Published: 17-Dec-2012
Word Count:
The next few days passed with no incidents. Amanda and I settled into our normal routine of work, school, and my picking her up from photo shoots. Her attitude hadn't changed noticeably. She took to wearing fewer clothes around the house, often just donning a small pair of athletics shorts or -my favorite- a just-too-small pair of panties. She knew that I enjoyed looking at her, and she'd often give me tantalizing glimpses of her ass as she bent over, or when she'd walk from the shower to her room wearing only a towel done up on her head. She hadn't mentioned our special day, and I was too scared to push her to do more.
About a week later, on the way home from a long photo shoot, she asked me if Maddie could sleep over that night. I said I had no problem with it, and she gave me a wry smile, saying,
"I'm sure you wouldn't." I wanted to ask if she remembered the "promise" she made me give the last time I had fucked her mouth, but I couldn't think of a way to bring it up without sounding creepy and pathetic.
Maddie arrived later that night, and after the perfunctory goodbyes to her mother, she and Amanda scampered to Amanda's room. The door shut, and all I heard for the next hour was giggling and muffled voices.
I was trying to get some work done, anything to keep my mind off of the two little princesses upstairs, when I was startled by Amanda's voice.
I turned and saw Amanda and Maddie standing in the doorway to the study. They had changed into sleep clothes, both girls wearing small white t-shirts and athletic shorts. Maddie, I noticed, was wearing one of the pairs from the catalog I had been looking at when Amanda had let me fuck her mouth.
"Mmm?" I said. I was trying to act normally, like an adult, but my eyes kept wandering to their legs.
"Maddie and I are having an argument, and you have to settle it." Amanda said.
"Okay. What is it?"
Both girls giggled and turned around. Amanda said over her shoulder, "Whose ass is nicer?"
I swallowed. I was being careful not to push the girls into doing anything, especially since I didn't know if Amanda had said anything to Maddie about anything we'd done, so this was a nice surprise. Maybe just the thing I needed to steer the night's events into what I'd been masturbating to for the past week.
"I really can't say, sweetie. They're both very nice." And it was true. Even if I weren't trying to be diplomatic, I would have been hard pressed to choose between the two of them. But, I did feel my eyes drawn toward Maddie's more, if only because of what had happened with Amanda. To actually have that ass just a few feet away. I felt my cock stir.
"I know that silly," Amanda said. "We both have amazing asses, but whose is BETTER?" Almost as if they had practiced it, they rotated their hips downward slightly, making their asses stick out just a tiny bit.
I hesitated. As much as I didn't feel like it was a trap to be asked the question, part of me really wondered if Amanda would be hurt if I said Maddie's. "Geez sweetie..."
"You can say Maddie's is, I won't be mad."
I swallowed again. "They're both amazing, but if I had to say one was better, I'd say Maddie's."
Maddie spoke for the first time since they'd come down. "Hehe, see I TOLD you." Both girls giggled again. Then, nonchalantly, Maddie dropped her shorts. She wasn't wearing panties.
My heart nearly stopped.
It's no lie that I had hoped *something* would happen tonight, but I wasn't really expecting it. But now, staring at a decidedly bottomless ten year old Maddie, we had definitely crossed the line. My only thoughts now were how far would we go.
Okay, not my only thoughts. Part of them were focused on the absolutely perfect ass in the doorway.
A big part of them.
Amanda said, "We made a bet, whose ass you'd say was nicer. I said mine, but Maddie said hers."
"Uh huh," I said. Maddie hadn't moved. She just stood there letting me take her in.
"So since she won the bet..." Amanda said.
"You get to come on me, Mr. Taylor!" Maddie finished.
I blinked and shook my head. "What?"
"You get to come on my ass," Maddie said, like I was a little kid getting to go on a carnival ride.
"I don't, I mean, what-"
"Hehe, daddy, you're being silly. I KNOW you think Maddie's sexy. Remember like a week ago?"
Um. Yes. "I'm not saying she's not sexy. I'm not saying you're not sexy, Maddie."
"Then go ahead, silly. Shoot a nice big load all over her ten year old ass!"
Maddie turned and walked toward me. There was a tiny little gap between her upper thighs just below her hairless pussy. For some strange reason, the phrase "Mind the Gap" came into my head.
