Published: 15-Jun-2012
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I'm one of those fathers you wondered about; one of those that had sex with his daughter. There's been a lot of talk back and forth on this newsgroup and the others about father-daughter incest, and even a call for those who had "abused" their daughters to tell all. Annie and I are different. We have never actually considered it anything like abuse, to be frank, even though I know evil things happen when incest is forced on a child.
Now that it has been several years since it first happened, I can look back on it with neither too much sense of guilt, nor with any illusions, either. What we did was not evil, terrible, or even very abnormal, I believe. It was a time of extreme stress, of a young girl growing up quickly, and of a very erotic time in both our lives.
I post this in response to those who asked for a "true story", or "confession," although I don't think of it as one. I am attempting to respond seriously to both those with, shall we say, "prurient curiosity," and to those who would genuinely like to read the truth of what happened to one father and daughter. What I describe below actually happened. I wrote it because I thought it was important for people to understand; and yes, also because it is rather thrilling to "relive" those amazing events with Annie.
I did not post this to break any laws, but simply to inform, entertain and... enlighten.
It began innocently, I thought. I just cared about my eleven-year-old daughter when she began to have growing pains from her onset of puberty. One night I checked on Annie in her bedroom, to find her quietly crying and holding her hands across her chest as she lay on her little canopy-bunk bed.
"Ohhh, daddy," she whispered. "my chest hurts so much, can you make it better?"
I sat down on the edge of the bed and like all parents, tried to figure out what would help make the pain go away. Eventually the pitiful look of my young daughter's suffering led me to pull her up in my lap and fold her in my arms and try to rock her to sleep. All the while she snuggled in my arms she whimpered and refused to be still. Annie was just a little string bean of a gangly eleven-year-old, a little taller than most, but not too much different from any other normal, athletic schoolgirl.
The small little mounds of her proto-breasts were not as large as hen's eggs at that point. In my mind I knew that all kids go through this period of real "growing pains" and that the discomfort was short-lived. But not knowing what else to do, finally I put my hands over her tiny breasts and pressed gently with my palms, my hands cupping and protecting her little boobs. I gently kneaded the barely-noticeable lumps, massaging and warming them through her pajama tops. At first she whined and wiggled a little at the unfamiliar touch, -- probably any squeezing was at first painful -- but she seemed to quieten down after a minute.
I kept up a gentle, totally non-erotic massage of my daughter's chest until Annie had a deep, gentle rhythm to her breathing. Then I tucked her in and quietly left her room, a thousand conflicting thoughts running through my head. I swear to everyone reading this that I had not even considered any sexual implications until afterwards when I thought of where my hands had been and what I had done -- with a thought to explaining it to my wife, Janet.
The next night Annie and I participated in our Thursday night ritual. After dinner and homework, she'd plop down in the recliner with me and snuggle up while we watched all the TV sitcoms. We both enjoyed being together and laughing together, and Annie particularly liked the idea of staying up a little later with her dad. I loved the way Annie smelled, fresh from the bath and slightly damp in her PJ's. It was a heady little-girl smell -- wet hair, strawberry shampoo, soap, and toothpaste.
She laughed and giggled and I tickled her during the commercials. Janet, who always liked the couch to herself, would bring us popcorn, half of which ended up on the floor or under us in the recliner cushions as we tossed it at each other. This night Annie was sleepier than usual and snuggled up close by 9:00. I covered her with a throw blanket, letting her slump across me, her gangly leg crossed over me as she watched the tube. Quietly she reached for my hand and guided it under the blanket to her chest.
"Still sore there, Pun'kin?" I asked.
"Uh huh." she sighed and lay on me, drifting off to sleep as, unconsciously, I caressed and kneaded the little lumps there.
Janet had a big frown on her face, but for some reason she never said a word, ... never objected. I decided to let it be, and said nothing either. Annie just drifted off to sleep.
As time went on, this became a nightly ritual, Annie and I curled up in the recliner, Janet just bored, watching TV. Despite myself I began to enjoy the sexual element creeping into these little "cuddling" sessions with my daughter. Annie was rapidly approaching twelve years old, and her gangly body was developing more and more soft little curves. Janet told me Annie was already having periods. As my daughter lay against me, her legs scissored over my thigh, and the hard little knot of her pubis found its way against my leg. Yes, I would get erections. My penis would stiffen and thicken in my pants as I felt Annie press against me, or as I cupped her little breast. Truthfully, I enjoyed the sensation, and didn't feel guilty enough to analyze what was arousing me. I allowed myself to think that as long as my dick stayed inside my fly, ... well nothing was wrong with that was there?
At these times Annie would get all "snuggly" and guide my hand over to her tiny, but growing, boobs. As she squeezed and pressed her crotch against my leg, with a kind of absent-minded reflex, would I circle and fondle and gently run my finger around in a teasing circle over the puffy, budding flesh of her not-yet-matured aureola, through her PJ's. I guess I was not allowing myself to focus on what I was doing, instead I fooled myself into an absent minded-state where I touched my little daughter's intimate flesh and tried to watch Star Trek. Yet part of me noticed every response as my daughter's tiny nipple began to stiffen and the puffy flesh around it seem to swell and form a little crown on her mini-mammary. Annie seemed to love it just that much more. She would put her hand over mine, pressing it onto her tiny tit so that I cupped it and warmed it in my palm, gently kneading her.
Annie was never naive or foolish about the disapproval of her mother, I know now, looking back on that time. She would keep up a constant, aimless chatter about the program so as to appear "normal" as her flat little mons pressed harder and harder to my leg and her breast moved tightly into my hand. We both didn't want Janet to be suspicious; but it was only a question of time before my wife caught on. We never really fooled her.
One night it was too hot for a blanket over us to hide our little game, but Annie and I were enjoying each other too much to stop. I was deliberately not focusing, and trying to appear casual, but Janet glanced over to see me absently circling my finger round and round on the pajama material over Annie's left breast.
"My GOD!" Janet snapped in disgust, staring at me with a vehement, jealous look. "You're playing with her NIPPLE! You're FONDling your OWN DAUGHTER!!!"
With that, Janet stomped out of the room, and seconds later Annie and I heard the bedroom door slam shut.
Later that night I succeeded in calming my wife down and gaining entrance to our bedroom. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I tried to explain away the things I had been doing with Annie, to lie my way out of admitting the sexual relationship my daughter and I had begun.
"You have to stop it, Michael," Janet scolded. "F .. fathers can't .. can't BE that way with their girls! You shouldn't do that to Annie. It , ... it will make her .... oh , I don't know what it will make her!"
I nodded meekly and let my wife spit out all the accusations and doubts I had been hiding from myself for weeks.
"I can understand how it could happen, but you can't continue to do that with our daughter." Janet said. Her voice was stern, but I knew she was seeking a way to let me off gently. "You must see that it is wrong. ... Promise me."
Now I know that I give the impression that Janet and I were apart, estranged, but....
About a week later Janet was writhing nakedly over me as we screwed. Her spasming pussy made wild spiraling motions as she moved up and down my cock, then fell down hard, driving it way up into her vagina.
"Oh, ... oh god!" Jan panted. Her hands rested on my chest as she scrubbed back and forth, impaled on my prick. It felt like she was going to tear it off at the root. I reached up and cupped her big, flopping titties in my hands, kneading and squeezing them, rolling her fat nipples over my thumbs until she was crying out in ecstasy.
"Oh yeah!" she said lustily. "Oh YEAH! I'm about to come! Fuck me, honey, fuck me hard!"
I slammed my cock up into her hot pussy over and over.
"Make me come!" she demanded. "Make me COME!"
Janet writhed and moaned, then arched her back, raising her hands up over her head and jiggling her cunt in short, rapid up and down movements as her pussy walls spasmed in orgasm.
"Awww yeah, awww, yeahhhh!" She cried. Opening her eyes, she looked down at me with a fierce look.
"Come in me!" she commanded. "Goddammit, you COME in me!!!"
Immediately, my cock obliged. I felt pulse after pulse of my sperm spurt up into Janet as she squealed and went rigid, savoring the feeling of my hot juice flooding her cunt.
"Eeeeeeee!" my wife squealed. "Michael, ... cummm in meeee!"
After shaking with hard orgasms, slowly she leaned forward, resting her naked tits on my chest, mashing them into me as she sucked my neck and rode out her final climax. I could feel the hot mix of cum and cunt juice dripping out of her cunt and down onto my balls as I kept pumping up into her. When my head cleared, I looked down along my wife's naked back, past the foot of the bed.
There was Annie, standing in the doorway, a serious look of shock and arousal on her little face as she watched her mommy collapse on top of me, my dick buried up between her legs. Annie just stared at our wet, glistening organs, fascinated, but concerned.
My daughter started to say something, but as gently as I could I shook my head and waved her away, out of the doorway. She knew immediately I meant for her to go right now before Janet knew she was there. She started again to say something, but the look on my face made her finally turn and quickly run out of the doorway toward her bedroom.
"Hmmm?" Janet sighed drowsily. "What?"
"Nothing, honey." I lied. "I just loved the way you came."
"Ummm hmmm." Janet grunted, snuggling down on top of me as I pulled a sheet over us. As her breathing turned into a gentle snore, my cock softened and slid out of her wetly. As soon as I could, I rolled Janet off of me and quietly slid out of bed, going to the bathroom just like always.
There, I put on my robe and walked slowly toward Annie's room....
I sat next to Annie on the frilly little bed, looking at her as she sheepishly hid half her face under her blanket.
"Do you know what you saw?" I asked.
"Y' ... yeah." she said quietly, I knew she was afraid I was going to punish her severely for spying on her parents in their most intimate moments. "You were sexual intercoursing."
"That's right," I smiled, finding her mistaken term comical. "We were having sexual intercourse.'s called "having sex."
"Uh huh," Annie said, brightening a little now that she guessed I wasn't going to spank her immediately, but only explain -- and maybe scold. She knew she could handle that. "We learned all about it in school, ... in Gym hour. Mrs. Biggs told us when she talked about us having periods."
"Did she tell you that you weren't supposed to watch? ... that when a man and woman make love, it's supposed to be private."
Annie just blinked dully, "The door was open!".
"You shouldn't have watched. You were supposed to be in bed."
"I ... I just heard mommy, she was yelling....I thought...."
"You thought we were doing exactly what we were doing, ... don't lie Annie." I said, trying to be stern.
"Well, but I thought maybe she was hurting or something! She was so loud!"
"She was having an orgasm." I said. "You know what that means?"
Annie nodded, letting the blanket drop from her face. "I know."
"You do, do you?" I smiled. "Well, now you've seen it. Let that satisfy your curiosity for now. I don't want you sneaking in on us again okay? I won't tell your mother this time, but ..."
"How ... how does it feel?' Annie interrupted, suddenly bold, now that she knew I wasn't going to rat her out to Janet.
"How does what feel?"
"Sexual intercoursing, ... I mean 'having sex.' Does it feel good?" she said, all wide-eyed and expectant.
"These are things you should ask your mom. It's about time ..."
"Mom doesn't like me."
"What? -- That's crazy!" I almost yelled. "She's your mother, she loves you!" But Annie had said it so matter of factly that I knew it must feel like the truth to my eleven year old.
"Doesn't like you either," Annie lifted her head defiantly. "She's mean to you and says bad things about you to Lois."
Lois was our next door neighbor, usually hanging around in the daytime while Janet cleaned house or watched soap operas, I really didn't know.
"Don't be silly," I said. "We were making love just now."
"Maybe she just likes making love." Annie suggested.
I sat there stunned, not knowing how to counter that remark, it felt too true.
"I want you to do that with me." Annie said, pleading the same way she pleaded when she wanted a new doll. "I know all about penises and vaginas and sexual intercourse! I kn .. know about that stuff, that stuff coming out of her. It's your seeds. Isn't it supposed to stay inside of her and make a baby?""
"You don't know anything," I said angrily. "You don't even know what your talking about! You had better really have a talk with your mom."
"Please, daddy?" she whined. "I want to have sex with you too. I can do it. When you stick your thing in her like that, does it feel real good?"
"Look, Annie, little girls don't have sex with ANYbody, particularly their fathers." I scolded. "Now, I'm sorry you saw what you saw tonight, but it was very wrong of you to do that."
"But I love you, too, daddy," Annie sniffed, she threw back the sheet and moved over in the bed, as if expecting me to climb right in. "Can't we? It's going to be my birthday, soon."
"Annie, STOP IT!" I said, standing up and towering over her bed. "That's a very bad idea to ever even think about! It's called incest, and it's very very wrong. I suppose somebody should have told you that a long time ago before you got stupid ideas. You are never 'sposed to have sex with your father."
"It's not wrong."
"Look, I'm not going to argue with you about all this, it's obvious Janet needs to have a long talk with you. Sex is something ...something you do with your husband or your first love." "No, I know that, I want to anyway. You're my first love!"
"You never EVER do it with your father, or brothers, or anybody in your family. It's against the law even.. Do you understand?"
For the first time, Annie pulled a grown-up expression of resignation on her face. She nodded dumbly and sank back into her covers.
"Answer is no," I said finally.
"Well I want you to show me how, to show me all about it. That's what I think a father should do."
"Everybody in this family is suddenly an expert in what fathers are supposed to do," exasperated, I sighed and slapped my hands against my thighs. "You're determined to get into trouble tonight aren't you?"
Annie eyes misted over, but I could see a real dilemma underneath her expression. Perhaps Janet was very cold in the way she was raising Annie. I guessed maybe if my daughter was that ignorant, Janet had done nothing but avoid the situation in the first place.
"Look, I'll have a talk with your mom," I said gently. "Don't cry. There are things you need to know, .... she can tell you."
"What if she says no?"
"If she does, ... Then I WILL tell you myself, okay? Just tell you, ... brat. But no more talk about having sex. It's really very serious and I mean it, understand? You shouldn't even think about this stuff until you're grown."
Annie nodded and curled up into a ball, stifling a yawn.
"Now, go to sleep." I said. "And NO MORE PEEKING at your mom and me!!"
For a week or so everything seemed to get back to normal, and I was intending to ask Janet to tell Annie everything she needed to know about sex. I was just waiting for the right time to approach my wife. In the meantime, I kept Annie out of the recliner chair with me, and we said little to each other. But there seemed to have been an unspoken understanding between my daughter and me: in Annie's mind, I would be her guide and teacher, despite myself.
Then, on a Friday noon after Annie's birthday, I came home early from work, unexpectedly. I'd tried to call, but Janet had turned the phones off. Tossing my coat and briefcase on the couch, I called out for Janet, saying I was home. There seemed to be a vague, muffled response from the bedroom.
I was halfway down the hallway when I heard my wife's voice, plaintive, aroused, demanding.
"Suck me, honey!" she cried. I will never forget the urgent, erotic frenzy in her voice, and the sinking feeling in my gut. "Please, .... suck it! Sooo nice when you suck my clit! Ohhhhhhh yeahhh, baby, ... suck it just like that!"
I opened the door, suddenly expecting to have to beat up some repair man or plumber or somebody. There was my wife, slumped back against the headboard of the bed, naked, propped up on a pile of pillows. Her legs were spread wide and bent at the knees. Her head was thrown back in sensual enjoyment. Long arms reached up to cup and knead her large tits as the naked, writhing body knelt between Janet's legs; a sexy, round ass was raised in the air in front of me. My wife whimpered and humped her pussy up against the face buried in her crotch. Janet's hands were clasped on either side of our neighbor's head, her fingers buried and knotted in the short blond hair, guiding her, as Lois's mouth teased my wife's pussy, madly tonguing and kissing Janet's glistening twat.
I moved out the next day.
***** Six months later, I had gotten the house in the divorce, and Janet had moved several blocks away to live in a new townhouse with Annie, although Lois was practically living there, too. We arranged it so Annie could stay in the same school, regardless of what had happened in the split.
Surprisingly, Janet and I parted almost as friends, and in the divorce I had gained joint custody of Annie, and had her every weekend from Friday afternoon until Sunday night -- or Monday morning if I dropped her at school.. We usually arranged that Janet would drop Annie off at her soccer game, and I would pick her up after.
One Friday at the end of the season, Annie's team had played so well in the league championship that the coaches and parents all took the team to a pizza parlor afterwards to celebrate. I noticed a red-haired, impish thirteen year old named Amber was now Annie's constant pal. Both of them gave me very disturbing, teen-sexy looks when the soccer moms or coaches weren't looking. I guess I knew why, even though I didn't want to admit it. I tried to ignore it and talked sports with the coach. Soon enough the party broke up.
"Well Pun'kin." I said as we got into the car with a half a box of pizza left. "What do you want to do this evening?"
"You know, ... what I always want." Annie teased, sliding over next to me in the seat. "I want you to do sexual intercourse with me."
"Dammit ... Annie, I thought we had settled all that." I scolded. "You promised to quit talking like that. No!"
"Well, then,' my daughter shrugged. "rub my breasts, they're 'sore'."
She slid my arm around her as we pulled away at a green light, fitting her right breast into the palm of my hand. I hoped none of the soccer moms had seen us. God help me, I squeezed and toyed with her little mammary through her soccer jersey as we drove home, stopping only to pick up some rental movies.
That evening neither of us said much as we sat on the couch in the living room. The old familiar recliner was still off-limits, I had promised myself. Annie yawned and sat staring vacantly, not at all interested in the action movie on the VCR.
