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by Unknown


Published: 30-May-2012

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
If you are under 18 or if it is 21 where you live or if it is illegal for you to read this then don't -Go away. If you are offended by explicit sex, then go away. Otherwise, enjoy.

1 - Welcome To The Dance

The story you are about to read tells of a tremendous change in life styles for me . . . a sudden jump into the wild, wonderful world of juvenile sex. My name is John Danvers, although most people call me Jack. It all started one bright, sunny, July morning in Indiana. That's where I live. I was home, taking a few days off from work and enjoying just being lazy.

Earlier that day my wife, Sue, and I had a rather strange conversation. It was about our spare time and how to use it. Not that we had all that much spare time. Both of us worked and we had three daughters and a house to take care. My wife felt that what spare time we had should be put to more productive use. She told me that she wanted us all, me, her and our three daughters, to visit a nudist resort near our home. She claimed that she'd heard a lot of good things about it from her friends and that if nothing else it would give us all a chance to develop great all-over tans.

Hardly a prude, I still had to give it a bit of thought before agreeing. The idea of being naked with other adults was not too upsetting. Before my wife and I were married, we had run with a pretty wild group in college. There were parties where people got drunk and took their clothes off, and not necessarily in that order. It was the prospect of being naked with kids, especially mine, that bothered me. Something about the idea didn't seem quite right.

Like most fathers, I bathed and dressed my girls when they were young. As they grew older, this happened less and less. From the time each girl started school I seldom saw them even in their underclothes, much less naked. Nobody ordered it this way. Sue and I never discussed it. Things just seemed to work out that I would not be around when the girls were changing or bathing.

On top of this, my ten-year-old daughter, Mindy, was just coming into that stage of increased self-awareness and sensitivity that comes with the start of puberty. She would spend a lot of time preening in front of the mirror in her room and she had become very concerned about what she wore and the way it looked on her. To take her shopping for clothes was risking your sanity. She could spend an entire afternoon in a clothing store, looking at everything they had, and come out with nothing. It sometimes took Mindy an hour to get dressed, and yet she'd look like she just grabbed something out of the closet and threw it on, anyway. I couldn't figure it out.

It didn't seem to me that Miss Fussy would care to go naked in front of anyone. On the other hand, eight year old Polly and five-year-old Suzy probably wouldn't give it much thought. They almost always went along with whatever we wanted to do.

Sue and I cherished our daughters. We had deliberately chosen to bring each one of them into the world. Our lives together, with the girls, were wholesome and stable; some might have looked at us and even said we led an idyllic existence. Sue and I had experimented with drugs in college, but this stopped when we decided to have children. We drank, occasionally, but over time Sue virtually abandoned even this. I still enjoyed a cold beer now and then and almost always had some on hand. Neither of us smoked. If Sue and I had a weakness, and I'm not sure this qualifies, it would have been sex. We enjoyed it very much and even after many years together, still did it quite often.

The insurance company I worked for liked what I did for them. They had promoted me several times and I was on my way, perhaps not to the top, but certainly to a well paid and influential position. Money was not a problem for Sue and me. We weren't wealthy, but a nice home, a new car every few years and most of the other things we wanted were always there for us.

My wife renewed the subject, later that day, when the children were there. To my surprise, Mindy thought it was a good idea. As I suspected, the other girls more or less just followed the leader.

That was on a Friday. On the following morning we were all in the car and driving to the resort. In my family, things tended to happen fast when my wife and daughters were in agreement. Somehow, when I was the lone person pursuing a course of action, time seemed to stand still. Nothing happened. This peculiarity of time and space has never been adequately explained. I am sure the answer lies in the unpublished notes of Albert Einstein. It must. The women in my family are not bright enough to have figured this out by themselves. At least, I don't think so.

Anyway, when we got to the camp, there was a small office and we went in there to register. We were greeted by a tall, attractive woman of about 45 or 50. She was dressed in shorts and a halter, which puzzled me at first. I was expecting everyone to be naked, but then I noticed that we were still officially outside the camp. You didn't need a scorecard to tell that our hostess was one of the players. Her tan was magnificent. My wife poked me in the ribs and gave me a look-at-her grin but it wasn't necessary. The woman literally glowed with health. You couldn't help but notice her.

She was a little on the heavy side, with big breasts and a broad behind, but not bad looking. For her age, I thought she was attractive. Normally I wouldn't be interested in someone from a different generation, but something about this woman reminded me of when I was a kid. In those days, I'd sometimes have dirty thoughts about the better looking mothers of my friends. You know how that is, don't you? You wouldn't say anything to your friend, of course; but you'd secretly eye his mom and wonder what she was like.

It only took our hostess a few minutes to get us through the registration process and describe the facilities. The camp was large and well equipped. Besides lakeside bathing, there were both outdoor and indoor pools, and all sorts of activities to spend your time on.

Only couples, no singles, could register. Each 'family' was assigned a cabin. It turned out that ours had only one bedroom, although it was a large one. There was a double bed which Sue and I claimed, and three singles for the girls. Sharing sleeping quarters with our girls was not exactly a novelty for us. Up until they were old enough for school, we had frequently allowed each of the girls to sleep with us.

This was usually on special occasions like holidays and birthdays. It was only one girl at a time but they loved it. Snuggling up between mom and dad, especially on nights when it was cold or raining, meant a lot to the girls. Whenever we announced that so-and-so could sleep with us, the child would run around like someone who had just won the lottery.

As we were unloading our car, a group of nude teenagers, boys and girls, went by. There was no way I could keep my eyes off those girls. They were fabulous and I envied the boys who were with them. My admiration of the young women was quite apparent to Sue.

"Dirty old man." Sue whispered as she came up to me, "Lusting after those girls. What are you going to do when you're naked?"

"Damned if I know," I muttered, "maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all."

"Nonsense . . . the magazines at Adele's house say that men hardly ever think about sex once everybody is naked . . . and the hidden aspect is gone," she laughed. "Let's test it . . . come on girls . . . let's go inside and get undressed."

When I said that we had a bedroom in the cabin, I didn't mean that it was a separate room. It was more like the cabin was the bedroom. The beds were off against the wall, and there was enough space for the other furniture, but it was all in one big room. There was no privacy, except for the bathroom, and Mindy quickly ducked in there to undress. The rest of us had to either wait our turn or strip in plain view of each other. My wife voted early for group nudity by peeling off her blouse and bra. As she did so, she urged us to join her in getting naked. Without blinking an eye my other two girls followed their mother's lead and began to strip.

All of us were wearing the standard, American, summer uniform; shorts, tee shirts and sneakers.

Suzy, our youngest child, was only five-years old and not that long out of diapers. She dropped her shorts first and then went to work on her shirt. She still hadn't quite mastered the art of clothing and the shirt gave her a bit of trouble. She looked funny with her bare, little bottom sticking out, and her head and arms inside her shirt. I had to laugh at her contortions.

Polly, Suzy's older sister, was naked in no time and I felt an unexpected twinge of interest as she emerged from her clothes. Although not yet into puberty, at eight years of age, Polly already had graceful, flowing lines. Naturally, she was flat-chested but otherwise her slender, youthful body was surprisingly well formed. I never realized that a girl that young could be so nice. With her narrow waist, flat stomach and beautifully shaped little ass she was something to see. In particular, I was fascinated by the way the mound of her little pussy stood out and the smooth, clean look of her cunt lips. Your eyes just naturally went to it. As I was taking in the sight of her, Polly reached over to help her sister. I gulped for air as her vagina spread open just enough to give me a glimpse of the juicy, darker colored flesh inside.

Let me try to explain how it was. When my girls were babies, like any father, I used to bathe and dress them. As they grew older, I did these things less often. By the time they started school, I almost never saw the girls naked. Nobody told me to stay away or stop looking at them. It just seemed to work out that way. Oh, occasionally, I might spot one of them coming out of the shower but these were quick, now-you-see-it, now-you-don't looks, and I certainly didn't make a habit of it. Each girl had her own bedroom, too, so it was seldom that I even saw them change clothes.

Until that moment I hadn't given much thought to the sexuality of my girls. Out of sight, out of mind. They were simply my children, and that's it. In my eyes they were sexless. The subject never came up. Unless you're the father of a young girl, you probably don't understand what I'm trying to tell you. I believe that all fathers take a sexual interest in their daughters. Most of the time this interest is so well suppressed a man doesn't realize its there.

Seeing little Polly naked, with that surprisingly good looking body of hers, made me realize that there was a sexual side to her nature. She was already charming, with the promise of being more so as she grew up. Polly noticed me looking her over and her embarrassed smile brought me back to reality.

Alongside me, my wife, Sue, was nearly done. She poked me in the ribs. "Come on. You're the only one still dressed."

Just as I finished undressing, the door to the bathroom opened and Mindy peeked out. It was a rare opportunity and I couldn't resist. I put my hands to my mouth as if I were playing a trumpet, and gave out with a series of 'Ta Da Da Da! Ta Da Da Da!' The door swung shut and Mindy retreated.

"Mom! Make him stop."

It didn't work. I was having too much fun and gave out with another blast on my trumpet. "Ta Da Da Da! Ta Da Da Da!"

"Daadd! I'm not coming out unless you stop."

My musical director had heard enough. "OK. Put the horn away or she'll be in there all weekend."

In a conciliatory tone I called to the girl. "Come on out, darling. You can't stay in there. Sooner or later one of us is going to have to use the facility. I'll be quiet."

Again, the door opened. Mindy peeked out to see us all standing around, pretending she wasn't there. Cautiously, she stepped into the cabin. For a brief instant she made eye contact with me and then looked away. No doubt it was awkward for a girl her age, just becoming aware of the changes taking place in her body, to appear nude in front of her father. Trying hard to ignore us, she strolled to the window and stood, looking out. The sun was shining through at just the right angle. It was like a spotlight on her.

Mindy had a habit of stretching her arms up in the air and arching her back, while at the same time running her hands through her long, red hair. It was an innocent, subconscious move that I'd seen her perform dozens of times. She did it now. The thing is, being naked, the pose gave her a provocative look that I found riveting. My eyes traveled up and down her form, taking in every detail. As with Polly, only more so since Mindy was older, it disturbed me that I was ogling my own child. Yet, I couldn't help myself. My male hormones had automatically clicked in.

I hadn't lived a monastic life. My wife was hardly the only woman I'd ever seen naked, nor was she the only woman I'd ever had sex with. It's just that my girls, especially Mindy, were nice in a way that I'd never thought about before. I couldn't get over how shapely they were, how alluring.

If you don't know let me tell you. Seeing a young girl naked is not the same as seeing her in a bathing suit. When you see a child naked, it makes you think about things that maybe you shouldn't be thinking about. I wondered if the other children would affect me the same way. I'd know soon enough. After all, this was a nudist camp.

Quickly, I cataloged Mindy's anatomy. Her legs were exceptionally well formed, with thighs that already had a pleasing swell to them. Further up, her narrow hips gracefully curved into a thin waist and flat stomach. She was slender, but without that spindly, skinny look that young girls often have.

Her breasts were growing, too. Before we ever talked about coming to the camp, I'd noticed that Mindy's nipples were beginning to show through her clothing. Until now though, I hadn't given it much thought. Seeing her naked made all the difference. Again I thought back to when I was a school boy. It must have been about fifth or sixth grade when we noticed that some of the girls were changing. We, the other boys and I, used to speculate on what those nascent beauties were like. Now I knew. What a sight! Mindy wouldn't need a bra for awhile but her tits were already big enough to hold my interest. I never dreamed that a girl her age would look so appealing.

Like her sisters, Mindy's cunt was smooth and clean. The absence of hair allowed me to clearly see the firm, fat lips covering her opening. As Mindy walked away, I was impressed by her tight, round, little ass. Her back curved in just a bit, and this made her lovely behind seem just a bit more prominent. It really did catch your eye.

Most men, I suppose, can be stirred by an exceptionally, pretty girl who is just starting to bloom and I'm no exception. A man can be forgiven for admiring a lovely child so long as he keeps his hands and his thoughts to himself. I had to do this now but it was difficult. Because Mindy was my daughter I felt like I had a proprietary interest in her. It seemed that I should be able to touch her and I had to fight the urge to do so. Where were these ideas coming from? What the hell was wrong with me? This was Mindy standing before me. She was buck naked and a fine piece of work, but she was my daughter!

Looking back, I can understand what was happening to me, but at the time things were not all that clear. From the moment my sweet, young Polly slipped out of her panties I was caught up in an internal conflict. I'd never considered my girls to be "girls" per se. They were just my kids. Nothing more. Seeing those lovely bodies, especially those delightful, little cunts, made me realize that they were not just children. They were females, already grown enough to be interesting in a sexual way. The day was coming when they'd be going out with boys and start having sex. In Mindy's case I didn't think the day was that far off. She was a delight to behold. If the boys weren't after her by now, it wouldn't be much longer.

Then I felt a burst of pride. I'd made these enchanting creatures. They had come from my loins.

I didn't want Sue to notice me leering. My attraction to the girls seemed sacrilegious. So much for the magazines at Adele's. With an exertion of inner strength, I defeated the demon in my loins and regained control. Too late. Sue, the ever watchful, had noticed my interest. She scooted all three naked girls out the door and told them to bring in their things from the car.

"Well . . . what do you think?" she said with a wicked grin.

"Think? ...about what?"

"Your pretty girls." She replied with a giggle. "You were staring at them . . . They're growing up fast, aren't they?"

"They certainly are, especially Mindy . . . Say, let's get all our stuff inside and then go see what this place has to offer."

The remainder of the day went by without incident, except for the abundance of naked women and girls. I was surprised that so many people went in for this stuff. The camp was crowded. For me it was a continuing struggle to keep from rising to the occasion. It was wearing me out.

With sunset and the cool of the night, the naked flesh around us gradually disappeared under clothing again.

2 - Learning The Steps

By the time it grew dark, the girls were soon ready to go to sleep. We all were. The fresh air and the running around had tired us out.

There were yawns all around as I watched my girls slip into their cots and then I turned down the lights. Sue crawled into our bed and I followed her moments later. Once our eyes grew accustomed to the dark, there was just enough light from a lamp post outside to let us see what we were doing.

"Goodnight, girls," Sue said, snuggling up tight against me.

At the same time, her hands dropped down between my legs and she began massaging me. Longing for the hardness that had been denied me all day, I was ready for action in seconds!

"Watch it, " I whispered, my hands rising to cup her small breasts, "I don't think they're all asleep, yet."

"If you wait much longer, I'll be asleep. You better do something now, or forget it."

I didn't reply, the time for talk had already passed. My hands roved over the smoothness of Sue's nude body, caressing her breasts, stroking her belly . . . and accepting the invitation to probe the moist, warm opening between her legs.

As I pounded Sue harder and harder the covers slipped down to expose us. The light was dim, but my eyes had adjusted so that I could see just Sue's nude form under me. Her nipples were hard and erect .. . her eyes closed in ecstasy.

A movement off to the side caught my attention and I glanced over to see Mindy resting on her elbows, apparently watching us. She had to be. There wasn't anything else going on in our corner of the cabin. It was warm and her covers were down, too. I could just make out her form, exposed to the waist. Startled, I stopped and just lay there, wondering what to do.

"Why are you stopping?" Sue whispered, "I'm not done, yet."

"Mindy's awake . . . and watching us," I whispered back.

"Are you sure? I can't see her from here."

We were like two conspirators. "Yes."

Sue wiggled a bit underneath me, trying to recapture the moment. "Come on. Do it slow and let's finish."

Unsure of what to do about Mindy, yet wanting to go on, I slowly renewed thrusting myself into Sue. I could see Mindy out of the corner of my eye. She was as still as could be but she was watching every move we made.

Then something peculiar happened. Some horny, little devil must have gotten inside me and turned things around. I began to take pleasure from Mindy's presence. The fact that she was lying there a few feet away, naked and watching me have sex with her mother was exciting. That's exactly how I thought about it, and the more I rolled the idea around in my head the more I liked it. How wonderfully erotic. How sinfully delicious. My lust went into overdrive.

Was it illusion or reality? I don't know but I swear my cock got a little bigger and a little harder. Mindy's watching was turning me on in a way I had never known before. It was like Sue and I had just met and we were doing it for the first time. You know how that is? I don't mean giving up your virginity. I mean, doing it with somebody you've never done it with before. There's a special quality about that kind of sex. There's a novelty about it, a sense of strangeness that is compelling.

Whatever was happening to me must have been contagious. Sue started to respond to my heightened passion. She clawed her fingers into my back and began meeting my strokes. She was bouncing up off the bed and slamming into me every time I pushed down. We went on that way, going at each other harder and harder. At the same time I watched Mindy out of the corner of my eye and wondered what she thought of our performance. Finally, I felt Sue shuddering and moaning under me. Her vagina closed down around my penis, pulsing like a soft warm hand as she thrilled beneath me . . . and I lost it, too.

When next I looked toward Mindy, she had disappeared under the covers.

In the morning, when we rose, nothing was said of Mindy's watching, and I pretty much didn't give it another thought. Being it was Sunday, we had to think about returning to the city that night.

In order to spend more time at the resort, on the following weekend we headed out on Friday night instead of Saturday morning. It amused me to see how quickly we had all become used to being naked. Everyone, even Mindy, stripped in the open cabin without any prompting. It was even funny, in a way.

During that first weekend, while I was checking out my girls, they were doing the same thing to Sue and me. After all, they'd never seen a naked adult of either sex.

During the first weekend, all three of the girls kept stealing looks at us. Sue and I knew what they were looking at and could easily guess what they were thinking. Naturally, being the only male in the family, I aroused more curiosity than Sue.

Even though we were all more at ease on the next weekend, the girls still hadn't entirely gotten used to the idea. Every once in awhile one of them would flick her eyes down between my legs. They couldn't resist the temptation of looking. Mindy did it more than Polly, and little Suzy hardly looked at all. Whenever Mindy saw that I was aware of her looking, she'd turn away, obviously embarrassed. You could see her struggling with herself, trying not to look, and then she'd do it again.

I'm not suggesting that my girls went around all day gawking at me, or any other man. They didn't. However, Mindy was looking me over just often enough to where I became sensitive to it and I even began to anticipate it. I could often tell from her body language when she was going to do it. It didn't bother me. In fact I liked it. Knowing that she was admiring me pumped up my ego. In all honesty I have to tell you that I enjoyed looking at Mindy, too. She was my daughter but she was also a pretty girl, just starting to ripen into a woman. To observe her at this stage, up close and unclothed, filled me with awe. There were benefits to nudism that I hadn't thought of before we got into it.

The heightened sense of awareness that nudity brought, and being in a strange bed were too much for Sue and I. As soon as we dared, after turning the lights out, we reached for each other and began making love. About midway through the fun, I remembered what had happened the week before. Without missing a stroke, I glanced over to Mindy's cot and sure enough, she was watching us.

Once again I started getting that odd feeling. Mindy's watching was feeding my lust. The first time, I had turned my head away and sort of checked on Mindy out of the corner of my eye. This time, I didn't turn away. Neither did Mindy. In the dark we couldn't see each other's faces but I'm sure she knew I was looking at her.

It had fallen to Sue to talk to our girls about sex. I didn't know how often or to what extent Sue had discussed these things with Mindy, but I knew the conversations had taken place. Mindy must have known what Sue and I were doing.

The more Mindy watched, the more I liked it. Such brazen and out of character behavior on her part was strangely stimulating.

Sue caught my excitement just as before, but this time I didn't say anything to her about Mindy. I just let things go and we had a good time together. Later in the weekend Sue commented on how much she enjoyed our sex at the camp. Fucking-in-the-forest, as she called it, was different, and more satisfying. My wife chalked it up to being nude outdoors, moonlight, fresh air and all that.

This was probably a good part of it, but I had to give Mindy some of the credit. For the rest of the summer, every Friday and Saturday night when we were at the camp, we'd go to bed early and have sex. Mindy missed a couple of nights, but most of the time she would be there, waiting to tune us in like we were a favorite TV show.

Sue and I had been together for almost 15 years. We had been faithful to our marriage vows but I suppose after that much time, we were sort of used to each other. This bizarre, new spin on our sex was something that I liked very much.

Both of us were having a good time and I couldn't see where any real harm was being done. So, as the summer wore on I never told Sue that we had an audience, much less that I liked the idea. When we crawled into bed on those weekend nights, I was more than just ready for sex. I was eager for it and almost couldn't wait. It was exciting in a way I hadn't known since before we got married and I loved it. Oh, yes. Having Mindy watch us fuck definitely added to the fun.

Vicariously, I was bringing Mindy into bed with us. I was not that thick headed that I didn't see this, right off. What I couldn't see, at the time, was where this business was headed. Without realizing it, I had already taken several steps down a strange, new road.

Early one morning toward the end of summer, just before dawn, I woke with a full bladder and slipped out of bed to relieve myself. While crossing the cabin to the bathroom, I glanced over to where the girls were sleeping and caught my breath. Mindy was lying on top of the covers. She was naked, of course, and on her back. Her legs were open and one knee was drawn up, like she was going to kick something.

I stepped over to the cot to get a better look. The moonlight coming through the cabin window gave a pale glow to her girlish form. It was easy to pick out the details of that sensuous, young body.

There was an air of unreality about seeing her like that . . . she didn't look like Mindy. She seemed more like a young, sleeping goddess or perhaps a forest nymph. Coming as no surprise, I grew an erection looking at my daughter. You see, Mindy had been giving me erections all summer, every time she watched me have sex with her mother. It's just that I had been directing my feelings toward Sue.

Now, standing before the sleeping girl, our roles were reversed. It was I doing the watching, and for the first time, I openly admitted to myself that sex with her was a possibility.

Quicker than it takes to tell it, I reminded myself that I was entering dangerous waters. Mindy was only ten years old. Men my age are not supposed to be interested in girls that young. She was also still a virgin and I had no right to take that from her. Finally, and most important, she was my daughter and at any age I should not be fooling around with her.

Rather than cooling my emotions these thoughts had the opposite effect.. Knowing that I wasn't supposed to do anything with her only made me want her more. She was so sweet and she looked so inviting, lying there naked and helpless before me. Kneeling down beside her, I reached between my daughter's legs. The feel of her firm, young girl flesh was incredible. Never in my life had I experienced anything quite like it.

She was dry. I could just get my finger into her opening. Slowly and carefully I worked my way deeper into that little vagina. She stirred a bit and I froze, waiting for her to come awake. After a moment or two I decided she was still asleep and resumed my exploration. Inside her, I began to feel a little moisture. I marveled at the fact that as young as she was and still asleep, her body was reacting to my touch. My other hand closed around my rock hard shaft and I began slowly stroking myself. I don't remember how long I lingered there, enjoying my girl's sexuality, but it had to be several minutes. It was a marvelous, incredible experience. She was new. She was fresh. I was touching her, feeling her in a personal, intimate way that she had never known before. She was asleep but I could tell that her body was feeling the pleasure of my hand within her. The inside of her little cunt was getting warmer and wetter. Was she dreaming of a young love?

