Vicky's Lessons in Life, Part 7

[ g+, M+, F+, inc, porn ]

by Unknown


Published: 9-Dec-2011

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This story contains graphic descriptions of sex among adults, pre-teens, & children, between adults, pre-teens, & children. If you find this offensive stop reading now.

This story is entirely fictional and any similarity between persons and events depicted in it and actual persons and events is purely coincidental. The story is pure fantasy and none of the events described herein are practiced, advocated or condoned by the author.

The Story So Far...

Carol, an English submissive beauty, lost her virginity to a group of lads at the age of ten. This led to her accepting gang-bangs as normal sex, and she fell pregnant at 12 after only her second period. Thrown out of home by a narrow-minded father, she joined a commune and gang-fucked until giving birth to Vicky just after her thirteenth birthday. She'd breast-feed whilst fucking different men until Vicky was able to sit upright on her own watching porno films.

Carol was both amused and pleased when five year old Vicky shoved one of her used dildos into her own tiny cunt and broke her baby hymen, and less than a year later Carol took her little daughter to meet a group of guys who enjoy fucking kids, where mother and her six year old daughter were gang-banged. Following her mother's lead, Vicky accepted promiscuity as normal little girl activity and regular gang-bangs quickly became a part of her daily life.

Eventually a friendly group of American paedophiles arranged visas so Vicky and her mother could move to California to continue the child's fuckathon lifestyle. Carol placed Vicky in a good progressive school where most ten year olds fucked around and several teachers made good use of their lolita pupils! Vicky quickly joined a group of highly promiscuous kiddy-sluts who thought nothing of seducing male teachers, and several enjoyed regular family-sex with fathers and brothers, etc. Carol also made contact with paedo' clubs, including a private ranch run on professional lines with resident kiddies of all ages for members to fuck in luxury, and of which you will hear much more later.

These contacts resulted in a number of invitations for Vicky and her pre-teen friends to visit the clubs for orgies in return for cash and gifts, and it quickly became a routine part of their young sex-lives. More than half Vicky's classmates fucked around but the rest, through lack of opportunity or fear, had their cherries still intact. Vicky and her friends set about persuading the unfucked few to start taking cocks before their hairless slits heal up through under-use, but also make sure they satisfy their own adolescent need to feel more and more cocks spurting inside their hot young bodies!

Whilst she was still only ten, Vicky and her friend Babs joined two friendly paedo' guys for their trip to Mexico, and happily discovered how widely accepted it is there for men to fuck little girls as simply another childhood experience. The travellers were also delighted to see many pretty, though scruffy, child prostitutes roaming the streets in every town they visited, and the two girls persuaded their escorts to hire several kiddy-whores aged from seven upwards. Vicky and Babs weren't neglected either, and the promiscuous little ten year olds got themselves fucked by a rich assortment of red-blooded males before returning home happy and contented, where the couple of minor infec-tions they'd picked up were soon eliminated.

Now read on...


Both girls were greatly pleased to see all their friends again and get up to date with all the news. Vicky was especially pleased to hear that ten year old Helga, the girl she'd helped lose her virginity, had since gone totally promiscuous, offering her pussy to virtually every man she came in contact with. Her spots had cleared up, and with her straight blonde hair she'd acquired a new confidence as a free-fucking Scandi-navian sex-toy. In addition, Tanya and Marie-Lynn had between them man-aged to persuade a couple of other hesitant girls to drop their knickers for the boys whom they each fancied.

Having once lost their virginity, both girls were pressured mercilessly by their promiscuous friends into having casual sex with more and more strangers. Young girls spend so much time together at school that its hard to resist peer pressure, and to avoid the constant chiding they soon found it less hassle to get in some guy's car after school, take off their knickers and just let it happen. After a couple of weeks their resistance completely collapsed and they became resigned to being permanently sexually lax, much to Marie-Lynn's delight.

"Anyway, they'd kept their cunts tight far too long," Tanya casually informed her friends, "God! Just think, they might've even grown tits without first knowing what it felt like having lots of cocks pushed up 'em!" She grinned and rolled her eyes. "I mean, shit Vicky if girls weren't born with cunts I'm sure some guy would've had to invent 'em! I mean, these days so many studs want to get inside MY fuck-hole I hardly have time to piss!" She giggled at her own joke. "I've started calling it my party pussy 'cos guys are always gatecrashing my knickers and pushing their way in!" More laughter. "Then again, I never could re-sist new cocks so they always get inside me anyway!"