"Come on Mr. Taylor. Please?"
Even if I wanted to, there was no possible was I was going to argue with her. "How should we do it?" I asked, after a moment.
Amanda spoke up. "Let's go into my room, and Maddie can lay down on the bed, then you can like straddle her.
The three of us made our way to Amanda's room. Maddie wasted no time in jumping on the bed and coming to rest on her stomach. Amanda grabbed the bottom of Maddie's shirt.
"You might want to take this off, it's probably going to be a lot," she said. Maddie giggled and pulled her shirt off, a little ungracefully because of how she was positioned. She flung the shirt at me, jokingly, hitting me in the face with it. I smiled, and began to undo my jeans.
"Uh uh," Amanda said. "I get to."
I simply nodded and let my daughter unbutton and unzip my jeans. She reached into my boxers and pulled out my cock, which, I probably don't need to tell you, was painfully erect. Amanda gave me a wide-eyed look, but said nothing. She smiled and leaned forward, giving the tip a sweet little girl kiss. My cock jumped.
"Hey, that's mine," Maddie said, smiling.
"Okay, okay," Amanda said, faux pouting.
It was a little awkward at first, straddling Maddie on the twin bed, but I managed to get into a position that, while not exactly comfortable, at least let me be upright without having to brace myself. I began stroking my cock, inches away from Maddie's beautiful ass. Amanda had kneeled on the floor beside the bed, and she lay her head on the small of Maddie's back, watching me. There was no way I wouldn't hit her face when I came. Not that I was complaining.
"Hey, no fair," Maddie said when she looked back to see Amanda's face so close to my cock.
"His come is all mine."
Again, Amanda pretended to pout. "Fine," she said, and lifted her head.
Maddie's beautiful round little ass was incredible. Even though her legs were together, there was still a small space just below her pussy.
"Wow, Maddie," I said.
"Hehe, I'm glad you like it so much!" she said, and thrust it up toward me a tiny bit, causing her cheeks to spread slightly. Her tiny, puckered asshole was literally one inch from the tip of my cock. For a split second, I thought about trying to push it into her ass, but I quickly pushed that aside. I wanted her to be in control of the situation, and thus far everything had been her idea.
"Looks nice, doesn't it daddy?" Amanda teased.
"Amazing," I managed.
"You can even see her pussy a little bit, can't you?"
I moaned in agreement. Maddie reached back and spread her ass even further, giving me an unobstructed view of her beautiful little cunt.
"Is that better, Mr. Taylor?" she asked.
That was it. As much as I'd liked to have prolonged the moment of stroking my cock in front of the most perfect ass and pussy I had ever seen, the sheer willingness of the two innocent little angels proved too much, and I came. The first shot hit Maddie's asshole, making her jump a little and coaxing a giggle out of her. She kept her ass spread for me, and the second shot went lower, covering her pussy lips. The last stream of come went the farthest, leaving a long streak from the top of her ass almost to the base of her neck. She giggled again.
"Wow, you almost hit my head with it!" she said.
"I told you it would be a lot. Now aren't you glad I told you to take your shirt off?" Amanda said.
My head was swimming. The orgasm I'd just had was incredibly intense and I was having a little trouble keeping myself upright.
Amanda stood and said, "I'll go get a towel to clean you off." With that, she padded out of the room. Maddie and I were alone.
"You really like my ass, Mr. Taylor," she asked. Without Amanda there, Maddie seemed more subdued, more vulnerable somehow, almost as if, despite what had just happened, she still did not believe that I found her sexy.
"It's amazing, Madison." For some reason, I used her full name. Maybe because it seemed more adult-ish and because what we - I - had just done was definitely not something you were supposed to do with a child. Fooling around with Amanda was one thing, and a thing decidedly questionable moral-wise, but she was, after all, my daughter. We shared a bond that neither her nor I shared with anyone else. But Madison was different. She was Amanda's friend, and from the outside. We had bypassed all the normal routes that usually brought two adults into an intimate situation. Now, alone, something passed between us, an intimate understanding that our relationship, however sparse it had been prior to this, had changed forever.
"Thank you, Jim," she said and smiled beautifully at me.
