Vicky's Lessons in Life, Part 6

[ g+, M+, F+, inc, porn ]

by Unknown


Published: 9-Dec-2011

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This story contains graphic descriptions of sex among adults, pre-teens, & children, between adults, pre-teens, & children. If you find this offensive stop reading now.

This story is entirely fictional and any similarity between persons and events depicted in it and actual persons and events is purely coincidental. The story is pure fantasy and none of the events described herein are practiced, advocated or condoned by the author.

The Story So Far...

Carol, an English submissive beauty, lost her virginity to a group of lads at the age of ten. This led to her accepting gang-bangs as normal sex, and she fell pregnant at 12 after only her second period. Thrown out of home by a narrow-minded father, she joined a commune and gang-fucked until giving birth to Vicky just after her thirteenth birthday. She'd breast-feed whilst fucking different men until Vicky was able to sit upright on her own watching porno films. Carol was both amused and pleased when five year old Vicky shoved one of her used dildos into her own tiny cunt and broke her baby hymen, and less than a year later Carol took her little daughter to meet a group of guys who enjoy fucking kids, where mother and her six year old daughter were gang-banged.

Following her mothers lead, Vicky accepted promiscuity as normal little girl activity and regular gang- bangs quickly became a part of her daily life. Eventually a friendly group of American paedophiles arranged visas so Vicky and her mother could move to California to continue the child's fuckathon lifestyle. Carol placed Vicky in a good progressive school where most ten year olds fucked around and several teachers made good use of their lolita pupils! Vicky quickly joined a group of highly promiscuous kiddy-sluts who thought nothing of seducing male teachers, and several enjoyed regular family-sex with fathers and brothers, etc.

Carol also made contact with paedo clubs, including a private ranch run on professional lines with resident kiddies of all ages for members to fuck in luxury, and of which you will hear much more later. These contacts resulted in a number of invitations for Vicky and her pre-teen friends to visit the clubs for orgies in return for cash and gifts, and it quickly became a routine part of their young sex-lives. More than half Vikky's classmates fucked around but the rest, through lack of opportunity or fear, had their cherries still intact. Vicky and her friends set about persuading the unfucked few to start taking cocks before their hairless slits heal up through under-use, but also make sure they satisfy their own adolescent need to feel more and more cocks spurting inside their hot young bodies!

Now read on...


For Vicky, the following few months passed quite blissfully whilst both she and her mother enjoyed the Californian good life and climate. She was regularly taking an awful lot of adult cock, but since that seemed so normal to the child she would have thought it very strange had she not been receiving such constant sexual attention. And she was certainly turning into an extremely attractive young girl. Her frequent use of oversized dildos when she was younger had made her hips more pronounced than other girls of her age, whilst forced hormonal changes had blessed her with a beautifully rounded below-waist figure. The average weight and height for a ten year-old is sixty-six pounds and four feet six inches. Vicky was four feet five inches but only fifty-nine pounds, so it is likely that her small size was delaying the onset of puberty together with the more obvious signs of a girls pubertal development.

Three months before Vikky's eleventh birthday, a couple of paedophile friends invited her and a friend to escort them on a business trip into Mexico. Her mother could have gone along too if she wanted, but Carol had become too attached to the swing club life and politely turned down the offer after finding there weren't any such establishments south of the border. For her friend, Vicky eventually settled on Babs because not only did the blatant slut not care where she went, what she did or who with but her easy-going divorced mother didn't seem to give a shit what her ten year-old sweet promiscuous daughter got up to either. Vicky'd never forgotten the day she'd called round at Babs house and her ex-model mother had answered the door with Hi Vicky, I think Babs upstairs fucking with some guy. Go on up - she wont mind - but tell her she'd better get whoever it is to fill her cunt soon if she still wants to go shop with me for some fancy split-crotch knickers! Moving her head closer to Vikky she'd whispered "She says she needs them to wear for some orgy she's attending tonight. What a sexy little tart, eh!"