For a brief moment her pre-teen face looked serious. "Anyway, guys, I'd have to be crazy to turn down any chance of a fuck, don't y'all think so? " Her last comment produced more giggles and enthusiastic agreement from the other girls.

The really big news was that weak-willed Sharon and the newly-married Maths teacher had ran off together. Nobody knew where. "Well I'm not surprised she's gone," Said Babs, "That mother of hers is a real cow! She never lets her dress up." Marie-Lynn nodded in agreement. "Yeah! She was always being bossy to Sharon, and made such a big deal about virginity. I mean, who cares!" She looked at Vicky, and her friend smiled. "Well I hope he's giving her a really good fucking right now!" Wished Vicky, "He's got a lovely big cock!" "Yeah!" Agreed Conchita, "He fuck-a good!" She dug a finger into the front of her skirt to scratch her cunt. "But just-a one cock-a sounds a real-a drag!"

The latin slut really knew what she was talking about! Only the day be-fore Conchita had fucked with seven different men - her father, two teachers, one of her older brothers and three middle-aged paedophiles who'd taken her out for a sexy lunch - yet half a day later she was itching to feel more hot cock-flesh burrowing into her hungry cunt! The child was one helluva fuck-crazy ten year-old...!

The scandal at school soon died down, and then it was fucking as usual again between some of the teachers and the most promiscuous girls, whilst Tanya got called to the Principal's office once or twice a week for a frantic ten-minute fuck and suck session before she skipped back to class with a big grin on her face and warm creamy head-teacher semen sloshing around inside either her womb or stomach, or both.

It was only a few weeks after Vicky and Babs' Mexican trip that many of the girls began to show signs of puberty. As they approached and passed their eleventh birthdays, nipples gradually became more pronounced until the points rubbed against their school blouses and it was impossible to hide their breast development. Not that many girls tried! Apart from the few remaining virgins and one-boy goody-goodies, flaunting growing tits quickly became the "in" thing, and most girls rejected bras or vests in favour of thinner tops which advertised their budding nipples to the world! Excitement was heightened further by the changes around the girls' crotches as hairs began to grow and their cunts became puffy and permanently moist inside, making it much easier for the girls to fuck.

Puberty soon became the most highly-charged sexual stage in the girls' development and, although menstruation implied fertility, after experi-encing their first period most girls increased their sexual activity to satisfy their heightened sexual urge, displaying a typically youthful indifference to all risks of pregnancy. Most mothers chose to avoid a pregnant pre-teen in the family by having their highly promiscuous off-spring signed up for the pill well before their first period appeared. Many girls had known in advance that their tenth birthday was the time they'd start taking "anti-baby" pills, and quite a few had been on the pill for up to a year before their first period had even started!

Vicky's tits began to blossom about a month after Tanya first noticed hers, along with Juliette and Conchita, whilst Marie-Lynn started to grow two jutting points a few weeks later. Poor old Babs had to wait another three months before her vigorous rubbing and fucking finally spurred her own little breasts into life. Carol watched her daughter's move towards womanhood with undisguised pleasure. She'd been looking forward to it for eleven years, and loved the way Vicky's breasts began to bud and her cunt became more fleshy and lubricated naturally. She convinced her developing child to regularly shave the hairs off her crotch to retain its youthful appearance, and became totally obsessive about her daughter's sex-life, ferrying the young girl to group-fucking sessions all over town in an effort to keep Vicky's womb filled almost constantly with rich and fertile male sperm.

Yes, she knew menstruation wasn't far away and was desperate for Vicky to conceive at the earliest possible moment. She didn't care who ferti-lised her pretty eleven year-old child, but knew instinctively that it would result in a baby girl. A girl! Carol couldn't wait to teach pro-miscuous sex to a third generation female infant. If she had her way every girl on the planet would be introduced to sex at birth, with their gossamer-thin hymens stretched wide open the moment the umbilical cord was cut.

Although aware her mother was trying very hard to get her pregnant, Vicky didn't dream of resisting, having complete faith in Carol's assur-ance that it was for her best. Day and night she willingly engaged in group sex and gang-bangs, actively encouraging any man to fuck her at every opportunity, even when Carol wasn't around. She politely refused all her friends' suggestions that she ought to start taking the pill, convinced that it was much better for her developing body to have spunk as naturally as possible. She loved to fuck anyway, and her serene con-fidence eventually inspired a couple of other pubescent girls to flush their contraceptive pills down the toilet and fuck around as unprotected as Vicky liked to be.