"I want to see your penis." Annie said, out of the blue..
"What???!" I cried. "Annie! ... I thought we'd been over this ..."
"Please daddy?" Annie pouted. She grabbed the remote control and clicked the sound off, turning to face me. "I know, I promised not to ask about having intercourse, but YOU promised to show me stuff about sex. And since mom's gone now, you haven't told me anything! I AM twelve years old, you know. Please, ... let me see your penis?"
"Annie, I ... I can't" I said, although inside my heart was pounding and my thoughts were terribly scattered -- the thought of exposing myself to my young daughter suddenly seemed to be like an addictive temptation. "I didn't promise to DO things with you about sex.... It's wrong, I can talk to you and explain things, but..."
"Why not? " Annie interrupted, she was pulling away from me now, looking up with her big blue eyes, trying to put on her most seductive pout, one I knew she had observed in her mother many times. "Amber says her brother Jason lets her watch him jack off all the time. She told me once when we played with each other's pussies."
"Jesus!!" I cried, knowing she was telling the truth by the tone of her voice. I barely registered that Annie was no longer using school terms or the technical phrases for sex, but she was now learning from her friends, just as all kids eventually do. I realized then that there could be little more avoiding. "You and Amber? When was this?"
"The start of soccer season,. You know, ... when mom and Lois moved in together. I wanted to try it and see if I liked doing sex stuff with another girl. ... with Amber. Just like mom and Lois do.
"And what?"
"Did you like it?" I asked. I'm not sure I wanted a real answer, or just wanted to hear her deny what I was imagining.
"It's okay, we didn't know how very well, but Amber knows all kinds of things about penises and pussies. She says Jason lets her jack him off any time she wants."
"I'll just bet he does,' I smirked. "the little shit."
"Well, ... don't change the subject." smiled Annie, with a devilish little grin. She slid closer, snuggled back in next to me, crossing her leg over mine and sliding her soft little cunt against my leg. Her hand reached out and she fingered the front of my pants, toying with the zipper as she ran her index finger up and down the metal teeth. I had no idea why I let her do it, my mind was whirling! "Anyway, she says Jason will let me, too."
"Let you?" I said in shock, regaining my self control and batting her hand away.
"Let me jack him off."
"Do you want to?"
"NO!" she protested. "I told Amber that I would only do that to you, that you'd let me anytime I wanted!"
"Well," Annie sighed, with a coquettish little flip of her long brown hair. "You see now that I have to KNOW! I have to see SOMEbody's penis or Amber and the whole team will know I don't know anything .... and you promised to teach me!" She began to run her finger up and down the front of my fly again. I knew she understood just exactly what kind of teasing, taunting effect she was delivering. Miss Pre-Teen Seductress!
The thoughts were rushing up like a freight train out of my desire. I remembered the vision of Lois and Janet, naked on the bed together; I imagined Amber and Annie exploring each other's young pudenda in the same nasty way; the awful thought of Annie first touching Jason's cock .... All of a sudden I wanted it to be mine! It had to be MY penis Annie learned from. Who else but her father would ever teach her the right things, the right way? I mentally chastised myself for my decision, and chastised myself equally for having brought things to this point, irresponsibly thinking that now I had to follow through ... that I needed to as much for Annie's sake as anything else. Right there in that familiar living room, with Annie's skinny leg draped over my thigh, I quit forcing myself to try to feel some kind of false guilt. I knew I wanted to teach Annie everything, and that I wanted to start now, and to quit being false to our emotions and honor the promise I had made to her in her bedroom that night. The last thing I ever wanted to do was to give my daughter a sense of sexual guilt by the way I could have been handling things. I had to do better by Annie than that.
I sighed and stood up, disentangling my lithe little 12-year old athlete from around my legs. I stood in front of Annie, my heart pounding like a sledge hammer. I stared deeply into her eyes, uncomfortable with the steady, determined way she met my gaze; like a sexy, confident woman who has just achieved the seduction she had planned. It was the truth, after all.
Exhaling in exasperation, I began to undo my belt.
"Oh, goody!" Annie cried, watching every movement of my hands as I unfastened my belt, popped open the top button of my jeans and unzipped my fly. Her wide-eyed look of eager anticipation was worth everything to me. Suddenly, I decided not to withhold myself from her any longer; it seemed cruel, in a way, that I had kept her waiting for almost a year already. I quickly stepped out of my jeans and slid my jockeys down, letting them fall around my ankles.
"There." I said, standing still, watching my fascinated daughter sit on the edge of the couch, drinking in the sight of her fathers' cock as it hung naked in front of her. Annie was terribly quiet, scarcely breathing as she looked at it. "That's what a penis looks like."
Surprisingly, I felt very clinical, like an art model or something as I stood there and let her look, running her eyes over my crotch. My cock was deflated, flaccid, perhaps from embarrassment, perhaps because I had not been "stimulated" to think about what might happen between us, father and daughter.
"It's,'s not like .." she began.
"Not like it was when you saw it in mommy?" I asked.
Annie only could nod her head and say "It's so little...
"That's because I don't have an erection. It gets bigger then, when .. a man gets aroused, when he wants to make love to a woman. Then he gets an erection and she lets him stick it in her vagina. Do you understand? And then he comes inside of her, ... he shoots his sperm in her while she has a climax. That's the most wonderful feeling two people can have .. when they both orgasm -- have a climax -- together. Do you know what I'm talking about?"
"Y'... yeah, I think so." Annie said softly, her eyes were locked on my prick. There was an unmistakable husky note of arousal in her voice that I'm sure my twelve year old daughter hadn't even noticed.
I wasn't going to play anymore games with Annie, or guilt-trips on myself. Somehow, we'd just moved beyond that trivial stuff.
"Besides," I teased, "You should never tell a man his penis is little --even if it is."
I stepped closer to the couch, so that I was right in front of Annie. Then I said the words she had been waiting months to hear....
"Touch it." I said matter of factly. "Go ahead, honey, it's okay .... touch it. Find out what you need to know."
My limp, shriveled four inches hung there as Annie scooted forward on the couch. She didn't need further encouragement. It was surely as if she had been waiting all her life to touch her daddy's penis. I couldn't believe I was doing this! But it seemed so simple, so natural!
"Oh. wowwww!" She reached out her hand and touched the head of my cock with on finger, then slid it up the shaft to the root buried in my pubic hair. I was afraid I would react to the feel of her fingers, but nothing happened. Annie brought her other hand up and slid her fingers under my cock, lifting it slightly as she turned it a little this way and that, examining, learning, filling her mind with the knowledge of what it was she was holding. Her fingers continued to slide over the top of my shaft, feeling the texture of my skin, the velvety surface of my glans.
"It's ... it's so soft!" she whispered. Her voice, her fingers, and maybe even her knees were trembling as she turned my flaccid cock this way and that, lifting it a little more so that she could see my scrotum hanging down behind it. "It's so wonderfully soft!
"I never imagined it like this!" Annie closed her fingers on my shaft and gently tugged it up, trying to see the underside of my penis, bringing her face right up and examining minutely the place where the head of my circumcised penis joined the shaft; seeing how it all went together. "I thought it would be hard and rough."
"Yeah, I guess that's what anyone would think." All of a sudden the sensation of her loving, almost reverential grip around my cock sent electric shivers through my gut and my prick began to thicken. I stepped back, pulling away from her in guilt and embarrassment.
"Ohh, Jesus." I groaned softly.
Annie moved forward, fell to her knees on the carpet and knelt in front of me
"How do I, ... I mean how do you make it ... stiff, ... hard?" Annie looked up at me. I thought surely she could tell the longing in my eyes as I smiled down at her, but she simply was asking a question. "Is there some way you turn it on?"
I was considering a hundred different ways of explaining when all of a sudden my erection began to do the explaining for me.
"Oh!" cried Annie, jumping back as my cock began to throb and jerk to life in front of her eyes. "Did I do that?" She held her breath, it seemed, watching my erection begin. Then, she renewed her touching, reaching out and touching my cock, making soft, exploring finger-movements over my prick. Her other hand now picked up and cradled my growing hard-on in her palm as she knelt and watched in amazement as my penis swelled and grew and throbbed to life at her touch.
"Ohh, my god!" Annie whispered. I stood there feeling my cock throb to life, jerkily swelling and puffing up, growing twice it's size in her palm. "Ohh my godddd!!!"
I loved the look of wonder and comprehension that came together in Annie's expression. I stood there looking down with love, silently enjoying what my daughter was learning and was understanding about the way a man's penis came to life. In a few seconds my swollen prick was eight inches long, hot, hard and reddened as it stiffened and curved up away from my body.
"Ohhh neeet!!" Annie said. Her hands felt all over my throbbing cock, squeezing and tugging at it, fondling it, and twisting it back and forth until she knew just how far it would move: up down, side to side. Her hands slid over it until I began to feel a little weak-kneed. "It's sooo neat, Daddy!"
"Now you know, how it works," I said. My voice was husky with arousal.
Annie slid her finger along my hard shaft, suddenly realizing that it caused me pleasure. She looked up with an eager, questioning smile.
"Here, honey" I groaned, reaching down and putting her hand around my shaft. "You, .... you have to do it like this, .... if you want to masturbate me."
"What?" Annie asked, somewhat confused; it was no longer an anatomy lesson to me, she began to understand, she had given her daddy a hard-on! She was giving him sexual pleasure! "W' ... what do you want me to do?"
There was a little note of panic in her voice, as if she wanted to get this terribly right and was afraid of doing it wrong, I knew she didn't want to hurt my cock or "mess things up" either.
"Don't worry, Sweetie, ... you just . .. you have to help with it, now." I smiled, reassuring her. "Please, just hold your hands there, like that. It's okay!" I sighed. "Ohhh yeah! Like that. Your hand feels good there!"
I arched my back a little and slid my cock back and forth in the tube Annie's fingers made around my aching penis.
"Aww, that feels so good." I said, urging her to stroke me.
"Am I JACKING YOU OFF?" Annie squealed in delight. "Is this like jacking you OFF????"
"Uh huh, almost, it's're .... almost masturbating me. If you just do this ....," I showed her how to hold her fingers around my hard-on.
"Does it feel good??" Annie asked in pure wonder.
"Ummmmm! Yeah, ... just like that!" I groaned, scarcely believing how good her hands felt on my swollen prick. I knew I had to sit down and slow down, concentrate on teaching Annie. I swung around and slumped back on the couch, motioning Annie to walk forward on her knees until she was kneeling between my open legs. My butt perched on the edge of the couch, so that my scrotum swung free as I reached out and grasped my daughter's hands and guided them back on to my dick.
"Oh, honey, ... help me" I croaked, "I need you to masturbate me, now. Do it like this!"
I showed her how to grip my cock, and gently jack up and down, helping the skin to slide over my shaft. Groaning, I began showing her how to slide her hands up and down and to grip my cock so that when I heaved my ass up I could fuck into her warm fist.
"That's how you jack me off!"
I couldn't believe it, but almost automatically Annie's other hand went down and closed around my balls gently holding them like a sack of grapes in her palm, then squeezing them, kneading them as I had done often to her pajama-covered breasts.
"Ohhhh yeahhh!You can play with my balls, too." I said, smiling down at her as she looked up at me, her eyes as wide as I had ever seen them. Her expression was so strange, a mixture of joy and concentration, and a sort of half-open set to her lips of pure sexual excitement. My little Annie was changing right before my eyes!
"That's right, baby," I encouraged her. "It feels good! You... you don't mind doing this do you? I can stop."
"Uh uh,.." Annie said in a distracted whisper, her total focus was on controlling the power she had over my penis. "I love it."
I let my hands fall away from hers and I lay back, slumped against the couch as Annie toyed with my hard prick. I had to fuck up into her fist, since as yet she didn't understand the sensations she was causing, and of course she had never jacked anyone off before. "See? Are you learning?"
My cock was all red, and the head was now hot and nearly purple from the swollen intensity of my erection. Annie was furious in her concentration rubbing my cock too softly and then too hard. Once I winced in pain. She stopped immediately.
"No, oh please, Annie, don't stop!" I sighed, I reached down and put her hands around my cock again, groaning as once more the sweet feeling of my daughter's fingers closed around my penis. I helped her jack up and down my shaft, showed her when to hold it steady as I fucked into her soft palm. "When a man gets an erection ... it's real important to his feelings to keep doing that."
"What's that stuff? It that .... the semen?" Annie asked. She was looking down into the pink slit in the tip of my thickened glans. Clear drops of juice were oozing out of it.
"No. It's ... it's not cum." I said. "It's like a natural lubricant for when .. when your inside a woman. It makes it go in and out easily."
"Oh, yeah, like the stuff inside my ... a woman's ... vagina." Annie said, as if it were just another fact to learn.
"Pussy." I corrected. "You should talk a little bit nasty when you make love, ... call it a pussy!" I slid the end of my finger over the precum on my cock, smearing it a little so she could see it's texture.
"See?"I was delighted that Annie liked it and soon was fingering the viscous, oily juice herself, rubbing it over my cock and testing it's lubrication. "It feels good when you do that, Annie."
"What's 'cum'?" Annie asked. But I knew she knew. She just wanted to hear it from me.
"It's just another name for semen, .. it comes out when I ... when a man orgasms..." I began. "See when a man gets to a point ...
"Oh., yeah, I know. I remember now. It has sperm stuff inside of you. Inside of your things," Annie said brightly. Indicating her identification of my testicles she squeezed my ball sac gently, causing me to groan again in pleasure. Her voice was lower pitched, erotic, but so very interested in every little fact about the obscene thing we were doing. Only I don't think it was obscene at all. "Does it really feel good, Daddy? Is that why I shouldn't stop?"
"It's the best feeling a man can have, honey. When a man orgasms and puts his sperm inside a woman." I said huskily.
"Oh, wow, dad," Annie said, with a normal tone to her voice, "I see what Amber meant. I like jacking you off! This is fun!"
It seemed like half an hour that Annie continued to masturbate me. I tried to teach her the rhythm of jacking off; but she was too intense, too bound up in learning, playing and fondling with my penis until the ache was unbearable. The itching, stinging sensation in the root of my prick began to spread up my shaft and all through my crotch. All of a sudden it seem like only seconds had passed since she started touching me, all too short, because now I was about to climax. I had to forget about teaching her anything else by words, just let nature and my daughter's own vivid interest take over as I lifted my ass up, fucking her hand as I felt the sperm boiling up inside me.
"Oh, shit," I sighed, "I'm gonna come any second!"
"Huh?" Annie said as if in a daze. She was intently watching my cock throb and jerk.
"I'm cumming!" I groaned staring at her in erotic pleasure. I grasped my cock and began whipping it up and down fast as Annie leaned back and watched from her vantage point between my legs. "You made me COME!
"Awwww" I cried. "Awwwwwwww!
"Annie! Watch! This is how I cummm!!"I let go and a long, hot, white string of cum spurted out of the tip of my penis.
"Eeeek!" Annie gasped, staring intently -- fascinated as the jet of thick goo shot out of my cock. I didn't mean for it to, but it splattered over the front of her T-shirt, across her shoulder in a jagged stripe down over her breast until a trail of it spilled onto her forearm.
"Oh, Jesus, ... I'm cumming!"
Annie squealed, either in shock or delight, I didn't know which.
Another long string of goo shot out.
"Oh daddy, wow ..."
I pumped and stroked my cock, not knowing whether to point the spitting tip of it straight at my enchanted daughter, intent on watching every single motion it made, or pointing it away so that my sticky spunk wouldn't soil my perfect virgin daughter. In the end my orgasm was so intense, particularly so from the way Annie was staring at it, that I just pointed my cock straight ahead and shot squirt after squirt of rich creamy sperm toward Annie. It spattered and plopped on her T-shirt, her belly and her folded-up legs. Poor thing, for a second, she didn't know whether to panic and move out of the way or just remain still and take the cum shower as it shot out at her.
To this day I love the way she seemed to accept the spurting white stuff splashing onto her. She liked it! She seemed to love the quick, intense spurts as they landed on her clothes and her flesh, her hand reached down to smear a glob over her thigh , testing it's consistency.
All at once she regained her composure.
"Let ME DO IT!" Annie cried. "Let me DO it! Let me jack you OFF!"
She leaned forward and batted my hands out of the way, grasping my cumming cock and rubbing it up and down between her fists, pumping it exactly as she had watched me do it. I moaned in pleasure and lay back against the couch, watching my daughter as she used two hands to pump and masturbate my cock in a suddenly expert way! She sighed little "wow's" quietly as each new pulse of cum oozed up out of my cock in time to her rhythmic fisting. She urged and coaxed more and more wet semen up and out of my shaft, seeming to love each new tiny wave of white goo as it spilled out of my cock and dribbled down over her fingers and dripped onto my balls. She held a cupped hand under my scrotum, catching the sticky goo in her concave palm and then sitting the bottom of my ball sack in the cum in her hand, resting my balls there in the wet mess.
"Geeze, daddy!" she cried up at me "I love it!!! Oh, I love jacking you off! Will it do it some more? ... is it gonna come some more?"
I could tell Annie was thrilled, but a note in her voice warned me of her incomplete lesson, the way her legs twitched and fidgeted as she rubbed the wet cum over my cock. The half whining tone as she asked me about each last little ebbing dribble of my semen told me she was aroused as never before and needed something to satisfy her. My god, she needed her own orgasm! What had I started?
