Published: 25-Mar-2011
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The next day at Our Lady of Grace Elementary school, little Tina West had trouble paying attention in her science class. She was tired because she hadn't gotten very good sleep the night before. After Mr. Phillips had taken her virginity and made her swallow his load of hot cum, Tina had gone home and had dinner with her folks. Her Mom and Dad had gotten into a fight, nothing unusual about that, but that's not what kept her up during the night. Instead it was her new found friend, masturbation. Tina had spent the night jerking herself to exhaustion. Her orgasms were nice, and made her tingle all over. They weren't as good as when Mr. Phillips jerked her off, or when he'd fucked her, but they were still great, and she'd spent the night in her room alternately jerking off and dozing while her parents fought down the hall. She'd had to be quite when she came because she shared her room with her little sister, 9 year old Mary. It had been frustrating not to be able to really enjoy her self-induced orgasms, but it had been nice all the same. Tina was an orgasm addicted, and happy about it.
Spending time in school seemed like a waste. She couldn't wait for the day to end so she could have her secret rendezvous with Mr. Phillips. Mr. Phillips and his giant cock! When the bell rang at the end of the day, Tina was out of the school like a shot. She made her way through the neighborhood until she was once again at Mr. Phillips backdoor. She looked around to be sure no one could see her, and knocked. In a few seconds, Jim Phillips answered.
"Hello, Tina. How are you today?", he asked, ushering her in.
"Tired. I masturbated a lot last night! It uhhh.. you know, it felt great! I just wanted to thank you for teaching me that."
"Oh, honey. That's nice of you! You're really welcome. I've still got a lot of things to teach you, if you want to learn?"
Tina wanted it all now and since she'd been thinking about it all day, didn't hesitate to say so, "Yeah.. I'd love to try everything."
"That's good to know, sweetheart" He said this just as they turned the corner into his living room. There, watching TV were 4 men Tina didn't know. She was surprised when she turned the corner and saw them, but she went into total shock when she realized that the now muted picture on the screen was of her getting fucked by Mr. Phillips.
"Guys, this it Tina, that special friend I was telling you about. Tina, these are some real close friends of mine. This is Dave, and that's John, this is Tom, and this is Howard. We've just been watching you on tape, sweetheart."
Tina was to stunned to say anything. She didn't expect anyone else to ever know about what she and Jim Phillips were doing together. Suddenly, here where 4 men who not only knew, but had seen it happening.
The one called Dave, and older man with some gray in his hair, walked up to Tina and said, "That's right, Tina. We've been watching how sexy you are. You're one attractive little girl, did you know that?"
"Yeah, Tina!", the one called John said. He was a really large man with a build like Arnold Schwartzenegger. "Watching you cum really turned me on. You've got more sex power than most grown women!"
"I.. uhh.. ", Tina didn't know what to say or think. She didn't know what to make of these men talking to her about how sexy she was. At 11 years of age, Tina didn't have any experience with dealing with boys, let alone men, let alone men who were complementing her on how sexy she was, a fact that she thought was secret. "uhh.. Thanks ... I guess.." Her family training had taken over; she'd always been taught to acknowledge a complement with a thank you. She just wasn't sure she wanted the compliment from these strangers.
"Sorry about the surprise, Tina." Jim Phillips said. "These guys just happened to stop by, and, well, their really good friends of mine. We've known each other since school! And, well, I told them I had this special friend and they really wanted to hear all about it. It's okay... we can trust them, right guys?"
"Oh Yeah!" "Sure..." "Hey look, Tina. We share everything and none of us has ever given up a secret on the others yet!", this last from one called Howard. He as large, but heavy, not muscular like John.
"So you see, it's ok, honey. Ain't no one ever going to find out about what you do here."
"Uhh.. O.. Okay..." She looked around at the men and they all nodded when she said "okay". It was like she'd entered a club, but didn't know the rules.
"Good. Now look, as long as your here, well, I told these guys how good looking your body is, and I showed them the pictures, but I know they'd really like to see you, you know, naked right now. What do you say, why don't you take your clothes off for us.. Do a little strip tease?"
Tina was shaking her head no. "No.. I can't.. I mean.. not in front of everyone and all.. No.. Please.. I don't want to..."
"Hey, Tina. It's okay." This from Howard. "We're all friends here!"
"No.. I can't", she started to turn and walk back to the back door to leave, but Jim Phillips put a hand on her shoulder, leaned down to her ear, and whispered, "Hey.. hold on. Look, we don't want you to do anything you don't want to do, but you came here wanting to do things, and all they want is to see you naked. That's not so much to ask, and besides, these guys can keep a secret and all, but there are still ways for your parents to find out about how sexy their little girl is, you know.. And you don't want that do you?"
Tina stopped dead in her tracks. She sure didn't want her parents seeing the tape of her sucking cock. The consequences of that were unthinkable. Maybe... Maybe it would be okay just to let these guys see her and then she could go home. Maybe.. oh hell, she didn't have any choice and she knew it. She turned around.
"Uhh.. I guess..."
"AWRIGHT!" "Great!"
"Thanks, Tina. Hey, this will be great, you can do a little dance for us right here in the living room, okay? Come on.. We'll all sit around in a circle and you can dance for us. Sound okay, guys?"
"Hey, great" "Alright with me."
The one called John took Tina's hand and led her back to the middle of the living room. He then sat down on the rug at her feet. The 4 men crowed around her and sat down too, making a small circle of carpet with her standing in the middle. She just stood there for a minute, not knowing what to do, when Jim Phillips suggested, "Why don't you take off your blouse, honey." She couldn't do anything else, so she started to comply. One by one she undid the buttons of her white blouse until is hung loose on her, then she pulled it up out of her skirt and slipped it off her slender shoulders. One of the men reached out for it and she handed it to him. He held it to his face and breathed in.
"MMMMMMmmmmm. Tina.. you even smell good. Put your hands on your hips. Lets see what you got."
Tina did as she was told, knowing that she didn't "GOT" anything. The rapt looks on the men in front of her though didn't change. They were studying her up and down, even her completely flat chest. A voice behind her said, "Turn around, honey." and she did, letting everyone see that she had no breasts to speak of.
"Now the skirt, honey."
Tina reached for the side of her skirt, and pulled the zipper down. She then let the skirt fall to the floor. Again, one of the men reached out for her stripped off article of clothes and she stepped out of it. She now stood before the men in her socks, saddle shoes and white panties. She did a slow turn, not knowing what to do with her arms. She felt really uncomfortable standing here almost naked in front of these men, knowing that in just a moment more, she was going to be completely naked.
"Bend over, Tina. I want to see that cute ass of yours in those panties." This from John, the muscle man. Tina complied and bent down until her hands touched the floor. She stayed like that, and let the men behind her look at her bottom in her panties. The thought crossed her mind that she hoped they were clean back there. Suddenly, a hand touched her bottom, and she snapped up to standing position.
"Hey, sorry I startled you!" This was Howard. "It looked so nice, I just had to touch. That's okay, right?"
"uhhh.. I guess so.. "
"Hey, Tina. A little touching isn't going to hurt, right?" This from Jim Phillips.
