed the rest of his clothing. Annie took her cue from him and slipped her dress off the rest of the way. Larry looked at her, stunned at the total picture. He lay down beside her and she hunched on her knees and continued blowing him. She started taking it in deeper now, getting used to the way Larry was moving. He reached around and started caressing her ass, slowly moving his hand toward that sweet spot between her legs. Now, it was her turn to moan. Annie moved her ass so he could get a better angle. He then guided her around and motioned for her to straddle his chest. Understanding dawned and Annie started sucking his cock again, more intensely now, while Larry moved his head toward the sweetest, youngest piece of pussy he'd ever dreamed of having. Breathing in deeply of her essence he thought, how sweet it is.

Larry poked his tongue out and licked at the eleven year olds slit. She squirmed and dropped her hips a little more, almost resting on his chin. Larry used both of his hands to spread her ass cheeks and his thumbs to pull her virgin pussy lips apart. He darted his tongue around her little pink clit and she moaned deeply. Larry licked and sucked her little nub. He had her vagina open and could see her hymen. He stuck his tongue up inside and she leaned back even more. He was fucking her with his tongue and she was loving it. She stopped sucking his dick for a minute to concentrate on this new feeling. She was able to maintain somewhat of a stroke but this was intense and she found she couldn't do both at the same time. Larry understood and knew that this wasn't over by a long shot, so he kept face fucking her pussy. Annie sat straight up and mashed her pussy into Larry's face even more. When she did, his nose was right at her ass hole and he took full advantage of the situation. He drew his tongue out of her pussy and flicked it around her little rosebud. She lifted her ass a little and laughed.

"I think you've got the wrong hole," she informed him.

"Oh no honey, you just wait," Larry said.

And he stated licking her again, this time poking his tongue in and out of her ass. She started to moan and finally his entire tongue was pushing in and out of her ass. She was riding it, undulating her hips. Now she had both hands squeezing her breasts and rolling her nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. She reached down with one hand and stroked herself. She was going wild. He was wild. Even though she wasn't touching his cock, he thought he might blow any second. Larry pulled his tongue out of her ass and moved back to lick some more of that sweet pussy honey and slowly worked a finger inside her backside. He pistoned his finger in and out of her little hole and tongued her pussy at the same time. The next thing you know, a warm clear liquid flowed over Larry's chin and she was shaking in orgasm. Annie had to pull back after a couple minutes of this as her clit became overly sensitive. Larry took this opportunity to adjust their positions.

"Ok, so you want more of this stuff?" he asked her as he wiped more pre-cum of the tip of his cock and held it up to her to lick.

Annie nodded and Larry moved his cock to her mouth. In an instant she was off. Her hand was stroking and her mouth was sucking. Larry's eyes rolled up and he just laid back and enjoyed. His man-meat was a little larger than her mouth could take, but she managed a rhythm that had Larry cumming in no time.

"All right, honey. I'm gonna cum now. You ready?" he asked.

"Yup," she answered between strokes of her mouth and hand.

"Now it might be a lot, so be careful, ok? Try to swallow it though, alright?" he stroked her hair and looked into her doe eyes.

She nodded and felt his cock grow even harder. All of a sudden, a warm liquid started oozing out of the tip of his cock. She kept on sucking and stroking and never took her mouth off his stiff member.

She's gonna swallow it all, he thought. And she did; every drop. Larry had to take a couple minutes to recoup. Annie curled up beside him and said, "That was amazing! I want it in my pussy now."

Larry smiled and took her hand. "Listen honey, we don't have a lot of time right now," he began and noticed a slight pout on her face. "But, don't you worry, we'll get to it. Leave it to Larry."

She nodded and rested her head in the crook of his arm. They lay there for a couple minutes pillow talking. Then they both heard her mother downstairs. Larry, completely disoriented, jumped up and off the bed.

"Shit!" he muttered under his breath. He found his clothes and slid them back on as she put her dress back on as well. June was ascending the stairs now. Larry tucked in his shirt, grabbed a tool from his belt and kneeled behind the set pretending to finish up. She entered the room and stared at her daughter standing there, then over to Larry.

"Just finishing up now Mrs. C. Be outta your hair in a minute," he offered.