They all travelled in a large air-conditioned car. As they drove through towns and villages the poverty which afflicts the whole country made a big impression on both girls, causing them to give thanks for the sweet life they were enjoying in the USA. In each town Vicky and Babs were bemused to see hundreds of scruffy young girls, aged around eight to thirteen, openly offering themselves for sex with tourists. Whenever the car stopped at a traffic light or intersection anything up to half a dozen children would accost the two men with a plea of Please fuck me, Senor? Vicky noticed that the same thing happened to every single car containing non-Mexican males. The driver explained that family support payments were unknown in Mexico, so all the young girls from poor families fuck with tourists for money to keep their family above the most basic level of poverty. When questioned on the subject, the Mexican government dismisses the issue by claiming it has much more serious problems to worry about each new year than half a million little girl chicas being introduced to sex a leeetle early as they quaintly describe it. The real truth is there is no way the government could make up for the billions of badly needed dollars which those wanton children bring into the poor Mexican economy.

For the next overnight stop, and after some wheedling by the two girls, the two men bought for the night an eleven year-old girl with tiny breasts whose name was Juanita. Bargaining seemed to be compulsory for everything there, and the child eventually agreed on ten dollars for the whole night. She stood patiently waiting in the hotel lobby while they checked in, and the hall porter didn't bat an eyelid when they took the scruffy urchin up to their room. Once inside they quickly stripped the girl naked. Her smouldering latin looks and lithe muscular dusky body certainly begged to be used. First though, the two men took her into the shower to give her a good all-over scrub and when they finally tossed her laughing onto the bed, wrapped in a big towel, she looked good enough to eat. Juanita had quite a few pubic hairs so it came as no surprise when she revealed that her second period had finished ten days earlier.

The driver enjoyed her first. Lifting and parting her legs, he thrust his fat cock right into the girl until his pubic bone was grinding into her fleshy vulva and she begged him to ease off a bit. She didn't seem at all concerned though by Vicky and Babs sitting on either side of the bed to watch the action. The man then grabbed her by the buttocks and began to rut her body with his bloated cock, lifting and rolling her hips so she could really feel the knob-end gouging into the soft walls of her vagina. Juanitas cunt was still quite sore from a battering she'd had from a middle-aged German a couple of hours earlier, but nevertheless she put on a brave face and told herself it would soon pass. Whilst the Mexican girl was being fucked by the car driver, the other man pulled off Vikky's skimpy knickers and shoved his cock into her as she sat on the edge of the bed, using the easy ten year-olds supple cunt to keep his gnarled cock hard and horny in readiness. Vicky kept squeezing her cunt muscles without moving her hips. She sensed that he wanted to save his spunk to shoot into Juanita so contented herself with feeling his hard flesh inside her sex-canal and the few drops of pre-cum which oozed into her. Inevitably, the driver felt the first tingles which heralded his orgasm. He buried his spasming penis deep inside the Mexican girl and held her firmly by the hips to get her pelvis in just the right position. He felt his semen begin to rush up his urethra until, suddenly, spurt after spurt of his highly fertile sperm poured through her open cervix and splashed around her young womb.

Millions of tiny seeds surged into the eleven year olds fallopian tubes and, before the fat cock was pulled out of her body, one sperm had successfully fertilised the egg which her ovary had released that same afternoon. Within seconds genetic coding had destined the girl to give birth to twin boys just after her twelfth birthday. But long before then her grandmother will have aborted her dusky young offspring, and twenty-four hours later Juanita would be back on the streets, trying hard to earn extra money to make up for the lost day. Juanita would simply accept it in the same way as her older sister.

