Summer Fun, Part 1

[ fm, cons les ]

by Ventor


Published: 15-Aug-2012

Word Count:

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All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Summer: Chapter 1

Elyse Thompson was over the top with excitement. This was that last day of school and she and her best friend Suzie Williams were making plans for their summer vacation; hanging out mostly, but lots of sleepovers.

There was a field day in progress and although it was more fun than any other school day, it was all they could do to hold back their excitement with the prospect of vacation starting in less than an hour. With lame music blasting out of strategically placed speakers and the combine dissonance of three hundred or so kids, Elyse was getting fidgety waiting for the final bell.

"Ugh! This is killing me!" Elyse growled.

"Tell me about it," Suzie groaned.

"I swear the clock isn't even moving." Elyse sighed.

One of the ninth grade jocks, Jimmy O'Brien, sauntered over to girls and asked, "So, what're you two up to this summer?"

Simultaneously, they said, "Nothing," and giggled, covering their mouths with their hands.

"Sounds fun," Jimmy said with slightly practiced sarcasm. "I'm going to soccer camp," he said proudly, bouncing a soccer ball from ankle to ankle.

Suzie gave him a wry smile and said, "Well, at least you can play with your balls."

Again, the girls covered their mouths and giggled. Elyse was shocked at her friend's daring attitude, but proud as well. For twelve, they were a couple of brave girls.

"Very funny," he said dryly. "I suppose you two will be lying by the pool and tanning up those sticks you call bodies?"

Elyse stood up, put her hands on her hips and glared at the boy. He drew back a step and lost the ball. She smiled at that and stuck her tongue out at him. Suzie, squinting one eye closed against the sun, had trained her attention somewhere else on the boy's body. Realizing that she was staring she moved her gaze to his face. Jimmy blushed and ran off to retrieve the ball.

"Did you see that?" Suzie asked.

"Yeah, he ran like a little chicken shit. Imagine calling this," she drew her hand down the side of her body, "a stick."

Suzie laughed out loud. "Not that. He had," she looked around to make sure no one was listening, "a boner." "No way! You were looking at it?" Elyse asked curiously.

"Sure, why not?" Suzie said coyly. She had seen her brother Alex's on several occasions as they had to share shower time in their one-bathroom house. "Plus, Alex has some sex magazines stashed way back in his closet. I found them there one day, by accident," she said proudly.

"And you look at them?" Elyse asked, seeming shy.

"Sometimes." Then almost whispering, "There's a lot more going on than I thought there would be with sex, but they make feel kind of tingly down there," she finished in a whisper, nodding in the direction of her crotch.

Elyse just looked at her friend dumbfounded. They were only in the sixth grade and she wasn't sure if she should be grossed out or not. On one hand, Elyse had started getting strange feelings about her own body lately. She found herself examining her private parts in the mirror and touching herself at night while she lies awake in bed. Once, she made herself feel so good that she thought she must have done something wrong, so she stopped and didn't try it again for three months. On the other hand, her mind couldn't quite process these new feelings her body was experiencing. It's a good thing summer vacation is here, she thought.

Suzie noticed her friend's expression and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know." Elyse said faintly with a glazed look on her face. "I guess I kinda got a little light-headed." "I don't suppose it's all this sex talk?" Suzie mused.

Just as Elyse was about to retort with a resounding, however impossibly passing, 'NO!', Jimmy came dribbling his soccer ball back up to where the girls were still sitting on their bench drinking off the last of their sodas. He had been just out of their sightline over near an art display that was set up like a mini labyrinth. He had heard most of their conversation but was distracted by Emily who could hold up both ends of a conversation. Jimmy heard she had a talented mouth but he wasn't so sure that this is what was meant by that statement. He managed to break away from Emily and make his way back over to the girls.

"Hey, you girls want to come to my party tonight?" he asked, making sure that the front of his shorts were only a few inches from their faces.

"Really?" Elyse asked suspiciously but was hushed by Suzie almost before she could get the whole word out.

"We'll see," Suzie spoke with a more mature voice than normal. "If we're there, you'll know it." She lowered her head to look at the bulge in his pants and then looked back up at him.

Elyse caught this and kept her mouth shut. She knew she was entering strange waters in her preteen life and didn't want to be embarrassed before it began.

"Ok," Jimmy said. "Suit yourself. Think you can find your way or do I need to draw you a map?" He laughed and exited kicking his soccer ball so it flew straight up and then bounced it off his head to another boy about fifteen feet away who caught it behind his back like he'd been doing it all his life. Both girls thought that move was tres cool. And if their parents were cool, they'd be at Jimmy's tonight come hell or high water.

"So, we're going to the party tonight?" Elyse asked, unsure.

"My mom knows Jimmy's mom very well," she said with demureness in her voice.

Again, Elyse made no attempt to ask or comment about what Suzie meant. She just rolled with it.

"Well, I'm gonna have to ask my mom. I mean, I don't think she'll have a problem with it," Elyse continued. "Anyway, it's the beginning of summer. I got good grades this year," she went on sounding more as though she were trying to convince herself rather than Suzie.

"I'll have my mom call yours and we'll be all set," Suzie said with finality.

Elyse liked her friend's display of confidence. She could stare right at a boy's sex spot and then look him in the eye. That, Elyse thought, was something she might to do.

The girls were picking up their trash when the music came to an abrupt end and the speakers screeched making everyone cover their ears. Principal Onwa's smooth voice was now what everyone heard. Being a new principal this year hasn't seemed to shake him at all. And considering the group of sixth graders he had to contend with, that was saying something.

"Ladies and gentlemen. If I could have your attention please. I'll make this fast and you can all get on to better things," he said with a smile in his voice. "Although, I don't know what could be better than schooool."

Lame but funny in a way, Elyse thought. A few kids laughed, but most 'booed'. She always liked his voice over the loudspeaker during morning announcements. In fact, the first time she heard him speak she thought he might look like one of those movie stars that made all the girls silly. Ones like in those vampire movies she was obsessed with. It wasn't until almost a month after she started her sixth year that she actually saw him. He turned out to be of Indian descent and handsome as ever as far as a lot of the older girls were concerned.

Continuing, Mr. Onwa spoke of the school year, briefly but reverently. He wished them the best of summer vacations and to enjoy and be safe. And as if he timed it to the second, the bell rang.

Never was there a more pleasing sound as that bell. Although they'd heard it hundreds of time before, its significance now was far greater to the youngsters of Stryder Middle School.

Just as Suzie was jumping into her mom's BMW (not a new series model, but a mint, shiny black, classic Z1 Roadster!), she yelled over to Elyse, "I'll call you later!"

Elyse gave a thumbs up and hopped in her mom's SUV. She just couldn't rid herself of the smile on her face. Summer was here and there was no stopping it now, she thought.

Chapter 2

Elyse made no mention about the party that night. She waited for her friend to handle the formality of broaching the subject with her mother and then manipulating her into calling Elyse's mom to lock in the evening. So, she went about helping her mom with some baking and making small talk about summer vacation. During this idle chit chat, Elyse noticed her mother had a strange look on her face. Some kind of distraction was keeping her attention from being totally involved in the conversation. Like, it didn't matter that summer vacation was here.

Elyse thought that was absurd, but felt her mother's vibe just the same.

As the last batch of chocolate chip cookies was placed in the oven, the phone rang. Elyse did all she could to hide her excitement.

Her mother picked up the phone on the wall mount and answered, "Hello?"

"Hey Shirl, it's Berta. What's shakin' girl?" she asked in her 'I think I'm still in high school jargon'.

