Published: 22-Jun-2012
Word Count:
The video screen flickered into life and on the screen was a head and shoulders view of a teenager. It was difficult to tell the age of the teen by looks alone. His skin alone was smooth and plump which seems more at home on a prepubescent boy than a teenager that that should already be well into puberty. The boy's jawline was defined and masculine indicating that the boy might be older than his skin defines. His green eyes twinkled under the studio light and his hair was neatly combed into a wavy style that fall down over his ears ad barely grazed his shoulders before ending in a little curl.
"Good morning, could you introduce yourself please?" He wore a sensual smile as if he was greeting a familiar friend as the voice addressed him.
"Of course," The boy said as he blinked slowly at the camera. "My name is Danny and I'm a senior boy here at The Mansion."
"Thank you Danny, what is it that you do at The Mansion?"
"I'm the service coordinator for the boys in The Mansion." Danny replied.
"Service Coordinator?" The voice said surprised. "What does that involve?"
"Well," Danny continued, "It's kind of like Room Service, but it's not limited to the rooms. Essentially, when a guest needs the services of a boy and there isn't one about he calls down to me with the request and I send one to him depending on what he would like. Sometimes the requests can be strange and sometimes they can be pretty simple."
"So what kind of services does the boy provide?"
"Any really, it's usually sex in some related form, but sometimes they will ask for food or household job to be done."
"And what sort of sex can the guest ask for?"
"Uhh," Danny paused and thought about what they do. "It depends on what zone they are in. On the ground floor there are a couple of rooms like the main dining hall and the Common room that only permit standard sex, but the second floor and most of the basement is open to anything."
"That sounds pretty hot, what do you classify as standard sex?"
"Oh, it's just the basic penetration of a penis into the anus or mouth. As an example you have the Dining room. As the guest is sitting down he wants to be eating his dinner and not concentrating on some of the more demanding sex. Comfort is the main factor here, so he might like to be sucked off under the table or perhaps have a boy bouncing on his cock while he waits for his dinner to go down. Nothing strenuous in these rooms." Danny smiled and shifted his weight.
"That sounds pretty exciting." The voice chuckled as he replied off camera. "So if being sucked off while eating your dinner is classed as tame and casual, what's on the second floor and basement?"
"The basement, which is where we are now, has the studio's which is where we make the porn movies, so the sex can vary there depending on the requirements. We also have lots of store rooms which sex is forbidden in for obvious reasons as well as the Editing suite. But the rest of the basement is set aside for various sex practices. We have a number of Orgy rooms where a group of men or a group of boys can gather for group sex and we also have what we call the Fuck Room. This is a customisable room that can be set up to train a boy in various practices. The entire floor of this room is like those martial arts padded floors so the man and boys can experiment a bit in safety."
Danny laughed and flicked some of his hair out of his eyes. "Yeah, but my favourite room has to be the dark room. Inside it is pitch black and anyone that goes inside is fair game, even the adults. The basic idea behind it is that you don't know who is fucking you at any time. It might be your best mate, or it might be a ninety year old visitor. The only way you can tell is to feel them up, since talking in there is banned. Not that it matters though as boys are not allowed to decline a sexual approach by man or boy."
"So boys can have sex with other boys?"
"Oh yes, we are encouraged to experiment with each other when in the Boys Zone. The only exception is if we are asleep or on duty, or we have an exemption band on that is given by staff. This is usually in case of doctors' orders." Danny shifted his weight again.
"That makes sense, so what is the strangest thing you have been asked to do?"
Danny bit his bottom lip and looked upwards in thought. "Hm, well there have been many strange requests. I suppose the strangest for me was the Anal Dilator which they put up your bottom for a couple of days to try and stretch you a bit more. The problem is that its hollow and it holds your bum open so you have no bowel control. You have to really listen to your body when it tells you that you need to go poop, as if you mistime it the poop just drops out onto the floor. It has happened a few times to me and you never really get used to it."
"Really, anal dilation, that's pretty advanced?" The voice sounded astonished. "How much do they stretch the boys?"
"Most of the boys are slowly stretched so they can take some of the larger cocks, but they do it slowly so they can still clench with their muscles. Some boys are kept small and tight, as that's what some men like. A couple of the boys are called wide-boys, like myself and are pushed to the extreme and are only limited by what their bodies can physically do. I can open up nearly four inches, but I can't go any further as I have narrow hips."
"That sounds hot; can I see your bum?"
"Sure!" Danny said as the camera panned down to a hairless set of balls a hard five inch cock. He pulled his feet up onto the sofa so he was squatting and he flexed his knees, lifting himself up off a three inch wide dildo that was stuck up six inches inside him. He pulled the dildo away off to one side and leaned back showing the camera his hole.
His ass was sloppy and cavernous. It hung open a good two inches diameter.
"Oh, wow, you really are loose. Does it stay open like that?"
"No." Danny's voice said off camera as the gaping hole twitched on the screen. "When it's not had anything in it for a while it closes up a bit."
"But surely poop must leak out with such a stretched hole."
"Not really." Danny said. "It's much like a normal muscle that has been worked out a lot. It's strong and can flex a lot, but its main purpose is to clench, which it can still do when it's not in its current relaxed state for insertion."
"Ah, I see. It looks like I could put my hand in there, can I try?"
"Go for it." Danny's hands came down and pulled his bum cheeks open a bit to give the man better access. Off camera a hairy hand reached forward and pushed its way into the loose hole right up to the wrist.