Its quite common for a street-girl to be aborted ten or twelve times before she reaches fourteen and gets married, or gives way to a younger and more eager sister. Mostly it is the eldest female in the family who performs the necessary operation, since doctors fees have put qualified medical attention beyond reach of the poor. Since the turn of the century the skills have been passed down from mother to daughter, each generation being reminded of the thousands of unidentified cocks they themselves willingly took into their own bodies as children. Certainly a few girls die as a result of infections or abortion mistakes, but life is relatively cheap in Mexico and there are usually other daughters who are only too ready to step into their sisters shoes. Money always helps to quell a Mexican families grief.

The driver pulled his spunk-covered cock out of Juanitas lithe body. Immediately, Babs jerked her head forward and sucked it deep into her mouth, eagerly swallowing the mixture of secretions and semen without a second thought. That was one thing Vicky liked about Babs, she never hesitated like some of the other girls. She recalled one Saturday evening when they'd visited a sixty strong paedophile group just south of Los Angeles. The night before, twenty of the men had taken turns to fill a small Pyrex jug with their spunk, so they could mix it with bourbon and heat it up the following evening as a test to find the most willing girl. Vicky would most probably have drunk it but she was engrossed with servicing a queue of horny men and only heard the story later. Juliette and Conchita had both refused, laughing in disbelief at the hosts assurance that it was only spunk and bourbon. Even Marie-Lynn had hesitated while she sniffed at the mixture apprehensively. But the wonderful Babs had just grabbed hold of the jug, slung all the warm gooey contents down her throat, then coughed a couple of times before wrapping her dribbling mouth around a sweaty sperm-smeared cock shed just pulled out of Sharons cunt. She'd been warmly applauded for her unselfish lewdness, and to encourage her into more profane cruelty she was awarded a large phallic-shaped candle and twenty-five dollars, this being a regular award one of them had dreamed up a year earlier...

Knowing well what was expected of her, Juanita did not attempt to get up, but lay waiting on the bed with her dusky young limbs flung out in a wanton display of blatant child sexuality. She felt a trickle of semen oozing from her well used fuck-hole, wiped some of the substance with two fingers and then licked both fingers clean. The second man pulled his cock out of Voces sucking cunt, climbed onto the bed between Juanitas thighs and sank his grease-covered cock shaft into her hot slime-filled pussy, not stopping until their pubic bones ground against one another. She grinned. The soreness inside her cunt seemed to have gone. Also, the itch in her crotch that had been annoying her for over a week had disappeared too! God must be looking after her! She rolled her hips around in gratitude, and received a second cuntful of potent sperm in return. Her womb being a highly fertile breeding ground at that moment, the mans seed made desperate efforts to pollinate the eleven year-old Mexican girls egg. But she was already fifteen minutes pregnant, and her reproductive system rejected all further attempts at insemination. Once his orgasm had passed and he was satisfied, the second man pulled out of Juanitas sopping cunt and went into a bathroom. He reappeared briefly to toss a wet facecloth onto the just-fucked child's stomach. She yelped in surprise and sat up. Then she smiled and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. She rested one heel on the mattress to expose her slit while she slowly wiped it, then used the same cloth to mop the perspiration off her dusky precocious face. She didn't speak much English, but from their smiles it was obvious to her that the two Gringo girls were friendly, so when they mauled and poked her little tits out of curiosity she just grinned back at them and proudly stuck out her chest for them to feel.

As a favour, the two men had sent Juanitas grubby clothes to the hotel laundry. So when it came to dinner, Vicky lent her some things to wear. Attitudes in Mexico are pretty lax about age in relation to dress, so the men persuaded their child escorts to dress up like blatantly cock-hungry tarts. Babs put on a thin black skin-tight microskirt with shocking pink hold-up stockings that left two inches of bare thigh, whilst under the skirt her mothers skimpy pastel-pink transparent panties hid absolutely nothing! Vicky got dressed in her favourite red garter belt and matching stockings, then stepped into a tiny pair of crotchless blue knickers. Over this she wore a flared red hipster miniskirt that finished halfway down her suspenders to accentuate her sexy hips and thighs. Both girls stocking-tops were of sexy patterned lace, and their appearance overall was of two attractive, but sexually easy and erotic, child-whores. The skirt which Vicky lent to Juanita was extremely short and flouncy, the sort that blows up at the slightest draught. Immediately, one of the men forbade her from wearing any knickers at all, causing all three girls to giggle loudly with amusement. They all wore similar tops of the low cut and sloppy type which revealed large areas of Babs and Voces flat chests. For Juanita, Vicky deliberately chose an extremely loose fitting one so it was impossible for the pubescent girl to hide her breast development, and every time she moved her proud growing tits stuck perkily out of the sides or top.

