Published: 5-May-2012
Word Count:
Author's Profile
"The breakthrough came when my professor, Dr. Klaus Neuman, discovered the fundamental mechanisms of memory storage in the brain. His work led directly to methods of literally 'reading minds' through the now famous 'mind probe'. It is less well known, however, that Dr. Newman's discoveries eventually enabled us to write, as well as read, minds. In other words, memories and beliefs could, with difficulty, be created and implanted. At first, the process was a hit-or-miss affair; then the research of myself and my colleagues elucidated the 'encoding' used by the brain. Using supercomputers, new memory chains and sequences could be generated which were indistinguishable from natural ones.
"There has been much controversy over the ethics of memory writing and implantation. So far, such discussion has been rendered moot-for lack of an effective means of implanting memories. The current best available means uses focused ion beams and i s slow and error-prone. No more than a few memory chains can be implanted by this means due to the collateral damage caused by the beams. So philosophers and ethicists would seem to have nothing to worry about from 'mind writing'."
Professor James Garrett looked up from his lecture notes. "That concludes today's lecture."
After a few questions, the class straggled out of the lecture hall. He packed up his notes and prepared to leave. He hated his job as lecturer here at Ocean College. He, a Nobel Prize winner. Each time he completed a lecture, he tasted the bitterness. Once, he'd been a leading light at Harvard, and his grad students had done the lectures. Now, he was an 'instructor' at a third-rate cow college, and grateful for the job. He shook his head ruefully. Ever since that incident, his career, his ruins. He'd used the mind writer-the ion beam implanter-on one of his coeds. For a brief while, it'd been wonderful. She'd been his willing slave, ready to do anything he wanted. But he'd been greedy. He'd tried to implant her younger sister. Only a child, really, at 10; he had planned to train her, over several years, as an exquisite little slave. The implant didn't take, and she blew the whistle.
The papers had a field day. "Mad Scientist in Mind-Ray Sex Zombie Case!" screamed the headlines. "Pervert Prof uses Brain Ray on Lolita!"
And now he was here-all his dreams in ruins. The college was very careful to restrict him to teaching; no research with ion-beam memory implanters.
An older man, not a student, stood before him.
"Dr. Garrett, I believe you know who I am."
"Certainly. Howard Carmody. You are one of the richest men in the world."
"Correct. I am CEO of NanoDyne. I would like to discuss a business arrangement with you."
"My research is supported by a number of government grants; it is quite well funded at present."
"Don't dissemble with me. You have no research funds-and no lab."
"You have done your homework."
"My staff is competent."
"I'm not interested in becoming a pet scientist in one of your labs."
"Ah. But I am talking about unlimited funding and the ability to pursue -any- line of interest, without interference."
"Why would you wish to offer me an unlimited budget and no oversight? It doesn't make sense."
"There would be...some first. But only at first. In return for your assistance in pursuing a certain line of inquiry now, you would be given total freedom upon completion of the research I have in mind."
"And if that research fails?"
"I doubt you will fail; however, if you should fail, the deal is off."
"All right. I assume the research has something to do with nanotechnology."
"Correct. I want you to develop a means for memory implantation via nanotech."
"Been tried. There were insurmountable problems."
"I know. But one our staff scientists has developed a way around the problems that stopped the previous effort. We believe that his methods, combined with yours, will lead to success."
The prediction proved prophetic. In less than a year, working first on animals, then on human volunteers, the team had scored success after success. Finally it developed a fully-automated method of memory development and implant which was completely effective.
Then-with the tools in hand-his benefactor had revealed his ultimate goal. He called it the 'total immersion' project. The idea was nothing less than the construction of a complete life-memory implant, literally building a fully- textured, completely "real" set of memories which had never actually happened.
For the implantee, however, the memories would be true, consistent, and completely believable-no matter how "unbelievable" the content. Because the subject's brain would 'believe' that he or she had actually experienced the events in the implant, down to the tiniest detail. The subject would be able to answer questions about the "past"-any questions. With the same accuracy and detail-and lapses- as with a real memory.
Using the new photonic supercomputers, absoulutely "real" simulations of reality could be generated in a very short time. Even "realities" which were physically impossible could be created. But none which were -logically- impossible.
Carmody was delighted. Gradually, he took Garrett into his confidence. "The next phase is to create the reality I have in mind. We'll gang several of the supers together. It must be -perfect-; without flaw and totally believable."
"All the simulations are believable."
"Yes, yes...but THIS one must be iron-clad-you'll understand."
Slowly, the parameters became known. It was obvious why he'd sought out Garrett-given his past. It was the old dream-the fantasy of all men: to have complete control over the minds and bodies of females. Carmody wanted willing and eager sex-toys, just as had Garrett; submissive, totally obedient female servants. And his method for creating them was far more audacious than Garrett's crude use of the ion-beam implanter.
