Published: 21-Jul-2012
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Author's Profile
Eleven years old Anne Rutherford had made her decision. Within a week, she would get rid of her cherry! This was the only reasonable thing to do, otherwise she would become insane from horniness and frustration.
For months, she had masturbated several hours a day, and she reached at least thirty climaxes each day. She had developed the ability to obtain multiple orgasms during masturbation.
Anne was a rather pretty girl, although she would hardly become a Hollywood beauty. She was rather big for her age, she could easily pass for thirteen or fourteen. Her hair was brown, and it fell onto the shoulders. Her eyes were somewhere between blue and grey, and since she was a little short-sighted, she wore glasses. She preferred glasses before contact lenses, and her neat glasses fitted her very nicely. She had an ample figure of the type men would have lusted for had she been older, well, many men certainly lusted for her already, mainly because of her for her age very well developed breasts. She had the clearly biggest tits in grade school, and there were only a few girls in high school with bigger tits. In fact, many grown women would've been proud of tits like Anne's.
These tits showed clearly that Anne had reached puberty, and that she was almost fully developed. She had menstruated for more than a year, as the first one in her class. Not only physically was she well developed, she was also a very intelligent girl. She was among the best in her class in almost all subjects, and her grades were very good. She liked school a lot, in particular, she liked her teacher, Mr Henschel, who encouraged her and often helped her to find references on subjects she was particularly interested in.
Mr Henschel's kindness had helped her a lot, since her parents, although kind and loving, didn't have much time for her. Her father was a trucker, who was often away from home, and her mother worked full time in a grocery store. They had to work hard to support themselves and their four children. Apart from Anne, they had one more girl, seventeen years old Carol, and two boys, fifteen years old Michael and thirteen years old Nicholas. The family lived in a big and expensive (for their economy) apartment in Laxton, a small city with about 30 000 inhabitants in eastern Calisylvania.
It was now a late evening in May. Anne was lying in her bed, trying to sleep. As always after going to bed, she was masturbating. She had already reached seven hard orgasms, but she knew she needed several more. She had masturbated as long as she could remember, but during the latest year, reaching puberty, her masturbating had increased incredibly much, to the enormously high level of today. Nowadays, she was so horny she considered herself a nymphomaniac!
Why was she so horny? She didn't know. One explanation was perhaps that she never felt any guilt for it. Her mother once caught her masturbating when she was a little girl, and she didn't try to stop her, instead she said that it was perfectly natural, only that one should do it only in private, not in front of people. And so she was doing. She was sure her parents knew that she masturbated a lot, but far from as much as she actually did. Since she was such a smart girl, she tried to improve the masturbation by using candles and other objects. Not much was left of her hymen. She had had a little sex education in school, and she read all she could get hold of about sex, learning new masturbation techniques. As a result, masturbation grew better and better, and she obtained more and more pleasure. This made her desires to increase, and, in her case, more desire led to more pleasure led to more desire etc. in an eternally increasing spiral. She didn't want the spiral to stop increasing, she wanted all the pleasure she could get.
Yet, during the latest months, she had come to realize that there was something missing. No matter how wonderful her numerous masturbation sessions were, there was always a vague feeling of emptiness an lack of depth present. First, she tried to take care of this by masturbating even more. She often used to masturbate in the restroom during the breaks at school, and sometimes even during the lessons, when nobody saw her.
Although the pleasure increased, the emptiness feeling remained.
Gradually, she realized that what she was missing was the real thing. A real man to fuck! Sex was more than mechanical stimulation, an art she now fully mastered. No, it was also the closeness between two persons (or why not more than two?) who did all they could to excite and satisfy each other. She realized that she had known that all the time. Because, as everyone, she fantasized during masturbation. If masturbation was all there was, why fantasize about fabulous fucks? Because that was what she was doing: fantasizing about fabulous fucks. In her fantasies, she was never with boys of her own age. No, she considered boys of her own age as silly and immature. She had kissed some boys sometimes, but that didn't make any impression on her. She also knew, from reading much about sex, that the first fuck wasn't very great for most people, because they were young and inexperienced. That was unacceptable for her. She wanted that sex always should be fabulous, including the first time, and it could hardly be that with a young, immature, and egocentric boy.