It took almost six months before Carol achieved her ambition. Vicky was nearly eleven and a half when puberty finally sorted out her sex organs, triggered her first female egg and she became pregnant without having had a single period. Both mother and daughter were ecstatic, Vicky tak-ing her lead from Carol, and the two gorgeous sluts jumped around the room hugging one another when it was confirmed. Carol had known all along that plenty of sex was good for growing children, and not only was Vicky a very beautiful and sexy clear-skinned daughter, she was also happily pregnant! There could be no better proof of the benefits to young preteen girls from enjoying a full and regular sex-life with many different partners.

Although expecting a child of her own, Vicky was still a child herself and had some growing still to do. She had remained quite small for her age, four feet nine inches tall and weighing just five stone, and would continue developing for at least another couple of years before reaching adult height and weight. Her own daughter would undoubtedly be very small at birth, for which Carol was thankful.

After months of ferrying Vicky around, Carol enjoyed some welcome re-laxation, whilst her expectant daughter went back to her old routine. As a healthy and sexually active child, Vicky's pregnancy was perfectly normal without any complications, and for the first few months she often forgot she was expecting a baby at all! Apart from the week-end visits to paedophile clubs and parties with her friends, when she fucked like crazy, she usually had sex with an average of three or four different partners every day.

Teenage boys were a novelty, their interest having only developed once the girls' had begun to grow tits, but they were very energetic and al-ways shot plenty of hot sperm into the willing girls. After having half a dozen or so, Tanya declared she was bored and preferred fucking with older men, but Vicky felt quite sympathetic towards the nervous younger boys and would tenderly show them how to fuck her. She became quite popular amongst the young teenagers, and couldn't bring herself to refuse whenever they asked her for a fuck, carefully taking two or three different boys every day right through her ninth month of pregnancy.

As expected, Vicky gave birth to a perfect six and a half pound baby girl just three months after her twelth birthday. Her own mother was still only twenty-five, having given birth to Vicky at thirteen, and blessed the way her stunning looks continued to attract a never-ending stream of new men, happy to fill her ever-hungry cunt with their gor-geous spurting cock-meat. By then Carol's obsession had become a con-stant craving, and she often had to risk getting caught in a downtown alley whilst a willing stranger pumped his vital fluid deep into her randy womb. Like a drug addict, she found sex with one man could only relax her for a couple of hours at the most, and an evening's solid gang-bang had become essential for her to get a good night's contented sleep. Every so often she would pick up some sexually transmitted in-fection and slow down for a few days whilst it was being treated. She would curse her luck and frig like mad to try to release the tension, but couldn't bear the frustration for very long. Three or four days without cock was the most she could stand, then she'd just have to trust to luck and would furiously fuck and suck her way through all the swing clubs in a twenty-four hours binge, stopping only to grab a light snack or pay a quick visit to the ladies room to pee.

During the forty-eight hours Vicky spent in the maternity clinic, Carol would break her visiting trips, calling in at one swing club on the way there for an hour's orgy and shower. Then, after visiting her daughter, she would stop off at her favourite club on the way home, unable to re-sist settling into one of their "anonimity couches" for two or three hours of wonderful non-stop fucking by a stream of horny strangers whilst being lulled by the soft lighting and sensuous music. It was such a lovely relaxed atmosphere, and she swooned as each new cock was fed into her beautiful lustful body, before finally returning home feel-ing sleepy but blissfully happy. She would step out of her clothes and get straight into bed, then dreamily massage the oozing spunk into her perfect peachy skin until she eventually dozed off feeling gloriously contented.

On the third day Vicky brought her baby daughter home. Having given much thought to a name she decided to call her child Lorraine, after one of the most beautiful and successful child-sex stars ever to hit the porno film industry. That first Lorraine had been introduced to films at the age of eight by her ambitious mother, who'd agreed for her little girl to be fucked on screen once it was spelt out that was the only way she'd ever get a contract. It was rumoured at the time that she went into her first sex film a virgin. Certainly her screams and tantrums in that first release looked too realistic to be acting, with two men hav-ing to forcibly hold the child still while a third greased up her infant slit and, after much trying, eventually managed to shove his cock deep inside the child's newly stretched cunt.