"Nothin' much hon. Lissey and I were just making some sweets. What's doin' on your end?" she asked with a smile that Elyse found familiar but now odd. She'd seen this little byplay with her mother and Suzie's mom before but never paid it much mind.

"Well, I tell you what I'd like doing on my end," Berta said in a tone that Shirley knew all too well. "Well, Suzie said she was invited over to Maggie O'Brien's tonight for an end-of school party. Her boy Jimmy actually invited them today at school. If I know Maggie, this will be a doozy. Suzie wants Lissey to come too if you're ok with that," Berta rambled on in a string of what sounded like a run on sentence.

Elyse hated that her mother referred to her as Lissey sometimes. It was fine when she was four or five, but she's older now and she likes being called by her proper name. But . . . she puts up with it because her mom is so nice and rarely gets mad.

"Well, if you say it's good then I'm fine with it. Maybe I'll go out, too. Jeff's off at another software convention and won't be home til this weekend," Shirley said realizing the possibilities of a little 'me time'.

"Hell ya girlfriend. Like some company?" Again the tone. The one that says, 'are you thinking what I'm thinking?' Berta can sound this way about anything. It could be shopping or watching a TV show. There's always a little down and dirty in her voice and Shirley liked it . . . very much.

"I think that can be arranged. I'll let ya know. You want me to drive Lissey over?" Shirley asked.

"Nah. I have to pop out and grab some smokes anyway. I'll pick her up on the way back. Cool?" Berta was a great friend and Shirley was thankful for her.

"That sounds great. I'll let her know. Talk soon, hon." Shirley said and hung up.

"That was Suzie's mom. Did you know there was a party tonight at Billy O'Brien's house?" her mom asked coyly.

"Yeah," Elyse said sounding a little quieter than normal.

"Why didn't you say something?" Shirley asked.

"I just didn't think you wanted me to go to a party, so I just didn't mention it," Elyse said looking at her mother now.

"I see," her mother replied. "Well, you're getting older now and you do well in school. You're really a good girl Lis . . . um Elyse and I think it's about time we start to loosen the reigns a little. What do you say?"

Elyse's eyes widened and a smile grew on her face. More so because her mother corrected herself and called her by her real name than giving her permission to go to the party. She ran over to her mother and gave her a big hug and thanked her over and over.

"Well, Berta's gonna be here in about a half hour, so go get ready," Shirley said, smiling proudly back at her daughter. She really is growing up; she thought and smiled even bigger.

Chapter 3

Elyse was going through her wardrobe looking for an outfit to wear when her cell phone rang. She pressed the little green phone button and was greeted by her friend's excited tone.

"Toldja," Suzie's voice came ringing through.

"I know! It's just that I can't believe you did it," Elyse exclaimed. "Actually, I can't believe my mom said yes. But, it was just like I said. I do well in school, yadda, yadda."

"So, what are you wearing?" Suzie questioned.

That brought Elyse right back to Earth. "Oh, that. Yeah, well I really don't have anything all that great for a party. I haven't been to one since your last birthday and I think the pink taffeta is not really meant for such an occasion, I'm kinda thinking I don't want to go after all," she said jokingly and a bit sorry for herself.

"That's not happening!" Suzie exclaimed. "Do you still have those cool jeans? You know the ones with the design going down the leg?" Suzie asked remembering how Elyse looked in them a couple weeks ago.

"That, I have, but I don't have a decent top to go with them," Elyse pouted.

"Don't worry about that. You just bring the pants and I'll hook you up with a top, k? Suzie asked trying to comfort her friend. Suzie had plans for this evening and Elyse was part of them, whether she knew it or not. "Oh, and you're staying at my house tonight, so bring whatever else you need."

There was that confidence that Elyse really liked about Suzie. She could just say things and that was it. They happened.

"Ok then, see you soon," Elyse said with more excitement in her voice now.

Chapter 4

About 45 minutes later, Suzie's mom pulled in the driveway. She got out, leaving the beamer running and walked up to the front door just as Shirley opened it.

"Hey honey! Is little Lissey ready?" Berta asked.

"Ah, Berta, it's Elyse ok? I think she's been kinda of tolerating being called Lissey," Shirley said with a wink.

"Ahhh, I get it. It's not fair. They're growing up too fast," Berta said with a pout.

"I know," Shirley agreed. "But we were the same way, remember?" she said smiling at her friend. Berta glanced around, and then stared into Shirley's eyes. Shirley knew exactly what that meant.

"Quick, Elyse will be down any minute," Shirley whispered and let Berta kiss her full on the lips. Shirley let her friend's tongue find its way into her mouth. This was very hot, doing it right on the threshold of her front door. Berta's hand moved down Shirley's side past her hip and squeezed her ass. She started to slip her hand in the top of her pants when Elyse came pounding down the stairs.

The two pulled apart and looked at the young girl with no guilt or shame. It was close, but they managed to get away with their little session.

"Hey, Elyse! Excited about the party?" Berta asked.

"Yeah! I can't believe I'm going where pin the tail in the donkey isn't the main attraction," she giggled. Suzie's mom led Elyse to the car and called back.

"I'll catch ya later. Call me around 6:30-ish, k? Berta shouted as she got in the beamer.

She backed out of the driveway and headed back home.

"So, Elyse, you're looking all sorts of grown up, girl. You've been drinking all your milk I see," Berta said chuckling.

"Yeah, I guess," Elyse laughed back. Before she came downstairs, she was securing her overnight bag at the top of the stairs. When she looked down she saw her mother and Suzie's mom talking. Then, when she looked again, they were holding each other and kissing. At first it didn't seem like such a big deal, but the kissing went on a little longer than a normal 'hey how ya doin' peck and Suzie's mom's hand was fondling her mother's butt. Elyse had just stared for a moment, took a breath and then started down. She was surprised that she was able to act normal at this. Between this byplay and the way Suzie's mom was looking at her, heck almost eating her with her eyes, her mind began piecing together some of the things she'd observed in the past. As much as she'd hate to admit it, her mom and Suzie's mom might be a little closer than just friends. Riding this thought was Suzie's comment earlier today about how her mom knew Billy's very well. Then, as if a large hole of understanding sucked her in, she felt Berta's hand on her leg.

"You ok honey?" Berta asked seeming a little concerned. "You look like you're far away."

"Oh, sorry, I was just . . . ummm, trying to remember if I forgot something," Elyse came back, her back-peddling almost gone unnoticed by Suzie's mom. Almost.

"Oh, do you need to go back?" Berta asked looking for a place to pull a u-ey.

"No, I'm good," Elyse smiled back. Berta's hand was still on her leg, but she pulled it off after a couple seconds.

"I just can't get over how big you girls are getting," Berta said. "I had to buy Suzie new bras last week because she already grew out of the ones I bought her three months ago! Can you believe it?"

"Uh, yeah. I know," Elyse replied. She had noticed her friend's breasts were getting larger. Elyse's were too, but Suzie had a little more in that department than she did. Not that it bothered Elyse; she thought she had just the right amount for someone her age.

Suzie's mom seemed to be taking an odd interest in Elyse, asking her if she had any boyfriends, hinting as to whether she'd started her period and personal questions like that. Elyse has known Suzie's mom forever and normally wouldn't think anything strange about her. But, after her seeing her mom and Berta sharing a tender moment on the front stoop, coupled with the way she was being asked these questions that she never expected from that quarter, Elyse was convinced that there was a bigger world out there than she had imagined. Strange and confusing, but there was something about it that she liked. And looked forward to!

They pulled into the Williams' driveway and Elyse saw Suzie waiting at her window.

"You can g'wan right up there honey," Berta said with a smile, knowing her daughter was excited as well about the party.