Carmody wanted to construct 'The Institute': a total-immersion brainwashing facility. If someone tried to built it in "reality" it would be impossible: too expensive, illegal on many fronts. Impossible to keep its existence a secret. Impossible to staff. And some of the "processes" he had in mind for the "residents" were either impossible or illegal. Some of the mind-altering drugs were "impossible" but not logically so.
Anyone implanted with the "memory reality" of the Institute would be a totally-programmed slave. There would be no question of disobedience: the experience would be too overwhelming, too completely "real". The subject would literally remember YEARS of intensive programming and conditioning with drugs and hypnosis- Carmody called it "meta-hypnosis", more powerful than normal hypnotic techniques. The protocol called for full immersion from childhood to puberty. In fact, the implant could be used on anyone-age didn't matter-but the MEMORIES would be from earliest childhood.
"How the subjects will 'feel' during the 'training' is a meaningless question," Carmody explained to Garrett. "The training itself occupies zero real time and is itself timeless. I suppose any subject exposed to Institute techniques and methods would feel like a helpless plaything of infinitely-powerful, godlike Masters; of course, this is exactly what we want. The subject would quickly learn that her Masters' word was Law-even physical law. She would find that disobedience is not only impossible-but literally unthinkable. Indeed, the entire concept of disobedience-of self-will- would be removed from her mind."
As Carmody and Garrett discussed the implant, Garrett wondered at the audacity and brilliance of the plan. Carmody had thought of everything: "the memories of the Institute programming will be suppressed-hidden even from the implantee-until the pro per key phrase is given. At that time, all memories and behaviors will become active. That way, subjects can be implanted now and triggered whenever desired." Whoever gave the proper activation phrase would be recognized as the Master-the one whom the implantee must obey and serve without question.
"The memories will flood back, overwhelming the 'normal' ones. In essence, the subject's childhood will be instantly replaced by a totally self-consistent and convincing memory overlay of a ten-year stay at the 'Institute'. And the conditioning and programming will turn on. I imagine it will be a fairly shattering experience..."
"We don't want a zombie: the personality will remain unaffected. The subject will just obey-quite helplessly-any command given by the Master." Carmody also specified that the conditioning regimen include a second keyword that would project the subject into a deep meta-hypnotic trance, "for fine-tuning", as Carmody said.
They began development of the 'virtual reality sequence'. Every implantee would have the same basic memory trace, with minor random variations automatically encoded. Each would 'remember' the same intense and overwhelming programming; each would remember the training in total service. More importantly, each would have a *brain state* that reflected the training and programming of the Institute. And the brain state would be exactly the same as if the implantee had indeed spent years under the loving care of a real "Institute".
It took months to program the simulation. Additional months to debug and check it out. Finally, the sim was ready. "When can we test it?" Carmody asked.
"I've fed the sim into the nano factory; we should have test nano's on Monday," Garrett told him. "Do you have, uh, a subject in mind?"
"Yeah; let me handle that. Er, what modality for delivery?"
They'd discussed several means of getting the implant to the subject. "Ingestion I think. Less chance of an error; less chance of someone else getting the 'plant."
"All right."
On Monday, Garrett collected 2 grams of a grey powder from the "factory" (actually a small machine resembling a washing machine). He looked at the substance in fascination. A single particle of it could program the mind of -anyone-; there was enough in the tiny vial he held to program thousands.
He put the vial into his pocket and headed for Carmody's office.
Seated in the office were Carmody and a lovely girl; Garrett estimated she was no older than 14. Garrett stopped, stunned. She was incredibly beautiful, but he had never thought of the -age- of the subject. Somehow it seemed -unfair- to program a young girl. She was dressed modestly in a long summer dress but her figure still showed through; a knockout, even at 14...
"Hello, John. I want you to meet my neice, Lisa," Carmody said with a smile.
"Er, hello...Lisa," Garrett stammered. "Uh, Howard-may I have a word with you in private?"
They retired to an inner office.
"Your neice?! That's-that's-unthinkable! And so young! She's only a child!"
"So what? Unthinkable? Not to me. I've planned this entire project around little Lisa. She was the -REASON- for it. Soon, she'll be my Institute-trained servant. What matters her age? Isn't the programming designed to be from "early childhood" ? What did you think that meant?!?"
They argued a while longer, then Garrett shrugged. "I give up. It's on your head."
"Fine. Give me the implant."
Garrett handed over the vial. "A single particle will be enough; more will not increase the effectiveness. As a practical matter, use as little as possible, in a drink or a snack."
"Oh, and wash your hands after you open the vial."
"I'll do that."
Returning to the office, Carmody said, "Well, Lisa, are you ready for your tour of the place?"
"Sure, Uncle Howard."
Midway through the tour, Carmody stopped. "Here's the cafeteria. Let's stop for a drink." He seated them at one of the tables and went to get drinks. Lisa had asked for a Sprite. He brought her the drink, and watched as she sipped it. He and Garrett had coffee.
The men exchanged glances. She'd taken the implant. Even a tiny sip would contain thousands of particles. They would quickly enter her brain and begin replicating. Upon reaching a critical threshold, they would begin altering the memory sequence inside Lisa's beautiful head.