Nevertheless, after the first two films Lorraine's performance began to improve progressively. Her mother's positive encouragement must have been a considerable help. Also the money she was being paid, not to mention the film director constantly cajoling her to excel even more, all helped to steer the pretty young nymph into becoming one of the raunchiest child fuck-stars ever to hit the screen. By nine and a half Lorraine had matured into a true professional, fucking everyone with her own unique brand of child-style. She was fucked silly by a whole host of co-star characters - grandfathers, fathers, teenagers, brothers, blacks, Chinese, Asians and Indians - she took them all whilst display-ing an earthy enthusiasm which belied her tender years. Many children who feature in sex films just do their thing without considering the camera's importance, but not Lorraine. Her smouldering child-eyes would lock onto the lens, inviting every viewer to enjoy watching her body be-ing abused, especially when her mouth was being filled with spunk, which she always swallowed slowly with a genuine relish!

In the three years before she reached puberty, Lorraine made around fifty superb films, ranging from ten minute shorts to a two hour porno-epic which took more than a month to complete. In the latter, based on a black magic theme, Lorraine played a white child-witch who needed black men's semen to keep up her mystical powers. Twenty big-cocked negro studs serviced the little girl at regular intervals throughout the film, but in one scene she still managed to tempt her fa-ther and brother into having three-way incest with her, only to find their semen didn't have the same effect. With spunk all around her mouth and running down her thighs, she then ran screaming into a negro's bar where five big blacks laid the child on a pool table and took turns at pumping the right stuff back into her tiny young body. After twenty minutes she was lifted off the pool table smiling broadly, her nine year-old body aglow, and with semen streaming out of her vagina to trace a pattern of spunk rivulets which literally flowed down both her slender legs.

The increasing numbers of men Lorraine had sex with, and the frequency with which she was fucked, had no adverse effect on her performance and seemed to improve the quality of her acting. Between the age of eight and ten, whilst making movies, something like four hundred film-stud cocks had felt the warm insides of her welcoming cunt or sensuous mouth. And that didn't include all her off-screen lovers, of which many were adult film stars, who secretly paid their glowing tribute to Lorraine's sexual prowess and unflagging youthful energy! She even became well known amongst the underground Hollywood sex-party set as the only child attending secret all-night fuck'n'swap parties on a regular basis.

Although so far only a Californian phenomenon, child nymphomania is fast developing throughout the West Coast's highly liberal society, resulting from a refreshingly tolerant attitude towards the promiscuity practised by more and more under-aged pretty girls. In fact, the most enlightened communities are frustrating any police investigation by refusing to dis-cuss their offspring's sexual activity, claiming it contravenes their pre-teen daughters' rights, and interferes with their freedom to express themselves.

As mentioned earlier, Girls magazines have begun to reflect this, even to the point of risking prosecution! The most progressive magazine, TOYGIRL, promotes its radical image to under-aged girls with the slogan "Its Cute'n'Horny - Just Like YOU!". Eighty per cent of its content is sex-oriented, such as "Doing IT!" a series where readers, occasionally with names and faces published, are encouraged to write in and describe their pre-teen sex encounters. TOYGIRL, targeted at nine to thirteen year-olds, also features daringly enlightened articles like one which claimed readers should bust their own cherries! That article was head-lined "Why Not A Horny First-Time?", and claimed most guys don't take enough care when breaking in virgins. So the writer contended girls should prepare themselves, and even suggested sisters or a couple of close friends could help by breaching one another's hymen! To get round most problems with the law the magazines prints disclaimers to articles it publishes by claiming the writers are just expressing their personal opinions.

TOYGIRL's fashion section also concentrates on sexuality, with features on child-size erotic underwear, where to obtain it, and even how to per-suade a reluctant mother to start buying it. Its handled in a light-hearted manner, but the whole accent is on masculine reaction to flimsy knickers and hold-up stockings, so the message definitely gets rammed home! The fashions promoted to pre-teen readers are designed to reveal rather than conceal, with pictures tending to emphasise legs, crotches and sexy looks.

Pre-pubescent models pout suggestively, thrust their hips at the camera and in micro-skirts and dresses are posed so their stunningly brief sexy panties are exposed! Sitting on a sofa with one leg crossed widely over the other, squatting on steps with raised knees or standing with one foot resting on a chair leg, nine times out of ten the child's soft vul-val mound and deep inviting slit are clearly outlined through her tight knickers. Thin Lycra Hotpants are also worn super-tight, tracing every outline of the child-model's sexy underwear. That is, if she's wearing any! - TOYGIRL models are often not allowed to wear panties when posing in ultra-tight shorts or pantsuits. With legs slightly apart and the camera at knee level, the girl's vertical slit is deliberately over-accentuated where the material is pulled deeply into her vulval flesh! Yes, for a typical TOYGIRL model, showing pussy and putting-out quickly become accepted as the norm, and shy child-virginity is something they soon learn to scorn as uncool and totally outmoded!