Eventually she stirred again, and the thought of her coming awake and finding me at her side drove me off. As quietly as I could, I slipped into the bathroom. My cock was still hard. Nothing could happen until I got rid of the erection, but it wouldn't go down. All I could think of was Mindy, lying there, waiting for me. I had touched my daughter in a way that fathers are not supposed to do, and I liked it. I liked it a lot.

It was like discovering a new world and I wanted to go exploring. All kinds of wild, unspeakable temptations were crowding in on me. Should I go back and touch her again? No, that would be wrong. Suppose she woke up?

Finally, hidden from my family and fantasizing about Mindy, I masturbated. It had been years since I'd done it and I felt a little foolish. For the time being, though, my problem was solved. My excitement subsided, I was able to urinate and then go back to bed.

Mindy was safe for a while. I had tamed the beast, but I knew it would be back. A change had come over me. Snuggled up to my wife, it was a while before I drifted off into a restless sleep.

After this I felt I should tell Sue what had been going on. I didn't tell her everything of course and, as a result of my sanitized version of events, Sue was unconcerned and refused to make an issue of it. She even confided in me that she had watched her parents when she was a child. To me, it was a serious matter because of the way I was starting to feel about Mindy. I just couldn't bring myself to say these things to Sue. As the summer drew to a close, we continued to play our parts in the weekend sex drama. Sue and I went on making love to each other, but I was looking at and thinking about Mindy while we did it.

Before this business began, Mindy was just my little girl and that's all. When I thought about sex, I thought about my wife, or occasionally some other good looking woman who might have just walked by. Now, when I thought about sex I would often think about Mindy, lying naked in the moonlight, her legs spread apart and her sweet, little vagina open and waiting for me. Having admitted to myself that the girl was getting to me, it became increasingly difficult to hide my feelings. At times, especially when we were at camp, I'd look at Mindy and start to get an erection. It was embarrassing to say the least. With varying degrees of success I fought to control myself. Sue did not seem to have caught on to what was happening, and when she did notice me getting hard, she naturally assumed it was for her. I don't think this was true of Mindy. Perhaps because she was the object of my lust, she seemed to know that I had developed a new kind of interest in her. Once in awhile our eyes would meet, and she'd give me a funny look. I almost didn't want to think about it because it seemed so crazy. Yet, I could swear that somehow this sweet, innocent ten-year old girl of mine knew how I felt about her and she wasn't bothered by it. It really was a strange kind of game.

On the last weekend of the season something unusual happened. The camp we were at was built in a wide expanse of woodlands with small lakes and ponds scattered all around. Sue and I had taken our three girls to the swimming pool. After settling them in we decided to take a walk in the woods. We wandered into the trees quite some ways and Sue began acting like a young girl . . .laughing and teasing me. When you've been married as long as we were, it's easy to tell when your partner has fucking on her mind. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out where Sue was leading me or what she wanted to do when we got there. In time we found ourselves in a little grassy clearing beside a small pond. It was really a nice, romantic setting and it looked like we were far enough off the regular paths that no one would disturb us. Sue turned abruptly to me, spread her feet apart and rested her hands on her hips. "Let's do it here."

Oddly, for me, I wasn't really up for sex at that particular moment. Something in the back of my mind told me that this wasn't the right place. I wasn't about to tell Sue that an inner voice told me not to fuck, but I couldn't think of anything else to say. I just sort of stood there with what was probably a stupid expression on my face.

"I want to do it, here and now. How often do you get an offer like this from a naked woman?" Sue had this really lewd smile on her face. I'd only seen her look that way when she was drunk but on this occasion she hadn't been drinking. My wife was intoxicated by the prospect of sex. Moving like a cat she stepped up to me, dropped to her knees and grabbed my prick. Without so much as a how-do-you-do, her mouth closed around my cock and Sue began licking and sucking on me while at the same time masturbating me.

Needless to say, it didn't take long to get me in the mood.

"OK . . . I think you're ready." Sue suddenly said, letting my prick slip from her mouth, "Now, shove it in!" I stared at her as she turned and dropped to her hands and knees. Her ass was aimed at me, her knees were wide apart, and her hairy cunt was waiting for me to make the next move.

The urge was on me now and I dropped to my knees behind her. She was more than ready. Sue was almost frantic with desire. She actually cursed me when I fumbled my first attempt to penetrate her. I'd never, in all the years we were together, known her to act this way. She was seemingly possessed by a demon. She wanted to fuck bad, really bad.

Once I got it in, she went absolutely nuts. No matter how hard I banged into her, she wanted more. She kept telling me, that's how I knew. I was afraid that when I finally shot my load into her she'd still be pushing her ass out looking for someone, or something to fuck. What was I going to do?

With more control than I ever thought I had, I held back and kept thrusting into my woman. Sue had already come once and we were riding toward another climax. Again, I knew what she was going through because she kept passing regular bulletins on her emotional state. Only she was using foul, gutter language that I'd never heard come from her lips before. Sue could let loose when she was upset, but I'd never heard talk like that from her before. Where did she learn that stuff?

Then she started comparing me to her father. A cold chill went through me. It sounded like Sue and her father had done it but when? Recently? No, that was impossible. He didn't live nearby and we rarely saw him. When she was a child? God! I thought of what was going on between Mindy and I.

All of a sudden I noticed a movement in the trees. Someone, or something, was watching us. If ever there was a time when I wanted to be alone with my wife, this was definitely it. Who in the hell was creeping around in the bushes?

Well, let me tell you brother, I had my hands full with a woman, who, for all I knew, had gone crazy. I wasn't in the mood for any peeping tom. Of course, it might have been a bear and then Sue and I both would be in big trouble. Sue's wild behavior, and even wilder talk, had infected me and I was being pulled down into the depths of animalistic sex. I figured if it was a human watching us he was getting one hell of a show. If it was an animal, it would have to contend with my wife. She was crazy mad for fucking and I didn't want to be the one to tell her she had to stop.

"God damn!"

It was Mindy. She moved just as I was looking her way and I spotted her, in the shadow of the trees. At that moment I could have killed her. My emotions were all twisted in knots and she had nearly given me a heart attack. In a burst of anger I grabbed tight onto Sue's hips and fucked for all I was worth. If Mindy wanted to see people having sex, I was going to show her what it was like. If Sue thought her father could fuck better than me, I was going to prove otherwise. I looked right at Mindy, knowing she could see me, and motioned to her to come over to us.

You'll have to forgive me but at the moment I had alternately been experiencing fear, anger and sexual desire. All these different emotions were running through me like race cars. If Mindy had come to us, I would have thrown her on the ground and fucked her, right there in front of her mother. It would have been more out of anger than desire but I'm sure I would have done it.

She didn't come near, so I just kept banging into Sue, harder and harder.

The change in tempo must have been just what Sue was wanting. She calmed down and matched my thrusts. We were working together and I could feel the explosion building within me. Once again, Mindy was contributing to one of my orgasms. I was getting to where I really liked the idea.

Suddenly it was over and Sue and I slumped to the grass, enjoying the afterglow. I looked over to where Mindy had been standing . . . but she was gone. The naked girl in the shadows had disappeared. Somehow it didn't seem to matter anymore.

On the way back I casually mentioned to Sue that Mindy had followed us. "God. Are you sure, Jack?"

"I'm as sure as I could be about anything, babe. I saw her plain as day, standing near a tree and watching us."

"OK. I'll talk to her. Don't say anything, Jack. Let me handle it."

It sounded good to me and I agreed.

Once we were packed and before we got into the car. Sue took Mindy off some ways. I couldn't hear what was being said but I knew what the topic was. There wasn't any screaming or anything, mostly Sue talked and mostly Mindy listened. It didn't last long but Polly and Suzy wanted to know what they were doing. No way was I going to give an honest answer to that question. While they were standing together, I noticed that Mindy was almost as tall as her mother. She was growing up fast. When they came back, I put my arm around Mindy and gave her a good hug. We didn't say anything but from the look in her eyes, I felt that some new bond of understanding had been forged between us. I was beginning to feel like a man with two wives.

We left the resort about six that evening and headed back to the city. We had played hard all weekend and the others slept while I drove. Sue was nestled against my side and the two younger girls were in the back of the van. Mindy was lying on the seat behind me and I could just see her in the rear view mirror. We had been on the road about half an hour or so when I noticed something in the mirror. Mindy had worn a simple shift dress for the ride home, and now she was lying there on her back with one knee raised.

It required me to readjust the mirror, but I knew what I would see. The hem of the loose fitting dress had slipped over Mindy's upraised knee and dropped to her waist. She wasn't wearing panties!

There in the mirror was a perfect view of her long, slender legs, all the way up her shapely thighs, and finally, in the dim light I could just make out the cleft of her opening. For some ten miles or so I just took lots of peeks into the mirror and enjoyed the sight. Even though I'd seen her nude every weekend this summer, looking at her asleep and with her dress pulled up made it different. It reminded me of that night when I'd touched her. Besides, now that the season was over, I probably wouldn't be seeing my girl in the nude for a long time. This was my last chance to enjoy her. Eventually Mindy moved in her sleep, changed her position and the show was over.

What was happening to me? I spent the remainder of the drive considering recent events. Never before had I been interested in a girl anywhere near Mindy's age; at least not since I had been in grade school. Now, here I was, lusting for this ten-year old child, my own daughter. Worse, I had already fondled her and to simply say it was fun would be an enormous understatement. Mindy, with her youth and innocence, and her budding sexuality offered a powerful, new kind of erotic pleasure that I had never known before.

She was like an addictive drug, and I was hooked. Inwardly, I wrestled with myself over the matter. On the one hand, all the arguments about her youth, her innocence and being my daughter made sense. On the other, I kept remembering the way it felt that night in the moonlight when I put my hand between her legs. She wasn't even awake and had no idea I'd done it, yet it was unbelievably thrilling. What would it be like if she was awake, and could respond to me? The mere thought of that was enough to set my head spinning. What was happening to me? Was I becoming some sort of pedophile monster, like the ones the papers always seemed to be talking about?

3 - Let's Dance

After the last outing at the camp, our lives began to slip back into the old routine. The girls went back to school, the summer heat passed and I was once again caught up in my work at the insurance company. At that time we were undertaking a major reorganization. The company had lost a lot of money and a change in the way we did things became necessary. By late September we were getting ready to move. It had fallen to me to be responsible for some of the planning, and I had to present my ideas to my superiors for discussion and review. By way of preparing, I was coming home early and using my little office in our home. Here, in relative seclusion, I was able to polish up the presentation I'd be making.

On this particular day I pulled up to the house about 2:00 in the afternoon. Upon entering I discovered that Mindy was home. She was a middle school student, having started sixth grade just a few weeks earlier. Normally she wouldn't have been home that time of day, but the school had closed early because of a teacher's conference of some kind. My wife had told me this was going to happen but I'd forgotten about it.

Mindy was in the living room watching television. I stopped by to say hello and let her know I'd be in the office and to not disturb me. About ten minutes or so later, I looked up from my work to see her standing in the doorway, watching me. That year, what I had been told was the "prep school" look was popular with girls of Mindy's age. It consisted of plaid skirts, blouses and sweaters. It did make the girls look dressed up, so even though the outfits were expensive, I liked them. Mindy was wearing one that day. There was another reason I liked the outfits. The skirts were designed to stop well above the knee, and so, you got to see a lot of leg. Girls like Mindy looked fabulous in those short skirts.

At that time of day, the afternoon sun was shining through the hall window right behind Mindy. Since she wasn't wearing a slip, the skirt took on a translucent quality and I could see her figure outlined underneath. My stomach felt like it was being tied in knots. You see, it was only with the greatest difficulty that I had concluded nothing more would happen between Mindy and me.

Although the activities of the recent summer had profoundly changed my attitude toward my oldest daughter, I was still struggling with myself. It was a losing battle but I still hadn't given in to my longing for her. Mindy's blossoming sexuality had infected me as surely as any virus. She was growing prettier and more womanlike every day. The pace of change in her young body was quickening. Coming up on her eleventh birthday, Mindy was almost as tall as my wife and Sue had recently put the girl in lightweight, training bras. At that moment, standing there with her girlish figure silhouetted under the short skirt, she was almost irresistible.

Suddenly, like the crack of a whip, my mind cleared. I guess my evil self got the better of me. Seeing her there, in that short skirt with her figure showing through, was what did it. My resolution to leave her untouched, withered and died. I wanted her and it looked like she was asking for it, anyway. What better time than now? We were alone in the house. No one would see us. No one would know. A powerful longing for the girl surged through me. It actually hurt, I wanted her so much.

It was deathly quiet. In the movies, a scene like this would probably have been accompanied with dramatic music. Violins perhaps. With nothing like that working for me, I merely lifted my hand and beckoned to her. "Come here, darling. I want to see you."

As she came to me, I remained seated. My chair was on swivels and I turned it in her direction. Mindy walked up to me and my arms reached out to enfold her. For a moment I speculated about her feelings in this matter. How would she react to a blatant sexual overture? What if she turned and ran? I had no answers to these questions but Mindy was not the naive, sexual innocent she might seem to an outsider. There was the little matter of her repeatedly observing Sue and I in bed, and then there was that afternoon in the woods. I was sure that Mindy had given more than a passing thought to sex, and had likely even considered the possibility of her and me doing it together.

Whatever might happen, however she might react, I was about to find out. The part of me that loved and cared for Mindy as my child had become locked away, inside me. Devil lust was in charge now and he was not about to taste disappointment. There was a sweet, heady fragrance about Mindy, a delicious, young girl kind of scent. Greedily, I pulled her close and pressed my face into her bosom so as to breathe her in.

There was no response from Mindy. For me though, holding her close was so stimulating, that within seconds my cock swelled up to full size. They say a stiff prick has no conscience and for me, at that moment, it was certainly true. If I'd had any reservations about fooling around with my own daughter, they were gone now.

I spread my hands across her back, pulling her even closer, and squeezed her between my legs. She stiffened a little, but otherwise there was no indication that she objected to what I was doing. Just in case, I used my fingers to slowly trace tiny ovals in her back. When she was a small child I often did this to soothe her if she was hurt or upset. As my hands moved around, I could feel the straps of her bra through the blouse. How intriguing that my little girl, not quite eleven-years old, should already be wearing such a womanly garment. I would have to see her in it.

My hands kept moving lower and lower down her back. A shudder of excitement ran through her as I slid down past her hips and began squeezing the rump of her ass through the skirt.

We remained that way for several moments, she unmoving in my arms, me with my hands roaming all over her back and behind. It was definitely no fatherly caress I was giving her, and she had to know it. However, this was just a warm up. A little something to let her know where things were headed. There being no objection, my hands resumed their downward slide.

Since her skirt was short I quickly found myself stroking the backs of her bare legs. I hesitated again. This was a threshold. If I went any further there would be no stopping.

The feel of those smooth young legs was too much. My passion exploded and with a rush of pleasure I broke the taboo. My hands reached under my daughter's skirt and began to climb back up. Mindy's complexion was excellent. Over her entire body, her skin was creamy smooth and almost entirely free of imperfections. Feeling up her legs to her thighs was like running my hands over the smoothest, softest velvet you could imagine. My girl was slender but not skinny. Her strong, young legs were supple and the flesh was firm. When I reached her panties and felt that firm, little ass inside it took my breath away. It was easy to tug her underpants down over her thighs. Under the skirt, I could not see her, but I could feel! She was magnificent and I gorged myself on her femininity. With the full impact of my actions washing over me, the blood began to pound in my head and I felt extremely warm. This was rape because she was underage, and it was incest because she was my daughter. It was also breathtaking excitement and I loved it. I had a monstrous erection that strained against my clothing, trying to get out. The unholy delight of feeling around under my daughter's skirt was driving me wild. My hands were everywhere, up and down her thighs, all over her ass and up inside her tight, hairless little cunt.

My lust went out of control. I unzipped my trousers and brought out the beast. Now Mindy had certainly seen a lot of pricks over the summer, including mine. To the best of my knowledge, though, this was the first time she'd ever seen one that was hard and erect. With sacrilegious glee, I watched her eyes open wide in surprise as I introduced her to my sexuality.

Her looking at it wasn't good enough, though. I wanted her to touch it. Firmly, but gently, I guided her hand to my throbbing shaft. There was some reluctance on her part, but she went along with me. As her fingers drew near, she let her breath out with a soft murmur of wonderment.

With my hand still covering hers, I closed her grasp around my prick. It was a marvelous sensation, feeling her graceful, little hand on me that way and seeing her thin fingers curled around my flesh. So as not to lose her, I again went under her skirt to resume finger banging her cunt.

At first Mindy was quiet and still. I don't know what she was expecting when I summoned her, but it probably didn't include what was happening. She stood there facing me, not moving, her head and eyes cast down. She even looked a little scared. Not that I minded. Her acting this way impressed upon me that it was my little kitten's first sex, and this greatly added to the thrill. When I took my hand away, she held onto my cock but that's all. She just stood there, staring at her hand, as though she couldn't believe what she was holding. I continued fingering and stroking her, but I couldn't seem to get her going. For the moment, I was the only one having fun.

Gradually, she did begin to change. The first sign of improvement was when she shifted her weight. At first I thought she was going to pull away. Instead she settled her pussy onto my finger at, what for her, must have been a better angle. Then she started to lubricate. Next I noticed a deepening of color in her face and she began to lose that scared look she'd had. Finally, she began to move her hand around on my cock.

Much to my surprise, she spoke. "This is what they call a boner, isn't it?"

I was amused at her terminology. On occasion I'd heard Sue use the word. I wondered if this was where Mindy had picked it up. "It certainly is." I replied.

Still holding me, she went on. "It's bigger than I thought. Does it always get this big?"

The lewd talk was stimulating. It was something I hadn't anticipated but it certainly added to my enjoyment. "It gets big when I'm with someone like you. You're making it big because you're so sexy."

Mindy gave me a skeptical look and turned her attention back to my prick. It was fascinating to see the change of mood coming over her. The inside of her cunt was getting wet and slippery. I tried to imagine what this experience must be like for her. With growing interest, she commenced to give me a thorough examination, even feeling my ball sack. I loved it. Waves of pleasure were washing over me. She bent my cock back and forth, viewing it from different angles, and traced over the pulsing, blood filled veins with her fingers.

"This is what goes up inside me? All of this?"

I could barely speak, for my mouth had gone dry. "Yes, babe. It's all for you."

Mindy was silent for another few moments as she went on examining me. It was obvious that she was keenly interested. Then, she spoke again. "I don't know. It looks awfully big, to me . . . Does mom get it all in?"

From the examination I was giving her, I knew that my cock would not easily penetrate her tight, little hole. "Of course. She's a woman but you're just a girl. We'll have to take it easy on you but we'll get it in."

Mindy's eyes met mine, again, and I was thrilled by what I saw. All the fooling around was having its effect on her. She was taking on a wanton, lustful look. I'd never before seen an expression like that on a child. Indeed, I wouldn't have believed it possible in one so young but she was definitely coming on. That look on her face pushed me over the edge. She was getting herself in the mood to fuck and I was just the one to do it to her. I decided to pull her down and mount her, right there on the floor. Before I could though, she tightened her grip and began to masturbate me. "Is this how I do it?"

"Oh, yes!" I was stunned that she knew about jerking off. Would Sue have taught her that? Within seconds, she had me in an ecstasy that was unbearably sweet. It became impossible to hold a rational thought. I was drowning in pleasure. Although I wanted to fuck her, I wasn't sure I could actually do it. She was so young and her pussy was so tight. In any case, it wasn't going to happen now. From the way she was stroking me, I was about to go out of my mind. With one hand still under her skirt my other hand went exploring inside her blouse, looking for the fresh, young tits I knew were there. I was nearly ready to come.

It must have been quite a scene. Lord only knows what Sue would have done if she'd walked in and caught us. In about a minute it was over. I exploded all over Mindy and myself. It went on her hand and all over her skirt. This surprised her. With an "Ooooh. What's that?" she tried to pull away from me, but I was holding her too tight. She had to stay and take it.

"Dad? What's all that white, sticky stuff coming out of you for?"

For a moment I couldn't speak. I was in the throes of the orgasm and trying to get her hand back on my cock. There were a few more spurts left and I pressed into her leg, pumping the last of my semen onto her skirt.

When I could finally speak . . . "It's cum. It's my semen . . . That's the stuff that makes babies grow. If it goes up inside you, you can get pregnant."

"Oh . . . I didn't know it looked like that . . . There's a lot of it, isn't there? How will I get it off my skirt? Suppose mom sees it?"

I wasn't quite ready to discuss housekeeping chores. Mindy had definitely rung my bell and there were still a few echoes of pleasure bouncing around inside me. It was very good, what we had just done, but not as good as I knew it could be. I couldn't tell if she'd had an orgasm or not. It didn't matter, now. The others would be home soon. There wasn't time for anything else. Later, when I could arrange it, we would see about playing this game again. There was so much I wanted to say to her and do to her, there were so many things I could show her. The future looked very bright.

For a while longer I held onto Mindy, pressing into her and letting my emotions cool down. Eventually we broke contact and she moved off from me. Her skirt really was a mess. There was cum soaking in all over the front of it. No way did I want Sue to see this. "Go upstairs and change clothes, babe. Bring me the skirt and I'll have it cleaned."

As she turned to leave, Mindy screwed her face up to silently mouth the word "yuk," and then pulled the skirt out from her legs, so as not to get any cum on herself. I had to laugh.

After she went upstairs, I brought my hand to my face and sniffed at it. The smell of Mindy's cunt was still strong and fresh on my fingers. Oh, yes. We would fuck, her and I, and soon, too. This little episode, as nice as it was, had done nothing to sate my lust. Indeed, now that I'd had a good taste of what she was like, I only wanted more.

With Mindy gone from the room, I was able to think more sanely. Her first, true intercourse had to be a memorable event. I would have to make it as pleasant and enjoyable for her as I could. Where could we do it? Here, in the house? If so, when? There couldn't be any interruptions. Perhaps I could take her someplace. If only I could sleep with her. That would be the delight of all delights. To awake in the morning after a night of fucking, and have my lovely Mindy there beside me, waiting to be fucked again.

The road of life had taken a sharp turn in a new direction. For the moment my plans were vague but the uncertainty of my relationship with Mindy was behind me. In a general sort of way I could see what lay ahead. It would be glorious.

4 - Happy Birthday

Besides her physical charms, Mindy had a persuasive, captivating personality. While still quite young, she had learned that she could induce people to do things she wanted. She would get this odd look on her face and then arch her eyebrows and inflect her voice in a certain way. It was a disarming performance by a pretty, little girl that worked amazingly well. Sue and I thought it was cute, and we often laughed at her transparent efforts to influence us. While we were laughing though, Mindy often got her way.