"Come here honey!" I said sharply. I grasped her cum-drenched hands and pulled her up, sliding my leg between hers as she stood up, then slid onto my naked leg.
"Ummmmm." she moaned, immediately scrubbing her loose shorts back and forth over my thigh; closing her legs tightly over my leg.
I held her face in my hands and looked intently into her eyes. "It's youir turn now, Pun'kin.
"I'm going to do something to you now..." I said. "Something I think you want. But I want you to tell me if you don't like it! If there is anything I ever do that you don't want me to, tell me, okay?"
Annie was if anything even wider-eyed than before, nodding between my hands as I caressed her cheeks. She just nodded, as if in a trance.
"Okay??" I repeated.
"Uh huh," Annie nodded dumbly, intent on scrubbing her little cunny back and forth on my leg as she tried to relieve her erotic need.
"The way you jacked me off was great!" I said, knowing she longed to hear that, and it was true. "I loved you making me orgasm!!"
As she held her breath in anticipation, I reached down and at the same time her body had lifted up and away from its perch on my thigh. Knowing exactly what I was doing, no longer at all hesitant or avoiding what I knew was my sexual responsibility to Annie, I slid my hand under her and pressed hard at the panel of material covering her little twat. Annie moaned.
"This will make you feel better." I assured her, .. and myself! "it will make it so you don't feel so frustrated."
I pressed her shorts up against her taut, soft mound, feeling the moist heat there as I began to rub her pussy through her shorts. I pressed my palm against her cunt, softly rubbing her vaginal opening until Annie quit trembling and pressed her stomach against me, letting me touch her, kiss her and fondle her athletic little body as she groaned and writhed in my arms.
"Ohh, golly, daddy, that feels so nice!"
Annie squirmed and bounced, her breath coming in sharp little gasps as I tried to build her orgasm. After a few minutes she was panting and scrubbing against my hand, but knew she wasn't getting the sweet stimulation she needed. I ran my fingertips along both sides of the crescent-shaped little bulge of flesh through her shorts. Her fleshy little pussy lips were so soft and tender! I pinched and squeezed all along them, bunching up the cotton material of her shorts and her silky panties, mashing her slit lips together until she moaned louder in pleasure.
"Oh daddy," she sighed.
I couldn't make her come! It was terribly frustrating for me, and I could only imagine how the pent-up sensations in her small body were torturing my little girl.
"Shit." I whispered. Annie stopped and looked up into my eyes.
"What's wrong daddy, am I doing it wrong?"
"NO, Pun'kin!" I whispered. "You're wonderful! I .. I just have to do something I wasn't expecting to do ..."
"HUH?" Annie was greatly confused now.
"Spread your legs, a little," I coaxed her.
As Annie stood up over my thigh now, her legs parted a little more, her bare feet sliding farther apart on the carpet, I slid my middle finger up into her shorts leg, gently sliding it along the flesh of her thigh.
"Now," I promised, " I'm gonna jack YOU off!"
"Okay, please daddy, okay! Ohh I want you to!"Annie seemed hold her breath in anticipation. I found the silky panel of her little-girl panties and hooked my index finger inside the seam, tugging it to one side, exposing her virgin slit to my touch. I could feel the slick wet fluid oozing out into her pubic fuzz, coating her tender skin as it drained into my palm.
Slowly I slid my middle finger up along the crack between her tiny, pouting pussy lips. They were so swollen, so hot!
"Oh!" Annie gasped. Her butt settled down on my thigh as she tilted her crotch forwards.
With all the care and loving concern I could find I slowly pushed my middle finger between her wet cunt lips and slid it into the slick goo inside her.
"Ohhhhhhhh dadddyyyy!" Annie groaned, her legs tried to close involuntarily, grasping my thigh in a squeezing scissors lock as my finger sank into her virgin twat. "Ohhh!"
My daughter's eyes were wide open as she swayed in front of me. My finger got about two thirds into her precious little vagina when it met a stretchy, flexible something. I poked and prodded inside her, pushing the tip of my finger against her springy hymen.
Annie's breath was coming in fast little chugs now, and she was bouncing faster and faster on my hand. My palm filled with a sweet stickiness as I slid my slick finger in and out of her hot little pussy.
"Uh, .... uhhhhhhh!" Annie grunted. Her tight sugar walls contracted around my finger, in uncoordinated spasms. She was orgasming already! "Daddy, oh it feels so good now! Inside of me feels so good!"
Annie leaned forward and clasped her arms around my neck, burying her face in my shirt as she trembled and squirmed, pressing her crotch down into my hand, with my middle finger buried deep inside her virgin, clenching vagina.
"Ooooooooohhhhhhh! WHAT'S HAPPENING??? Ooooooooo!" Annie sighed, and bounced hard up and down, the pressed down on my finger, straining to savor every bit of pleasure she could. We stayed like that for several blissful minutes, my finger stuck all the way up in my daughter's virgin cunt, swirling around as she climaxed. "Ohhh, What's happening?? Your finger! It feels so good!!!!"
"Oh, baby," I whispered. "I'm so ..."
I didn't know whether to say "sorry" or "happy" or both. I ended by saying something lame about how glad I was that she enjoyed it.
"Did I ... do an orgasm?" Annie said after a long while, out of breath. "Was that it?"
"Yes, Sweetie, you did. Very wonderfully!"
"Oh, Dad, I love it! It's really good!"
Annie bore down in a sweet little after-cum climax, something seemed to give way inside her and my fingertip shot another inch up into her honey-oozing pussy. I felt a slight "pop.'
"Ow!" Annie cried. "Owwwww!"
I knew she had broken her hymen on my finger, and sure enough, when I eased my finger out of her swollen cunt lips there was bright red blood on it.
"What happened??" Annie said. I could tell she was in pain, and worried.
"It's okay, shhh, .... it's okay," I said, holding her head to my shoulder and rocking her as her crotch settled down on my thigh. "I'm .. I'm sorry, honey, we just popped your cherry! ... It's your hymen, ... the thing that makes you a virgin, inside of you. I ... we , .. made it tear. But it's natural. You'll be sore for a few days, but you'll be okay."
Annie just nodded and sighed, resting her body against mine as we leaned back on the couch. I was amazed at the feelings rushing though my mind, amazed at the guiltless pleasure I had just taken in my daughter, reveling in her obscene masturbation of my prick, and my incestuous finger-fuck that had just spoiled her virginity!
Her small, soft tits crushed against my chest, teasing me with their ripeness, but no, I wouldn't go any further ... tonight. I wanted to, but I knew we had to stop.
"Your penis is all hard again." She said, glancing down beside her to where my erection throbbed in my naked crotch, grazing her thigh. "Doesn't it have to come some more?"
"No, honey ...." I said hesitantly. "I .. I just loved making you orgasm, and it aroused me again .. gave me an erection. It'll go away."
"No, I don't want it to go away. Not like that. You said a man shouldn't stop ..." Annie said, looking down at it. Her fingers curled around my shaft. In spite of myself I groaned and let my legs open wider as her sweet hand teased my shaft. "I'm gonna jack you off until you come again. You can come again, can't you? Please say yes!"
"Yes. .... Oh, yes, little girl." I sighed and pressed my cock up into her hand, fucking the hole her fist made, gently.
I was fully hard and groaned in pleasure as Annie's hand jerked up and down in a perfect rhythm as she straddled my lap.
"Daddy, ....please ..." she whispered, laying her forehead back on my shoulder. " ... put your finger back inside my pussy while I make you come..... "
The next morning I let Annie sleep late, then surprised her with breakfast in bed.
She seemed to be a blissful little child again as she woke slowly, sleepily, and stared at the waffles I had on the tray in front of her.
"How do you feel, honey?" I asked.
"Ummm, I feel WONderful!" she sighed, stretching and sliding under the tray to begin wolfing down the waffles.
After a moment she stopped and looked over at me as I sat at the foot of her bed.
"I can't believe what we did last night!" she smiled. "I loved it so much!"
"Me too, Pun'kin," I said. "I love you very much."
"Thank you, Daddy," she said between syrupy bites, "Thank you for letting me."
After a while Annie got up and I made her take a long hot bath, soaking and healing her wounded little cunt in the warm bath water.
She came bounding down the stairs a little later, dressed in her summer shorts and little girl halter, all ready for fun. I stared at the little twelve-year old, wondering at the child in front of me, and how different she appeared in contrast to the aroused young woman I had finger-fucked last night.
"Wow, you were right, Dad," she said, rolling her eyes. "I am sore down there."
"I'm sorry, Sweetie, ...."
"No, no ... it's okay!" she said quickly. "It's kind of a nice soreness, .. like I earned it."
I was again mystified at her mature, natural attitude about sex, and stared in fascination at the woman-child helping me straighten up the living room.
"Let's go have some fun!" we said to each other, and left the rest of the housework so that we could go driving and find some weekend fun.
It wasn't long until Annie and I were in the car, off to a local amusement park.
As we drove, Annie snuggled over next to me, pulling my arm back around her in the usual way. Carelessly, I slid my hand down onto her budding breast and began gently squeezing it as we cruised along the highway.
"I love you hand there." Annie sighed and snuggled in closer.
I could feel my cock thickening inside my underwear as I drove along.
Annie put her hand on my thigh and gently slid it upwards.
"Can I?" she asked.
"Can you what?"
"Can I touch it some more?"
"No, Annie, you shouldn't. It's wrong." I began half-heartedly, but by now her warm little hand was pressed into my crotch sinking her fingers into the fabric over my cock and gripping it tightly.
"Nuh uh." Annie said, squeezing my growing hard-on. "It's not wrong at all."
"I'm driving!"
"Okay, you just drive." she smiled and gripped my cock harder, causing chills to spread through my crotch. "I'll do the rest."
Annie's hand fondled and caressed my prick as she pressed her right breast tighter into my hand. We were half-masturbating as I drove us along.
Soon my cock was totally hard and erect, and making a bulging, pointed tent in my lap.
I was wearing a pair of work pants, with just an elastic waistband. To my shock, Annie matter-of factly tugged the front of them out and slid her hand down onto my naked erection.
"Awww Jesus!" I cried. "You'll make me wreck the car."
Annie just smiled up at me and curled her fingers lovingly around my erect penis. She began to gently massage my cock as we drove along. I was conscious that no one in the cars next to us could see what Annie was doing, but I felt exposed, nevertheless. I guess that was what kept me from coming in her hand right there. I was afraid some trucker would look down and see my twelve year old daughter masturbating her dad's cock as I fondled her tit.
"I am gonna jack you off all the time, forever, my daddy!" Annie cooed as she looked down at my rampant cock.
After a few miles, she had built up her quiet fondling until the pre-cum was oozing out of the tip of my dick and I was straining not to force my ass up off the seat and fuck into her loving hand.
"God, honey, that feels so nice." I said. "I could drive like this for hours."
"Ummm hmmm." Annie said dreamily. I glanced over and noticed her other hand was buried between her own thighs, rubbing her shorts right over her little pussy. "Me too."
"Here ..... " I said, shifting my arm around. "Let me, Pun'kin."
My own hand fumbled and slid down between her panties and the bare skin of her tummy. I couldn't take my eyes off of the road long enough, but Annie helped.
"Jack me off too!" she whispered. She leaned back in the seat, forcing her crotch forward into my hand. Her legs opened up to allow my hand further room.
Soon her legs were spread wide and her fuzzy little mons was pressed against my palm. Annie laid her head against the seat back and fondled my cock while my hand rubbed up and down the wet little slit of her pussy.
"Ohhh, daddy!" she groaned. "ohhhhhh, daddy!"
The hot, damp, confined space inside her panties felt like heaven to me, and we drove along, blissfully masturbating each other until we came to the amusement park. It was the most wonderful drive either of us had ever enjoyed. We both had to use tissues to wipe ourselves before we could get out of the car.
Although we had fun that afternoon and enjoyed the rides and the hot dogs and the cheap gift shop toys, we were both distracted by our new-found incestuous relationship. Annie found ways of brushing against my cock "accidentally" and pressing her boob against me on the rides. Once she sat in my lap during a water ride and pressed down on my half-hard cock until I thought I would come right there. We found we were both in a hurry to get back to the car and start another masturbation-drive back to town.
As soon as we were back in the car and driving down the highway Annie hurriedly pulled down my work pants until they were half off my ass, exposing my cock under the steering wheel. She quickly wrapped her fingers around my stiffening shaft and began stroking it.
At the same time she had her own shorts halfway to her knees and spread her legs wide, opening them to my touch as she tugged my hand to the little fuzz-covered triangle over her moist cunt. I tried to concentrate on driving -- and not cumming -- as I felt along Annie's slick slit lips and gently probed into her pussy hole.
"Oh, owwwww!" Annie said suddenly.
"Yeah, I guess." she said sadly. "And I wanted your finger in there so much, dad."
"Don't worry Pun'kin," I sighed. I slid my finger up along her tiny slit and found the small hard knot of flesh at the apex there, and swirled my finger around it, pressing against it.
"Ohhhhhh golly!" Annie cried. For a few seconds she even forgot she had my cock in her hand as my finger teased and pleasured her little clitty. She grabbed my arm and held it tightly, pulling my hand down onto her cunt and guiding my palm to rub her sweet little pussy lips as she lifted her butt up and fitted her clit against my finger. "oh golly!"
I didn't actually come on that trip back, but enjoyed a long drawn-out foreplay as we fondled each other's sex without guilt or any thought of incest. Annie loved every second of it, even whispering in my ear as we drove along.
"I want us to jack off all the time. I love you Daddy."
It became a habit, everywhere we drove that Saturday. When we stopped for gas, or went to the grocery store, and the few other places I had to go, every time we were back in the car together Annie's hand was quickly back down in my pants, gripping my naked, aching cock as I felt for her ripe little pussy. The whole day rushed by in a wave of pure, incestuous sexual arousal between me and my daughter.
By the time we reached the house, we were both so aroused I had to sit in the garage for a minute, reaching down and pulling Annie's hand off of my peter.
"I won't be able to walk into the house, Pun'kin, unless you let that go."
Annie smirked proudly. "Okay, daddy, if you won't let me make it come this time, I'll carry in the groceries while you let it go down. Pop the trunk!"
When I got into the house it was all I could do not to grab Annie and fuck her right there on the kitchen floor! I could never explain or even justify my emotions, nor do I want to even now. It was a wonderful innocent love we were sharing. I tried my best to get through the early evening and dinner without ever touching my daughter.
"C'mon." Annie said insistently, grabbing my hand like the excited twelve-year-old she was, practically dragging me into the living room. After dinner, I'd barely had time to turn on the dishwasher before she started pulling me away from the kitchen.
In seconds we were snuggling together in her favorite place, our familiar old recliner. As usual she had put in a new rental movie. What was unusual was that for the first time she lay snuggled against me in the half-opened chair with my erect cock in her hand.
"Ohh, honey," I sighed, feeling her loving hand close around my shaft and begin stroking it. "I'm amazed at the way you do that."
"Ummmhmmm." she said dreamily, staring intently at my naked, rock-hard cock. I tugged my pants down and tossed them on the floor and sat naked from the waist down with my daughter. Annie lay along my body, molded to my side as she watched her hand fondle and masturbate her daddy's hard prick.
I had known a night like this was coming, and now that it was here, I was surprised at myself by how patient and in control I was, and how ready to seduce my little girl. I knew her torn little hymen and her raw pussy lips weren't ready for fucking -- I'm not even sure I had allowed myself to think about actually fucking my daughter yet, but I knew I was going to fulfill most of my promise to her tonight, and that my daughter would soon be naked... for me to gaze upon and touch in any way that pleased her.
Annie knew a little about kissing, but for the first half-hour we lay in the recliner, snuggling and gently kissing each other on the lips as my sweet child gripped my penis in her warm little hand and masturbated me constantly. Her own crotch was open and locked against my thigh.
"Here," I said, moving her up on me as we lay in the recliner. "Let me show you how men and women REALLY kiss!"
Slowly slowly, I moved my mouth up to hers and kissed her lips softly, then more firmly, finally opening my mouth and covering her lips.
At first Annie didn't know what to think, but relaxed as I gently let up the pressure between our mouths but kept drawing out the kiss. Then I sucked her lips partly between my teeth, biting them lovingly. Annie stifled a little sigh and pressed tighter to me, gripping my cock harder and pulling it up and down until the precum began to flow steadily.
Slowly I let my tongue slip in between her lips as she pressed them against mine, then parted her mouth slightly so that my tongue slid into her mouth a little. Annie moaned and began to chew slightly at my tongue as I slid it deeper into her mouth. Soon she was panting and humping my thigh as I held her in her long, first french kiss.
As we broke the kiss, Annie gasped and pulled back, taking a deep breath.
"Do you like that?" I asked hopefully.
"Oh yes daddy, oh yes ... so much," she panted, "but ...I can't breathe."
"Silly," I chuckled, "you're supposed to breathe through your nose!"
"Oh ... yeah" she grinned brightly. "Again ... let's try it again!"
For a moment my hot prick was forgotten as Annie crawled over me and began another long kiss, this time opening her mouth willingly as I slid my tongue in and explored. Her mouth was the sweetest, most loving place I had discovered about her yet. I opened my eyes and stared back into her close-up blue ones. I groaned a little as my daughter remembered once again to reach down and grip my cock. Then I sighed helplessly at the hot sweet sensation of Annie's tongue as she lid it past mine into my mouth. Our next heavy, exploring french kiss lasted five minutes as Annie learned about the kind of arousal that could bring to both of us. By the end of the kiss she was panting hotly, and not just from forgetting to breathe through her nose.