"Do you need some help bringing in your bags?" Elyse asked politely. This is how she was brought up and not an ass-kissing maneuver.

"Don't be silly honey; it's just a couple small bags. But, thank you anyway," she said and leaned over and gave Elyse a kiss . . . right on the mouth. She seemed to linger there for a moment longer than a normal 'thank you kiss' should have lasted. And although Elyse thought it might be a bit strange, she also like it. She liked it a lot!

Elyse jumped out of the beamer and ran up to the house waving at her friend with one hand and towing her overnight bag in the other. She ran straight upstairs, shut Suzie's door and spilled . . . everything.

"Wait, my mom kissed you?" Suzie asked.

"Yeah, it was kind of weird, but not. I mean, I asked her if she needed help taking in her groceries. I think she was just being grateful," Elyse said.

Suzie moved closer to Elyse and asked, "Did it bother you? I mean, did you feel uncomfortable?"

Elyse's eyes brightened and she said, "Actually, no. I'm kind of embarrassed to say . . ." she tried to continue, but Suzie's mouth covered hers.

For a second, Elyse just sat there letting Suzie kiss her and not quite fully understanding what was going on.

Suzie backed off and asked, "Like that?"

Absolutely dazed, it took Elyse a moment to recover. "Uh, no, not exactly, but close. I . . . umm, think yours had more . . . feeling? But yours was longer, so maybe that was why."

"Then she was probably being grateful like you said. I mean, she's my mom and you're twelve," Suzie continued. "What more could it be?" she asked bouncing her eyebrows.

"Now what's that supposed to mean?" Elyse asked genuinely curious.

"What's what supposed to mean?" Suzie asked coyly.

"You know what I mean; this." She bounced her own eyebrows in response.

"Lissey," Suzie began. She was the only friend that Elyse cared enough about to let her be called that. These two have been friends since they were in diapers and some things just didn't change. "You trust me, right?"

"Of course," Elyse said.

"You know I love you, right?" Suzie continued.

"And I love you too. What's this all about?" Elyse continued.

"Well, you saw my mom and yours making out and you were curious about how I said my mom knew Billy's very well. And some other stuff, right? Suzie prodded.

"Yeah," Elyse said tentatively.

"Well, your mom and my mom are lovers. And my mom and Billy's mom were at one time, too. But not like our moms." Suzie explained.

Elyse mulled this over and asked, "What do you mean, 'not like our moms'?

"Really, Elyse? Do I have to spell it out?" Suzie asked on the verge of exasperation.

"Sorry, I think I know what you're getting at. But, I just can't believe it. At the same time when I think back about all I've heard and seen over the past couple years, I can't deny something's going on. Maybe I just don't want to believe it; I don't know." Elyse seems pretty discouraged and Suzie hugged her friend.

Elyse liked her friend hugging her. They had hugged many times before to comfort one another or just because they were glad to see each other. But, this was different and then there seemed to be an audible click in her head and she drew back from Suzie gazing into her friends beautiful blue eyes.

"You mean my mom and yours are lesbians?" Elyse finally asked.

Suzie returned her friend's gaze and nodded.

"And, your mom and Billy's were too?"


"Do you think she meant anything by kissing me? Because, I have to say . . . I think I liked it," Elyse blurted.

Suzie was on the verge of smiling and her eyes seemed to be welling up.

"What's the matter?" Elyse asked, hugging her friend.

"Nothing," Suzie said, "it's just that I love you and don't want anyone else kissing you."

"I love you too Suze. Don't ever think . . . oh." Suzie said with an air of discovery in her voice.

"What?" Suzie asked wiping her eyes.

"Well, now that you're helping me put the pieces together, I'm a little quicker. You love me? Like love, love?" Elyse pressed on.

Suzie nodded and smiled into her friends bright green eyes. "Yes, for almost a year now."

Elyse held her friend at arm's length and did something she never knew she could do. She gently placed her lips against Suzie's and kissed her with the longing of wasted years and trying to get them all back. Suzie returned this with a ferocity that would have made Elyse nervous just a few moments ago. But now, it was something she never wanted to stop doing. As they kissed, Suzie surprised Elyse once again by sliding her tongue out and prying Elyse's lips open so she could caress her friends tongue with her own. Elyse gasped and pulled back slowly, but not letting go of Suzie. She just stared into her eyes and mouthed, "I love you."

Suzie's hand came up and pressed gently against Elyse's budding breast, just barely feeling a hardening nipple beneath the sheath of clothing and bra.

"I love you, too!" Suzie replied moving her hand under her friend's shirt and gently caressed Elyse's breast now with just a bra between them.

Elyse moved up on the bed a bit and looked a little embarrassed.

"What's wrong? Am I moving too fast?" Suzie asked.

"No, it's just that I feel like I'm going to pee myself." Elyse said, the red of her face brightening to a softer pink. They both instinctively looked down at Elyse's crotch and saw the wet spot between her legs.

Suzie spread her legs slightly and they both looked and she was wet, too.

"That's what happens when you're excited," Suzie explained.

"I knew that," she replied feeling silly. "But, look at us! We look like we peed ourselves."

Suzie laughed hard at that and the both fell back, Elyse joining her laughter as if in chorus.



"Don't ever leave me, ok?"

"Never," Suzie replied and kissed Elyse some more.

From out in the hallway, Suzie's mom had caught most of the conversation her daughter and friend were having. She was smiling at this because she really liked Elyse and of course, loved her own daughter too much for words. She peeked in through the door which was open a slight crack and saw them kissing and petting. This turned Berta on so much she had to head for her bedroom for some relief. She shut her door quietly behind her crossed the carpeted floor to her end table. She slowly opened the drawer and pulled out a silver space ship shaped vibrator. She slipped into the master bath and yanked her pants down to her knees, slid the length of the dildo into her wet slit, flicked a switch on the side and hoped that the buzzing noise wasn't too loud. She moved it in and out slowly and squeezed her thighs together reaching orgasm with such force that her knees buckled and she almost went ass over tea kettle into the bathtub. She sat for a minute on the john and regained her composure. She decided while she was here she would pee and shower, since she had some plans of her own tonight.

Chapter 5

Berta dropped the girls off at the O'Brien's just after six. She chatted with Brenda, Billy's mom for a couple minutes and then headed on over to Shirley's house. Brenda asked her to come back with Shirley later if they wanted as there would be a few more adults enjoying the evening's festivities. She said she'd pass it on to Shirley.

When she arrived, she walked in to find Shirley dressed to the nines. Berta stopped in her tracks and said, "Someone's ready for a girl's night out."

"Do I really look ok?" Shirley asked performing a spin in the short little black number she had bought for a previous affair that she and recently Berta had. She recalled Berta really liking it.

"You look good enough to eat right now.

"Thanks, babe!" Shirley squeaked.

"My pleasure," Berta flirted.

"Hey," Shirley remembered, "Jeff's working a lot and this summer. You got any plans?"

"If you want company, you don't have to ask twice!" Suzie said. " I'll even stay here every night if you want."

Shirley laughed and said, "Won't Peter be a little upset with that arrangement?"

"He can deal. I do when he's off gallivanting with his buddies" Berta replied and smiled deeply at her friend. Her lover.

Shirley looked at her Berta, hugged her tight and kissed her like only a lover can.

"Ok, enough of that or we'll never make it out the door. And I have reservations for dinner at Chez Fromeir," she clasped her hands in front of her breasts and bounced on her soles hoping to see a similar sign of excitement in her friend's face. And there it was.

"Are you kidding? How did you get reservations on such short notice?" Shirley asked with such excitement she could barely contain herself.

"Short notice? I got these reservations two months ago."

"What? How did you know I'd go?" Shirley asked coyly.

