Published: 9-Dec-2011
Word Count:
Author's Profile
This story is entirely fictional and any similarity between persons and events depicted in it and actual persons and events is purely coincidental. The story is pure fantasy and none of the events described herein are practiced, advocated or condoned by the author.
Carol, an English submissive beauty, lost her virginity to a group of lads at the age of ten. This led to her accepting gang-bangs as normal sex, and she fell pregnant at 12 after only her second period. Thrown out of home by a narrow-minded father, she joined a commune and gang-fucked until giving birth to Vicky just after her thirteenth birthday. She'd breast-feed whilst fucking different men until Vicky was able to sit on her own watching porno films.
Carol was both amused and pleased when five year old Vicky shoved one of her used dildos into her own tiny cunt and broke her baby hymen, and less than a year later Carol took her little daughter to meet a group of guys who enjoy fucking kids, where mother and her six year old daughter were gang-banged. Following her mother's lead, Vicky accepted promiscuity as normal little girl activity and regular gang-bangs quickly became a part of her daily life.
Eventually a friendly group of American paedophiles arranged visas so Vicky and her mother could move to California to continue the child's fuckathon lifestyle. Carol placed Vicky in a good progressive school where most ten year olds fucked around and several teachers made good use of their lolita pupils! Vicky quickly joined a group of highly promiscuous kiddy-sluts who thought nothing of seducing male teachers, and several enjoyed regular family-sex with fathers and brothers, etc. Carol also made contact with paedo' clubs, including a private ranch run on professional lines with resident kiddies of all ages for members to fuck in luxury, and of which you will hear much more later.
These contacts resulted in a number of invitations for Vicky and her pre-teen friends to visit the clubs for orgies in return for cash and gifts, and it quickly became a routine part of their young sex-lives. More than half Vicky's classmates fucked around but the rest, through lack of opportunity or fear, had their cherries still intact. Vicky sets about persuading the unfucked few to start taking cocks before their hairless slits heal up through under-use, starting with the fair-skinned Helga!
Now read on...
It was only a few days after Helga's introduction to sex when her amoral classmate Tanya finally realised her ambition. She was getting fucked an awful lot, frequently getting laid by complete strangers, but she didn't care. It made her feel more adult to fuck around and she thought it was great the way men phoned her out of the blue, having been given her name and number on the grapevine. All sorts of expensive cars would pull up outside the house, and her avante-garde parents would give their highly promiscuous daughter a benevolent kiss before watching her skip out the door every night flashing the sexiest stockings and lacy undies beneath the briefest flared micro-skirts, like some blatant advert for compulsory child-sex.
Only the previous night a blind date had picked her up in his Cadillac. She was impressed by his good looks and willingly sucked his cock while he drove, then swallowed noisily until all his thick clingy spunk had been worked down her slender throat. After a half-hour journey he took her into his house and introduced her to two other men who she'd never met before either. It turned out one of them was a hundred per cent gay whilst the other two were bi-sexual. This amused her, and she found it intriguing to be fucked by one man in the lounge while the other had sex upstairs with the gay. For extra spice they swapped around a couple of times before the second man filled Tanya's hot child-cunt with loads of his spunk, and then told her to suck it clean which she did without any hesitation. A gift of a small gold bracelet made the whole evening well worthwhile and as a thank-you she sucked the driver off again outside her home, then skipped back into the house with sperm dribbling down one side of her cute chin.
So, the following day Tanya was feeling bolder than ever when the call came for her to see the school Principal. His office was on the same floor she was on so, rather than go out of her way to the toilets, she nipped into an empty classroom to step out of her skimpy knickers and then tossed them on top of a storage cupboard. Still not satisfied, she pulled up the waist of her very short skirt until her promiscuous slit was only just covered, before knocking on the Principal's office door.
She sat facing him with her heels resting on the front chair-brace and her tanned legs almost flagrantly apart so that nothing was concealed. Tanya looked him straight in the eyes. She wanted him to see it all. She was determined to get his cock inside her one way or another, then nobody would be able to say they'd out-fucked Tanya any more. "I like to keep a close eye on your progress through the school, Tanya," He was speaking to his desk, but as usual his eyes were boring into her naked crotch, "And a regular intimate little chat helps me to understand your needs." She opened her legs as wide as they could go and her skirt slid right above her pubis, her vulva slowly eased apart to give a hint of deep pink flesh inside. There was no pretence left. He could even see her little anal rosebud peeking out from under the base of her slit. The schoolgirl slut had made her needs obvious. She kept staring at his face, but his eyes were focused on the girl-charms she was offering him and his tongue roamed around his dry lips.