The girls made a big impression when they waltzed into the large hotel restaurant. Quite a few men had scruffy urchins sat at their tables, and one guy had four all to himself, but all eyes were on Vicky, Babs and Juanita when such appealing young fuck-meat flaunted itself so brazenly. The two white girls loved the way all the men looked at them, since they stood out from the young Mexican whores. One middle-aged diner even had a crafty feel of Babs crotch as she passed him, so in return she leaned over and furiously rubbed at his trouser front until shed given him a throbbing hard on, while his wife just sat and glared! In bending over with her legs kept straight, Babs exposed her hot pink slit to half the restaurant through her tight transparent panty-crotch, but instead of caring who could see her cunt she boldly wiggled her bum so the ultra-tight skirt rode up even higher! Even when they were seated, all eyes were pointed towards their table and the waiter service was the best that the men had ever known. Juanitas dainty tits and still-wet naked pussy kept flashing into view each time she shuffled in her seat, whilst Vicky and Babs swung their legs around quite blatantly so as to advertise their own prematurely stretched and yet so very fuckable childish charms.

During the meal, and in very bad English, Juanita tried to answer all the others questions. She had been fucking with tourists for just over two years, since her elder sister went off to Mexico City at fourteen. Her usual starting price was three dollars for an hours sex, but her mother had said it was OK to accept offers as low as one dollar. There were so many other girls on the streets that she often had to bid a low price to get picked up. If she's lucky she might get seven or even eight men to fuck her in a day, but mostly it was three or four. Sure, she would love to be rich, but until then she's quite happy to keep on fucking tourists for money. And in answer to their final question, she said No, is no man I say no to fuck with, She shook her head and her pre-teen tits fell out of her top yet again. Family need money so Juanita fuck with all lovely men. To emphasize her point she grabbed a handful of the waiters bulging crotch, causing the whole table to erupt into laughter.

Vicky said she thought it was fantastic that so many young Mexican girls were helped by their families to get into sex so early. No wonder they all look so lovely, even in scruffy clothes! She addded. Understanding what had been said, the Mexican girl nodded her head. Yes, I fuck with guys even before I work streets. She absently played with one of her button nipples which refused to stay covered. Oh sure my Momma know. She no mind. She fuck on streets when she eight too. For the men, it was so refreshing to be able to openly discuss fucking with under-aged girls and not give a damn who could hear them. They both admired the sexual confidence that exuded from all the pretty urchins spread around the restaurant. Apart from their scruffy appearance, all the Mexican girls seemed happy, carefree and well adjusted, which was in stark contrast to the nervous fidgeting of some virginal foreign girls sitting with their restrictive parents. A couple of tables away, one of the whores, who looked about nine, quite calmly appeared from under the table and sat stretching her tongue to lick streams of white spunk off her dusky young face. She giggled like mad when she saw the effect it had on the men around her, and then gratefully began tucking in to the free meal that was placed in front of her.

When asked what she planned to do in the future, Juanita revealed that she intended to run away to Acapulco when she reaches thirteen. I fuck with many rich men there! She boldly declared, Maybe even get rich husband! She explained that she must wait a couple of years until her younger sister, then six, was old enough to start fucking with tourists herself, otherwise the family would suffer. They later found out that all Mexican child-whores displayed the same admirable loyalty towards their families.