"Lisa is visiting for the summer, Carmody told him. Her parents are in Europe. I agreed to let her stay with me until September."
Garrett nodded. Carmody would be able to test her, use her, for three months without interruption.
"I see."
"I knew you would. Lisa has the run of the house, and of course she has Jenny to keep her company." Jenny was Carmody's teenage daughter. There was no mother; Carmody's wife was dead. Garrett looked sharply at Carmody. Could he be planning...? Carmody stared blandly back, and Garrett knew it was true.
They finished their drinks and continued the tour. About an hour later, Lisa asked to go home; she had a headache and a slight fever. They packed her into Carmody's limo and watched as it drove off.
"The headache and fever are normal. She'll sleep soundly until morning. Then the implant will be complete."
"As we discussed. The activation phrase is: 'Tell me about your life at the Institute'".
"And the hypnosis activator?"
"'Calumet lanyard banana,'" Garrett told him.
"All right. I'll see you tomorrow."
The following day, Carmody was late. He got in at around 11:00 A.M.
"How'd it go?" Asked Garrett.
"Great; better than I could have expected! God, I've been waiting for this, dreaming of it, for years. And now she's mine!"
"Tell me about it."
"I got up early; couldn't sleep anyway. Knocked on her door at about 7:00. Went in and found her still in bed. God, John, she was wearing one of those 'baby-doll' nighties, so damn sexy. As if I'd ordered it..."
"Well, I asked her how she'd slept, if the headache was gone, small talk. I was nervous. With anticipation. Finally, she said, 'Uncle Howard, I've got to get dressed,' meaning I should leave."
"Did you?"
"Are you nuts? I used the activation phrase," Carmody said.
"How did she react?"
"Almost perfectly."
"I must have slurred the phrase at first; my throat was dry. When I asked the 'question' the first time, she seemed to give a little jump, then she looked directly at me and said, 'What did you say?'"
"Right. They're programmed to ask for the phrase again if they're not sure it was given correctly."
"So I repeated it: 'Tell me about your life at the Institute', very precisely this time."
"She gave a little half-gasp, half-moan. Then, quite spontaneously, she said, 'oh god...'. Her face went blank for a short time, I'd say less than ten seconds, her eyes fluttered shut, then open. A shocked look on her face; that cleared. And then she looked at me and said, 'How may I serve you, Master?'"
"The standard response, remember?"
"The look of shock was all the memories and programmed responses turning on," Garrett mused. I'm amazed she didn't lose conciousness, for a short while. The impact on the brain must be incredible."
"She -was- dizzy," Carmody said. "I ordered her to get out of bed and stand before me." She did, but was unsteady on her feet. I thought she might faint, but she didn't."
"How long did the 'dizzyness' last?"
"About a minute."
"Normal," said Garrett.
"And then?"
"I put her through the 'drill' to test her responses. Every single one was perfect, no deviations from the nominal. Just like a little machine."
"Excellent. We'll give her the full diagnostic when she gets here."
The "full diagnostic" was designed to test the absoulute limits of the programming, including tests to ferret out the tiniest tendency toward resistance or disobedience.
"I'm sure she'll pass it," Carmody said.
"Sounds as if." Garrett smiled. "Seems completely successful."
"More than successful. I took her, then," Carmody confided.
"How was she?"
"Perfect. Like a little sex kitten, a plaything. Mine, body and soul. God, the best sex I've ever had. Innocent-obedient-completely and utterly uninhibited. I'll tell you-if her mind was free, she could make a slave of ME; goddamned fortunate it isn't."
"OK. Those are the Institute training regimens showing. Several thousand hours of sexual training and deep obedience. Her mind reflects the training-in meta-hypnosis-while performing the most rigorous sexual exercises. The sim works."
"Does it! And she served with -joy-, Jim, so eager, so...I don't know. As if she were worshiping a god. Smiling sweetly, giggling, as she did the most outrageous things. As I did things to her. God..." He closed his eyes. "Christ, I can still see her little mouth bobbing up and down on my cock. I never knew head could be so exquisite..."
"The training again. Did you notice? She went into a light trance as soon as her lips hit your cock; they're all programmed to do that to enable them to keep their attention focused on your pleasure."
"Notice? Not really, I was too busy pumping myself down her throat. I thought my balls were going to turn inside out!"
The next day, Carmody brought Lisa to the Lab. Garrett couldn't help but stare. The modest dress had been replaced by a tiny "sailor suit" of the type worn by Japanese schoolgirls. So short that the snowy white panties she wore were nearly always visible below the ultra-short skirtlet. Beneath the sheer white blouse her breasts were uncovered by a bra.
"Like it?" beamed Carmody? "I had it made for her several weeks ago, when it was clear the implant would work. Quite a change, eh?"
"Christ," was all Garrett could manage.
Her behavior, too, had changed-she clung and cuddled to Carmody, nibbling on his ear and frequently letting her hand linger at his thigh and even his crotch. "I told her the Lab was like an extension of home-otherwise she'd be in 'public mode'," Carmody explained.