"I uh. I guess not..."
"Right.. Come on.. I've thought you were going to trust me. Come on, repeat after me. Touching is okay. Go on.. say it."
"Uhhh... Touching is uhh. okay."
"Good girl.. Hey, you heard her. Go ahead and touch."
Like one, the men rose on their knees, surrounding the 11 year old girl, standing in her white cotton panties. They all reached out and Tina suddenly had 10 large hands roaming all over her slender body. One set cupped her bottom, kneading her small round cheeks through her cotton panties. Another set ran between her thighs and probed her small pussy through her cotton panties. A third ran its fingers through her fine hair and stroked her face and neck. Another ran the flat of his hands over the flat of her chest. There were appreciative comments from all sides. "Nice little body, Tina" "You've got the smoothest skin, little lady." "Um Um, this feels nice." The rub down felt good to the little girl, and she was just beginning to enjoy it, letting herself lean into the grip of these adults.
"Hey, lets get her panties off."
Suddenly, Tina felt strong hands grip her arms and legs. She was laid down on the carpet and two pairs of hands gripped the waist band of her panties. Before she knew what happened, they were pulled down and off. Someone removed her shoes. Her legs were pulled from either side, opening her pre-teen pussy to view. Instantly a set of hands was on her small cunt, spreading the lips, and probing her pink inner reaches. "Hey, this is one NICE looking pussy!"
"Hey wait.. Please.. don't...", Tina said, but Jim Phillips was suddenly looming over her face. She looked up at him, her eyes pleading, but he said, "Relax, Tina. We're all gonna have a good time here. A little party, right guys?" "Yeah!" "You bet." "Party Hardy!" "So just relax, sweetheart.", he said.
Tina didn't know what to say. One by one each of the men got up while at least 3 men held her down to the floor and continued to fondle her. The men got undressed, and as she looked around, Tina saw more cocks than most girls see in a year. Finally, the 11 year old was surrounded and held down by 5 naked adult men. They were all stroking her small body, and some were stroking their large cocks. Tina didn't know what was going to happen next, but then, she didn't have to.
"Here, baby. Suck this." One of the men leaned close to her face, his hot cock touching her lips. He grabbed the back of her head and pushed his cock at her closed mouth. He pushed so hard that Tina thought she was going to bruise her lips, still she didn't open her mouth. She didn't want to suck anyone. She wanted to leave. A finger was shoved into her pussy part way, and Tina gasped. When her mouth open, it was quickly filled with hard cock. "Yeah, baby.. Suck that cock good and I'll give you a nice load of hotsauce!" Tina looked up at the man invading her mouth, it was Howard, the fat one. The finger in her cunny moved around, and probed slightly deeper, while another rubbed her clit. Tina couldn't move because there were 2 men on either side of her, each with a wrist and ankle, holding her down and spreading her out. 'Oh God, what have I gotten myself into!!??', she thought. But even as the thought crossed her mind, the pleasure started in her clit. 'No.. No.. I don't want this to feel good.' But she couldn't help it. Her little clit was being expertly massaged by one of the men, and Tina knew that, if he didn't stop, she'd cum eventually. She didn't want to cum for these men, didn't want them to see her enjoy what they were doing. She was afraid that if they saw her enjoy sex, they'd do... well, she didn't know and she didn't want to find out.
"That's it, baby.. Good girl.. Suck that boner.. Ummm.." Howard was enjoying himself. This little girls mouth felt so nice on his cock. He wasn't trying to force his way into her throat... at least, not yet. He just wanted to shut her up while his partners worked on getting her turned on and wet. Then the real party would begin. Still, he had the nicest job of the group. Luck of the toss!! He looked at the other guys. John and Jim where holding the little girl's arms and legs, keeping her spread and immobile while Tom and Dave worked on her cunt. And man, what a nice little cunt it was. No hair, pouty lips, pink insides and a nice little clit at the top. Jim had told them that this hot little number was easy to bring off. A couple of minutes under Tom's fingers and she be cumming like a freight train. Then they'd all fuck her in every way they could think of. This was one little 11 year old that was going get enough cock today.. that was for sure!
'No.. No.. I don't want it to feel good... No.. I don't want to cum.. Noooooooooooo', Tina was thinking, but in spite of her best efforts to ignore her tortured clit, she could feel that now familiar sensation rising in her belly, that feeling that would eventually engulf her whole body in pleasure. She was going to cum for these men. And she knew it was going to be a big one. There was something wicked in letting 5 grown men see her naked pre-teen body; to be held down and exposed against her will; to know that these grown mean really where turned on by the sight of her flat-chested, hairless body. It made her feel sexy, and to Tina this was a new and wonderful feeling. It was cumming. She could feel it.
The little girl struggled vainly at first, but as Tom worked her little clit back and forth all the men could see that she was getting more and more turned on. Howard held her mouth on his cock so that she couldn't talk, but even so, her moans of fear had started to turn into moans of pleasure. All 5 men were naked now, and all had hard-ons, watching little Tina getting ready to cum. Her arms and legs started to shake in the grip of the men on each side of her. Her eyes were closed, and her hips started to buck. Dave slide his finger into her small, hairless cunt. It slide in easily because of her natural lubricants. He massaged the inside of her cunt, causing Tina to buck her hips even more. Tom never let up on the 11 year olds clit. He increased the pressure and increased the speed of his strokes. Suddenly, the little girl jerked hard. She was screaming, but it came out as a muffled "MMMMPPPPPPHHHH" around Howard's cock. Her arms and legs pulled in toward her body with such strength that the two men on each side almost lost their balance. They all watched as Tina's chest flushed red, and her belly spasmed around Dave's finger. She almost appeared to be in convulsions, but the men knew better.
"God DAMN!! This kid is HOT! Look at her go!"
"Hey, I told you. When this one cums, she cums full tilt!"
"Guys, you should feel her cunt", this from Dave who watched her vagina pulse where his finger entered her. "Does she ever get tight in here!"
"Hey man, I can't wait to fuck this one!"
"I second that motion."
Tina didn't hear a word. She was blind to everything except the waves of pleasure emanating from her young pussy. Her own masturbation couldn't begin to compare to what she was feeling now! If this was what sex was all about then she wanted as much of it as she could get! She didn't care that a stranger had his hard cock in her mouth; she didn't care that another had a finger up her previously virgin cunny; she didn't care that 5 men were about to fuck her; all she wanted was more of this kind of pleasure.
Her orgasm subsided, and Howard let her head drop back to the carpeted floor. Tina just lay there panting, not noticing the men shifting position around her. She felt her legs being spread wide, and realized that Tom was now looming over her. "Ok, honey, I'm gonna fuck you now. Here it comes." and without further introduction he pushed the head of his cock into her pre-teen cunt. "uh" was all Tina could say, still not recovered from the orgasm that had left drained and helpless. She felt his cock stretching her lips, moving up insider her body; felt his pubic bone hit hers; felt his course hair rub against her hairless mound. It felt good, and Tina moaned with the sensation. "Like it, baby? Like that cock, huh little girl. Oh, yeah.. Here we go..", and with that he started to fuck Tina hard, pounding on her little body, bouncing her head with each thrust.