I had an urge to reach out and stroke her hair, to draw her to me and kiss her, but just then, Amanda returned with a washcloth.
"We don't have any clean towels," she said, apologetically. "I hope this can clean up everything!"
She went to work cleaning Madison, starting with the streak along her back. She then went in between Madison's legs, running the washcloth across her pussy and asshole. Madison moaned slightly.
"You go sit," Amanda said, pointing to a chair across from the bed. I did as she said and continued watching the incredibly erotic scene before me. My eleven year old angel cleaning my come from her equally angelic ten year old friend. After a few moments, Amanda announced that she was finished, and Madison rolled over onto her back. Amanda gently spread her legs and lowered herself down to Madison's chest. She kissed, slowly, agonizingly, lower, down her stomach When she reached Madison's pussy, she skipped it and moved to her thighs, kissing first one, then the other, moving ever higher, ever closer to Madison's hairless, ten year old slit. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Amanda reached Madison's pussy, and literally shoved her tongue inside. Madison jerked and arched her back, a long, sibilant moan escaping from her mouth. Amanda began tongue fucking the ten year old, expertly weaving from her clit, over her pussy, and even spending some time on her asshole. Madison reached down and laced her fingers through my daughter's blond hair, holding her head in place as she ground her crotch in her face. Amanda, ever eager to please, held her tongue out and let Madison fuck her face. After a few moments of frantic grinding, Madison's body went taught and her face and chest flushed. I watched in awe as the beautiful fifth grader orgasmed in my daughter's mouth.
Needless to say, watching the spectacle made me hard again, but I refrained from touching myself. I was too surprised, not just at what I was watching, but at how goddamn good Amanda was at eating her friend out.
After Madison's body had settled and her breathing returned to normal, Amanda looked over at me, her mouth and chin glistening, and said, "That was part of the bet, too. Who ever lost had to eat the other one out."
"Incredible," was all I could manage.
She beckoned me over with a single finger. "You want to taste her?"
Before waiting for me to answer, she thrust her tongue into my mouth. Her lips and chin pressed against mine, spreading Madison's pussy juices on my face. On her tongue, I could taste Madison, the lovely, sweet aroma reaching my nose. My cock hardened even further - if that were possible - as we kissed. Madison lay below us, eyes closed, a faint smile on her face. She was one satisfied little girl.
Amanda broke our kiss suddenly. She reached down and gave my cock a little squeeze.
"Okay mister, show's over. We'll yell if we need anything."
And with that, I was kicked out of her room. I smiled, incredulous, as I picked up my pants and shirt, and closed the door behind me.
An hour or so later and I still could not get the image of Amanda's face, wet from Madison's orgasm, out of my head. It was so beautiful, yet so dirty at the same time. Even Madison's satisfied smile after having been eaten out was incredibly erotic. Every time I tried to concentrate on getting some work done, I would hear, "You want to taste her?" in the back of my mind. I kept waiting, straining to hear Amanda yell for me, or for her to open her door, anything that would get me back into that room with those two princesses. I had been kicked out so abruptly, that I started to think that it had all been my imagination. That I hadn't just jerked off onto the most perfect ass I had ever seen and then watched my eleven year old daughter bring her ten year old friend to orgasm with her tongue and then let me taste it. That it was all a dream.
I bolted up from my desk, knocking my chair over. I took the steps three at a time and nearly sprinted down the hall to Amanda's room. I composed myself before opening the door.
"Yes, sweetie?" trying to act nonchalant.
Both girls were naked now. They were playing a board game, Amanda on her stomach and Madison sitting Indian style. Neither made an attempt to cover themselves. Madison smiled at me gorgeously, and I'm almost certain she winked.
"Can you make us some popcorn?" Amanda asked.
"S-sure sweetie. Anything else?"
"No, that's it."
I tried to hide my disappointment as I closed the door.
"Oh wait," Amanda said.
"Yes?" I said, eagerly.
"I think we still have some cans of Sprite left from the other day. Can you bring us some if we do?"
"Sure thing," I said. Before I closed the door, Madison exaggeratedly blew me a kiss, causing both girls to giggle.
