Published: 29-May-2012
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I sat and read the account of the young girl stripped naked at a party consisting supposedly of her friends, tied to a bed and then used as a fuck toy for the night by the party goers, friends and strangers alike. As I read this apparently true story I felt a stirring in me, I'm not sure quite why and I was a little ashamed that I should find a titillating interest in a cruel and sadistic act, nevertheless I did, and I found myself reading the article again as I imagined the scene in my minds eye. With each reading I would imagine with greater clarity the the poor child, her clothing was ripped away and she was displayed for the baying mob, arms and legs held wide apart as people grabbed and groped at her nakedness. I think this aspect of the scene excited me more than the ensuing bondage. Tied, spread eagled and helpless for people to climb on and fuck between drinks and dancing, others voyeuristically standing by, excited by the cruelty.
My interest in such things had started many years earlier and was prompted ironically by my own humiliation as a little girl eager to learn of the carnal delights, embodied at the time by my fixation with a friend of my sister, older and infinitely exotic. She seemed at the time a woman of experience although in hindsight she was only 12 and no more than a child herself. I was quite shy and hopelessly naive where as in contrast she seemed assured and worldly. My family regularly holidayed in a rambling old cottage by the sea and during the summer we would often take breaks there accompanied by friends and relatives. Most of these holidays have faded into a blur of recollections of sunny days apart from the occasion that Lucy, my sisters friend and the holy grail of my sexual desires, stayed for a fortnight with us in the house.
Most days would start with people drifting to the large kitchen to eat breakfast. I would be there each morning bright and early, not out of any instinct as an early riser but to see Lucy come into the kitchen. Often she would appear with her hair still tussled and unbrushed and wearing her night dress that although quite conservative in its style hung loosely enough to give the hint of her growing naked breasts and body beneath. Lucy I'm sure was aware of the interest she provoked and I can't help feeling looking back that she was enjoying the teasing that had begun between us. As she moved in front of the big windows by the sink, placing a cup or collecting a plate the sun would shine through the light material of her nightdress and silhouette her figure. As she moved away I could see the tremble of her perky new breasts, it was pure heaven, I could not have moved from my seat without showing the excitement that had overtaken me and I could feel the twitching that preceded what was an almost involuntary ejaculation. I lowered my eyes and tried to control myself although there was a dampness in my trousers that quickly switched my feelings to sheer embarrassment. Lucy came and sat across the table, she flicked her hair and made jokey comments but I was sat silently trying to time my exit to avoid displaying what I imagined was a rather telltale sign of my youthful and not entirely controllable excitement.
Later that day in the garden where we often sat in the afternoon sun I focused part of my attention on one of the trashy crime novels that I had taken to reading, invariably the cool sexy female to be found within the plot would be Lucy playing opposite myself as the strong silent hero. The other part of my attention was on Lucy herself who sunbathed in her bikini nearby. My eyes followed the lines of her body, from her long wavy brown hair across her sun browned shoulders, her budding tits squashed beneath her pushing out of the skimpy bikini top that she wore. The arch of her back and her bottom made for a perfect view. I remember vividly as she reached behind herself as she lay and unclipped the top of the bikini to let the straps fall to the side. She seemed more naked than I could possibly imagine, images of her body and thoughts of running my hands across her back and round to cup her little breasts raced through my mind. As I sat and dreamed my sister appeared in the garden stepping slowly and carefully carrying a glass of ice water. She put her finger to her lips to ensure my silence and stood a foot or two behind Lucy. Waiting for the perfect calm moment she tipped the entire icy contents of the glass across Lucy's back. Lucy's scream was piercing, and as she leapt up the bikini top fall away, her breasts momentarily on full view as she fought to get her breath before realising her nakedness and grabbing the towel that she had been lying on. This was the first time, albeit very briefly, that I had seen a little girl's smallish, growing breasts for real. Lucy seemed quite unperturbed by it all, instead racing after my sister towards the back of the house, screaming and laughing as she went. I waited for them to reappear but they raced into the house and left me to my thoughts, alone in the garden.
That night I lay in bed running the pictures of the day through my mind and in particular Lucy's naked breasts. I imagined her stood in front of me and having to strip. I had this fantasy that she was my servant who had to obey my every whim. I would have her strip and stand naked before me. I would have her put her hands on her head and I would run my hands across her small cones and down her stomach. She would part her legs as I ran my hand between them. I admit at this point in my life I was less than certain about the finer points of sexual behaviour and in particular sex itself.
As I lay fantasising I slipped off my shorts and the T shirt that I normally wore on bed and imagining the naked Lucy combined with the thrill of my own nakedness I started to stroke myself. Parting my legs I took my balls with one hand and penis with the other. The next moment shall live with me for a long time as the door to the room opened suddenly without a knock. I frantically pulled the loose sheet over me as the object of my rather sordid fantasy put her head around the door and opening her mouth to speak she stopped and a large smile spread across her face.