As time went by, Mindy continued to practice on everyone she came in contact with. By age ten she had refined and polished this little trick to a considerable degree. She had learned to add body language and other variations that were hard to resist. There even seemed to be different versions of her performance, depending on the age and sex of her victim. A born saleswoman and leader, I swear my child could charm a bird out of a bush.

There were times when Mindy actually made me feel uncomfortable. She would come after me, wanting something that I was not inclined to give her. I would refuse, knowing what was coming and knowing that I'd likely end up giving in. I guess you could say that Mindy was spoiled because I rarely said 'no' to her.

Whenever Mindy turned her attention to someone else, I liked to step back and enjoy the drama. It was fun to see Sue, or even someone outside our family, squirm while Mindy worked her magic. Oddly, Mindy's youngest sister, Suzy, seemed immune to the power. I could almost die laughing when these two matched wits. Mindy would try to persuade little Suzy to do something and the kid would just flat refuse to go along. You could see that Mindy was turning up the juice, full blast, but it didn't work on Suzy. As Mindy became ever more intent on winning her case, Suzy would wrinkle up her face and stare as though she had a bug on her nose. It was a comical expression and it just destroyed Mindy. Things usually ended with Mindy stomping out of the room in disgust. It was heartening to know that not everyone was a patsy for this svengali of the Danvers family.

Mindy was going to be eleven in November. A few days after our little romp in my office, the question came up of how to celebrate her birthday. Sue and I had recently finished off our basement. We'd put a lot of money into it and the downstairs was now a very comfortable place. Mindy wanted to have a birthday party there. At first, I was reluctant to let a bunch of children christen the project by spilling cake and ice cream all over it. I knew that Mindy would be working me over, trying to get me to change my mind, but I resolved not to give in. Not for the last time was I to see just how much things had changed between us. When I showed that I didn't really like the idea of a birthday party in our new room, Mindy let me have it. She turned her head in that special way, looked at me with her most beguiling expression and turned on the charm.


She didn't have to say another word. The message in her eyes was clear. With the added power of our new sexual relationship, as rudimentary as it was at that point, I couldn't refuse her anything. How quickly they learn.

Mindy's birthday was the 8th of November, a Saturday as it turned out. Sue and the girls began planning as though it were a royal wedding. Every item on the menu and all the decorations had to be personally approved by Mindy. Miss Fussy was in her element. There would be about a dozen kids from Mindy's circle of friends and schoolmates, evenly matched between boys and girls. Mindy took great care in choosing her guest list, considering the likes and dislikes of each person. Her sophistication in the matter surprised me. I'd no idea she had so much insight into the personalities of her friends.

It was to be a late afternoon party, starting at four o'clock. After all the surprises that had come my way in the past few months, you'd have thought I would be ready for anything. Well, live and learn.

For most of that Saturday, things went about as I expected. There was lots of running around caused by last minute changes in plans. Mindy had done most of the planning and she was doing most of the changes, too. Eventually it all came together, and for about an hour there was calm in the Danvers household. Along about 3:30 or so I was sitting in front of the TV set with Suzy, our youngest girl, watching a football game. Sue came marching in with a tense look on her face and made an announcement.

"Come here. I want you to see something."

You would have thought she was going to show me a talking horse, or something. She was that dramatic. I walked over to the bottom of the stairs with her and waited.


"Be patient. All right girls. Come on down."

I heard the bedroom door open and then Polly and Mindy appeared at the top of the stairs. Polly had turned nine about a month earlier and she was going to be at the party. I could hardly believe my eyes. The girls had identical outfits on, fuzzy pink sweaters, short straight skirts, ankle socks, and brown and white saddle shoes. They looked like a magazine ad for something out of the 1950's. As they slowly descended the stairs, my stomach began doing flip flops. Both girls were also wearing makeup. Sue had used just enough lipstick, eye shadow and the rest to turn them into a pair of glamour girls. It wasn't just the makeup, it was their overall appearance, the way their hair was fixed, everything. Being that the skirts were short and tight, the girl's trim figures were highly accented. You couldn't help but notice their cute, little asses. Both of them looked good enough to eat. Mindy, especially, was a dream come true. Her breasts were just big enough to show and you could see her little nubbins pushing out through the sweater.

The girls kept right on coming and I had to move out of the way. They stepped into the middle of the room, slowly turned around to give me a good look; and then stopped, with their legs slightly apart and their hands on their hips. It was a defiant gesture and one they had apparently rehearsed. My girls weren't stupid. They knew I'd be impressed by their appearance, I just don't think they realized how much. I supposed they were waiting for a reaction from me. Nothing happened. I was speechless.

Little Polly was the big surprise. I'd no idea that a nine-year old girl could be made to look so alluring. Perhaps my experience with Mindy had sensitized me to young girls, I don't know, but I was definitely turned on by Polly. What a juicy looking little tart she was! If Sue hadn't been there, I swear I would have grabbed for the little dickens whether she was my daughter or not.

We probably looked like a bunch of clothing store dummies. I was staring at the girls while they, and Sue, were intently watching me. Sue broke the ice. "Well, what do you think of your two pretty girls?"

"Are these my daughters? They can't be. My two funny faces never looked like this. Where are my girls? What happened to them?"

They quickly saw through my mock outrage and broke into smiles. I couldn't find it in my heart to be anything but pleased with them.

"Come here you two."

Both girls came to me and I put an arm around each one. They were growing up and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Might as well go along and enjoy the ride.

A strong feeling of lechery had come over me, but with Sue watching I had to be careful. It was scary but at the same time intoxicating. I'd discovered an immensely pleasing, new way to enjoy sex and I wanted to indulge myself with these girls. Did Sue have any idea what I was thinking? Could she know that I had become so interested in our children? She was looking at me in a strange way and I wondered. Maybe she did understand, but if so, would she have then deliberately dressed the girls this way? Was she tempting me or was this just all innocent fun?

In a brief flash of fantasy I imagined myself as the king of some ancient land. Sue was the high priestess of the temple and she was presenting me with a pair of lovely, young virgins. Then I saw myself taking Mindy someplace and ravishing her. I didn't need any prodding to have another sexual adventure with her, but the way she looked at that moment guaranteed that we would be getting together soon.

For whatever reason, Sue had set out to make the girls attractive and she'd succeeded: perhaps, far more than she realized. Not being a man, she couldn't know how they were affecting me. Ah, yes. The joys of fatherhood were wondrous, indeed.

Slyly, my hand slid down to give Polly a pat on the ass. She looked so appetizing that it made my mouth water, and I seriously considered adding her to the menu. What would it be like to play with her little pussy? The thought scared me a bit. I was reaching further down in age and grasping at another of my children. My inhibitions were collapsing. Who was next? Suzy?

Right at four o'clock, as though they'd been waiting outside all day, the party guests began arriving. In five minutes all the kids were there. Mindy had invited four girls and six boys. Thus, even Polly had a "partner," a boy somewhat younger than the others but still seemingly known to all.

As they greeted each other at the door, I could see that the boys were impressed by my daughters. This allowed me to learn something else about myself. I felt a pang of jealousy as I watched the boys give my girls the once over. One guy, whom I immediately disliked, gave out with an "ooh, la la," and I wanted to bounce him right out the door. The other girls were cute in their party dresses, one little blonde in particular, but they all faded into the background when compared with Mindy and Polly. My two girls were easily the stars of this show. Another facet of Mindy's character was coming to the surface. It was her birthday party, in her house and she had gone to a lot of trouble to make sure no one outshone her.

Sue and I stayed upstairs with Suzy, while the others descended to our newly finished rec room. Mindy had made it clear that we could stay at home but we were not to venture downstairs unless summoned. Whose house was it, anyway?

We could hear the sound of soft drink cans being popped open and then they attacked the food. I winced a little as I heard them cranking up my expensive new sound system. The music these kids liked was terrible. How could they listen to that stuff?

One or two boys seemed to be causing some disagreement and I was about to go down to investigate. Before I could make a move I heard Mindy's voice take on an authoritative air and then all you could hear was the music. Sue went over to peek down the stairs and turned to report her findings.

"They're dancing. Mindy told me they'd be dancing but I guess some of the boys weren't in the mood."

For over an hour that's the way it went. Mindy seemed to have things well under control and my admiration for her went up another notch or two. The music must have stopped for almost ten minutes before I noticed the quiet. Sue had gone off to the kitchen and it was when she walked back in that I became aware of the change. She gave me a puzzled look. "It's awfully quiet down there. What are they up to?"

Feeling like a sentry caught sleeping on post I walked over to the stairs. "I can't tell. I don't see them. They must be all over at the other end."

Sue came over to stand next to me. "Why are we whispering in our own home?"

"Beats me. I didn't want to disturb them, but I am wondering what they're doing."

Sue had an answer. "Well, if I were an eleven-year old girl with all those cute boys, I'd be playing some kissing games right about now."

This bothered me a bit. I didn't like the idea of anyone, boy or man, putting hands on Mindy. "You think that's what they're doing?"

"Well, being that quiet I can't think of anything else they'd be doing. There's no dancing, I can tell you that."

I had to know. "I'm going down to see . . . "

"No, Jack. Leave them alone. I trust Mindy and if she wants to kiss a boy it's okay."

It wasn't just the kissing that disturbed me. Mindy was already beyond the kissing stage and I didn't want her experimenting with any of those boys down there. Yet, there was nothing I could do. I was trapped inside my predicament. To voice my real concerns and tell Sue why I felt that way would cause more trouble than I wanted to see. Whatever they might be doing, I'd have to sit tight and let it happen.

After about another ten or fifteen minutes we once again heard voices and then the music started back. Whatever they'd been doing, they'd had enough.

When it came time to sing "Happy Birthday" and cut the cake, Mindy magnanimously allowed us to come downstairs. My eyes quickly searched around for signs of damage, but there weren't any. Talk about relief. Then I looked around for clues as to what the silence had meant but, again, there was nothing. Some of the cushions on the sofa were askew but that could have been from anything. Was that a guilty look on that boy's face? What had the rascal been doing?

Anyway, we sang the song and, once in the basement, I decided to hang around to protect my interests. Things sort of went down hill after that and the party broke up about six thirty.

Just before we went to bed that night, I learned from Sue that there had, indeed, been kissing. She'd known it all along. Mindy had arranged a "kissing contest" in which each boy had to kiss each girl. Then the girls, having sampled each boy, voted on the best kisser. In turn, the boys voted on the girl they most enjoyed kissing. Mindy had even arranged for prizes for the winners. I was surprised to learn that she hadn't won the girl's prize.

You may be wondering where all this is going. Well, to make a long story short, it happened this way. I couldn't get over the way my girls looked in their party clothes. As barbaric as it sounds, I wanted to fuck both of them. They really did look that good. Before the last kid had gone home, my plan was formed. I waited until almost midnight, when I was sure everyone, including Sue, would be asleep. Then I went into Mindy's room and crawled into bed with her. She was about to receive one more birthday present.

This was something I'd thought about doing right from the start, back in the summer. One of the reasons I didn't was that I was afraid Sue would catch me. I could just picture her waking to find me gone, and then eventually walking in while I was with Mindy. No sir. I didn't want that, but this night was different. I was that fired up with lust that I was willing to take the chance.

Lying next to Mindy, I could feel the warmth of her body and hear the sound of her breathing. For a moment or two I hesitated, wondering how she would react to my being there. I moved closer. At the instant I touched her a tremendous wave of pleasure washed over me. It was like an electric shock. Automatically, my arms went around her, and I curled one of my legs around hers. She stirred and gave out a soft moan, but didn't wake up.

Then I got this feeling that something, or someone else was in control. I'd experienced it before but it was much stronger this time. It was like the part of me that loved and cared for my girl had been pushed down inside me and locked up. Strange, new emotions raced through me. I felt like a caged bird that had suddenly been released. I was soaring to ever higher levels of excitement. Below was a vast sea of depravity. Its dark, incestuous waters beckoned. "Come, swim in the depths of pleasure."

Incest is an immoral, and truly sinful activity. I was never more aware of this than at that moment. Yet, breaking the taboo held no fear for me. Sex with my children was not something to be avoided, it was something to revel in. A feeling of exultant, almost godlike power had come over me. Nothing could be denied to me. Anything I wanted was mine for the asking, even my daughter. Especially my daughter. As I thrilled to the feel of Mindy in my arms, I thought of Polly. Yes. Her too. Why not? I intended to exercise this new power and show I was not afraid, by taking all of my children. As I descended to the waves, I could feel their pull. Soon I would plunge in and immerse myself in the joy.

Another thought came into my head. Suppose Sue should find me like this. Then, if she did, so what? She would not dare challenge my power. I would simply make her watch while I devoured the child. Better yet, I would command the woman to strip naked and join me in the feast. Now that would be a night to remember. I was always good at conjuring up sexual fantasies but not like these. They were growing wilder and coming more easily all the time. This one had burst, full grown, into my consciousness. I relished it and turned it over in my mind. The utter corruption of the idea appealed to me. How evil. How perverse. How deliciously sinful it would be. What's more, it was something I could easily carry out. I already had the girl. All I needed was the mother and she was right next door. For the time being, I decided to put it aside. The business at hand was more important. Perhaps later, at some other time, I would come back to it. The total depravity of the idea had captured my imagination.

Slowly I rolled over on my back, pulling Mindy with me, so that she ended up lying face down on my chest. It was an awkward move and she had come awake. Everywhere my body came into contact with hers, I felt electrified. The feel of her lying on me was sensational. The warm, sensuous glow of her legs entwined with mine was incredible. I was grinding my teeth together and snorting through my nose like a bull in heat. It was increasingly difficult to control myself. I'd never been this agitated before. There was a terrific pounding in my head and I felt very warm. For a brief moment I even wondered if I was having a heart attack.

God! I couldn't wait to do it to her. I could hear her heavy breathing in the dark. She was warm and soft. With my arms around her I began to grind my hips into her from beneath, simulating intercourse. No matter which way I moved she went with me. There was no resistance. She had surrendered. Briefly, I wondered what it would be like for her. Would it hurt? Would she bleed? I didn't know but that wouldn't be good. Suppose she became pregnant? Then, as far as I knew, she hadn't started her periods yet, so that wasn't a problem.

"Min? Don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you. Nothing bad is going to happen, baby. I just want to love you. Please let me love you, ok?"

There was no response and I took her silence for consent.

Mindy was wearing a short night gown that came just to her waist, with a matching pair of loose fitting, pajama panties. My hands went inside to feel the slender, youthful body. Again, the feel of her soft, creamy smooth skin was exhilarating. The narrow waist and small hips were perfect. In particular I relished her behind. The feel of that firm, little ass was superb.

I wanted to possess her in every way I could. As my lust boiled over, I resolved that nothing would be held back. On this night there was going to be real sex between us. Lying with her was so good that I regretted not having taken her sooner. What a fool I'd been to pass up something so wonderful. There was going to be more of this, lots more. I hooked my fingers inside the waistband of her panties and tugged them down as far as I could. It wasn't enough. They had to come off, but I had no intention of allowing her to move off me. The feel of her lying on me was too sweet to be denied.

I was able to bring my leg up far enough to hook my toes inside the garment. Then I dragged it even further down her legs, to her ankles. I commanded her to pull one leg free. She hesitated for a moment and my impatience erupted.

"Pull your leg out of the fucking pants, Min. Do it!"

She reacted instantly to the profanity and shook the panties off her feet. I separated her legs and began exploring. The solid, firm young ass and smooth, tight, little cunt were naked and exposed, waiting for my touch. With lust borne enthusiasm I probed deep into her rectum and vagina. She winced and sucked in her breath when I bored in a little too deep, but I didn't stop or pull out. She was so lovely, so succulent, so absolutely delightful that I had to have her. I was even a little jealous. Not of her but of some, as yet, unknown boy or man who might, sometime in the future, eventually get to do this with her. I didn't want anyone to know what she was like.

No matter where I touched her the skin felt like rich, smooth velvet. When I first felt inside her cunt she was dry. As I went on finger banging her she started to lubricate, her body stiffened and her breathing became labored. She was nearly ready.

Fucking her was all I could think about. I moved her up, higher on my chest, and my prick came out between her legs. I grasped it in my hand and the pressure felt good. For a moment or two I masturbated; just a few slow strokes, but it felt so good. Then I caressed her thighs with my cock, pressing it into her flesh. This felt even better. Next, I brought it to her ass and pushed into her buttocks. This was really good. Finally, at long last, my cock was at her pussy. For just a moment I tantalized myself by rubbing my prick around the lips of her maidenhead. Then I began the penetration. She was small and tight. At first there was considerable resistance.

Only the very tip of my prick could go inside her. I pulled back to ram it in deeper and I slipped out. Slowly and carefully I guided myself back toward my goal. It pinched as I squeezed between the outer lips of her vagina. Gradually, steadily pushing, my prick slowly oozed into her. It felt like I couldn't go in any further but I still wasn't all the way in. Something inside her was blocking me. Mindy became very tense and stiff. Her back was arched. Her legs were spread wide apart and pushed out as straight as she could get them. I kept trying and suddenly the resistance went away. She shuddered as my prick slid all the way in, and I could feel her relax a bit as some of the tension went out of her. This was more like it. The warm, wet pussy flowed and closed around me. I had her. She was mine. For a moment I wondered if she was bleeding, but then I didn't care. This oh, so sweet child was no longer a virgin but I had to finish the job. What a wonderful, glorious sensation it was, fucking her for the first time. It was my first time, too, in a way. I'd never done it with a girl anywhere near that young before. Indeed, until that moment I wouldn't have thought someone as small and petite as Mindy could do it, especially with a grown man. But there we were, locked in sexual union and she was obviously enjoying it along with me. I cannot describe for you the immense satisfaction this gave me.

It was the sweetest pussy I'd ever had. Nothing in my entire life had ever felt as good. I held her in place with my hands on her ass, and I thrust up into her with all my might. Up and down. In and out. Her hands clutched at me and she moaned. If it had never ended, it would still have been over too soon. I will never forget how sweet it was, her lying on top of me with my cock buried up inside her. God, she was good!

5 - Changing Partners

The door bell chimes gave their cheery announcement that someone was there. When I was alone, I could get a lot of work done but having to answer the door was one of the disadvantages. Figuring it was someone wanting to sell me something, I steeled myself with my best sales-resistance attitude and went to see. There, on our front porch was an angel. She was a long-haired, green-eyed, blond about Mindy's age, who could have sold me anything. When she called me by name, it puzzled me because I didn't recognize her.

"Hi, Mr. Danvers . . . remember me?"

Although her face was familiar, I couldn't quite place her. She probably was from the neighborhood but it didn't seem that I'd forget a girl who looked like her. From the expression I was wearing she must have figured that I was drawing a blank where she was concerned.

"I'm Vanessa Baldwin. I live over on the next street and I go to school with Mindy. I've been here before. You took us to the movies last month, remember?"

It started to come back. There was a Saturday when it was raining like hell, and I had ferried Mindy and several of her friends back and forth to the theater, in the mall. It was one of those days when everything seems to happen at once. Sue and I were scrambling around with household chores, like a couple of one-armed paper hangers. We had to get the girls out of our hair for a while. We took them, and several more children from the neighborhood, to the mall and dropped them for the afternoon. This lovely miss had been one of them, and I now remembered seeing her pretty face in the back seat, smiling at me through the rear view mirror. Only thing is, she didn't look like she looked now.

"Oh, yeah. Now I remember . . . What can I do for you?"

"Well, our school is trying to raise money to buy new uniforms for the band. I play in it and we're selling this candy. Wanna buy some?"

Like I said, she could have sold me anything. "Sure, can you take a check?"

"That's no problem. Most everybody pays by check these days."

"Good. Uh . . . listen. I have to go get my check book. Do you want to wait here, . . . or do you want to come in?"

"Gee. Thanks. I'll come in, if it's OK?"

Was it OK? Looking the way she did, it would have been all right if she'd brought a suitcase and asked to move in. I looked around to see if anyone was with her, but she was alone.

Closing the door behind her, I started for my check book. I figured she'd wait by the door but she followed right behind me. Thinking back, I recalled seeing this child on other occasions. I hadn't paid much attention to her in the past because she was so ordinary. She wasn't ordinary today.

Before my relationship with Mindy had blossomed, I never gave much thought to preteen girls. Now it was different. Several of the girls who came around to see Mindy were cute, and I'd already sized them up, wondering what they'd be like in bed. If I'd never touched Mindy, this girl would still have caught my eye. She was something to see. What had she done to herself? It must have been a recent change for surely I would have noticed her before this.

We had a sitting room where Sue would write checks and keep our monthly accounts organized. There was a small writing desk in it and a wooden file cabinet where she stored our stuff. I sat at the desk and rummaged around in the drawers looking for our checkbook. I was distracted by my young visitor. She came to stand next to me, a lot closer than she should have.

The weather that day was unusually warm for April. Miss Baldwin was wearing a pair of the tightest shorts I think I'd ever seen. It looked as though they had been sprayed onto her. If she was wearing anything underneath, she was a master of disguise. The only thing I could see was her, and she looked great! The shorts were made out of some kind of material that molded itself to every curve of her body, and the kid had some curves. No fooling, it was almost like she was naked. You could actually see the outline of her cunt, pressed up against the material, and in the back, well, she had just about the finest ass I'd ever seen. As if that wasn't enough, the legs of the shorts were trimmed in lace.

She also had on a tight fitting tee shirt that carried the name of some beach resort. I couldn't tell you what beach it was if my life depended on it. There was no sign that she was wearing a brassiere, but she could have used one. This newly pubescent salesgirl was hardly full grown, but she had a pair of the nicest, little tits you'd ever want to see. I mean, her boobs were small but they had a roundness to them that was just about perfect. It looked unreal, like she had padded herself, but there was no mistaking the outline of her nipples, pushing through the shirt. It was her under there, no doubt about it.

All this, with the bright, red lipstick she had on, gave her a naughty, sensual look that sent my blood pressure soaring.

My mouth began to go dry, the way it did when I was about to have sex with Mindy. This child was playing with fire, coming in here alone with me, and dressed the way she was. You had to wonder about her parents, allowing her to go out looking like she did. The girl couldn't have been more than twelve-years old, but she was a dirty, old man's dream. If ever a kid looked ripe for the picking, this one did.

My hands trembled as I wrote out the check. She was standing right next to me and my eyes were just about level with her waist. She was really getting to me. Fire alarms were going off in my head as I tried to picture what she'd be like in the buff. With the outfit she had on, it wasn't all that difficult.

Once I had the check written, I had to stand up and break the spell. "Here you go. Do you have to sell much more candy?"

"Oh, not much more. It goes really quick. Mr. Stein, the band director, says I'm one of the best salesgirls he's ever seen."

I could certainly believe that. It was a good thing she wasn't selling something more expensive than candy. "Well, good luck to you."

As we stood there talking, I couldn't help leering at her. I eyed her up and down the way you would some bimbo on a street corner. She lowered her eyes, but otherwise my staring didn't seem to bother her any. Naturally, my prick started to swell in response. If I didn't get her out of the house right away, I was going to be in big trouble.