"Daddy, oh gosh, daddy, I love you so much! I love kissing you this way!" Annie cried and put her mouth back on mine, hungrily exploring each nuance of the way men and women kissed. Incredibly, as with every thing else I taught her, Annie seemed to have an instinctual understanding and talent for sensuousness. For half an hour we kissed and kissed, exploring each other's mouths with our tongues, chewing each other, sucking and hungrily experimenting with all the wonderful ways we found to pleasure each other that way.
Finally Annie was panting hotly and sprawled on top of me as we kissed in the recliner. My cock was rock-hard, but forgotten down between her legs as she lay on me and learned to french kiss. One leg was stretched out along my side, the other bent and opened, resting against the arm of the chair. Annie wanted more, so much more, I could see in her beautiful face as she lowered her head to kiss me again. Her hand sought out mine and she pulled it down, trying to fit it between our bodies so that I could pet her feverish little twat.
"Annie," I whispered intently, my hand reaching for her waistband. "Annie.... take off your pants."
These were like magic words to my daughter. At last, after so long, her daddy was going to get her naked! Her face glowed in anticipation and excitement as she lifted up and began to work her shorts down her thighs.
"Daddy. Really?!" she grinned. "I want to take them off ! I've wanted to take them off for you for so long!"
I reached down on either side of my daughter as she moved on top of me and began helping push her shorts down her legs. I nearly fainted at the rush of hot little-girl cunt scent that wafted up, and the flash of her pink little pussy, nearly furless as she squirmed over me, at last kicking off her shorts and panties. The discarded clothes hung on the bottom edge of the recliner, the white little half-rolled-up rope of her panties seemed so erotic!
Locking her hands behind my neck, Annie straddled me, lowering her naked crotch onto me. For the first time, her naked cunt touched my flesh. When the hot, wet flesh of her cuntworks finally touched my naked stomach, Annie cried out in pleasure. "Ohhhh, god, daddy! oh god!"
Her little butt moved back and forth, scrubbing her pussy along my torso. Her thighs splayed wide on either side of me as she straddled my body and rode me. Annie's eyes were shut tight as she let her little twat slide along my skin. The aroused, pleased look on her face was enough to bring tears to my eyes.
I reached out and grabbed the bottom of her blouse, pulling it off so that my daughter was wearing nothing but a flimsy, lacy little training bra. A band of white across her chest.
"Take it off, Pun'kin." I ordered gently. "Take your bra off."
Annie's hands were trembling as she hooked her fingers in the armbands of the bra and tugged it up. I was so nervous and impatient I slid my hands up over hers and together we pulled the bra over her head. I tossed it away and stared at my totally naked twelve-year-old daughter swaying over me. Her brown hair spilled across her naked shoulders and for the first time I looked fully upon my daughter's naked, swollen little titties.
Her little tits were so beautiful I wanted to come right then, just looking at them. They were no longer little goose eggs, but now were perfect little creamy cones, stiff and firm, just enough to fit in a champagne glass, I thought. The tiny aureolae had grown to quarter-sized pink little crowns, with puffy pink crinkley flesh at the tips. It was as if a thick, pink, soft bottle cap had been attached to the white little mounds of her mammaries. Her immature nipples were flat, half hidden in the pink flesh of her aureolas. Her breasts were perfect! Beautiful and perfect, ... so much more perfect than I had imagined them to be.
Annie lifted them proudly as she saw me staring at them with such obvious pleasure. She was beaming with pride that she had such pretty little mammaries to show off to her daddy.
"Do you like them daddy?" she asked. "Do you like my breasts?"
"Oh, honey" I said, reaching up to them, "god yes! They're perfect!"
I cupped each of the small cones in my hands, the actual naked flesh of my daughter's tits, the sweet little bumps that had started our "affair."
Annie sighed in pleasure as my hands closed over her fine little cones, squeezing them and fondling them with all the freedom we had both imagined for so long. She had glistening tears in her eyes as my hands cupped her titties and made love to them as she had hoped I would.
I reached over and flipped the lever on the recliner, moving it into a more prone position, although not quite all the way down. Annie's body slid down until her naked butt was pressing back against my throbbing cock and her face was level with mine. Her little cunt pressed hotly against the naked flesh of my lower torso.
Then both of my hands were back on my daughter's silky breasts, kneading them, cupping them, and then rolling her flattish, pea-sized little nipples between my fingers until they began to harden and stand up on her puffy aureolas.
"Mmmmmm" Annie groaned. "mmmmmmm!"
Then I crossed my arms over Annie's naked back, pulling her onto me. My daughter lay against me; her naked, lithe little body against mine. I had forgotten my sweatshirt was still halfway up my chest, and cursed quietly as I quickly pulled it over my head, and then once again embraced Annie.
Annie gasped, then cried out as her naked little titties came in contact with my naked chest, and we were locked together. At last! At last, we were naked, our bodies pressed together, our mouths hungrily seeking each other's. My hands slid all over my daughter's naked body as she lay in my arms and pressed incestuously against me, nearly fainting for the sensuous arousal of her body against her father's.
"Ohhhhhh," she sighed. "Uhhmmmmmmm, daaaadeeeee!!"
I was nearly lost in the pleasure of her innocent young body against mine, as well. I lay there with her "on" me, feeling my cock throb behind the crack of her butt, loving the mashed mounds of her little titties buried in my chest hair, and her bare vagina wet and slippery on my groin.
I pulled Annie up and stared into her eyes, willing her to know how much I loved her. She stared back in joy with her tear-filled bright blue eyes, tossing back her long brown hair as I bent my head to her chest. Her slim arms cradled my head as my lips for the first time nuzzled her tiny, erect nipple.
"Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh," she groaned
I kissed and licked at each of her small tits, then bit the ends of them, teasing her nipples.
It was all I could do not to devour my daughter in a heated, all out sensuous rape-fuck. I hope you understand how much restraint was required to slowly, slowly teach her. I kept nibbling and licking at Annie's aroused breasts as she writhed in my arms, feeding first one and then the other tiny titty to my lips. At last I opened my mouth and sucked her little breast entirely into my mouth, flattening my tongue over her bead-like nipple.
"Daddy! Oooo godd! Oooo dadddyyyy!" Annie crooned, forcing her tit deep into my mouth. I was mentally laughing -- delighting at the sweet sounds she made, even thought my poor child could only say "ooo" and daddy" and had no other words for love making, but I knew I would change that soon.
I sucked on first one, and then the other wonderful perfect mammary. I squeezed and kneaded the other breast in my hand as I inhaled it's twin into my mouth, coating her titflesh with spit. Annie's arms tightened in their embrace around my head as I mouthed her sweet little breasts the way I had wanted to for months.
I lost any bit of the control I had then as Annie's naked body responded to my loving. Her tender pussy mashed into my skin, scrubbing up and down my stomach as my hands slid down to her waist. I pulled my daughter tightly onto me, holding her hips down, pressing her pussy onto the flesh of my stomach, feeling the hot wet trail of her vaginal slime sear my flesh as she painted a line of it up my body. As I mouthed each of her little breasts in turn, my hands slid down to cup her butt cheeks. Annie cried out in pleasure and began wriggling, hotly bouncing her pussy against my as I spread open the crack in her butt and held her ass cheeks wide and tight as her cunny splayed on my skin. The tight, sexual bouncing of her body was so erotically rhythmic that my cock began surging in response.
"Oh yes daddy, oooo yess!" Annie panted, she was raining kisses on my head as I kissed her nipples and spread her butt wide in my hands, pulling her tight. My cock slapped loosely against bottom of her butt, so near to both her asshole and her cunt that for a moment I thought I was going to stick it in her -- somewhere, anywhere down there -- despite my promise to myself not to. ... yet.
As I made love to my daughter, in case you're wondering, not one trace of guilt or even any thought of incest troubled me. It was so good, so right, and Annie was so obviously happy that nothing else mattered.
I first slid one hand around and cupped her oozing pussy lips, causing her to cry out in pleasure, then I poked my finger slowly inside of her, at first making her groan in a full-out woman-animal sound of gut pleasure, then a whine and a sharp "Ow!"
"Ohh, soo sorry, honey, are you still very sore in there?"
Frustrated and aroused, Annie only nodded in sadness, the pain was just too much.
"I'm sorry daddy, I'm sorry it hurts so much!" Annie pouted, "And I wanted you to jack me off some more!"'
"Shhh, shush, Pun'kin! " I soothed. "There are other things to do tonight, don't worry!"
I resumed devouring my daughter's sweet young body, gripping her butt cheeks in each hand and again spreading them wide, allowing my cock to slide up so that my shaft was over Annie's butthole and half pressed into her buttcrack. I fucked my cock back and forth there until I couldn't stand it, and yet found myself strangely hesitant to do more. Somehow Annie's body worked itself up and away from my glans until my cock was waggling loosely back and forth between her thighs as I nibbled her titties and her cunt scrubbed itself over my stomach.
I reached down with a finger tip and poked the taut flesh around Annie's little butthole. She moaned and purred and bounced harder at the forbidden thrill of my finger on her rectum. I was afraid she would object, but to my delight, she brightened and grinned down at me when she felt the forbidden touch.
"Ohh, that's nasty!" she giggled. "That's so nasty!" I loved her so much then, for the way she was enjoying every possible thing I could do to her. Annie kept a steady rhythm up, bouncing her cunt against me, and holding her butt in a way that invited more ...
I sank my finger down into her anus to the first joint and a little farther.
"Ohhhhhh!" Annie sighed and pressed her little butt back, seeking to drive my finger in even more. "oooooooo!'
Then we were writhing together; harshly doing a kind of father-daughter masturbation that we just made up in place of screwing. Annie french-kissed me again and again, panting in between kisses as her wet little crotch rubbed and rubbed against my skin. My hands cupped her butt, spreading it wide and holding her lower body tight against mine, My index finger invaded her virgin butthole in an obscene mock-fucking while my cock bounced between her thighs.
Annie's breath came in little chugs, and when I again sucked her breast into my mouth she screamed and began trembling as an orgasm wracked her little body.
"Ooooooooohhhh, ohhh god daddy!!" for about the hundredth time. Her legs closed, trapping my cock between her skinny thighs.
All of a sudden my cock ached terribly and then throbbed hopelessly. I let myself go and felt the first hot spurt of my cum spatter up between Annie's thighs, coating her butt and the outside of her little pussy.
"OH!" Annie cried out, her blue eyes wide as she looked down at me and for the first time felt the hot sperm paint her crotch.
"ARE WE FUCKING?" She cried in wonder. "IS THIS FUCKING????!"
I just groaned and gripped her tighter, thrusting my cock up so that the tip of it rested in the opened crack of her butt and another pulse of sperm spurted over my finger buried in her rectum.
"No ... honey," I groaned, feeling each spurt of my cum spit up into her buttcrack and dribble down "Almost ... but not really fucking.
"we're ... we're not... quite... fucking yet." I panted, nearly dying at the sweet feeling of the tip of my glans buried between Annie's naked buttcheeks, spurting cum into the crack of her ass as my finger probed her tiny butthole. "Awww godd I'm cumming all over your asss!"
"I LOVE IT DADDY, I LOVE YOU CUMMING!! I LOVE YOU CUMMING ON MY BUTT" Annie cried out and bounced her pussy on me harder than ever, seeking her own orgasm.
I growled loudly in frustration, wanting more than ever to be cumming in Annie's sweet pussy. I rolled us both over and placed Annie under me.
Annie froze, hearing the anger in my sounds, and waiting to see what would happen.
Abashed, I caressed her gently and held her to me, letting my oozing cock dribble the last of my cum on her thigh.
"It's okay, honey, it's okay, you just made me come very much."
I looked down at the little girl lying below me on the recliner cushions. She was so wantonly beautiful! I could see the child in her, a small, lithe athletic brunette, her hips barely flaring into womanhood. Her tiny little woman-tits just budded enough to be aroused. Yet just underneath the surface was the sensual, aroused woman almost ready to emerge, for those tiny breasts had nipples erect and hard as rocks; and her ass was writhing and heaving beneath me. The wanton, erotic look on her face was as grown-up as any I could ever hope to see. I loved the paradox of this naked woman-child open and aroused under me.
I picked Annie up in my arms and carried her over to the couch, laying her down gently. My daughter looked up at me with such love and expectation that it was all I could do not to spread her legs and enter her right then and there. The thought of her still-healing vagina was all that kept me from eagerly fucking her. Her eyes were shining as I knelt down in front of her. Her sweet little body stretched out on the couch, her legs locked together in a modest way that barely hid her virginal cunt between her closed thighs. The apex of her mound was visible, softly swollen, peach fuzz covering it. I held my breath at the fresh innocent beauty of my daughter, even as my hands slid up to cup and squeeze her flattish, developing little tits.
"Ummm, I like that!" Annie sighed. Her hands slid over mine and pressed them down harder on the small mounds on her chest.
I smiled lovingly back and bent over my daughter, kissing and caressing every inch of her nubile flesh as my mouth traveled down her neck, her shoulders and once again onto her little cones. I sucked each breast tenderly, making Annie sigh sweetly. My heart was pounding so furiously I was afraid it would frighten her!
At last I began long, slow kiss-licks down Annie's torso, pausing to kiss and gently chew at the flesh of her stomach, her navel, darting my tongue in and out as she giggled at the sensation.
"I'm gonna make you orgasm in a new way, darling." I whispered, looking up to see the nod of approval on her beautiful face. "Just lay back and enjoy."
I took each of her calves in my hands, pulling her legs up and wide apart, gasping at the gorgeous pink slit formed by her swollen, distended pussy lips as her legs came open. Her little cunt was incredibly sexy! The pink lips barely hid the edges of filmy, rippling inner labia that were as delicate as butterfly wings. The fuzzy light golden brown wisps of her pubic hair were like frosting on a cake. Tiny glittering beads of moisture formed a chain along the slit between her legs.
I slid down on the couch, putting my head between her thighs and laying her legs over my shoulders. I bent forward, inhaling the delicious scent of Annie's fresh, virgin cunt. I put my face to her crotch and pressed my lips against her hot soft pussy lips. My heart was racing like a freight train!
"Ohhhhhhhh! Dadeeeeee!!" Annie cried. Her hips bucked forward and she pressed her pussy against my mouth as I began kissing her cunt, licking those tiny beads of moisture.
I began a tender, loving cunnilingus on my daughter's cuntworks. I was kissing and licking at her soft, pouty little cunt lips, feeling Annie tremble as she raised up off the couch, arching her back. Her shoulders supported her on the couch, her legs tangled behind my neck, holding herself up to me as I darted my tongue into her silky slit, running it up and down as she squealed in pleasure.
"Eeeeeee" Annie groaned, mashing her pussy into my face.
I felt around with my fingers, then gently spread her sweet pussy lips and slid my tongue down, down into her vagina. Her mouth was no longer the sweetest, most loving place I had discovered about her, as my tongue sank into her cunt.. Annie came higher off the couch, reaching up with her hands to grab at my face, then dig her fingers into my hair as I french-kissed her wet little pussy.
"Ohhh, ohhhhh ohhhh!" Annie groaned. Her naked butt slid across my chest as I practically held her upside down over the couch and sucked at her cunny like a bee sipping nectar. Nectar it was!!!! The clear, tart liquid drooling out of her pussy was a slick, tasty cocktail of incestual longing.
I cupped her butt with my hands, lowering her onto the couch so that her legs hung loosely over my back and my mouth pressed down into her crotch. Annie was rigid under me, straining and writhing in ecstasy as I mouthed her pussy.
Then the tip of my tongue traveled up into the tiny arch at the top of her pussy lips. A hard, stalk-like little bud of flesh, almond shaped and Annie-flavored poked stiffly at my tongue.
"Ohh daddy! Ohhh Daddy!!" Annie chanted, panting and bouncing against my face as my tongued licked back and forth over her tiny clit. My daughter's fingers dug painfully into my hair, pulling my face tight against her crotch as I licked her clitoris. My tongue flattened over the little girl-dick, covering it and pleasuring it as my fingers slid simultaneously into the wetness of her cunny, and the dark, naked hole of her anus.
Now Annie could only make animal-like, grunting and whining noises of extreme pleasure as I manipulated the most forbidden and erotic parts of her small body. I knew from the trembling way she went rigid, then relaxed, that orgasm after orgasm was rippling through her young flesh.
Finally Annie squealed harshly and with the flat of her palms pushed my face away. I knew that her last orgasm had overwhelmed her and the sensations were now too intense for me to continue my all-out assault on her crotch, I let her butt ease back down on the couch and just licked and kissed her sweet young pussy as her panting slowed and her body melted into the cushions.
"Too much, Kitten?" I asked looking up along the beautiful length of her body to stare into her eyes.
Annie nodded sheepishly, as if she had denied me something, and lay there exhausted, with such a look of sensual arousal on her face.
"I love it.' she whispered hoarsely. "I love that! What is it? It isn't fucking! What do you call that? Ohhh, I want you to do it to me forever!"