"Well well mind if I come in", she said the words as she slipped inside the room. "Like father like son", I was unsure about this last remark although was far too shocked to think too much of it.
She stood and smiled at me for what seemed an age. In contrast to my own nakedness she wore jeans as well as a T shirt and her eyes panned round the room settling on my own discarded clothes.
"I was about to apologise for embarrassing you earlier in the garden, although I guess you might have enjoyed it." She walked across the room and standing by the bed she crossed her arms. "Seems like you're making a little fun of your own, I expect big sister would be interested to see this."
As she said it was obvious she was amused by the discomfort as I clutched the sheet to myself.
"I guess we could keep it between ourselves .... although since you had a bit of fun seeing my tits earlier I think it only fair that I get to see you. A deal ?"
I was completely mute at this point unable to think straight let alone form any words to try to retrieve the situation.
"Come on then lets see." Lucy leaned forward and took hold of the sheet pulling it away. I tried to keep hold. I'll tell everybody what you've been up to she said. Waiting a moment as I reluctantly released my grip she pulled the sheet completely away. I sat with my knees bunched up covering myself as best I could.
"Now lie back and enjoy yourself" she said still smiling and placing her hand lightly on my shoulder and pushing me gently backwards. I lay back keeping myself covered with my hands. Smiling again she took hold of both wrists and eased my hands away.
"Well, well, you seem to have shrunk a bit or is that as big as it gets" she joked, I didn't appreciate the humour. "I know what will make things better" she said. She reached down and pulled the T shirt over her head.
"You like these don't you, I've seen you looking." She reached behind her back and unclipped her bra, sliding it down her arms she stood naked from the waist up. Placing her hands under her breasts she lifted and squeezed herself, displaying what I had spent several days fantasising about. Climbing onto the bed she leaned over me. Her Breasts now hung down over my head as she swayed herself before me.
Gently now she said lowering her nipple to my lips. I rather awkwardly opened my lips to receive her, her nipple brushing my lips as she rocked herself.
As I hesitantly put my lips around her nipple I could see her look down at my cock which was still in a state of shock.
She lowered herself a little more. "Come on little boy have a suck." There was a pitying tone to her voice but I started to suck on her and as I did so I felt her nipple stiffen and grow. As did Lucy's nipple, so did I, although I still lay terrified with my hands besides me on the bed. I could see Lucy watching as my erection grew.
"Good boy", she said as she moved across to let me take her other nipple in my mouth. This time she guided herself with one hand squeezing her breasts as she offered herself to my inexperienced but increasingly enthusiastic lips. I could feel my growing excitement and moved to touch myself.
No you don't, Lucy said and pushed my hand back to my side. You concentrate where I want you. Moving her hand away from her breast she took my balls in her hand and gave a squeeze, just hard enough to make me groan as I felt a momentarily dull pain through the excitement, and just enough to temper the fast approaching climax.
Lucy moved her hand back to her breasts this time using her free hand to play with her other nipple. Pinching herself lightly between her fingers as I eagerly sucked and licked. I could feel myself starting to twitch uncontrollably and started to move my hips as I felt my climax grow within me.
"Gooood boy", Lucy pushed her breasts further on my face making it hard to breath as she watched my cock explode across my stomach.
Sitting back she watched as I lay with the last drips coming from fast fading erection.
Not a word she said pulling her T shirt back on. "Maybe tomorrow there might be another surprise for you ?"
The following day was certainly to be very surprising although hardly as I might have predicted. I got up early but ate quickly and went out. There were acres of lands and old buildings surrounding the house and I took myself off for the day. It wasn't unusual for me to disappear for a few hours so it would cause any problem. I was still acutely embarrassed by the night before and wasn't sure if Lucy would tell any of it to anybody.
By midday I had got bored wandering about on my own although I had managed to get a bit of sleep. After my little adventure with Lucy I hadn't slept that much. I was also curious to see Lucy again today despite feeling slightly humiliated I couldn't suppress the thoughts or ideas that were welling up inside me.
I returned to the house and went in the back through to the kitchen. The door was open and there was a note on the table which stated quite simply GONE SHOPPING. I presumed that it must mean that Mom had gone out for the afternoon and probably my sister and Lucy as well although I could see my Dad's car was still out on the drive. Walking through the house I could hear something upstairs and as quietly as I could made my way up. I'm not sure what I was thinking at this point exactly although I was rather hoping to find Lucy. I wasn't sure what exactly I would do if I did find her in the house my ideas on this score were still strictly in the realms of fantasy although given the developments of the previous night I was beginning to think anything was possible. What I did encounter was somewhere beyond my own imaginings.