With a gesture toward the front door, I moved her off in that direction. She kind of stepped out in front but she was really more alongside. The hall was somewhat narrow at that point and she brushed up against me. As though it had a mind of its own, my hand went to her ass. She froze. I froze. Whose move was it?

After a few seconds she turned her head and looked up at me. You'd have thought she'd be in shock or outraged or something. Nope. She looked me right in the eye and there was just the beginning of a smile on her face. I was astounded. What the hell was going on? Was she inviting me to play? Was this delicious looking, young witch telling me that I could fool around with her? It seemed too good to be true and I told myself there had to be some other explanation. If I made another move on her I'd probably be in jail before the sun went down. My hand came away. She turned her head back and walked to the door.

As she left the house, I watched 'Miss Jail Bait' until she was out of sight. Would they lock me up for doing it to her just once? Maybe I could plead temporary insanity. I'm sorry, your honor. I didn't mean to touch the kid. I just couldn't help myself.'

Coming back down to earth, I speculated on what had just happened. The kid was extremely good looking, she knew it, and she was just showing off. As far as it went, that was OK. However, it also looked like the girl knew what a body like hers was for and maybe even had done it once or twice. That's what bothered me. Unless the girl was a complete ninny and it sure didn't seem like it, she had to know what kind of message she was sending. She was far too seductive for it to be an accident. But how could that be? She had an air of self confidence and sophistication way beyond what you would expect from a twelve-year old. Something was definitely wrong here.

Then, I thought of Mindy. They were about the same age. If Mindy knew what it was all about, and she certainly did, why couldn't my recent visitor be just as experienced? Looking at it that way, things began to make sense. Except that Mindy didn't act the way that girl did. It was like the kid was advertising herself. Still, if somebody was banging that little pixie, it would explain a lot. It still didn't explain why she came around here, though. If she was cruising for sex, and it sure looked like it to me, why would she hit on somebody old enough to be her father? Again, I thought of Mindy but rejected the idea. It would have been too much of a coincidence. When a hot, little number like this Vanessa went looking for it, she wouldn't go after a man like me. Such things just didn't happen. Her stopping here was no more than what she'd said. I was a customer for her candy and nothing more. I was willing to bet that some school boy was waiting for her, and before long he'd be sliding those lacy britches down off her ass. Whew! What a thought. I'd have to ask Mindy about this girl. Since they were friends, Mindy might know what she had been doing.

Oh, well. Back to work. I'd only been in my office a few minutes when I heard the front door open. It was Mindy, home from school. She went right up to her room. This Vanessa was still in my thoughts and I wanted to ask Mindy about her. There was something else on my mind, too. Quickly, I considered when my wife and other daughters might be coming home. If I didn't take too long, there would be just enough time.

From the very beginning, Mindy went along with whatever I wanted to do. No matter where or when I approached her for sex, she readily submitted. Over the preceding months, we had fucked in every room of the house, the kitchen, all the bathrooms, all the bedrooms, the dining room, my office and the basement. If this sounds like we were doing it every day, we weren't. I couldn't just take my daughter by the hand and go off somewhere, whenever I was feeling a little horny.

The last thing I wanted was for Sue to find out what was going on. Often I felt like a spy stealing secrets. Whenever I wanted to fool around with Mindy, I had to be sure no one would see us. Sometimes, like on her birthday, I would pay a late night visit to Mindy's bedroom. This was chancy because Sue could walk in and catch us. The idea of that happening made me a little nervous. I told you about my fantasy, where Sue and Mindy and I would all be in bed together, but I wasn't so sure it would have actually turned out that way.

It was much better when Mindy and I were alone. This didn't happen all that often, but I made the most of whatever opportunities came along.

My wife worked in real estate and kept irregular hours. She did her best to be home for the girls but sometimes it just couldn't be. There were occasional afternoons or evenings when she had to be away. It was generally at these times that Mindy and I did it.

If it were an evening, I would get the younger girls off to bed as early as I could. Once they were asleep, and sometimes even before then, Mindy and I would start. It was great. As I've said, we moved around the house and did it in different rooms. Foreplay with Mindy was supremely exciting, especially at the beginning of our relationship. She could tell from the way I was looking at her that it was going to happen but she'd act like we'd never done it before. She'd blush and keep her eyes down while I undressed her and just generally be shy. I had to do most of the work. Once we really got into, though, she'd enjoy it as much as I did. I tell you, it was great. Sometimes we'd do it twice. One night, in the beginning, I fucked her three times!

By now you might think that I'm a shameless barbarian. Well, perhaps. Before you cast judgment, though, just remember. You weren't there. Reading about it is not the same as living through it. I didn't set out deliberately to debauch my daughter. One thing led to another and before I knew what was happening, we were doing it. Yes, and I did eventually go after Polly, too.

After the first time with Mindy, in my office, I kind of held back from going after her. At first I wanted to cut into her again, as soon as I could. Once my emotions cooled, I was quickly overcome with remorse and vowed not to go near the child again. On several occasions I even came close to confessing to Sue. This didn't happen, though, and by the time of Mindy's birthday, I was ready to tackle her once more. Seeing her dressed the way she was that afternoon, is what did it. If only Sue hadn't fixed the girls up to look like a couple of streetwalkers. It's possible I could have stopped after that first masturbatory episode in my office, but once I actually got into bed with the child, all bets were off. After I'd gotten a good taste of what Mindy was like, I wanted her more and more. I was hooked and I could no more control myself than an alcoholic or a drug addict.

This isn't about Polly, but since I've brought it up, I'll tell you a little of what happened. Like I said, on the nights when Sue had to work, it was up to me to make supper for the girls, check on their homework and send them off to bed. One night, about a month or so after Mindy's birthday party, I made my first move on Polly. I'd sent all the girls up to get ready for bed. On this night there was a lot of giggling and clowning around and they were just taking too long. So as to hustle them along I went upstairs.

Polly's room was at the top of the stairs and I headed in there first. She was in the midst of changing into her pajamas. Normally I would have knocked but this time I didn't. Polly was standing by her bed wearing only her underpants, no top, no shoes or socks, nothing but a pair of briefs. It really was my intention to simply hurry her along to bed. Our summer at the nudist colony had taken the edge off everyone's modesty, so Polly wasn't too disturbed at my seeing her almost naked. I can't say the same for myself. I scooped up her pajamas to help her into them and took her by the arm. As soon as I touched her, everything changed.

Life is full of surprises, isn't it? My interest in Polly had certainly been aroused, but until that moment I'd never seriously considered touching her. After all, I had my hands full with Mindy. Without thinking about it in any way, I pulled Polly close and began fondling her. There was no self reproach, no agonizing over the morality of it, nothing. I just went right into it with her.

Let me tell you something. At that age Polly was already sexually appealing, and in her underpants she was irresistible. As soon as I touched her I got a hard-on; a steel hard, ramrod straight, stiffer.

She was so pretty. Even fully dressed, my little brown-eyed Polly was a charmer. Naked, she was breathtaking. Her skin was velvety smooth and creamy soft. Polly was, how shall I say it, trim and fit. As I ran my hands over her supple, slender form I marveled at how good she felt. There was no flab or fat, just delightfully smooth, young girl flesh. And then there was her scent. Mindy had a scent, too. It was a sweet, young girl body odor. It made my mouth water and I wanted to crush the girl in my arms and even bite into her, she was that appealing.

My adventures with Mindy had deepened my interest in and appreciation for young girls. So much so that I no longer felt any guilt or shame at what I was doing. In fact, it seemed to me that I had every right to be ravishing the child. She was, after all, my daughter. I had raised her and was responsible for her. She was mine to do with as I pleased and it pleased me to be alone with her, to see her naked and to caress her. With a flash of insight I saw that later, when she was grown I would not do this. Now, though, while she was fresh and young and innocent, I would enjoy her. Girls like her were meant to be enjoyed. Why else would I, or any man, be drawn to her? Standing there, in her panties, there was a fragile, helpless quality about the child that aroused a special kind of lust in me. She was mine. I could do whatever I wanted with her. I could possess her in a way that I could never possess a woman. Yes, I could see it clearly, now. This was a unique time in her life. She was able to both stimulate and satisfy me in a way no woman ever would.

All this, and more, flashed through my mind as I savored my first sexual contact with Polly. Only nine-years old and yet so enchanting. I had not done anything with Mindy until she was almost eleven. Years of enjoyment wasted. I should have taken her sooner. Mindy's time would end long before Polly's. Given her determination, I could see that when Mindy tired of playing, the game would be over. Somehow I didn't think it was going to be that much longer, either. Mindy was growing up fast.

Then I thought of young Suzy, coming up on her sixth birthday. I would not lose a moment of Suzy's youthful vitality. Perhaps now, she was a bit too young, but soon she would be ready. Yes. Her and Polly and I, together. The three of us, all naked and all in bed at the same time. How wonderful that would be!

I had actually thought about bedding Polly and Mindy together, but something about the idea didn't seem quite right. The two older girls were friendly rivals and did not often see eye-to-eye on things. They were not a likely pair for what I had in mind. On the other hand, Polly and Suzy were close. They often played together and there was an obvious bond between them, that was not there for Polly and Mindy. Yes. That was it. Now that I had started on Polly I would show her the ways of love. I would teach her what to do. Then, in a few months I would bring Suzy into it. Suzy would be an acolyte at the altar of love, while Polly was the main offering. For now though, it was just Polly.

I put my right hand at the back of her head and gently pulled her close. She came to me willingly, but with an embarrassed kind of smile. She and I had never done anything like this before. She didn't know what was coming, exactly, but it looked like she wasn't going to object, either. My left hand went to her breasts. I was suddenly enthralled with them. She was just beginning to show growth. It would be quite a while before she needed a bra, but her nipples were definitely coming out. I carefully tweaked them between my fingers, drawing little circles around them and sure enough they got hard. Then I leaned over and softly kissed her. I'd kissed Polly many times in her life but this was different. This was an erotic kiss and her eyes grew big in surprise as my tongue forced its way past her lips into her small mouth. I only lingered there a moment or two. Just long enough to get the taste of her. Then I moved down her neck and onto her perky, little tits, where my tongue did a dance around her nipples. She shivered in response and I loved it. I was getting good at seducing little girls.

Mindy wore underpants that looked like they belonged on an older girl, or even a woman. They were brief, flimsy things, cut high on the sides and came in erotic, pastel colors that matched her little bras. The way the thin, filmy material swept away from her crotch in front, and from her ass in back, and then raced up to the waist band gave Mindy a leggy, seductive look that drove me crazy. The damn things didn't cover much, but I loved the way she looked in them. It was just about impossible for me to see Mindy in her underwear and not end up fucking her. Indeed, sometimes I did not undress her past this stage. I would merely pull the skimpy garment aside and do it to her.

Polly was wearing the same kind of revealing briefs. They were an exotic, dark green color. Why did they make stuff like this for such young girls? Who did they think was going to see it? Like Mindy, the panties gave Polly a leggy look that I found irresistible. Glancing down, I could see the mound of her pussy and her cunt lips outlined through the thin material. There was a slight stain there, too. Perhaps from her urine. How long had she been wearing them? From the way my emotions were heating up, I knew that before long I'd be fucking her, or at least trying. I didn't know if I could penetrate the girl. She was younger, and smaller, than her sister. There was only one way to find out. My hands slid down her waist to the elastic of the panties, and with a sweeping movement I pushed them down over her hips and dropped them to her ankles.

"You're so pretty, darling, so very pretty. I have to see how pretty you are."

It was stunning, seeing and feeling her up close in such an intimate fashion. It was happening almost like it did with Mindy. I sat on the edge of the bed, while Polly stood quietly in front of me. She watched me through heavy lidded, half closed eyes. Her lips parted just enough to show the tip of her tongue peeking out. She had a submissive, expectant look about her that I found energizing. She was completely under my control. I could do anything and she would not object. Such a precious, beautiful child. I steadied her with an arm around her waist, my hand lightly resting on her naked hip. My other hand slid down her stomach, over the mound of her pussy. Well practiced now, I knew what I could do. Unhesitatingly, I gently probed inside her, while watching her face for a reaction. She began to take on a dreamy, detached look. The outer lips of her cunt were firm and smooth. Inside she was soft and warm. Working my finger around the interior walls of her vagina brought on moisture. She was smaller and tighter than Mindy. My middle finger just barely made it all the way in before coming up against the back wall of her opening. Fucking her would not be easy. I'd have to put it off until she was a little older.

I could not come away with nothing, though. I would taste that delicious looking, little cunt. Carefully, I picked Polly up in my arms and laid her on the bed. Spreading her legs, I kneeled and brought my face up close. What a sight! A lovely, nine-year old, virgin, never before touched by man. Not having bathed yet, that evening, the scent of her pussy was strong. She gave off a heady, musky odor, that I found intoxicating. I brought my mouth to her opening and kissed the chubby, young pussy lips. My tongue could not wait to go inside and lick her.

That was about all there was to it. After a few minutes of this, and with great reluctance, I pulled her pants up and had her slip into her pajamas. I didn't show myself to her or have her touch me in any way. After another soft kiss on the mouth, I stuffed her into bed. As I was walking away she spoke. "Goodnight, daddy."

I didn't go after Polly near as often as I did Mindy, and for a long time it was just kissing and touching. I was pretty sure my lovely little girl was too small to fuck and I didn't want to get myself so worked up that I would hurt her. When she got older things would be different. Then too, Mindy and I were really rolling and there often wasn't much incentive for me to do anything with her sister. Eventually, I did show Polly my cock, though. Once I started playing around with her, there was no way I could deny myself this treat.

Funny. I'd always made sure I was alone with either girl before I touched her. Still, over the months I began to suspect that each girl knew I was fooling around with the other. Whether they'd confided in each other or simply spied on me I don't know. I never thought to ask.

My tale here is not about Polly, so I won't give you a lot more of what happened. For now it's enough for you to know that she didn't remain untouched. This is really Mindy's story and I want to tell you about her.

With thoughts of Vanessa still strong in my mind, I made a quick tour of the house to make sure all the doors were locked, and then headed to Mindy's room. My cock stood up to attention as I climbed the stairs. Mindy glanced around when I walked in, and turned back to her work. She was at her personal computer, checking for E-mail from her friends. Most of the kids she knew had computers and they often corresponded with each other this way.

Walking up behind her, I gently massaged her neck and shoulders She was so graceful and slender. You could feel her thin, light bones through the flesh. I didn't think I'd ever get enough of touching her. She didn't say a word and kept on typing.

Our relationship had deepened. We were at the point, where I had only to touch her or look at her in a certain way, and she knew what I wanted. It wasn't necessary to go through a long seduction. Oh, at times I would play around with her and work up to it really slow, but at other times, like now, I'd be in a rush and we would go right into it.

With an easy familiarity, I let my hands slide down over her chest to cup her breasts. Mindy wasn't quite as well developed as her friend, but there was more to her tits now than there had been the previous summer. They were getting to be like little lemons on her, and I loved to play with them. "One of your friends was just here."

Mindy stopped typing but left her hands resting on the keyboard. "Who was it?"

Undoing the buttons on her blouse, I reached inside. "It was Vanessa. She was selling candy for the school band."

Unmoving, she allowed me to explore inside her clothes. It was electrifying to feel her smooth, bare skin. I could hardly wait to get into it with her.

"Yeah. She told me she'd be coming by for that. I was hoping to catch her. I wanted to talk to her about something."

Leaning over I buried my face in Mindy's neck. My hands were inside her bra. "She's a pretty girl. I'd never noticed before how pretty she is."

Mindy stiffened her neck a little as a chill of excitement raced through her. Good. I had her going. We'd be doing it, soon.

"Mmmm . . . You think she's pretty?"

With my hands still inside her bra, I made a move to stand up. "Yes, I do . . . Let's get on the bed." She followed and we quickly stretched out in each others arms.

I could sense the nervous energy building in Mindy. It came easily to her now. We'd been doing it long enough that she was used to my ways. Also, I hadn't touched her in over a week, and we were both eager for it. We kissed, and while we did I pulled her blouse open. I had to break off in order to slide her jeans and panties down. That was it. There wasn't time to get naked. We'd done it this way before and Mindy knew how it worked. She helped me pull her clothing away, and then mine. Like well-rehearsed actors, our moves were smooth and quick.

Within a minute or so after lying on the bed we were on our way. Mindy had yet to sprout hair between her legs, and the outer lips of her cunt still had that firm, smooth feel that you only get in a young girl. For just a moment or two I finger banged her. She started to lubricate so I brought my cock around. Mindy's pussy was still tight, almost as much as when I'd first fucked her. Ever so gently I pushed into her. It pinched a bit but it was a joyful pain. Mindy liked me to get up inside her in a certain way. As I pushed in, she would roll her ass and flex her legs, working my cock into her sweet spot. These moves of hers were very stimulating, and on more than one occasion I'd shot my load into her before we'd really got started. I had to restrain myself so as not to pop off too soon.

To help stave off an early ejaculation I continued our conversation. "How well do you know Vanessa?"

I loved it. We were as intimate as two people can be and were still carrying on a discussion. "Well, we're in the same grade at school and she lives over on the next block."

When we were positioned together just right, we began to fuck. Slowly, at first, then faster and faster as the sweet pleasure overwhelmed us. "Do you know if she's still a virgin?"

Once we got going, Mindy liked to close her eyes, but she kept up the conversation.

"Why do you want to know?"

Interesting. She seemed to have the answer to my question but she was reluctant to pass it on. "If you'd seen the way she was dressed today, you'd know why. Is she a virgin?"

".......I don't think so."

That grabbed me. Knowing that someone had fucked that juicy, little wench sent chills racing through me. I wondered who the lucky guy was. With a painful stab of envy, I pictured some pimple faced, young geek bouncing her ass off a mattress. Did he know what he had? Did he realize what a treasure the girl was? What a waste. Pussy like that was meant for someone older, and more experienced. Someone like me. I was banging into Mindy harder and harder. It wouldn't be long now. "Who does it to her? Does she have a boyfriend at school?"

It was becoming hard for Mindy to talk. She was on the verge of an orgasm.

"I . . .don't think it's a boy . . . I think it's somebody, uh, older than . .. her!"

Under the circumstances, the significance of her remark didn't register with me. I was coming. In quick succession I fired several huge gobs of semen into Mindy's cunt. It bubbled out onto our thighs as I pressed into her. It was quick, but oh, so satisfying. God, she was good!

We had also breached another taboo. It was now OK to discuss the sex lives of Mindy's girlfriends and for one of them, at least, there was definitely something to talk about.

It was tempting to just lie there, and hold Mindy in my arms but the others in the family would be returning home soon; and we had to clean up.

"Do you know who it is that's doing it to Vanessa?" I was dying to find out.

From the look on Mindy's face I could tell that she knew. I saw something else, too. Maybe people can read each other's minds. You know how that is? You look at someone and you know exactly what they're thinking. At that moment I realized that Mindy and Vanessa had been exchanging information. That cute blond knew about Mindy and me. She had come into the house, alone, looking like she did and knowing that I liked young girls. That was either very bold or very foolish. How could she know I wouldn't do it to her? It was a stimulating thought, but then a chill of fear went through me. Nobody was supposed to know what Mindy and I were doing. I'd made it clear that this business was to be our secret.

"Yes . . . She told me."

It was slow going but I had to know. "Tell me. Who's doing it to her?"

"It's her father."

She might as well have hit me with a baseball bat. "She . . . They're like us?"


6 - Come on Everybody, Let's Dance

I knew I wasn't the only man in the world having sex with his daughter. Although I'd never come across any data on the subject, you heard enough stories to conclude that it wasn't all that unusual. Still, it shocked me to learn that someone right there in our neighborhood was doing it, too. What really got to me though, was that Mindy had broken an important rule, perhaps the most important rule I'd ever laid down for her. What to do about it? For sure I couldn't punish her. How would I ever justify such a thing to Sue? What was done was done. All I could do now was find out how far the information had spread and then wait for the storm to break. Once Sue found out, I'd be in big trouble.

"You're sure about this? She actually told you that her father was doing it to her?"


"And you told her about us, didn't you?"

Mindy turned her eyes down, not wanting to look at me. "Yes."

"God damn it!" There was absolutely nothing I could do and that, more than anything else, was fueling my anger. "Why in hell did you tell her? Do you realize we could be in a lot of trouble? Do you want to see me in jail?"

She was scared stiff and started to cry. It nearly killed me. We'd just had intercourse. Her jeans and panties were still down around her knees, my semen was drying on her and she was bawling like a baby. My anger melted away and I just held her in my arms. Eventually, she cried herself out and we just lay there, together, not saying anything.

Finally. "We better get things straightened up. Mom and the kids will be home soon . . . Come on, babe. Don't cry anymore. It'll be all right. I'm sorry I shouted at you . . . Please forgive me."


Mindy ducked into the bathroom to clean herself up and I straightened up the bed. Fine. No one would suspect what had just gone on in here. Maybe I would get caught but I wasn't going to leave any evidence around to help them convict me.

I was in a hurry as I waited in the hall for Mindy to come out of the bathroom. "Let's go downstairs. I want to know exactly what you told Vanessa, but I don't want Mom to see us up here."

Mindy followed me down to the family room where I turned on the TV. We weren't going to watch it, but it made a good excuse for us to be together in the room. I was concerned about appearances. On several occasions Sue had walked in when Mindy and I were together and my wife had given us a funny look. We hadn't been doing anything but it must have looked odd to Sue. She remarked that Mindy and I seemed to be spending a lot of time together and wasn't it nice that the girl and I got along so well. Unless Mindy had told her, Sue didn't know what we were up to, but I believed her suspicions had been aroused.

"Now. Tell me. How many people have you talked to about us?"

"Nobody but Vanessa . . . and I don't think she's told anyone else."

"How can you be sure? This is supposed to be our secret. Not even Mom is supposed to know."

"I'm sorry, Dad. I didn't think . . . She caught me off guard and I was confused."

"OK. Tell me what happened."

"Well, remember that weekend it snowed, and I spent the night at her house?"

That was good news, of a sort. Mindy had let the cat out of the bag months ago and there hadn't been any repercussions. Maybe it would be all right, after all. The memory clicked into place. I recalled the weekend and the snow bunny who came around to get Mindy. Of course, it was Vanessa, but on that cold, blustery day I had no idea what she was hiding under her clothes. She seemed like just another kid in the neighborhood and I didn't pay much attention to her. Besides, it was right after Christmas, and quite early in my affair with Mindy. At the time I only had eyes for her. Any other girl would have had to be naked before I'd noticed her.