Tina felt something hot on her cheek and turned her head to see what it was. There was the man John, leaning over her head, aiming his huge cock at her mouth. "Here, baby. Take this too." He shoved his cock at her lips, and Tina let them part, allowing the spongy head to be shoved into her face. John's cock was so large that only the head could fit past her lips. No matter how she tried to open her mouth wider, or how hard he pushed, the rest simply could not fit into the 11 year old's mouth. John didn't seem to mind. He proceeded to fuck her face with what he could get in.
"Man, look at that little bitch go!"
"Yeah, she sure loves hard cock!"
Tina was being overwhelmed, with 2 cocks in her pre-teen body, she felt totally stuffed at both ends. The man fucking her hairless cunt was moaning to himself, obviously ready to blow his hot load into her. John was pumping her face faster, his muscular body pistoning up and down right over her face, like he was doing pushups over her. Two other men grabbed both her hands and she found each hand holding a hard cock. Each hand clamped her little hand down over a hot penis, and used her hand to jack the men off. Tina now was servicing 4 cocks at the same time, and she was starting to like it. Her mouth hurt because it was too small to take the large penis being stuffed there, but her vagina felt good as Tom fucked her with long slow strokes, his initial pounding having been toned down so John could get in her mouth.
"Fuck her man. Shoot her full, dude"
"Oh fuck... I'm gonna blow.. I'm gonna blow in her mouth.. Here baby.. oh MAN! Here baby.. Eat my cum, baby... Here you GO, BABY! DRINK MY CUM... OH... NOW! NOW, BABY! DRINK MY CUM!!!" John's cock expanded in the little girls mouth. He shoved hard and rammed the tip of his cock up against her to small throat. He grabbed his cock and jerked it off in the 6th graders mouth. He felt his load shooting out. filling the little girls mouth and dripping out the sides, white rivulets of cum flowing down both sides of the little girls face and getting into her hair. John bellowed like a bull as he pumped more and more jism into Tina's mouth. Tina couldn't get away from the onslaught semen being pumped into her mouth. Her head was pressed into the floor because John was letting most of his weight rest on the huge member that penetrated her mouth. Tina couldn't breath; couldn't swallow; couldn't do anything, but hope she didn't black out before this man was through fucking her mouth. Sperm was sliding down her throat, down her face, some was even being forced up her nose! It was hot and salty and sticky. And it made Tina feel special, in a small way, that she was the one getting it.
Finally, John lifted his weight off the pre-teenagers face and pulled his cock out of her mouth. The little girl gasped for breath as soon as his wang popped clear of her mouth. It was obvious that she'd not been able to breath. John grabbed his cock and stroked it over the gasping little girl, rubbing it on her lips and cheeks, stroking the last bits of ropy white cum onto her pretty young face. "Here, little girl, this'll make you even prettier. Hot cum is good for little girls, right guys?" "Oh, yeah" "You bet!" "I gotta load for you, sweetheart!" John jerked his cock in her face a little longer then lifted himself up. In an instant, Dave had taken his place, his hard cock much skinnier than John's huge pecker, but just as long. Without preamble he grabbed the back of her head and shoved his cock into little Tina's still gasping mouth. "Suck me good, baby, and maybe I won't fuck you in the ass." He yanked on her head hard, and his erection was instantly at the back of her mouth, forcing it's way into her throat. Dave pulled on her head with both hands, thrusting with his hips at the same time, determined to stuff his full length into the little 6th graders mouth. He shoved a few times and decided the angle was wrong.
"Hey, Howard, grab that cushion off the couch.. Yeah, that one.. Here. Lift her up and put it under her.. No further down. Yeah.. That's perfect." Tina was lifted for a moment off the floor and then put back down, only this time, her hips and back were on the cushion from the couch, but her head fell back unsupported. For Dave, this put her mouth right in line with her throat, and he quickly move around so that his thighs were on either side of the dazed youngster's head. He pushed her forehead down with one hand so that Tina found herself gazing at his balls. "Ok, baby.. Open up now. I'm going to throat fuck you!" Tina didn't obey right away, so he reached down with one hand and pressed on her throat. The pain of his thumb pressing on her vocal cords made her open her mouth soon enough. "That's it, little girl. You do what you're told or things get rough. We can make you feel good, but first you gotta make us feel good." And with that he again shoved his erection into her pretty face. This time, instead of stopping at the entrance of her throat, he shoved it hard, pushing her head back until it was straight upside down, the back of her head jammed against the sofa cushion. With a painful pop, his cock humped past the entrance to her throat and didn't stop until his pubic hair press against her young lips.
'GOD, HELP ME.. HE'S GOING TO KILL ME!' was all Tina could think. She couldn't breath because, not only was her glottis blocked, but his balls hung loosely down, covering her nose, allowing no air to get in. The fact that Tom was still fucking her so hard made her body bounce against the invading member. The little girl was being bounced between two hard cocks, her slender body, barely able to accommodate the invading members.
"Fuck her, Tom! Oh man, I don't even have to move. You're doing it for me!", Dave said, feeling the way the girls throat moved up and down his cock whenever Tom fucked into her. He had a perfect view of Dave's cock sliding in and out of the 11 year old's hairless cunt. He could see the way her lips puckered in and out with the motion of his fucking. The sight was a total turn-on for him. That and the feeling little Tina begin to gag on his cock made him start rocking his penis in and out of her throat.
'Thank you, God!', thought Tina as Tom started to fuck her mouth. Now that his cock was moving she had small chances to breath between thrusts of his cock. The man fucking her was really pounding on her. His swollen cock felt huge inside her small vagina as it pushed deep into her, shoving its way up to her cervix on each thrust. Tina felt her body being rammed back and forth between two giant cock. Each time her pussy was rammed, her young body was pushed up to meet the down stroke of the cock now fucking her mouth. As the pole in her cunt found it's deepest penetration, the prick in her mouth was also at it's deepest point. Tina was fully impaled. She wondered how long this would go on.
She didn't have to wonder long. All these men had been turned on watching Tina on video, long before she arrived, and now, actually fucking this tiny 6th grader was too much for them to last long. Tom, fucking her tender snatch, began to pant and declare that he was ready to cum. "Yeah, do it Tom. Let's blow a load into this little bitch from both ends!", said Dave in encouragement. Both men looked down at the 11 year old helplessly skewered between their cocks. He small body still held open by Howard and John on either side. Both could see the outline of Tom's cock as it filled her throat. Both could see the bulge in her lower abdomen with each thrust of Dave's organ. Both were ready to flood her with hot jism, and both did.
Both organs expanded in the little girl. Both men shoved themselves deep into the 11 year old's mouth and cunt. Both men began to pump their ropy offerings into their pre-teen slut. Dave had shoved his cock deep down Tina's throat, and the little girl gagged on the blasts of spicy jism. Tom's load shot deep into Tina, filling her small cunt and oozing out all sides. Each man roared with pleasure at shooting their large loads into a young, innocent girl. These men like to fuck little girls, and Tina was one of the youngest in a while. Their bodies jerking, and twitching, both men spent themselves in Tina, and slowly, began to ease the pressure on both ends of the little girl. Dave pulled his cock out first, and fell backwards, away from the little girl, looking down at his cum covered cock and her small, wet pussy, still not believing that this little girl could fit his immense wang into her tight hairless box. Then Dave, pulled his cock out of Tina's face. It was still hard, but the man was totally spent. He too fell backwards on the floor panting.
