Published: 25-Mar-2011
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That night, Tina fell asleep immediately, exhausted from her days sexual adventure. But by Sunday night, Tina was beginning to feel horny again, and couldn't resist reaching down between her parted legs and her pulled up nighty and starting to rub the small pink button of her clitoris. Her rubbing got faster and harder, and her breathing began to come in short pants. She almost moaned, but stopped herself because she didn't want to wake her 9 year old sister Mary just across the room. Her small hairless pussy began to lubricate and she dipped her finger down into her inner lips to get some of the moisture there to rub over her no enlarged clit. It was coming to her.. coming.. it was going to be strong.. strong... STRONG.... "MMMMMMPPPPPPhhhhhffffff.. Mmm Mmmm...oh.. oh.."
"Tina?! Are you okay?", came a small voice from across the room.
Tina was still convulsing with her orgasm when she heard her sister's question. She tried to stop cumming long enough to answer, but her reply came out as, "'Ts oKAY.. I'm .. uh.. Okay.. uhhhh"
In an instant, Mary was out of her bed and across the room. Tina's voice sounded so strange that she thought something was really wrong and she had to come help her big sister. She leaned over Tina's bed in the dark and put a hand out. Her hand landed on Tina's heaving belly, and Mary got even more frightened. Little Mary had been in a class one day when one of the other kids had had an epileptic seizure. The boy had fallen on the floor and convulsed violently for a few seconds before the teacher had come over and told the class to back away for a minute. The seizure hadn't lasted long, and afterward the teacher had taken a long time to explain all about epilepsy and just what a seizure was, and that it was nothing to be afraid of, but Mary had still been very scared. And now her big sister was laying here, seemingly in convulsions of her own.
"I'll get Mom!"
"NO!", Tina snapped out of her orgasm at the thought of her sister bring her mother into the room. "No!", she said much quieter, "I'm okay. Honest! Mom doesn't have to know."
"Know what? Tina are you okay?", her 9 year old sister asked again, genuinely concerned.
Tina was touched by the concern of her sister, but also afraid that her sister would tell their mother what happened. She decided that honesty was the best policy. "Honest, I'm okay. I was just.. Well, I was doing something and.. It's kinda hard to explain.", she ended weakly.
"What's hard to explain? I've heard you a couple of times in the last week or so at night. At first I thought you were crying or something and I didn't know what to do. Then I thought maybe you were in pain or something, but you always seemed ok in the morning.. not sick or nothing." Then suddenly a horrible thought popped into the Mary's mind. "You're not .... well, gonna have a baby, are you?"
"NO! God, Mary, you don't have a baby in 2 weeks! No I'm not pregnant or sick or anything."
"So what were you doing and why were you shaking like that?"
Tina decided she had to bite the bullet and confess, at least part way, "I was doing something that feels real nice, in fact it feels so nice that sometimes I can't help it that I make noise or shake."
"I was rubbing my cunny in a special way."
"Your cunny?", asked Mary in a disbelieving question. Like Tina, 9 year old Mary had been taught that her "cunny" was an area of her body that was off limits for answers to any questions, and even off limits to questions. She'd come to think of it as kinda dirty, and so couldn't understand why her sister would want to rub it.
"Yeah. When you rub it a special way it feels really good!"
"Well, you sorta take your finger and rub it near the top... there's a spot there that sorta sticks up.. well, you rub it like up and down and it feels good."
"You're lying to me. Are you sure you're not sick or nothing, cause you gotta tell Mom or something..."
"I'm not sick!", Tina interrupted. She didn't want her sister telling their mother about Tina's discovery of masturbation. There was only one way to make Mary believe. "Here.. look, I'll show you. Get up here on the bed with me." Though it was night, the room was not dark. The girls had always slept with night lights, and the combination of the streetlight outside and the full moon cast light in both the windows of the room. Mary climbed up on the bed, and Tina put one of her legs on each side of the 9 year old girl. Then she hiked her nightdress up revealing her spread, bald cleft to her little sisters skeptical gaze. Mary had seen her sister naked before, but never with her privates to brazenly displayed; she felt a little embarrassed.
