Vicky's Lessons in Life, Part 3

[ g+, M+, F+, inc, porn ]

by Unknown


Published: 9-Dec-2011

Word Count: 5397

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This story contains graphic descriptions of sex among adults, pre-teens, & children, between adults, pre-teens, & children. If you find this offensive stop reading now.

This story is entirely fictional and any similarity between persons and events depicted in it and actual persons and events is purely coincidental. The story is pure fantasy and none of the events described herein are practiced, advocated or condoned by the author.

The Story So Far...

Carol, a naturally submissive beauty, lost her virginity to a group of lads at the age of ten after a depraved woman neighbour talked her into it so she could watch the child being gang-banged. This led to her accepting gang-bangs as normal sex, and she fell pregnant at 12 after only her second period. Thrown out of home by a narrow-minded father, she moved in with a commune group and continued gang-fucking until she gave birth to Vicky just after her thirteenth birthday. She quickly found ways to breast-feed whilst fucking different men, and it soon became routine for little Vicky to sit watching the commune's collection of porno films while her lovely teenage mother lay nearby being screwed by a variety of cocks. Carol didn't believe in hiding sex from little kids, and was amused when five year old Vicky shoved a used dildo up her tiny cunt, breaking her own hymen.

Less than a year later Carol took Vicky along to meet a group of guys who like fucking kids, and both mother and 6 year old daughter ended up getting gang-banged. Following her mother's lead, Vicky accepted her childhood promiscuity as normal activity for little girls which has resulted in very many cocks feeling inside her soft body.

Now read on...


The year was nineteen seventy-seven, and Vicky had just celebrated her ninth birthday with an all expenses paid trip to visit a large group of paedophiles in California. Some of them took her and Carol to see all the sights, and screwed the child at every opportunity, sometimes impul-sively fucking her in cars, behind bushes and even during dark funfair rides. The skinny young girl was really thrilled to be shown around, and thought it only right that these big-cocked men should fuck her whenever they felt the need.

To make it easier for them to reach her daughter's cunt, Carol dressed Vicky in very short stretch jersey mini-skirts without any knickers underneath, and they got pulled up and down so often that the child jokingly called them her yo-yo skirts. Fucking had become so regular and normal to Vicky that she thought nothing of sitting on a man's lap during a funfair ride with his stiff cock buried deep inside her im-mature body. She would laugh and wave to the other unknowing passengers while the cock moved inside her, only becoming quiet and introspective each time she felt hot semen spurting into her well-abused upper vagina and womb.

Evenings were reserved for Vicky's mass gang-bangs, but kiddy-sex as they call it in the USA is so popular over there that the group was too large for one meeting, and a limit of twenty-five men had to be imposed for each evening. This way the little girl was guaranteed at least eight hours sleep to recover from each marathon evening fucking session! She was still under four stones in weight and only four feet two inches tall, and even a willing and eager cock-loving child like Vicky gets very tired after being screwed non-stop for three or four hours. Be-sides, Carol wanted her daughter to enjoy her daytime sightseeing, even though their hosts couldn't resist taking advantage of the little tempt-ress at almost any time of the day.

They stayed for two weeks, during which Carol visited almost every swing club in Los Angeles. At all the clubs entrance for single women was free, and the lustful young mother made damn sure she got fucked stupid more than just a few times. One or two clubs offered custom-made couches on which a female could lie with her legs lifted and parted to allow any interested party free access, whilst her head was inserted through an opening in a padded dividing wall. Carefully positioned video cameras and screens provided the female with a clear view of every penetration, but neither sex-partner could talk to the other, nor could they see the other's face, so total anonymity was guaranteed.

A surprising number of women often took advantage of these facilities, but most treated them as a titillating diversion for no more than half an hour before wandering back to the bar or an orgy room. But Carol simply adored the delicious indecency of fucking total strangers with no chance of knowing who had fucked who, and on three or four occasions she lasted the whole night on the same couch! She'd swoon as she avidly watched the totally unknown cocks being fed into her horny body, relish-ing the act of being continually used, and couldn't care less about names and faces. All she craved for was loads and loads of stiff cocks shoved up her randy and insatiable body to ejaculate into her clinging wet cunt, and the more the better!

By the time they were ready to leave, mother and daughter both agreed they wanted to stay in California for good. Carol made sure their paedophile friends knew how they felt, and one or two promised to see what they could do to help.

After they returned to England, Carol and Vicky soon slipped into their usual routine again. There was lots of messages from men wanting to arrange paedophile group evenings with Vicky, and dozens of replies to Carol's contact magazine ads asking to be invited to non-stop gang-bang sessions. The beautiful mother quickly followed up all of them and gorged herself for a while, fucking over two hundred new men during the next fortnight. But Vicky's appointments then caught up and the child happily settled back into screwing nights and week-ends while her mother wandered around fucking as many strangers as she could before it was time to take her tired but well-fucked daughter home to bed.