The men on each side let go of the little girl, and Tina immediately rolled on her side, coughing and gagging, trying to clear her throat of the load of hot sperm that had been shot there, and trying to catch her breath, now that she could finally breath again. Tears were in her eyes as she tried to recover from the pain and fright of the double fucking she'd just had. She coughed up some cum and it hung on her lips. Most of it she swallowed. The taste was sour, spicy, and Tina was getting very familiar with it. She even sort of liked it, but not the way it was just delivered. She could feel the dampness on her cunny and bottom as the load of cum delivered there oozed out and coated her entire hairless crotch. She cried to herself, frightened of what had happened, and scared of what might happen next. When she'd finally managed to catch her breath and swallow all the sperm left in her mouth, she looked up. Only to see a video camera with Mr. Phillips behind it, staring her right in the face.
"How'd you like that nice double fuck, huh Tina?" He said behind the camera. "Do you like having two cocks in you at once, baby?"
"It hurt."
"What hurt, sweetheart?"
"It hurt when he pushed it in my mouth! It hurt my throat."
"Oh, come on, baby. You've had cock in your throat before, right. It didn't hurt then, right. Here. Reach up and feel your throat right now. Go on.. Do it.. Now.. tell me where it hurts. Show me where your throat hurts."
Tina put a hand on her throat, but for the life of her could not pinpoint where her throat hurt. In fact, it didn't really hurt at all. Tina just looked up at the camera and didn't say anything.
"It didn't really hurt at all, did it. You just got scared, right. You got scared because it was your first double fuck and you didn't know what was happening, right baby?"
"I..... I guess so...", she said, still sniffling, trying to sort out her feelings. "I was scared!"
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. We didn't mean to scare you, did we guys?"
"No way!" "Nawww" "Hey, we're sorry, Tina"
"We wanted to double fuck you, and you gotta admit you like to fuck right?"
"Well.. yeah", she replied in a small voice.
"And you like to suck cock, right?"
"It's okay, I guess.."
"So okay then, now you did both at the same time."
"But you forced me.. I didn't like it."
"Okay, baby. We're sorry. We won't force you to do that again. But hey, you came remember. Just before we fucked you! How was that?"
"I.. It was .... nice"
"NICE!? Nice.. Tina, you were going crazy! We got it on film if you want to see it! You're one hot little girl, baby, and we all really like hot little girls. I guess you just turned us on so much. Hey, I got an idea. Why don't us guys all turn you on, and make you cum again. Sound like a good idea?"
To Tina, doing anything that would make her have an orgasm was a good idea. She nodded her head.
"Alright. Here.. Get up. Since Dave did it to you, you can do it to him! Fuck his face with that nice little cunt of yours." They helped Tina get up and walked her over to where Dave still lay on the floor. They guided her over him, and had her kneel down onto his face, her hairless cunt mashing down into his mouth. "Okay, Dave, you gotta make it up to little Tina here. You fucked her mouth, now she fucks yours.. Only fair!" Dave couldn't agree more, and nodded his head to show it. In an instant his mouth was open, and his tongue snaked out and began licking the 11 year old's tiny snatch from top to bottom. Sperm still dripped from her small vagina, but Dave didn't mind that since he liked young boys as much as young girls and had drunk his share of cum in his time. But having his face humped by a hot little, hairless pussy was one of his favorite turnons. So he lapped at her, paying particular attention to the clit swelling at the top of her hairless slot.
Tina's body reacted instantly to feel of Dave's rough tongue on her clit. A wave of pleasure emanated from her cunny and made her whole body tingle. The deep fucking of her throat, and her rough treatment were instantly forgotten. She felt hands all over her body, particularly on her ass. She felt a finger hit her small anus, and begin to massage the small hole, not penetrating, just massaging. It sent more tingles through her body. Her hips began to gyrate, moving her pussy around on Dave's mouth. She let her knees spread more, increasing the pressure on the man's face and mouth. 'Yeah.. I can push down as hard as I want cause he did it to me!', she thought, and again pushed down on Dave's mouth. Tina wanted to hump Dave as hard as he had humped her. She didn't know that that would simply be a turn-on for the man she was humping. Tina leaned forward, putting her hands to the floor and lining her clit up perfectly with the man's mouth. She then began to hump him as hard as she could, hitting the underside of his nose with her bald pubic bone. His tongue danced on and around her clit, and his lips were mashed against her hairless lips. Dave reached up and grabbed her humping ass to pull even harder on the little girl. His erection was rapidly re-inflating.
Tina's eye's were closed. She was really enjoying the sensation of being in control, of being able to hump this grown man as hard as she wanted, when something bumped her face. She opened her eye's and saw a cock being stroked just and inch in front of her open mouth. She looked up, never stopping her hips, and saw Jim Phillips kneeling in front of her masturbating in her face. "It's yours if you want it, Tina. You're in control now. You can suck it if you want, baby, but you don't have to." 'Oh wow!', she thought, I really am in control! She kept humping her hips into Dave, but her eyes were fixed on the purplish swollen erection being stroked in her face. It looked so big. She knew that Jim Phillips hadn't cum yet. 'He must really be turned on.', she thought. And she knew that it was HER that had turned him on. Her cunt was on fire. She knew that she'd be cumming soon. She leaned her face closer to the penis in front of her. She let the head rub against her cheek, felt the heat coming from the large cock. Pre-cum fluid was oozing from the tip, and Tina let this be rubbed on her face. She brought her mouth up to the tip of his cock and let her tongue out to taste the oozing fluid. The taste was warm, and salty, and familiar.
Jim kept stroking his cock in the 11 year old's face, watching her tease him. He wanted to shove it into her mouth and make her swallow his hot load, but it was more important now that Tina feel in control, that Tina understand what it felt like to want to fuck someone hard, like Dave and Tom had fucked her. And it looked like she was taking to this little lesson quite well. She was humping Dave with her hips, as hard as she could. Jim knew that Dave was going to have some bruised lips when this was over, but he also knew that Dave loved it. So he kept stroking his cock into Tina's face, being careful not to thrust forward. He felt her lips around the end of his swollen erection, and felt her tongue probing the small hole in the end. He carefully kept his hand away from her head so she'd feel no pressure to go further, but he knew either way, watching her get fucked, and watching her fuck Dave, had turned him on enough that he was going to blow a large load into her mouth, or onto her face. It didn't really matter which.