"Like you wouldn't have?" Berta countered. "Brenda told me about the party back in April. She just didn't tell Billy so he wouldn't go blabbing it to his friends in case there needed to be a change in plans.

"Well, thank goodness for Brenda," Shirley smiled and kissed her friend gently and said, "Ready."

"Awesome", Berta smiled. "And you can thank her yourself when we go to the party after dinner."

Shirley was trying to say, "What . . . ?" But Berta was making a bee line for her beamer and pretending not to hear her friend. Shirley was keen to her friend's ways and let it go. So long as she got to spend the night with the Berta, nothing else mattered.

The Party: Chapter 1

Elyse and Suzie climbed the stairs up to a gazebo-type extension of the house. There were fourteen steps. Suzie knew because she counted them on the way up. She was wearing short heals, all her mother would allow, and didn't want to make a spectacle of herself before they even officially arrived.

The gazebo was decorated with strings of lights. There were munchies laid about on each of five small tables and in the center was a chocolate fountain surrounded by a rainbow of fresh-cut fruit. There was a deck molded to the structure that went around the back of the house allowing many kids to be up here and enjoy the summer weather. The overflow was in the basement area of the house located just around the back of the contemporary-style home. Here, there were more munchies spread about and a bunch of teen agers and parents conversing, playing video games or . . . otherwise engaged.

The girls mingled about saying 'hi' to their friends and discussing summer plans, some more exciting than others, but everyone seemed to be having the time of their lives.

Suzie caught Billy's eye and dragged Elyse along to greet the host and thank him for the invitation.

"Hey Billy, thanks for the invitation," Suzie said.

"Yeah, thanks," Elyse chimed in. "You've got a really cool house."

"Thanks, yeah we like it," he said grinning. He leaned in and whispered to them, "The party's really over at eleven, but we're having a few people stay later; only the kids of the cool parents" he side mouthed at them behind his hand." You guys can stick around if you want."

"Oh," Elyse started, "my mom won't be here, though."

"Really? That's not what I heard," Billy replied.

Suzie butt in, "What did you hear?"

"Just that both your moms will be coming over later. " He smiled at Elyse, turned his head toward Suzie and grazed her body with his eyes and said, "Who knows, maybe someone will get lucky." He turned and left, leaving Elyse and Suzie standing there staring at each other dumbfounded.

"This is really starting to get weird Suze," Elyse spoke with some hesitation in her voice.

"Uh huh," is all Suzie could say.

"Well you wanna go downstairs and see who's there?" Elyse asked.

"Uh . . . yeah, sure let's go," Suzie managed to stammer out. "But stay close, k?"

"Don't you worry about that," Elyse confirmed gripping her friend's hand tightly as they navigated through the crowd and down another flight of stairs. Suzie got smart and took her shoes off.

They entered through a screened in tent just outside the room's entrance, which was a four- panel sliding- glass door opened to allow the smooth flow of traffic in and out of the home's luxuriously finished basement.

There were less people down here, but they seemed to be an eclectic crowd. Elyse had noticed the same boys and girls hanging at school. Suzie had let one of those boys, a junior, drive her home one day. She remembered the ride and to this day it is the only thing she's ever kept from her best friend. Not because she was ashamed or needed to keep a secret, they shared everything; just that it was something totally new, driven by her natural teenage hormonal imbalance. She hadn't even squared it away with herself yet.

This kid Chet was driving along one of the roads on Suzie's route home one day. Suzie didn't often walk, but on some occasions she did. Sometimes Elyse was in afterschool intramurals.

Or Suzie's mom was held up (usually at Elyse's moms) and couldn't make it in time. Whatever this particular day's excuse was, Suzie thought it was a clever coincidence.

Chet pulled up beside her and drove surreally slow to match her pace. His ride wasn't anything special, just a 2005 Pontiac Solstice; A nice sporty little jobber, with such a deep metallic burgundy color that it was only detectable under certain lights and at a particular angle of view.

"Need a ride?" he asked, flashing an all-American, teenage boy smile.

Now, Suzie knew him from school, so there was no 'don't accept rides from strangers' rule to apply. But she didn't know him, know him. So as far as she knew, he could be the nicest guy in the world or a serial killer. Even with those odds, we don't always make the best choices, do we? Suzie's choice was even surprising to her. She looked both ways, saw that they were totally alone and stepped off the sidewalk and got into his car.

'This is crazy,' she thought.

"Don't be nervous," he said smiling a winning smile, "I'll get you home safe." He slid back onto the road and took off in the direction Suzie was headed. This at least took some of the knot out of her stomach.

"So, I've seen you around school" he began the conversation.

"Yeah, well I guess we kind of run with different crowds, you being a junior and all," Suzie said, stumbling over a couple words, but nothing too overt.

"Yeah, probably. Hey which way to your house?" he asked, coming upon an intersection.

For a second, she didn't know. She was sitting in this smooth little sports car with one of the cutest upper classmen and couldn't for the life of her remember where she lived.

"Uh . . . umm, oh right down there," she said pointing to her road that they came upon without realizing.

He pulled over for a second and parked at the side. He pivoted in his seat and looked at her.

"What?" she asked almost shyly.

"Nothing, you're just really pretty," he glanced around and then leaned toward her and moved a piece of hair hanging down over her face.

"Do you even know my name?" Suzie asked smirking.

"Suzie Williams," Chet smirked back. "How's that? I know your brother, Alex."

"Oh! Really?" she settled more now that there was a connection between them.

As he leaned close, his left hand was busy doing something that Suzie couldn't quite see. He touched his lips to hers and gently pulled her right hand over to him and all of a sudden she froze. What was he doing? In one way she liked it, but also it seemed wrong somehow. She knew that his cock was in her hand. But she didn't pull away. Then she calmed down as he kissed her more and his right hand was slipping under her blouse. She was going to explode. She could feel herself getting wet but she didn't want to let him know in case he got other ideas. Ideas Suzie couldn't even imagine, but thought she might like anyway.

He guided her hand with his until she got the motion down. He put his left hand around the back of her neck and pulled her in for a deeper kiss. Just then, of all the luck, a cruiser came around the corner a block up and slowly idled up the street toward them. Quickly, he pulled her head down below the dashboard and told her to stay there. Her head was hovering around his belly when the cop pulled aside Chet. Trying his hardest to pay total attention and respect to the officer, he waved and made eye contact. He whispered through his teeth and told Suzie to stay down until the coast was clear.

"Problem son?" the officer asked.

"No, had to make a phone call, so I pulled over," Chet said smoothly holding up his cell so the officer could see.

"Good thinking. Say, aren't you Sam Levy's boy? Chad, right?" the officer continued to make small talk.

"Ah . . . Chet," Chet corrected.

Meanwhile, Suzie had little in the way of support and found herself slipping down closer to Chet's erection which was still gripped in her hand. Her mouth was only an inch away. A couple more seconds and it will be sink or swim.

"Yeah, that's it," the officer smiled back. "Well, you tell your dad Officer Petty said hi."

"Will do. Thanks!" Chet said, not really knowing why he thanked the cop.

They waved each other off and Chet whispered to Suzie, "Stay down a little longer. He's not moving away too quickly." This was a lie because the cop was already a block further up the street. Chet strategically repositioned himself and caused his cock to brush against Suzie's mouth. She couldn't move, thinking he was serious about the cop lingering. Slowly, she parted her lips and let him into her mouth. No way could this be an accident.