"It's called cunnilingus!" I said, smiling between short, loving little kisses against her pussy lips as my hands massaged the sticky insides of Annie's thighs. "Or 'eating you' out, or just 'eating your cunt.'
"Whenever you want me to do it, just ask me to kiss your pussy, or 'eat you.'" I smiled.
"Some more," Annie sighed, smiled devilishly. "Eat me some more! Kiss my pussy, daddy!"
I obliged, locking my lips back over Annie's sweet cunny. In seconds she was again writhing on my face, rigid, back arched as she orgasmed against my tongue.
"Eat me! Ohhhhh, eat me daddy!!!" Annie cried. "Kiss my pussy!!!!! Cunni-.... cunnilingus!!!! Ohhhhhh goddddd!!!!! CunniLINGus!"
She loved the obscene words, trying them out, chanting them in different order as she rode my tongue back to orgasm.
"My pussy feels sooo goood!"
Finally, Annie sighed and lay back against the couch pillows, exhausted, satiated.
I stood up, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. Staring down, I was totally in love with my wanton, sexually satisfied daughter. Her brown hair fanned out over the arm of the couch. A look of forbidden, lustful satisfaction was on her beautiful face. Where her shy, demure little pose had once been close-legged and self-consciously concealing, Annie's legs now hung open, bent and forming a diamond shape with her reddened, wet pussy exposed. She lay back in a provocative, naked slouch, clearly enjoying the way her father drank in the sight of her lithe, nude body and her open crotch. One hand dangled carelessly off of the couch, the other tenderly cupping and gently fondling her own breast.
"I love you, Daddy!" Annie sighed. "I love you so much!"
I started to respond, only to groan as her free hand reached up and grabbed my swollen cock, once again hard and aching. Without a word, I stepped closer, swaying back and forth as Annie began masturbating me once more.
Annie simply smiled up at me, with a naughty, mischievous look as her hand caressed my dick. By some unspoken agreement, we both just knew that it was my turn. Once again time for Annie to take the starch out of my penis by making me come again.
"Time to jack it off some more," she said in the same cute little girl voice she had when playing with her dolls.
"ohhh, yeah," I groaned, fucking into her hand.
By now Annie was experienced, and masterful in the way she played with my cock, milking it and jacking it off. I stood above her, my arms hanging at my sides as my incestuous daughter masturbated me faster and faster, pausing now and then to rub her oozing pussy with her free hand as I looked down at her lovingly.
"I love your penis" Annie said, for perhaps the tenth time. "I love making it come."
"I love the way you do it, honey," I sighed, urging her on. I stared down at her naked, exposed cunt, feeling my cock grow harder and harder at the sight of my beautiful, nude daughter , feeling my rigid tool throb inside her fist. "I love your hands on it.
"Oh, baby, ohh baby! You make it feel so good!" I crooned, feeling my climax build as Annie urged and coaxed my dick with her loving hand, rubbing, rubbing, and manipulating it harder and harder.
I looked down at the little cones of her boobies, flattish and so small, just lumps, actually, rising from her chest. I knew suddenly what I had to do!
"Annie, honey," I began, "Daddy needs to do something, ... something just for himself, okay?"
"Huh?" Annie asked, dreamily, staring intently at my cock as the precum welled up and out of the red slit in the tip of it.
"You may not understand, but it will make it sooo good for me! I ... I need to!"
I could feel my orgasm building, my nuts seemed to knot up under my swollen cock as it got rock hard in Annie's hand.
"What, daddy?" Annie asked seriously. "What?"
"Aww" I groaned, nearly shooting. "I wanna come .... I gotta come on your sweet titties!
For the first time I think Annie understood the power her naked body had over me, and would have over men forever, and she was also a little shocked. She blinked up at me with a questioning look.
"Please .... even if you don't understand" I groaned, feeling my cum begin to boil up. "I want to come on your breasts! I need to! Ohhh, Annie I need to come on your titties!"
"Okay. Here, Daddy" Annie said immediately, she pulled my cock forward and held the tip of it to her tiny, budding nipple. "It's okay! Come on it!..... come on my titty!"
Her eyes were wide, her face glowing with an excited smile. Even if she didn't understand my perverted wish, she knew she was pleasing her daddy in some forbidden way as she pressed the acorn-shaped head of my cock into her soft mammary, half burying it in the tender flesh around her nipple.
"OH CHRIST!" I groaned. I stared, aroused as I had ever been in my life, watching my cock rub against my daughter's forbidden tit-flesh. "I'm gonna COME!"
Annie rubbed and jacked gently at my cock as she tried to hold it to her pink crinkley nipple. My knees bent and I cried out, feeling my cock pulse. The tip of my prick angled up and a long, white ribbon of cum spurted out. The stringy goo spit over her nipple and flew across her chest, so that her right tit also caught a gob of cum. A long stripe of cum lay across Annie's chest, painted from nipple to nipple! I nearly fainted from the pleasure I felt in my prick, and saw with my eyes as I came on Annie's little titties. My fantasy of cumming on her tits was a sensual reality!
"Awwww shittttt!" I cried, reaching down and grabbing my cock in my hands as it spurted. "I'm CUMMING!"
I transferred Annie's loving hand to my scrotum, letting her squeeze and fondle my nuts as I began masturbating myself, holding my cock like a fire hose and spurting my semen all over Annie's beautiful little titties. I nearly died at the sight of glob after stringy glob of cum spitting onto her naked chest. I was cumming on her titties!
Annie smiled in happiness, bending her head down to watch the hot semen splash and stick to her skin. She lifted her hand from her pussy to rub the pearlescent goo across her hard, flat breastbone, between her budding titties. She smeared it all over, clearly loving the sticky wetness as it spurted out of my cock onto her.
"Oh, is that good, Daddy?" she asked intensely. "Is it fun to come on my titties?"
"Uhhhh, huhhhhhh" I groaned, shooting more and more sperm onto my daughter's precious mammaries. "Awww yeahhhh!"
I jacked off hard as I could, milking every drop of cum out and onto Annie's chest!
Finally, my knees were so weak I sank to the floor, pushing my cock into Annie's left nipple, spurting the last of my cum into the indentation where my glans sank into her tiny boob, pressing the puffy, pink flesh of her aureola down.. Annie turned sideways and pressed her titty against my cock, holding the tip of my penis with her hand as the cum oozed out. A lacy necklace of cum dripped and ran down sideways across her chest as she watched my cock dribble the last of my semen out onto her nipple.
"Ohh, daddy!" she cried. "Oh I liked that too! I don't know why, but I LIKE you cumming on my tits! It makes me feel all funny, ... good, though!"
I nodded and slumped against the couch, holding my cock to her tit. I had never had such a fantastic, intense orgasm from masturbation before. Nor even from Janet's expert blowjobs! And I had finally "made love" to my daughter's growing little titties, the titties that had started everything!
After awhile I climbed onto the couch with Annie, both of us laying naked and pressed against each other. We cuddled and fondled each other, gently french kissing, and then touching everything and everywhere. Somehow we drifted off to sleep. In the early morning, I awoke, cold and naked with Annie huddled against me, her hand loosely cupping my cockhead. I picked my daughter up and carried her upstairs, just as I had done a thousand times since she was a baby. Only this time I tucked her into my bed and slid in next to her naked little body, loving the way Annie sleepily molded herself to my body.
Annie was barely awake, but she smiled over at me as she lay nestled in my arms.
"Eat me, Daddy." she whispered. "Eat my pussy some more!"
I could only smile and slide my head under the covers as Annie rolled on her back and spread her legs, fitting her little pussy against my lips with a sweet sigh as I began to kiss it. My cock was thickening, but I knew Annie would soon take care of it.
I dreaded the fact that Annie's weekend with me was almost over, and that by the afternoon, I would have to drive her back to her mother's. It seemed as if Annie was feeling the same since of sadness. Any separation seemed like an eternity.
As a result Annie was almost voracious in her new-found sexual appetite that Sunday. Although we made some show of trying to be "normal" and do the routine things around the house like packing her bag or gathering up her homework, we ended up touching each other at almost every opportunity. Now that we had found such fun sex games to play with each other, we were like newly-weds! Annie jacked me off in nearly every room of the house, usually holding a Kleenex to my cock as I orgasmed, or letting my sperm shoot all over her naked titties or stomach. My fingers were constantly sliding into her pussy, whether she was sitting at her desk completing her school papers or lying back on the couch trying to read the comics. We barely got into clothes before we were half out of them and nakedly rubbing each other's genitals!
At lunch time I was busy making us sandwiches when Annie walked into the kitchen, wearing only her training bra and skimpy panties.
"What are we having for lunch?" she asked in a strange, half-innocent voice. Her hand slid to the front of my gym shorts and began squeezing my half hard cock as I sliced a sandwich.
"Sandwiches." I said, thrusting my hips forward as her hand teased my penis. "Can't you see?"
"Uh, I want you to have something else for lunch, Daddy." Annie purred.
"Eat me." she taunted. "Eat my pussy!"
"Oh yeah?" I growled playfully. "I just might eat you up!"
She squealed and laughed as I gathered her up in my arms and lifted her off the floor, playfully tugging up her training bra so that her little cones slipped out. As I mouthed her sweet little nipple buttons, I plopped her on the kitchen table, letting her legs dangle over the edge.
Annie giggled and lay back across the table, knocking the bread, mayonnaise and salt shaker askew. I rapidly tugged her panties down and then stood back, gasping at the wonderful, sexy sight of my daughter writhing on the table. Her ass was perched just on the edge, and her long athletic legs hung down, spread provocatively so that I could see the pink gash of her pussy, glittering with wetness.
"Kiss it, Daddy," Annie pouted "Oh, it aches for wanting you to kiss it!"
My heart was pounding rapidly, and for the second time this weekend it was all I could do not to stab my rock-hard cock into her beautiful, inviting vagina. My cock was half out of my shorts, and barely inches from her waiting cunt as she sprawled on the table.
Annie lay back flat on the table, scattering sandwiches. Her bulging mound was at the edge of the table, raised and so inviting as I stared down at my wanton daughter's crotch. Before I could tempt myself further to fuck her right then, I quickly knelt between her open legs and fitted my mouth to her soft, swollen pussy lips.
"Awwwww goddd!" Annie cried out; she lay flat on the table, scarcely moving as my tongue speared into her slit and I began licking and probing my tongue inside of my beautiful daughter.
"Yess, Daddy! Ohhhh yess!" she groaned, "Eat meeee!"
I felt Annie's fingers twist my hair as she gripped my head in her hands and pulled my face into her crotch. Annie's legs splayed open and hung loosely over the edge of the table, making a wide down-sloping "vee" as I cupped her titties in my outstretched hands and sucked her pussy.
"G-god, ... godd ... godddd!" Annie chanted, writhing and scooting her butt over the table as she forced herself against my mouth.
Then my daughter arched her back and wailed in pleasure as my tongue sunk deep inside her clenching vagina walls and she started to come. I slid my hand over her flat, soft belly, and searched below the peach fuzz of her mound until my finger found her hard, erect little girl-dick and rubbed it.
"Eeeeeeeeeee!" Annie squealed. And for the first time my lovely young daughter yelled out in a sensuous, woman-like cry, "I'm CUMMING! Ohhh daddy, I'm cumming!"
I must have led her though half an hour of orgasms there on the kitchen table, down on my knees, licking Annie's delicious twat. My cock seemed to leak precum in cupfuls as I ate Annie for lunch.
Finally Annie was nearly exhausted from cumming and sleepily climbed off of the table and slouched, naked, into the living room and fell on the couch, breathing as heavily as if she had just played an entire soccer game. I smiled in sheepish, forbidden pleasure at what I had done and then stood up to clean up the messy kitchen.
"Come on, " I said later, pulling up my nude, lazy daughter and herding her toward the bathroom. "You have to take a shower before I can take you home."
Annie brightened. "Take one with me? ... just like you and Mom used to do?"
I only grinned and nodded, opening the bathroom door, "Of course."
I n a few moments we were laughing and splashing in the warm streaming water, just like a couple of kids. I was remembering the hundreds of times I had given Annie a bath when she was a little girl, splashing and having such fun. She was making the same little-girl sounds. Only this time Annie and I were together and her hand curled around my cock, urging it to soapy hardness.
"Oh, daddy," Annie pouted, water splashing into her stringy wet hair. "I wish I could stay here with you all week and make you come!"
"Me too, baby, me too" I groaned as her hand slid backwards and forwards over the slick soap on my prick. "But your mom wants you home."
"Not really," she pouted, but dropped the conversation as she grew intent on rinsing my cock and then jacking it off.
Suddenly, without a word or warning, Annie dropped to her knees, one hand loosely holding my cock as the hot water sprayed all over her. My heart stopped, and I scarcely remembered to breathe, as -- on her own -- my lovely daughter brought the tip of my dick to her lips and began kissing it. I never knew where she got the idea, or if it was just some primal instinct that taught her the wonderful things she began to do to my penis.
"Oh, god, Annie, noooo!" I cried, feebly trying to brush my daughter's face away from my crotch. God help me, the feeling of her lips on my cock was such an exquisite, surprising shock that I just slumped back against the shower tiles, my weak knees bending as Annie began licking and nibbling my prick shaft.
"Jesus!" I groaned. "Ohhhhhh, jeeezuz! Annie!"
I could hear the pounding of my heart in my ears over the sound of the rushing water as, on her knees, Annie kissed and bit at my dick. Her mouth played over it in sensuous experimentation, even licking and gently chewing at my balls until the water splashed over her upturned face. "Awwww goddd!"
"Do you like that daddy?" Annie grinned up at me. She tugged my cock out of the stream of the shower water and fitted her lips once again to the tip of my cock.
"Ohhh, angel!" I managed to sigh, feeling the water plunge down my chest. "Ohh god, angel, yes! How ... how did you ....?"
"As much as I like your kissing my pussy?" she taunted me, licking at my cock like it was a lollipop.
"Oh, yeah, honey, ohhh god yeah!" I groaned, reaching down to cup her cheeks in my hands. "But you shouldn't, it's ... it's ....
"It feels good, so I wanna do it to you! Just like you suck my titties and my pussy!" she smiled, then began kissing and licking some more. The hot shower water seemed to bet the perfect compliment to my sexy daughter's loving sensations.
"Show me, daddy!" Annie rasped excitedly. "Show me how to do it right! Amber says women give men blow-jobs! It's like what you do to my pussy! Show me!"
"Oh , ohhhh honey, you're doing it right" I said. Then the overwhelming urge and temptations erased any last residual incest guilt I might have had and I croaked out an instruction to my naked, wet, kneeling daughter ....
"Suck it," I said. "Put it in your mouth and suck it!"
Annie immediately opened her mouth and slid her lips over my cock, her cheeks going concave as she let my dick slip into her mouth. She began to suck.
My senses were screaming in erotic arousal as my daughter held my rigid cock in her mouth and sucked and sucked as the water splashed down on her head.
"Ohhh god yess!" I cried. Almost involuntarily I began to fuck my prick very gently back and forth in Annie's mouth. I couldn't believe I was teaching my own daughter to suck cock! But another part of me said "Why not?", and even another part of me told my aroused soul that I had promised to teach her everything.
"Hmmmmm" Annie said, and I hoped that meant she loved the taste of my cock!
Even as the guilt flooded me, I slid my prick further into her sweet, warm mouth. "I shouldn't be doing this!" my mind screamed. "I'm supposed to only teach her, not treat her like a whore!"
But, all thoughts went away as suddenly Annie got the idea of cock sucking and begin to bob her head back and forth, her lips sliding up and down my cock as she sucked it. Her hands came around and gripped my ass, making me move my butt away from the streaming shower tiles as her fingers dug into my ass cheeks and Annie took my cock as far into her mouth as she could! Once again, I was amazed at the natural abilities my daughter seemed to have for sex.
I stared down at my wanton, eager, cocksucking daughter, her cheeks narrowed and her jaw elongated as she sucked the tip of my dock, then let it slide over her tongue back into her mouth.
Annie nearly gagged a time or two as I shoved my prick deep I her mouth, but soon she had all the moves down, and I coached her with grunts and groans and a few words as she sucked and licked and chewed at my rigid prick.
"Suck it, honey," I sighed. "Ohhh shitt! I love the way you lick me there! Aww gawd, chew it like that some more! ... now, let it go slowly back into your mouth! That's it, aw god yess! Now, suckkit! Oh, Annie suck it hard!"
Annie moaned in pleasure, and as I glanced down through the steaming water I could see her spread her knees wider apart on the shower floor and slide her hand up between her thighs as she sucked my dick long and slowly. I knew her fingers were flicking over her clitty as she mouthed my prick!
There was nothing but the sound of the splashing water and our occasional moans as my daughter learned yet another marvelous sex lesson. Soon Annie was expertly cupping her tongue under my rigid shaft, and letting her teeth rake ever soo sensuously over my cock flesh as I fucked into her mouth.
"Ohh honey, ... ohhh honey ... Ohhhhhhh Honneeeeeee!" I finally yelled over the sound of the rushing water. I felt a huge pulse quiver along my cock, which was halfway into Annie's loving mouth. Despite my promise to myself to pull out, a thick spurt of my cum shot into my daughter's half-open mouth!