No, she wanted a grown up, experienced men, who could teach her all about sex! Such a man, she imagined, would do anything she asked about, and he would work restlessly to give her countless skyrocketing orgasms. In return, she would gladly let him do anything he wanted to her.
She would suck his cock and swallow every drop of sperm. He could fuck her pussy and even her ass as much as he wanted, preferably more. She would give him the absolutely best sex he ever imagined, and her own pleasure would be light-years beyond everything in the universe. She seldom fantasized about particular men. Her fantasy lovers were entirely made up by her imagination.
Often there were more than one man in her fantasies.
One of her craziest fantasies was that it was her birthday, and her present was that she was taken to a men's club with at least twenty men, and that she could do anything she wanted with them all. Of course she would fuck them all with all her holes in an endless gang bang, until all their pricks were limp!
These gang bang fantasies and some others she partially got from reading porn magazines and watching porn movies. Her father and her brothers sometimes brought such magazines and and movies, and she secretly read the magazines and watched the movies when she was alone.
She also dreamed about sex almost every night. She used to have countless orgasms while asleep. But the dreams were often frustrating. She'd lost count of the times she dreamt about her gang bang birthday at the men's club, just to wake up in the moment she would start to fuck the men! Awful!
Now, this late evening in May, Anne realized that more masturbation, fantasies, porno reading and watching, and dreams, simply wouldn't suffice for her. She had to have the real thing! Of course, she wouldn't be legal for years, but she knew she would go insane with four or five more years of only masturbation and dreams. And why should she wait?
Her body was clearly ripe for fucking, and her intellect and emotions were mature enough to handle it. It would be a terrible waste to masturbate the years away, when she could fuck like crazy and satisfy both herself and who knows how many men!
Therefore, she made her decision this night: To seduce a grown up man within a week!
Preferably, she wanted to seduce a man tomorrow already, but she understood that such a thing must be properly planned to work.
First of all, she must select a suitable man. This wouldn't be easy. Such a man must be willing to break the law and the moral standards of the society to fuck her. He must often fantasize about little girls, otherwise he certainly wouldn't be interested. She would make his wildest dreams come true. On the other hand, he mustn't be an disgusting pedophile using small kids for his own pleasure only.
Fortunately, she thought, she was too stacked to attract real pedophiles. No, this man must both be kind and caring and have a filthy imagination. He would never force her to do anything she didn't wanted, but he wouldn't hesitate do things she wanted. All her holes would be free for him, and he would fuck her in them all. Her ambition was to give him the best sex he ever imagined. Therefore, she would exercise her cunt muscles, to get a snapping pussy. Actually, she had started with this kind of exercises a month earlier, maybe she subconsciously knew already that she would soon fuck. She also decided to learn deep-throating technique, by practicing with anything suitable she could get her hands on. Maybe her brother Nick's old plastic toy sword would do?
There were more problems to be solved. How would she seduce the man? Where would they have their sex meetings? At what times could they fuck? How would they keep it secret? These were all difficult problems, but if there's a will, there's a way! She was sure of that.
While lying there making up her plans, she continued to masturbate, and she came five more times in the meantime. These orgasms were the best she ever had, and she almost needed to scream with pleasure. And indeed, the emptiness feeling was somewhat weaker now, although not gone. This convinced her that she was on the right way. The last orgasm was so intense that she fell asleep, and during the night, she had her favorite gang bang dream. This time she succeeded to fuck some of the men before she waked up. She came at least twenty times in her sleep, in extremely wonderful orgasms!