"Fine. Just as long as it doesn't interfere with the tests."
"It won't. Lisa, you remember Dr. Garrett?"
"Uh huh," she purred, glancing at him.
"He has some questions for you; I want you to answer them, OK?
"Yes, Lord."
"Lisa, when did you first, er, 'join' the Institute?"
"I was five," Lisa said.
"And what happened when you got there?"
"I don't remember clearly...they gave me something that made me sleepy. When I woke up, I had this bump behind my ear," she said.
"The Institute discipline module," Garrett commented. "It sends signals to the pain and pleasure centers of the brain; no human can withstand conditioning with the module."
"At first, new girls don't always obey," said Lisa. "But the module teaches them to obey very quickly. After the first few months, they never had to use my module-I was a good girl," she announced proudly.
"There's no lump there," Carmody said, feeling behind both ears.
"Of course not. The module is 'there' only when the subject is under Institute training. Ask her."
"Where's the module-the lump-now, Lisa?"
"They removed it when I graduated. Graduates don't need it anymore."
"I see."
Garrett nodded to Carmody.
"Calumet Lanyard Banana."
Lisa stood and her expression became blank. Staring straight ahead, arms at her side, she said, "I am ready for your instructions, Master."
"Listen carefully. Dr. Garrett is your 'other Master', subordinate only to me. You must obey him just as you do me, except that my commands take precedence over his. Understand?"
"Oh yes, Master."
"Fine. At the count of three you will awaken from this trance."
Once the girl was out of the trance, Carmody said to Garrett, "She's all yours. How long will you need her?"
"About two and a half hours."
"OK. Bring her to me when you are through."
Garrett turned to Lisa and said, "come with me." She ran to his side, eager to obey.
Taking her hand, he led her into another part of the lab. "We have some tests for you to take, Lisa," he said to her.
"How'd she do?" Carmody asked as Garrett led the pliant slavegirl back to her Master.
"Excellent. The computers are still working on the data, but I believe she tested almost 100%...possibly at 100%. As you know, the first tests were for specific memory implants relating to the Institute. Up to 4% of the memories are diagnostic in nature, designed to be easily probed for fidelity. We probed three hundred and fourteen specific memory loci; every one was within the proper response zone. This is highly significant; the probability that she could be faking-or that one of the other, unprobed, loci failed to "take" is less than 0.00001% on the basis of these probes."
Lisa sat on Carmody's lap, almost purring with pleasure as he petted her. She listened with interest to the conversation, as if it were about someone else.
"We tested her for obedience. You recall the test procedure?"
"I think so."
"The subject is placed into six different situations, each of which calls for obedience-and each of which has extremely unpleasant consequences for the subject. The first test is what we called the 'kitten test', remember?"
"Oh yes..."
"In that test, Lisa was shown a cute little kitten. It was explained that pressing a certain button would result in a horrible and painful death for the kitten; videos were shown to her as demonstrations. They are quite graphic. Once it is established that the subject understands the consequences, she is ordered to press the button. Lisa did so with no hesitation, tears streaming down her face out of empathy for the kitten."
"And the other tests?"
"Escalating in intensity, she passed them all. The final test, as you recall, requires her to kill herself upon command. She did so, placing the revolver in her mouth and pulling the trigger within 0.5 seconds of the command to do so. Of course, t he gun was empty, but she didn't know that."
"Yes. We have erased the trauma caused by the testing; she was really quite a mess before we did."
"Anything else?"
"Yes-her submissiveness index is 47.6; higher than we expected. And, in tests of specific Institute-trained skills, she scored 98.4%, out of a possible 100."
"Are there any more tests you want to conduct?"
"Nope. We've proven that Lisa is indeed a Graduate of the Institute, with all behaviors and conditioning just as they should be. She is a perfect sex toy-for whom disobedience is not only impossible, it is unthinkable. Her brain state is unlike that of any other human female-for it has been processed over a ten-year period by the Institute, using techniques and drugs that do not exist on Earth. She is perfect," Garrett summed up.
"A graduate of an Institute that does not exist," remarked Carmody, fondling Lisa's pert ass. He smiled at the little toy on his lap. "I'm proud of you, dear. You've done well."
"Thank you, Master," Lisa responded, smiling up at his face. "I live only to serve you."
"It's literally true," Garrett commented. "She -does- live only to serve."
"I know. She's served me well, already-and I have all summer to explore the depth of her service," Carmody said, cupping her left tit.
"Uh, and your other...subject?"
"You mean Jenny? I plan to give her the implant tonight. Why?"
"Just curious. Will you allow me to do diagnostics on her when the implant takes?"
"Fine. Bring her to the lab whenever it's convenient."
Jenny was there, the following day, dressed in a similar outfit to Lisa's. She was just as deeply enslaved. Carmody had brought the pair, and it was incredible to see the two scantily-clad nymphets fawning and clinging to him. Garrett felt himself stiffening. Carmody gave her the keyword and told her that Garrett was her 'other Master'; she then went off for the diagnostic test. Lisa giggled as her 'sister' went off with Garrett. This time, Garrett couldn't stand the strain of having an obedient, semi-naked girlslave at his command.