"He's almost around the corner . . . mmm. Yeah, don't stop. Please," he moaned, brushing her hair with his hand. He slid his hand down and into the back of her pants. Suzie was on her own now and sucking the kid's cock by her own will. Chet's hand stretched down between Suzie's legs and started rubbing her slit. He gently pushed on her hole and Suzie gasped and froze. Chet, feeling her tighten up, brought his finger out and found her clit. That was more like it, Suzie thought. This was hot and she was sucking her first cock in broad daylight.

Without saying anything, Chet held onto the back of her head and braced her. He wasn't heavy handed, just firm. He started making deeper thrusts into her mouth and somehow, Suzie took it. For five more minutes he fucked her mouth and she just kept taking it in. Finally, his hand tightened down on the back of her head and he shoved his cock further in than his already more than adequate size had been. And into her mouth a warm, salty cream shot. There was quite a bit, but she had no choice but to swallow it; his cock was in all the way and partly down her throat. He ejaculated what seemed like a gallon to Suzie and she choked some of it out, but managed to get the lot down.

Chet's hand left her head and he dropped his own back on the seat and continued using his fingers on Suzie's little clit. After a couple minutes she came in shudders, all over his fingers. He pulled them out slowly, pulled her head up with the other hand and placed them in her mouth. She sucked them dry; loving the exotic taste of her own pussy.

Chet slid his cock back in his pants and zipped up. Suzie straightened her hair and he drove her home. She got out, however, once house over from her own. She didn't need her mother seeing this. There was a giant hedge of bushes that blocked the car from view of her house. Suzie leaned back into the car, "Thanks for the ride."

"Thank you!" Chet said. He turned his radio up loud and pulled onto the road and disappeared.

Chapter 2

The girls walked over to a table and poured some punch into a couple plastic cups that were shaped like champagne glasses.

"Careful, that's got rum in it," a low voice came out of nowhere. The girls looked up just in time to see Mr. O'Brien pouring a clear liquid from a bottle into the punch bowl. He eyed them over and whispered, "You girls are old enough, right?"

They both blushed. Billy's dad was very handsome for an old guy. Truth is he's only thirty eight. He stirred the punch with the ladle and poured them both a drink.

"Enjoy, senoritas," he said in an accent Elyse thought was very close to Spanish or Mexican.

Elyse held up her glass to say that they weren't old enough to drink, but Mr. O'Brien had headed off into the crowd.

"Do we drink these?" Elyse asked. But when she turned to her friend, Suzie was already answering that by filling her glass again.

"Seriously? Are you gonna go get squashed on us?" Elyse frowned playfully.

Suzie said, "Come with me." And she led Elyse toward the bathroom which was down a little hall. She knocked and opened the door when no one answered. "Ok, this is how I see it. Our moms are gonna be here later and if we want to have any fun we should go for it now. And no, I'm not gonna get squashed. But, I have a feeling it's not gonna to matter"

"Why?" Elyse asked curiously.

But, before Suzie could answer, they both cocked their heads simultaneously and listened hard. There was music coming from somewhere. Not the music from the party, but another more ambient beat seemingly coming from everywhere.

"What's that?" Elyse asked.

Suzie opened the bathroom door and stepped out into the hall. It extended about another eight feet to the left. From outside the bathroom she could see a soft purplish glow coming out from under door at the end of the hall. She grabbed Elyse's hand and led her down the hall to the door. They listened closely and heard a couple voices. There was a sweet odor, like pine trees that seemed to emanate from the door. All of a sudden, behind them a voice asked, "Can I help you?"

The girls whirled around to see Jack, Billy's older brother standing there with a beer in each hand.

"Ah, we ah," Elyse tried.

"Uh huh, and then what?" Jack chuckled. Suzie thought a smile was on his face, but the hall was too dim to really make out any details.

"We heard the music and wondered who was in there," Suzie said.

"Well, shall we find out?" Jack asked.

"S-sure," Elyse stuttered. She was feeling it now. The rum had kicked in just enough to lower her inhibitions to allow a little danger through.

Jack opened the door and motioned the girls in. The room was only lit by some LED's from the stereo equipment and a black light that had a mirror spinning slowly above it. The mirror's reflectors were almost black themselves which combined, offered the most interesting shadows that whirled around the room. The music playing sounded ok enough, but there were no words; just some lady singing as if she was getting it good. When their eyes adjusted, Elyse could make out two girls and four guys including Jack.

'Interesting,' Elyse thought, 'evened up'

"Entre vu," Jack said with a near-perfect French accent. Of course, Suzie thought, if his father can pull of Mexican, why not one of his kids speaking a romance language.

"Why thank you monsieur," Suzie curtsied, fanning a pretend skirt.

"Guys," Jack spoke to the room, "this is Suzie and Elyse, please give them a warm welcome.

"Hey!" everyone said in unison. The girls laughed, looking at each other with a 'how'd he know who we are?' gape.

"Get comfy," Jack invited. The girls looked around to find the seating somewhat limited. There was a boy sitting on a love seat by himself. Suzie instantly recognized him as Chet and crept through the dimly lit room to join him. Elyse saw that there were two stuffed chairs in the room. One occupied by Jack and the other by a boy she couldn't recognize in the low light. So, it was the bed. The two girls helped her up on the high mattress. They introduced themselves as Trina and Stacy; they were twins.

Jack passed something glowing on over to the boy in the chair to his right. The boy took the object, which by this time Elyse knew exactly what it was, and then it glowed in front of his face bright enough for her to make out details.

"Jimmy?" she asked hesitantly.

"So . . . you made it," not a question; he laughed.

"I guess so," was all she could come up with as the joint made it to her. She placed it between her lips and pulled just a little. The smoke filled her lungs and she wanted to cough it out, but she held it in for another second and blew it out. Well, that makes drinking and smoking weed all in one night, what next? At that moment, she realized what Suzie had originally dragged her into the bathroom for.

The party was a rouse. Just a social get-together organized to hide a better, more secretive gathering; a gathering of some of the most popular kids and parents in the whole town, and then some. Booze, drugs and . . . Elyse doesn't want to think any further. The little she has come to know in her short life, most recently in fact, coupled with tonight's atmosphere has put the last piece of the puzzle in its place. She was now on pins and needles. "I need another drink," she announced to the room.

Suzie looked at her questioningly.

"Come with Suze?" she almost begged but was able to keep the edge out of her voice.

"Leaving so soon?" Chet inquired.

"We'll be right back, promise," Suzie replied, and they headed out the door.

"Now, I understand what you were trying to say," Elyse whispered as they made their way back down the hall toward the party area. There were still people milling about, playing pool and just talking, but Elyse kept hold of Suzie's hand and dragged her over to the punch table. Mr. O'Brien just finished making another batch and the girls filled a couple glasses with the red concoction and stood there sipping and staring about the room.

"See? Something tells me that after everyone leaves, well, everyone who's no one, the ones that are left . . ?" Suzie left off, making her point by holding eye contact with Elyse.

"Yeah. It's just weird though; I mean with our moms showing up, supposedly, and stuff." Elyse motioned Suzie to move over to a couch, now unoccupied, and sat down. "I think there's going to be an orgy or something."

"Well, it's still pretty early yet," Suzie said. "Let's stay until like nine thirty or ten and then find a ride out of here. We'll even walk if we have to. It's only a couple miles back to my house."

"You think we should just leave? If my mom is showing up, she'll want to know where I am," Elyse said.

"I'll call my mom right before we leave and let her know," Suzie said, comforting Elyse.

"Well, shall we?" Elyse said tilting her head in the direction of Jack's room. "I, at least want to try some more of that weed," she whispered.

"Sounds good. Just keep an eye on the time or we could get stuck here. And truthfully Lissey, I don't know if I'm ready for something like this," Suzie moaned.