"Okay.. look.. right here...", said Tina putting two fingers on her hairless labia and spreading them for her younger sister. "See the bump at the top. That's called your clit. When you rub it, it feels really good." Being spread before her sister's gaze became a turn-on for Tina and she began to stroke her hard clit while her younger sister looked on. "It really does feel good."
Mary watched as Tina began to masturbate before her. Not knowing what to say or how to respond she simply watched, flabbergasted, as Tina's hand began to stroke faster and faster, sawing in and out of her bald slit. Mary could see Tina's vagina beginning to glisten with young pre-teen sex juice. Tina's breathing became ragged; the orgasm which had so abruptly been cut short before was rapidly coming back. It was obvious to Mary that Tina had been telling the truth about rubbing her cunny being the source of the noise, but to Mary, Tina's heavy breathing and uncontrolled twitching didn't look like it felt good. But then, if it didn't feel good, why didn't she just stop. Mary was confused. A second later, Mary was surprised as Tina arched her back, suppressing a moan. Her legs on either side of Mary lifted, bending at the knees, shaking. Her stomach muscles when taught. Her hand flew in and out of her cunny as slowly, the moaning died down, and her older sister's legs flopped down on the bed.
"Are you okay?", asked Mary.
"...(pant)..Yeah.. I told you....(pant).. I'm okay. That was great!", then the thought occurred to her, "You should try it!"
"Yeah... You really gotta try it.... You can't know what it feels like till you do."
"I don't know."
"Come on.. What can it hurt? Here.. Lay down.." Tina was up and next to her sister, urging her to lay back. Mary did as directed, and soon, her older sister had her on her back with her nightdress hiked up to her small waist, and was tugging her light blue colored cotton panties off her small hips. Mary lay there embarrassed by her sister's attention to her privates and squeaked when she felt her sister's hand touch the smooth bulge of her mons and slip down into her narrow slit, probing her 9 year old virgin cunny. "Spread your legs a little, Mary. Come on. I gotta show you or you won't believe me!" Tina had reached down with her other hand and pushed on the inside of Mary's thigh, spreading the little girls slender legs just enough so that she could dip a finger in to her small cunt and rub her sister's small pink clit.
The instant Tina's probing finger found Mary's small clit, a shock of electricity went through the 9 year old girl. A few stabs from Tina's finger, and Mary was jolted from her silence, "STOP!", she said.
"What? Did you feel it? It feels good, right?", asked Tina.
"It.. It's weird.", said Mary, not really know how to characterize the feeling from her clit. Tina had stopped rubbing when little Mary had said 'Stop', but her hand remained touching the 4th graders small hairless cunt. Mary's whole pussy tingled from the touch of Tina's hand.
"Just let me show you how to rub it, and you'll see. It feels great!", and with that the 11 year began to masturbate her little sister in earnest. Tina had found Mary's small clit, and now she tortured it up and down with the middle finger of her hand, while holding the little girls legs apart with her other hand.
Mary was again electrified by the sensations emanating from her tiny clit. Her smooth flat belly spasmed uncontrollably each time Tina's finger stroked upward on her cunny. It felt really strange, but at the same time, she didn't really want it to stop. Her small buttocks clenched with the tension building in her lower body, and without knowing it, she spread her legs more so that her older sister could have better access to her virginal opening.
Tina was fascinated by her sister's reaction to her constantly moving finger. She'd never touched another girl before, and it was interesting to see that she could make her little sister react just by touching her. She was kneeling over Mary's small body, her finger stroking the 9 year old's clit at a rapid pace. She noted how Mary's but had clenched and how her slender legs had spread. She even noticed that Mary's small cunt was beginning to get a little wet with excitement. She bent down to have a closer look as she continued to masturbate her pre-teen sibling. It was her first really close-up look at another girl's cunt, and she got close enough to smell the sweet aroma of Mary's small, virgin opening.