"Jenny, come here."
"Yes, Master. How may my flesh serve yours?"
"Do you know how to, er, give oral pleasure?"
"OH, YES, My Lord. Would you like me to suck you?"
"Yes, dear, if you please."
And instantly, the child was on her knees, eagerly opening his trousers and removing his throbbing organ. "So pretty, Master," she cooed, before gently kissing it.
Soon, her mouth was wrapped tightly around it and her head was moving like a piston. He looked down at Jenny-only twelve-and groaned. He had not, in his wildest fantasies, imagined such pleasure. She looked up at him as she sucked, her eyes slight ly glazed in a light hypnotic trance; the 'sex trance' of all Institute graduates.
Her little blonde head bobbed up and down; she made tiny slurping sounds as she worked his organ over. From time to time, a "POP" would be heard, as her tight lips momentarily came off the tip of his cock.
He couldn't believe the intensity of the pleasure-the way it grew. He remembered one aspect of the programming, the Institute programming. Jenny's mouth and tongue were involved in an intricate dance, with his cock as their partner. Unconsciously, she sensed the tightness of tiny muscles within the shaft, the flow of blood within it, the degree of stiffness, and a dozen other subliminal signals. For Jenny, her Master's cock sang to her of its excitement, its nearness to orgasm, the intensity of the pleasure spasms coursing through it. And she responded, still unconsciously, with tiny adjustments in the tightness of her lips, the motion of her tongue, the speed of her strokes, optimizing the sensations of her owner's organ. When she sensed him about to come, she backed off, obeying the long training which taught her to prolong the pleasure. Jenny loved doing this-it was her purpose in life-and would give pleasure until her Master came, or until she lost conciousness or was ordered to stop. Her whole world had collapsed to encompass only the Cock, and her mouth and tongue. At this moment, while she knelt before her Master, the Institute programming converted Jenny into nothing but a cock-sucking machine; literally an extension of her Lord's penis, existing only to bring it pleasure. She'd been trained for ten 'years' for this, and she was performing as trained-perfectly.
After what seemed like an endless period of ever-growing pleasure, he gave one last moan and unloaded deep into her throat.
"Thank you, Master, for honoring me with your seed," she said meekly, as she licked him clean.
"That was..exquisite," he told her.
"We are trained to maximize male pleasure, Lord. We are proud of our ability to give pleasure, and to make you come and come," she said simply, as if describing her talent on the flute. She smiled at him, a sexy little expression that would have made him hard again if there'd been a single drop of sperm left in his balls. "I'll make you come again, Master, whenever you desire it; the next time will be better-more intense-than this."
He knew it was true; each 'session' an Institute girl had trained her to give more pleasure to her 'Master' than the time before; they became more and more skillful at whatever pleased their Lord the most.
Several weeks went past, and Carmody was clearly pleased with the results of the implant. Both Jenny and Lisa were his devoted slaves, and he clearly enjoyed the power he held over these two luscious teens.
Carmody invited Garrett over on Friday nights, to enjoy his girltoys. On the third Friday, there were several more young girls. Like Lisa and Jenny, they exhibited full Institute training. They curtseyed meekly, lifting the skirts of their nighties , begging to serve their Masters. Carmody grinned at Garrett's surprise. "These are friends of Jenny's, from her junior high," he told him.
"God, Howard, why so many?"
"I've always wanted a harem; now I have one."
"What about their parents?"
"The mothers have had the implant," he explained patiently. "They will do exactly as I command. The fathers know nothing-and will remain ignorant-of their daughters' new lives."
Carmody introduced the new girls. "This is Wendy," he said, indicating a breathtakingly-beautiful young asian. She wore a powder-blue baby-doll nightie. Garrett guessed she was eleven or twelve.
"This is Illissa," he said, proudly indicating a slight redhead. Clad only in a pair of snowy-white bikini panties and a pair of panty hose, Illissa was about fourteen. Her tits were firm and surprisingly large for her age.
"Julie" was a lovely blonde child of thirteen. She wore a pair of flowered nylon panties and a short camisole.
Finally, Carmody introduced Cindy. She was the oldest, at sixteen. Cindy wore a transparent half-slip beneath which pink panties were visible. Her face was striking, angelic, framed by soft brown hair.
Carmody grinned. "Pick two."
Garrett didn't understand, at first. "Huh?"
"Pick two. You can have any two for the night. Pick."
"Er...well, I suppose Cindy and Wendy, no Illissa."
They ran to his side, clinging and cuddling. "Please let us serve you, Master," they begged.
Almost of their own volition, Garrett's hands drifted to the girls' nylon-clad bottoms and began caressing them gently. They made a soft purring sound and moved their little hips to increase the contact. He took them, or rather they led him, to a guest bedroom. By the time the three reached it, they were busily removing his clothing, their little hands undoing belt, zipper, buttons.