Chapter 3

"You're back," Jack said with authentic surprise. One of the twins was now sitting in his lap. Elyse wasn't sure, but she thought the girl's shirt was unbuttoned, because Jack's hand seemed to disappear into the front of it.

Suzie returned to the loveseat and sat with Chet. Elyse made it up onto the bed without aid, but Trina took her glass while she made the climb. When Elyse had situated herself, Trina handed her drink back, and before you know it another joint was making its way around the room.

At one point, there was just about zero visibility in the room. A bright orange glow bounced around and the stereo played some trance beat that segued into long notes of what sounded like a violin having a very bad trip.

Trina handed Elyse the joint, but she held up her hand, "Thanks, I've had enough."

"Are you sure?" Trina coaxed. When Elyse confirmed that she was all set, Trina gently patter her leg and left her hand there. Elyse didn't say anything, but, there was a tingling that was undeniable and she thought if the girl moved her hand, she might not be able to stop her. Elyse tried to peer through the cloud of smoke and see if Suzie could see her, but she was unable to make out any distinction of a person at all.

If she had been able to see, then she would have gotten a good look into what the rest of the evening might be like should they get stuck here. Chet was lying lengthwise with Suzie between his legs leaning against his chest. Her pants were unbuttoned and the boy's hand was part way in. Really, there was nothing more than that, but if one could see enough through the fog, one might think otherwise. Suzie had quite a buzz on as she had finished her own drink and was finishing off one of Chet's beers. Elyse had finished of Trina's. They listened to music and talked about everything and nothing for what seemed like all night. Also, they'd had her share of smoke, too, so she was feeling fairly uninhibited. But, the time had ticked along and it was almost 9:45.

The only reason Elyse knew the time was because Trina, regardless of being told 'no thank you' more times than Elyse could recall when the girl kept passing her the joint, had a Day-Glo watch and it was close enough that it was visible. Elyse pulled her cell phone out and texted Suzie; 'time to go'.

Suzie felt the vibration of her phone in her pocket and pulled it out to find that Elyse was letting her know that it was time to beat feet. She cocked her head back and whispered to Chet that they were going out to meet their moms who assuredly had arrived by now. He kissed her and asked, "See you later?"

Suzie replied, "Maybe," knowing it wouldn't be tonight. She had plans and although this was probably the most exciting thing she'd done to date, she couldn't wait to get Elyse home and start their own little party.

The girls made their manners and thanked the host, saying goodbye and making tentative plans for another party this summer; in fact, quite a few. Before hopping off the bed, Trina grabbed Elyse's arm and gave her a hug. She said, "I really liked meeting you two. Maybe we could get together this summer?"

"Sure," Elyse replied, "probably here at one of Jack's parties."

Trina took Elyse's hand and wrote on it so quickly that Elyse didn't have time to protest. She couldn't make it out in the dark, but Trina's next comment made it clear.

"Or, you could call me," she said.

"Ok," Elyse said. She smiled at Trina, who held out her hand and gently squeezed Elyse's. There was a feeling of butterflies in her stomach, like when Suzie kissed her earlier that day.

The girls wound their way through the scattering of people and back up to the deck, for which there were a lot less guests than when they had arrived. Sitting at a table near the edge of the deck were their mothers. They walked over, sat down and greeted them.

"Hey girls!" Berta cried. "What's shakin'?"

"Nothing much," Elyse said, rubbing her eyes.

"You two look tired," Shirley said reaching over to her daughter and dragging her hand gently down Elyse's hair in a motherly fashion.

"I'd say," Berta blurted. "If I didn't know better, I'd think these two have had a couple too many." Berta winked at Shirley and then turned and smiled at the girls.

"Actually, we are kind of tired," Suzie yawned. It was a sincere yawn at that. "Could we get a ride home?"

"Now?" Berta whined. "We just got here. Aren't you gonna visit with your moms?"

"We can stay," Elyse proposed, thinking, 'at least there's oxygen out here', but still holding onto the memory of Trina's hug.

Suzie looked at her as if to say, 'Are you crazy? We had this planned'.

Shirley looked at her daughter and knew she wanted to leave. She grabbed her purse and began to stand up.

"Going so soon?" a male voice interjected. Mr. O'Brien was walking by with an odd looking contraption in his hand. It was a long hose with a spigot of some kind at the end. He was wearing only bathing trunks. Elyse couldn't help but steal a glance. After talking with Suzie at the field day, she found herself honing in on this area of many boys' pants. Mr. O'Brien's swimming shorts were kind of tight and she could just make out the outline of his cock. She glanced away before she was noticed.

"No way!" Shirley protested good-naturedly. "I'm just gonna bring these two home and I'll be right back. Fifteen minutes tops."

"Mom, you don't have to. We'll be fine," Elyse prompted. Now Suzie picked up on her friend's scheme. She was just playing them and they were swallowing it.

"Nonsense," he replied. "I'll get them home. I have to fly over to Ted Stratton's anyways to pick up another tap. This one has seen better days and the natives are getting restless. He jerked a thumb back toward the back of the house."

Shirley put up a weak protest to show that he really didn't have to, but she knew he'd be happy to.

Chapter 4

"It's settled then. Girls? We're taking the truck so squash in," he winked at them and led them off telling the mothers he'd get them home safe and be back before they knew he was gone.

Elyse sat in the middle, but it was very roomy for a pick up. She'd ridden in one before that was smaller and remembered that it had a stick shift. The boy who was driving seemed to have to graze the inside of her leg with his arm every time he shifted; which he seemed to do a lot.

"We're gonna pick up the tap first and then I'll drop you two off at your house," he said looking at Suzie. "This was I can just make a nice loop and not have to get caught up in the one-way streets coming out of your neighborhood. K?"

The girls it was fine and off they drove.

Elyse couldn't help but sneaking peeks at Mr. O'Brien. He was a handsome man and except for a little spare tire he was pretty fit. When she turned her head once she would have sworn she saw he had an erection as the front of his swimming suit seemed to jut up at least six inches. At one point, he moved his hand to adjust himself and, perhaps out of self consciousness, he looked in the direction of the girls. Suzie was staring out the window but he caught Elyse's eye. He didn't make any motion to stop adjusting, but instead moved his hand inside of his shorts and made a bigger than needed show of his adjustment, which allowed Elyse to glimpse the head of his big cock. He just looked at her and smiled, then winked. She smiled back, faintly, but still a smile. Did he do that on purpose? Had he intended for her to actually see his manhood? She would definitely tell Suzie as soon as he got out of the truck.

Will turned the corner onto Ted's street and pulled into his driveway. Only a couple of lights were on in the house but the outside was lit brightly. This was, of course, because the Stratton's were at his house. He jumped out of the truck.

"I'll just be a minute girls. Sit tight," he said.

Both girls nodded their heads. Elyse waited until he was out of earshot and then told Suzie what she had seen.

"I think he was perving on me," she whispered with a hint of excitement in her voice. "As soon as I saw it I started getting wet."

"Wow, sorry I missed it. Maybe you can get him to do it again," Suzie said with a sneaky smile on her face.

"I didn't make him do it the first time," she whispered back a little louder this time.

"Are you sure?" Suzie teased.

Elyse thought about it. After all that she had been experiencing recently, she wasn't sure that she wasn't the cause of his actions. She looked at Suzie and shrugged.

"It's all a little weird, but maybe I did," Elyse smiled, not quite bashfully.

Suzie's hand went to Elyse's and squeezed. "It's alright, we'll be home in a few minutes anyways and then you can forget about it." Cuz when I'm done with you, you won't be able to think of anything else, she thought, not knowing the extent of her own intentions.

Elyse thought, I'm not sure if I can, or want to.