Tina was getting close to cumming. Her cunt juice was flowing into Dave's mouth, and already, pre-orgasm contractions where starting. Tina loved the feeling of fucking Dave's mouth, and the feeling of her lips on the tip of Jim's cock. It felt good to know that Mr. Phillips wasn't going to ram his cock into her mouth. It felt good to be in control. She let more of his hot penis slip into her mouth. The head of his penis slide easily into her mouth, and she let it sit there, oozing fluid into her mouth. She didn't suck, and she let her tongue glide around the tip lazily. It felt good in her mouth. It was all getting to be too much. "Tina.... I'm gonna.. cum, baby...", she heard Mr. Phillips say. "Do you want it in your mouth?" Tina was just about ready to cum herself, and all she did was nod her head and moan "UMMM UMMM" around his prick. She wanted to feel him cum in her mouth. To feel it blast out from his cock into her mouth and not her throat. She wanted to taste his cum, and know that she was the one who made it happen.
"Oh.. yeah... TINA! I'M CUMMMMMMMIIINNNNGGG" and his cock exploded in her mouth. And that did it. Tina moaned loudly, and her own orgasm took off. Jets of white cum shot into her mouth, but Tina was in her own convulsions. Her body whipped back and forth on Dave's face, her clitoris mashed down hard, and her pussy spasmed on him, forcing more of her young juices out to coat his face. She never let go of Mr. Phillips cock, as it filled her mouth with cum. She thought to swallow, some of it, but most just leaked out around her lips and down her chin to fall on the floor. "UMMMMM UMMMM UMMMMM UMMMMMM" The little girl moaned, accepting Mr. Phillips love gift and as she hunched her small pussy on another man's face.
Slowly.. Slowly, Tina's orgasm subsided. Mr. Phillips cock had stopped jetting semen into her mouth at some point, but Tina didn't know when that was. She let the organ fall from her mouth. "Ohhhhh godddddd.." was all she could say. The little pre-teen was spent. On her hands and knees, she let her head fall down and her weight collapse on the face of the man under her tired pussy. Finally, she rolled off Dave and fell on the floor, totally relaxed.
"Way to go, TINA!"
"How was that, sweetheart?"
"Man, Tina, can you ever hump!", this from Dave, as he rolled on his side and reached out to stroke her young body.
"Hey, Jim.. She really drained you, huh!"
Tina looked around and saw Jim Phillips laying on the couch a step or two away. The look on his face was total satisfaction. He looked at her, "Tina, that was fantastic. Thanks for taking my cock! I really needed to cum. How about you.. Did you enjoy that?"
"Yeah...", she sighed, languidly. "That's felt great!" Tina lay on the floor surrounded by naked grown men, and realized that she loved sex. She thought that it would be great to come here every day to suck and fuck and hump and cum!! 'Oh man.. those other girls don't know what they are missing!', she thought.
The whole naked group lay around for a few minutes, relaxing, all spent except for Howard, who'd not yet had his first orgasm. For once, the video camera as off and ignored. It had been passed around from person to person during their little orgy and all the action had been captured on film, but right now, no one wanted to deal with it.
After about 5 minutes, the doorbell rang. Jim got up and grabbed a robe off the back of the couch to go and see what it was. They heard the door open, and some muttered voices. The door closed, and Jim returned to the living room, but he wasn't alone. Following after him was young David Wallace, the boy Tina had been playing "doctor" with when this whole thing had started. His eyes scanned the room and landed on the slim form of Tina laying naked on the floor.
"Hi, David", said Tom. The other men greeted the young boy too. It was obvious to Tina that they all knew each other.
"Tina, you know David, right! Say Hi."
Tina who didn't mind laying naked in the middle of a bunch of strangers was suddenly embarrassed to be seen like that by someone she knew. After a short hesitation she said, "uhh Hi". There was nothing to cover up with, all her clothes having disappeared. Tina didn't know what to do.
"uh.. Hi, Tina", said David.
"David came over to join in the party. David likes sex as much as you do, Tina. Here, watch, we'll show you. Strip off your clothes David. Join the fun."
Tina watched as David obeyed Mr. Phillips and stripped off his clothes. His 14 year old body was slender, but well muscled. His pubic hair was light, and not fully grown. He had no hair on his chest yet, and his skin was smooth and pale. When he was done stripping off his clothes he stood up and faced Tina. She could see that his cock was already hard. It was much skinnier than the men around her, and it bobbed up and down, jerking to the rhythm of his heartbeat.
"Come here, David", said John, the large muscular man sitting in an easy chair, his legs splayed wide and his cock hanging limply between them. David walked over and stood in front of the man. He reached up and took hold of David's wrist, pulling the 14 year old to his knees between his spread legs. He then reached up and put a hand on the back of David head, pulling him downward until his face touched his limp cock. "Suck me, David. Suck me off." And David did! He reached up and took the limp prick in one hand, guiding the tip into his mouth and he began to suck on the man!
Tina's eyes almost popped out of her head. She had never heard of homosexuality or bi-sexuality. All she knew was that boys and girls did it with each other. Jim Phillips eased up next to her, putting his mouth to her ear and whispering, "What do you think of that, Tina?" Tina whispered back, "He's not supposed to do that."
"Why not?"
"He's a boy!"
"I.. I don't know. They're not supposed to... do it with another boy"
"Tina, I told you, you have a lot to learn. You've done so much, and learned so much, but there's still a lot more. Hey, little girls aren't SUPPOSED to do it with grown-ups, but you do! Right! Little girls aren't supposed to know how to fuck and suck, but you do. So why aren't they SUPPOSED to enjoy sex with each other?"
"I don't know. Their both boys."
"When it comes to sex, it doesn't really matter does it, unless you want to make babies! You just do what feels good. And from the size of John's cock right now, I bet David is making him feel real good!"
It was true. John's cock had gotten completely erect in David's mouth. David was no stranger to cock sucking and was stroking his hand up and down the erect penis in time to the movement of his head. John had a hand on both sides of David's head, and was setting the pace. Tom had gotten up off the floor and moved over behind young David, reaching between his legs and stroking his bobbing cock. Tom's own erection waved obscenely between his legs as he manipulated the 14 year old boy. He turned around to Howard and said, "Hey, Howie.. Throw me the K-Y, will you." Howard grabbed a tube of something off the side table and tossed it to Tom. Tom opened it and squeeze the lubricant into the palm of his hand. He then stroked his hand up and down on his cock until is glistened. Then he rubbed his hand up and down in the crack of the 9th graders ass. When he was satisfied that all the parts were sufficiently lubed, he took his cock and guided it to the crack of young David's butt.
Tina turned to Jim Phillips and the whispered conversation started again. "What's he doing?"
"He's gonna fuck David, sweetheart."
"You mean.. in his bottom?"
"Yup. That's exactly what I mean. Member I said that you could fuck in your bottom. So can anybody! Watch.."
It took Tom a couple of seconds to get his cock lined up with the boys anus, but eventually he started pressing the head of his cock into the brown opening. The head popped in and David's head gave a jerk upward, but John continued to hold him down on his cock, pulling the boy's mouth even further down onto this cock. A moan escaped from the boy as Tom slowly pushed the rest of his cock into the tight rectum of the 9th grade boy bent over before him. Tina couldn't tell if David was moaning in pain or pleasure. She watched as Tom humped David, and John fucked David in the mouth. She realized that just a short time ago it had been her who had two cocks in her, and that is must have looked something like this. Two grown men, holding onto the body of a much younger child, each thrusting their distended penises into an orifice; each looking to ejaculate into a younger mouth or ass. Tina saw the looks of pleasure on the men as they humped David. It turned her on. With out knowing it, her hand reached down and slowly rubbed her own hairless pussy. Jim Phillips next to her was stroking her with one hand while his cock grew.