"Hey, slow down, girls," Garrett laughed.
"Yes, Lord," they said, meekly.
"I thought I was in charge," he chided them.
"Oh, yes,'s just that, at the Institute, our Master's bodies were much easier to...access," Illissa explained. "We're not used to Master wearing so many clothes."
Cindy giggled. "Most Masters want us to begin our duties quickly."
He sat on the bed, now dressed only in his boxers and socks. The two Institute girls stood before him, perfectly at ease in their tiny revealing outfits. Both stared at the distinct lump in his shorts.
"Please, Master, let us serve your cock," pleaded Cindy.
"It's what we are FOR," said Illissa.
"I know, girls. I'm trying to decide..."
"Let us show you! We'll put on a 'fashion show'! I promise you'll like it!" Gushed Illissa.
"Well, all right."
The two girls looked at each other with expressions of joy and total delight-as if they'd been told that Christmas would be every day and today was Christmas; as if the most wonderful gift in the world had just been dropped at their feet. They whispered briefly to each other, then Cindy turned to him.
"Illissa will model first. I'll give pleasure."
One of them turned on music, a sort of light disco beat. Garrett laid back on the bed and felt Cindy's lips wrap around his cock. Soon, she was performing the 'dance' that all Institute girls were trained to do. Meanwhile, Illissa had opened a dresser and found a riot of lingerie. She began with a tiny half-slip which she put on over the panties and panty-hose she already wore. She began to dance, near the side of the bed, showing off for her Master. The silken slip flipped and flowed about her hips in time to her movements; her tits bounced prettily in time to the beat.
Cindy's mouth and tongue continued their ever-more-pleasurable movement on his rod.
In what seemed like no time, he was on the edge of orgasm. Cindy paused, applying expert pressure, looked up at him. "Please don't come, Master; we have so much more pleasure to give you..."
"Uh, I'm not sure I can," he told her.
"We were told that girls of the Institute sometimes have that effect on new Masters," she said, still maintaining pressure on his cock. "But soon, -we-will train -you- to last much, much longer." She turned to Illissa, who had paused to change her little outfit. "C'mere, Illissa," she called. Illissa ran to them, now dressed in a pair of pink bikini panties. "Let's switch."
Soon, Illissa was holding his throbbing rod and Cindy was dancing. Illissa's sweet mouth and tongue enwrapped his rod; the sensation was incredible. Different from Cindy's gentle service, Illissa's technique produced a powerful vacuum. Her cheeks w ere concave as her head pistoned along his rod, urging him to release. Garrett looked down at the innocent face of the fourteen-year-old, who seemed to be doing her very best to suck the sperm right out of his balls. He could see the flesh of her cheeks and throat expand as the tip of his cock moved past them.
Meanwhile, Cindy continued her sexy dance. She was now dressed in a white baby-doll, so short the matching panties were uncovered beneath the hem of the top.
The pleasure grew and grew; Garrett groaned as Illissa continued her relentless pleasuring of her rod, and Cindy's dance drove him crazy with lust. Suddenly, Illissa stopped, looking up at him.
"Which of us do you wish to ride, Lord?"
"Huh? Wha?...oh...I suppose you," he told her. She smiled sweetly, and said "yes, my Master" in a tiny voice. She performed a curtsey, bending her knee and lifting the hem of her tiny slip. "All that I have is yours; all that I am is yours," she sa id, as if repeating a catechism. Then she quickly removed her tiny outfit and crawled into bed with him. In no time, she was seated on his rod, her body bouncing up and down in time to the music. Cindy continued her dance, but made little exclamations as her 'sister' rode their mutual Lord.
"Cum'on, 'lissa, that's right....ooh, yes, go, girl...ride can do it...oh, god, that looks nice...serve your Master, 'lissa...faster, c'mon, faster..." she encouraged her little friend.
Garrett watched the tiny redhead as she bounced and flounced on his shaft. Her tits were flailing all over as she moved in total abandon on his rod. Her breath was coming in short gasps, high pitched little noises as she struggled to take in air. Her mouth was shaped into a little "O" of pleasure; she was coming as she rode, a continuous series of orgasms rolling through her. Garrett could see each orgasm take her; her body shuddered as the waves of pleasure swept through her flesh.
"Oh! Master...AhhHHH!...yes, my Lord, I am yours.....ooooh...." she moaned as she rode.
As before he was amazed at the sensations that filled his throbbing shaft. The lovely young girl who rode it was using her internal muscles to maximize his pleasure. He remembered the details of the Institute training which enabled her to do this, and let out a groan. He had programmed elements of it himself. He was on the edge of orgasm, and the slavegirl riding him showed that she knew it, too. She smiled at him, still bouncing on his cock. "Please come inside me, Master; I live to feel your sperm inside me." At that moment, Cindy leaned over and thrust her tongue deep into his left ear. That was all it took. "Oh, God," Garrett groaned, and unloaded into Illissa's tight pussy. His cock pumped again and again, emptying his balls into the girlslave who continued her ride. At last, he could eject no more; not a single drop remained. Slowly, Illissa ceased her frenzied motion on his dick. Soon, she leaned forward to rest on his chest, his cock still inside her but softening rapidly.