When Mary felt Tina's breath striking her hairless cunny lips and her hair touching her small, flat, naked belly, the slow buildup of tension in her loins suddenly began a rapid boil. Not knowing what to expect, Mary was suddenly scared and expectant at the same time. "Tina.. It feels.. strange.. uh.. Tina.. I feel like.. like I'm gonna.. pee.. or sumthin.. uh.. " Mary was breathing harder now, and she didn't know what was going to happen. Tina didn't help her when she said, "Cum for me, Mary. I wanna see you cum." Mary didn't understand what Tina meant. Where was she supposed to come to? What was gonna happen? "Tina.. Tina.. I.. uh I... It.. What?.... AHHhhhhh", and suddenly it didn't matter anymore. Mary's hands flew up to her mouth and her body was suddenly out of control. She felt something jolt her whole body from inside her private's all the way through the top of her head. Her eyes rolled up in her head and her face became contorted. Some great beast was jumping up and down on her, only it didn't hurt, it felt GREAT! Each time the beast landed another convulsive shock wave ran through her, causing her to kick out her little legs and arch her back again and again and again. It felt like it was never going to stop, and she never wanted it to.
Tina watched closely as she brought her little sister to her first ever orgasm. She particularly watched Mary's tiny cunt as she saw and felt the opening to her virgin depths contract and pulse with each wave of the little girl's orgasm. Now Tina suddenly understood why Jim Phillips liked it so much when she came on his cock; because a little girls cunt would literally suck a man's cock during orgasm. Tina also noted how little Mary's body shook, just like hers, and how her younger sister also had trouble stifling her moans of pleasure. 'No wonder she heard me coming if that's what I sound like.', she thought to herself. She continued to massage her 9 year old sister's clit until she felt Mary's body go limp. Then she turned to the girl and said, "Well, that's what I mean by it feels good. Get it?"
Mary could barely recover enough to respond, "uh huh..." After a few seconds of deep breathing she said, "That felt really good. You were right."
"Told you."
After a few more seconds, Mary said, "I guess I don't need to tell Mom after all, huh?" At this, Mary giggled, and Tina giggled with her. Tina lay down next to her sister, both girls with their night skirts up at their waist, and relaxed for a while. After about 5 minutes with no words exchanged, Mary asked, "Will you do it to me again?"
"No.", replied Tina.
"Why not?", asked the 9 year old, suddenly hurt.
"I won't do it to you, but we can do it to each other!", offered Tina.
"Huh? How?", asked Mary.
"Here.. I'll lay with my head at toward your feet and then..."
Tina got into position, and the girls spent the next 5 minutes masturbating each others hairless cunts. Mary came first, but Tina wasn't far behind her little sister. Both little girls rubbed each other to orgasm again and again that night. Finally, exhausted, Mary crawled back to her own bed just before dawn of the next day.
It being a school day the next day, both girls had a hard time making it out of bed a 2 hours later, and getting ready to go to school. The day seemed to drag on endlessly for both of them, though for Mary, the thought of going to bed now included something else; the thought of masturbating with her sister and getting that great feeling again. Sister Julia noticed how tired Mary seemed and asked the 4th grader if she was sick. Mary replied that she wasn't, "Just tired, I guess.", but nothing else was said to her that implied that anyone else knew her new found pleasure. The 9 year old had been a little worried that it somehow showed on her face, but this worry quickly evaporated.
That evening the two girls ate a listless dinner and both wanted to go to bed earlier than usual. This set well with their parents because it just meant that they were out of their hair for the evening. So shortly after the 7 year-old Lisa was sent to bed, Mary and Tina went up to their room and changed into their night dresses. This night, neither girl wore panties underneath, and both could hardly wait until their parent got done with their nightly good-night kisses.
