Amanda and Her Daddy, Part 3

[ Mg, inc, oral, rough ]

by Upgrayd

Published: 2-Dec-2011

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

The Talk

Amanda took a towel and padded out of the bathroom. I heard her bedroom door shut.

I rested for a few more moments, water dripping off my body. I had come all over my sweet little girl twice in the past half hour. Once at her behest. Her innocent little face had looked up at me and said, "Come on your little girl." Whether she knew it or not, she was touching upon all sorts of sexual nerves in me.

I exited the tub, and toweled myself off. I walked down the hallway, past Amanda's closed door, and into my room. I quickly dressed, throwing on just a pair of loose pajama pants and a t-shirt. Amanda's door opened, and I heard her call to me, "Come on, daddy, I'll be on the couch."

I took a moment to look at myself in the mirror. That morning, I had woken up, made breakfast, showered, and gone to work. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I'd be back in my room after just having gotten a blowjob from my eleven year old daughter, then gotten her off with my cock before coming over on her face. It was unreal. But I wasn't as disgusted with myself as I thought I would have been. I had thoroughly enjoyed it, and Amanda had as well, it seemed. She was my daughter, my precious little girl. I loved her with all my heart. Maybe there was some perverse logic in the way she so casually accepted what we had done. If sex felt so good, I reasoned, why shouldn't I share it with her?

Either that, or I was just a horny guy who liked little girls.

I left my bedroom and went into the living room. Amanda was seated on the couch, topless, wearing a small pair of pink athletic shorts and white ankle socks, casually flipping through a magazine. Her legs were crossed, and she was bouncing her top foot. She looked simultaneously incredibly erotic, yet altogether like a little girl. The way she was topless, not caring that I could see her chest; the way her shorts were barely shorts at all, more like underwear; the way her lithe, skinny legs were crossed, all spoke, "Come fuck the life out of me," and "I'm just a little girl." I was filled with desire for her, not just to fuck her, but to genuinely hold her and kiss her, to make love to her.

I was, head over heels, in love with my little girl.

"Here, daddy," she said, patting the cushion next to her. "Come sit with me."

"You and I," I said, trying to adopt a tone of authority, "need to have a little talk."

"What about, daddy?" She continued flipping through her magazine, which I saw was not really a magazine per se, but a catalogue of pictures and headshots of girls her age. A model directory, as it were.

I seated myself next to her. "Well, for starters, about what just happened."

"Do you mean how I blew you, or how you got me off in the shower? Although I didn't really blow you. It was more like you fucked my face."

"Amanda..." I sighed. She was going to make this difficult. I reached forward and gently closed the catalogue. "What we did... well a lot of people would consider it wrong."

"What's wrong with sex, daddy?"

"Nothing is wrong with it, but it's supposed to be between two adults."

"Says who?"

"Says...well, says the law, for one."

"The law also says you have to wear your seatbelt, but you never do."

Goddamn it. Maybe it's prudent to mention at this point that I am a lawyer. I spend my days arguing with people, finding logical fallacies in what they say, and using it against them. Amanda had demonstrated numerous times that she had inherited my ability to do this. Arguments about her eating her vegetables often would turn into metaphysical debates about what the word "is" truly means. She was smart. Maybe the reason I had put off this conversation for as long as I had was because I knew she'd talk me into being okay with it. That's not 100% true; the reason I was dreading this conversation was because, deep down, we were both going to argue for the same cause. I wanted to fuck her. She wanted me to fuck her. The rest were technicalities. But still, I needed to put up the appearance of trying to talk her out of it.

"That's true, but what have I always said? If I get a ticket for not wearing my seatbelt, it's my fault."

She chewed on that for a moment, during which I stared at her beautiful chest. It was perfectly flat, with two tiny nipples barely poking out. It descended gorgeously to her perfectly flat stomach. Being a model, she of course kept herself fit. She didn't lift weights or anything like that, but she liked to ride her bike, and play sports (when time allowed for it), and she watched what she ate. She had a nicely defined set of abs. Nothing grotesque, mind you. Her stomach looked like an artist had placed a sheet of wax paper over her and gently rubbed a piece of charcoal on her: tiny, barely perceptible lines of definition. Her hip bones, when she stood, jutted out noticeably. But as she sat now, with her legs crossed, and her pink shorts barely covering whatever - if anything - she was wearing underneath, it was hard to find anything about her I didn't find appealing. At last, she spoke.

"Well, if you get caught doing this, it's going to be your fault, too. But, daddy, you're not going to get caught."