By the time they had finished the main course, Vicky and Babs were on first name terms with many of the waiters, most of whom had seen all of Voces cunt through her crotchless knickers, as well as having enjoyed a clear view of Babs greasy slit pressed against her transparent panty-gusset. One of the waiters, whose name was Paco, whispered something in Babs ear. She laughed and stood up, then leaned towards Juanita and Vicky. I think I'm going to be fucked! Both girls grinned and nodded. Go to it Babs, Laughed Vicky, Get some hot spunk up your cunt! The men loved to hear the girls talk that way, and the driver couldn't resist grabbing a handful of Vikky's bare cunt, in full view of the next table.

Nobody did or said anything to stop him so, as Babs strutted off with the horny waiter, Vicky leaned back with her legs wide open while the driver had a good slow feel round her lovely smooth and hairless child-crotch. At the back of the restaurant, Paco steered Babs into an empty store room. There she giggled wantonly whilst he blindfolded her and peeled her tight skirt up a few inches so he could remove her skimpy see-through knickers. Paco then lay the willing ten year-old slut across a table, supported by a couple of cushions, and told her he'd be right back. She heard the door open and close, then a few seconds later heard footsteps coming back into the room. A hairy leg pushed against her knees, and she swung her legs open to expose her greasy cunt-slit. A hard fleshy cock began to nose its way inside and she thrust her torso forward, wrapping her cunt walls around a long slim shaft. This is fun! Babs thought to herself, It could be Paco or just anyone else fucking me! She wriggled her hips to get a good feel of it, But its definitely somebodies cock so why should I fucking care who it is? After a few minutes of sexual friction Babs felt the tell-tale twitching and lay dormant whilst her immature womb was filled with spurting jets of hot rich sperm. She liked to have dirty lewd sex with men, and being blindfolded made it dirtier and lewder than usual. She had just begun to wonder whose spunk had been pumped into her, when the cock was pulled out of her fuck-hole and a much fatter one was pushed in its place, stretching her flesh wide open as it sank in right up to the hilt. Babs didn't mind. She'd had an awful lot of big cocks shoved up her cunt in the past eighteen months so one more wasn't going to bother her. Maybe I'd better start counting! She smiled to herself, and squeezed her cunt muscles to try and loosen up her quivering insides...

Twenty minutes later Vicky saw Babs strutting back to the table with a huge grin across her face, her hair a bit messed up and trickles of semen drawing vertical lines down her pink hold-up stockings. Guess what! She exclaimed, laughing, whilst seating herself ungainly, For dessert I've just had five cuntfuls of spunk. Blindfolded! She swung her legs under the table, exposing her sodden spunk-soaked crotch to half a dozen adjacent tables, and gave a big smile to two men seated nearby.

