Published: 3-Jul-2012
Word Count:
Hey, my name is Sim and I suppose I should give you the quick bio background. So as I said, my name is Kyo Simmons, but as you might have guessed my friends call me Sim. I'm Eleven now, but I started working at age eight. It wasn't by choice mind you, but I'll never look back. You see, we were all orphans from various orphanages from all over the world and we were all adopted by one man and taken to his house in New York City in the USA. I don't remember much back then, but I remember that we all realised where we were at the same time. We had been taken to a super-secret boy brothel. The strangest thing of all at the time was that all the kids were really slutty and by slutty I mean more than just wearing pink half tops, I mean they were actually doing things like kissing with tongues or walking about with their hands in another boy's shorts. Some boys didn't even wear clothes, it really was eye opening.
We soon learned that we had all been adopted because of our homosexuality, but we were going to take a final test they said. As it happens they hypnotised us all to be extremely slutty. Before I was hypnotised I was turned on but slightly disgusted that he thought we would be like them. After our hypnotising, I was amazed that I could ever be considered normal and that all I wanted to do was worship cock.
One we had been turned into normal sluts we had to be steered into our proper 'careers'. I had a Eurasian background with soft delicate features. I found myself having a love of cock as well as dressing up. I found that I could pass myself of just as easily as a school girl as I could a snotty punk brat. Naturally all this was focussed around sex, so if a client wanted to bang a Lolita dick girl, I would be that girl, or if he wanted to punish a little shoplifter, I would comply. My personal favourite was the schoolgirl; I loved to walk around with no panties on knowing that my dick and asshole were completely exposed under my skirt.
By the time I was ten I had taken more cocks in both holes than a two dollar whore in her whole career. Mainly because for a whore she did it for the money, but me, I did it for the pleasure of cock. When I'm not servicing a client, I'm sitting on one of other boy's cocks or shoving a rubber one up my ass. Even for the guys that have been there for years longer than me, they say I'm the best slut there, which I'm really proud of. I work hard at my job and I'm trusted too. Roger the Master, as we call him, trusts me so much he lets me go out into the streets of the city to service some of the more risqué clients who pay top-dollar for shoots that could potentially ruin the business.
This is where I find myself now. Sat on a crowded bus dressed up in my little girl outfit with a tartan pleated skirt that drops to my knees and a white blouse. I look much younger than my age so I can actually get away with sitting on my clients lap. My 'papa' today is a forty something regular who likes to be naughty in public, so I'm sat here with his cock up my ass with this old woman next to us who keeps smiling at me. My skirt is the only thing that prevents her from seeing the guy's fat cock pushing the vibrating love eggs deeper into me. My cock is hard, but the pleats in the skirt hide my arousal, or the woman would have guessed who it was.
'Papa' grunts and tries to disguise is as a coughing fit as he pumps his load into me. He shot more quickly than normal today; he must have been really turned on. The downside to this is that we still had a fair few blocks to go. By the time we arrived in Midtown he had came another two times into me and I knew that this guy wasn't a light squirter. This guy could fill a cup with one load and I was carrying three of them in me that was only held in by his dick. The cum had to come out at some time, and no doubt it would be when his dick left my butt. His dick had been in me for well over half an hour now and it was still hard. When he pulls it out it would take a few seconds to close, which was more than enough time for it to start pouring out.
Our stop arrived and we had to bail. Luckily the woman next to us had got out a few stops earlier so we had a quick run to the door. Quickly 'Papa' pulled his dick out and tucked it inside his sweatpants and I got up and quickly hopped off the bus looking for the best place to hide and clean up. We were directly outside Grand Central Terminal. The nearest bathroom was inside the station itself. At least it was darker inside there.
I felt 'Papa' pushing me inside the Station doors are I felt a spreading warmth descend over my thighs as I walked through the masses of people. I could feel my ass cheeks sliding as my hole could offer no resistance as gravity tried to empty my rectum of 'Papa's' seed. By the time I got to the bottom of the ramp into the station I could feel my socks getting wet and I knew that the cum was now all down my naked legs and into my shoes. All someone had to do was look down and see that something was amiss. Fortunately for now, people seemed to be too bothered with getting from A to B to be bothered about a cum soaked boy in girls' clothing.
I looked about for 'Papa' but he was nowhere to be seen. I guess he thought he would bale since he had already had his monies worth from me. I was on my own now.
I had to get to the bathrooms, but I knew if I ran I would draw attention to myself so I walked as casually as I could with cum all down my legs until I found the bathroom and I darted inside it and straight into an open cubicle. I was safe!