"Oh, man.. I'm gonna pop, David.. Right in your mouth, boy. Oh.. Oh...YEAH... HERE IT COMES, BOY... OH FUCK!! .... EAT IT!! EAT IT! YYAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH." Tina saw John pull down hard on David head. She saw his body convulse and his balls churn as they pumped young David full of hot cum. She knew what David was feeling. Knew what he was tasting. And it turned her on. She saw cum leaking from David's mouth and knew that he couldn't swallow with a prick in his mouth any better than her.
"OH FUCK, DAVID.. ME TOO.. ME.. UHHH... TOOOOOOOOOO AAAAHHHHHHHH" And Tom began to spray the inside of David's rectum with cum. He pulled on the boys hips, and bent down over him, his butt clenching and unclenching with each shot of sperm into the 14 year olds ass. For his part, David couldn't do much except take what was shooting into him from both ends. He moaned a little and both men thrust into each end of his body. Tina understood what he felt, or at least thought she did.
Finally, both men let go of the 14 year old boy, and their limp pricks came out of each end of his body. David was breathing hard and he rested his head in John's crotch until he had recovered his breath. Finally, he looked up at Jim Phillips as if to say, what do you want me to do next.
"Come over here, David.", Mr. Phillips said, motioning with his hand. David crawled across the floor to Mr. Phillips, next to Tina. Tina was still a little embarrassed to be naked in front of a kid she knew, but the scene that had just played out in front of her had lessened that considerably. "David, would you like to fuck Tina?"
"Yeah, you bet!", he said, looking at the 11 year old's slender body.
"Tina, would you like to fuck David?"
"Uh.. I don't know. I guess."
"Good. David, why don't you go down on Tina first to get her ready. Then you can fuck her while we watch."
"Okay", the boy said, and slide between Tina's legs, spreading them so he could get access to her tender pussy. Her hairless snatch was a turn on for him, and he had to lift himself up on his knees to keep from grinding his erection into the carpet. Jim Phillips took Tina by the shoulders and laid her back down on the carpeted floor, kissing her with deep thrusts of the tongue into her mouth, while David started licking the little girls small slit. Tina loved the feel of a mouth on her cunny and immediately reached down to put a hand on David's head, pushing his head deeper into her young slit.
David was in heaven. He'd wanted to fuck little Tina West since he'd first seen her. He'd been seduced by Jim Phillips 2 years ago, and had finally mentioned his desire to the older man during one of their sex sessions. Jim Phillips thought he could arrange it, if David would cooperated, and true to his word, here was little Tina, spread out before him, pushing her hairless cunt into his face. He loved the feel of her bald pussy against his face, the smooth wet lips almost sucking on his chin as he licked her swelling clitoris. He could feel her cunt throb as he licked her, and knew he was turning her on. He couldn't wait to jam his prick into her and feel how tight her little twat would be on him. He wanted to shot his cum into her and look at her face as he did it. And today, he was going to get his wish.
Tina was thrusting into David's face now, her hips moving without conscious effort. She loved the feel of a mouth on her most intimate area. She loved the way a tongue felt on her clit, the warmth, and the moisture; the feeling of resting her hand on a head between her thighs. She was going to cum soon from it, she knew. "Okay, David. Come up here and fuck her now. Fuck that little girl."
David didn't need any urging. He lifted himself up and crawled up Tina's body. Tina opened her legs willingly, wanting to feel his hard prick enter her small opening and stretch her until she came. She was close to cumming now, it wouldn't take much more to make it happen. David loomed over her now, fumbling with his cock to find the opening to her cunt. Jim Phillips reached in and guided the tip of the boys erection to the 11 year olds opening. David immediately thrust himself into the little girl, eliciting a gasp from her. He couldn't wait for her to recover from his penetration, but immediately began to fuck her hard, holding himself off her with his arms. The slap, slap, slap of their two young bodies the only sound in the room.
Tina was a little disappointed that David's cock was so small. She was a little surprised when he first rammed home into her, but once he started fucking her she realized that he wasn't near as large as the men that had fucked her so far. Tina was a little disappointed, but not for long. What David lacked in size, he made up for in speed. He fucked her fast and hard. Tina felt her ass bouncing off the floor as David fucked her, slapping her hairless sex hole with his nearly hairless hips. The tingle in her cunt was growing again, and it would only take a minute or two of David's fucking to bring her off.
For the men in Jim Phillips living room, the youngsters were putting on a great show. 14 year old David, slamming his teenage prick into the 6th grade pre-teen, was a real turn-on. Every man in the room had an erection, just watching the kids fucking each other. They all slowly left their seats and formed a circle around the two kids. They all knelt down around the youngsters and began stroking their cocks over both of the kids. Tina and David didn't know it, but they were going to be the objects of a cum shower, when they were done fucking.
David came first. He felt his balls tighten and then felt a mighty internal heave. He moaned incoherently and his penis started to pump his semen into the 6th grade girl. He fell forward onto Tina, and his hips continue to hump her involuntarily. He pumped his full load into her, and then an amazing thing happened. Little Tina, feeling David pumping his sperm into her sex hole, began to cum too. Her pussy clamped down on David's invading penis, massaging it and prolonging his orgasm until he was blind with pleasure. Tina let out a yell of pleasure, "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FFFFFUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKK MMMMEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! AAAHHHHH! AAAAAAAHHHHH!", and clutched at the jerking boy, reaching down to his ass to try and pull more of him into her young body. The two children humped each other blindly, each in the throws of their own orgasm, each pleasuring the other without even being aware of it.
As each child's orgasm began to subside, they became more aware of reality again. Almost simultaneously they both looked up and became aware of the men gathered around them, jerking off over them. David pulled his penis out of Tina and rolled to one side, propping up on his elbow next to the little girl. Both children looked up at the monster cock's pointed at them, and realized what was in store next.
"Oh.. Man.. Yeah.. Here I Cum..... Yeah... YEAH...NOWWWW!" and Tom blasted his sperm at the two youngsters. The first shot hit David in the face, and caused him to jerk his head back. It dripped from his face onto Tina's face, hitting her in the lips. Tom's next ropy white shot, landed on David's chest, and proceeded to drip down to where his chest leaned on Tina's.
"Oh.. Gawd.. Me TOOOOOO! YAH! TAKE IT KIDS.. TAKE THAT HOT CUM!!" The older Dave, looming over Tina's head shot his jism lengthwise down her body. It landed in a white line starting on her hairless young vaginal lips and snaking up to her left nipple. His next shot did not have the same energy, and it just landed on her chest. He aimed his cock at David, and the next spurt struck the boy on his face and hair, coating his forehead in creamy sperm.
Almost as soon as the older Dave started cumming, John shot his wade on the 14 year old boys back. He didn't have much left, having cum in both Tina and David, but what there was dripped down the boys back, and coated his butt.