"Ok girls," Will said placing the tap in the bed of the truck. "Onward."

They pulled into Suzie's driveway. Suzie got out followed by Elyse. When Mr. O'Brien got out on his side, the girls looked at each other in wonder. What was he doing?

Catching this little byplay in the glow of the front light and tucking it away for later, he told them, "I just want to make sure you get in safely."

"Thanks," Suzie said, truly grateful. She didn't want to be rude, especially after they were invited to his party and he gave them a ride home.

He walked them up to the door and watched as Suzie unlocked the dead bolt, then opened the door and stepped inside to disarm the alarm system. Elyse followed her in and found that Mr. O'Brien was following her in.

"Well, thank you girls for a pleasant evening," he made a sweeping bow, which made them laugh and less nervous about him following them in. "Perhaps you'll come over this summer and hang by the pool, ok? Someone's usually there. Feel free," he said leaning over and giving them both a peck on the cheek. "Good night." He turned and headed back to the truck, got in and drove off.

Elyse and Suzie watched as he drove out of sight and then giggled uncontrollably, falling into each other's arms.

"I see what you mean," Suzie motioned with her hands, first placing them together then spreading them apart to indicate the size of Mr. O'Brien's member in an exaggerated fashion.

They began to giggle again and then Suzie bolted upstairs. Elyse darted after her and tackled her on her bed. Lying on top of Suzie backside, Elyse pretended to be the victor of some girl's wrestling match holding her hands above her head and making a cheering sound from under her breath that sounded like a sustained letter 'H'. But, Suzie turned quickly, knocking Elyse off balance and pulled her down. She righted herself and sat on Elyse's modest chest.

"I'm too hot," Suzie said and climbed off Elyse. She started taking off her clothes and said, "I'm gonna take a shower, k?"

"Sure, I'm gonna do the same when you're done," Elyse replied.

"Why waste water?" Suzie smiled slyly at Elyse.

"Why Suzie, are you suggesting that we shower together?" Elyse teased back.

Chapter 5

Suzie stepped into the bathroom and took off the remainder of her clothes, which by this time were only her panties. She stood behind the door and spun them around on her finger and then disappeared totally.

Elyse was getting tingly feelings all over her body now. She knew what was coming. Or at least sensed she knew a good deal of what could happen. But since neither of them had ever done anything like this before, there was no use in trying guess. This was a strictly, go with the flow deal. So, she undressed and stepped into the bathroom. There stood Suzie in all her glory, adjusting the water.

Suzie peered back over her shoulder at Elyse and gasped.

"What?" Elyse asked excitedly.

"You. Are. Beautiful. I mean perfect. Uhhh!," Suzie moaned, "I just want to . . . ah . . . let's shower."

They got in and Elyse grabbed the face cloth and lathered it up. She was about to start washing her own body when she looked at Suzie and thought better of it. She placed the cloth on Suzie's cheek and gently washed her face. Suzie's nipples were erect and when Elyse looked down she saw that her own were as well. Being about the same height, she moved in and brushed one of her nipples against Suzie's. Electricity filled her entire body and when she looked at Suzie again she could see the same was happening to her. Only, Suzie's eyes were closed and she was moaning softly. Elyse dropped the cloth and lathered her hands up and continued washing her friend's body. When she got to her shoulders, Elyse took Suzie's arm and held it out toward her own body so Suzie's hand was just touching her stomach. The electricity flowed right into Elyse. Suzie was gazing raptly into Elyse's eyes. Here she was her friend, showering and Elyse was driving her mad with ecstasy. Although, so far she'd not known ecstasy, she thought this was it. Suzie reached for the soap with her other hand, drew the hand Elyse was holding back and lathered up to wash her friend. No way was she experiencing this alone, especially the first time. So, the girls cleaned each other from head to toe, investigating along the way, areas that were foreign to them but growing more familiar by the moment. They took time to wash each other's breasts and when Suzie leaned in and sucked on one of Elyse's nipples, Elyse couldn't stand it and swore she had an orgasm right there. Her whole body shuddered. Suzie asked if she was alright. Elyse said she was and told her friend not to stop and concentrating on doing to her friend what she had done to her. When Elyse sucked on Suzie's nipple, Suzie also had an orgasm. Their foreplay was going to wear them out before they actually made love. Elyse sucked slowly and gently at first. Then she guided her hand down to Suzie's bare pussy and began rubbing. Suzie stifled a cry but still couldn't stop a soft moan from escaping her mouth. She placed her mouth in the nook of Elyse's neck and bit gently. Elyse slipped a finger between Suzie's pussy lips and stroked gently at her little nub of a clit. Suzie immediately squeezed her thighs together and held onto Elyse for purchase.

Ok, let's get out of here," Suzie whispered into Elyse's ear, which set Elyse off into another tingly fit. "We need to be comfortable. I have a feeling this will be better when we can move without fear of slipping in the tub."

Elyse gave one more swipe of her finger to Suzie's pussy. This time in a downward motion and pressed against her little virgin hole. Suzie knees nearly buckled and she placed both her hands on Elyse's shoulders and stared her in the eye. "Ok, no more of that in here, or one of us is gonna have to call 9-1-1."

"Sorry, I can't help it. I want you so bad, and I'm not even sure I know what that means," Elyse cried, holding her hands together in front of her.

"No worries. Let's just get dried off and into bed," Suzie said turning the water off and stepping out of the shower. Elyse held her hand out and Suzie helped her out. They toweled each other off and went and lay down on Suzie's bed. Elyse felt for Suzie's hand and intertwined her fingers in her friend's. Lying there with their bodies touching was one of the nicest feelings that the girls thought they'd ever felt.

Chapter 6

Suzie turned and took Elyse's head in her hand and turned it slightly so she could look at her. She leaned over and kissed her gently on the mouth. Elyse welcomed her friend's mouth on her own and returned the kiss with a passion she didn't know she had in her, being as inexperienced as she was. She slid her tongue into Suzie's mouth and let it glide over Suzie's.

Soft moans of pleasure emanated from both girls as their hands explored and found those spots on each other's bodies that lead to new levels of pleasure once they're discovered.

Suzie's hand had reached Elyse's wet pussy. She slid her finger into her slit gently rubbed Elyse's clit. Elyse was exploding with sensations that she thought defied description. Elyse did the same for Suzie and soon the two of them were squirming and lusting for things they'd never thought of. They worked each other's clits until they both climaxed, Suzie just after Elyse. They collapsed in a heap and lie there with expressions of total satisfaction on their faces.

"That was amazing!" Suzie exclaimed. "I want to try it differently next time though."

Elyse looked at her, a little confused. Suzie couldn't tell if it was because Elyse didn't realize that this wouldn't be the only time or what could they possibly do differently.

Seeing this look on her friend's face, Elyse asked, "What?"

"Nothing, I was just trying to read you," Suzie explained. "You do want to do it again, don't you?"

"Oh yes!" Elyse exclaimed. "More than anything. But what could we do . . . ?" She stopped mid-sentence. "Ok, I get it. I guess that last orgasm scrambled my brains. You're talking about using our mouths on each other, right?"

Suzie nodded, "Do you want to try it?"

Elyse wasn't sure, but her lust for her friend was so strong that it denied her any inhibitions Sshe might have.

Suzie looked at Elyse seriously. "Ok, I have to tell you about something. Promise you won't be mad."

Elyse was bewildered. "Ok . . ." she said hesitantly. "Spill."

"One day I got a ride home from Chet. You know the boy I was sitting with at the party?"

Elyse nodded that she did. "I wondered why you went to him like that. I figured you must've known him from somewhere."

"Well, on the ride home we pulled over and he was all like 'you're so pretty' and the next thing you know . . ." Suzie stopped, not sure how to proceed.