"eeek!" Annie yelled and let my dick slide out of her mouth. She arched her back and fisted my cock with her one hand as her other felt between her legs. Wonderfully she tried to catch each fountaining spurt of my cum on her tits as it shot out of the tip of my prick. The water washed it away as soon as it spattered on her little titties, but Annie held my cock toward her chest and jacked me rapidly, now expert in knowing just how much it made me come to have her hands rapidly jerk me off while I orgasmed!
I saw the white stuff dribble out of the corner of her mouth and the way she stuck her pink tongue out to let the water rinse the semen from it. yet Annie smiled proudly, if somewhat comically as the water and the cum splashed over her.
Quickly, I pulled Annie to her feet and pressed my still-spurting cock to her body, trapping it between us as I hugged her and caressed her in the steaming shower. Then I lifted her chin and kissed her, then french kissed her, tasting my clean cock flavor on her tongue.
Annie groaned into my mouth and hung on, her arms around my neck as I kissed her, she hung from my body as my fingers once more slid into her wet pussy and I finished off her orgasm as she shrieked in delight.
Silently we got out of the shower and toweled off., almost numb at the shattering sex-lesson we had both just learned. Annie was made for sex, we both knew. The next time we were together we would have to fuck. And fucking her might be too overwhelming, if our searing orgasm in the shower was any indication.
"We have to stop now, Honey," I said. "It's time to take you home."
Annie nodded with resignation and began to blow-dry her hair as I watched her naked body sway in front of the fogged-up bathroom mirror.
Then we were in the car and driving the few blocks to Janet's townhouse. Annie snuggled in next to me and tried to pull my arm down so I could squeeze her tit like I had done all weekend.
"Honey, don't" I asked. "You mom might see."
Annie smiled and slid away. "Okay."
At first I thought she was going to behave and sit on the other side of the car, but she fell over sideways and buried her face in my crotch, kissing at my fly and trying to unzip it.
"Annie!" I scolded, and she just popped up and giggled, teasing my cock with her bare foot as she slid all the way over against the passenger door.
"It tastes funny. Weird." she said.
"What does?" I asked stupidly.
"Your CUM, silly daddy." she giggled. "Kind of salty and sour, and kind of like snot!"
"Yuck!" I laughed. "I'm sorry, Pun'kin, I didn't mean to cum in your mouth, I .. I should have pulled out."
"It's okay, daddy," Annie said very seriously. "I think I liked it. I KNOW I like sucking it! ... your cock, I mean. You can come in my mouth if you want to. I love you, Daddy."
We pulled up in front of Janet's condo and Annie bounded out without another word, once again assuming the role of the little 12 year old girl she would never in truth be again.
The house seemed terribly empty all week without Annie there. I went to work and came home, always thinking about my wanton, nude daughter and the forbidden things we had done over the weekend. Now the guilt and doubt rushed into my mind and I kept thinking of the things I had done to Annie. Every time I tried to make myself agree that I should be ashamed, or that what I had done was incest -- which it was -- and sinful, -- which it was not, I kept seeing the wonderful sensuous look of love on Annie's face when I showed her about sex.
Society might have thought what we were doing was terribly wrong, but it felt so good, and seemed so right with Annie that I never let the guilt overwhelm me, just nag at me. I knew it would be wrong to fuck her, it had been wrong to perform cunnilingus on her, or even to suck her titties, according to "the rules". But I had done all those things, and they had turned out so right, to this day I believe the wonderful experiences I introduced my daughter to were perfectly acceptable to the two of us, and therefore okay.
The first part of the week I just lay on the couch and watched TV, fantasizing about Annie and her naked body, and how she had been so adept at learning about sex from the beginning. As I thought about her, my cock would get hard and I would masturbate into a Kleenex. At night in bed I would wake up from dreaming about Annie and jack off again.
Then on Wednesday night I thought I would go crazy if I didn't go get her from her mother's townhouse. I found myself in Annie's room, looking at all of her little girl things, touching them and wanting her.
I looked in her closet and my heart skipped a beat. A pair of her panties was lying there on the floor where she had taken them off. I stooped quickly and picked them up, my cock already thickening in anticipation.
Holding the silky lime-green wadded up panties to my nose, I inhaled the heady aroma of Annie.
"Oh, god." I groaned. I could smell her pussy! The scents of her crotch, her little butthole, were there as heady, exotic perfumes! I inhaled deeply and felt my cock stiffen almost to full hardness.
I walked over to her frilly little single bed and lay back on the pillow, surrounding myself with her bedclothes, her smells, the sight of her familiar things. I spread my legs and tantalizingly zipped my fly open and reached for my cock. It needed little help to spring up out of my crotch and throb to an aching hardness. I touched myself and sighed in pleasure, imagining Annie's hands -- or Annie's lips -- on my penis.
I unrolled the balled up, ropy piece of fabric in my hands, stretching the crotch panel of Annie's panties, until I could see the yellowish stains along a wrinkle where almost certainly the cloth had rode up into her slit. I sniffed it deeply, and was rewarded with the overwhelming scent of her young pussy! I ran the panel over my face, wiping her scent on my cheek, finding the darker stain of her butthole and loving that dark musky scent. My cock was aching and rock hard as I began to jack off on Annie's bed. I laid the panties over my face, breathing in the heavenly smells as one hand felt and squeezed my balls and my other hand teased up and down my cock.
"Oh Annie, Annie ... fuck me." I groaned into the silken cloth. I could feel my orgasm building little by little. I ripped the panties from my face and wrapped them around my cock, trying to get the silken crotch panel against my cock-head. The slick, soft, panty material teased and pleasured my cock so that I could fuck into the panties when I held them in my fist.
I wanted her smell again and lifted the panties back to my nose, smelling the mix of my peter-scent and her pussy.
"aww yeah!" I sighed, "aw yeah!"
I knew if I didn't slow down, I would come any minute, so I got up and went to Annie's dresser, my hard cock flopping stiffly in front of me. I began pulling open the drawers until I found what I was looking for, one of her little lacy white training bras.
"That will do fine." I told myself and sank back down on her bed, with my pants halfway down my legs. I looked down at my reddened, throbbing cock as I slowly tantalized it by wrapping the soft material of the bra around my shaft. I almost creamed as I watched my cock penetrate into the rounded bra cup. I twisted and tortured my dick, strangling it tightly with the training bra until my whole shaft was alive with the sensation of the soft lace of Annie's underwear against my dick flesh.
"Uhhhhh," I grunted. "Uhhhhhhhh!"
I slipped her soiled panties over my face and once again breathed in the aroma of her pussy, licking my tongue out onto the damp crotch panel and tasting Annie there.
"Yeah, oh god yeah!" I said to myself and began tightly pumping my cock into the bra, draping the bra-cup over my prick tip and rubbing the lace up and down my shaft.
I lay there for several minutes, masturbating and fantasizing about Annie's sweet tits and her pussy. Every time I would get set to come, I would strangle my cock with the straps of the bra and make it hurt just enough to slow down my orgasm.
Finally the exquisite torture was too much. As I inhaled the aromatic fragrance of my daughter's soiled panties, my cock pulsed and throbbed, then spurted a long hot string of white cum up into the air. It fell back, spattering across my thighs.
"Aaahhhhhh!" I groaned. I slipped the bra cup back over my glans and cried out at the soft soft feeling of the material as it covered my prick head and began to soak up spurt after spurt of my cum. I jacked and jacked it until there was just an oozing dribble running down the side of my shaft and Annie's bra was painted with my semen. The sweet smell of Annie-pussy coming from her panties kept me hard and pumping!
That night and the next one I took Annie's soiled panties to bed with me, along with a clean pair of her silky panties and the cum-stained bra. As I went to sleep, and each time I woke up in the night I would spread the dirty panties out on the pillow next to me and bury my face in them, licking and sniffing at my little girl's scents. My cock would go rock-hard and I would masturbate into the other pair of soft, silky panties, or into the bra. My cock was raw each morning, but the pleasure was worth it!
It seemed like a month until Friday arrived.
By the time I got home from the office Friday evening, I could barely stand being away from Annie. I listened intently as each car drove by in front of the house. It seemed as if I had been waiting for my little daughter for ever.
Finally I heard a car door slam, and my heart skipped a beat. Within seconds I could hear the car pulling away and Annie's footsteps bouncing up the porch stairs. The door flew open, and there was my beautiful, tan, exciting little lover-daughter running into my arms.
Annie jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist as I caught her firm little butt in my hands and held her up so that we could kiss. It was a long, hungry french kiss that went on for at least two minutes. I was amazed at the hot, damp flesh of her crotch, already aroused as she locked it against me.
"Oh, Daddy," sighed my little brunette twelve-year old. "I almost died waiting for Friday to get here!'
"Me, too, Pun'kin!" I whispered into her ear as I caressed her and held her to me. Her warm little crotch was pressing insistently at my stomach as I stood there holding her and kissing her. "Me too!"
"Suck my titties!" she demanded, lifting the hem of her T-shirt and exposing a naked, conical mammary, slipping it out from under her sports bra with a rough movement of her hand. "Hurry!"
I hefted Annie up higher and sucked her sweet little boob into my mouth, swirling my tongue over it, chewing at her thickening nipple gently as she covered the top of my head in kisses.
"Ungh!" Annie groaned, pulling her T-shirt up to her shoulders, dragging her bra up with it. Both her small, firm little breasts were there in front of me, demanding to be licked and kissed . I teased and hungrily mouthed them until Annie was writhing and pressing sensuously against me. "Oh, Daddy, please ... now!" Annie pleaded excitedly.
"C'mon, Honey." I said, lowering her feet to the floor. "Let's not wait any more."
Quickly, I shut and locked the front door and grabbed Annie's hand, tugging her toward the bedroom.
Like the two excited, new lovers we were, we awkwardly tugged and pulled at each other's clothing as we kissed and fondled our way up the stairs and into the master bedroom.
Annie tried to grasp my cock, tugging and pulling at it as my pants slid down. It would have been comical, except we were desperate to be naked and in each other's arms.
Finally I stepped out of my pants and underwear, having tossed my shirt away on the stairs. Annie was naked from the waist up, her pointed little tits standing up, her nipples pink and taut as she fumbled at her waist and her blue-jean skirt dropped to the floor. In a swift, almost expert motion, Annie slid her white cotton panties down her legs and stepped out of them.
I could scarcely breathe! I drank in the sight of my naked, aroused, nearly thirteen-year old daughter as she stood in front of me, reaching for my cock. It was already rock-hard and fully erect.
Her long legs were skinny, yet firm and muscular, tapering up to the soft girlish flare of her hips. I stared intently at the golden brown shock of peach fuzz forming a small triangle over her mons. She was so sexy!
Annie's narrow waist seemed to fit perfectly into my hands as I reached out and pulled her to me, pressing her small, aroused nipples to my flesh. Her aureolae were still like crinkley bottle caps on the end of her conical mammaries, but now her pea-sized nipples were hard and budding to turgid points, searing my skin as they pressed against me.
Both Annie' hands reached in front of her and gripped my aching, throbbing prick, squeezing it and manipulating it between us as we pressed together. I was tempted to stand there, fondling my little daughter's tits and letting her slowly jack me off, but I knew the time had finally come to complete the promise I had made to her a year ago. It was time to fuck!
Without a word I picked Annie up and laid her on the bed, sideways, so that her long, athletic limbs hung off the edge of the bed. Annie stared up at me with bright, expectant blue eyes, a satisfied smile on her lips as she lay back on the bed.
"Are we?" she sighed expectantly. "Are we gonna ....."
"Yes honey, we're gonna! ... right now!" I promised.
I looked down, catching my breath as I pulled her legs apart gently and exposed her. Annie's pouting, swollen twat lay nestled up between her thighs, a fine sheen of glowing moisture painting the edges of her slit. I was light headed looking down at Annie's sweet cuntworks, and before I could think about it, I knelt on the floor and slid my head between her open, inviting thighs. Sniffing the fresh, hot scent of my virgin daughter's cunt, I was dizzy with arousal, she smelled so fresh and pure, yet musky and womanly, much more powerful than the left-over scents in her panties that I had masturbated into the night before.
I pressed my face to her crotch and kissed her warm soft pussy lips.
"Ohhhhhh Dadddy!!!!" Annie groaned. Her fingers gripped my hair, clawing at my scalp as she pulled my head between her legs. "Ohhh, kissit! Kiss my pussy that way! It feels good!"
I kissed and licked inside Annie's thighs, always returning to her damp, naked slit lips, frenching them, darting my tongue gently into her warm, willing vaginal opening. For a while I played with her pussy, teasing and kiss-sucking it, until my tongue finally found the tiny, erect stalk of her little woman's clitoris and I flicked my tongue back and forth over it, holding her pussy lips open with my fingers.
"Ahhh, ahhhhhhhhhh!" Annie cried, locking her legs over my shoulders. She rode up against my face, pressing her pussy against my mouth.
I knew I didn't want her to orgasm yet, so quickly I dragged my tongue up through the thin, fuzzy pubic hairs covering her mons, then wiped my wet face over her flat tummy as I slid up over my writhing, naked daughter.
Annie's butt hung over the edge of the bed, the top half of her gangly little body lounging back on the white chenille bedspread. I bent over her, half crouching, half standing in front of her, my rampant cock grazing against her thigh as I stopped and kissed each of her little titties in turn.
Then I straightened up and slid my legs inside the "vee" of her outstretched, open legs. My cock rested gently, throbbing on the raspy little peach fuzz of her bush.
"Ohh! Ohh Daddy! Yes!" Annie cried, spreading her thighs a little wider, opening her vagina to me. Her legs hung down almost to the floor, making her mons the highest part of her arched, inviting body. Annie stared up at me expectantly. "Oh, please do it to me!"
I could see a clear trail of my precum oozing out of my dick and onto Annie's crotch as my cock slid around over her scanty pubic hair.
I bent over and kissed Annie gently on the mouth, then straightened up a little, grasping my cock in my right hand and guiding it between her thighs so that my cock tip rested against her soft labia. With the fingers of my left hand I gently spread her vulva slightly apart and slid the head of my cock between her warm, velvety pussy lips.
"Now, honey," I said. "This is what you've been waiting for."
"Ooooo!" Annie cooed, trying to open her legs as wide as she could. Her thighs pressed against mine as I slowly worked my hard cock into my daughter's naked cunt. "Oooooooo!"
I almost died at the hot, sweet feeling of her tender, virgin pussy as it closed around my penis. Looking down at my daughter's heavenly face, at first her expression was one of intensity, her eyes lust-slitted as she stared up into mine. Then, as my cock slid into her, Annie's eyes widened, getting bigger and bigger as my first loving plunge pushed my prick deeper and deeper into my daughter.
"Ohhhhh yesss!" I groaned, feeling the wet, slick juices of Annie's cunt begin to gush around my invading dick. I gripped her waist on each side, and continued to thrust my cock into Annie's virgin pussy. "Your pussy is soo wonderful!
It was not so much like I was fucking my cock into her as it was like I was fitting Annie's small, lithe body onto and around my cock! She was so tiny and girl-like in so many ways, yet the warm, clenching walls of her vagina were as grown up and erotic as any I had ever fucked! She was so sweet and soooo tight as my hands pulled her body onto my prick!
I constantly watched the expression on my daughter's face as I stroked my cock gently into her, letting her pussy slowly stretch and accommodate to the girth of my thick prick. Annie's eyes were saucer-like as half of me slid inside her pussy. Her smiling mouth now formed a sensuous, surprised "O" as finally, with two-thirds of my cock inside her, my dick-head kissed at the little nub of her cervix. I bottomed out in her young, virgin cunt!
"Oooohhhhhh!" Annie cried out. Quickly I pulled back until the head of my cock was once again just inside her pussy lips.
"Oh, it's big!" she said in surprise. "ohhh, your penis is so big! So big inside of me! .... No, don't take it out!"
"Relax, honey," I told her. "Daddy's gonna do everything now, real slowly!"
"Uh huh!" Annie nodded, opening her legs as wide as she could. I spread my arms out on either side of her shoulders, resting my weight stiff-armed over her. I knew I didn't want to crush her, as I was sorely tempted to do, pounding my cock over and over into her marvelous, incredibly tight little cunny-hole. Instead I eased my cock inward again , slowly fucking into Annie until she was whimpering in pleasure and arching her butt up to take all of me inside. It was the greatest feeling I had ever experienced. I wanted to cream in her pussy right then!
"Ohh, Daddy! Yes, yes, yes!"
Quickly I slid my slick, juice-covered cock back out and then for the third time gently eased myself back into Annie's vagina. As always, Annie had an incredible gift for quickly learning sex, and immediately caught the slow, loving rhythm, moving her cunt back and forth sensuously, erotically as I fucked into her.
"Are we fucking Daddy?" Annie cried out. "Is this fucking????"
I began a slow, steady fuck rhythm as Annie squirmed and moaned ecstatically under me. in a few seconds we were rhythmically, if very slowly, moving back and forth together as my peter slid in and out of Annie precious cunt.
"Yes, Pun'kin," I hissed, stroking slowly back into her hot little cuntworks. "We're fucking, now. God help me, I'm fucking your sweet little pussy!"
"Oh, oh ..... daddy!" Annie groaned, automatically thrusting back up at me as I slid into her. "Finally! We're fucking! Ohhhh. We're finally fucking!... We're finally fucking!"