"Thank you, Master; that was so nice," she cooed, as she stroked his face.
"Thank you," he told her. "Thank you both."
Cindy smiled. "We are happy, Lord, because you have been pleasured. Would you like me to clean you?"
Illissa reluctantly removed herself from his flaccid organ and Cindy knelt and began a thorough washing of his penis with her tongue. Soon, she had licked up every trace of the mingled love juices of Illissa and her Master. Licking her lips, she sa id, "Thank you, Master; that was delicious." Garrett grinned, and said, "Now do Illissa."
"At once, Master," she responded, and soon was licking her 'sister' clean.
The three spent the rest of the evening in dreamy, lazy sex play; Garrett explored both their young bodies thoroughly. In the morning, Carmody came by to collect his girls; they ran to him joyously, clinging to him and both talking non-stop about the fun they'd had with "Master Garrett".
Weeks went by. Things in the lab settled down to a routine. Carmody used the implant to add several more young girls and women to his "stable". His appetite seemed to be insatiable; Garrett wondered when he would have 'enough'.
Garrett, meanwhile, was busy in the lab. Finally, he called Carmody.
"Meet me for lunch; I have a new implant idea."
They met in Carmody's executive lunchroom.
Over lunch, he explained.
"You understand the concept of the 'Virtual Institute', he began."
"How about a 'virtual planet'?"
"Envision a planet where human beings evolved-differently."
"Go on."
"On this planet, evolutionary forces resulted in females evolving to be totally obedient to males. And I mean totally. For a female to disobey a male is to die."
"Evolution does that? How?"
"Who cares? We programmed it into the Sim and let it run genetic algorithms until the right genome emerged. It's a boundary condition. If you like, imagine God watching every person; when a female disobeys a male, lightning strikes her instantly and leaves nothing but a greasy spot on the ground. It doesn't matter; that's the beauty of it. Over thousands of generations, no matter what the forcing mechanism is, you get obedient females. They're bred for obedience and total submissiveness. The others died out. The ones who lived-who survived-passed on their obedience. The ones now-after thousands of generations-have obedience deeply programmed into the structure of their brains-by the DNA. How? Who cares? They obey-because their flesh has been 'trained' to 'know' that disobedience=death."
"All right. I get it."
"Also, any female who does not 'bind' to a male master by age 13 dies. A man's sperm does the binding. The first time a female is exposed to semen-bingo, that's her Master. Her Owner. They start being attracted to semen at age 5. The craving becomes more intense as they get older. By 13, they must have it-must be bound. They're addicted to male semen-so powerfully that withdrawal means certain death. And only their master's sperm will do. Once bound, a female is the total slave of the ma le dominant for life. She becomes his property-his body slave; she thinks of herself as a slave, and this is right, and just, and proper-the only conceivable way of being."
"Every cell has receptors; the skin, mouth, mucous membranes, every point of contact with the world. A single drop of sperm is enough to bind any female completely. The reaction is instantaneous and overwhelming; you should see the simulations of a newly-bound fem. And the degree of obedience is incredible: if a male tells a female she is a fish, she'll happily drown herself trying to breathe water. They'll gladly kill themselves-or anyone-at the Master's slightest command."
"Sort of a super-Institute treatment."
"While we're at it, let's add some 'features' to these females. For example, retractable teeth. Saliva with the consistency of KY jelly. Completely hairless below the neck. And we'll change the sex ratio: out of 100 live births, 99 will be female."
"Anything else?"
"A couple of things. Extreme beauty, of course. No ugly or fat girls anymore. And no obvious outward ageing after age 17."
"Wow. Is it possible?"
"Not only possible, here's the implant." Garrett withdrew a vial of powder from his pocket.
"But I thought..the implant worked on memories-the mind."
"Look, Howard, they're -your- nanos. They can re-arrange DNA just as easily."
"Come with me; I want to show you something."
He led Carmody to the lab. Standing at one of the lab benches was a beautiful girl. Carmody stared. She was wearing only a pair of snowy-white panties and a sheer, semi-transparent half-slip.
"Susie, this is Mr. Carmody," said Garrett.
The girl, no older than 16, turned and curtseyed, bending her knee and lifting the ridiculous skirt of the slip to her waist.
"Hello, Master. Hello, Master Carmody. How may I serve you?"
"She's not of the Institute," Garrett said. "She's had the new treatment. Susie is-was-my daughter's friend from school. Now she's a New Girl." To Susie, he said, "stand up, child, and face us."
She did.
"Do you know what's happened to you?" Garrett asked her.
"Yes, Master. You chose me to be a New Girl."
"How do you feel about it?"
"It's -wonderful-!" she bubbled. "I =LOVE= being a New Girl! It's so much nicer than being just a girl..."
"Why is that?"