Think you could beat that Vicky? Babs gave her friend a challenging look. Vicky looked across at their two paedophile escorts, a polite questioning expression on her face. Oh, okay! Said one, Go ahead Vicky. Well see you upstairs afterwards. The lovely child gave a little giggle and climbed out of her seat, giving a flash of blue tanga and pink hairless cunt. Remembering she hadn't bothered to grease her cunt before dinner, she picked up a silver-wrapped pat of butter. Vicky sauntered slowly across the restaurant, wondering what might happen. Above her lacy red stocking-tops the whiteness of her slim thighs contrasted with the fancy red suspenders which stretched down three inches below the hem of her brief miniskirt. God! She looked sexy! One or two women tut-tutted as she wandered past their table, but most men experienced a sudden new-found urge to start fucking sex-mad children rather than service their dowdy and disdainful wives. Vicky hesitated by the mens toilet and looked around. All the waiters seemed to be rushing around and ignoring her. A well-dressed man in his early thirties stopped by the toilet entrance and stared at her, so she stared back at him and licked her lips. He groaned, adjusted his pants and walked inside. Vicky pretended that no-one was watching and skipped inside after him. Touching his arm tentatively to attract his attention, she looked up at him and almost whispered. Fuck me... Then a little bolder. Please! Will you fuck me? Please. PLEASE! She was copying the Mexican street urchins plea. The man stopped and stared. He'd never even dreamt of having sex with an under-aged girl before, and here was a breastless child of ten or eleven begging him to fuck her. He studied her. There was experience in her eyes and she certainly looked a real slut. Come on, fuck me! FUCK ME! Shed was pleading with him to abuse her, and when she lifted her skirt to expose the tiny crotchless panties and garter belt something inside him snapped. He steered the child into a cubicle and locked the door. I'm bursting. He declared, unfastening his fly, Wait while I have a pee. Vicky took off her knickers and sat on the water reservoir with her legs apart, watching with idle curiosity while his golden urine splashed into the toilet bowl. She unwrapped the pat of butter and rubbed it round her slit before pushing the remainder inside her cunt. She was ready! When he'd finished peeing the man shook a few drops off but the end was still wet. He moved forward and lifted up her legs, rubbed the pissy end along her open slit to get himself hard, then sank his shaft into her warm and welcoming child-cunt. He was surprised to find how nice it felt to fuck a child, his big cock having slid into her without difficulty. Whats your name? He asked. She told him. Why did you ask me to fuck you, Vicky? He enquired of her. I just like being fucked. She answered, squeezing to feel his hard flesh inside her. It makes me feel good! She got into a rhythm, squeezing as each thrust stretched her canal from end to end. Besides, spunks good for growing girls. You should know that! He didn't know any such thing, but he kept it to himself. Well maybe she's right! He thought, and for the next few minutes he really enjoyed her lithe young body. He felt so relaxed by the time he inundated the childs immature reproductive system with semen, that it was the most enjoyable orgasm he'd ever experienced! A short while later, Vicky sucked his cock clean, flushed the toilet and declared she would stay behind while the man left. He quickly agreed, not wanting the expensive escort girl he'd brought from Chicago to see him exit the mens toilets with such an obvious child-slut! Vicky, on the other hand, was getting in the mood! The wine she'd drunk during dinner had made her braver than usual and shed just had a good spunky fuck!

She hung her knickers on the toilet handle, then pulled open the cubicle door before sitting on the water reservoir with her legs loosely apart. She rubbed her cunt with two fingers. A man walked in and stood urinating with his back to her. Hey mister! She called out, Come here and fuck me! Astonished by her words, the fifty year-old German businessman looked round. All he noticed was stockings, suspenders, a yanked up miniskirt and what looked like a very wet shaven cunt. He'd always been a randy old sod, forever on the lookout for a bit of spare pussy, so he didn't hesitate. Nipping smartly into the cubicle, his erection already full and throbbing, he lifted the small anonymous womans legs and thrust his bloated cock into her sopping cunt right up to the hilt. He shut his eyes and blessed his luck. He really rutted the horny female, loving the way her cunt kept squeezing his cock every time he thrust forward. With one hand he reached round her raised thigh to grope her breasts, only to find she had none! His eyes opened wide. You're a child! He exclaimed in surprise. Mmmmmm! Vicky said dreamily, her concentration focused on her cunt rather than the strangers voice. The German was confused. He didn't fuck children! His cock, however, certainly wasnt confused. His hard erection throbbed painfully with the excitement and pleasure. Just at that moment Vicky grabbed his hips and pulled him back deep inside her, and after a couple of seconds he convinced himself that she must be just a small but strange woman. He shut his eyes again, resumed his rhythmic rutting, and a few minutes later flooded Voces juvenile sex organs with strong Teuonic sperm, mixing inside her with that deposited by the younger Chicagoan. He pulled his half-flaccid length out of Vikky's open cunt-hole, enabling some slimy spunk to pulse out of her as she flexed her stretched cunt muscles. He wiped his cock with toilet paper, stuffed it back in-side his trousers and almost ran out, suddenly frightened of being caught. Vicky didn't move. She just sat with her legs apart, rubbing her sloppy cunt with one hand to massage the ooze into her wanton flesh. Come and fuck me! She begged the next man to appear. He ignored her and walked quickly out of the toilet, which Vicky thought was very weird. But she quickly forgot him when two tall young Texans stood looking her up and down. Fuck me! Pleaded Vicky. Damn right I will! Answered one, unzipping his fly. He stuck his fat cock into her body, rammed away for about a minute and a half, then sprayed loads of creamy spunk all around the inside of her cunt, the prickling sensation making Vicky moan out loud. The men were in their early twenties. Both guessed Vicky to be about ten or eleven but neither gave a shit about her age. One used to regularly fuck a thirteen year-old when he was eighteen, whilst the other had once fucked a girl of twelve. OK, so both those girls had fair-sized tits on them whilst this one hadn't started to grow hers yet. Who cared! She'd got one hot cunt-hole, and if the cunt wanted fucking it was sure as hell gonna get fucked! As soon as the first Texan had pulled out the other stepped forward, straddled the toilet bowl and jammed his hard shaft firmly inside Vikky's dribbling cunt. He then worked his hands under her small round buttocks, lifted her off the white porcelain and forced her cunt to accept the rest of his king-sized penis. Vicky sucked in air and squeezed. The feeling inside reminded her of younger days in England when her cunt, tighter and narrower then, was stretched every night to take even the biggest cocks! A lovely warm sensation of comfort and security washed through her body, and when he eventually began to spurt into her womb she flung her arms around his waist and ground her tender young crotch into his hairy groin. When his orgasm had passed, the tall Texan lifted Vicky off his cock and plonked her back on the reservoir. He ruffled her hair and she grinned at him. You're a good kid, He drawled, That was a real good fuck! He zipped himself up and strolled out to his waiting friend, leaving Vicky fingering her seeping wet fuck-hole and thinking what a smashing guy he was.