Annie wrapped her legs loosely over my ass, riding my cock as it slid in and out of her sweet twat. A wet slurping sound followed each thrust I made inside her, Annie was gushing so much cunt liquor. I held myself up over her, stiff-armed and slid my pleasured cock in and out and in and out of Annie, gently and slowly building speed with each thrust. I loved looking down at her, seeing the erotic joy spread across my daughter's face as I took away her virginity at last, creating a wanton, aroused woman with my hard, loving cock-strokes.
"I love fucking!" Annie whispered as she bounced under me, as if someone would hear us.
My no-longer-virgin daughter arched up, wrapping her arms around my neck, half hanging from me as I fucked into her crotch. All that was touching the bed was her round little butt and the backs of her thighs as they hung off the bed. Annie swayed back and forth under me, hotly moaning in my ear as she accepted me, opened to me, and let me fuck her harder and harder as her small, tight cunt became wetter and wetter, stretched around my prick.
Annie buried her face in my shoulder whimpering and sighing in pleasure, panting harder and harder as I built my fuck rhythm in her. "Oh I LOVE FUCKING! I LOVE FUCKING YOU BEST OF ANYTHING!"
"I love fucking you, too, my sweet darling," I panted. "I love fucking your wonderful pussy!"
That seemed to drive Annie crazy, just hearing me say how much I loved her pussy. Immediately she began writhing and thrusting harder and harder up at me, holding me tightly, fitting her cunt into my crotch and riding my cock in deft, hungry fuck motions. "FUCK!"
"Go ahead,'s alright. You can say nasty words, honey," I said, "Say those naughty things you want to say while I fuck you!"
Annie nodded, in between sweet fuck strokes; and I heard her begin to chant as my cock pushed into her again and again.
"Fuck in me," she whispered hoarsely. "Fuck in me! Ohh, Daddy keep fucking in me! Fuck me with your big cock! I love you fucking inside me! I love you fucking my pussy with your penis! Fuck in my pussy! Fuck in my pussy! Fuck my pussy! FUCK MY PUSSY!
"Shit! Fuck, PENIS! Shit, piss, cuntfuck!" Annie said. Then as if by magic, her body trembled and she went rigid, humping up at me as I slammed my cock almost three quarters of the way into her. All of a sudden her tone became demanding, and her words were no longer comical or childlike, but those of a demanding, aroused woman.
"Oh, god!" she cried, "oh yess! Oh, FUCK ME! FUCK ME, DADDY, fuck more of me !!!!"
I groaned in pleasure, feeling Annie's little cunny spasm, then clench up and down my deeply buried shaft. I knew she was orgasming. For the first time, incredibly, her father's cock was giving her a body wracking, wonderful orgasm!
"That's it, Angel," I cried. "Come! Come as hard as you can! Aww baby, come while daddy fucks you!"
"Eeeeeeee" Annie cried, losing her grip around my neck, and flopping back onto the bed. Annie's calves wrapped tightly around my butt, riding my thrust as her hands slipped up to cup her own breasts, teasing and pinching at her nipples as she lay under me and orgasmed violently. "Ohhhh Daddy! Your penis!!! I'm, ... cumming! ... I'm cumming!...uhhhhhhh, ..uh ....uhhh ....uhhhh!"
"That's it darling!" I groaned, feeling my own climax about to explode in side her clenching pussy. "Come! Let daddy make you COME!"
"You're fucking me! You're fucking my pussy!" she cried, her legs slipping down. Annie lay under me, rigid and arching her back as the orgasms shot through her . "Fuckme! Fuckk meeee!!!"
I pumped my cock deep into my little girl as the orgasm wracked her sweet little body. After several seconds Annie cried out and humped up against me, holding my cock deep in her as I felt her cunt walls clasp and suck at my cock in a burst of orgasmic pleasure. "OooooHHHHH!"
Annie collapsed back on the chenille bedspread, panting, her arms flopping loosely as her toes dragged against the floor.
Half of me wanted to ravage her, violently fuck her with everything I had, while the other half knew this was the best fuck I would ever have, slowly taking my sweet daughter for the first time with loving strokes that made me ready to faint in pleasure! I didn't want to hold back another second.
"Now, Pun'kin!" I cried, holding myself up on my arms and thrusting deep into her again and again. "Get ready! I'm gonna come in you!
"Feel me!" I cried staring down into her lust-satiated half girl-half woman face. "Feel me come inside you! Awww god I'm cumming!"
I felt my cock throb, then pulse as I sank it deep into my daughter's vagina. I felt the first hot spurt of cum shoot into Annie's virgin cunt. "Feel me cum!"
"OH!" cried Annie, going rigid once more, reaching up and pulling me down so that my chest mashed her tits as I lay over her and squirted my incestuous cum into her. When Annie felt my hot cum spurt into her for the first time she cried out in pleasure and then seemed to go limp, almost fainting in erotic sensation for a second or two. "Your PENIS!! oooo, your PENIS!!!"
I lay on my daughter, crushing her, feeling her legs come up and wrap around my waist again as my spurting cock slid deep into her and shot jolts of sperm into her tight, hot cunthole. Annie molded herself under me and hung on, spasming in another tight orgasm as my cum spattered inside her sugar walls for the first time. "Your penis! your PENIS!!! your penis in meee! In my pussy, in my pussy, in my pussy!"
"Awwww, goddd, I'm cummming in youuu!" I groaned, then rigidly lay over Annie and shot spurt after spurt of hot cum into my loving daughter until we were writhing together and locked in a blistering french kiss as the last of my jizz spit deep into Annie. "I love you, honey!"
Annie groaned and lay tightly locked against me as my cum oozed and dribbled the last dregs into her. Her long thin legs locked me tightly to her crotch. "I love your penis in me, I love your cum! Daddy I love fucking, just like I knew I would!"
We lay that way, half on, half off the side of the bed until at last I could feel my cock ebbing it's erection away. I slipped Annie around on the bed and we lay on the pillows. My darling daughter locked tightly under me until my cock slowly softened and slid out of her. Annie moaned sadly at the loss, but let me turn her on her side away from me. She slid her round little butt up to my crotch, mashing my turgid cock as I slid my hands around to cup her little breasts and hold her as we lay on the bed.
After a while Annie turned around in my arms and brought her face up to mine, kissing me tenderly.
"I love you, daddy." she whispered. "You'll always be my best lover. Thank you for fucking me!"
It sounded like a rehearsed little speech, but I knew she must have made it up long ago and fantasized about this moment many times. I was so happy I had fulfilled her dreams that tears came to my eyes.
We kissed and fondled for awhile. Instead of Annie's usual post-orgasm jabbering and questions, she quietly explored my naked body with her hands, and sighed sensuously as my own hands cupped and fondled and explored her.
Soon, her hands found their way back to my limp cock. Annie began a now-expert hand job on me, caressing and teasing my prick as she held it close to her naked stomach.
"Please get hard." she whispered. "Get hard again."
I just smiled and began clasping her butt in my hands as she masturbated me. "Don't worry, Pun'kin. Honey, your hands are wonderful there."
As I promised, my cock began to throb and puff up, stiffening in Annie's hands.
"Ooo yeah," she sighed, pulling and jacking on it. "ohhhh yesss, get it big and hard!!! hurry Daddy!"
"Masturbate me, honey, help it, make it hard!"
I a few more minutes my penis was erect and solid and Annie was greedily moving her hand up and down as she held the tip against her navel.
We were writhing and entwining in each other's arms, Annie's breath becoming more and more rapid as we aroused each other again.
Finally, in the middle of french kissing my golden brown daughter, I wrapped my arms around her and rolled over, holding her on top of me so that she was laying over me, jacking my cock as I sucked at her pink tongue.
"Sit up!" I whispered in her ear. And then Annie was astride me, her long brown hair hanging down almost to my cock as she slid her mons up to it, holding the hard, erect stub of my cock in her two hands and jacking it as she looked down lovingly at what her fingers were doing.
"Now, honey," I coached, "Put it in you. Put it in your pussy and fuck me." I urged, lifting my ass up a little so that she could fit her legs on either side of my torso. "You be on top, Pun'kin, put my cock in your pussy and fuck me the way *you* want!"
"Ooooo Daddy!" Annie sighed for the thousandth time. "Oh I want to!"
Grasping my cock in her hand Annie stiffened her legs a little, lifting up, and positioned the head of my penis just inside her pussy lips.
"Now sit down on it, Sweetie," I instructed, "Just let it slid up into you! Take as much of it as you want!"
Slowly, Annie lowered herself on the wooden stake of my cock, taking it inch by inch into her hot vagina. She grunted and sighed in pleasure as my tool slid up into her. Wet, glittery goo gushed out of Annie's little twat and ran down my shaft as she sank down upon it.
"OH!" she cried. "Your PENIS!!! Oh it's good! ... it's in my pussy!!!!"
"That's it, baby!" I whispered up to her. "Take it in you, let it fill you up. Fuck my cock!"
Annie finally lowered herself down until the base of my prick was pressing her clitty. She had all of me in her! My daughter's tight little cunt was taking every bit of me!
"Unnnnggghh!" Annie groaned. Her ass settled on my crotch, and my daughter seemed to just stop, slightly swaying, her arms reaching down, her hands flattening out on my chest to support her as she just straddled me, feeling my cock throb and jerk inside her as she sat motionless, her cunt clenching around it. She lifted her butt up and down in little-girl fuck strokes.
"Ohhh god!" she exploded in a cry of pleasure. " Your COCK!!! Ohhh GOD!"
Annie scrubbed around, gently rubbing her clit though my pubic hair as she screwed my cock around and back and forth in a tight little pattern, fitting it deep into her. Her breath was shallow and panting as she writhed over me, not lifting her cunt a fraction of an inch as she let my cock sink all the way up into her.
"Fuck me, Annie." I commanded her. "Lift up, let me go in and out of you!"
Gasping, Annie sprang up, flexing her thighs as she pulled up and away from my crotch. nearly losing my cock as it almost left her pussy.
"Mmm!" Annie grunted, opening her eyes widely and looking down at me with a smile. Then her eyes closed in involuntary response to the pleasure she felt as once again she lowered herself onto my rigid peter.
"That's it, honey!" I urged, barely able to control myself. "Up and down! Fuck me!"
"Ooooo" Annie cried, bottoming out, scrubbing her pussy around in a tight oval as she tried to find better and better angles to let my cock fill her womb. "Oooo, yes!"
I reached up and cupped each of her small, barely jiggling little titties, squeezing them. Annie groaned louder at the feel of my hands covering her boobies.
"Now fuck me, Annie." I urged. "Fuck me hard!"
"Ohhh daddy, okay! okay!" She cried.
Annie lifted up again, only to plunge down quickly, almost bouncing. She cried out in pleasure-pain as my cock slid up into her.
"Be nasty, girl!" I coaxed. "Do it the way that makes you feel best! Fuck, honey! Keep fucking! Fuck on top of me! Fuck my dick! You get to be in charge! Fuck me *your* way!"
Annie squealed in delight, my words seemed to arouse her even more. She began bouncing up and down, making my prick slide in and out of her as she found a rhythm that she loved and began a steady, erotic pumping motion up and down my cock.
"Like this? daddy" she panted. "Is this good?"
"Ohhh angel!" I cried. "Ohhh yes! Keep fucking your daddy!"
Now that Annie was astride me and moving up and down, I was amazed at the child woman writhing over me. Just like her mother, her own wanton desire seemed to be an expert guide.She stretched her arms above her head, tossed her hair back and gasped as she rode my pole up and down.
"I love fucking on you!" Annie cried. "I love this way the best!"
"Heh heh" I laughed. "You love EVERY thing the best!"
"No, No!" Annie protested, half giggling, half pouting as she smiled down at me and slammed her sweet little pussy down on me, holding it there as she twisted her cunny around on my prick. "I MEAN it, Daddy!! I ... I know why mommie liked this so much! Ohhh Daddy I love fucking like this! I love your cock in me!"
"You'll love this more!" I promised. I clasped my hands on each side of her hips and held her steady on top of me and pulled back, pressing my ass into the bedspread, then thrusting up into my daughter's pussy.
"OH!" Annie cried. Her eyes widened in pleasure as she felt me stroke into her, copying the rhythm she had started.
"Fuck me back, honey!" I taught her. "Fuck! Be nasty! fuck up and down on me! Aww, yeah, girl, that's it! ... that's it!"
Annie suddenly learned, and began sliding up and down in reaction to my own thrust up into her. Soon we were violently fucking, bumping or crotches into each other. Annie was riding my cock and panting hotly as she slammed her tight pussy down onto me again and again.
"I .. love .. fucking .... you!" she cried. Once again I brought my hands up to cup her wonderful little breasts, causing her to squeal in pleasure as I rolled her little nipples back and forth over the balls of my thumbs. "I love what you do to my titties!"
"C'mon, baby, " I urged. "Fuck! Fuck hard, honey! Fuck your little pussy on me! Here, let me teach you how!"
"Ohhh yes, daddy, show me!" she agreed. "Oh YES!"
I reached back and cupped both her tight ass cheeks in my hands, spreading her butt wider as she slid up and down my prick. I began to move her pelvis, showing her how to make sensual little ovals when she lowered herself fully around my cock, how to scrub back and forth, causing my cock to move inside her cunt, pleasuring her more and more as her erect little clitty slid rasping into my pubic hair.
"OH GOD!" she groaned "oh Yess! fuck! I'm fucking!"
"Uh huh, baby, you're fucking me! You're fucking me so good!"
My words drove Annie wild and she writhed and bucked, filling her twat with my man meat.
I slid a finger into the crack of her ass, gently probing then massaging the tight little puckered hole of her anus as she fucked up and down.
"Ohhh, that's nasty!" She grinned. "That's still so nasty!"
"Nasty and nice, honey." I sighed, my cock was in heaven! "Nasty and nice!"
"Do it more, daddy! do it more!" she demanded, sliding her ass back against my finger. "It feels , ... I dunno, it feels good while your penis is in me!"
I slid my finger in to the first joint, invading Annie's tightly closed asshole, wiggling it gently as she went rigid and held herself against me. "OH YES!!! That's GOOD daddy! Do that nasty stuff to my butt!"
I slid my cock back up in her waiting, clasping little cunt. "Keep fucking me, Annie, ohhh godd, you fuck so good!"
Annie leaned forward, tossing her hair out of her eyes and pressing her hands to my chest as she bounced her butt up and down, fucking me harder and harder.
Then I pressed Annie's titties again, sitting her straight up as I fucked into her from below.
"My balls," I panted. "Touch my balls!"
Annie was puzzled for a second, then I grabbed her hand and guided it back behind her butt, putting her fingers around my scrotum as I humped up against her sweet little crotch.
Her exquisite touch made me cry out in pleasure. Her fingers clasped my aching balls and squeezed and fondled them as she leaned backwards and impaled herself on my cock.
Oh yes," I groaned, "Ohhh honey, yess!" Her fingers teased and caressed my balls as I slowly worked my cock up and down in her swollen, clenching cunt.
Suddenly the combination of wonderful sensations flooded my crotch and I felt a familiar aching, stinging sensation up and down my prick.
"Awwwww!" I groaned, and then arched my back, allowing Annie to ride up on me as I thrust my prick deep into her and held it there, rigidly. I felt the aching turn into a pulsing, rapidly expanding twitch inside me. Hot goo sped up the inside of my shaft.
Annie squealed and held onto my shoulders as she rode me. The first hot jet of sperm shot into her pussy.
I felt Annie's twat clasp and spasm, and all of a sudden she was rigid and orgasming, both of her hands cupping and squeezing her little titties as I filled her pussy with spurting cum.
"Ohhhhh, dadddyyyy!" Annie groaned, she locked herself against me, scrubbing and twisting her pussy around as I came in her. Her own orgasm wracked her body, causing her to shudder and lean forward, my cock slammed deep into her and pumped pulse after pulse of warm creamy cum into her vagina.
The hot semen and Annie's pussy liquor seeped out of her as she slumped into my arms, spasming as trembling as her cums pleasured her in response to the spurts of my cock.
"Ohhhhh dad, your penis!" she moaned, kissing my shoulder, "Your cock and your cum! Fuck! ohhhhh fuck! you made me come fucking you!
Collapsing on top of me, she let my cock stab up into her over and over, taking it, loving it bouncing back onto me as I lifted her with each fuck stroke. "Keep ... fucking me! fuck me all night!
"Fuck me, daddy" Annie pleaded. "Fuck me some more..."
I held her in my arms feeling my cock throb inside of her, making her sigh as the cum seeped into her sugar walls.
After a long sweet time of laying together, not moving, my dick finally softened and slid from Annie's wonderful little pussy with a wet "plop", followed by a gush of warm sticky stuff flooding out of her.
"Ick!" Annie smiled sleepily, nestling on top of me, drifting off to sleep. I remembered how barely a year ago Annie had watched her mother laying almost exactly the same way. I smiled and tugged the edge of the bedspread over us, thinking how Annie had finally gotten her wish.
The rest of the weekend went by in a blur, with both of us scarcely getting out of bed. I taught Annie so much that night and the next that I still am amazed at all we did with each other. Annie became expert at sucking me to hardness, and learning new positions and new ways to fuck. I kissed and pleasured her pussy lips until they were raw, loving the way Annie sixty-nined with me on the mussed up bed, or lay under me in a pile of pillows, opening her legs and taking me into her until it was so natural it seemed as if we had always been lovers. I filled her with cum so many times my balls ached in exhausted pleasure.