I wasn't safe. As soon as I realised there was no toilet paper the bathroom door opened and in walked three men. I had walked into the men's and I was in my girls outfit... what a stupid mistake!
My misfortune didn't stop there though as the three guys were up to no good. They might have even seen me come in, which was more likely as they locked the bathroom door behind them.
"Little girl, where are you?" A gruff echoed in the tiled room.
I heard stall doors being booted open. I realised I hadn't locked my stall just as one of the guys boots booted it open.
"There she is, the little pretty."
This was going to go one of two ways. I would get fucked and I would enjoy it, or they would actually beat me to near death, and then fuck me.
A hairy hand dragged me out of the stall while the other hand reached around and groped my ass under my skirt.
"Holy shit guys, she's not wearing any underwear, and she's a real slut!" He bellowed then he realised that his hand also had was covered in man cum. "Shit!" He said in disgust as he looked at his hand. "The little slut's covered in cum."
He pushed me to the ground and lifted up my skirt to show the other man. "Look at the cum all down her legs."
"Um guys" The middle sized guy said. He was shorter than the hairy guy but he was so muscly he had muscles on his muscles. He pointed down at me. "I see balls."
Both guys went 'Woah' and stepped back from me like I was some sort of leper. The third guy a tall lanky guy with no hair just laughed and said, "Well cunt is cunt. We thought she was cute before, just because she's a boy doesn't make her not cute."
"But it's a faggot, covered in cum!" Hairy guy exclaimed.
"A sexy hole is a sexy hole, even if we're not first, I'm going to tap it!" He pulled out a long dick and slid it into my ass and started to slam-fuck me.
The larger hairy guy swore and got his own cock out and stepped over to my front. I knew what he wanted and swallowed his seven-incher easily. It was the muscly guy that got me worried. He pulled out the biggest cock I had ever seen. It wasn't long, only about eight inches, but it was wider than my both my wrist's together and easily the thickest cock I had ever seen and I had seen a lot.
With tall guy hammering my ass it was pushing me deeper onto the hairy guy whose cock was deep down my throat forcing my face into his course wiry pubes that tickled my nose. The muscle man was slowly jerking himself off and wiping the precum over my clothes leaving trails behind that looked like I had been attacked by a swarm of wandering slugs.
The muscly man was close to cumming and he ordered me to face him with my tongue out and he pumped his load all over my face and tongue. Some of it even missed my face and splattered into my hair. This sent the tall guy over the edge and I felt him pumping his seed into my ass to mix with some of 'Papa's cum that hadn't yet soaked my legs and socks.
As the tall guy pulled out I saw the muscly guy step around and I knew this was going to hurt. I gritted my teeth, grateful that the hairy guy had taken his cock out as I felt the behemoth cock force its way into my rear entrance into a hole that was not ready for it. I felt pain and stars before my eyes. The guy never stopped, he continued to push his cock into me and I thought I would pass out from the pain.
A few minutes into the fucking the pain started to die away and it started to feel pretty good. I felt him sliding in and out of my ass pressing hard against my prostate on each thrust in. I think I even had an orgasm or two myself, but the feeling was lost in the unbelievable pleasure I was feeling in my stretched ass.
After a few more minutes of fucking I felt him speed up and start hammering into me before he gave one final painful thrust and buried his cock up to the hilt and unloaded his balls into me. This must have set of the others too as they had also been jerking off and came for a second time. This time they came over my clothed body, leaving streaks of cum over my skirt and blouse.
The muscly guy pulled out of my ass and gave it a few hard slaps.
"Holy shit, look at his kids ass hang open." The muscly guy said looking at my ruined ass.
The tall guy laughed and commented, "I bet I could get my hand in there."
I think I objected, but I can't remember as the next thing I knew he had rammed his hand inside me. It didn't hurt, the muscly guy's barrel dick had opened me enough, but the sensation of being suddenly filled like that was indescribable. It felt like his hand was going to grab my lungs and pull them out through my ass, but I loved it, it was like the ultimate cock inside me and it flexed and pulsed as me moved his arm around inside me.
I was almost disappointed when he pulled his arm out with a squelch. He presented my face with his arm and I knew immediately what he wanted. No man was going to walk out of a public bathroom with a hand covered in cum.
I started to lick the hand clean of mens cum and my own blood. There was no shit on his arm as I always clean myself inside and out before leaving for a client. I was grateful for that, I wasn't into scat in any way. The blood was a bit icky, but it was mine so I could deal with that, and cum, well it was cum. I had eaten enough of the stuff to be immune to its 'ew' factor.