"Amanda," I said, turning her face toward me. "This is serious. If I get caught, I'll go to jail. For a long time."

"Then don't tell anyone, silly." Apparently, she was satisfied that this concluded her argument, and she reopened the catalogue.

"I don't think you really understand how serious this is, sweetie."

She sighed and closed the catalogue, placing it on her legs. "Okay, do you love me?"

"Of course, sweetie, but that's..."

"I love you, too. And you obviously think I'm sexy."

There was no arguing with her on that point. I nodded.

"Well, I think you're sexy too. And fucking my face felt good, didn't it?"

Again, I couldn't possible argue with her, so I nodded.

"It felt good for me when you got me off in the shower. So, the way I see it, you love me, I love you, and we both like doing sexy things together. Does that sound right?"

Where did she get so smart, I asked myself. So convincing. I hated to admit it, but she had a point. I fell back upon the old adage; it's better me than someone who's going to try to hurt her.

"Okay, you have a point." I conceded.

"Of course I do," she said haughtily. She once again began flipping through the catalogue.

Now it was my turn to chew on her words. I went back to my original thought, about how we were both arguing for the same point. If I had really wanted, I could have argued back and forth with her about this, but obviously, I had enjoyed what we'd done. And I didn't want to stop.

"Okay, sweetie," I said. "You need to tell me where you learned all that stuff about sex." As the words were coming out of my mouth, I revisited this issue. The last time I had been thinking about it, I wasn't really thinking too clearly. I seem to remember her telling me she was going to suck my cock, and then unzipping my pants. If an eleven year old girl was doing that to you, you'd find it hard to concentrate, too.

"I told you, I read about it."

"Amanda, you didn't read a book and learn how to suck dick like that." I got a slight thrill out of talking so frankly with her.

"Well..." she trailed off. "You promise you won't be mad?"

More haunting words had never been spoken. When a child asks "Promise you won't be mad," it is usually followed by something that makes you extremely mad. Couple that with the fact that she was talking about where she learned to suck cock, and you can see why the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I swallowed. "Yes, I promise," I said, preparing for the worst.

"Okay, well, you know Maddie, right?" Did I know Maddie? If you gave Amanda brown hair and green eyes, that was Maddie, her best friend. She was also a model, although younger, I thought. Maybe ten.

"Mmm hmm."

"Well, me and her were over her house the other day, and we found this DVD in her brother's room. It had naked people on it."

My body relaxed. My first thought had obviously been that Carmine, or - shudderingly - Tony had "taught" her about sucking dick. Then when she mentioned Maddie, I thought that maybe they had played around with Maddie's older brother, Colin. But hearing that she had found a porno relieved me. While her blowjob had been incredible, it was only so because it was by her. I'd had better blowjobs, objectively, but looking down at my little girl's mouth stretched around me had been what made it the best.

I figured out the rest of her "confession" before she continued.

"Oh, so you and Maddie watched a porno?" I asked.

She grinned sheepishly. "Yeah. And the girls in the movie were doing that to the boys. But then Maddie went into her mom's room, and brought out this big pink thing that was shaped just like a cock, only it was HUGE!"

"That's called a dildo." I told her, proud that I had at least somewhat contributed to her sexual education.

A light went off in her head. "THAT'S what a dildo is?" she said. "I had heard that word before, but never knew what it was."

"Keep going," I said.

"Oh yeah, so Maddie got her mom's dildo, and we made a bet to see who could go farther down on it with their mouths. But, daddy, this thing was so big! A lot bigger than yours."

And she was back again as a little girl. She was obviously inexperienced enough that she didn't know that that's just not something to say to a guy. But, on the other hand, it was strangely liberating. She seemed unconcerned with size in general, so I felt less self-conscious. Not that I was particularly ashamed. I knew I didn't have the biggest cock in the world, but, well, let's not throw numbers out there. Let's just say I was pleasantly average, and maybe a little thicker than that.

"So, you practiced on that?" I asked.

"Mmm hmm. Well, we tried to copy what the women in the movie were doing." She bit her lip. "You're not mad, are you?"

I kissed her forehead lightly. "Of course not, angel." And then, because I couldn't resist, "So who won?"

"What?" she asked.

"Who won the bet? Who could go farther down?"

She pouted. "Maddie did. You should see her, daddy! She went so far down, she said the thing was touching her throat!"

"Is that right?" I said.

"Mmm hmm. She's really good at sucking cock. Maybe next time she comes over, she can suck yours?"