Almost immediately one of the waiters hurried into the toilet. He had been searching the restaurant for Vicky, having noticed the others leave without her. She just stared at him, feeling so fucked and spunk-filled that she was past caring. Instead of speaking, this time she just pulled her thighs so wide apart that for a moment the waiter thought she might split! But when he saw her sopping pink vulva open up and more dribbles of spunk run down into her bum-crease he whipped open his trousers, yanked out his stiffening cock and sank it easily into her sloppy, oozing hole. Vicky squeezed him with her young cunt muscles, just like she squeezes every cock that gets shoved into her, and was soon rewarded with yet another yummy wombful of male cream. This time it was hot Mexican spunk spurting deep inside her body, coating every furrow, fold and wrinkle of Vikky's intimate organs, and satisfying a need which the pretty ten year-old never could resist. A need so strong that when the cock was pulled out of her she leaned forward and sucked the rest out with her warm wet mouth, savouring its manly flavour before letting the juice slide down into her waiting stomach. That makes five fucks! She thought, I've caught up with Babs now so I'd better get back to the others. She stepped down off the porcelain, and the waiter offered his hand so she didn't slip. The insides of her thighs started streaming with spunk so Vicky didn't bother to put her crotchless panties back on again, and the waiter stuffed them into his trouser pocket.

He peered out of the mens toilet and then beckoned to Vicky. She turned towards the lift but the waiter had other ideas. No Chiquita! He whispered, and steered her through a staff door and into the same room that Babs had visited earlier. Vicky was curious to know why he'd taken her there, but when he produced a blindfold and placed it over her eyes, she remembered Babs words and a tingling feeling began deep inside her cunt... By the time Vicky returned to the hotel room shed taken a further four, and anonymous cocks up her slippery cunt. And sucked each one clean afterwards. Her thighs and stockinged legs were literally dripping with spunk as shed wandered back through the hotel, flaunting her exposed sexy suspenders to all and sundry. But there in Mexico she couldn't care less, and felt just great when she walked in to see the other two girls sucking the men back to hardness, they having just finished fucking the newly-pregnant young Juanita once more.