But dreams are dreams. It was time for her to get a real fuck! The next morning, Anne dressed as sexily as she could.
She took a blue minidress with a belt and buttons in the front, which showed off her ample figure. She left the uppermost buttons unbuttoned, and she were no bra. The dress came about three inches below her butt, and she decided to wear no panties!
She also wore knee stockings and low-heel shoes.
She imagined she was dressed exactly right for men turned on by little girls, innocently enough not to make herself too conspicuous by the main stream, because of her young age, but every little girl lover would get an enormous hard-on.
When she left for school, her pussy was soaking wet. Today she would start looking for a man to seduce! On her way to school, which was only a few hundred yards from her home, she met mr Russell, a retired sawmill worker in his early sixties, who lived in a small house nearby.
Last summer, Anne used to spend some time at Mr Russell's, making a little money by working in his garden. By that time, she came pretty close to him. He was very kind, and she could talk with him about almost everything. This felt very good for her, since her parents was so busy with work. It was good for him too, he was divorced with no children, and he didn't know many kids. And Anne was very grown up for being only ten, as she was then.
Anne liked to talk to him so much she visited him several times also after summer, but the last time was several months ago.
- Good morning Mr Russell, Anne said, are you taking a morning walk?
- Oh, hallo Anne! Yes, I like to walk in the morning, it is so calm and quiet then.
- Really? But the school begins soon, and there are a lot of kids around, disturbing your quiet, isn't it?
- Well, you know I like kids! Besides, I have been out for almost an hour, I'm on my way home right now.
- Oh. Well, I have to go to school right now, or I'll be late. But it was nice to see you. I haven't seen you for a while.
- You're always welcome to my house, you know!
- Yeah, I might show up some day, see ya!
- See ya, and I must say you are very pretty today, Anne!
- Why, thank you, Mr Russell, Anne said happily. See ya!
- See ya!
When she left him, she met her class-mate Pat.
- I see you talked to that dirty old man Russell, Pat said.
- What do you mean, Anne said indignantly. Mr Russell is very kind.
- Yeah, maybe, but he's turned on by little girls.
- Really?
- That's what Pam says.
Pam was Pat's fifteen years old sister.
- Hey, what does Pam know about him? Anne asked.
- Well, she says that when she and her friends pass his house when he is in the garden, he is often staring at them with lust.
- And how does she know it is with lust?
- She knows that, she's no virgin, you know!
- I know that, Anne said, but so what? She's pretty, and she often dresses sexily, so it's natural that men watches her. Isn't that what she wants, after all?
- Perhaps. But not old men. But that's not all. She told me that once last for all, she took the bus downtown. The bus was crowded, and she couldn't find any seat, so she had to stand. Mr Russell was at the bus too, sitting at a seat next to her. He was watching her, of course. Suddenly, the bus made a rough turn, and Pam lost her balance and fell right onto the lap of Mr Russell. And guess what? He had a hardon! She could feel that clearly during the fraction of a second she remained on his lap! She jumped up quickly and called him "dirty old man" so that some other passengers could hear it. Guess if the poor man blushed! He hurried of the bus at the next stop.
- That wasn't nice of Pam, Anne said, how was she dressed then?
- Miniskirt, I think.
- I thought that. I think there's nothing strange with a man getting a hard-on while watching a pretty young girl in miniskirt.
- But Pam was only fourteen then!
- So what! Did Mr Russell solicit her in some way?
- No.
- So, all he did was getting a little turned on by a young girl.
That's no crime! I know Mr Russell, and I know that he is very kind. He would never solicit or heart Pam or any other! Just because he was a little turned on by Pam in miniskirt, it is unfair to call him a dirty old man! Anne said upset.
- Okay, okay! Pat said annoyed, I didn't know you liked him that much!