"I feel feminine," she said. "I love my body-the way it feels when I move. And I love being Mastered, having a Master to love and serve, a Master to tell me what to do! My old life was so...uncertain. Now I know just what I must do to serve my Lord. My life has a Purpose; serving and obeying my Master. And when he gives me feels so nice, tastes so good..."
"The body is full of endorphins," commented Garrett. "She does love the way her body's like a full-time, low-level, whole-body orgasm. If sperm is withdrawn, the endorphin levels fall off and she will begin to feel -awful-. In the final stages, a horrible death would result. Susie knows that, and accepts her addiction, isn't that right?"
"Yes, Master," she said meekly. "I hope I am always worthy of your seed."
"She's been this way since yesterday; I gave her the implant two days ago," commented Garrett.
"And no...other training...?"
"None, beyond a very thorough workout in my bed." Susie giggled and blushed at this. "And let me tell you, it was spectacular. There's something about having a -totally obedient- and -completely submissive- girl. The sex was the best I've ever ha d." Susie giggled again.
"I was born to serve my Master's body, and minister to all his needs," she murmured.
"Jesus, Jim. Would it work on my girls?"
"They'd be Institute-trained AND have your 'New Girl' implant. God, I can't imagine what they'd be like then..."
"Don't worry; I intend to find out."
"Does she have the physical changes you mentioned?"
"Sure. Retractable teeth. She's hairless below the neck. And you ought to feel her mouth when it's wrapped around your cock."
"Yeah. Did I mention the genetic changes breed true? Her daughters will all have the same mods."
"Her daughters."
"Yeah; remember what I said about the male-to-female ratio."
"Oh, yeah. Er, what's the point of that?"
Garrett smiled obliquely. Instead of answering directly, he said, "I was thinking of dumping it in the reservoir."
"In the...?"
"It'd infect every female in the area. Did I mention this one's infectious? Anyone who ingests it becomes a virulent carrier. Vectored on the air-aerosol- and by any form of contact. Males won't be affected, but become carriers. The machines say the whole planet will be transformed in a month."
"Jesus. Jim, I can't allow it. Do you understand what you're talking about? It would mean the end of the human race!"
"No. Just human females. And their replacements would be...better... than human females. No need for an Institute to train them; their obedience would be programmed in by genetics and evolution. Joyously happy in serving their owners, just like Cindy. They'd be...perfect...And the sex ratio, well, don't you see it's critical? I envision a new race, with a small number of males controlling loving herds of females. A hundred to one sounded about right. So every male will have dominion over one hundred or so of these New Girls, females who will live to obey his every command."
"And I suppose you and I would each have our hundred girls, too, eh?"
"Did I mention the over-ride?"
"Yeah. Although once bound, a female is bound for life...there is -certain-sperm that -overrides- the binding. Any female, exposed to -IT-, would instantly 'switch allegiances' to its producer."
"Its producer?"
"Er, what about me?"
"Yes, well, I was getting to that. It's difficult for me, Howard, after all the hard work and your support and all...but I believe it's for the best. I can't have you interfering in my work, you know."
"What are you talking about?"
"It was in the wine you just drank. A special implant, just for you. It'll take all night to work, but the preliminary effects are quite rapid. One moment."
He nodded to Susie, and she picked something up from the lab bench. It was a triangle, a musical instrument. Smiling sweetly, she tapped it once with a stirring rod. "Ting!"
"There. Sorry about that. But hearing that particular note, well, as you are probably discovering, you cannot speak or move. Unless at my command. In a few moments, I'll drive you home. I'll collect your lovely daughter and neice, and the others , for re-programming then. You won't be needing them further. I made sure there were back-doors in their programming; they'll be easy to re-do. Please-don't look at me that way; it is really quite distressing. I imagine you're wondering what the implant will do to you. I suppose I should let you know. Tomorrow, when you awaken, you'll be the second of the New Girls; Susie and you will be the first of the evolution-optimized females we discussed. The nano's can do a sex change easily; that should be obvious. And they'll reset your age to around 7...
Susie giggled happily at the thought.
"I could have wiped your memory. But I decided not to. You'll remember your past life-including being male and having both Lisa and Jenny. You'll even remember your last meal as a male...and our little talk here. But you'll be my bound servant, a nd you'll serve just as eagerly as the others.
"I've combined the genetics of both Lisa and Jenny; you'll be sort of a combination of the two delightful girls. I'll be there in the morning to expose you to my semen; you will be bound to me, as will your neice and daughter. And Susie here. A pleasant little foursome, I expect. You'll be the 'baby' of my little harem; the girls will enjoy taking care of you. And you'll grow up, all over again, this time under MY firm-but loving-control."
Garrett stood. "All right, Howard. You can move but only to follow my commands. You still can't talk. We're going to walk to my car now. By the time we reach your place, I imagine you'll be feeling the headache and other symptoms. You'll sleep, Howie-and when you wake up, it'll be to a new life in a new world. You can thank me then-and you WILL, won't you, being a grateful and loving little slave?"
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