Larry gathered his things together and bid both ladies a good day. Wished Annie happy birthday again and made his way downstairs to leave.

June called from the top of the stairs, "I hope Annie wasn't too much trouble, Larry." He said that she wasn't and gave a little wave and a nervous laugh. He turn again to go, only making it another step when she called again, "Oh, Larry?"

"Yes, ma'am?" he asked.

"You might want to wash that off your face," she mentioned and then turned back to her daughter.

They could hear the front door shut and June smiled and looked at Annie. "So, did you have fun watching Larry?"

Annie smiled back at her mom and said, "Yeah, I guess."

"Good," her mother replied. "Next time you might want to put your dress on the right way, though." She smiled and reached out to stroke her daughter's hair. "Here let me help you."

Annie lifted her arms and her mother pulled her dress up over her head. "Honey, why don't you have any panties on?"

Annie said, "I just don't."

June looked at her daughter's naked body and asked, "So, what did he do to you?"

Chapter 6

Larry was ecstatic! Mrs. Campbell, June that is, had called to let him know that Annie must've bumped something on the set and although she can watch DVD's and such, the signal for cable isn't great. Larry said, of course, that he could fix that in a jiffy and when would be good for the Campbell's.

"I'm awfully sorry Larry, but Saturday is the only day we'll be around this week," June told him, doing well to conceal her act.

"Not a problem Mrs. C. I have a clean slate for my weekend. What time?" he asked, his mind whirring with thoughts of Annie.

"How's ten?" she asked. "And if you'd like, bring your swimming trunks and take a dip. We girls will be spending the day out by the pool."

Larry's smile turned a little. June was going to be around and this might not go as planned. Well, he figured, there might be a way I can take advantage of the situation.. Maybe it will take a little longer to fix the set than he originally thought. His smile returned.

"Sure, Mrs. C. Sounds like a plan."

"Good. See you then," she said and hung up. She turned to her daughter and said, "I believe you're going to get your fucking after all."

Annie smiled, "Thanks mom. This is kinda weird, huh?"

"I guess it is," her mom replied. "Come here, honey. Give your mom a hug."

They stood there hugging, two women, well one not quite but heading there fast, basking in the thoughts of their deviousness with the cable guy. Annie's hand drifted from her mother's back toward her firm and shapely ass. She squeezed a cheek and then stood back and opened her robe, exposing her young teenage shape to her mother and said, "Lick me mommy."

June kissed her daughter full on the mouth, their tongues entwining. She kneeled before Annie and kissed her belly. She licked her cute cup of a navel and turned her daughter around. She pushed gently on the small of her back and Annie bent over.

"Oh yes mommy, Annie mewed. "Lick me there." Annie spread her ass cheeks open and pushed herself back into her mother's face where June's waiting tongue met the little hole that just begged for it.

June licked the little pucker and then began sticking her tongue in a little at a time. Annie begged for more. So her mother spread her robe out on the leather couch and laid her daughter down. She started licking Annie's pussy rubbing her face all over it, glazing her face with her juices. While she did this, she stuck her long middle finger in Annie's ass, pushing it in and pulling it out as Annie moaned with pleasure.

"More, mommy!" Annie cried.

June pulled her head up and looked at her daughter, "Wait here a second."

June ran upstairs and came back down with something in her hand. Annie couldn't quite make it out.

"What's that?" she asked genuinely curious.

"This is a vibrator. Women sometimes use them when they need to cum and there's not a man, or a woman around to take care of that for them. This is a small one that's meant for here," her mother said as she touched Annie's little hole. She had a jar of something in her other hand and Annie recognized it as Vaseline. "I'm going to put a little of this on it so it goes in smoother.

Annie's eyes widened, "That's going in me?"

"I think you can handle it. If you're begging for more than my finger, you'll do fine. Just relax ok?" June comforted her daughter.

Annie did as her mother asked. As June started in again with her tongue, she slowly inserted the dildo into her little hole; only a half inch or so.