Livvy came up and gave each girl a perfunctory good night kiss, breezing in and out in her usual style. But when their father came in he noticed the discarded panties on the floor and something in him stirred a little bit. He sat on each girls bed and gave them both a big kiss, resting his hands on each girls waist as he did and wrestling internally with the images his mind was offering. He walked out of the room, with a last look back, and went off to the room he shared with his wife, still bothered as to why he would suddenly think of his own kids in that way.
After waiting a while, Mary came over to Tina's bed. Tina, who had started to fall asleep was surprised when a small body slipped into her bed and said, "Do you wanna do it again?"
"Huh.. Oh, yeah. I musta started to fall asleep. Sure, we can do it again, but... not all night. I almost got detention today for falling asleep in Sister June's history class!" And so, once again, the 2 little girls began to fondle each other's open, hairless cunts. After a while, Tina told Mary to lay still while she tried something.
"What?", asked Mary as her older sister parted her skinny legs and moved down between them.
"You'll see.", said Tina mysteriously as she positioned herself between her 9 year old sister's spread legs and lowered her mouth to the smooth pink lips of her cunt. It was the first time Tina had ever tried licking the pussy of another girl, and she wasn't to sure what to do. She began by running her tongue up and down in her sister's smooth slit.
"TINA!", her sister almost shouted between clenched teeth.
"Shhhhhh! Do you want Mom 'n Dad to hear us?"
"Sorry.. What are you doing?", Mary asked again in a whisper.
"Doesn't it feel good?"
"Well.. yeah, I guess, but.. You're not supposed to do that with your mouth!"
"Says who?"
That stumped little Mary. "uhhhh .. I don't know."
"That's right, you don't know. Just relax for a minute and it'll feel really good. Lay down...", and she put her hand on her sisters flat chest and pushed her back down on the bed.
Mary didn't know what to think as her older sister began to probe her narrow slit once more with her tongue. It didn't seem right. That's where pee comes out, for heavens sake. But it sure felt nice. In fact it was feeling better by the minute. When Tina began to concentrate on Mary's clit, moving her head from side to side as her tongue whipped the small protuberance, Mary decided that it felt great, and had to pull a pillow over her face when she began to cum for fear of screaming load enough to cause their parents to investigate.
For her part, Tina could tell right away that she was "doing it right". Her little sister's hips began to buck up into Tina's face, and when Mary came, Tina could feel the strong contractions of her 9 year old pussy sucking at Tina's chin. The taste of her little sister was not unpleasant, not as strong as a man's cum. In fact, Tina thought it was kinda nice, and she wondered if that's what she tasted like to Mr. Phillips. When her little sister had done cumming, Tina crawled up her body and lay down next to her.
"Wha'dya think of that? I told you it would feel good."
"uhhhhh huh", said Mary, still trying to catch her breath. This was amazing. Her 11 year old sister was opening up a whole new world for the 9 year old, and she wondered where Tina had learned it all.
"We better go to bed, I'm really tired.", said Tina.
"Okay.", said Mary, re-gaining some of her composure. "Tina, can I ask you something?"
"Sure. What?"
"Where did you learn to do that?"
'Uh Oh', thought Tina to herself. "I uh.. I just sorta .. uh . Made it up!" Tina couldn't think of anything else to say, and she eve sounded to herself like she was lying.
"I don't believe you. Where'd you learn that? Is that what they teach in those 6th grade health classes?"
"No, dummy! Besides, remember Mom 'n Dad wouldn't let me go to those classes anyway!" After saying that, Tina realized she should have kept her mouth shut and let her little sister believe that. 'Oops', she thought.
"Okay, so where?"
"I can't tell you."
"Why not?"
"Cause I promised."
"I can't tell you."
"Aw, Come on, Tina. I'm your sister! Can't you tell me?"
"Why not?"