"What?" Elyse prodded her.

"Well, it was kinda weird," Suzie went on. "One second we were kissing and then the next thing you know a cop was coming so he had me put my head down so I wouldn't be seen. And he had his cock out. While he talked with the cop I was helpless to do anything and the next thing you know it was in my mouth."

Elyse covered her mouth with both hands stifling a gasp. "Are you kidding?"

"No! And what's more they were jabbing away for like ten minutes and then Chet says, 'Stay down, he's not moving so fast' or something like that. So I just continue sucking it . . ."

Elyse interrupted, "So you were sucking his cock right there with a policeman just a few feet away? I mean, when did you ever learn to do that anyway?"

"Yes, right there. And I didn't. I mean, I never had before, but it felt so good in my mouth and . . ." she blushed.

Elyse stared at her friend in fascination. "And?" she pressed.

"So then he tells me to stay down, but he doesn't stop, you know, pushing into my mouth," Suzie continued, "I mean, it wasn't any small thing either. I guess I have nothing to compare it with, but it was pretty big for my little mouth. Next thing I know he's cumming in my mouth. It was all I could do to keep up with what was gushing out."

"You let him cum in your mouth?" Elyse asked, shocked.

"Yeah, I guess I did," Suzie explained. "It didn't taste bad. A little salty maybe, but when I was done swallowing it, I wanted more!" she said, her eyes widening.

"Mmmm, I'm getting wet just hearing you talk about it," Elyse sighed. "But, that isn't all is it? I mean, you didn't fuck him right?"

"Noooo!" Elyse confirmed. "While I was sucking him and the cop was out of sight, he had his hand down the back of my pants. I don't even know how he managed it, but he was rubbing my pussy from behind and I was soaking through, I'm sure. When he was done, he put his fingers in my mouth and had me suck them dry."

Elyse's eyes were as wide as Suzie's now. "And that's when you had your first taste of it; your own?" "Yes and no," Suzie confessed. "When I touch myself, sometimes I lick my fingers. But it was different somehow when he did it. I can't explain it."

The girls had talked before about exploring their own bodies. They knew that they got wet when touching their own pussies which they'd been doing seriously for a couple years now.

"So, I guess what you're saying is that pussy tastes good?" Elyse asked.

Suzie got up on her knees and straddled over Elyse's chest positioning herself right in front of her face with her little buns barely touching her friend's tits.

"Wanna find out?" Suzie asked hopefully. Inching closer to her friend's mouth she stuck a finger in her own pussy and held the wet digit in front of Elyse. Elyse tentatively licked the end of Suzie's finger, and then took it into her mouth wanting more. Suzie surprised Elyse by reaching back and dipping her finger in her friend's honey pot and then her own as well again and had her try them both. Elyse sucked the fingers enthusiastically wanting more.

"Mmmm . . . I want more of that," she cried.

"Here," Suzie said hovering her little slit over Elyse mouth, "this way you can have as much as you want."

"What should I do?" Elyse asked.

"Just put your tongue in my slit and lick my clit," Suzie instructed.

Suzie pulled her little lips apart and exposed the tiny nub. Elyse licked at it gently and couldn't believe the overwhelming taste coming from her friend's pussy. She began licking more earnestly now. Suzie had leaned back a little more to give Elyse better access. In the process she nudged forward a little and the next thing she knew, Elyse's tongue was licking her ass. Elyse didn't seem to have any objections and this drove Suzie wild. She started grinding her pink rosebud into Elyse's mouth and something happened that caused her to cum again.

Elyse had slipped her tongue in. A little bit at first but then after a couple more thrusts of Suzie's hips, she had nearly her whole tongue up in there; darting it in and out. Elyse flipped Suzie onto her back and straddled her this time; only with her ass to Suzie's face. She bent over and plunged her tongue into Suzie's slit. Suzie was staring into both Elyse's holes. She didn't know which to go for first and supposed it didn't matter since she'd be getting to them both eventually. Then she had an idea, and hopefully Elyse would be ok with it.

She pulled a pillow up behind her head and grabbed Elyse's ass with both hands. She drove her tongue into her friend's slit and started working magic on her clit. Slowly, Suzie started pulling Elyse's ass cheeks apart and licking up from her clit and then tonguing her ass. She drew her tongue back into Elyse's pussy and then with slight pressure started darting into her vagina. Elyse gasped a little then relaxed. Suzie then took the honey sweet nectar from her lover's pussy and started moving it to her ass hole with her tongue. While doing this, she started poking her index finger at the little rosebud and slowly worked it in up to the first knuckle. Elyse moaned. She pulled her head up and jammed her ass closer to Suzie and begged for more of her finger.

"You like that?" Suzie smiled.

"Oh, yes. I want that whole finger up my ass!" Elyse exclaimed.

Suzie did as her friend asked, and while licking her pussy, she managed to get her entire finger in her ass. Slowly, she pulled it almost all the way out then pushed it back in. After a couple minutes Elyse got a rhythm and started moving her ass to fuck the finger. She bent back down and began licking Suzie's pussy with an eagerness only of which comes from tasting the best things. Elyse reached around and grabbed Suzie's ass and pulled her a little closer to her mouth. It wasn't perfect, but she managed to take Suzie's honey and apply it to her ass hole and slip a finger in her as well. The two girls just licked and fucked each other's asses until they came together in shuddering orgasms.

The girls collapsed beside each other and lay there for a long time. Suzie looked over and saw that it was 2:30 in the morning! "Wow!" she exclaimed. "We've been at it for hours. My pussy's a little sore."

"Me too," Elyse agreed.

Holding hands, they lied like that until they fell asleep.

Chapter 7

Around 6:30 that morning, their moms came home. Although, they weren't exactly quiet coming in; not many who drink like that do, they managed not to wake the girls. Creeping up the stairs with animated slowness, giggling all the way, they peeked in on the girls and Shirley's arm crept around Berta's trim waist and squeezed gently.

"Oh my," she whispered through Berta's soft hair."

"I know," Berta whispered back.

The two of them had front row seats to two beautiful young naked teenage girls. With the morning sun just glowing on the horizon, they saw their daughter's glistening bare pussies stretched out before them and it was all they could do to keep still.

"I've got to get a closer look," Shirley said and crept into the room. Berta followed quietly behind and started taking off her shirt instinctively. Not because she'd done anything like this before, but because when sex was imminent, Berta instinctively took her clothes off.

"Me too!" Berta whispered back, only a little louder this time and the girls moved in their slumber. The mothers stopped in their tracks. Shirley looked back at Berta placing one finger up to her lips, just barely missing them altogether in her stupor, and saw that her friend was already naked.

Shirley took her own clothes off quickly and quietly and then felt Berta's hand on her. She gave out a little gasp and her mouth was covered by Berta's.

"Shhh, yourself honey," Berta whispered hoarsely.

The girls stir again but are still fast asleep. They reposition themselves and to the mother's combined surprise, open their legs even farther apart. Berta reaches out hesitantly toward Elyse and then looks at Shirley almost embarrassed.

"I'm sorry honey, it's just that Lissey looks so beautiful there I just want to . . ." Berta pauses. "I just can't help it."

Shirley looks at her and smiles. "I know," she says to comfort her friend. "I'm sure Lissey will be fine with it. Go ahead, cuz you know I'm gonna eat your little Suzie up, don't you?"

Berta hugs her friend and starts to reach out again. She places her hand gently on Elyse's head and strokes her hair.

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god this is hot espesh with the moms joining in in the end please let there be more to this story ??
top job so far well done.


I soo loved the chapters with Elyse and Susie!!!!!

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