At first Annie tightened up and her mother sensed her hesitation. So, June stopped and used her finger again. Annie was squirming again, but soon became restless with her mother's thin digit. June slipped another finger in, whether Annie realized it or not, and started fucking her ass with a rhythm Annie was getting into now. This was better, Annie thought, but she still felt like she wanted more. June knew this and now thought her daughter was ready. But, she didn't make it obvious. While Annie was riding her mother's fingers, three were in there now; June slipped them all the way out for a second and without missing a beat inserted the toy. Annie seemed to notice the change but made no sign of hesitation this time. June turned the bottom of the dildo and it started buzzing and even though Annie tightened up a bit, she didn't have any problem accepting this new invasion quite the contrary. June was eventually able to slide all six inches in. While she ate her daughter, she pumped the mini blimp in and out of her until Annie exploded in orgasm. June's face was covered with her daughter's juices. Annie sat up and hugged her mother, then began to lick her face to taste her own juices.

"Mmm," Annie moaned and swiped some more juice from her pussy and licked her fingers.

June asked, "Good?"

Annie nodded as continued to dip into her own private honey pot.

"My turn," her mother asked holding up the vibrating spaceship.

"Oh yes," Annie sighed.

"Let me go wash it off first, ok," June started to get up to go the kitchen.

Before she fully got off her knees, Annie grabbed the dildo and said, "Wait."

She looked at it expecting to see it discolored after being up her shit hole. But, she was so horny that she didn't care if there was shit on it or not and brought it to her mouth and put the tip in far enough to taste it. June's mouth gaped as her daughter was expressing interest in this and leaned in to join her. Annie took another little lick and then held it out for her mother. June took a couple inches in and sucked it clean, leaving the remainder for Annie who cleaned the rest.

"All set," Annie smiled and June hugged her hard.

June looked lovingly at her daughter, "Honey, is this too much for you? I mean, are you uncomfortable with any of this, because I know it's a little bizarre."

Annie looked into her mother's beautiful green eyes and said softly, "I love you mother. I love that we make love. I know it's strange and not something we should be doing but I can't help it. Does that make me strange?"

"If it makes you strange then it makes me strange, too!" June said adamantly, but sweetly. "And I'll keep on doing it so long as you say it's ok."

Annie smiled, confirmation obvious on her face and hugged her mother back just as hard. They switched positions and daughter made love to mother now. Annie's fingers were working her mother's pussy while she had the vibrator all the way in as far as it could go. Annie actually thought for a second that she had lost it when her mother squeezed and it popped back out. June told her daughter to put three fingers in her pussy, but Annie's hand was small and eventually she was able to get all her fingers in. The next thing she knew her whole hand was in there and her mother was bucking against it. All of a sudden, Annie's wrist was in there and then more. Her mother told her to make a fist and start to fuck her with it. Annie was astonished as to how much of her arm was pounding in and out of her mother. She thought she might hurt her, but June just kept thrusting against her and finally shuddered in an orgasm the size she thought she hadn't had since she was eighteen. The two girls lie side by side on the couch for a while and finally fell asleep. They woke up a few hours later finding themselves quite hungry. But, being so close like this made the hunger not so noticeable and they reached down between each other's legs and stroked one another to wonderful orgasms before going to make some lunch.

At The Pool: Chapter 1

Annie was bouncing off the walls when Saturday morning came. Her mother understood her excitement and told her, "Hey, save some of that energy for when Larry gets here why don't you?"

"I can't help mom," she whined. "I've masturbated twice already this morning."

"Save some of that, too," her mother joked.

"Very funny. I don't think there's much to worry about that. I could probably do it two more times before he gets here!" she exclaimed sliding her hand into her bathing suit and pulling it out to show her mother her wet fingers. June went to her and took her hand and sucked her little fingers. The fingers she so loved because Annie had used them on her as well.

"Ok, we have to stop this or I'm gonna go crazy!" June cried.

Annie giggled, stuck her hand back in her suit, drew it out and teased her mother by sucking them off right in front of her. June pouted and Annie hugged her. She pressed herself against her mother and then shoved a hand into her mother's bathing suit so quickly June didn't have time to stop her. She dipped her fingers way up inside her mother's pussy and drew them out for a taste. June pretended to be angry and took her daughter and bent her over to give her a fake spanking.

Annie cried out, "Ow!" although it didn't really hurt. Then June started laying on the heat and there was a little pain flaring in Annie's buns. Her mother stopped and Annie protested. "Don't stop. That feels so good."