They arrived at school and they couldn't continue their argument in class. Anne calmed down during the first class, and then she started to think of what Pat said in a different manner. Maybe Mr Russell was turned on by young girls? How young? As young as herself? Thinking of it, she realized that Mr Russell had been looking at her in a special way in the morning. With lust? Yes, she thought so. And the more she thought of it, the more certain she became that he had had a bulge in his pants. And when he said she was pretty, didn't he say that with lust?
Yes, certainly! How strange she didn't notice anything before, despite that her thoughts were occupied with seducing a man! But of course, Mr Russell was too old. It never appeared to her to think of him sexually!
But that appeared to her now, with tremendous strength. Her naked cunt was so wet she was wetting the chair with her pussy juices. Thinking of fucking Mr Russell made her so hot she came in a spontaneous orgasm right in the class, without even touching herself! It was the best orgasm she ever had, and she had to clench her teeth not to yell with pleasure. Fortunately, it was rather noisy in the classroom right then, so no one noticed.
After that, she started to think about it seriously. Okay, Mr Russell was over sixty, but so what? He didn't look bad. And she knew she could trust him completely. He would never force her to do anything she didn't want, (as if there was anything she didn't want!), and he would surely do all he could to make her enjoy herself. And he had another advantage, she reminded herself: He was sterile, so they didn't need to think of contraceptives.
Yes, if she could seduce him, he would be an ideal lover for her. But how could she seduce him? After all, it was a big difference between being turned on by and maybe have fantasies about little girls, and actually fucking them. No matter how hot he was, he would never try to seduce her, so she had to be the aggressor.
She must make him so hot he couldn't resist her!
She decided to seduce Mr Russell in the same afternoon, after school! She celebrated this decision by masturbating herself to a new wonderful orgasm, right in class.
During the remainder of the day before the school ended, she masturbated ten more times, during every break and most classes. She reached tremendous orgasms, and it was very difficult for her to keep quiet, but she made it. This masturbating didn't decrease her horniness the least, it just made her hornier. She felt that she wanted much, much, much more. She felt like an insatiable nympho! She loved that feeling!
Finally, the school ended, and she went right to Mr Russell's house. When she rang the doorbell, she was so horny her pussyjuices flowed out of her like a river.
- Hi Mr Russell! she said when he opened. I thought I should pay you visit.
- Hi Anne! I'm glad to see you. Welcome!
They went indoors and Anne closed and locked the door. Then she hugged him and said:
- I like you so much! You're so kind.
- Oh, I like you too very much, Anne, he said.
Anne felt his hard-on against her body. God! She was so horny she could hardly keep still!
Mr Russell felt some discomfort with his hard-on. He hoped Anne didn't notice it. Anne was just a kid, but he just couldn't help it! She was so damned sexy! Mr Russell was very turned on by sexy little girls. All his sexual fantasies involved girls younger than sixteen. He was ashamed of it, he felt like a dirty old man, but he couldn't help it. Fortunately, it was only fantasies. He would never molest a young girl, he was too kind and decent for that. Besides, in his fantasies, the girl was always the aggressor. He just had to lean back and be seduced. But now, he was having difficulties to control himself.
"Calm down Henry!" he thought (Henry was his name.) "She's just eleven years old. God knows what she would think of me if she knew what is going on!"
But she was awfully sexy! He had never been thinking of her sexually before this morning. But when he met her then, he had got an instant hardon. He saw that her body had grown wonderfully stacked the last months, and her clothes brought out her body even more. God, she was the sexiest creature he'd ever seen! He just hoped she didn't notice his enormous hardon then. And she was no less sexier right now! By now, she must have felt his hardon, he thought, he just hoped she didn't think of it! She hugged him very sensually, and he had to stop the hugging before he lost control of his feelings. He was afraid to hurt the innocent child.
He slipped out of the hug and said:
- Do you want a coke and some cookies, or... ?
- No, thank you, not right now. Right now, I just want to sit on your lap and hug you some more! It feels so good to be close to you.