"You're a very attractive girl Tanya..." He spoke slowly and carefully, "And you've made it perfectly obvious you're very experienced with men, but its more than my job's worth to accept your invitation, tempting though it may be." He looked up into her eyes, wishing they were on a deserted island, where his masculine lust could be satisfied, instead of there in his office. Tanya's eyes flashed briefly. Although only a child, she wasn't used to being turned down whenever she offered sex. She stood up and walked to the door, and for a moment the Principal thought she was going to storm out of the room, but she quickly turned the key in the lock then walked around the desk instead and grabbed a handful of his groin. There was no disguising the rock-hard phallus be-neath his fly. "Mister!" She hissed, more determined than ever, "I've heard all I need, now you're gonna fuck me, or I'm gonna shout 'RAPE'!" She started to unfasten his trousers. "Now just sit there and see what happens! Okay?"
He was torn between doing two things. If he let the wanton child have her way she could blackmail him later, even if she kept it to herself. Whereas if he threw the girl out there was too good a chance that her story would be believed and his life wouldn't be worth shit. He decided to let her get on with it, but vowed to do nothing to help her. Talking didn't seem relevant from then on. The shock of her reaction had killed his erection, but the little minx had stuffed his flaccid cock into her warm wet mouth and was sucking the hardness back into his long narrow shaft. It throbbed as her lips and tongue played some tricks his wife had never done in fifteen years of marriage. Even the cheap whores he used occasionally didn't show the same enthusiasm giving head as this kiddy-slut. His cock soon became rigid and bloated once more, and he was breathing short rapid breaths.
Satisfied, she stood up and yanked her skirt higher to straddle his thighs more easily. She grasped his erection and rubbed it up and down her child-slit. The child-slit that had already known dozens, or even hundreds, of cocks. She'd never bothered to count them, at her age she craved for experience and quantity was far more important than quality. He groaned, unable to resist the moment's eroticism as she adjusted her stance and forced her sex-tube down until the Principal's cock was em-bedded in her genital tract. She grinned at him in triumph. "I bet you didn't know a young cunt could feel so good, eh?" She boasted, and rolled her lovely slim hips around so his cock gouged into all her crev-ices. Just to teach him how good a ten year-old she was, Tanya lifted herself right off his cock, bent down to suck it clean, then straddled him again so she could shove her cunt down over his cock once more. She was in command this time, doing what she knew best, and he couldn't stop her anymore.
The lovely little nymphet bounced up and down, and rolled her hips around the Principal's lap to give his cock a real good feel of her in-sides. He could do no more than sit and groan at the sheer illicit pleasure of sex with such a willing child. Her lack of breasts or pubic hair had reassured him there was absolutely no chance of this girl con-ceiving for quite some time, and he just let rip when his juices started to boil. As if some instinct told her to, Tanya shoved her hips down hard and rocked her pelvis to place her cervix over the eye of his cock, ensuring his spurting seed spilled through into her immature uterus, and held the pelvic-tilt position until seconds after she'd felt the last of his spasms fade away...
A stupid grin appeared on her face and wouldn't go away. She'd done it at last! Tanya had fucked the school Principal, and had his spunk in-side her to prove it! She lifted herself off his soft penis until it flopped onto his right thigh. Looking down, she saw the end was coated with spunk, and bent down to suck it clean once more, then she stood up again and kissed him on the forehead. "That was nice sir!" She said as she pulled the hem of her skirt down to it's usual upper-thigh position, "Next time you wanna fuck a junior cunt just send for Tanya in 4C..." She unlocked the door and, still grinning, wandered off to retrieve her discarded knickers.