The men, now cleaned up, unlocked the bathroom door and left leaving me in a cummy mess on the floor. I lay there a moment as my tired mind came to and I suddenly realised that the public bathroom was now unlocked.
I hear the outer door open and I summoned the last bit of energy and jumped back into a cubicle and sat down on the toilet lid as people entered the bathroom to use its facilities. I realised my mistake as the cum all over my ass immediately transferred itself onto the back of my skirt. I silently cursed as I reached around to pull the skirt back so I could sit my naked ass into the toilet lid. As I sat my ass onto the toilet lid I realised that I was leaking so much cum that it was quite slippery. Another thing that jumped to my attention was that my ass lips were touching the seat. Normally they would be nestling inside my crack. I reached down and found that my swollen ass lips were large and puffy and highly sensitive. I found myself getting hard and I jerked myself off with one hand while I played with my puffy ass with my other hand.
My whole body shook with orgasm and I felt myself shoot a liquid onto my own hand. I looked down at my first ejaculation and smiled at the clear liquid. I brought it up to my lips and licked the sweet juice from my hand. I was glad that I had this moment to share with myself. First cum back at the home would be celebrated and everyone would dote over you.
Actually cumming for the first time felt like I had had twelve normal dry orgasms in one go, which was fine with me, but I was suddenly overcome with tiredness. Now I realised why some men took a nap after coming, it makes you sleepy. I decided to close my eyes for a few minutes to enjoy the tranquil feeling.
I opened my eyes and it was dark. It wasn't supposed to be dark. I didn't even have a watch or a phone on me so I had no idea what time it was. All I knew was that I had better get home quick and it was a long walk.
I left the bathroom and slinked along the walkways. It was gloomy and quiet, but the station was open twenty-four hours so I knew that meeting someone was a distinct possibility. I only had the cover of gloominess to they didn't see the state of my clothes. I'm pretty sure I had more cum on me than clothing.
I finally managed to get outside and there was still a fair few people out there. Walking now was the wrong thing to do. A little girl out late at night was one thing, but a little boy dressed as a girl covered in cum was one for the police. So I ran, all the way back to the lower east side of Manhattan.
By the time I finally arrived at home I was breathing hard. I was literally squelching as I took steps. The amount of cum in my girly shoes must have been horrendous, not to mention he state of my legs that were shiny and gooey.
I pressed walked down the basement steps and pushed the sixteen digit code into the steel door and it clicked open. I stepped inside and pushed the door closed behind me. I was finally safe.
Relieved that I was finally in the safety of the brothel residences I kicked off my shoes and my socks which landed on the floor in a 'splot'.
"Oh Sim!" Josh said, one of the older boys who actually had hair down there. "You realise you are the last one back tonight!"
I suddenly realised the tradition we had. There was a special treat for the boy who got home last. I sighed and followed the boy into the main room where all the other boys were gathered as well as some of the adult handlers. Nearly all the boys were cuddling up to their companions. Evie was my companion, his real name is Evan, but to me he looked more like an Evie. It was Evie who was holding the beaker of white goo.
It's been a long standing tradition that the every boy jerks off into the beaker. If the boy has any cum inside him to, that cum is also expelled into the beaker too. In this case, it had been a busy day's work and the beaker had a litre of cum in it. I knew the routine and I dropped my skirt and Evie took the jar around to my ass. I didn't think he'd get much cum from my ass as it was all drying on my legs. He managed to get a bit more out of my ass after being amazed at how much I'd been used and stretched.
Then the chanting began. "Drink, drink, drink." So I did. I took the beaker to my lips and let the warmed mixture of various boys and men's cum dribble down my throat with a smile on my lips. I wasn't about to go down defeated though. Evie had given me the beaker so I held the last mouthful in my mouth and I stepped up onto my tiptoes and kissed him deeply. He was surprised when I passed the mouthful of cum over to him, but he took it like the horny thirteen-year-old he was.
"He may be the last one home, buy Sim got us three new clients today." Roger's voice pierced the room. He doesn't often come down to see his boys, unless he wants one for his bed.
"How..?" I began to ask.
"They bumped into 'Papa' and he told them where to acquire you for further use. I see from the wear you took, that one of them isn't small."
I nodded in agreement.
"Fine then, all three have booked you for next Wednesday. You have two days' rest, starting tomorrow." He said and winked at me. He was in a playful mood. "First though, I want to see what sloppy boycunt feels like."
I ran up to him wearing just my girls blouse and hugged him. He reeled back a bit when he either saw the state I was in or the smell of cum on me, but then he returned the hug. It was going to be a fun night.
The End
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