Then, the rest of the picture began to fill in for me. Mindy and this girl were close friends. I hadn't realized it until now. I began to recall other times when Vanessa had been around the house. She just seemed like another cute kid and I didn't pay any particular attention to her. What a dummy I'd been. If Mindy wasn't talking to Vanessa she'd be talking about her. Mindy associated with lots of girls, of course, but it was more Vanessa than anyone else. Mindy must have mentioned the name Vanessa dozens of times in conversations and I had simply tuned her out. It was Mindy's other life stuff, her little girl stuff that until now, I wasn't concerned about. I guess I was just so wrapped up in my own affairs that I was oblivious to what Mindy was doing with herself. An error that wouldn't be repeated.

"Yeah. Wasn't that something?" It had been a record breaking snowfall and people were still talking about it.

"Right. Well, Van and I were up in her room. It seemed like it was going to snow forever, and we got under the covers to stay warm. Like, we were talking about boys and stuff, you know?"

I could imagine. "I know. Go on."

"So. We were talking about boys and, uh . . . like, about doing it."

The little girl in her had taken over. She looked at me to see how I would react to this piece of news. In another time and another place I might be upset at such a disclosure but this was here and now. I said nothing and just waited for Mindy to go on. She gave me a funny look.

"Yeah. Right . . . Well I was being really careful, because, like I didn't want her to catch on that I knew too much. Like, she'd want to know how I knew all that stuff."

I was flabbergasted. It had never occurred to me that, because of what we were doing, Mindy had an advantage over her girlfriends. It was likely that none of her young friends had the first hand knowledge of sex that Mindy had. She realized it, though, and had taken pains not to appear too knowing in front of them. My admiration for my daughter soared.

Talking to Mindy could sometimes be maddening, though. Like her mother, she had a way of not getting right to the point. "So, tell me what happened."

"Well, it was hard, like I said, not letting on what I really knew, especially with Van. She and I don't have many secrets from each other. She's my best friend. Like she tells me everything that happens to her and I tell her everything that happens to me. If a boy kisses her it's like I'm there with her when it happens."

Another scary thought. Did Mindy have a boyfriend? Was some kid from up the street sharing my sugar?

"So, then we started playing this game. It's silly but we do it a lot. We take turns mentioning a boy's name and the other person has to say if she likes him or not. We would say 'cute', 'real cute' or 'no cute'. We were working through all the boys we knew from school and around the neighborhood. Sometimes I'd mention the name of a really nice boy and Van would make this deep growl sound in her throat and roll her hips around, like this."

Mindy gave a quick demonstration. "You know what this means, don't you?"

"Perfectly." It was a provocative gesture and there was no doubt about the meaning. It was fascinating to learn what young girls did when they thought no adults were around.

"Well, I knew what it meant, too. Van never did that before but it didn't surprise me when she did. Right from the first time I met her she seemed a little crazy. Know what I mean? And then . . . after a while it got funny and I started to giggle. Pretty soon she was doing it no matter what boy's name I said, you know, just to make me laugh, and then we were both laughing. We had just about run out of boys we knew when all of a sudden Van said, 'Your father.' That caught me by surprise. I got scared because I thought that somehow she'd figured out what you and I were doing."

"And that's how you got onto the subject?"

"Uh, yeah, except there's a little more to it . . . If I tell you, will you promise not to get mad at me?"

She had me. "Go ahead. It can't be any worse than what I've already heard."

Mindy flashed me a 'wanna bet?' smile and I knew I was about to be taken for a ride. I wondered where Sue and the girls were. They should have been home by now.

"Well, I figured that she's just being silly. Only when I didn't laugh, Van got this real serious look and she said, 'What's wrong? I can't mention your father?' I guess I must have looked like my teeth were about to drop out, or something. Anyway, that's when she told me."

"What exactly did she say? How did she put it?"

"She said that you were 'real cute', you know, our little game . . . and that you could do it to her anytime you wanted."

Can you spell SHOCK? "She actually said that?"

"Yep . . . "

"Jesus Christ!" I seldom swore in front of Mindy but she had blown me away with her story.

"There's more. I have to tell you everything, now."

"Go on, but be quick. Your mom will be here, soon"

"Right. Then she told me that her dad thought I was cute and that he wanted to do it to me!"

"Whoa!" I didn't like the sound of that, at all. "Has he ever touched you, any way at all?"

"No dad. He hasn't. Whenever I go over there, he's very nice to me but nothing has ever happened between us. After Van told me, it was kind of weird. I was embarrassed to be around him, knowing that he wanted to do it to me. I was even a little scared . . . It's OK now, though. Like I said, nothing has happened and I'm used to it. I don't much think about it anymore. He's really very nice."

I absolutely had never heard such a story before in my life. Maybe you haven't either but I assure you it's true. This stuff really happened. If the house had caught fire, I wouldn't have let Mindy break off her strange tale. I had to know everything, now.

"So, what happened then? What else did she say?"

"Well, I can't remember the exact words. See, I was nervous talking about it because of us. I was afraid I'd say the wrong thing and Van would figure out that we were doing it. Anyway, up to this point she'd only said that she liked you and that her father was interested in me. That's all. So then I asked her if she'd ever actually done it with someone, and she said 'Yes'. So naturally, I had to know, and I asked her who with. That's when she told me it was her father."

I felt like my teeth were going to drop out. What a story! "So then, you told her about us?"

"Well, not right away. Van put her face right up to mine and told me that I was never to reveal what I was hearing from her. She told me some more stuff, and then made me promise to keep it a secret. So far you're the only one I've ever told . . . "

She paused to catch her breath and went on. "Anyway, that's when I told her! See, she told me all this stuff about her and her dad, and then she asked me if I'd ever done it. Well, I didn't know what to say and she was looking at me kind of funny, like she already knew about us but she was just waiting for me to say it. That's when it came out. I didn't want to tell her but I couldn't help myself."

"Do you think she's told anyone else about this?"

"I really don't think so, Dad. I don't think you have to worry about Van."

"Well, I am worried . . . and what other stuff did she tell you?"

Now came another bombshell.

"Uh, do you really want to know?"

After a response like that, what else could I do? Staring at Mindy, I waited. After what I'd just heard, nothing could be more shocking.

"Van told me that she's also done it with some other dads."

"You mean boys, don't you? She's done it with other boys?"

"No, dad. Van's done it with other dads."

Was that an atomic bomb I just heard go off?

"She's done it with some other men, men that her father knows."

This was getting stranger and stranger. I absolutely could not believe what I was hearing. "You're not getting away, now, until I know everything. I want the whole story."

"Well, there isn't much more. I've told you just about everything I know. Van said she really wasn't supposed to talk about it, and she didn't give me much information, anyway. She told me that her and her father sometimes go to this place, and there are other girls there with their fathers, and . . . well, . . . they all kind of, do it . . . I guess. She's been there a couple of times since last winter. It's always on a weekend and they usually stay overnight. When they go away she tells me that it's one of those special times but that's about it. Sometimes I don't even know she's going. I'll call her and she won't be home, and then she'll tell me later that she was away for a special weekend with her dad.

7 - Rock Around The Clock

Have you ever been so confused you couldn't think straight? I certainly was. Fooling around with underage girls was a lot more exciting, and more perplexing than I'd ever imagined. After Mindy's bombshell went off I didn't know if I was coming or going. Thank God the next day was Saturday and I didn't have to go in to the office. I'd already planned to work on the yard and this gave me an opportunity to be outside, alone, and think about what had happened. That night, I fell asleep with my arms around Sue, but my thoughts were of Vanessa.

Can you imagine? My assumptions about that luscious little number were correct. She had actually offered herself to me! I could have fucked her! It was driving me up a wall to know I had passed up the opportunity. Was it too late, now? Could I still get my hands on her? If so, how could I arrange it? Where could I do it to her?

Of course there was also the matter of Vanessa's father. I hadn't made up my mind what to do about that situation, yet. This guy, whom I'd never met, had not only humped his daughter, he wanted to do it to mine. What really floored me was that he supposedly fooled around with other men's little girls, as well. At least, that was the case if I could believe Mindy and her friend. So far, all I knew had come from these children, and actually, only from Mindy. I had no direct evidence that any of this was true. It would be nice if I had something to back up Mindy's story. Whether it was true or not, I wondered what this Baldwin guy would say if he knew his daughter had tried to seduce me.

As that Saturday wore on, I busied myself in the yard, raking leaves, spreading mulch and fertilizer and turning these ideas over in my head. Down in the pit of my stomach there was a knot of fear. This was dangerous territory. By Mindy's admission, at least one other person knew about us, and there could be more. It sounded to me like Vanessa was on very intimate terms with her father. I had a feeling that she didn't keep many secrets from him. If Vanessa knew about Mindy and me, so did Vanessa's father.

It wasn't just me, either. Other people were also flirting with jail time. Just think about it! There was some kind of underage pussy exchange operating and the Baldwins were part of it. How many men had done it with Vanessa? Somehow I couldn't picture it. She was very nice but she was also very young. What were the other girls like? Were they all as young as Mindy and Vanessa or were older girls in on it, too? How did you set up something like this? Did you just walk up to some guy and say 'Hi, I like your daughter. Would you like to trade?'

How else could you put it? Then I wondered where they did it. I pictured Vanessa and her father driving to a motel to meet another couple. They probably had adjoining rooms. You know, the kind with the door inside so you can pass back and forth from one suite to the other. No one outside would know who was sleeping with who. Pretty soon I was fantasizing about Mindy and me joining them. Wow! This was the first time carrying a bag of grass seed gave me a hard-on.

Throughout the day I kept bouncing ideas back and forth, trying to make some sense out of what was going on. Vanessa, the little vixen with drop dead looks, wanted me to take her pants down. It was an offer I didn't think I would refuse. Most men probably would not go near a girl her age, no matter how sexy she was. She had jail bait written all over her. It seemed I didn't have to worry about that.

There was something else here, too. No one had put it into words, but this whole thing revolved around Mindy. I had a feeling that if I did anything to Vanessa, her father would come around looking for a pay back. Could I let that happen? Was Vanessa worth it? What to do? How to resolve this?

Towards the end of the day, just as I was finishing up in the yard, the two girls came walking up to the house. We were having crazy weather that April. The day before had been almost like summer. Today, it was seasonably cool again and the girls were dressed for it in blue jeans and sweat shirts. Vanessa didn't look as provocative as the last time I'd seen her. Still, with that pretty face and long, blonde hair hanging over her shoulders, and that round little ass outlined through the tight jeans, she presented a striking appearance. Damn, she was pretty! How did I not notice her sooner?

You would have thought the two girls were sisters; their outfits looked that much alike. Did they go shopping together? Asking myself that question and seeing them together made me realize that a lot was going on between these two girls. More than I'd realized and, perhaps, more than Mindy had already told me.

To a stranger, they must have looked like any other kids you might see walking around town. A couple of pretty girls who had yet to learn about life. Looks certainly were deceiving. You never knew what people had been doing.

The girls waved at me, said hello, and went on towards the house. I eyed both of them, enjoying the sight of their little asses, packed into their jeans. Mindy, God bless her, was fine, but Vanessa had a shape that belonged on an older girl. How did a kid her age get a body like that? If I ever did get my hands on her, I was going to bury my face between her legs and lick her raw. It seemed to me that if you wanted to explain 'eating pussy' in an encyclopedia, you would only have to show a picture of Vanessa.

My work in the yard was nearly done. I was about to go in the house when the two girls came out again. "Dad?"


"We're going over to Vanessa's. I'm going to eat supper there. Tell mom. Okay?"

"OK. When will you be home?"

"I'm not sure. Van said her father would ride me home if it's too late. Okay?"

I had no answer for that. It shocked me to think that Mindy would be riding around with a man who wanted to fuck her. The girls probably took the dumb look on my face as a sign of agreement. Vanessa gave me what I suppose you could call a "knowing smile" and then they turned and headed down the block. Before I could do or say anything, they were out of sight.

For a moment I felt a flash of anger. It seemed that those girls were far too wise for their years. How did things get like this? What had happened to the little girl I used to call 'Mindy'? My daughter was acting way too grown up for my liking, and her hot, little friend was just as bad. Yeah. More and more, Mindy was treating me like an equal instead of her father. What to do? Maybe I could order her to stop seeing Vanessa because she was a "bad influence". The silliness of that idea quickly became apparent. Things were too far along for such a childish remedy. Like it or not I'd have to deal with Mindy as though she were a grown-up. For in many ways that's what she was.

Not long after I went in the house, Sue came back from shopping with Polly and Suzy in tow. We put the groceries away and prepared our supper.

As we were eating, Sue dropped an amazing piece of information. Our local school system had a foreign student exchange program. School kids from overseas would come here for a year and stay with a host family. During this time they would attend one of our schools and, in effect, be American for a year. Some of our students also traveled to foreign countries and did the same thing. It only operated at the high school level and I wondered why Sue was even bringing it up. We had no room for an exchange student and Mindy was still in the sixth grade.

Then it all fell into place. In order to promote the program, our school system was advocating that local students exchange places with each other for a week. Students would go live with the parents of one of their friends to see what it was like. The foreign exchange program was only for high school kids but this local tryout was being extended to kids in middle school. Mindy and Vanessa wanted to trade families for a week. Mindy would spend a week at Vanessa's house, and she in turn would stay here. Wow!

I almost choked on the food in my mouth. Sue got a scared look on her face and started patting me on the back and trying to force a glass of water on me.

Well, nothing like that was going to happen. At least not until I'd had a long talk with Mindy, and maybe with Vanessa, as well.

You see, except when we were alone and even then most of the time, Mindy and I acted just like what we really were. Father and daughter. We didn't sneak around grabbing and kissing each other every chance we got. In fact, we almost never acknowledged in any way that we were having a sexual affair. Sometimes two or three weeks would go by and nothing would happen between us. Then we'd do it and there would be another dry spell. On several occasions we had a hot streak where we'd go at it every day for two or three days, and there were even a couple of times when we did it twice a day, but this was unusual. No matter what, we never talked about it. There were no secret winks or holding hands under the table, or anything that would give away our little secret. Our public behavior towards each other was all very proper and discreet.

Anyway, on the next day, Sunday, I couldn't wait any longer. Sue thought it unusual but Mindy and I went for a walk.

As soon as we were away from the house, I got right into it. "Darling, I want to talk about this exchange program. Are you sure you want to do this? After what you told me the other day, this could be serious. You know that don't you? "

We headed down the street toward a small park at the corner. "Yes, dad. I know what it means. I'll be sleeping at Van's house for a week and she'll be sleeping at our house . . . What's the problem?"

For a moment I wondered if she understood anything of what she'd told me. "Uh, you do remember what we talked about last Friday? That stuff about Vanessa and her father?"

"Yeah, I remember."

Mindy was being just a little too cute to suit me. I started to get angry. "Come on, Min. You're acting like there's nothing to it. You know what I'm getting at. You told me Vanessa's father has the hots for you and you want to stay overnight in his house?"

"Oh, that."

"Yeah, that!"

"Well, Vanessa will be staying at our house."

I was really getting upset. "So what?"

Mindy was a lot more clever than I'd given her credit for. Like a master tactician she had maneuvered me into a box. "Well, you've got eyes for her and this way you can do something about it."

Now it was my turn to act coy. "What, exactly, does that mean?"

"She told me what happened when she came by the house the other day. . . the way you were looking at her and all. . . Oh, and feeling her butt. You better be careful about that kind of stuff. My other friends aren't like Van. If you try that with one of them you'll be in big trouble."

Talk about strange. I felt like a little boy getting a morality lecture from his mother. "I see."

Mindy knew she had scored her point. "I guess you do. So, is it OK?"

She had me but somehow I had to get back in control. My eleven-year old daughter was manipulating me like I was the village idiot.

"I'm not sure. This is serious stuff, for both of us. You do understand that if you go over there he may just try something with you?"

Actually, I didn't know what he might do because I'd never met the man. I was speculating on his behavior, based on what I would do in such a situation. However, Mindy, my little bomb thrower, cleared up that mystery right away.

"To tell you the truth, I expect he will. Nick's been giving me the eye for some time. He's never touched me but I can tell what he's thinking from the way he looks at me. It's probably the same way you looked at Vanessa the other day."

"So that's his name, Nick . . . and you call him by his first name?"

"He asked me to call him that. He said that when I called him 'Mr. Baldwin', it made him feel old."

I could relate to that. "And it doesn't bother you, that he's going to try something?"

"Well, no . . . it doesn't. I've been thinking about this for a long time and I guess I've gotten used to the idea."

I was floored to hear this disclosure. Mindy could see the shock on my face and she took on a more sympathetic tone. " You see, this is really Van's idea. She's been after me for some time to trade, for her and I to take each other's place. At first I didn't want to do it, but lately I've been changing my mind. I guess she's talked me into it, and now, with this exchange program and all . . . Well . . . It's kinda neat, don't you think?"

I was getting the feeling that this couldn't be really happening. It didn't seem possible that I could be having this kind of conversation with my own daughter. "Well, I'm not ready to agree. I don't like the idea of you being with someone else, especially someone I don't even know."

My reluctance was obviously threatening plans that Mindy had already made. "Daad. You'll have Vanessa! She's very nice. I know you'll like her . . . I've seen her naked."

Was this really my little girl, offering me the body of her lovely, young friend, or was I talking to someone who just looked like Mindy? Whatever, I was weakening. I wouldn't have minded one bit, taking on Vanessa; but I didn't want to give up Mindy in exchange.

"It sounds like you and Vanessa have everything worked out. I'm just sort of along for the ride. Is Vanessa going to tell her father or are you just going to show up over there?"

Mindy could see I was coming around and this made her more determined than ever to win her case. It was vintage Mindy and she was giving me her best shot. "No dad, Vanessa has asked both her parents and they've agreed to the exchange. Lot's of kids are doing it. I'll even have to write a school report on my experience."

I would certainly read that report before it left the house. She went on. "We're all going to meet, too. Van said her parents want us to come over next weekend so everybody can get acquainted, you, me, mom and the girls. She also talked to her dad and he understands that you and her might get into it. He said he doesn't mind as long as I'm with him. He's willing if you are."

You would have thought by now I'd be shock proof. This piece of news sent me reeling. My daughter was actually setting me up with one of her friends. What in hell would come next?

"I'll be honest with you, hon. I do like your friend. She's very nice, and I would like to do it to her. It's just that I don't like the idea of you going with another man."

"It'll be okay, dad. He's very nice, kind of like you . . . and Van said that if we go through with this and it works out, they want us to join the JSC. She thinks we'll fit right in and from what she's told me it sounds really great. I really want to do it, please?"

"What's the JSC?"

"Oh. That stands for Junior Sex Club. You know, those special weekends that Van and Nick go on. They want us to join. It's what the girls call it. There's another name but Van said she couldn't remember what it is."

"So, all that stuff is true and they're asking us to get into it with them?"

"Yep . . ."

My curiosity about the sex club and my lust for Vanessa were getting the better of me. Also, Mindy's charm and magic were working on me. I could feel myself being drawn in and I knew it was going to happen. Mindy had already decided and that was usually enough. This time wouldn't be any different.

So, my friends, that's how my daughter Mindy and I came to be members of the "J". I found out later that the girls generally called it that, instead of the "JSC". It was both a further abbreviation of the initials and a takeoff on "Y" for "YMCA". Instead of going to the "Y", these girls would go to the "J". There was another, sort of official name, that the men used, but I'm getting ahead of my story, again.

8 - Getting To Know You

It rained most of that week, it was April, but the following weekend's weather turned out to be just fine. On Saturday afternoon the Danvers tribe loaded up into our van and we headed for the Baldwins. Actually, we could have walked but I didn't completely trust the weather. The Baldwin's house was a little bigger than the one Sue and I had. We were doing OK in the money department, but the Baldwins apparently had hit the big time. The house was loaded with expensive furniture and they had a big swimming pool in the backyard. The pool hadn't been opened for the season, yet, but we ended up out there, anyway. There was a grill going for cooking and we had music from the stereo and comfortable chairs scattered around.

I was interested to learn that Vanessa had a beautiful, older sister, just turned sixteen. She was tall, well developed and, like her sister, had blond hair. Nicole, that was her name, didn't stay around for the get-together. Too bad. She was really nice to look at, and I wondered if she was available. Everyone else seemed to be. Shortly after the introductions, she took off. I saw her drive away in a late model sports car and Mindy whispered to me that it was a J car. Funny, it looked like a Corvette to me, but I couldn't tell for sure. What in hell was a "J" car, anyway and where did a 16 year-old girl get one? It looked awfully expensive, whatever it was. I was dying to find out but this didn't seem to be either the time or place to question Mindy about it.

Vanessa was modestly dressed. She was wearing baggy, knee length shorts and a floppy, oversized blouse. There was no hiding her good looks but she seemed, how shall I say it, normal. I didn't get that impression of hot-blooded, ready-for-sex sensuality she had projected earlier. She even behaved different. There was none of the firecracker vitality I'd come to expect. I could see now how I might have overlooked her in the past. She was a talented, little actress.

Her mother, Jill, was a pleasant, matronly, suburban housewife with fading good looks. I estimated her age as being somewhere in her late thirties. No doubt, in high school and college Jill was a real looker, but time was taking its toll on her.

Vanessa's father, Nick Baldwin, had to have been at least as old as his wife but he didn't look it. At least not from a distance. At first I thought he was a neighbor or a relative of the family. His trim, athletic build was suggestive of an active, energetic lifestyle. I could see where any woman, or even a girl, would consider him attractive and it pained me to think that Mindy had chosen someone so obviously good looking to have sex with. It told me volumes about the way she looked at the world and men, and how she must have felt about what we were doing. Up close, I could see some lines in his face that gave away his true age, but I had to admit that he was a handsome devil.

I couldn't tell how the others felt, but I was puzzled and just a little uneasy. Here was this guy who specialized in underage girls, my daughter was next on his list and he acted just like any other guy in the neighborhood. Anyone not knowing what I knew about him would never suspect what was going on. In fact, I briefly wondered if everything Mindy had said was really true. In that setting it didn't seem possible.

The girls, Polly and Suzy included, drifted off into the house. The four of us, Sue and me and Baldwin and his wife, sat around discussing events in the neighborhood and in our fair city, just like any other gathering of neighbors and friends.

In spite of my misgivings about him putting his hands on Mindy, I began to warm up to this Nick character. He was interesting, and except for his strange hobby, which I of course sort of shared with him, he was a regular guy. He even told a few jokes and they were actually funny. This would be Mindy's first time having sex with anyone but me, and I suppose if she wanted it to be with this guy, well, she could have done a lot worse.

Things were going along quite well. Nick had put out a big tub of cold beer and soft drinks and after a few brews I began to feel more relaxed. There was a lull in the conversation and I was about to make a trip to the toilet when Nick inquired about the coming week's changeover.

"So tell me, Jack. Do you think you'll be able to handle Vanessa for a week?"

Now there was a loaded question, if ever I heard one. I still wasn't completely sure if everything I'd been told was true. There was a nagging doubt in the back of my mind about Mindy's information. If the women hadn't been there, and if I'd had a few more beers, I think I would have had a frank discussion with this guy about what was going to happen. Instead, I very carefully offered a response that I thought would pass unnoticed by the women but that Nick would understand. I wasn't sure about Nick's wife but so far Sue didn't know what was going on between me and the girls. "Well, if she's anything like Mindy, I don't think there'll be a problem."