June sat on one of the kitchen chairs and made her daughter lay across her legs. She pulled her bathing suit down enough to expose her now-rosy cheeks and spanked her some more.

"Harder mommy!" Annie cried. June could feel Annie move her hand down between her legs; could actually see her little fingers working her clit. June slapped her ass harder. Annie moved her fingers up and stuck one in her ass as her mother pounded on her butt. Not a minute later, Annie came all over her mothers legs.

"Ok young lady, this has got to stop or we'll be done before our guest arrives," her mother scolded playfully.

"Ok mommy," Annie lowered her head pretending to accept her reprimand.

They cleaned up and waited for their guest, just chatting and sipping sodas by the pool, although June's soda had a little wine in it. She asked Annie if she wanted some, but she declined.

Less than an hour later, the bell rang. Annie, holding her composure the best she could, answered the door and let him in. He took her in standing there in her bikini, little buds of breasts just making the top pop out enough to detect some cleavage.

"Good morning Annie," he greeted her.

"Good morning," she giggled and threw her arms around him in an innocent enough hug. She took his hand and led him upstairs.

Larry jerked his head around wondering where her mother was.

"Where's mom?" he asked.

"Oh she's on another call," she lied.

"Ahhh," Larry replied. "Well let's get this set fixed so you can watch some TV, ok?"

"Ok! Thanks," Annie said. She sat on the edge of the bed watching him work but not engaging in any way that would lead Larry to believe that she was hinting for something more.

Larry picked up the remote, punched a key and the TV turned on. "All set," he winked at her. She smiled and giggled back. Larry sat on the bed with her and glanced nervously about. So, how's this gonna work?"

"Mom will be on the phone for another hour, I'm sure," Annie offered, "and she's on her cell in the basement cuz it's cooler down there, so I'm sure we'll have plenty of time. But, let's go out by the pool, ok?"

Larry shrugged, "Sure. Whatever you like. Can I use your bathroom to put my suit on?"

"Sure," she said, "I'll meet you outside."

Larry stripped out of his clothes and put his suit on, all the while thinking, 'how could this get any better?'

If he only knew.

Chapter 2

He walked out to the patio around the pool and saw Annie fumbling with a bottle of suntan lotion.

"I started putting it on but then my hands were too slippery and I couldn't hold onto the bottle," she said. "Could you help me?"

"Sure. You don't think your mom will be here any time soon, do you?" Larry asked, remembering when June mentioned he should wash his face after his last visit. Did she suspect something? He went over this in his head for the last week and thought not. Someone would have been knocking on his door if that were the case. Of this he was certain.

Larry squeezed some of the lotion into one palm and smeared it between both hands. Then he started coating her neck and shoulders, then arms and stomach.

"Why don't you lay on your stomach and I'll get your back?" Larry suggested.

Annie laid down on a chaise lounge and Larry started covering her back. She reached around and undid the string holding her top on so he could get every spot. He was standing straddled over her ass. He was growing hard and soon would need to release the beast although he was wearing loose trunks. He rubbed her legs down and as he did she spread her legs apart so he could get her inner thighs. He could see a wet spot forming on her crotch and knew the time was growing close. He slowly pulled the bottom of her bikini down to rub her buns and saw the pink glow on her cheeks. He thought it was odd but didn't question it.

"Honey, I'm gonna do something, is it ok?" he asked.

"Sure. What?" she asked inquisitively.

"I just want to rub my cock between your legs, ok? Just stay like that."

Larry quickly slid out of his shorts and bent at the knees so his cock touched where her legs joined at the top. He moved it between her lips and slid back and forth. Annie moaned beneath him. She came in less than thirty seconds. He didn't want to come so soon so he pulled up told her to turn over. She did and her top fell off. He stroked his cock and told her that he was gonna spray her with his cum.

"Do it," she said, obviously waiting for the prize, even opening her mouth in case some made it that far.

Larry was stroking and his legs were shaking a little when a voice behind him made everything come to a stop.

"What is going on here?" June's concerned voice boomed out.

Annie was having a tough time holding in her giggles. Her mother was a great actress she thought.