She was still grinning later, outside school, when her and a group of other ten year-olds stood chatting. Juliette and Babs were telling the others about three workers on a nearby building site who'd been teasing them and smacking their bums every time they walked past. Juliette was the seventh member of the group, looked quite innocent and angelic, but she could fuck and suck as well as any porno star. "We were pretty well pissed off after a week of being teased like kids!" She said, looking irritated, "So, just to teach them a lesson, Babs and I went round this lunchtime." She gave a sudden laugh. "Babs was brilliant! We barged into the hut where they were eating their sandwiches, and she just yanked up her skirt, pulled off her knicks and threw them in a corner, then lay right across their table!" Juliette looked at Babs and the two girls grinned at one another. "Then she yelled 'Look! We're not little seven year-old kids anymore, okay? We're TEN for Chrissakes!'"
Babs then took up the story. "Without thinking I yelled 'So just wise up and fuck us!' It took them about ten seconds to realise I meant it, then I got a cock shoved up me real quick!" She gave a laugh and brushed her fingers through her long straight black hair. "They took it in turns to spunk into my cunt," She continued, "Then, once they'd got their cocks stiff again, Juliette gave them a good old cock-sucking and got herself a belly-full of hot cum!" "Yeah it was great!" Said Juliette, excitedly, "One of them was nearly as old as my grandpa, but now that we've fucked 'em they sure won't treat us like kids no more!"
It was Marie-Lynn's turn to speak. She turned to Sharon, the most re-cent member of the group. "Still counting the cocks, Sharon?" This was a reference to a comment the other girl had made a week earlier. "Yes," She replied, "Its thirty-seven in two months, but I'm afraid I can't remember all their names anymore..." She looked across at Marie-Lynn. "How many cocks have you had so far?" "Oh, God knows!" Marie-Lynn re-torted, with a heavenly look, "Anyway, who cares? Its what a cunt's for isn't it?" At this, the other girls all laughed and nodded their pretty heads in agreement.
On an impulse, Tanya grabbed Sharon's hand. "Come on Sharon, let's make it thirty-eight!" She'd suddenly recognised a car cruising slowly by as one she'd been fucked in a couple of weeks previously. "Oooh, Tanya!" Whimpered Sharon, nervously, "My Ma's told me to get home real early to-day, so I'd better not..." Tanya had stuck out her hand to attract the driver's attention, and the car pulled up alongside. She opened the passenger door. "No Tanya, please," Sharon pleaded, weakly, "I've got to get home..." Tanya gave her a friendly shove. "Oh stop moaning Sharon, and get in!" She ordered, and the other girl obediently climbed into the car. Tanya slammed the door, opened the rear door and climbed inside. "Hi!" She breezed at the bemused driver, "Drive to somewhere quiet." Being street-wise, the driver just grinned and gunned the car a few hundred yards to an almost empty parking lot, then switched off the ignition.
"Okay!" Said Tanya, boldly, "Now fuck her!" Sharon sat quite pas-sively in her seat, and didn't offer any resistance when the man stuck his hand right up her skirt. She glanced at his face. She guessed he was in his early thirties, and he wore a serious, concentrating expres-sion. His fingers hooked under her knicker elastic and began probing at the top of her slit. Sharon's control over her thigh muscles just dis-solved, and he easily pushed them wide apart to gain access to her crotch. He leaned over and used both hands to pull her cunt open to satisfy himself that she wasn't a virgin. He hated fucking virgins!
Reassured, he opened his zip-fly and pulled out by far the biggest cock that Sharon had seen in her two months of sexual activity. She shud-dered at the sight of it, but with his forthright manner coupled with Tanya's presence behind her, she simply sighed in docile resignation. The car was one of the large 'gas-guzzlers', so the driver had no dif-ficulty in getting between Sharon's legs and pulling her buttocks to the edge of the seat. "Hold your knickers aside while I get it in!" He de-manded, and Sharon, feeling totally dominated, obediantly reached down and pulled her gusset to one side as instructed.
He worked his cock into her a bit at a time, and kept pulling her lips apart to make sure she didn't tear his foreskin. Sharon was stunned. His enormous bloated cock was stretching her tender young cunt so much she thought it would burst. He was much bigger than the negro who'd brought tears to her eyes the previous week. "Yeah!" Tanya was saying, "Shove that big cock right up her cunt!" She remembered how big it had felt when he'd shoved it into her, although that particular evening an earlier lover's spunk had made it easier to get up her. Sharon shut her eyes and bit her lip, willing him to hurry and get it right inside soon so the pushing might stop. Oblivious to everything except that powerful man forcing his big macho cock into her body, she just sat back and let him use her, and couldn't have brought herself to move even if the car was suddenly surrounded by crowds of people.