"Oh, those two girls are more alike than any others I know of. There won't be any problems. I'm sure of it. You know, Mindy comes around here a lot. She's almost like one of the family. This week's stay with us will kind of make it official. "

And so it went. Eventually the girls wandered back, we ate and then it was time to go home. As we were leaving, Nick shook my hand and in a quiet voice reassured me. "Don't worry, Jack. I'll take care good care of your girl and you do the same with mine."

That was it. Anyone seeing or hearing what went on that day would not be able to attach any sinister motives to this exchange of girls. On the surface it appeared to be exactly what the school had set up.

The next day, Sunday, it rained again. It was still April. I was as nervous as a kid on his first date. There was no football to watch on TV and I'd lost interest in baseball, after the strike. Mindy stayed up in her room most of the day, getting her things together. Everything she was taking had to be spotlessly clean, and she was taking a lot of new stuff, specially purchased for this little expedition. I stopped by to see how she was doing, but I felt awkward and couldn't think of anything worthwhile to say. When I asked if she had any second thoughts about what was coming up, she said no.

About two o'clock that afternoon, Nick Baldwin drove up with Vanessa. Since it was still raining they had to run for our front door and I was standing there to let them in. It was a confused scene. Nick said he couldn't stay because he had a business meeting that evening. He was an officer in a bank.

Our front hall looked like a railroad station. Everybody was milling around, saying hello to Vanessa and goodbye to Mindy and trying to get their bags and stuff going in the right direction. Suzy kept picking up one of Mindy's bags, trying to carry it back upstairs. I gave Mindy a goodbye hug and kiss, and watched her run out to the car. It was really coming down so we closed the door and watched her away through the windows. When they were out of sight, I turned and gave Vanessa a gentle hug, kissed her on the cheek and officially welcomed her to the house. Sue and the girls made a really big fuss over her, so there wasn't much opportunity for me to say or do anything more. They gathered around her in a babbling crowd, and she gave me a big smile as they rushed her up the stairs to show her where she'd be sleeping.

For the rest of the day, and onto into the evening, I was kept pretty much in the background. Polly and Suzy played 'show and tell' for Vanessa, explaining where everything was and how it worked. Even Sue got into it. As for me, I only had a week for what I wanted to do and I intended to make the most of it. I'd already set up my alibi for that evening, telling Sue I'd be working late in my office and for her not to wait up for me. I often did this so it didn't seem unusual.

Everybody finally went to bed but I wasn't sure if they were asleep, yet. Along about 10:30 I couldn't wait any longer. It was raining like hell outside and I figured the noise would cover any sound I might make. Like a cat burglar, I made my way to Mindy's bedroom. This wasn't the first time I'd slipped into this room for some late nigh fun, but there was a different girl in there, now. As soon as I was inside, I dropped my clothes on the floor and crept over to the bed. When I did this with Mindy, the mere thought of getting in with her gave me an erection. This time it didn't happen. My apprehension about how Vanessa would receive me, sort of held things in check. Suppose she screamed, or something? No matter what Mindy had told me, this kid was only twelve-years old. If I got caught in bed with her, there was going to be trouble.

As carefully as I could, I slipped under the covers next to her, and waited to see what she would do. Nothing. She was asleep. Well, I hadn't come this far just to look at her. Like a snake, creeping up on it's prey, I slowly reached out for Vanessa. Mmmm, nice. She was wearing a nightgown and I gently moved my hand around, feeling her thin arms and shoulders through the cottony material. Vanessa's long, shoulder length hair was spilled all over and around her face. Ever so carefully I brushed it away and leaned over to kiss her on the neck. She was sweet, so sweet.

When I kissed her, she moved a bit and let out a soft, mewing sound, kind of like a kitten. Oh yeah! This was going to be good.

The bed was familiar territory to me. It was where Mindy slept every night, and it was where I'd taken her virginity; not to mention several follow up revelries. The sheets still held a faint trace of Mindy's scent, but there was a much stronger scent from the girl who now lay sleeping there. She smelled different than Mindy, but just as captivating.

The rain had slacked off some but you could still hear it coming down. The room was dark, but from the dim light of the street lamp outside I could just make out the sleeping girl. Every once in a while there'd be a flash of lightning that lit up the whole room, and then, a few seconds later, off in the distance, there would be an answering bang of thunder. One of these boomers crashed into the girl's consciousness at just the right moment. I could tell that she'd come awake. Then, in a throaty, sleepy voice, she spoke. "Is it you, Mr. Danvers?"

Who was she expecting? "Yes," I whispered.

Well, it didn't seem that she was going to scream so I reached out and let my arms go around her. She came right to me, all soft and warm, and cuddly and I exulted in the feel of her lush, young body close to mine. The contact with her sent a wake up call to my cock, too. It came rushing up to full size and I boldly pressed it against her through the nightgown. She didn't seem to mind.

For the moment I was content to just lie there and enjoy the luxury of holding Vanessa in my arms. She had been on my mind for weeks and now my dreams were about to come true. I wanted to savor every moment with her.

From out of the depths of my subconscious a childhood memory floated to the surface. I was eleven-years old and lying in bed with my cousin, an older, teen-age girl. She had her hands between my legs, playing with me. Back then I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do. This wasn't a problem anymore.

My hand slid down Vanessa's back to feel her behind. She moved closer, pushing her face into my chest and murmured something that I couldn't understand.

Mindy was right! The girl was for me. I pulled up on the back side of her nightgown to get it out of the way. I was going to slip my hand inside her panties, except she wasn't wearing any. She was naked under the gown. Sweet Jesus! What an ass! What a delightfully smooth, firm little ass she had! She felt so good, so irresistibly, fucking good! No wonder it was illegal to fool around with girls her age. If it wasn't there wouldn't hardly be a virgin over the age of ten.

It was probably a dopey thing to say but things were fast spinning out of control for me. "You're not wearing any pants."

She turned her head up and from the sound of her voice I guessed that she was puzzled. "No, I'm not. I thought you'd want it that way . .. They're right there on the chair. I can put them on, if you want."

"Oh, no. I like it better this way. In fact, I'd like to get this nightgown off you, too."

"Sure. You'll have to help . . ." And with that she raised her arms. "Pull it over my head." I had the feeling she'd done this before. When I pulled up on the nightgown, she wiggled down and out the bottom, toward the foot of the bed. She kept right on sliding down and popped out below my chest. A little ball of delicious, delightful nakedness. I reached down to pull her back up and stopped. She had curled up with her legs half around mine, and her hands were at my cock. I was paralyzed. No way was I going to disturb her. If she wanted to play with my prick it was hers. She could do whatever she wanted with it and if she ran out of things to do, I could suggest something.

Vanessa was way ahead of me. It wasn't long before I felt her tongue on the tip of my prick. Damn! She knew exactly what to do. Next I felt her lips. She was kissing the tip of my cock and I was going crazy. I began thrusting myself at her, wanting to get more and she accommodated me. Her lips closed around my cock and I was inside her mouth. That warm, wet, young girl mouth was stuffed full of my rock hard erection and I could not get enough of her. Besides sucking on me for all she was worth, her little hand got busy jerking me off.

Deep down inside me, a volcano was getting ready to erupt. In another few seconds I was going to blast a load right down her throat. Someone had taken the time to explain the finer points of sucking to this young lady. Whether it was her father or one of the other men who had bedded her I didn't know, but she had learned the lesson well. As wonderful as it was, there was something missing. I wanted to see her beautiful, angelic, twelve-year old face while she was doing it to me and I couldn't do that in the dark. She'd have to stop. Later, in the daytime when I could watch, I'd have her do it again.

Besides, I had to have more contact with her. I had to feel as much of her at one time as I could. I needed to wrap my arms and legs around this luscious, little sixth-grader. She didn't want to break away, she was that far into it. I had to pull her up by the hair. As she came up I put my hands on her tits. They were small, maybe a little bigger than Mindy's but solid, and nicely rounded. Her nipples were hard and standing straight out. Now it was my turn to slide down. I had to taste them. I had to find out what they were like. Opening wide, I could get a good bit of one tit in my mouth and I spent several minutes, going from one to the other.

She liked it as much as I did. Every so often she'd moan with pleasure while cradling my head in her arms.

While I was busy feasting on her tits, my hand slid down across her stomach and went between her legs. She was firm and smooth, just like Mindy and Polly, with no hair. I was enraptured by what I was coming to recognize as the distinct feel, the unique texture of a young girl's cunt. I could also tell she'd been fucked a number of times, because it was a lot easier to work my finger into her than with either Mindy or Polly. She was all wet and slippery inside, too. This absolutely delightful, young creature was ready to screw and I was just the guy to give it to her.

Rolling around in bed with a naked Vanessa was pure pleasure, but it couldn't go on much longer. There was a fire raging inside me and only one way to put it out. I crawled back up into position so as to fuck her. Eagerly, she reached down to guide my cock in, while at the same time, spreading her legs. I wondered just how many times she'd done this.

She definitely wasn't a virgin. My prick slid into her with no trouble at all. It was still a marvelous sensation. Words cannot describe the way it feels to have a trim, sexually aroused twelve-year old underneath you. There's nothing like underage pussy.

She was an aggressive little thing. From the way she rolled her ass around, I could tell that she'd done this many times. She knew exactly how she wanted my cock inside her and she wasted no time going for it. As soon as I started fucking her, she began moaning and huffing in time to my thrusts. I was afraid Sue would hear. No way was I going to stop. I clamped my mouth over Vanessa's to stifle the sound and her tongue went into my mouth. Jesus! All this from a little girl. It was unbelievable.

When I did shoot into her, she started working her arms and legs around and clawing at me like she was trying to get inside me. What a reaction! Even after I finished pumping my fluid into her, she only gradually slowed and stopped, finally just hanging onto me. We were both soaking wet with sweat and cum all between us.

I wanted to just go off to sleep, with her under me and my cock resting on the threshold of that juicy, young cunt. It would be nice to wake up in the morning, with her along side me. A little voice inside warned me that this would be dangerous. With some regret, I disengaged and started to get up. The girl came back to life and began kissing me and cuddling up to me. She didn't want me to leave! "Stay with me, please."

"I can't, Vanessa. I have to go. Someone could walk in and see us." I had Sue in mind for that chore. What would she think? What would she do? I really didn't want to find out.

As I raised up out of the bed, Vanessa's arms reached out to me. I leaned over and gave her a long, hard kiss on the mouth, and then it was over. I picked up my clothes and slipped out the door.

9 - Pins and Needles, Needles and Pins

The next morning, I came downstairs to find everyone else already up and having breakfast. The girls were seated around the kitchen table, talking and giggling and stuffing cereal down. Sue was puttering around at the stove. When I entered the room, Vanessa looked up and gave out with a greeting so cheery, that the others looked at her instead of me. "Hi, Mr. Danvers."

Everyone seemed normal for that time of day, except Vanessa. She looked like she'd just been selected for sainthood, or something. She was literally glowing and it was plain, at least to me, why this was so. She must have enjoyed our little get-together much more than I thought, and it still showed on her face. Not only that but she gave me such an adoring look that I was embarrassed. Sue noticed it, too; and I could almost see the questions forming in her mind.

What could I say? I certainly wasn't going to tell my wife why I thought the girl was lit up like a neon sign. So we got through breakfast and the girls went off to school. As I was leaving, Sue asked me about Vanessa. I knew she would. "You seem to have made quite an impression on our exchange student. What did you do, promise to get her out of homework for the rest of the year?"

With a somewhat nervous laugh, I denied having any influence with the school board. "No, I didn't."

"Well, she obviously thinks you're special. That was some look she gave you."

I was trying to make light of it, so as to throw Sue off the scent. She was making me nervous with this line of questioning. "Yeah, Well, some of us have it and some of us don't. You know how that works."

"I know how it works," she replied. Now what did she mean by that?

Still trying to deflect her questions... "Actually, Mindy told me a couple of weeks ago that the girl thought I was nice. Maybe she's got a crush on me."

"Really? Then I better not leave you two alone. She's very pretty."

Now I was the one with questions. I wanted to dig into this a bit deeper, to find out just what Sue was getting at. Was she just trying to be funny, or did she know something? Sometimes it's better to leave things alone. This was one of those times. Ignoring her last remark, I kissed Sue goodbye and made my way downtown.

On the drive in to town I reviewed recent events. Things certainly were different from what they were just a few months ago. Funny. All through school, and even in college, I wasn't one of those guys who could charm a girl's pants off just by smiling at her. Until I met Sue, I'd never had sex with a girl on a regular basis. It was always a sometime kind of thing, Nothing you could count on. Now, besides my wife, two lovely young girls were at my disposal. Not only that but who knew what was waiting in this JSC Mindy had gotten me into? Where pussy was concerned, it seemed I had hit the jackpot. As if all this were not enough, there was also Polly.

Ah, yes. Polly. By this time, I'd fooled around with her several more times and she was turning out to be an interesting little playmate. Pity, I didn't have more time for her. How old did a girl have to be before you could do it to her, anyway? I'd taken Mindy on her eleventh birthday and I believe I could have done it to her sooner. Vanessa was a few months older than Mindy but with lots more experience. Her father must have broken her in when she was quite young. Polly would be ten on her next birthday, in September. Perhaps then I might try her.

It was also around this time that I recognized myself as being hopelessly obsessed with female children. The lovely, little creatures were like a rare wine, that I was coming to appreciate more and more. Sex with a young girl was nothing like sex with a woman. After doing it with three different girls, I could see that despite their similarities, each one offered something unique. What would it be like to bed more than one at a time?

Such preoccupation's were not conducive to safe driving. A near collision, when I almost missed seeing someone pull out in front of me, was enough to wake me up. I was near my downtown office and it was time to start thinking about the business of the day.

When I returned home early that evening, Sue was just putting the finishing touches on our supper. Our first true meal with Vanessa as a member of our family. It gladdened my heart to have her pretty face smiling at me from across the table. She ate in small, dainty bites and constantly wiped her mouth on her napkin. Sue reported on the events of the day, and Polly and Suzy also made their contribution to the family conversation.

To tell you the truth, Sue could have informed me they'd discovered oil in our backyard and I wouldn't have been impressed. For me it was more important to count the number of times Vanessa chewed before swallowing. Every move she made was worthy of intense scrutiny. There was just a hint of an accent in her voice. It sounded sort of British, or was it Scottish? It wasn't there all the time. Just certain words. I hung on her every utterance, waiting to hear that echo from whatever far away paradise she came from.

I brought work home to be finished in my office, but it went untouched. I could not bear for Vanessa to be out of my sight. Don't ask me what we did the rest of that evening. I don't remember. Considering Sue's remarks at breakfast that morning, I did feel it unwise to risk another late night sojourn to Vanessa's bed.

The week slipped by much faster than I wanted. On the next night I was late coming home. An office meeting that seemed never to end, and then the abominable traffic. Sue had already fed the children and cleaned up the dishes by the time I made it to the house. A brief hour or so of watching Vanessa watch TV and that was it. Sue was aware of my interest in the golden girl. Every once in awhile I could feel Sue watching me. She had caught onto something and was not likely to let it go. That was her way.

Thus, I again decided to hold myself in check. The next day was Wednesday and Sue had no business appointments for the rest of that week. It looked like I'd already had my one and only fling with Vanessa. I was getting desperate. On Friday evening we were scheduled to meet at a local pizza parlor. Everyone would be there. Over pepperoni and cheese, the girls would be reunited with their families.

And so it turned out, because of time and circumstance, that I was unable to enjoy Vanessa anymore that week. We did talk a bit, when I could get her alone, but it was only for a few minutes here and there. Still, these brief conversations were informative. She filled me in on the JSC, and then, later, in a meeting with her father, I was able to work out the arrangements for Mindy and I to participate.

10 - Party Time

The girls referred to it as the JSC. The men referred to it as the FDA, or Father-Daughter Association. It was composed of men in their early thirties to early fifties. Business and professional men who were either already successful in their chosen careers or who were rising fast. Ostensibly, and this is the public image they projected, the group had two purposes. First, it was a social club for men in which they could meet and in a relaxed, congenial atmosphere, forge lucrative business deals with each other. Secondly, it was intended to nurture the futures of their young daughters, by giving them an unique environment to function within. The girls were encouraged to sit in on business deals to see how such things were done. It was thought this would prepare them for later on in life. In all ways, these daughters were carefully looked after and provided for by the FDA. Many of the girls attended private schools, the best schools. All of them traveled a lot, to Europe, the Far East or wherever the business of their fathers might take them. All along the path of life, doors would be opened for these young women. Doors that otherwise might not even be there. Nothing was too good for them. If it could be bought, they had it. It was a strong network of social and business contacts, and the men and their families, particularly the girls, flourished inside it. There was a snob appeal about the whole thing which was deliberately encouraged. They kept their membership small and in order to get in, you had to be successful. You also had to have a pre-teen age daughter and be willing to share her with the other men.

For our introduction, Mindy and I had been invited to spend the Memorial Day weekend at the home of a family called Pelham. The Pelhams lived in the next county. Their home turned out to be a rather large place with acres of ground around it. The house stood on a low hill, surrounded by trees and not easily seen from the road. As the ground sloped away from the house in all directions, there were more trees. It looked like all they had was the house and lots of trees. We drove up a long, private road and came to a huge, steel gate. It was securely anchored between two, red brick columns, and a rather high brick wall flowed away through the trees in either direction. The only way in or out was through the gate. It was closed and no one was around to open it. Then I saw a call box in one of the brick columns. I pushed the call button and waited. Nothing happened for a moment or two and I looked around to see if anyone might be coming down the road from inside. Nothing. No one. Then I noticed a TV camera on top of the column. I was being scanned. Someone inside was watching me. A voice crackled out of the speaker in the call box.

"Hello. Can I help you?"

"Hi...I'm Jack Danvers. I'm here with my daughter. I'm looking for the Pelham residence. Is this it?"

"Oh, yes...We're expecting you. I'll open the gate for you. Just drive on in and follow the road until it forks. The right hand fork leads to the parking lot and I'll meet you there."

The gate swung open with amazingly little effort or noise, considering how heavy it must have been. Very expensive, no doubt.

"Here goes, honey," I said, driving through. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah... and just a little bit nervous."

"Everything will be fine, although this is a bit more than I expected." I looked ahead and marveled at the beauty of the grounds. Lush forest and underbrush grew densely everywhere, making it impossible for anyone outside the property to see in more than a few yards. The heavy growth soon gave way to open park land, dotted with groves of trees. The crown of the hill bore the roof angles of the large house I'd seen from the road. Turning right as directed, I pulled to a stop in front of a long garage. There were about a dozen , or so cars, already there.

Mindy and I stepped out of the car, uncertain as to what we should do. Coming up the road was a golf cart with two women in it. The woman driving greeted us. "Hello, Jack and Mindy. Welcome to our home."

The woman who greeted us was attractive but her teen years were long behind her. The other one, a young girl, was a beauty. They both wore short, terrycloth robes. I was a little surprised to see a grown woman. My impression had been that the only adults present would be the fathers of the girls. Anyway, the young girl was exactly what I expected to see. She was a beautiful child of about twelve or possibly thirteen, well into puberty, but not fully grown yet. Her flowing, light, brown hair hung over her shoulders and down her back, almost to her waist. A few strands of hair draped in front. Underneath the robe I could make out a small but interesting bust line. She was breathtaking.

The woman brought the golf cart to a halt and got out. "Hi. I'm Sandy Pelham, and this is Jill Carr, one of our guests. Welcome to our place. Mindy, you're every bit as lovely as I've been told. I hope you'll enjoy your stay here. Are you ready to go?"

"Uh huh."

"Good. Why don't you go with Jill. She'll take you down to the pool. That's where the other girls are."

Mindy climbed into the golf cart and they were gone.

"Your daughter is very pretty, Jack. You probably won't see much of her for the rest of the day."

This remark surprised me. "Oh? And why is that?, I asked suspiciously.

"Well," said Sandy Pelham, "there's nothing sinister about it. It's just that everyone will want to meet her and show her around...but, we'll get into that later. Why don't you undress and put on one of these robes?"

"...Where can I change?"

"There's a small room inside the garage you can use. Later on... well, when we all get in the pool we usually go naked. Leave your clothes in the car. They'll be quite safe there."

"OK. I'll be right back."

After changing, we got into one of the golf carts and Sandy skillfully guided us through the trees. As we rode I noticed an occasional, small tent tucked away in the trees. Each one was brightly colored. "What are those for?"

"You'll probably be staying in one, tonight. We have bedrooms at the house, but you'll find those little tents quite nice, and private. Each one has a small flag pole in front. You're supposed to raise the flag so others will know the tent is occupied."

As we circled around, gradually nearing the house, she pointed out other features. There were several trails leading to various points on the grounds. In addition to the pool, which I did not get to see, there were stables but I didn't see any horses. They also had a regulation tennis court, a regulation sized, outdoor basketball court, and even a softball field. It was all laid out with foul lines and looked ready for play. Much later I learned that there was also a two lane bowling alley in the basement of the house, not to mention a bar and lounge worthy of a small hotel. Sandy was most enthusiastic about her home and took pains to explain every aspect. During the grand tour it occurred to me that she had a husband someplace, and I envied him. She was a charming and very pretty woman.

"Well, here's the main house. Let's go in and I'll show you around."

We strolled up to the main entrance and went in. The huge foyer had marble floors. There was a marble staircase that wound its way to the upper level, and it had very expensive looking wood railings. I could see several open doorways, leading off to other parts of the house. It was a huge place, richly and tastefully furnished.

After we'd been in the house awhile, Sandy stopped pointing things out to me and went on to a more interesting subject. We had come back down to a small sitting room on the first floor, and she motioned me to sit beside her.

"Counting your daughter, there are twelve girls here. That's a rather large number, and constitutes almost our entire active membership at this time. We don't often have this many here at one time, so this is somewhat of a special occasion. The fathers, and in one case a mother, are also here."

I was impressed. "It sounds like you've got quite a crowd on your hands."

"Yes, but we're set up for it."

I was curious to know. "Is your daughter here, as well?"

"No, she's not. My daughter is too old for this. She was a member at one time, when she was younger."

I was interested to learn that at least some mothers knew what was going on. What would Sue think if she knew what Mindy and I were doing here?

"So, tell me. How old are the girls?"

"Well, we never bring in a girl until she's at least ten years old, and most of the time the girl will be eleven or even twelve before she sees the inside of these grounds. We like to be sure the child is emotionally, and physically, prepared for what goes on here. At present there is one girl here who is ten. She joined us last winter."

"I see."

She went on. "Once a girl turns thirteen we encourage her to leave, and by age fourteen she has to go. There is one thirteen year old here today."

"How, exactly, did this, uh, arrangement get started?"