"Cause it's a secret, and I promised not to tell, that's why!"
"I never told the secret about who broke the Tiffany lamp, did I? Mom 'n Dad still think it was that dumb neighbor dog we let in! 'Member we both got punished, and I didn't tell or nothing!"
"I know.", Tina replied feeling guilty.
"Okay, so why can't you tell me how you found out about this stuff?"
"I just can't, and I wish you'd stop asking me, OKAY! I can't."
"Okay, but I don't think that's fair."
"Well, maybe I'll tell you later, but I gotta check first, Okay?"
Tina felt guilty about not telling her 9 year old sister that it was Mr. Phillips up the street that had taught her all about sex. She and her sister were very close, and had shared everything. They'd never had secrets from each other before, and it felt bad to have one now. She resolved to ask Jim Phillips if she could tell her sister the next day when she went to see him after school. Mary had sulked over to her own bed, and in a short while, both little girls were fast asleep.
The next day after school, Tina kept her appointment with Jim Phillips. As always, it wasn't long before both man and little girl were stripped naked. Jim gave Mary an orgasm by having her sit on his face. He then had her suck his cock until he shoot a large load of cum into her mouth. He made sure she swallowed it all, telling her that it was good for her, and that it would make her breast grow big. He never let Tina take her mouth off his penis. Instead, he kept moving her head back and forth on his cock until he was rock hard again, and ready for another cum.
Today's lesson was how to fuck a man with the girl on top. He had Tina stand over him, and slowly lower her hairless, pink pussy down onto his upright cock. He guided the tip of his cock into the entrance of her tight little orifice, and then let her lower herself slowly down onto his cock until the pre-teen was stooped down over him with his erection fully engulfed by her bald cunt lips. He had her start bounding up and down, her feet on the bed on either side of him, and her hands on his chest for balance. Her warm tight hole milked his hard cock, and her nearly came again before stopping her. He then had the 11 year old stand over him again, only this time with her small round butt facing him. Once again, he told his 11 year old lover to lower herself down onto his prick. This time he made her guide it in, wrapping her small hand around his slimy throbbing cock and rubbing the large head of his penis against her cunt lips until they spread to admit him. Again, she lowered herself onto the man and began to fuck him with her bouncing motions.
For his part, Jim Phillips reached down as the little girl bounced up and down and began to probe her small anus with his index finger. He grabbed some lotion from the head of the bed and lubricated the small opening and his finger. He then began to push his finger into the little girls tiny anus; first knuckle... second knuckle.... Deeper.. Deeper. Tina was beginning to grunt, but hadn't made a single sound of protest. She was getting more used to the strange acts that Jim Phillips wanted to perform, and his finger was certainly much better than his large cock being pushed into her bottom, so she didn't complain, though it sure felt tight. Jim began to fondle his own cock inside the girl, feeling his dick through the membranes that separated the pre-teen's anal and vaginal walls. Shortly thereafter he began to cum, pushing deeper into the 11 year old's ass and cunt, and using his free hand to grab her hips and pull the girl down onto his spurting cock. Tina nearly lost her balance, but stayed upright while the man filled her small uterus with his hot load of ropy white semen. When he released her, Tina climbed off, her cunt dripping juice and cum, and lay down next to her adult lover, with her head on his chest.
After laying like that for a while and letting Mr. Phillips catch his breath Tina said, "Uhhh Mr. Phillips.. I.... uh.. got a problem."
"Call me Jim, Tina. What's the problem?"
"Well, my sister, Mary and I, we share the same room an all, and .. well the other day she caught me, you know, masturbating 'n all. And she thought I was sick, so she was gonna tell Mom, and I told her not to, and she wanted to know what I was doing, and so I showed her, you know, just so she wouldn't tell Mom 'n all." It was all tumbling out of her at once. Tina had been worried about what to say, and so she just let it all spill out before she could have second thoughts about asking Jim Philips. "So then I show her how to, you know, do it, and we do it with each other all night. Then the next night she asks me where I learn it all, and I tell her I can't tell her, and she keeps asking and asking, and I didn't tell her or anything, but she kept wanting to know, so finally I told her I'd see if it was alright. I didn't tell her anything, so .. well .. but what I wanted to know was.. "
"What you want to know is if you can tell her about you and me?"