Bowing to growing pressure, some well-known city stores have introduced what they discreetly label as their "TG" range of more blatant young fashions. Skirts are either stunningly short or see-through, stretch tightly around the buttocks and have prominent easy-undo fasteners like velcro or nylon poppers, whilst the range's lycra Hotpants all feature side straps and what has become known as the "TG-Gusset". This consists of strips of specially modified lycra stretch material woven into the crotch area and which tighten considerably at body temperature. After pulling on the tiny garment the pre-teen wearer tugs at side straps un-til the material fits her small child-body like a second skin. In just thirty minutes the "TG-Gusset" is pulled right inside the smooth hair-less vulval cleft, accentuating the wearer's sex-slit from just about any angle. All dresses and tops bear the stylised "TG" logo and the well known initials "I-d-I", meaning "I do IT", plus other sexually in-spired motifs, and in most cases the midriff is left widely exposed.

Whilst sales of such clothes have soared, so far the store owners have pretended they are unaware of the sexually flagrant underwear which the magazine is also heavily promoting, preferring to rely on sales of their own label bikini briefs for young girls. This has left the "TG" sex-undie market wide open to the few small but raunchy out-of-centre bou-tiques. These small specialist shops happily offer under-age girls a huge selection of the briefest and sexually explicit undies in nothing but child-sizes, many of which bear slogans like "Have Pussy - Will Put Out!" or "No Tease! This Chick F**ks!" or "Hi! I'm Tight - Try Me To-night!". Every week-end these small tucked-away boutiques are beseiged by willing young buyers, sometimes accompanied by broadminded indulgent mothers who readily fund their precocious daughters' fashion needs.

The magazine's latest idea is to run a "She's A Real TOYGIRL" photo fea-ture, with a competition to find the TOYGIRL Of The Year. Each issue shows sexily posed pictures of pre-teen readers, with accompanying cap-tions such as "Liz, 10, so pretty and like all you girls she loves doing IT! On page 24 you can read how she got started when TWO horny guys took her to the fair!". Votes are invited for the best TOYGIRL from each issue, and twenty-four annual finalists compete for the title "TOYGIRL Of The Year".

Competition to appear has become much fiercer, with the word buzzing round California schools, and as a result pictures have become more and more blatant. Seductively smiling pre-teens lift their skirts and raise legs to expose stocking-tops, brief lacy knickers and even tight gus-sets! For example, a twelve year-old, pictured from behind, smiles over her shoulder at the camera and winks. All she has on is a waistlength T-shirt, hold-up stockings, G-string panties and the words "HORNY CHICK" painted in red lipstick across her bare buttocks! Another girl, younger still, in just paper thin pink knickers and a skimpy bodice showing pink nipples on her flat chest, pouts and sexily licks her lips at the camera as she gazes between raised knees. Her slender legs are parted enough to reveal a moistened translucent pantie-crotch, giving more than just a hint of kiddy-slit, whilst across her knees the words "I do IT - A LOT!" are written in hot pink!

TOYGIRL publishes as many pictures as it can get away with, only holding back on naked split-leg vaginal shots, which would unfortunately result in a police prosecution. But perhaps TOYGIRL's letter and advice sec-tion gives the clearest indication of the change in childrens' attitudes to sex. Take the following example.



Its a bit scary to write to you, but my friend says you tell the truth, so here goes. I'm now ten and have been doing IT for six months. Except for hurting a bit with the first guy everything has been cool, and I get off with older guys real easy now. But last week my stomach felt a bit funny and I was sick one morning, then a friend said I may be pregnant so I'm worried. Please tell me if I can get pregnant, and what to do about it. I haven't had any periods yet so I'm not sure what to think.

Love, Janie-Belle


Dear Janie-Belle,

STOP WORRYING! There's no way you can get pregnant until you start having periods, so you can safely forget it. Its more likely some-thing you ate which caused your upset stomach, but if it continues see your doctor or ask your mother for something to clear it up.

I'm glad you're enjoying the TOYGIRL life, Janie-Belle, and thrilled to hear you're getting off fine with older guys too. Why not send in a story for "Doing IT!" and tell our other young readers about one of your dates, or how started! We love to hear everything our hot TOYGIRL readers get up to, and we won't print your name or photo if you tell us not to. You see, we only print what YOU dear TOYGIRL readers want. But being so young 'n' cute is such a great time to show off, so why not join hundreds of other pretty readers by sending in a daring sexy knock-'em-dead photo of yourself for the "TOYGIRL of the Year" compo! Who knows? You might just win a huge prize!!!