"That was easy, I was expecting some resistance."
"I can open to four inches, so one hand is easy when I'm opened up like this. I can take two hands when fully opened. It's difficult though."
The hand pulled out and Danny slid the dildo back into his ass as he assumed his previous seated position on the sofa with the dildo firmly back inside him.
"So you've been double fisted and stretched, what else do you get up to?"
"There is some BDSM where we would get strung up for sessions. We can get whipped and restrained depending on the fetish of the guest." Danny said smiling at the camera again. "It's all controlled though, so boys aren't harmed. I think the worst accident was a dislocated shoulder, which they fixed and gave the boy a few weeks rest."
"Ouch, how often does a boy get hurt like that?
"Oh very rarely, we have an infirmary on site for things like that. Normally the infirmary just does the check-ups to make sure a boy isn't being overused. Sometimes a boy will be declared unfit for whatever. For example, unfit for anal would be UFA and unfit for Oral sex would be UFO. UFS means unfit for sex and they are put up for rest."
"So a boy classed as UFA would still be able to do other things, just not anal sex?"
"Yeah, like if his bum was too sore from too much sex and he can still give oral or other types of sex that do not include the bum. Although, if he is ill he will be classed as UFS, even if his mouth is fine for sex, we don't want the boy to associate sex with bad feelings."
"That's very considerate. So all boys enjoy it?"
Danny nodded indecisively. "Yeah, generally yes." He said. "All the boys love getting their asses and dicks played with, who wouldn't. All of the boys are used to the taste of men and boys so no one fear a wad of cum landing in their mouth, but I think what most boys fear to some extent is BDSM. You never knew what the guest will want to do to you when you go in there."
"Well at least they will know the chances of getting seriously hurt are slim."
"Yeah, pain is expected though, as that's the nature of BDSM and all boys are trained so some degree in all forms of sex."
"So you have training in sex too?"
"Oh yes. We have classrooms and teachers." Danny nodded as he spoke. "We have six sex classrooms. I think they are..." He counted on his fingers silently while he tried to recall them. "Fisting, Anal, Oral, Extreme, BDSM and Cum classrooms."
"Fisting and BDSM aren't classed as extreme?"
"No, while they are pretty extreme they aren't out of the ordinary in The Mansion."
"So what is classed as Extreme?"
"Water sports and scat are prime examples. You have to be really careful with scat as sometimes boys can get ill if they get it in their mouth."
"People find that sexual?"
Danny laughed, "Yeah, some guys do."
"That's revolting." The voice laughed at the absurdity.
"You should see the video 'two boy's one cup'." Danny chuckled, remembering the event. "My friend was in it and he said he had never tasted anything so bad. He had to pretend to the camera that it was yummy. You have to be careful you don't swallow the shit though as it can make your tummy really bad sometimes."
"I'll give that a miss." The voice seemed weak and repulsed by the idea of eating someone's shit. "What about regular schooling? You sound well educated for someone who has sex all day."
"Oh yeah we have a classroom up on the second floor where we get taught regular lessons for a few hours a day. We do basic Math, English, Science and Humanities as well as physical activities like Yoga and martial arts to keep us limber. We sometimes go outside into the valley and hike in the mountains. Only when it's warm though as we never use clothes, ever."
"You walk about naked all the time? What about winter?"
"We have no clothes at all. We are warm enough inside, unless we have to run across the gardens to the guest block. I've had to do that in the snow a few times which is really cold for a few seconds until you reach the doors. There is an elevator in the basement which you can use that connects through the basement underground. However it's sometimes in use so you have to use the over ground method."
"Ok well, we're nearing the end of our time for this interview; I have just a few more questions for you." The voice said.
"Sure, ask away."
"What age where you when you came to The Mansion, and when did you start your sex training?" He asked.
"Oh heck, I'm not sure." Danny pondered. "I wasn't born here, but I was pretty young, about four or five I think. The official sex training started at the same time as I arrived here. However I do know that the guys at the birthing centre really do like them young, so I wouldn't be surprised if I was sucking on a cock or being fed cum as a baby but I can't remember that far back."
"Ok, so you've been here..?"
"Ten or eleven years, I'm fifteen now and I only have a year left before I have to decide my fate."
"What choice to they give you?"
"There are two, although really only one as I don't know anyone who has chosen number two. The first one is you join the organisation and you get to go into the members are where as a boy you couldn't go. You are classed as an adult at sixteen and you get to fuck the boys. You can finally say no to being fucked then. The second option is to be chemically wiped, which is all memory of your time at The Mansion is gone. Someone like me would have their entire memory wiped and tossed out into some random street where I wouldn't know who I was. This is also the punishment if you are a threat to the organisation. I hope to join the organisation and go teach in one of the other Mansions in a nice warm country somewhere." Danny smiled.
"Well okay looks like we are out of time. Thanks for your time Danny and I hope to see you again later tonight when I get my night at The Mansion."
"Ok cool, I look forward to it."
Danny shook hands with the man off camera and the film faded to black.
* * *
A large man in a black suit clicked the TV off and stood with his arms folded in front of him.
"So Mr Markson, we need a teacher and you are officially dead." The man's expression was stern and precise. "What do you say?"
Caleb Markson smiled as he adjusted his erection. "I'm in. When do I start?"
"Right away Mr Markson, Right away." The suited man grinned.
The End... Or is it??
Antonio Green
Great beginning
Antonio Green
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