I made them their popcorn, brought them their Sprites (we did have some left after all), and was quickly dismissed after I had delivered them. The girls were still naked when I brought them their snacks, and had still made no attempt to cover themselves. Being banished to the downstairs once again, I gave up on work and decided to put on a movie. I lost interest fairly quickly, and, as it was getting late, I decided to call it a night. I went into the bathroom and washed up, brushed my teeth, etc. I stopped at Amanda's door before I went to my room and knocked lightly.
Some muffled sounds, and then, "Come in."
I opened the door and stopped still. Amanda was on her bed, lying on her back, her legs spread obscenely. Madison was lying in between them with Amanda's hands in her hair. Both girls looked at me expectantly, not ashamed nor surprised, as if I had just interrupted their watching a movie.
"Uhm, I'm going to sleep."
"Okay daddy, love you."
"Love you too. Not too late, okay,"
"Don't worry, Mr. Taylor, I'm almost finished," Madison said, smiling.
I returned the smile, and began to close the door.
"Daddy?" Amanda said.
"Don't I get a goodnight kiss?"
"Haha, of course you do."
I entered the room and crossed to Amanda's bed. She hadn't moved since I'd opened the door, her legs still spread, still holding Madison's hair. I leaned down and pecked her on the lips.
"Maddie, too?" Amanda asked.
"Of course," I said.
Amanda released her and Madison rose to meet me. Our lips touched and I could taste Amanda on them. She pushed her tongue into my mouth and swirled it, giving me more of Amanda as she did so. My lovely daughter, her beautiful friend, and their sweet, sweet pussies, I'd tasted them both.
Our kiss ended and I turned to leave.
"Do you want to stay and watch?" Amanda asked.
I managed a weak laugh. I could not figure these girls out.
"Yes, I would like that very much," I said. I sat again in the chair across from the bed.
The show this time was even hotter than the previous one. Madison certainly knew what she was doing, and Amanda was not shy in expressing her pleasure. Madison worked my daughter's pussy for fifteen minutes straight before taking a break, and even then it was only for a few seconds. Amanda was close and Madison worked it harder. Amanda came, long and hard, and Madison didn't take her tongue out of her.
My cock was rock hard.
The girls lay with each other, naked, panting, glistening with a sheen of sweat, and, in Madison's case, pussy juice.
"Wow," I breathed to myself. "Unreal."
After a few moments, both girls rose slowly and came toward me. Amanda beckoned me to stand as they both knelt in front of me. She looked up at me. "Maddie and I need to kiss each other goodnight, don't you think?"
I just nodded.
"Well, we want to do it with a big cock in our faces, don't we?"
Madison nodded and began to tug at my pajama pants. "Mm hmm, we do."
My cock sprang free making both girls giggle.
"You really liked the show, huh daddy?"
"I liked it very much," I said.
She wrapped a dainty hand around my cock and kissed it lightly. She then offered it to Madison, who did the same. Then the girls began kissing each other. Lightly, faintly at first, then more passionately, until they were full blown making out. I could barely see their tongues going into each others' mouths, but I could hear wet licking sounds as they explored each other. Amanda's hand remained around my cock, her other caressing Madison's face. After a few moments, she let her hand drop and Madison's took its place. This exchange of one girl then the other gripping my cock went on for perhaps five minutes as the girls continued their "goodnight" kiss. Then they started inching closer and closer still, until my cock was brushing their lips as they kissed. Amanda's hand was on me when they broke their kiss and she immediately engulfed me with her mouth.
It was warm and wonderful. Her lips stretched around me and I felt her tongue work the underside of my shaft. Her blue eyes wide open, staring directly at me. She worked my cock for a minute then popped it out of her mouth with a wet *thupp* and Madison immediately took her place. It was incredible, being in the mouth of this ten year old angel. I remembered back to when Amanda had told me that Madison could take a dildo further in her mouth than she could, and I was hoping that she would demonstrate that skill now.
Back and forth I went, between two eager, preteen, fifth grade mouths. As one sucked, the other stared hungrily, waiting her turn. Each girl, it seemed, was trying to outdo the other. That I was able to hold off as long as I was was a testament to my self control - which I had displayed entirely too little of in allowing things to reach the situation I was now in. Two fifth graders sucking my cock? If you had said that to me a week prior to is actually happening, I would have called you crazy.