Before I forget, when your periods do eventually start, DON'T PANIC. Just call us right away on the TOYGIRL HotLine and we'll advise you what to do and how to handle it. Periods are never a problem for horny TOYGIRLs who know what to do - and WHEN(!!!)

So, Janie-Belle, keep enjoying yourself while you're young. Let your hair down and do everything you wanna do! Enjoy doing IT!

Love, Your TOYGIRL advisor.

A confidential survey conducted by the magazine was reluctantly sup-pressed after it revealed the readerships actual age range was larger than anticipated. The publishers were quite flattered to find many girls aged sixteen and seventeen were regular readers. But what gave them the jitters was the discovery that a high proportion of pre-teen readers are passing the magazine on to their younger sisters once they have finished with it. They found that very many six, seven and eight year-old girls have already become big fans of the TOYGIRL philosophy, and in some cases girls as young as three and four had first learnt to read by studying the magazine's letters pages. One five year-old was even selling her sister's cast-off copies to her school class-mates for half the normal one dollar price! The demand was huge!

The publishers certainly didn't mind tiny infants getting hold of the magazine. Apart from creating its future readership, most of the staff were at the very least latent paedophiles and regarded their work as a moral campaign for widespread acceptance and the eventual legalisation of all lolita-sex. However, they were also astute enough to realise the negative publicity which could result from making public the survey's findings too early, so they eventually decided it would be to everyone's benefit to keep the details locked away until attitudes improved and the magazine was powerful enough to out-ride any nit-picking complaints.

Published twice a month, TOYGIRL, by daring to condone pre-teen sex and bluntly refusing to discourage, or even disapprove of, the growing pro-miscuity amongst under-aged girls, has soared to the top in West Coast circulation and its competitors are trying desperately to liberalise their own formats. Lorraine's mother embodied this forward-thinking philosophy and saw nothing at all wrong in introducing sex to children at any age, which explains why it was perfectly easy for her to accept her lovely daughter as the successful infant fuck-star she'd become. The way she saw it, Lorraine's body was her own and she had a damn God-given right to fuck with whoever she wished whenever and wherever she wanted...

Like Vicky, Lorraine deliberately got herself pregnant at eleven, then made a stream of classic films whilst her belly-bulge grew larger, cul-minating in a masterpiece whilst giving birth at the age of twelve and a half. At her own suggestion, an exclusive private clinic was hired and a film crew put on standby for the event which took place in front of a party of guests, including Lorraine's mother! She was in labour for three hours and the whole sequence was stage managed to perfection, with Lorraine insisting she suck the "doctors" cocks and "nurses" cunts in between contractions. At one time, looking flushed and panting for breath, she was asked if she wanted oxygen and answered with "No! Just more cocks please!"

The first two and a half hours of film was heavily edited because a lot of time was lost whilst more men were brought over from the studio, and whilst those present recovered their erections. Apparently, someone had underestimated Lorraine's phenomenal sex-drive and only allocated eight studs to service her, whereas her final tally was an amazing thirty-five men and four girls who were rushed round from a nearby sauna for some cunt-sucking as a filler. The girls' trebled their normal rate when they realised a twelve year-old child in labour was to suck them, then added another three hundred bucks on top when Lorraine insisted on each of them being fucked first and filmed having their cunts filled with spunk. But they soon became intoxicated by the child sex-star's amazing capacity for uninhibited action, and stayed on right to the end, helping the pregnant pre-teen through each contraction then encouraging the slut to try and exceed her previous level of cute depravity.

One superb sequence, completely unedited for thirty minutes, showed twelve newly arrived men strip on entering the private delivery suite, and Lorraine suck off each one in turn. For every ejaculation, she held the cock to one side of her wide-open mouth so that all the spunk could be seen spurting to the back of her throat. Each time, the camera zoomed in until her young face filled the screen and the thick dollops of spunk could be seen across her tongue, teeth and tonsils. After sucking the last drops of semen out of each cock, she stares right at the camera and swallows the lot before opening her mouth again to prove it wasn't faked. In between the seventh and eighth cock she had to break off for a strong contraction as the baby inside her made a big push, but the film just kept running and the moment it passed she grabbed for the next erection and resumed her relentless cock-sucking as if her very life depended on it.