Hi Vicky! Welcomed Babs, How many fucks did you get? Vicky flopped onto the other bed. I got nine! She proudly declared, And I'm all full of spunk! One of the men leaned over to whisper an instruction to Juanita, whereupon the pubescent girl obediently pushed her head between Voces thighs before the other girl could resist, and began to suck hard on her cunt. Nine! Exclaimed Babs, laughing and completely ignoring the girl-suck her friend was receiving. You foxy little bitch, I'll get you back for that! Vicky just leaned back and watched with a bemused expression on her face as Juanita vacuumed her cunt with her sensuous mouth. The young Mexican girl repeatedly sucked and swallowed until she'd emptied all the spare semen from the pink hairless sex-hole. Then Voces stockinged legs and thighs were licked clean until only Juanitas wet saliva remained on her skin, and the Mexican girl had complied with her instructions. She got up and grinned at them all, obviously proud of her technique. You like way Chica suck cunt? The words almost oozed out of her mouth, and they all just sat and nodded in dumbstruck admiration.

That first night in Mexico went so well that the men bought a different girl every night during the remainder of their visit. The oldest was thirteen who, during dinner, revealed shed been aborted by an aunt only the day before and was still feeling sore. But had she not told them the men would never have guessed, for she fucked with such vigour that her cunt managed to suck both men almost dry. Mostly, they picked tiny-breasted girls aged ten or eleven who'd just reached puberty in the hope of making them pregnant, but neither man could resist the elfin-looking seven year-old who'd just started on the streets and plaintively begged them to fuck her all they wanted for just a dollar each. They'd spent all night feeling up and fucking the cute little youngster whilst Vicky and Babs slept, then sent her on her way after breakfast the next morning. Her eyes were red and puffy from lack of sleep and she tottered around in a daze, having been screwed almost non-stop from dusk to dawn. The little mite even forgot to wash herself afterwards, pulling her tiny cotton knickers against her spunk-sodden crotch before slipping into her scruffy dress and sandals. They even had to help her down the entrance steps before patting her on her tiny bum and sending her on her way. But she also had a dozy smile on her little elfin face, and a very tight grip on the ten dollars shed been given for keeping her eyes and legs open for so long. Both men had to admit that, for such a small seven year old child-whore, her tight little baby-cunt had sucked the cream out of their cocks beautifully. The following day the men had spent most of their time sleeping, leaving Babs and Vicky to themselves for once. Vicky spent most of her time watching the TV porno channel in the adjoining sitting room, whilst Babs went out to explore the town. In fact that was the day Babs did get her own back on Vicky!

While out walking she came across a huge building site with hundreds of men swarming around, so on a whim she walked onto the site and began asking different men to fuck her. One or two grunted that they were too busy, whilst a few others just laughed and walked away. Then three men took her into a hut, ripped off her skimpy knickers and fucked her one after the other. A little while later one of the foremen beckoned her into the site office and gave her another good screwing. Next, two other men steered her behind a wall then yanked her tight miniskirt up to her waist before fucking her over a pile of sacking. In all she got herself poked by fourteen different men that afternoon, and when she later told Vicky and exposed her flushed pink cunt to prove it, her friend saw the thick spunk still dripping from her crotch and gamely conceded that Babs had won their little contest. When they finally returned to Los Angeles after two weeks away, all four agreed that it had been a wonderful trip, and the two men said it might be possible to arrange something similar at a later date. As is almost inevitable during such a trip, they had all managed to pick up something. The two girls had got a dose of thrush and cystitis, which was quickly sorted out by a six day course of antibiotics, though it never occurred to either nymphet that the symptoms were connected with fucking. Vicky, remembering what her mother used to say, had suggested it was something to do with the Mexican food, and Babs even blamed it on one particular meal she hadn't enjoyed! Neither of the guys, supported by Vikky's mother, felt it was in the girls best interest to reveal the truth, whilst Babs sluttish mother didn't give a shit anyway.

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