The build up was becoming too great and I was close to coming. I wondered in whose mouth it would be? I was hoping Madison's, but I wouldn't complain if it were Amanda's.
She must have been able to tell I was close because Amanda called for a stop as Madison was sucking.
"Hold on, hold on, I have an idea," Amanda said. She leaned over and whispered something in Madison's ear, eliciting a smile and a nod from the tiny brunette.
Amanda jumped up and went to her dresser. After searching for a moment, she returned with two pink hair ties. She handed one to Madison and both girls took a few seconds to put their hair into ponytails.
I looked down on them quizzically.
They looked up, smiling, and said in almost perfect unison, "Handles!"
My head tilted back and I gave a long moan. The girls giggled and I felt a hand on my cock. I looked down at them again.
"You girls are too much," I said. They both just laughed.
I took a ponytail in each hand. The girls obediently opened their mouths, not know who would be first to get a cock shoved in it. I went with Amanda, rewarding her for her brilliant idea.
To my astonishment, Madison kept her mouth open as well. She was waiting her turn. Back and forth, I moved Amanda's head, careful not to go too far down her throat, but not entirely gentle.
I withdrew from Amanda and immediately thrust my cock into Madison's mouth. Amanda wiped her eyes, which had begun to water, and encouraged me.
"Isn't this what you wanted daddy? To fuck Maddie's mouth?"
I moaned in agreement. I decided right then that I would finish with Maddie, so I let go of Amanda's ponytail and I put that hand on top of Maddie's head. She gave a quick little moan at this. Amanda got the picture and she scooted around so she was behind Maddie. Her face over her shoulder, right next to her.
I decided to test how deep Maddie could take my cock. I held her, with about two inches of cock still out of her mouth and started pushing. I met some resistance, but not from Maddie herself, but her throat. I pushed harder, my cock disappearing slowly into her mouth.
She pushed me off of her suddenly, and turned her head and gagged.
"Are you okay, sweetie?" I asked, alarmed.
She quickly faced me, tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!"
"It's okay, are you sure you're okay though?"
"I'm fine, I didn't mean to gag though! Do you still want to fuck my face?"
I could only laugh. "Of course I do, sweetie." I plunged my cock back into her waiting mouth, careful not to go too deep.
Slowly I fucked her face. I would speed up then slow down. A few times, in my excitement, I would push too far, and Maddie's stomach would contract as she suppressed a gag. When she did this, her throat would spasm, squeezing the head of my cock.
I reached the point of no return. I pushed thoughts of not hurting the poor girl aside and fucked her face hard and fast. Her mouth was issuing wet gurgling sounds, and at the pinnacle of each thrust, Maddie would give a tiny, little girl whimper.
The build up broke and I held her tiny, ten year old head on my cock, dumping my load into her mouth. She never broke eye contact, just sat there and accepted my come. I must have filled her mouth because some leaked out the corner and dribbled down her chin. I withdrew from her, and plopped down in the chair, absolutely spent. Maddie was sitting, her mouth closed, looking at me still. Amanda spoke.
"Did you swallow?"
Madison shook her head.
"Show daddy, then!"
Madison opened her mouth and displayed the entire load of come I had just deposited in it. I just stared.
"Now I want a goodnight kiss," Amanda said. She dipped down so she was slightly below Madison. Madison opened her mouth and let my come fall into Amanda's. Before the entire load had been swapped, Madison closed the distance and the two girls kissed. Thick ropes of come, mixed with the two preteen's saliva, dripped between them, getting on flat chests, smooth legs, and hairless pussies.
The kissing was brief, as soon both girls turned to lapping the come from each others' faces. They both turned to me and smiled.
"Thank you, daddy," and "Thank you, Mr. Taylor," came at the same time.
I could do nothing but shake my head.
"But hey," Amanda said. "You broke your promise!"
I cocked my head, not understanding what she meant, but then it came to me: the "promise" I had made to her when she was pretending to be Maddie last week.
"I'm sorry sweetie," I said, "I completely forgot."
"It's okay. I guess you're just going to have to do it again..."
Well done! ( ..and MORE, please! )
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