Jim Phillips was not to be out done by his friends. His load shot out and hit David's penis, dripping off the young boy, and pooling in little Tina's hairless slit. He moved his cock back and forth as he came, splashing both kids with a copious amount of white, sticky semen.
Tina and David didn't know what to do, so they just lay there as the 4 men covered their young bodies in sperm. The hot fluid landed everywhere on the youngsters, dotting Tina's chest and face with drops of jism. David was getting coated too. He took several more blasts of white cum in his face, closing his eyes when they hit. Cum landed on Tina's belly, and spread down either side of her slender body. The cum that landed on David's front, soon dripped down and landed on Tina, him still being propped up next to the little girl. When the last drop of semen had been shot onto the children, hands reached down to spread the white lotion all over both their bodies. Tina felt hand spreading the semen on her chest, stomach and rubbing it into her tender young cunt. David felt hands smearing the semen on his back and reaching down to jack his cock and get it liberally coated in cum as well. When both youngsters where covered from head to toe, the men stood up and one by one knelt down next to Tina's head.
"Suck it clean, sweetheart.", said the first man, hold his deflating cock out to the 6th grader. Tina opened her mouth and let the flaccid penis in. She sucked, and a last few drops of semen oozed out the small hole in the end. She swallowed this, and the cock was removed from her mouth. "You too, David.." And the same cock was offered to the young boy. He too, took the man's cock into his mouth, and sucked. In turn, each man offered his prick to both children to be sucked and licked clean. Tina and David did not hesitate in any case. David, because he'd done this ritual before, and Tina because she didn't know what else to do.
"Hold on a minute!", said Howard after the ceremony was done. Howard had been designated camera man for most of this orgy, and so had not had a chance to cum yet. "Hey.. We still got some business to take care of!", this last said as he held his large erection in one hand, and eyed the two kids with the other.
"Okay, Howie.. What do you want to do?"
"Well, I notice that little David there still has a hard-on.. How about a sandwich?"
Tina wondered why Howard would be talking about food, when she thought everyone wanted sex. She guessed maybe that's how Howard had gained all that weight, thinking about sandwiches all the time.
"Sounds like a good idea to me, but do you think she can take it?"
"Oh.. I think so... It'll be tight, but I like em tight."
Tina didn't have a clue as to what was going on, but figured she'd go alone. After all, she'd gone along with everything so far.
"David, lay down on your back. Okay, now. Tina, I want you to get on top of David and fuck him. Climb on your knees and put his cock in your cunny.."
David had lain down as soon as he was told to, his still erect cock sticking up from his body and twitching. Tina looked up at Mr. Phillips giving her directions, and complied when she understood what was wanted. 'Oh, good.. We get fuck again!', she thought. Tina could not get enough of fucking, and knew before she even mounted the 14 year old boy that she would have another orgasm just from having his dick in her. She lifter her bottom after straddling David, and reached down for his cock. She guided the head of his penis between her tender lips and let her weight push his cock up into her body. David helped with a thrust of his hips, loving the feeling of Tina's hairless pussy sucking his teenage pecker.
Once again, the men gathered around the fucking teens, only this time they pushed Tina down until her chest met Davids. Two men held her there, putting pressure on her back with one hand and holding her wrist with the other. Tina didn't like it much, because she couldn't move enough to fuck herself on David, but fortunately he kept fucking her by thrusting his hips up into her. His penis felt good inside her, and Tina relaxed and let herself be fucked by the 14 year old.
Suddenly, she felt a cool sensation on her anus as a hand rubbed some kind of lotion on her small rear entrance. A finger began to probe her small brown hole, completely exposed in this position, and with almost no delay, it was thrust up into her rectum. "Ow! Hey.. what are you doing?"
"Just checking it out, Tina honey", this from Howard. Tina couldn't lift herself up and close her bottom to his probing.
"That hurts... Stop.. Please.."
"No, baby. I got the lucky draw, sweetheart, and I'm gonna fuck you in the ASS!" And with the last word, he shoved his whole finger up into the 11 year olds tight anus.
"OOWWWW.. No.. Please No... Ow.. Stop.. Please..." Tina was begging. She couldn't imagine being fucked in the ass. Just the finger in there felt huge. She kept begging to be left alone, that it hurt, that she was scared, but her cries fell on deaf ears.
"You gotta do it someday, honey.. May as well be now" Howard had removed his finger from the little girls bottom. He positioned himself behind her, aiming his cock at her virgin rear entrance. The head of his cock touched the puckered rear hole, covering it completely. Howard, looked down at where his dick met the 11 year olds anus, and wondered aloud if she could take it. "Man, do you really think she can take this thing?"
"Sure, man.. Hey 'member that 10 year old last year. She took John for Christ sake.. Do it, man. Fuck that tight virgin ass!"
"Okay.. Here goes..." And he began to pressure his penis forward pushing in Tina's rectal orifice. Tina was shaking with fear. Her as cheeks were being held apart by one man, while Howard concentrated on impaling her ass. With a sudden pop, the head of his cock broke through the resistance of her young sphincter, and he felt her anus clamp down on the head of his prick.
"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.... IT HHHHHUUUUUUURRRRRTTTTTTTSSSSSSSSSSS...... PLEASE DON'T..." Tina screamed, but Howard kept pressing forward, amazed that his fat cock could slide into this little girl at all! Slowly his cock disappeared between Tina's spread ass cheeks. The heat and tightness of her rectum where unbearable. Her cries and sobs and struggles, just added to the sensations in her fantastic bottom. She couldn't move because she was held down by Tom and Dave. And John was holding her ass open to Howard's advancing cock. Slowly he pressed on. With only an inch of cock to go, the going got tough. Maybe there wasn't enough lubrication, or maybe this 6th grader didn't have enough room to hold two cocks at once. Didn't matter. Howard leaned over the little girl and gave one last hard thrust.
"AAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH" Tina screamed at the blinding pain in her bottom. She couldn't move, couldn't get away, could barely breath because the two men held her down so hard, to allow Howard to thrust into her. The pain of having her rectum stretched to fit this huge erection was unbelievable. Tina completely forgot that David's still erect penis was deeply imbedded in her small cunt. Compared to the pain in her ass, the pleasure of having her small pussy filled with a reasonable sized cock was nothing. Tina couldn't understand how David had managed to take a cock in his ass before without screaming!
"SHIT!! FUCK!!! GOD DAMN.. THIS GIRL IS TIGHT!!!" Howard had managed to fit his whole erection in the 11 year old girl. His cock was in a warm vice. Almost, it felt like he wouldn't be able to pull it out, but he did, just a bit, and then pushed home again, into the little girl. 'OH MAN.. THIS WON'T TAKE LONG!', he thought to himself. The thrill of de-flowering this tight anus was almost enough to bring him off. He had to concentrate not to shoot off in her right then and there. Hell, he wanted to fuck her a little bit, since he was the first. And so he did. Pulling and pushing his large cock between the bottom cheeks of this 6th grade school girl. He fell forward onto the pre-teen, resting his weight on her back and humped her for all he was worth.