If it were possible to fall any deeper in love with Amanda, I did at that point. Not only was she admitting that her friend would be able to suck my cock better than she had, she was saying it would be okay if she actually did it. And I won't lie, Maddie had crossed my mind more than a few times late at night as I jerked off.

Amanda must have seen the glazed look in my eyes, because she said, "Hehe, you'd like that, wouldn't you? It's okay daddy, I know she's pretty. Why wouldn't you want her to suck your cock?"

"Okay, I admit it, yes, I would like that."

Suddenly, she sprang up. "Wait right here, I have an idea." She scampered off down the hallway, giving me a nice view of her cute little ass as she did.

She returned a moment later with a clothing catalogue and sat back down next to me.

"Here," she said. "Look!" She opened the catalogue to a page showing a bunch of pictures of a young girl modeling athletic shorts, much like the ones Amanda had on. It took only a moment for me to realize it was Maddie in the pictures; this was one from one of her modeling shoots. "Doesn't she look pretty?"

She did indeed. There were numerous shots that showed her full body, but the main focus was on the shorts, and consequently, her legs and ass. Her ass was a little bigger and fuller than Amanda's, which I liked. Her legs were just as long and just as skinny. As I said before, the only real difference between the two girls was their hair and eye color. Both were gorgeous.

"Her butt is a little bigger than mine," Amanda said, pointing to a picture that showed Maddie from behind. "Do you like it?" She asked this not like she was setting a trap, like most questions like this represented, but because she seemed genuinely curious.

"It's very nice, sweetie."

Amanda continued flipping page upon page of Maddie in different colored shorts, different styles, different backgrounds. I stopped her at one particular picture. Maddie was facing three quarters away from the camera, on her tiptoes, looking over shoulder and smiling. Her ass was sticking out gorgeously.

"Hehe, you like that one, daddy?" Amanda asked.

"Yeah," I said. "She looks sexy in that one."

I almost didn't notice it when Amanda touched my thigh, I was so lost taking in Maddie's beautiful body.

"Sweetie," I said, when her hand moved closer to my crotch. "What are you doing?"

"Well," she said plaintively, "you said you thought she was pretty, right?"

I nodded.

"And how you'd want her to suck your cock, right? I figured, since she's not here, I could suck your cock, and you could, like, I don't know, look at her pictures and pretend I'm her?"

I was blown away. Nothing could have prepared me for her offer. My only response was to stare at her.

"Do you want that, daddy? To get a blowjob from Maddie?"

"Yes," I said weakly.

"Mmm, good," she said and took my cock, now suddenly and painfully erect, out of my pants. "Wow," she said, "you must really like her!"

Not wasting any time, she thrust herself down on me, going as deep as she could. I was in heaven. I looked at the pictures of Maddie, especially the ones where she was turned slightly. I imagined her naked, how her body would look, her mouth stretched around me.

Amanda had only been going at it for less than a minute when she pulled off. Because her body was still on the couch, she had to turn her head to the side to look at me. She said, "Come in my mouth this time, okay?" I obviously had no objections. She opened her mouth again, but stopped and said, "And call me Maddie when you come," then plunged back down onto me.

After a few moments, I stopped looking at the pictures and instead closed my eyes and imagined Maddie. She was so petite, so pretty. There was something so wrong about what was happening, getting my cock sucked by my daughter, and her telling me to think of her best friend. Her best friend who had been able to take more cock that my daughter. A thought occurred to me. While she was working furiously on my cock, I gently placed my hand on the back of her head.

"Amanda, baby, stop for a second."

She did, and tried to take her mouth off of me, but I, gently, held her there. She understood, and even moaned a little bit at being forced to keep my cock in her mouth.

"You said Maddie could go further down than you, right?"

She mumbled "Mmm hmm."

"Well, I'm going to push you down do you can go further, just like her."

Her body, which was on all fours at this point, kind of rolled downward. Her hips swayed and a long, pleasant moan engulfed my cock. Apparently, she was a big fan of the idea.

"You ready, sweetie?" Again, she mumbled "mmm hmm," so I began to push her. I got to her farthest point and encountered some resistance. I increased the pressure, and, slowly, her head started getting lower. More and more of my cock was disappearing into her mouth. He breathing intensified and she was moaning. I pulled up, then pushed back down, going even farther than before. We eventually got into a rhythm, each down thrust getting a fraction of an inch lower. Finally, with maybe an inch left, I got a little more aggressive. I pushed harder and felt the first sign of her resistance. I held her head in place, forcing the last of my cock into her mouth. When I'd had it buried in her face for almost a full minute, I let go of her head. Surprisingly, she didn't pull off quickly. Lazily, she inched my cock out of her mouth, taking a tantalizingly long time. When it was out, she looked over at me. Her eyes were watering, but she didn't seem mad.