In another scene, about ninety minutes into the film, a long shot shows a naked man on either side of the delivery table. The hinged table end has been swung down, and Lorraine's legs placed over raised supports in readiness for the birth. Even then she is holding a big stiff cock in each hand and gamely sucking one or the other between taking gasps of air. At her suggestion, a split-screen technique is then used to zoom into her cunt and face, and she is seen really crying with effort when the film shows her actually giving birth. Although the perspiration and strain on her face can be clearly seen as the baby begins to emerge, she never once takes her tear-filled eyes off the camera, turning the whole event into an utterly sexual happening.

Immediately after the birth, while the baby is being cleaned up, she sucks one cock to ejaculation and swallows all its spurting juice, then wanks the other over her small but full breasts until both her pert young nipples are thickly coated in spunk. To everyone's astonishment Lorraine then calls for her naked baby girl to be placed on her stomach, clamp still attached to its severed umbilical, and the tiny mouth auto-matically locks around a spunk-coated nipple, its cheeks hollowing as it sucks hard. Lorraine watches fascinated as her new-born performs for the camera, and keeps moving the infant from one breast to the other af-ter smearing the free nipple with more semen, finally having the baby suck each of her fingers clean before she herself licks some wet spunk off its chubby pink cheeks and gives it a prolonged sexy French kiss with her cum-soaked tongue.

In the next scene, after a short break while the afterbirth is removed and Lorraine's make-up is repaired, the lowered end of the delivery table has been put back in its normal position and Lorraine is sprawled naked with her new baby lying unclothed across her. The camera closes in on Lorraine's upper torso to show the baby sucking contentedly at her breast. Eight men are lined up on one side of the bed, and Lorraine sucks each one's cock until there are eight proudly erect penises waving above her body. She lifts the dozy infant off her breast and kisses it on the forehead, then lays it on its back across her stomach so the baby girl's legs flop open to expose its genitals towards the horny studs. Carefully holding her baby in place with one hand, Lorraine continues to suck and wank the cocks, and as the first stud reaches a climax she uses both hands to gently lift and part her baby's legs until its tiny slit is criss-crossed with streams of spunk.

Smiling very seductively at the camera, Lorraine then begins to smear the thick semen around the infant's crotch, and for a brief moment dips her spunk-smeared little finger inside the new-born's miniscule vagina. The seven remaining studs continue wanking themselves to a climax, and as each one ejaculates over the baby's crotch Lorraine keeps smearing and carefully easing more and still more spunk into her baby's virgin sheath. Every couple of minutes she'd break off, alternately sucking a sperm-coated finger herself or placing it to her offspring's lips, at which the baby would instinctively suck it into its mouth, causing Lor-raine to yelp with delight. It was obvious she wanted the new-born to develop an instinctive taste for sperm...

The amazing scene continued until all eight men had unloaded onto the new-born's crotch, and Lorraine had worked as much of the rich and var-ied spunk as possible into her baby's body. She wiped up the runny re-mains with her fingers and waited patiently while the infant sucked each one clean, then lifted the tiny baby and used her tongue to lick all round its crotch area until every drop of spunk had been absorbed by the baby girl and her beautiful fuck-crazy pre-teen mother. Following this sequence a further short break is taken while a paedeatrician collects the baby and waiting nurses clean up and check the health of Lorraine's cunt and womb.

But if the previous scenes had not been enough, the film's climactic end manages to exceed everything that had gone before. After the break, Lorraine beckons three men to the foot of the delivery table, where the end has been lowered once more and her legs placed back into the raised supports. Paying scant regard to the advice given by the doctors, she can be clearly heard saying "Okay, one of you wank until you're ready to cum then I want you to put it just inside me and spunk off real good". The split-screen is used to good effect, and her face bears a triumphant smile as she feels hot virile semen douching her sore vagina for the first time in almost two days.

Feeling bolder, she then gets another man to do it, but this time fucking her halfway inside. The calender clock on the wall is briefly shown to prove it is less than an hour since Lorraine had given birth, and when her face is seen to wince with each thrust it is certainly not faked. It takes about three minutes for the man to half fuck and half wank his way to a climax, signalled by his shuddering groans and Lorraine's stifled scream as his cock spurts deeper into her ravaged sex-organ. A zoomed-in close up from below even shows the cock spasming, and the exposed portion of his urethra is seen expanding with each pulse as the jets of spunk are being squirted into her sex-crazed body. After the stud withdraws she even pulls her slackened labia wide apart to show the globs of spunk soaking inside her.