"Two businessmen started it some fifteen years ago. Eventually they recruited a few more men and here we are."

I had to admit, it certainly was an unusual organization. " I had no idea anything like this existed."

"That's good. We don't like to advertise. Our active members come from all over the United States. New members are carefully screened before we allow them in."

"And I may assume I've been screened, as well?"

"Oh, yes. You wouldn't be here, otherwise."

"How much do you know about me? It sounds like you do a lot of checking."

"Well, we depend a lot on the advice of the person recommending you. In your case it was Nick Baldwin, but then, you knew that."

It was flattering to learn that I had what it takes to get into a rather exclusive organization.

"Jack, this almost always comes up when someone joins us. I can assure you that no one here is going to expose you. They're all in it with you. All the men here have done what you've done. They continue to do it, and none of them wants to be exposed, either." She went on. "Jack, you remember that girl I rode up with, Jill Carr?"

How could I forget. "Yes. What about her?"

"She's very pretty. Isn't she?"

I couldn't have agreed with her more. "She certainly is."

"She just turned twelve. I was at her birthday party...Would you like to have sex with her?"

Now we were getting down to business. "My answer would have to be a definite yes."

"I thought it would be. She's one of the loveliest girls here. You can have sex with her, tonight, if you wish. In fact I can have her here in about ten minutes and you can take her upstairs to one of the bedrooms, right now. She'll be yours until tomorrow morning. Then she has to go home."

I didn't understand what was going on. Things were suddenly moving very fast. "How can this be? I mean, I don't even know the girl. How does it work?"

"It's very simple. I call down to her, she comes to the house and you take her upstairs. As long as you don't hurt the girl you can do anything you want with her. No one will object. No one will interfere, and in fact, no one will even care. She can be yours, right now, no questions asked. However, there is a condition. Your daughter is also very pretty. I'm sure that by now the men have noticed her. If you go to bed with Jill, or any other girl here for that matter, then your daughter will have to do the same with another man."

I didn't like the sound of that. All of a sudden this didn't seem like such a good idea. I was getting just a little angry. "What gives you the right to turn my daughter over to a pack of animals?", I demanded.

This lit a fire under Mrs. Pelham. I could see the emotion blazing forth from her eyes. "Well, Mr. Danvers. They're not animals. They're businessmen, my husband included, who came here looking for the same thing you're looking for."

I realized that I was way off base and that if I'd been honestly opposed to another man fondling my daughter, I should have stayed home. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. Can we start over?"

She was mollified. "Yes, we certainly can. You see, Jack, until you tell me it's OK none of the men will go near Mindy. No man will speak to her or even acknowledge her presence until I indicate it's OK. I don't do that until I'm satisfied that you understand and agree to what is going on here."

So, I had to buy into some kind of agreement. Well, this was going far beyond what I had imagined. In the beginning I thought I'd just be going over to some guy's house. There would be one or two other guys there with cute daughters, and we'd all sort of sit around and talk about them or something. There was Vanessa, of course. There would always be Vanessa, but I just couldn't make myself believe that a lot of other guys were into the same thing. It didn't seem real. This was far more organized than anything I'd ever thought about. Still, she had me. "OK. Tell me, what are the conditions?"

"It's really simple. I tell you our rules, of which there aren't but a few; and then, if you agree to them, I take you down to the pool to meet the other fathers."

Considering the buildup, I thought things were a little too simple.

She went on. "You see. We don't ambush the girls or sneak off with them when no one is looking. Everything is above board and out in the open. We prefer that at least one other father know which girl you're with. This sort of confirms that the child is willing to go with you and is not being forced. Beyond that...Well, it's pretty much up to you and the girl what happens after that. This is a permanent commitment, too. We'll be very unhappy if you renege. Do you understand?"

"I think I get the picture...Only, I'm not sure I can manage with a girl's father watching."

"Well, that's not how it works. You take the girl somewhere private. Remember those tents you asked about? That's what they're for. It's just that we like to see a public display of your interest in the child, and there must be an indication from her that she is willing to go with you. That's how we do it and it's what everyone is expecting from you and Mindy. Think of it as an affirmation of the agreement. Each of us likes to be assured that the others are following the rules. It shouldn't' be too difficult. All the girls are sweet. Miss Carr is exceptionally so, but the others are really nice, too. You'll see."

At this point, I didn't see how I could back out. Besides, for all I knew some guy was already climbing all over Mindy. I wasn't going home empty handed. "OK. Tell me the rules."

Sandy seemed to relax. I guess she figured I'd bought in. She handed me a piece of paper. Here's what it said.

  • No alcohol, drugs or tobacco around the girls.
  • The girl is always in charge. The sex always starts and stops when she says so.
  • Force a girl, or hurt her in any way and you're history.
  • Never deny a girl anything she asks for, unless you think it would cause her harm.
  • No photography.
  • No private dates outside the grounds with a girl unless you have her parents permission. We discourage you from seeking this kind of permission, or from granting it to others.
  • When you bring your daughter onto the grounds you are consenting to the other men having sex with her. This consent is irrevocable while you remain on the grounds.
  • You are not permitted on the grounds without your daughter and she is not permitted here without you.
  • Never tell any outsider about the group. There is a nomination committee that handles new members. If you know of someone you wish to introduce to the group, you must bring up the matter with the committee.
  • Use your common sense. Refrain from saying or doing anything which would jeopardize the integrity of the group.
  • We strongly object to your having sex with anyone who is not in your immediate family or a member of the group.
  • Treat each girl as though she were your daughter, for in a way, she is.

"There is a physician available who has our complete trust. Should any problems arise from your activities here, please see him. Other than these restrictions, anything goes. You may have sex with any girl here so long as she is willing. Remember, being present here implies consent. Any form of sexual activity is permitted, so long as there is no risk of injury. Sometimes a girl is not sure what she wants. We understand that. You may persuade an unwilling girl to have sex, you just can't force her to do it. Any questions?"

"No. It sounds like you've covered everything."

"Good. By the way, you're a guest tonight, but future parties require every member to contribute two hundred dollars for expenses...agree?"


"Fine. Sometime before you leave we'll ask you to sign a formal agreement. It merely restates, in more elaborate language, what we've just discussed. Now, let's go out to the pool and I'll introduce you to everyone. You and Mindy are the only first-timers here. Relax and enjoy it."

With that we left the house, climbed back into the golf cart and rode off. Sandy drove across the open lawn and entered a path through the trees. It was beautiful! Flower beds were everywhere and tasteful, expensive lawn furniture was placed along the way. I began to hear music and then we turned onto a straight section of path and were heading towards a large swimming pool. As we drew closer the music became louder. It was the kind of music Mindy liked. I wondered if she'd already got into their sound system to program it.

A half circle of lawn chairs at the end of the pool held five men. All of them were about my age, and all of them looked athletic and hard bodied. Four other men were in the pool and four young girls were with them. I was a little surprised to see that the people in the pool, men and girls, were naked. Everyone outside the pool was wearing one of those robes.

There were two females sitting with the men. One was the lovely Miss Carr. Good. I could look at her all day. The other was another adult female, good looking, but most definitely no child. I wondered who she might be.

Across the pool, on the other side were the rest of the girls. Seven of them. They were sitting around a table chattering away at each other. Mindy was with them. Remembering what Sandy had told me about who was here, I did some quick arithmetic. The number of girls was indeed twelve. The number of men didn't seem to match. Somebody's father wasn't here.

The men in the water were standing around at the edge, across from each other and tossing a big, plastic ball back and forth. The idea seemed to be for the girls to jump up and intercept the throw. In order to do this the girls had to extend their arms and stretch their slender, young bodies as they came out of the water. It made for a splendid sight and I was willing to bet that it was a popular game, at least with the men. What a life.

"Come on over here," Sandy said, breaking into my reverie. "I'll make some introductions to get you started...and then you're on your own." She led me to the group seated in the chairs, and dropped down to rest on her knees beside a muscular blond man.

"Jack's new here folks...his girl is Mindy...the pretty red-head across the pool," she said casually. With that she called to Mindy to join us.

"Jack, this is Frank...my husband and your host tonight." I stepped over and shook hands, making the usual "hello...how are you?" noises.

"Hi. I'm Andy," the next man said, extending a hand. And so it went. Stan, Alan, George, Paul, Tom and Gene. I didn't see Nick Baldwin but I did see Vanessa.

"This is Belinda," George said. Indicating the fine looking blonde sitting next to him. She's filling in for her husband, who couldn't make it tonight. Belinda was a full breasted, slender young woman, who didn't look old enough to have a child in this group. Well, that cleared up one mystery, but there still didn't seem to be enough men for all the girls. Where was Nick Baldwin?

Mindy came up to stand beside me and I noticed the other girls were also drifting toward our little enclave. Soon, all were clustered around. Sandy continued to make introductions, giving me the name of each girl. I promptly forgot the names. The girls from the pool were naked and I couldn't keep my mind on names. I also noticed that several of the men were giving Mindy the once over. It made me uncomfortable but I figured I better get used to the idea.

As the introductions faded. Everyone stood around talking, like it was a cocktail party or something. I couldn't get over how strange this gathering was. All these girls were available for sex. They knew it, the men knew it, hell, everyone here knew it. Yet, nobody seemed embarrassed. They all acted as though we'd simply come out for a volley ball game, or something. Odd. Really odd.

A thrill of excitement passed through me as one girl came right up, put her arm around my waist and pressed up against me. At first, in the crowd, I thought the child had mistaken me for someone else. It was Vanessa. "Hi, Mr. Danvers."

Feeling her lithe, young body against mine brought back memories. She had been one of the girls in the pool and she hadn't bothered to put on a robe. It was giving me heart palpitations. I could see the headlines now. "Man Suffers Heart Attack While Fondling Young Girl At Weekend Party." I figured if she could be this friendly with me, I would risk having a coronary and return the favor. My arm went around her shoulders but I was reluctant to tighten my grip or really get personal with her. It didn't seem right, with all these people standing around.

"Hi, Vanessa. Where's your father? I don't see him." Actually he could have been standing right next to me and I wouldn't have noticed him. I was staring down at Vanessa's lovely, little tits. I couldn't get over the way they stood out. No sag. No droop. There is nothing like the tits on a girl of that age.

"He's not here right now. He went up to the house to use the telephone. I think we're going to have to leave."

"Oh, I hope not. I was looking forward to seeing you again. At the same time, as nonchalantly as I could, I let my hand slide down to Vanessa's smooth, bare ass. I was becoming a connoisseur of behinds and Vanessa was in a class by herself. Anywhere else, I would have drawn strange looks for fondling a nude, twelve year old girl. Here, it went unnoticed.

Then I saw that here and there in the crowd, several other men had put an arm around a girl. It looked like people were starting to choose their partners. One guy was cuddling two girls. They were twins! Talk about doubling your pleasure.

Gradually, the conversation died down and I could sense an air of expectation. Something was about to happen and everyone was waiting for it.

Sandy stepped into the middle of the group and all talk stopped. She certainly commanded everyone's respect and attention. "Everyone, let's get into the pool. Let's show our new members how it's done."

With that there was a flurry of people peeling off their robes, and then, everyone took off in a rush for the pool. The girls ran, squealing and shouting and making a great splash as they entered the water. There before me was a veritable sea of naked, young girls. What a sight!

11 - Come On, Eileen

If I was going to nail one of these cuties, I figured I would pick out the nicest one I could. With great difficulty I tried focusing on individual girls. Like a child in a candy store I couldn't make up my mind. There was so much to look at I was getting sensory overload. They were all so pretty, and knowing that I could have any one of them made me dizzy. Except for the twins, every girl had some breast development. A few of the girls were just getting started, while some were remarkably well along. They ranged in age from ten to twelve, with most, like Mindy, at eleven. It was fascinating to see how girls so close together in age were developing at different rates. You could sort of tell which ones were likely to have big breasts when they were grown up. All of a sudden I spotted a girl who looked like she was ready for motherhood. Her tits were much larger than those of the others and she had a neat, little mat of hair between her legs. I wondered how she had got into the group. She was attractive but definitely older than the other girls.

Sandy leaned toward me as we walked to the pool. "Stay on the edge. It's a simple game and you'll quickly see how it works. We often do this, especially when we have this many sets. It's a good way to get started."

"I see. That girl looks much older than the rest. What's the story on her?"

"Oh. You mean the girl with the large breasts?"

"Yeah. She looks like she doesn't belong."

"That's Amanda Ford. She's almost fourteen and this will be her last time with us. We discourage girls of thirteen from coming around and we forbid girls of fourteen or more from the group."

By now the girls were all out in the middle of the pool, laughing, squealing and splashing each other. The music became a little louder and several of them began swaying back and forth, performing an impromptu dance. They were keeping time to the music's slow, sensuous beat, and every so often they'd bump their hips off each other. I don't know if the girls realized it but they were putting on a provocative show. I kid you not. These youngsters were easily able to capture the attention of any man. If you think girls that age are too young to be sexy, all I can say is, 'you had to be there'. I tried to find Jill Carr but she must have been on the other side of the crowd. Apparently Mindy had been briefed on what to expect because she was right out there with them laughing and splashing. I'd never seen anything like it.

Sandy continued. "This is kind of an ice breaker. Everyone gets to see you and Mindy up close, and you two get to see everyone else. That little Vanessa you were just playing with, and her father, will be leaving. He's up at the house now, using the telephone. I'm sorry, but he was called away on business."

Damn. I wouldn't be fooling around with my candy girl tonight.

The men strung themselves out in a rough circle, around the girls. We were going to play Stretch Ball. I could have guessed. It started out slow. The men began tossing the ball to each other across the pool. Each throw was high enough so that no girl could intercept it. Nonetheless they tried, and I got to enjoy the sight of all those lovely, nude girls, coming out of the water like porpoises. When the ball came my way, I lofted it so high that only a giraffe would have any hope of touching it.

Sandy was just full of advice. "Don't throw it too high, Jack. One of the girls has to catch it. That's how you pick your partner for the evening."

Of course I'd already figured this out, but my enthusiasm was getting the better of me. I felt like a school boy. The other men did not share my problem because their throws were getting lower and lower. It wouldn't be long before one of the girls could intercept the ball. Some of the men, when tossing the ball, would call out the name of a particular girl. It looked like a kid's game but there was nothing childish about the outcome. The girls all knew this, of course, and I could see it was feeding their excitement. Soon, one of them would be the first to go.

Breaking the rhythm, one of the men threw a slow, high, looper that came down right in the middle of the mass of girls. Everyone knew that this ball was meant to be caught and there was a soft chorus of 'Ohhh' as the ball floated down. Well, it was caught and the girls went silent. The crowd parted and Mindy came out, triumphantly holding the ball above her head and grinning from ear to ear.

She stood at the edge of the group of girls and the man who had thrown the toss came over to her. Wearing a proud smile, he took the ball and flipped it over his head toward another man. At the same time he took Mindy by the hand and led her to the edge of the pool. Jumping up first, he pulled her by the hand out of the water. Mindy obediently went with him as his arm went around her shoulders. While they were walking away, Mindy turned and looked at me for a moment and our eyes locked together. She had the strangest expression on her face I'd ever seen. Then she turned away. As they neared the trees, and just before they went out of sight, I saw the man lower his arm and put his hand on my daughter's ass. I was not to see Mindy again until breakfast the next morning.

Gradually it dawned on me how quiet it had become and that everyone was watching me. They all knew I was Mindy's father and they were waiting for my reaction. They still weren't sure if I was serious about joining their game. No doubt on other occasions like this, newcomer fathers had not behaved graciously. I could understand how this might be but I held my peace.

Sandy leaned over again to speak. "Don't worry, Jack. Paul Tracy is one of the nicest men I've ever known. He's been with us a long time. Mindy is in good hands. Paul's oldest daughter left us last year and now he's here with her younger sister, Eileen. That's her there, with her hair in braids. Isn't she lovely ?"

I followed Sandy's gaze to a tall, lanky girl with long hair. She had it braided and the braids hung way down below her shoulders. When her hair was loose, it must have come down even lower. Early on she had come to my attention because I was fascinated by the way her braids kept whipping around her ass, whenever she jumped out of the water. Now I took a closer look.

Her breasts were small, but the dark circles of her overlarge nipples just naturally drew your eyes to them. Like the others, she was about eleven or twelve and it looked like when she was full grown, her tits would be big and heavy. The girl had a curvy, seductive figure, with spreading hips that accented her thin waist. In particular, I liked the way her thighs flowed up into her body, forming a graceful, vee shaped frame for her hairless cunt.

What really grabbed your attention, though, was her face. She had heavy, dark eye brows that matched her jet black hair. They went well with her full lips, and she wore a brooding, sullen look that was very sexy. Apparently she didn't get much sun because her skin almost glowed with whiteness. The contrast between her black hair, dark looking features and her creamy, white skin was striking. It was easy to imagine some ancient Celtic prince going to war in order to possess a raven haired colleen like her.

Now, I'd been admiring the little ladies ever since Sandy brought me to the pool. They were all delightful, but this one seemed to suddenly stand out. As we made eye contact, something wild occurred to me. This girl was special. I wanted to own her, to put my mark on her in some way so as to keep the other men away.

There was something about this girl that set her apart from the others. It seemed to me that nothing less would do than to make her pregnant! As young as she was I wanted to give her a baby. For the first time that day, I got an erection. Oh I'd had a couple of false starts here and there, but I'd been trying to keep myself under control.

This time I let go and sprouted a fully erect, ready-for-business hard-on. A king-sized boner, as Mindy would have called it. A few of the men had already done it and nobody seemed to mind. As crude as it sounds, in that setting it was a natural thing to do.

You would have thought that a girl her age would be embarrassed to see a grown man get an erection, especially knowing that it was directed at her. Instead, she held her ground and just stared at me with a saucy, defiant look in her eyes that nearly drove me crazy. Every few seconds her gaze would sweep down to my erection and then she'd look back into my eyes. I kept staring back, with my steel hard cock swaying out in front of me. A blind man could have seen what was happening. She was sizing me up, I was sizing her up, and we both seemed to like what we saw. It wasn't that we were doing something the others in the group hadn't already done, but I think we drew it out longer than was comfortable for them. A few of the girls actually turned away and I could sense that even some of the men were becoming restless.

Somewhere on the other side of the pool a man let out a shout and then heaved the ball in my direction. I batted it back over the heads of the remaining girls and drew a cheer. The spell was broken, but Eileen and I kept watching each other. The girls went back to squealing and jumping, but a definite change had come over the dark-eyed beauty. She didn't play with the same enthusiasm as the others.

The men also resumed calling the girls by name. While throwing the ball back and forth and clapping their hands, more men were now shouting to various girls, encouraging them to catch the ball. There seemed to be more urgency to the game than I'd noticed before. Nobody called out Eileen's name, though, and nobody threw the ball at her.

More men were growing erections, too and I could see a corresponding increase in the excitement of the girls. They really liked this kind of attention. Whenever one of the girls realized that a sexually aroused man was focusing on her, she became much more agitated. At one point, two men with erections zeroed in on the same girl. She almost went nuts.

It was like a primitive, prehistoric mating ritual. What I'm describing may sound like wild, improbable fantasy to you, but it really did happen this way.

Some of the men grew erections but would not call a girl's name. When the girls saw this, they would hold a quick consultation, talking and gesturing amongst themselves while trying to figure out who had been nominated. One or another girl would be pushed forward and the man would show in some way whether or not she was his choice. Once they learned who the candidate was, the girls would splash water on her and try to push her out of the group toward the man. The girl would fight like hell to stay with her comrades. These mock expulsions only made the game more amusing. All of us, men and girls, were having the time of our lives.

More and more, the girls were running around like giddy fools, while every man's cock showed at least some sign of arousal. It was beginning to look like a stiff prick contest. During all this the ball kept flying over the heads of the girls, coming lower and lower. I lobbed the ball right at one girl, the fourteen year-old with the big tits, just to see what would happen. She saw it coming, turned her back to me, leaned forward and expertly bounced the ball off her ass.

The guy next to me, Gene something or other, explained. "She bumped you, Jack. She doesn't want you to throw it to her."

I was surprised. "Can she do that?"

"She sure can. They all can. It means she's not interested in you . . . I suspect you'll get the same treatment from all of them."

It sounded like the party was over as far as I was concerned. Had I violated some unspoken rule? "So, what happens now? Do I have to leave?"

Gene laughed at my discomfort. "No. Nothing like that. It's just that you and Eileen seem to have an understanding. The other girls don't want to interfere."

So that was it. Not that I minded being paired up with Miss dark eyes, but it sort of deflated me to learn that my choice of partners for the night had been made for me. "Oh, I see. So what's my next move?"

"Well, you can stay here if you like, but I'm pretty sure none of the other girls will go with you. They're waiting for you to pick Eileen . . . She's very sweet, Jack. You'll probably fall in love with her."

While this discussion was going on, the game continued. In short order, two more girls caught the ball and were led away into the trees. The second catch drew a round of applause from the girls but I never did learn why. Apparently there was some special significance about that girl going with that man. With a thinner crowd, I was able to keep track of Jill Carr. She was so succulent it almost hurt your eyes to look at her. What would she be like in two or three years?

For some reason I didn't want to walk away with any girl while the others stood around and watched. I stayed in the water, occasionally tossing the ball, but not throwing at any girl in particular. The Stretch game had gone on a little too long and the men were now tossing balls that anyone could catch. They wanted to end it and get on with the fun. Three more girls were eliminated in less than a minute. One girl dropped the ball but the men ruled it a fair catch anyway, and she was off to the woods. With only four girls remaining, most of the excitement, and mystery, were gone. It didn't take a genius to figure out how it was going to end. We stopped throwing the ball and drifted in toward the girls. It was like closing time at a cowboy bar. Nobody wanted to go home alone.

I found myself walking away from the pool with Eileen Tracy. Everyone else had gone and left the two of us standing there. I guess that's how it was done in the FDA.

I didn't know where to take the girl. There was no one around to ask. My lovely advisor, Sandy Pelham, had disappeared not long after Mindy departed. There was a point when I turned to ask her a question, and Miss Jiminy Cricket was gone. Now, here I was on my own, with a girl I didn't know and no idea where to go. For a moment the arrangement seemed silly. Was I really going on a date with a 12-year-old girl? I mean, she was a luscious, little number and we weren't going to just hold hands, but I was old enough to be her father.

As we walked away I casually let my arm go around her shoulders. It was more a gesture of friendship to my young companion than anything else. As soon as I did though, she leaned her naked flank into me and I was quickly transported back to fantasy land. To suddenly feel all that young, female flesh up against mine made a big difference in my attitude. Knowing that this lovely, young creature was going to spread her legs for me sent me off on an emotional rocket ship ride. My pecker had retreated because of the chill of the water. Now it sprang to life. It bobbed and bounced in front of me as we walked. Eileen reached over to touch it and I returned the favor by clamping my hand on her ass. I remembered that her father had done the same thing to Mindy, and I wondered what those two were doing now. Oh, well. More and more Eileen seemed like a fair trade to me. In fact I might even have had a slight advantage.