My fondest memory will always be the eager way Annie slid under me on Sunday night, expertly opening her thighs, grasping my prick and guiding it deftly between her pussy lips, staring up at me with complete love as I covered her and thrust deep, fucking into her again and again as she lay under me in that bed and urged me on.
Annie had learned how to fuck.
"Fuck me hard, now, daddy," she whispered, thrusting her pelvis up under me. "Keep fucking me forever!"
That was all five years ago. Although Annie and I never revealed our incestuous love affair to her mother, by the time Annie was fourteen, Janet had come to realize that she would never get along well with her daughter. The way the two of us appeared to the outside world as father and daughter seemed far better than Annie's relationship with her mom. And anyway, Lois had been replaced by a succession of increasingly exotic women who lived with my ex-wife and shared her bed, sometimes worrying even Janet about their influence on her daughter. It was one of the happiest days in both our lives when Janet brought Annie to live permanently with me. Later Janet said it made Annie's visits with her even better, she seemed much more content and happier. We never told her what a positive effect sharing a bed with her father had upon Annie as she grew into her teen years.
Now, just before I came into my little computer niche tonight, Annie called out from her room as I passed down the hallway.
"Dad!" I heard Annie call. "C'm here."
"What is it babe?" I asked standing in the doorway.
Annie was in her bed, a sheet thrown carelessly over her; one of her long legs hung over the side of the bed. She was wearing an extra-large T-shirt from the university as a nightgown.
"Oh, I don't know, I just missed you this week," she said, "what're you doing?"
"I was going to get on the computer."
"What have you been doing on the computer so much lately?" she asked.
"I've been writing something to post on the Internet."
"But it seems like I scarcely get to see you anymore," she pouted in her mock little-girl expression. Annie rolled over on her stomach, pulling the sheet tighter across her body. I could see how long and lithe she was, and how her body had developed to lush ripeness.
"Well YOU've been gone with your girl's volleyball team so much, and then your new boyfriend Greg is always hanging around, I didn't think you'd noticed." I grinned.
"I notice," she said, balling her knees up under the covers so that she was keeling in the bed. "I miss our 'special' times, lately."
"Yeah, me too," I said wistfully, thinking that it *had* been a long time since we had made love together.
"Can't the computer wait?" she asked, slowly tugging the sheet up, exposing the half moons of the bottom of her sweetly curved ass
"I mean," she said, sliding the sheet up to expose more of her nude, muscular, perfect butt. "Is it more important than this?"
"No," I grinned, "nothing is more important than THAT!"
I moved across the room and sat on the foot of her double bed, watching as my Annie tugged the sheet up further until her nude, heart-shaped bottom was totally exposed as she wiggled it suggestively back and forth. My peter was already thickening.
"Come up here, old man." she teased, tugging the sheet up so that it was just a cape of cloth over her back. Her long, silky legs curled under her as she undulated up and down slightly, teasing me with her nude butt.
I slid up on the unoccupied side of the bed, taking Annie in my arms and kissing her lovely, pouty lips. I remembered not so long ago when they were thin, young girl lips, and I loved kissing them back then, now they were soft and full and oh so sexy.
"Take your cock out." Annie whispered in my ear.
Without waiting, she slumped down, tossing the sheet away and folding up across my body. The big T-shirt barely covered her crotch as it rode up. Her hands quickly went to my zipper and I groaned as she reached in to my pants, found my cock and locked her fingers around it.
"Awww, yeah," I sighed.
"Mmmmmm" Annie said, "Your already almost hard enough for me! You miss it too!"
Annie's hot breath made my pecker jump as she brought her face to my crotch. Her hands steadied my throbbing cock as she licked out her pink tongue and dug the tip of it into the tiny slit in the tip of my glans. Then she kissed it.
"Succkkit, baby," I groaned, "oh suckkit!"
Her mouth slid down over my shaft, her teeth raking down my cock head as she swirled her tongue around. The warm, wet feeling of her mouth made me shiver and groan in pleasure. I hear Annie take in a sharp breath through her nose as she let my cock slide slowly up into her throat.
"Mmmmmmm!" she moaned.
For a few minutes my prick was in a wet, sweet heaven as Annie's head bobbed up and down over my stiffening cock, her cheeks going concave, giving her face a lean, cat-like look as she sucked my penis.
I fumbled for her T-shirt, half dragging it up until it was a knotted athletic-gray wad of material up over her shoulders. I gasped as I watched her tits swing loosely over my body while she deep-throated me. Nowadays Annie's tits are perfect. At eighteen they are full, ripe, and more globe-like than when she was a little pre-teen. They hung like thick conical fruit, swaying under her as she moved her head up and down, sucking and caressing my cock.
I slid a hand up to cup Annie's right tit, feeling its heavy, soft lushness weigh in my palm. Annie's beautiful breasts are large for a volleyball player, but her tits will never be huge, 34C, I think. Yet her nipples are magnificent, like a stack of dimes, thick as the tip of my finger, and taut, wine red, popping out stiffly when she is aroused, like now. Her aureolas are a light pink and cover a wide oval over the tip of her titty. I love to suck them.
"Ooooo," cooed Annie, moving her mouth off of my wet cock, "I always love how you touch my titties." Her mouth plunged back down, driving me wild with erotic need.
I didn't respond, because now I slid under my daughter, lifting her leg so that her knees settled down on either side of my shoulders. I looked up at Annie's adorable crotch just above my face. No longer was there a dusting of peach fuzz over her slightly bulging mound. Instead she has a thick, brown muff shaved to fit under her volleyball bikini bottom -- into a small sexy triangle, with the tip pointing down to the top of her pussy lips. I scrubbed the palm of my hand through the coarse, glistening pubic hair, causing Annie to moan in anticipation with her mouth still full of my prick.
"Mmmmm," was the sound she made, "Mmmm hmmm!"
I slid my hand in between her opened thighs, rubbing and teasing her swollen, pouting cunt lips. Annie's outer lips parted slightly allowing her inner butterfly wings to ripple out like a blossom of exotic flower petals. The button nub of her erect little clit poked out of the gothic arch of her cuntworks, just where the "vee" of her muff pointed. I slid my hand back and forth along Annie's warm slit, smearing the beaded drops of moisture oozing out across her cunt flesh. Then I cupped her moist labia , slipping my middle finger into her hot vagina.
"Awww yeah!" Annie responded. Her hand gripped my balls, squeezing them as if for a reward for me fingering her pussy. I kissed up Annie's left thigh as I worked my middle finger in and out of her slit lips, coating it in her warm cunt honey.
Annie began working my pants down my legs between long licks and kisses to my aching cock.
"I don't know why I love your prick so much, Dad," Annie sighed, spreading her thighs wider as my face slid up toward the top of her crotch.
"Maybe it's because it's so nasty for fathers and daughters to do this." I suggested, my words coming out muffled as I stuffed my face up into Annie's heavenly scented crotch. "Put your cunny down a little, Sweetheart.
"Mmmmm, that's nice!" Annie sighed, "And maybe it's because your cock feels so good, ... where ever you put it!!"
Then Annie groaned and cried out in pleasure as I replaced my fingers with my lips, sweetly kiss-sucking at her vulva. Annie quickly slid her mouth back down around my jerking cock as we kept up a feverish, writhing sixty-nine for the next five minutes.
"Suck me there, oohhhhh goddd, daddy, suck my pussy right there!!" Annie groaned at last , letting my cock fall out of her mouth with a spit-wet slurp.
It was good that my daughter stopped sucking me, because I had been about to come in her mouth!
I had kissed and licked all up and down the inside of Annie's sweet crotch, from the tip of her clitty to the dark, puckered indentation of her rectum as Annie groaned and slid over me. She was kissing my balls as I rimmed her anus. Then I slipped my tongue up and drilled it into the hot tart depths of her twat. "Right there" proved to be where my lips and my tongue moved over her rigid, stumpy little girl-dick. I teased it with my teeth, grazing across the rounded tip of her clit, then sucked at the whole top of her wet, oozing pussy.
"Now, daddy, honey," Annie demanded. "Now! Don't dare make me come with your mouth! Put your dick in my pussy and fuck me! Ohhh shit, fuck me now!"
Hurriedly we slid around on the bed, me throwing the last of my clothes off as Annie ripped the bunched-up T-shirt over her head. She began loosening her long French braid as she bent on her knees in front of me. I grasped my dick in my hand and guided it to her pink-hot, slightly gaping pussy lips. I loved the wonderful sight of her firm white buns backing up to bounce against my thighs as I rammed my cock into my daughter's soft, tight cunt. My balls slapped against the tip of her clit as I plunged my prick all the way home inside my Annie. My daughter buried her face down into the pillow so she could cry out as loud as she wanted to when I stroked into her.
Both of us groaned in sweet sensuous pleasure at the feeling once again of incest-fucking each other.
"Ooo jeeezus!" I cried, "aww, Pun'kin, I miss your pussy every minute my cock's not inside of you!"
"Mmmm hummmmm!" Annie groaned, muffled by the pillow.
I gripped Annie's hips, just above the flaring bulge of her butt and pulled her back against me as I thrust deeper and deeper into my daughter with each stroke.
"Slow, daddy!" Annie warned, pressing one cheek to the pillow, the top of her head butting against the polished wooden headboard as I slammed my meat into her again and again. Her luminous long brown hair spread over the pillow, covering her face in disarray as she erotically groaned and lifted her ass to meet each loving stroke. "Don't come too quick! I want us to last tonight!"
"Uh huh, baby," I grunted, lengthening my strokes until I was sliding my cuntjuice-slick cock in and out of Annie in ten-second long, generous slow motion strokes.
"Oohhhhh yess, my darling daddy," Annie cried, "Slow-fuck my pussy sooooo nice!"
Doggie style, I slid in and out of Annie, half bending over her luscious body so that I could reach forward and cup her swaying, jiggling tits, then roll and pinch her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers. Then I grasped her breasts hard, squeezing them lovingly, spreading my fingers across the conical, snowy mounds of her tit flesh until Annie moaned louder in pleasure.
"oooh, ohhh yeah!" Annie said, "My titties always love your hands there!"
I fucked Annie for a long long time, slowly building intensity and speed again with each stab into her wet hot cunt. Several times I felt my cum boiling up, just as little orgasms wracked Annie's twat, making her sugar walls clench and unclench around my cock shaft. Each time I thought I would shoot into her, I slowed or stopped, with my loving daughter halting and just waiting, knowing I was keeping myself from cumming until I had satiated her sexy need.
As I was nearing another climax, Annie bent forward, pulling her cunt nearly all the way off my dick.
"Do the nasty thing to me, my daddy-lover." Annie instructed. "Do my booty! That's how I wanna come tonight!"
She turned her head and smiled back at me over her shoulder, taunting me with her sexy look. Sitting up, she reached her hand over to the night stand by the bed and jerked the drawer open, grabbing a small white tube and thrusting it back at me.
I winked at her and took the top off the sex lubricant, squirting it liberally over my hard prick, then groaning as Annie's hand reached back to smear it over the head of my cock while I tossed the tube toward the drawer.
"Mmmm, daddy, hurry!" Annie urged, "stick it in me! put it in my ass! ohhh shit, screw my ass hard!" Her butt was writhing just in front of my cock.
Annie reached back with both hands, sliding her painted nails into her buttcrack, then spreading her ass cheeks wide apart, inviting my dick in as she bent forward.
I smeared a tiny dab of jelly over her puckered anus with my thumb, causing Annie to gasp in pleasure at the forbidden touch. Then the head of my cock was pressing against the indentation of my daughters' rectum. With a slow, insistent pressure the head of my cock popped inside the elastic ring of her anus and Annie groaned in pleasure.
"Unnnnnnggghhh! Oh, daddy, yeah, awww *fuck* my ass!"
The hot, tight tube of her butthole enclosed my cock with a muscular grip. I slowly eased my cock shaft down into Annie's rectum, inch at a time as I felt her clench up around my prick.
"Honey, relax" I coaxed, pressing my palms to her butt, "relax your sweet ass until I'm inside you!"
"Umm hummm." Annie nodded her head, and I could feel the muscles in her rectum let go as she let herself relax, and my cock slipped down down into her hot greasy hole.
"Ohh sweet jezus," I groaned. "Awww girl, your ass feels so good!"
"Unnn! Unnnnn!" Annie managed to grunt, forcing her butt back against my thighs. Then, strangely, she giggled while my stiff cock sank into her ass.
"What's so ... funny?" I panted as the hot tight flesh of her asshole gripped and obscenely pleasured my cock.
"I was just thinking, dad." Annie looked back at me, grinning naughtily.
"You used to spank my butt," she giggled. "Now your fucking it!"
"Ummm, aww shitt," I groaned, yet laughed with her. "I can still do both!"
I smacked her playfully on the ass cheek, then slowly worked my cock in all the way until my balls slapped against her wet pussy lips from behind. Annie squealed in delight, then quickly groaned in pleasure as my prick slid to the hilt inside of her backdoor.
"Ohhh yeah, daddy! oooooooo, yeahhh!" Annie moaned, revolving her hips in a sexy, obscene oval as she moved my cock around inside her butt. "Fuckkit! fuck my booty! awww goddd, fuck my ass hardd!"
Ass fucking is not like pussy fucking and I wouldn't violently shove my prick in and out of Annie's tight asshole. Instead I slid it in deeply and left it there, undulating gently in a slight back and forth rhythm as Annie's butt adjusted to being filled with my cock.
"Unnnngh," she groaned. " oooooh I love the feel of your cock in my ASS!"
We swayed back and forth on the bed; Annie reached up to grip the top of the headboard and hang her head down between her arms as she savored the nasty invasion into her anus.
I bent forward a little and slid my hand around in front, racking my fingers through he thick pubic hair, then petting her cunt as my fingers fumbled around for the bumpy tip of her clit.
Groaning, Annie dropped a hand down and placed it over mine, guiding my fingers, working them so that she mashed the tips of my fingers onto her clit, jiggling it and teasing it, sliding her fingers between mine until we wore both masturbating her pussy button. As Annie begin to whimper in pleasure, I slipped a finger between her pussy lips, feeling her hand tighten over mine, helping me move in and out of her cuntworks.
"oh, OH oH!!!" Annie groaned, and I recognized her sweet love sounds --she was about to come.
"Come, baby," I urged whispering across her trim, athletic back. "Come, Pun'kin, .. and I will too!
"You wanna cum?" she whispered hoarsely, "You wanna CUM??, ohhh please cum... CUM IN MY ASS!"
Annie went rigid, pressing my hand tightly into her cuntworks as she forced her ass back to my thighs, driving my cock all the way inside her asshole.
Her muscles were now clenching forcefully, gripping my cock as tightly as possible, squeezing it until I cried out in pleasure and felt a hot burst spit out of my cock and into Annie's anal love hole.
"Cummm in meeeee" Annie cried, "awww I feel your cummm in meee!"
"Ohhh, babyy, I love you!" I grunted, spurting my sperm deep in her guts in jet after jet of cream.
"Oh, yess, daddy, ohhhhh yessss!"
We knelt on the bed for a long long moment as Annie shivered and trembled, shaking her ass as her orgasm played through her crotch, rubbing and rubbing her pussy as my cum soaked into her butt.
At last she groaned and fell forward, slipping onto the pillows, holding my cock inside her anus as she relaxed and spread her athletic legs out under me. I humped her upended, rounded butt, working my cock slowly in and out, prolonging the nasty incestuous anal fuck until at last I softened and slid out of my daughter's ass.
"Mmmmmm," Annie sighed, sinking her head into a stack of pillows.. "I like that, ... I like it a lot!"
"That slimy stuff running out of my ass and down over my pussy!" she grinned, stretching out her long body on the sheets. "It's you , and it reminds me I've been FUCKED! ... fucked by my daddy!"
She ran her hand over her butt, then down into the crack of her ass, opening her legs as she drug her fingers through the sticky mixture spilling down her pussy lips; then slowly teasing her slit lips with the goo-coated tips of her fingers.
I slid up over her, slipping my hands under her body and cupping her firm breast, kneading them.
"Wanton little bitch" I whispered in her ear, teasingly.
"Umm humm," Annie smiled, humping her butt up and pressing my half-hard cock into the crack between her ass cheeks. I felt the cool wet gunk smeared over her buttocks. "And you love it!"
"Ummm hmmm" I agreed, nuzzling her ear from behind.
After caressing my daughter for awhile I rolled off of her and sat up on the bed.
"Where are you going, lover?" Annie cooed, rolling on her side and folding her lithe, tanned body around me.
"I'm gonna get on the computer and finish this thing."
Annie rolled on her back, lifting her knees and spreading her glistening cum-smeared thighs wide as she propped up on her pillows.
"Maybe you better hurry so you can get on this, dad." she grinned, rubbing her snatch and batting her baby blue eyes up at me.
"I will, Pun'kin," I promised. "I'll hurry."
Reaching up, Annie pulled me over and kissed me on the ear.
"Don't be too long," she whispered, "an' maybe you can come on my tits, too!"
Well, I have finished it and now I'll post it to you on the 'Net as quickly as I can. (Annie's still waiting.) When you all read it, you'll know what I'm doing, or rather what my daughter and I are doing while you read. I'll leave it to you to make your own minds up about incest. I already know how the two of us feel. I'm glad I got a chance to tell everybody the story.... about Annie and me.
The reviewing period for this story has ended. |