With a final grunt, he pressed his groin against Sharon's smooth crotch, having forced the whole length of his horse-cock inside the submissive child's body. To him, her cunt felt good and tight and sweaty, and he made a mental note to get Tanya to find him some more ten year-olds. Or even younger if possible...
Sharon daren't even try to move. She was glad he'd managed to get all his cock into her because it meant the forward pressure had eased, and he wouldn't get mad with her for not being able to take it. But her cunt had never been stretched so much and it really hurt, so when he started to fuck in and out properly her eyes filled with tears and she couldn't stop herself from giving little yelps at each forward lunge. She was quite surprised to feel the shaft twitch after only two or three motions, though, and with a roar he shot what felt like a torrent of se-men as far into her as it would go. Sperm got into every little inti-mate crevice. Her cunt, cervix, womb and even her developing fallopian tubes were engulfed by his sticky fertile seed, making her immature sex organs tingle as his hot viscous fluid swamped the child's every cavity.
"There!" Said Tanya, leaning forwards to speak to her classmate, "That feels better than rushing off home to mother, doesn't it?" Sharon nod-ded feebly. Cocks had become her greatest weakness, and somehow she could never say 'no' to grown-up men. Also, the soreness inside her had eased with his ejaculation. The squelchy sensation deep inside her cunt made her feel so good and dirty that at that moment her Ma could go fuck herself for all Sharon cared. The stranger looked into her eyes as if he was reading her thoughts. "Nothing beats a good fuck, does it kid?" As she languidly shook her head in agreement he stuck his hands down the back of her knickers, gripped her small childish buttocks and pulled her hard against his groin as if to emphasize his masculinity. She offered no resistance at all. While her cunt was skewered onto his giant cock she felt totally powerless and he could do with her whatever he liked.
Her second surprise was when, instead of pulling his cock out of her, she realised it was becoming rigid once again. Only this time she found her cunt was able to stretch more readily, and the friction which had caused her soreness was eased by the spunk now lubricating the walls of her genital tract. He lifted her legs up and pulled them around his waist so he could press his groin right into her vulva. "Lock your feet together!" He ordered, and she did her best to comply but her muscles wouldn't quite respond so her feet sort of flopped behind his back. He kept ramming his huge dong right into her and she just lay there and took it, time after time after time, with a look of complete subjugation across her beautiful childish face.
He pulled her even further forwards until she was almost horizontal but for her head which was just tilting against the seat-back. Tanya was leaning forwards with her elbows resting on the passenger seat so she could get a good view. "Yeah! Fuck her! Fuck it! That's right! Fuck! Fuck it!" She kept saying, "Make damn sure you enjoy this Sharon! Fuck him! Fuck her! That's good! Fuck it!" Tanya's words had little effect on her friend. Already Sharon didn't give a shit about anything or anybody. She was totally overwhelmed, consumed, dominated and owned by the huge man-prick being callously shoved to the hilt into her over-stretched prepubescent cunt. Having come once already, the man lasted much longer this time. In, out, in, out. He kept on ramming into her, thoroughly enjoying the unexpected use of such a pliable child's body, whilst with each lunge Sharon jerked limply backwards like some kind of rag doll stuffed full of human horsecock.
Eventually, he felt his juice starting to rise. He waited a second or two to be sure his ejaculation was beginning then pulled out sharply, his giant cock making a loud sucking noise as it was extracted from Sharon's widely distended cunt-hole. He quickly adjusted his stance and rested his knees against the seat front, so his sticky cock was poised above her reclining torso when the spasms began a couple of seconds later.
The first stream of spunk went across Sharon's face and into her hair, splattering her school blouse in the process. The second one only just reached her lips, but left a continuous trail across her neck, collar and school tie. With his passion almost spent, the third and fourth spurts only managed to pepper her skirt and blouse with large drops of watery-looking seminal fluid. Finally, while he got his breath back, he allowed the remainder to dribble onto the front of her skirt, making a large sticky wet patch.
Satisfied, he lifted a spare piece of her skirt and used it to wipe his flaccid cock until it was almost clean and dry, then carefully eased it inside his pants before zipping up his fly. "Well girls," He grinned, "I'm late for an important appointment now." He flipped back into the driving seat and started the engine. "So do you mind getting out here?" Tanya gave him a smirk which said "Go fuck yourself!" and climbed out of the back. She opened the passenger door. "Come on Sharon!" She spoke loudly to stir the other girl into action. "Mister Wonderful hasn't got the time to take us home..."