Fortunately, Eileen knew where to go. She led us to a tent that I never would have found. It was getting dark so we made it just in time. The mosquitoes were beginning to bite.

To this day it is a mystery to me what motivated Eileen that afternoon. I don't know if she wanted me because her father went with Mindy, or if she just saw something in me she liked. Whatever, she turned out to be a most passionate lover. I was pleasantly surprised that she could put on such a terrific display of emotion, but, of course, she did have a lot of experience. This was a lesson I kept learning as I sampled the other girls in the group, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Until now the only underage girls I'd had sex with were Mindy and Vanessa. I'd yet to discover just what my dark haired prize was capable of.

As we neared the tent, I couldn't hold back any longer. I stopped, pulled the girl into my arms and kissed her. It was a long, hard kiss with lots of tongue exercise. My hands roamed up and down Eileen's smooth back, always returning to home base at her ass. I had become fascinated with asses. The cheeks of her behind were as smooth and firm as any I'd yet to touch. It was driving me crazy to handle her this way. I kept reminding myself that I was doing this to a pretty, underage girl whom I hardly knew. Anywhere else but here and I could go to jail for what I was doing. She was enjoying herself, too; because she was kissing back as hard as I was. This only excited me more. After awhile, her age didn't matter. I completely forgot where I was and who I was. My universe shrank to the ground we were standing on and the only two people alive were her and me.

She broke off the kiss, but stayed in my arms. In a whisper, she spoke. " Let's go inside. It's much more comfortable in there."

Eileen was right, it was more comfortable. There was a bed, of course, a small table with two chairs, a pint sized refrigerator, a stereo sound system and the floor was covered by a soft carpet. It was compact but we had what we might need for a night of love. It wouldn't be necessary to go up to the house until morning. The girl and I would not be disturbed. Indeed, who would come around? I didn't know about Mr. & Mrs. Pelham but I assumed all the guests were doing what Eileen and I were doing.

The sight of a chair reminded me that I'd been on my feet quite a while and I flopped down. Eileen walked over to the refrigerator and leaned over to look inside. Her pose allowed me to see up the crack of her very fine ass and I could even make out the lips of her sweet, little cunt. Apparently satisfied with what she saw, Eileen closed the door, straightened up and turned toward me. She was only a step or two away and I held out my hand to draw her in.

She came to stand before me and I put my hands on her tiny breasts. Eileen was watching me with that sullen look that I found so stimulating. It still seemed like I was in some kind of dream world. I had met this exciting, junior adolescent only an hour ago and here I was, playing with her little tits, and getting ready to fuck her.

Her voice was so soft I almost didn't hear it. "Do you like them?"

What a question. "Oh, yes. You're lovely."

She was in a talkative mood. "Am I prettier than your daughter?"

I had to admit it was a close race. However, at the moment I was with Eileen, and not Mindy. "Yes, Eileen. You're the loveliest girl I've ever known."

With that, her arms went around my shoulders. "What would you like?"

I thought she was offering to fetch something, only at the moment I had everything I wanted. "Nothing."

A faint smile crossed her lips. "I mean, what would you like me to do?"

Now I understood. With her experience, she was like some middle eastern, harem girl, ready to please. She wanted to know if there was a special sexual favor she could perform for me!

I slid my hands down to her hips. The kid must have been a mind reader because she went right to her knees. Then, with just the slightest pressure of my hand at the back of her head, she brought her face up to my cock. Her hands went out to grasp it and she leaned forward to take it into her mouth.

Bear with me a moment. Mindy had done for me what this girl was doing, but Mindy didn't know what this girl knew. Now I'm an average sized man and she was an averaged sized girl. Opening her mouth as wide as she could, she was able to just close her lips around the tip of my cock, and that's about all. It was enough. She commenced to suck in a most delightful way. Eileen definitely knew what her tongue was for, too. It flicked and licked around the end of my prick, like a snake, probing for its next meal. At the same time she grasped the lower part of my cock in her hand and began to stroke me. Her other hand cupped my ball sack and the fingers of this hand danced all around between my legs. I sat there on the edge of the chair and fondled her breasts while she drew me into euphoria.

My climax arrived long before I wanted. Eileen knew it was coming, too. My legs, indeed my whole body, stiffened and tensed with joy, and her mouth and hands gripped me tighter in anticipation. In quick succession I fired several large gobs of semen into her mouth. Her lovely, dark eyes were on mine as the fluid roared into her. I could see her throat muscles working as she swallowed. All of it didn't go down, though. Still sucking at me, some of my semen oozed out through her lips and dripped down her chin.

I couldn't resist. My hands went under her armpits and I drew the child up. As she rose, I pulled her close. Spreading her legs, she came to sit on my lap facing me. The warmth of her young girl body flowed right through me. She was so soft, and warm, and lovable. I nearly crushed her in my arms while stroking her. Like the other girls, Eileen was slender and lightly built. I don't think she weighed 100 pounds. I could have held her like that for a month without getting tired. Being this close to her made me realize how fragile she was. Each knob of bone in her spine was a brief rest stop for my fingers, as they traveled up and down her deliciously smooth back. Our mouths came together and our tongues commenced to duel, vying for the right to pass through the other's lips. Some of my semen was still on her lips and inside her mouth. It had an odd, neutral taste, rather pleasant actually. Knowing what it was, and mixed with her saliva, I greedily sucked in and swallowed. We were mixing our body fluids, this love child and I. A bond was growing between us.

My brain didn't want to stop. I was experiencing paradise. What a sweet, lovable child she was. So smooth and soft. So warm and enticing. So friendly and eager to please.

My body sent me a different message. I had just gone through an electrifying orgasm. She actually sucked my semen out of me as it came flooding up from within. I was drained and there was a bit of an ache down, inside me. My body wanted to rest, but my brain was having too much fun for that.

She wasn't hardly finished, either. She kept squirming around, pressing into me. To help her along, my hand slipped down between her legs. Like the others, Eileen had not yet grown any hair between her legs. There was some dark fuzz, just above the mound of her cunt, but it was thin and hardly noticeable. Since her legs were spread apart over mine, it was easy to probe up inside her. She was all wet and sticky and hot and soft. I pushed two fingers into her and it calmed her down a bit. She kind of relaxed and lowered herself onto my hand. Her head turned sideways and she lay it down on my shoulder. I could both hear and feel her breath on me.

So I was now exploring inside yet another underage girl's cunt. Keeping my two fingers inside her, I opened my hand. On either side of that small pussy mound I could massage and stroke the outer lips of her vagina. I pushed up into the place where her thighs and her cunt and her tight, little ass all came together, feeling the muscle and bone. When I closed my hand, squeezing her cunt lips against my fingers inside, it caused her to suck her breath in and stiffen. It must have felt especially good to her. She rode up off my hand and slid up against my chest. I experimented a bit and found that by flexing my hand, I could work her up and down like a doll on a string. Eileen began sucking in her breath and drooling. It was dripping out her mouth onto my chest. She also began digging her fingers into my shoulders. Each time I squeezed she bolted upright and pressed herself into me.

I went on pleasing her this way for what seemed like forever, but it must have been only a few minutes. Amazingly, my cock started to get hard again. I was heating up again before my last burst had even dried. She felt it, too. It started to creep up her belly.

It wasn't completely hard but I had enough stiffness to penetrate her. Once I did, the feel of that twelve-year old cunt was enough to revive me. We did it with her sitting on me. We did it staring at each other. Again I was surprised to see a wanton, lewd expression on a child's face. She wanted to fuck as much as I did. Ever again, I remember thinking that no woman could be so sweet. My hand slipped down her backside to rummage around between the cheeks of her little ass. She was thin enough that I could actually reach between her legs and feel my cock shaft, working in and out of that hot, juicy orifice.

My second blast of the evening was not as copious as the first. They having come so close together. Even so it was worth the effort. The girl was magnificent. She opened a whole, new category of fucking for me. I didn't think I ever wanted to sleep with a woman again. I would spend the rest of my life in the company of pre-teen girls.

Birds do sing a lot in the morning. There must have been thousands of them outside, all chirping away. Eileen was lying awake, watching me. She smiled. "Jack?"


"I'm hungry. Will you take me up to the house for breakfast?"

"Sure, but can I wash up, first?"

"Uh huh. There's an outdoor shower out back. There's usually hot water, too.

There were terry cloth robes in the tent. One man sized and one child sized, in matching colors. Eileen was wearing hers. I was still naked. That great little ass of hers was clearly outlined through the robe. Instead of heading for the shower I caressed her thigh and behind through the material. There being no objection, and with my cock already sending me a "Lets do it again," message, I sort of sidled up to her. The robe had a cloth belt holding it closed. Just a little tug and it slipped open. It was somewhat of a shock to again see all that smooth, creamy white, girl flesh. Against the background of the dark, blue robe she looked even whiter. I didn't want to ever let her go. She was absolutely the sweetest thing I'd ever seen.

My hands went around her hips to reexamine her ass and backside. I was getting to know every curve and depression. From the upper part of her thighs, over the cheeks of her ass and up her back.

Eileen was watching me with that same sullen look she'd given me in the pool. It was like she had stepped outside herself and was watching and enjoying what I was doing. I have to tell you that it unnerved me a bit. I could have handled a look like that from a woman, but from a twelve-year old girl it was just a little scary. Like she knew more than a child is supposed to know. Then it hit me. She did. This lovely, young girl was no more a virgin than I was.

Good. If she liked to fuck then we'd do it. The old fashioned way. As easy as could be I rolled her on her back, crawled up on top and did it to her. It was quick, and dirty. No magic. No romance. Just a quick, sweet fuck.

At the main house, someone had put out a buffet table of breakfast goodies. I settled for coffee and doughnuts. It was time to round up Mindy and get started for home. A few girls were standing around talking, and drinking orange juice. Outside, I could see two men walking up to the house. With everyone in clothes, it seemed different. Is that an odd thing to say? Of course it was different. Clothing created a barrier. Yesterday, in the pool, I would have had no reservations about fooling around with any of those lovelies. Today, they seemed untouchable. We had all gone back to our everyday roles. The party was over. Fantasyland was closed.

12 - Save The Last Dance For Me

Birds do sing a lot in the morning. There must have been thousands of them outside, all chirping away. Eileen was lying awake, watching me. When she realized that I was awake, she smiled. "Jack?"


"I'm hungry. Will you take me up to the house for breakfast?"

"Sure, but can I wash up, first?"

"Uh huh. There's an outdoor shower out back. There's usually hot water, too.

We had brought our terry cloth robes with us from the pool. They came in handy. Eileen was wearing hers. I was still naked. The robes were kind of short. The smaller one that Eileen had on stopped way above her knees when she was standing. Lying down and only loosely tied around her, it emphasized rather than hid her charms. The kid had fine looking legs. Instead of heading for the shower I ran my hand up and down, from her knee to her thigh and back again. When I slipped under the hem of the robe to feel even higher up her leg, there was no objection. I marveled again at the total freedom I had to enjoy this truly beautiful child.

Ordinarily, the exertions of the previous evening would have kept my sex drive quiet for at least a week. I didn't know when, if ever, I might again share a bed with this lovely nymphet. My cock started sending me "Lets do it again," messages. Her robe had a cloth belt holding it closed. Just a little tug and it slipped open. It was like the first time all over again seeing that smooth, firm, young body. Her nips were just coming out. She probably wore a bra when she was dressed, but she could have gotten by without one. There wasn't much swell to her breasts but the nipples had started to spread and were taking on a darker color. I lowered my head and gently feasted on the early signs of her coming maturity.

At the same time, my hands went around her hips to reexamine her ass and backside. I was getting to know every curve and depression. From the upper part of her thighs, over the cheeks of her ass and up her back.

Lying there, side by side, my mouth at her tiny breasts, I looked up into her face. Eileen was watching me with that same sullen look she'd given me in the pool. She was enjoying what I was doing to her. She wasn't smiling or anything, but she liked what I was doing. I would expect to see an expression like that on the face of a woman having sex, but on a twelve-year old girl it was just a little scary. Of course, she knew more than a child her age is supposed to know. It's just that seeing that awareness on such a pretty, young face was unnerving .

Then the storm hit. I forgot all about how young she was. All I knew was that she was an attractive female and I wanted to fuck her. The old fashioned way. As easy as could be I rolled her on her back, crawled up on top and did it to her. It was quick, and dirty. No magic. No romance. Just a quick, sweet, good morning, fuck.

At the main house, someone had put out a buffet table of breakfast goodies. I settled for coffee and doughnuts. It was time to round up Mindy and get started for home. A few girls were standing around talking, and drinking orange juice. Outside, I could see two men walking up to the house. Everyone was dressed. They seemed different. Is that an odd thing to say? Of course they were different. Clothing created a barrier. Yesterday, in the pool, those girls were all available to me. Now they seemed untouchable. We had all gone back to our everyday roles. The party was over. Fantasyland was closed.

Would I come back here? I didn't know. As exciting as it was, I didn't know if I would. I certainly didn't mind plugging some guy's cute little girl. It was them doing it to my daughter that didn't seem quite right. What had Sandy said? 'If you renege, we'll be unhappy?' What did that mean? Would some strong arm guys come around to change my mind? Would they connive to have me fired? Was this like the Mafia? Once you're in, you're in and the only way out is through the cemetery gates?

13 - Back Home Again, In Indiana

The drive home was the first chance I'd had to really talk to Mindy. "So, darling, how about telling me what happened to you last night."

"First of all, I didn't spend the entire night with Mr. Tracy, . . . Uh, Paul. I eventually ended up in the girl's cottage."

"The girl's cottage? What's that?"

"There's a cottage, a small house actually, behind the main house and it's just for the girls."

"I see. So anyway, tell me what happened between you and Paul. I'm dying to know."

"Well, I was really surprised when that big ball came right down at me. It was like I was destined to catch it. Look, they gave me A $50 gift certificate at Macy's for being the first girl chosen."

"You weren't as surprised as I was when I saw you come out holding that ball in the air." I looked at the certificate but it was for $100. "Honey, this is a lot more than $50."

"Oh yeah. I forgot. They doubled it because I was a first-time girl. They also gave me a watch for being a first-time girl. Everyone gets a watch on their first trip to the grounds."

It was interesting. Mindy was picking up the terminology and I had no trouble following her explanation. "Go on sweetheart. Tell me what happened."

"OK. I've told this so many times already to the girls . . . Mr. Tracy, Paul, he took me to one of those tents they have in the woods."

"Yeah. I know about the tents."

"Let me finish now, daddy. So Paul took me up there to this one that he said was his favorite because it had a nice view. But, you know? He must not have had sex for a long time before yesterday."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, as soon as we started walking away, he got a really big boner. I mean, it made me a little nervous because I knew he was going to put it in me and I wasn't sure if I could take one that big."

"Was he bigger than me?"

"Well, I don't know, but he sure was excited, that's for sure. In fact we didn't make it to the tent before he started on me. As soon as we got into the trees he put his arms around me and started kissing me. He acted like he'd just discovered kissing and couldn't get enough of it. Then, there was this towel he'd brought from the pool, and he stretched it out on the grass and had me to lie down on it. Before I knew what was going on, he went back to kissing me and touching me all over. I don't remember everything that happened because it was pretty warm and he was getting me so excited and I was a little dizzy. You know?"

I really didn't know what it was like for an eleven-year girl to be turned on by a man old enough to be her father, but I said I did just to keep the story going. Mindy's tale of lovemaking was wild enough in its own right, but it kept reminding me of the adventure I'd had the night before. I was getting an erection from listening to her.

"So, anyway, somehow we ended up with me lying on top of Paul. We were still there in the grass under the trees, and he had me turned around to where he could lick my tush. . . Gee, I really liked that but it made me feel like . . ." She was groping for words. "It made me feel funny inside, like I'd do anything to get more of it."

"I think I understand what you're saying, babe. That's how sex is supposed to be. The man is supposed to make you feel good inside."

She went on. "Well, he sure knows how to make girls feel good. . ." Her voice trailed off. Something was troubling her.

"Mindy? What's wrong? Did he hurt you?"

"Oh no. It's just that. . .well, I did something that you might not like."

I had to know what this might be. "What did you do?"

"Well, his boner was right there in front of me and I Uh . . . well, I . . . Uh, I couldn't help it. I took it in my mouth and sucked it for him. He was making me feel so good and I wanted to do it for him. I wanted to do it as much as I could . . . Is it all right, Dad? Did I do something wrong?"

I had to put my arm around her and hold her close while I drove. "No, darling. You didn't do anything wrong. When you have sex with someone, each person is supposed to make the other person feel good and that's what you did. OK?"

"OK, but there's more."

"Go on, babe. Tell me."

"He went off in my mouth. He shot a really big load into me. I mean it just kept coming out of him and I swallowed some of it . . . He must not have been around a girl for a long time"

She paused for a moment, collecting her thoughts. I had to admit that the picture she was drawing was a little hard to take but it's what I bargained for. No doubt about that, and I had done pretty much the same thing with his kid. It looked like we were even. Anyway, I was impatient to hear the rest. "What happened after that, babe?"

"As I said, I was feeling really warm and even a little dizzy. I guess we got up and walked to the tent, but I don't remember going there. The next thing I remember is lying on the bed in the tent, and Paul was standing over me. He looked really scared. I guess I must have passed out from the excitement and the heat."

Mindy grew silent again and was staring off into space. No doubt reliving the events of last night. "Go on, babe. Tell me everything that happened."

"Huh? .....Oh, right. Let's see. Yeah. We took a shower. There was an actual shower behind the tent and we got in together, and washed each other. It was funny. Paul got another boner. I thought he might be finished for a while, you know, because of what we did back in the trees, but I was wrong. He got a lot of boners. After awhile I started to wonder if his thing was stuck or something and he couldn't get it to go down . . . Dad?"


"Why do you think Paul got so many boners? I mean, he was hard almost the whole time we were together."

"I don't really know, darling, but it might be like you said. He hadn't been around a girl in a long time . . . Although, he does have a real nice daughter. It's probably because you're so pretty and he just couldn't get over it."

"Well, I didn't think I was that pretty . . . Oh yeah, and I heard about what happened at the pool after I left. The girls were talking about it. I want to know how it turned out between you two."

"We'll get into that later. Tell me. Did he do it to you in the shower?"

"No . . . we went back into the tent and he showed me where everything was. Gee, I wish we had something like that in our backyard."

It was maddening. Mindy kept wandering off the path of the conversation by telling me stuff I wasn't interested in. Just like her mother. In exasperation I just shut up. I left it up to her to tell me what she thought was important.

"We ate. There was food in the tent and Paul fixed me a delicious salad with some kind of really tasty meat in it. I never had any before. He told me the name but I forget. It was like, . . . 'stromboli' or something like that . . . After that we got into bed and did it again. This time it was different. We played around for a really, long time and he kept telling me how pretty I was, and about all the things he wanted to do to me, and lots of other stuff. He asked me all kinds of questions, too. I guess he wanted to know all about me. We talked so much that I was beginning to think he wasn't going to put it in, but finally he did. I didn't pass out, either. It was really nice. He had me get on top again, too, only this time we were facing each other. I think I like it better that way. . .Sometimes when you get on top of me I can't breathe."

Mindy stopped talking and I tried to concentrate on the driving. So much had happened in the past 24 hours that I felt like I'd just come off a fast spinning merry-go-round. My own experience with Eileen convinced me that everything Mindy was saying was true. It was just that all this stuff was so disconnected from anything I'd ever experienced that I had trouble accepting the reality of it. I felt like Mindy and I had gone into a fairy tale and now we were back in the real world.

Mindy suddenly resumed her story. "After that I fell asleep. I don't know how long I slept but it was dark when I woke up. Paul was lying there alongside, watching me. That's the first thing I saw, his face next to mine and then I noticed that he'd put a light on and that it was dark outside . . . Dad?"


"Sex is different."

"What do you mean, it's different?"

"Well, Paul did it to me again, right after I woke up, only this time he got on top and he finished really quick. There wasn't any talk or kissing or anything. He just put it in and did it to me. I almost didn't feel anything it went so fast. It's only just now I realized that it was different. I mean, it was nice and all . . . but different. I can't explain it but he made me feel different each time it happened. I thought it would be always the same, like it is with you. You know, we get all hot and bothered and then, Wham! We do it."

"Was it better than when you and I do it?"

"Nooo. . . just different."


"Am I doing it right? Is it supposed to be different every time?"

"Darling. If you can have it that way you're a very lucky girl. Everybody would like it to be different every time but it doesn't always work that way."

"Yeah. I guess so . . . "

"Mindy? Would you go with Paul Tracy if he picks you again?"

"I don't know. Everybody told me not to do that, even though he hit a home run."

"What's a home run got to do with it?"

"Uh . . . well the girls told me that when a man makes you feel the way Paul did, it means he hit a home run. It means he scored big. That's what they call it. Some of the other girls have been with Paul and they say he hits a lot of home runs. But, you see, after the third time I was getting tired and I just wanted to go to sleep.

As nice as Paul was, I could see that by staying with him I wouldn't get much sleep. I mean, his boner just kept coming back . . . So I asked him to take me to the cottage."

"What's with this cottage you keep talking about?" Mindy was just full of information today.

"It's a small house, behind the main house, that's just for the girls. No men are allowed inside. They told me that I could go there anytime I wanted, day or night, no matter what was happening or who I was with. No questions asked. Whichever man was with me, if I asked, he had to take me there right away."

"I see." This was something they neglected to tell me yesterday. I wondered what else had been left out.

"So, did he take you?"

"Oh yes. It was like magic. As soon as I said it, he got up, we put on bath robes and out we went. We had to use a flashlight to see, but Paul knew the way. When we got there, he backed me up against a tree and said he wanted to kiss me goodnight. I figured okay, but right away he opened our robes and there we were, naked again. Naturally, he had a big boner and he wanted to do it once more, right there in the dark, standing against the tree. I was really tired and I told him I wanted to go inside so he stopped."

We drove on with neither of us saying anything for quite awhile. When we neared the house I figured it was time to put our adventures out of mind for awhile. There was more I wanted to learn from Mindy, but it had to wait. I had to get my story straight for Sue. She'd have at least a hundred questions for me about what happened. We'd already given her the 'official' story about the Father/Daughter Association. I figured, at some point, I might let her in on the rest of it, but not today.

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Great beginning, this could turn into a real 'page-turner' if continues. There are so many unfinished aspects to the story that could be expanded on.
I hope to see more coming.


A couple of things about this interesting tale. First, with all the build up involved here it seems the total actual sex is told in maybe 200 words. Such a pity, needed much more details about the acts themselves!

Second, I'm curious just how Sue/Suzy the mom/wife in this story would agree to let them go off together when she was surprised with their going for a walk together. That really needed some clarification.

This story could be continued but if so it needs more emphasis on what's going on and not just on the journey of getting there.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.