"I can't believe I went all the way down!" she squealed. "I'm a real cock sucker now, aren't I daddy?" She wasn't mad at all. She was happy.

"You sure are, sweetie, but I think you mean Mr. Taylor, don't you?"

"Hehe, oh right," she said, remembering that she was Maddie. "Keep fucking my face, Mr. Taylor!"

I grabbed her head again and forced it, a little rougher this time, back on to me. I detached myself, somewhat, and let myself treat her more roughly because she was pretending to be someone else. I would have found it hard to be so rough with Amanda, but I wasn't fucking Amanda's face, I was fucking Maddie's.

"That's right, Maddie, take my whole cock." I started thinking of things that I would like to do to her. Fucking her, slapping her, making her beg for my come. Even, in my fantasy, shoving my cock up her ten year old ass. I kept talking dirty to Amanda/Maddie. "Ohhh, that's right, you fucking slut, suck my cock. You fucking little bitch, this is what you get for teasing me. Yeah, I'm about to come you little whore, you better swallow it all, you hear me, Maddie? Every....last....drop!" I exploded into her mouth. I stopped moving her head and with each blast of come, I said "Maddie," almost under my breath. I counted six or seven, which surprised me, seeing as how it was the third time I'd come that day.

Amanda was a trooper. She swallowed it, never taking her head off of me. When she was sure I was done, then she pulled off. She was out of breath, flushed, and stared at me with wide eyes.

"Wow!" she said, at last. "That was so cool!"

I laughed weakly. "Are you okay, angel?"

"Okay?!" she asked. "That was great! It was so sexy to hear you call Maddie all those names!"

"Oh yeah?" I asked. "How come?"

"I don't know, it was just, so...dirty!" She adjusted her body so she was snuggling into me. "Daddy, can you promise me one thing, though?"

"What's that, baby?"

"When Maddie does actually come over and you are really fucking her face, can you promise to call her all those things in real life?"

I smiled, and shook my head, incredulous.

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Wow this series just gets better and better! So HOT

Alien Sex Fiend

This series is getting better and better. Your writing is among some of the best on this site. The plot is exciting if somewhat unrealistic but that's fine with me. I hope we see Amanda do some explicit modeling fairly soon and her Daddy getting gradually rougher with her. I liked how they pretended she was another girl. This could lead to entirely parallel universe in which Amanda becomes a child-slut for her Daddy who in turn pretends to be her photographer. May we also hope to see some spanking or bondage in the future and a lot more face-fucking!


Very well done. Hope to read more from you soon.


Great story. I now have to hurry to part one and two.
Looking forward to more stories about Amanda and her dad and what happens when Maddie visits for a sleepover.

old perv



I like the pacing and the way the story is slowly evolving.... and the dad's lack of will to object


Fucking awesome story and the writing isn't too shabby, either. It will be nice when Maddie enters the picture. Myself, I would prefer that you limit the sex to just stroking the cock over the girls' bald pussies, or through some sheer panties (yum), rather than any penetration. That, to me, seems so much more erotic when dealing with little girls. And the cocksucking, can't leave that out. And some girl/girl/man...but it's your story so I'll let you write it.


All 3 parts are good. Enoyed. Hope you add more .


@Alien Sex Fiend and swrmr
Great suggestions, thanks. Things are definitely going to heat up when Amanda has her birthday party and invites her friends over... :) Maybe some spanking, some Mgg , and face fucking of course.


Please no spanking or I will have to bail out. There are sites that specialize in that so please keep it the way you have it.
I think Mr. Taylor has some splaining to do. LOL. So when he comes over with Maddie it would be 'show and tell time.'


I can't wait for the next chapter. The child definitely needs some slapping and spanking if she wants to behave like a proper slut. I hope you also introduce her to anal sex and we sex or even ass-to-mouth blowjobs. Your writing it top noch. Please continue.

old perv

this just gets better and better. what a sexy little girl amanda is.i'd just love to spend some time with a little girl like her.i'd love to fuck a little mouth like amanda's. mmmm i'm going for a wank.


Excellent story very erotic, looking forward to part 4.

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