Larry turned and saw June, standing just a few feet from them in a white bikini that barely covered her. He still had his cock in his hand but it wasn't as hard as it had been just a minute ago.

"Ahhh . . . ummm," was all Larry could get out.

"Uh huh, I see," June replied to this babble. She walk closer to him, peered around him and asked, "And what about you little lady? What's going on here?"

Annie didn't say anything. And just as Larry thought this couldn't get any worse . . . it didn't. June dropped to her knees and grabbed Larry cock and started sucking it. Larry was overwhelmed and couldn't comprehend what was happening. Surely no mother of an eleven year old was going to condone this sort of action. Threats of calling the police or cutting of his member were what Larry was thinking would be coming, but instead, this. June took his entire length into her mouth as Annie came over behind him.

Annie and her mom planned this out perfectly. Larry was in for the ride of his life. Annie kneeled behind the man and cupped his balls gently and kissed his ass cheeks. Larry was losing it. This can't be happening, he thought. And the next thing he knew, little Annie was spreading his ass cheeks and sticking her tongue in there. He jerked so that his cock went down June's throat; not that she seemed to mind. With the two girls diddling him like this he came in gushes down June's throat. She managed to save a little and held it out on her tongue to her daughter, between Larry's legs. Annie sucked her mother's tongue and swallowed the sticky treasure. Larry had to sit.

"Whew!" he breathed out loudly. "You ladies sure had me going there for minute. Mrs. C, I'm sorry, but I just couldn't help . . ." Larry tried, but June waved her hand.

"Annie told me the whole thing. No worries. We've been planning this all week, haven't we honey?" she turned to her daughter, who nodded seductively, and noticed her staring at Larry's cock. "But there's more."

"M . . . more?" Larry asked baffled. And June got up and stood in front of her daughter; pussy to face and spread her labias. Annie licked her mother's twat and started tooling her again with her fingers. Larry instantly got hard again. He stood up behind June and guided his tool between her legs. June put her right foot up on the chair Annie was sitting in and allowed Larry to enter her. Annie had a front row view of this act and started playing with herself. Never had she seen anything like this. Larry's cock was going in and out of her mother and she was moaning loudly. Annie tried licking his balls but he was moving about too much, so she settled on licking right where his shaft was going in and out. They both found this added to their pleasure ten-fold.

"Can I cum in your pussy, Mrs. C?" he asked.

If you call me June, you can cum anywhere. But this time I want you to pull it out and let her take it," she told him.

"You're the boss, June," Larry complied and pulled out his cock, slid it between her dripping thighs and felt the young mouth go to work. Annie reached through her mother's and Larry's legs and prodded his anus with a finger. He gave a final thrust and spewed gobs of his goo down her throat. She took it all and spared not a drop.

The three of them collapsed in chairs by the pool and relaxed for a while, sipping cold drinks and chatting as if it were a normal Saturday. But, this was no normal Saturday.

Larry caught the ladies looking at each other and wondered what else they had up their figurative sleeves; since no one was wearing any clothing; sleeves were not in abundance here.

Annie spread her legs and looked at Larry wantingly.

"Larry, you are now going to fuck my daughter. Do you understand?" she asked, almost as if he were being disciplined. He supposed he might be, since he had done something wrong to begin with. But, perhaps this was just part of the charade.

"Yes, ma'am," Larry conceded.

"We're going to take this inside though. I want her first time to be comfortable."

Up to Annie's room the three went and when they got there, she told Larry to lie on the bed. He did and Annie straddled him, hovering her pink little pussy over his raging hard on. She dipped a little, teasing him. Then she sat her pussy on his shaft and rubbed back and forth.

"Umm, if you keep that up, I'll cum again right now," he whined.

"We don't want that Annie. Let up on the poor man or you'll get nothing out of this," her mother chided.

"Sorry," she said but her hips seemed to have a mind of their own and she couldn't help but lower herself a couple more times. She loved how his cock jumped, when she touched it.

"Ok honey, lie flat on Larry so your pussy is close to his cock," her mother instructed.