"Well, yeah. She knows how to keep a secret. We've always told each other everything 'n she's never told one of my secrets."
"Well, Tina. That may be true, but this is kind of a special secret, don't you think? I mean, if this one were to get out, an awful lot of people would get hurt, including you, you know."
"I know. I just.. I don't know.."
"I know, sweetheart. It hurts to keep a secret from your sister, especially when your parents are so mean, huh? It's like you and your sister are a team in your house, right. All for one and one for all, huh!"
"Yeah, I guess.."
"I understand. But, no. You can't tell your little sister about this secret. However, instead of telling her, you could let her IN on it, and then she would have as much reason to keep it as you."
"What do you mean? If I tell her, she WOULD be in on it? Wouldn't she?"
"No, Tina. She would know your secret, but she wouldn't be in on it. If she ever did tell, she wouldn't be a part of it, so it wouldn't matter if she told or not. But if she had a part in it then she probably would be even better at keeping our little secret. Get it?"
"It's simple. If you tell her, she can tell someone else, and it's no skin off her nose. She probably would too. Remember how shocked you were just two weeks ago. She'd be just as shocked. But, on the other hand, if you brought her here, and SHOWED her our secret, then got her to do it with us, then she'd have to keep it to herself because she'd be in just as much hot water as the rest of us."
"You mean bring her here and we all have sex together?"
"That's right. I'd love to have your little sister; how old did you say she was?.. 9 right; sucking my cock while you sat on my face. Think about it! You'd have someone you share this with, and your sister would have her curiosity satisfied."
"I don't know..."
"Hey, don't be jealous. You were at the party the other day, right! None of us in our little group believe in jealousy. It just messes things up. It would be fun to teach your little sister, don't you think. Didn't you already like teaching her how to masturbate? How'd you like to teach her how to suck a cock? Or how to get fucked? Admit it, you'd love to see that, wouldn't you?"
"I guess..."
"Good. Then why don't we do it then. You can bring her here on Thursday after school, and we can both show her what she wants to know. It's a deal?"
"uh.. Okay. I'll bring her here after school on Thursday. Are you gonna try and fuck her, she's smaller for her age."
"Tina, you should know by now that I love to fuck small girls. There ain't nothing better than the look and feel of a large cock slipping into some tiny little cunny, all stretched and tight.. ... um um um.. makes me hard just thinking about it. Roll over, sweetie.", and Jim Phillips rolled Tina over on her stomach, then pulled her up on her hands and knees and entered her from behind. His hand reached around to fondle Tina's clit while he humped her hard and deep. Tina soon was in heaven and cried out in orgasm. Feeling her small round butt and tight vagina clenching, Jim too began to cum and spurted yet another load of semen into his pre-teen sex toy.
As they were gettin dressed, Jim reminded Tina to bring little Mary with her on Thursday, but not to tell Mary anything before they got there. "I will.", said Tina as she once again left by Jim's back door. Watching her skip off in her plaid school skirt, Jim's mind quickly began to flash images of what it would be like to fuck a 9 year old virgin while her 11 year old sister held her down. "UM UM UM..", he said out load. "It's turning out to be a great month!", and he closed the back door as Tina skipped out of sight.
Jim Phillips
Producer of Kiddy Porn and seducer of young girls and boys. He sells his product in Amsterdam to buyers he meets 3 to 4 times a year. His tastes run to pre-teen girls, though he has used young boys now and again. He has almost no scruples when it comes to using pre-teen children in his movies. He has never made a snuff film, but he has participated in kidnapping, torture and rape. One of his big production films might sell for as much as $50,000 while his smaller loops run at least $500 a epic. He has no job, other than making and selling child video pornography.