"OW... OW.... OW... OW... OW...", Tina chanted on each in stroke of his cock into her small bottom. The blinding pain of initial entry had subsided, and was reduced to a burning sensation deep in her rectum. His thrusts hurt, but she didn't feel like she was going to black out from the pain anymore, and she didn't feel the need to scream protests anymore. She tried to pretend that she was passing a large turd, but the sensation was like nothing she had ever experienced. This fat man was on her back, humping her, his hairy chest resting on her back. She could still feel David under her, making feeble attempts to thrust into her cunt from below, though he was worse pinned that her, having to carry the weight of both people. 'He might be worse off than me..', she thought. I wonder if he can breath? And the more she thought about other things, the more the pain subsided, until is was just a dull ache that sharpened slightly whenever the fat man rammed into her.
'Okay.. Okay.. I can take this.. Okay...', she thought over and over to herself to re-assure herself. She still said "OW" each time the grown man fucked into her virgin anus, but now it was mostly ritual, and she did it unconsciously. The other men had stood back now, no longer needed to hold down the 11 year old, and watched as Howard fucked her small bottom, and David tried to fuck her in the cunt. David's face's was red, and it didn't look like he was breathing to easily, but his hard-on never wavered, and it could still be seen easily penetrating the little girls cunt. The sight was a turn-on, but the men were pretty much spent. Jim Phillips started to get a hard-on again, and figured .. 'what the hell'. He walked over to where Tina's head hung down, forehead touching the floor, and lifted her chin up. It was awkward, because the 11 year old was almost completely covered by the man fucking her ass, but he managed to offer his cock to her mouth. Tina seemed glazed out and far away, not really noticing his offered erection, so he pushed it into her mouth without waiting for her to notice. The little girl accepted it, and actually seemed to suck on it, once she became aware of what was in her mouth.
Tina, concentrated on her mantra to make the pain in her small ass go away. Suddenly, she felt something poking at her mouth. She opened her eyes and realized that one of the men wanted her to suck his cock. The semi-hard penis slipped between her parted lips, and Tina realized that sucking this cock would help her ignore the cock that was invading her aching young bottom. And so she sucked.
The sight was amazing, and John made sure to grab the video camera to record every angle. Here was an 11 year old school girl, down on her knees, every hole filled with cock. The camera zoomed in on where 2 cocks at the same time entered her young hairless body. The cock thrusting into her ass, caused her anal opening to cave in with every thrust, and extrude out with every retraction. The cock in her cunt barely moved, but you could tell the boy was trying his best to contribute to the fucking of the 6th grader. The camera moved around to the front and got a shot of Jim Phillips pushing his cock into her innocent face. Her eyes were open and she watched the penis disappearing into her as best as she could. The camera moved to the side and showed the entire scene, two men and a boy, jamming there erections into every hole of the tiny, slender, pre-teen girl. Each blind to the others and they used this child as a receptacle for their hot loads of cum.
"NOW! NOW! NOW!!.... YAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Howard came suddenly. His penis expanded and blasted his white hot seed deep into the little girls over-stretched rectum. With each blast he slammed his hips forward, trying to impale himself as deeply as possible into the sweet young child whose ass he was fucking. He thrust so hard that he rammed her body upward, and David's cock popped free of her small cunt. His erection bobbed up and pushed into Howard's hanging testicles. Slamming Tina forward had the opposite effect on Jim Phillips. Her mouth suddenly engulfed his entire cock, and he felt the head of his prick slide deep into her tight throat. Howard kept bellowing and moaning and cursing as he flooded the pre-teens bottom with his semen. He finally collapsed on the little girl, his penis still twitching in her anus, but rapidly deflating.
"Howard... HEY, Howard!! Get up, will ya! The kid can't breath!" One of the other men came over and assisted the spent fat man in getting off of little Tina and David. The men had noticed that poor David could barely get enough breath and had to rescue him. "Jesus, Howie. What you trying to do? Crush these kids?!", they ribbed him while he recovered his senses after his blinding orgasm. "Nahhh", was all he could reply.
Jim Phillips had removed his cock from Tina's mouth right after she was forced to deep throat him. He figured, she had enough to worry about, with Howard shooting off in her like a bull on a calf! He was amazed that Tina had managed to take his cock in her ass, he'd not really been sure himself, and he went back to check out her anus after they hauled the fat man off the two kids. He spread her cheeks and looked as her anus began to recover it's normal shape. It looked red and stretched, but he didn't see any bleeding, so he bent down and kissed each of the young, tender ass cheeks before leaning up to talk to the two kids.
"Hey.. David.. You guys never got to finish that fuck.. Roll her over and finish it.. she's all yours!"
Tina was beyond words. The pain in her ass was gone, and the tension drained away from her. She had not realized how tense she'd been, while getting her ass fucked. Maybe if she'd relaxed a little it wouldn't have been so bad. Well.. lesson's learned for next time. And she surprised herself with that thought, because she realized that there would be a next time. That she would get fucked in the ass again because that's what men liked to do, and she liked men! That's when Tina realized that sex was a whole world of men and boys, and maybe even girls that she was ready to explore. She could handle anything! Or well.. most things... She felt herself rolled over, her aching bottom pressed to the floor as her pussy was entered once again. She looked up, and saw David looking down at her.
"Do you want me to fuck you, Tina?", he asked, wanting to make sure she wanted it. He knew what it was like to have your ass fucked for the first time, and he remembered being dazed afterward too. He wanted to be sure that Tina wanted to fuck, and not just curl up and recover. He felt sympathy for her, and wanted her to know it.
"Yes.. I want you to fuck me, David.. Make me cum! Fuck me, hard!" Tina wanted it now, more than anything. His penis in her young snatch had re-awakened the feelings in her clit, and rapidly took her mind off her aching bottom. "Yeah.. Fuck me... Fuck me, please." and the young boy did.
The men watched as the teenager and the pre-teen fucked each other. Each obviously enjoying the others body, and the sensations in their own. The men loved to watch kids fucking, and David and Tina put on quite a passionate show. But with the quickness of youth, it was all too soon over. Tina shouted her pleasure at David, yelling the fact that she was cumming and wrapping her legs around the young boys humping butt. The throbbing of her pre-teen pussy around his young cock sent David over the edge and he too moaned his pleasure and his penis spat it's load of boy cream into the little girl. Final, both youths lay on the floor in each other's arms, spent and panting. Both sets of eyes closed.
"Guys, I'd say it was a successful party!"
"Oh, man.. the best."
"So, what do you say, huh... Do it again next week?"
"Yeah." "You bet!!"
"And John, next time bring your two daughters, okay. No use making poor Tina there do all the work!"
"Hey, man. You got it. I know Julie and Jennifer are ready for another party. They didn't like being left out of this one, and hey, guess what. Next week is Jennifer's 9th birthday. We can have a real party!"
"Alright!" "Yeah.. That'd be great."
Jim Phillips looked at Tina and David. "What do you say, kids. Wanna come to a birthday party next week. Plenty of cake, ice cream, and fucking for everyone!?"
Both Tina and Dave looked at Mr. Phillips and nodded. Each was grinning in anticipation.
old perv
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