He should have said no, but he just loved to have her on his lap. She was the only kid who had been sitting on his lap for years.
- Okay, he said hesitantly, let's sit down at the sofa!
They went into the living room. He seated himself at the sofa, and Anne seated herself on his lap and started to hug him again. When she seated herself, her dress hiked up a little, and he saw that she had no panties! He saw her naked pussy with just a few hairs, and his hard-on became harder than ever!
Why on earth didn't she wear panties!? And as if that wasn't enough, she suddenly kissed him on his mouth. By sheer surprise, he returned the kiss. And it wasn't like a goodnight kiss. It was a hot sensual kiss. She even put her tongue in his mouth. God, what was happening? He was now so hot he didn't know what to do. Finally, he realized he had to stop this, otherwise he was seriously afraid he'd lose control over himself and rape her!
Gently, he pushed her face away from his and said:
- We better stop this right now!
- Why? she said, don't you like it?
- Well, he said uneasily, this can't go on.
- But why not? I like it, and I think you like it too.
- It just wouldn't be right to continue.
- Why? Please say what's wrong!
- All right, I guess you are big enough to understand. You see, I might get the urge to do things to you that an old man like me absolutely shouldn't do to a little girl like you.
- What things? she said interested.
- Well, he felt very uneasy now, you aren't a little kid any more, you are growing up to a woman. Your body is incredibly mature for your age. Your breasts, your legs ...
- So you like my body? Good, I like that!
- I like your body almost too much. In particular the way you are dressed today. And why don't you wear panties? Right now I can see right up your... your...
- Cunt? she said, now smiling.
- Yes, he said blushing. You should cover yourself, otherwise I'm afraid I can't can't control myself. I might do things... It's awful to say this, but I'm afraid I might hurt you!
- You! Hurt me! No, Mr Russell, I'm sure you could never hurt me. You are the kindest person I know.
He sighed.
- I'm going to tell you something Anne, he said. You might not like what you will hear, but please, don't be angry with me, and please, don't tell anybody else!
- All right.
- You see, I have a passion for little girls like you, or maybe a little older. I have fantasies about them. About doing things with them... er .. I mean sexually, if you know what I mean ...
- You mean fucking them? She didn't look shocked. Instead, she looked amused.
- Yes. I'm very ashamed of that. I feel like a dirty old man. But I just can't help it. Oh, I wish I could get rid of this passion. An old man like me shouldn't get turned on by little girls!
- But it's only fantasies, right? You have never actually fucked a little girl?
- Of course not! That's illegal. Besides, no little girl could want to have sex with me, and I'm certainly no rapist. But I have to admit that the way you just acted made me so hot I was afraid to lose control.
- So you were afraid to rape me! That's ridiculous! If I would make resistance and scream and sob with fear, could you really carry through a rape then?
He tried to imagine the situation.
- No, I guess I couldn't. No matter how hot I would be, I could never hurt you.
- That's what I knew. Besides, you wouldn't need to rape me. You are wrong when you say that no little girl wants to fuck you. I want that! Badly!
- What!!! he burst out shocked.
- Yes! Why do you think I act and dress the way I do. Because I'm so horny I can hardly sit still! I want you to get horny too. And you are horny. I feel your hard-on. I just want it in my cunt instead! OOOHHH.. I'm coming just by thinking of it, OOOOHHH what an orgasm.! OOOO... YES YEEESS!!
- Anne! Stop this!
He was very shocked, but also hornier than he'd ever been, watching the lovely little girl tremble and writhe with an obviously very powerful orgasm.
When Anne's orgasm, the most fantastic she'd ever had, faded away he said admonishing:
- Anne, I don't know what has got into you. But you must control yourself!
And I can't fuck you. You are to young to fuck. You have to wait a few years.
- No! I'm not too young! You just said my body is mature. And I'm much smarter than most kids my age. And I'm so horny I'm afraid to go insane. I want to fuck so bad!