Annie nodded and did as her mother told her. With her pussy just barely touching the tip of his engorged member, June got between their legs and started working a little magic of her own. She began by licking Larry's shaft, then alternating to Annie's pussy. Then, she spread her daughter's ass and drove her tongue in there while pulling Annie's body closer to his cock. She spread her daughter's little pussy lips apart and guided Larry to the opening that he had so badly desired all week. She inched the head in and started licking her ass again. Annie groaned loudly; she loved to be taken in the ass now that she's been practicing. Annie reflexively started moving down on Larry's tool and all of a sudden she stopped and cried a little in pain. Her mother's head popped up.

"Are you alright, honey?" she asked rubbing her little bottom.

"Yeah, I just pushed too hard," she replied.

June pulled Larry out of Annie for a second and saw blood on his dick. She licked it off and stuck it back in.

"Ok Larry, I think she's ready. Go slow," June said in a low loving voice.

"Larry moved gently toward her little slit again pushing slowly. He got almost half of it in this time when Annie stiffened again.

"Don't worry," she said. "He just a little big, but I'll get it."

And she did. One more thrust was all it took. She couldn't tell if there was pain anymore because it felt so damn good. She rode him while June took out her vibrator and started to tool her ass with it. Annie was over the top now. Being fucked in both holes was a real treat. June put a finger up Larry's ass again and realized that she was the only one who wasn't getting any. As soon as this is done, she thought, I'm getting some!

Annie fucked him until he couldn't hold it in any much longer. June recognized the sign that Larry was going to let loose and had her daughter flip on her back. Annie did this with such skill; her mother was a bit surprised, and proud. Then June guided Larry's cock into her daughter's ass and let him fill her with his spunk. Annie screamed in orgasm. June licked the cum that flowed back out of her daughter's butt, then took Larry's tool in her mouth and cleaned it off.

Once again, they had to chill for a few. This was exhausting, but invigorating as well. The three of them sat around and had some sandwiches, all the while nude, and enjoyed some more small talk. Then, when there was no more food to be had and the conversation had dried up, June walked over to Larry and turned around.

"In my ass young sir," June commanded.

"Yes ma'am!" Larry agreed and stuck his face between her lovely ass cheeks and lubed her up with his tongue and spit.

As he lowered her down onto his cock, Annie had gone around behind him. He couldn't see what she was up to until he felt something pleasant on his ass hole. She was lying down on her back and poking her tongue between the nylon slats and giving him another rim job.

Too much, Larry thought to himself. This is way too fucking much. Larry pounded June's ass and she was groaning to beat the band. Then all of a sudden he felt a little more than a tongue, although not unpleasant. Annie was sticking a finger in his ass. He cried out in pleasure. All of this was just too good to be true. Annie got three of her small fingers in and fucked him for a while, keeping rhythm with his thrusts into her mother. She decided it was time for another surprise. Her mother had passed her the vibrator and Vaseline when Larry wasn't looking and now she was applying it to his brown eye. Then . . . whoosh; up it went. Larry didn't notice that it was anything more than her fingers until the vibrating started. He screwed Annie's mom harder as she begged for more of his cock. Annie worked Larry's ass and fingered herself and after a few minutes the three of them were crying out in pleasure beyond their wildest dreams. Annie moved over to suck the sperm out of her mother's ass and Larry just watched .He was bushed. He didn't think he could get it up again but managed twice more to pleasure both ladies before they heard Mr. Campbell's car pull into the driveway.

They quickly got dressed and Larry jumped in the pool to literally cool off and the ladies sat at the table pretending to chat. Mr. Campbell walked through the fence door and greeted everyone.

"How're my girls?" he asked as he kissed them both.

"Great Daddy! You're home early," Annie said.

"Yup. Figured I'd take the rest of the day off and join you guys," he said.

He waved to Larry, "Hey there big fella, I see you made it."

He smiled at June and started taking off his clothes. Larry just stared as Annie went to her knees and started sucking her dad's cock. June got up and took off her bikini, kissed her husband, who in turn gave her a nice spank on the ass and she dove in, swam underwater to the lucky cable guy and started sucking him.

Larry had the best summer of his life that year. Unfortunately, the Campbell's moved that fall and life returned to normal. Annie sometimes still calls Larry and they have phone sex, but he'll always have those memories of his little girl.

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Looks like Larry 'Got 'em Done.'

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