Her awareness slowly returning, Sharon began to clamber awkwardly out of the car. She certainly looked a real mess with her clothes all creased and spunk just about everywhere. Reeking of the pungent musky odour, the lovely ten year-old stood blinking while she regained her wits. The car roared away, out of the parking lot and disappeared, but Sharon didn't even notice. Without thinking, she sucked her bottom lip then wiped her tongue around the outside of her mouth. The taste seemed vaguely familiar...
Suddenly she became aware of Tanya rubbing her neck and collar with a Kleenex, and the sopping sticky wetness in her crotch clicked her thoughts into gear. She had just been fucked! "Oh God, Tanya!" She exclaimed, "My cunt feels so wierd!" She lifted her skirt and gently probed between her legs. "It's throbbing like mad and feels twice as big!"
Tanya laughed. "Sharon, you were fucking fantastic!" She said, admir-ingly, "It was great the way you just lay there and took it all!" The other girl looked down at her front. "Oh Tanya!" She exclaimed, "Look at all this spunk on my clothes!" She pulled at her blouse and skirt to get a better look. "I can't go home like this, my Ma will kill me!" Another realisation sank in. "And I'm so bloody late Tanya. Oh my God!"
"Stay cool, Sharon." Tanya replied. She glanced around the parking lot, "Look, I'll use that phone to call my Mom and ask her to pick us both up, then she can drop you off on the way."
A few minutes later Tanya walked back to her friend, smiling. "She'll be over in ten minutes." She looked her up and down. Sharon definitely looked a mess. A trickle of spunk had descended from her hairline and had made a trail across her forehead. Tanya swiped it up with a finger and sucked it clean. "Pure natural spunk." She uttered, in answer to Sharon's questioning look. "Now let's do something about those clothes." An idea came to her. "We're about the same size, Sharon," She declared, "Come on, we'll swap clothes and I'll get Mom to tell your Ma that I accidently messed up your uniform so we're putting it through our laundry."
She stood between two cars and boldly stepped out of her school uniform, ignoring the elderly couple who stared at her as they walked to their car. A minute later she was standing in just her shoes and brief lacy pink panties bearing the words 'Cocks Wanted! Apply Within!' in daintily embroidered blue script. The school Principal's sperm had completely soaked the crotch, making the inside of her thighs glisten wetly. "You'd better hang on to your own knicks!" Tanya laughed, "These might blow your Ma's mind!" This brought a smile to Sharon's face. She be-came aware of gravity trying to empty the contents of her throbbing sex-tube, and stood squeezing her legs together to try to stop yet more spunk-slime oozing out onto her pantie-gusset. "Hurry up, Sharon!" Urged Tanya, since she thought the other girl was already taking too much time to change.
Eventually they were finished. Sharon looked fine, except that she was worried what her mother would say about Tanya's short skirt, whilst her more liberated friend was busy adjusting Sharon's skirt. Not so much to hide the spunk stains as to get the hemline up so high it was virtually indecent the way it exposed her wet lacy crotch.
Tanya's mother collected them a few minutes later. She concentrated on manoeuvering through the traffic whilst her daughter matter-of-factly explained how Sharon had been fucked after school by a man she knew but he'd sprayed his spunk all over her school clothes. Tanya lied that she'd bumped into her classmate on the street and had offered to help. "Her Ma's real old-fashioned, Mom!" Tanya declared, "And she'll simply blow a fuse if Sharon goes home all covered in spunk! She even thinks Sharon's still a virgin for Crissakes!"
Although she wasn't too happy about covering up for another girl, when they arrived at Sharon's home Tanya's mother did escort her into the house and gave a very creditable made-up story to Sharon's Ma on a 'just this once' favour basis. But what she didn't tell Tanya was the real reason for her reluctance to get involved. This was because only two days earlier Sharon's father, who she'd met at a school PTA meeting, had taken her to a sleazy motel and given her the fucking of a lifetime, and she was concerned that her face might give something away to his dowdy suspicious wife. As it happened, she needn't have worried because the stupid cow's concentration was focused solely on Sharon and she'd only glanced across a couple of times when she voiced her thanks.
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