- But for Christ's sake, you're just eleven years old! If I fucked you, I would go to jail! Then I really would be a dirty old man!
- Of course, we won't tell anyone! I might be only eleven, but I know I'm ripe for fucking. There is nothing I want more than that! Please! No one wil l ever know! Please!
- Even so, I don't understand why you want to fuck an old man like me. I could understand if you want to fuck a boy your age, but why me?
- Pooh! Boys my age are stupid, immature, and selfish. They would only think of their own pleasure, and they wouldn't even know how to satisfy me.
They don't turn me on a bit! No I want a real man, like you. A kind, experienced man who would do all he could to satisfy me. You would be perfect!
He couldn't avoid to become flattered.
- But I'm sixtytwo years old. I'm old enough to be your grandfather!
- So what! I think you are handsome, and you are in a good form. And you are awfully turned on by me. I think you are stupid if you don't seize this opportunity to fulfill your fantasy. It is certainly the only opportunity you will ever get. And I will be the most willing and horny little girl you ever imagined.
If you do all you can to satisfy me, I'll do all I can to satisfy you. You can fuck me as much as you ever want. I'll suck your cock and swallow every drop of your sperm. You can even fuck my ass!
She took his hand and placed it on her soaking wet cunt.
- Feel how wet my cunt is, she said. OOOOOOHHH, I'm coming again, OOOOHH, shit, OOOHHHHH! It's so GOOOOD! ... Your hand feels so good on my cunt! OOOHH!..
He had never felt such a soaking wet pussy before , and he couldn't resist to caress her clit, which made her explode in a new wonderful orgasm.
- OOOOOHH. Wonderful.... I'm coming again.... I'm coming so fucking hard.... OOOOHHH, You have such talented fingers OOOOOOOOOHHHHH! ... She writhed as a worm on his lap, and he was close to come too. His cock strained worse than ever against his pants.
When her orgasm had faded away he said:
- Do you feel better now?
- I feel wonderful. But I'm still horny as hell. I think I'm insatiable! I want to fuck you more than ever!
She started to unbotton his pants. He was too weak to resist.
- You shouldn't.... was all he could say when his cock came free. It stood straight up. It was only about medium size, about six inches, but Anne thought it looked absolutely gorgeous.
- Oooh, I can't wait to put it in my pussy, she said while she took of his pants.
He hardly could do any resistance any more.
After that, she reached for his cock. It felt wonderfully hard and soft at the same time. She started to stroke it slowly. He had to hold back not to come.
- No, you shouldn't.... he said mobilizing his last resistance.
- Of course, I won't do it if you really don't want it, she said. You know, I'm no rapist either.
- Ha ha ha! he laughed.
- But, she said, are you sure you don't want me to put your nice hard cock in my hot, wet, tight, little virgin pussy?
- Well, erh ... his last resistance was fading away.
- Are you sure you don't want my wet little pussy to squeeze your hard cock, to ride it really good? Are you really really really sure you don't want that?
His last resistance was now broken:
- Okay, he said, you can do whatever you want to me, you wonderful little girl!
- Ooooh, wonderful! she sighed. Now, would you please lie down at the sofa!
He did as he was told, and she placed herself above him. He took his hard cock and directed it towards her cunt. "At last", she thought, "At last I'll get a cock up my pussy!" God! Was she horny!
Slowly, she shoved his cock up her pussy. Even before the first inch of his cock had entered her pussy, she started to come:
- OOOOHHHHH, she yelled, SHIT! I'M COMING SO FUCKING HARD! She totally lost control and started to fuck him frantically. If there was any pain, she didn't feel it. It totally drowned in the incredible pleasure.
There was no blood, anyway, thanks to her masturbating with candles and other objects.