A muscular man, body builder type who enjoys sex with young girls. When he married he made sure to chose a wife who would not object to his sexual tastes and who wouldn't mind him having rather brutal sex with his own daughter's. John and Jim have been friends since they were teens and raped a 7 year old neighbor girl together, and then shamed her into having sex with their friend Howard.
John's wife. Raped by her father at the age of 5, she was abused for many years by a series of uncles, and friends of her fathers. She came to think of sex between young girls and men as completely normal and encourages her husband to engage in sex with their two daughters.
John 10 year old daughter. Brown hair, shoulder length, brown eyes. Has starred in one of Jim Phillips major porn productions and has been the subject of many of his short loops. She does not shy away from any type of sexual encounter and has been involved in group sex, anal sex, sex with various animals, golden showers, bondage, and S&M, both giving and receiving.
John and Evelyn's youngest daughter who just turned 9. Has also been in many of Jim's kiddy porn shorts. Brown, shoulder length hair.
A friend of Jim Phillips that he met while in Amsterdam during one of his early trips. Originally from the West coast, Dave moved to the Annapolis area to help Jim in producing Kiddy porn.
Dave's 8 year old niece. She has been in a few of Jim's kiddy loops starting when she was 6 years old. She has long blond hair that she wears in a pony tail most of the time. She has not had as much experience with sex as Jennifer and Julie because she only gets to live with her Uncle Dave when her parents take one of their extended vacations in Europe.
Tom meet Jim Phillips via a computer bulletin board. They exchanged stories and photo's and eventually met in person in a motel where Tom brought a young girl he had been having a relationship with for several months. Both men took turns molesting the 12 year old while the other ran the video camera. Tom had a knowledge of video that Jim lacked, and so they became quick friends with Tom providing Jim the expert knowledge he needed to edit his video loops into full-fledged porn.
A friend of Jim's in High School, Howard quickly put on weight after college. He is a frequent guest on Jim's videos where his large size contrasts well with the small girls he has sex with.
Was a friend of Jim's in High School. She had always wondered about Jim's proclivities, but was never sure until last year when she had moved back to town after an acrimonious divorce. She had custody of her daughter Betty, and had decided to look up her old friend. She had noticed the attraction of Jim to her daughter right off, and decided to ask him point blank about it. Jim had lied to her, but Cathy didn't believe him, so to test him she had him baby-sit with Betty for a few weekends. At the end of that time she grilled her daughter and found out that he had indeed taught her the art of masturbating men with both her small hands. Far from being disgusted, Cathy found herself turned on by the idea and when she next confronted Jim told him of her interests. Jim and Cathy then became sometime bed partners with little Betty helping their lovemaking where ever she could fit in.
Cathy's daughter; 6 years old with long golden blond hair. She had never seen a naked man until the night she had "caught" Jim Phillips masturbating over her sleeping form while he was "baby-sitting". He had told her how special it was that a little girl like her could get a man all hard, and that it meant she was a very special little girl. Not long after that she was invited to shared her mother's bed with Jim and to begin appearing in some of his video's.
Tina West
If you read TYO_01 then you know her story. Tina is 11 years old and attends 6th grade at a local Catholic Elementary school. She has light blond hair that is shoulder length.
Mary West
Tina's 9 year old sister who becomes more involved in the story in the next chapter.
Livina West
Tina and Mary's mother. She feels trapped in a dull marriage to a man who ignores her. She fills her life with shopping and trips to various beauty salons and parlors. Her dissatisfaction has caused her to ignore her children's need for love. Jim Phillips noticed that the West girls where being ignored by their parents and so this made him target them in the first place. Livina, or Livvy, is easily charmed and now has a definite attraction for Jim Phillips which he will use later to his advantage.
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