Lucy had a small room near the top of the stairs, and as I went up I could see the door was wide open. On her hands and knees on the bed and this time completely naked was Lucy. The scenario was made shocking more for the fact that my father was in the room with her, thankfully clothed, and stood alongside the bed. Peering over the top of the stairs and through the banister rail gave me a fairly unobstructed view. Lucy on her hands and knees, her little breasts that she had had me suck not twelve hours previously trembling deliciously. My Dad had one hand on her back and the other behind her and between her legs. Lucy was gently rocking back and forth. Lucy was making a very quiet moaning sound.
"You like that you little slut, you like your cunt to be fingered, gets you nice and wet ready for your fucking, isn't that what you like." I heard my father say it but struggled to believe it.
"Yes Sir, fuck me please fuck me", Lucy put on this very childlike sort of voice and kept pushing herself onto my Dad's hand.
"Head down and get those legs wider." My Dad pushed Lucy's shoulders down which had the effect of arching her back even more. She shuffled to open her legs wider.
"Good little girl, you are a hot little fuck toy today. Have you been bad, have you been a bad little girl." He continued rubbing and pushing his hand between Lucy's legs.
"Yes Sir, I have", Lucy spluttered the words out in short gasps.
"Say it", Dad took hold of one of her titties with his free hand and Lucy let out a yelp as he pinched her.
"I've been a naughty fuck toy, please, I've been a naughty baby girl."
Dad took his hand away although Lucy kept moving herself. Putting her own hand between her legs this time. Dad stood and watched as she rubbed herself feverishly. She had her head buried in the pillow on the bed muffling the noises that she was making. Rocking herself with increasing speed she rubbed herself more and more vigorously. Dad put one of his hands under her holding one of her breasts and placed the other on the back of her head and seemed to push her face into the pillow. Lucy seemed to go wild, both hands now between her legs there were muffled screams coming from her as she arched her back. Dad seemed to be pushing her face really hard into the pillow as she kept making screaming noises. Her hands came from between her legs as she kept moving her hips, quickly and then slowing down. Finally Dad let go of her head, she stopped and remained still with her shoulders down, bottom pushed in the air and legs wide apart.
I thought that it was probably time to get out of there, I figured that was about it when Dad stood slowly, took the belt from around his waist and doubled it over. I nearly slipped on the stairs at this point, I could hardly breath and felt like the thump of my heart would give me away it sounded so loud in my ears.
Stepping to the side of Lucy he swung the belt across her waiting bottom. She let out a kind of muffled scream as she lurched forward. It must have really hurt but she put bottom back in the air almost with a wiggle as Dad readied the belt again.
"You're learning to be a very good little fuck toy." Dad swung the belt again and Lucy lifted herself up frantically rubbing her hands across her bottom.
"Down you get sweetie, one more." Lucy quickly positioned herself. Dad stroked his hand across her upturned bottom. "What is it I like to hear you say", he said.
"Harder please, harder, ...."
"Hold on to the head board so I get a good view of those little baby tits of yours." Lucy lifted herself and placed her hands at the top of the bed. "Push that cute bottom right out and spread those legs so I can see your wet little cunt. Does that feel nice, showing yourself off like that? Pushing your bottom out for a strapping just so you can have your little, slimy 12 year old cunt fucked, is that it?"
"Yes Sir, I like to be your bad little fuck toy. Punish me please."
Swinging the belt once more Lucy screamed out again as the loud crack of the belt across echoed out. I figured they thought everyone was out of the house for the afternoon.
Dad now climbed on to the bed, Lucy letting him lie down climbed on top of him. Putting her hands either side of his head she lowered herself as he took her breasts and started to suck one of her nipples. He had her titties in his hands as he sucked on them and Lucy supporting herself with one arm had the other hand between her legs.
"Only 12 and already a proper little slut. You like having your tits sucked, are you nice and wet for your fucking?"
"Yes Sir, please Sir, fuck me, abuse your little fuck toy. Hurt your little fuck toy."
Dad reached down and unzipped his trousers and pulling them down. Lucy almost immediately took his erection in her hand and guided herself onto him. I watched in amazement as she started to bounce herself on top of him. She sat upright holding her breasts in her hands and rubbing her nipples as they fucked each other.
Twenty four hours previously I had been fantasising about what a real naked little girl would look like and now not only had I ejaculated while sucking Lucy's little tits but had watched as she was spanked and was now bouncing about fucking my father.
The scene was interrupted rather suddenly by the sound of a car on the driveway at the front of the house. Ducking my head down I started to go as quietly as I could down the stairs.
"Oh God, Oh God, Oh God", Lucy voice seemed a mixture of panic and excitement.
As I hurriedly got down the stairs and went out through the kitchen I wasn't sure whether I had been seen or not.
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