The orgasm was so total, so completely intense, she thought she was in heaven. There was no emptiness feeling and no lack of intimacy whatsoever, unlike in her masturbation orgasms. No, she felt completely filled and very close to Mr Russell, as if they were one person. She bounced up and down with the frequency of a mouse hart, and she was yelling so loudly it could almost be heard out at the street:
She came again and again and again, each orgasm being longer and more intense than the preceding. She was hooked in an increasing spiral of pleasure, which seemed to never end.
Mr Russell had never experienced anything even close to this. He used to think that his wife and some other women he had fucked were good in bed, but this, this was something completely different! This little girl, just eleven years old, was so totally uninhibited, and she had such an incredible ability to enjoy herself, that not even in his wildest imaginations he had imagined anything like this! And, despite that she apparently had lost all control, she milked his cock with her tight little pussy better than anybody had milked it before, Yet, his wife used to milk his cock really good sometimes, but that was nothing against what little Anne did right now. Of course, he didn't know that she had exercised her cunt muscles for a month. He had to hold back by all his will-power not to come himself. He didn't want to come yet. He was fascinated by her incredible orgasms, and he wanted to see how many times she was able to come. He also was convinced that his own pleasure would be greater the longer he would hold back. And, judging from the intense pleasure he was already feeling, his own orgasm would be a zillion times better than anything he ever experienced before!
But he wasn't passive. All the time, he tried to caress Anne's body, mostly her tits and her clit. This wasn't easy because she was bouncing up and down, but he succeeded to increase her incredible pleasure even more.
On and on, the fuck went. The tireless little Anne bounced up and down without letup, and her multiple orgasms continued to rush through her, each one longer and harder than the preceding, while she continued to yell out incoherent sounds.
Finally, after almost half an hour, Mr Russell couldn't hold back any more.
- Ooooohh, Anne! I can't hold back any more! I'm coming any second! At that moment, Anne was on her way down from an orgasm, which in fact was her fortythird. (But of course, neither of them had counted them, so they didn't know.)
- YEEESSS, give it to me! OOOHHH!!! Aaaaahh! she screamed, enjoying the last spasms of her orgasm. Aaaahhhh!
Now, it was his time to yell. He had expected extremely great things from this orgasm. Yet, his expectations were exceeded incredibly much. There is no way to describe even a millionth of the pleasure he experienced when he ejaculated load after load of sperm into her sweet tight little pussy, which immediately started to spasm in her fortyfourth orgasm, which made all her previous orgasms to look like almost nothing. Her pleasure was as impossible to describe as his was. It was the incredible orgasm of incredible orgasms!
They were both yelling so loudly that it could actually be heard out at the street, hadn't there been for the heavy traffic:
Finally, their orgasms subsided. They had been so intense they both passed out. First, Anne collapsed upon Mr Russell, with his cock still resting in her cunt. A few seconds later, Mr Russell passed out too. But before they collapsed, they both realized they had become hooked.
Anne was hooked on sex. She knew she did the right thing when she fucked Mr Russell, but she had no idea that it could be so incredibly totally wonderful it turned out to be. Should she limit herself to Mr Russell? Maybe not. Why couldn't sex other men be as wonderful? Anyway, Mr Russell could fuck her as much as he wanted. The question was: Did he want to fuck her as much as she wanted?
Mr Russell, on the other hand, was hooked on sex with Anne only. He knew he couldn't fuck any other woman without being disappointed. Fucking Anne was the real thing, fucking any other woman was only a very weak reflection. From now on, he would do whatever she wanted concerning sex, and he was sure that was a lot!
Like I did!
For instance, you wrote: '...told me that once last for all, she took ...' That puzzled me until I decided you meant 'fall' instead of 'for all' which is a huge difference!
Later you wrote: 'He would never solicit or heart Pam...' WTF? 'heart Pam'? Again I had to think that one over to come up with a probable meaning of 'never solicit of HARM Pam'! Again, vastly different meanings!
You could be a very good writer but only if you take the time to give your readers a well written story. As it is, you are mediocre at best! Sad, truly sad.
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