With Lorraine there is never any faking, so nobody has any doubts about her sincerity when she is seen, flushed and perspiring, deliberating on whether to go further. She is obviously very tired, having performed for the camera for over three hours and given birth as well. Her cunt disappears from view while the nurses check it out again, and a doctor can be heard off camera suggesting she should stop there. Even the film director comes over and says "You've been bloody fantastic Lorraine, but its okay if you really wanna quit now".

But when she looks into the camera her eyes seem to be analysing the viewer and her face suddenly takes on a debauched leer, as if detaching her wanton mind from what her body is trying to say. She nods towards the third stud standing between her strapped-up legs, but her unblinking stare is locked onto the lens as she speaks. "No, I wanna do it! Shove your fat cock right inside my cunt!" She seems to be addressing every viewer, and its very easy to forget she's only twelve years old. "Pump that hot stuff real deep this time!". And when the stud hesitates for a moment to look across at the doctor she seems almost impatient. "C'mon man, gimme your cock!" She says, tiredly, "C'mon! Just get fucking me s'more for Chrissakes!"

Once again the split-screen shows all the detail. Her cunt gapes slackly as some spunk slowly oozes out and trickles between her but-tocks. It will take many hours for the muscles to recover from birth-giving while her widened pelvis moves back to its normal position, and the stud has no difficulty sliding his tumescent nine inch cock cau-tiously through the opening. "Deeper you bastard!" She yells, but she is wincing already. As it sinks in right up to the hilt Lorraine screws up her face and begins to perspire, her sore tender insides screaming to be left alone. Lorraine claims that with every fuck she never allows a guy to pull out without shooting some spunk into her, so this time she bravely endures every thrust until her bruised sex organs are throbbing painfully.

The deep fucking goes on for a full five minutes. At one point she even appears to pass out, her head flopping over to one side, whilst the well-endowed stud continues to plunge his huge cock into her swollen organs, the bloated head slipping easily through her dilated cervix to actually enter the womb that had held a baby only an hour earlier. She then recovers, reaches out for a cock and sucks it to orgasm, appearing to draw strength from having oral sex. Her lips part to reveal a cloy-ing mouthful of spunk just seconds before she feels the first jet of sperm spraying the sore membranes of her uterus and Lorraine just bawls her head off. She somehow manages to swallow her mouthful of semen, but as the big-cocked stud unloads his balls into the brave twelve year-old's sorely abused baby-chamber her yells accompany every spurt, and the stud's loud animal grunts are almost drowned out by her cries of protest before the film finally fades to an end.

What a sensation! It was Lorraine's way of declaring there was nothing she wouldn't do for her art. A short piece of screen text at the end of the film informs the viewer that they have just witnessed a totally unique piece of cinepornography, whose star is an almost unbelievable twelve years old, and the producers dedicate the film to all child sex-actresses who display the same steadfast unselfishness in order to make superior quality pornographic art. A footnote states that doctors later confirmed that Lorraine suffered no serious internal damage from being fucked so soon after giving birth. As for her baby, Lorraine's eager fingering had ruptured the newborn's hymen, but she was found to have suffered no adverse after-effects from either that or from ingesting so much semen, and it was hoped this may correct some of the outmoded views on child sex in general. Nevertheless, the pair were whisked away after for a month's quiet holiday to recover before Lorraine returned to start work on her next film.

Lorraine is fourteen now and, although financially secure, prefers to stay in the sex industry, starring in some of the best quality sex films ever made, usually taking her two year-old daughter along to watch her adolescent mother eagerly sucking and fucking cocks from all sorts of nationalities and age groups! She even reads child-sex magazines to her daughter, Liberty, and the child has already developed a fascination for erect cocks! Vicky had always admired Lorraine's stunning beauty and continuing dedication, doing everything possible to promote more general acceptance of kiddy-porn and the concept of child-sex, and thought how nice it would be for her own namesake to follow in the same uninhibited path...

Over the next few days a constant stream of her friends called round to visit Vicky and the baby, including quite a number of men and teenage boys. Having just given birth, Vicky apologised for being reluctant to fuck for a few days, but was happy to suck off all their cocks instead and by every afternoon her breath would become nicely scented with musky masculine semen.

After a month she went back to school, leaving baby Lorraine to be looked after by her mother and a few paedophiles with time to spare. Having an open relationship meant she could easily trust her child-fucking friends to take care of her baby, and it was agreed that they would not go beyond feeling, kissing, licking and photographing the baby's cunt without first asking Vicky's consent.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.