Over the next few months they began to give up hope of moving to America, and Vicky eventually stopped asking her mother when they would be going. It wasn't all that bad in England either. The loads of toys, sex-videos, clothes and presents that had accumulated made them feel quite well off. Carol had also given in to Vicky's new-found craving for junk food, and the diminutive little poppet actually began to fill out a bit. She was still on the small side for her age though, at only four feet three inches and weighing fifty-three pounds.

Vicky had just turned ten when the news they had waited a whole year for finally arrived. It had taken quite a bit of arranging, but eventually one of their paedophile friends had obtained a visa for Carol by falsely claiming to be employing her for some fictitious skills for which there was a shortage in the US. Having been granted a visa, it was then pos-sible for Carol to have Vicky admitted on compassionate grounds.

Living in California was like a breath of fresh air to Carol. Sex is so freely available and amongst the younger set thirteen year-old virgins just don't exist any more! Such is every young girl's irresistable urge to start "putting out" that sex-hungry eleven and twelve year-old girls, wearing skin tight micro-skirts and make up, wander the streets at night and weekends looking for experience. Yes, although strictly speaking it is illegal, in the name of liberty child sex is a well accepted fact of life in California, and many parents knowingly condone it rather than risk alienating themselves from their offspring. Bookstores are packed with magazines and so-called fiction novels for pubescent pre-teens which exhort and titillate their hot-pussied readers with articles such as "How To Dress Sexy!", and "Are You A Dreaded CT?". In California, CT means Cock-Tease. Most pre-teen girls' magazines also give hints on how to talk and act provocatively, steering them to attract older boys and even men for sex. The whole thing started during the flower-power era of the sixties and now many mothers, having been introduced to sex at a very early age themselves, see nothing dangerous in their precocious pre-teen daughters getting in on the action as soon as they liked.

At first Carol and Vicky shared the home of one paedophile while his liberated wife was on a month's holiday in Hawaii with three of her many boyfriends. But the sex-mad English pair couldn't believe their luck when one of their new friends, who was extremely wealthy, invited them to move into a luxuriously furnished house which, he assured them, he hardly ever used. Also, because the local atmosphere was much more re-laxed than in England, Carol didn't mind registering Vicky at the local school where she soon made friends with many of her ten year-old class-mates.

From their conversations it was obvious that half the thirty girls in Vicky's class were already sexually active, and one group of five flaunted their promiscuity quite openly, telling the more reluctant girls how great it was to "put-out" and what the fuck did they think they were saving their stupid cherries for anyway. Vicky immediately attached herself to this group, and also learned from her new friends that three of the male teachers were busy making it with any young lolita who was willing. Her 'club initiation' two days later was to be fucked by all three teachers while the other pre-teen sexpots looked on to make sure she didn't "fake it". Their usual meeting place was one of the small sound-proofed lecture theatres, and at lunchtime the six chil-dren and three adults were all gathered inside with the doors securely locked.

Vicky found American's men's attitude to children differed from Europe-ans, and it gave her quite a buzz to be talked to as though she was an adult. "Geez Vicky," said the Geography teacher as he finally helped her out of her skimpy pink nylon panties, exposing the front of her hairless cunt slit, "That's one hell of a neat body you've got there!" Her friends were lounging on the floor with their skirts up and legs apart, blatantly showing their cute young pussies, whilst she was standing facing the seated tutor. He began to stroke her stomach and pubic bone so she moved her feet apart to give him easier access to her more inter-esting parts. "You certainly are a beautiful female, Vicky," He con-tinued, then licked two fingers and inserted them into her quivering pussy. Fortunately, her mother made sure she squirted lubricant up her channel every morning, and he was very pleased that the annoying dry-cunt problem which afflicts all too many pre-teen lolitas didn't exist this time.

"What a lovely wet cunt, Vicky," He smiled, "I bet you must've taken a helluva lot of hard cock-meat up there!" She grinned and nodded her head enthusiastically as he undid his trousers and pushed them down to expose a very large erection. He reached around to pull her little round buttocks, and she eagerly straddled his thighs then felt between her legs to fit his rock-hard cock into her tight juvenile pussy. She felt it sink slowly into her body, and sighed with pure contentment when it finally began to stretch the depths of her sex-canal. After waiting a few seconds for her young body to adjust she began moving her hips up and down to feel the hard manly flesh gouging into her enlarged greasy fuck-tube.

The other randy pre-teens gathered round for a better look. "That's it Vicky," said Tanya, a tanned and raunchy looking ten year-old, "He's one of the best teachers in school, so fuck him real good!" With that, she reached for his hand and stuck it between her own slim thighs to give him a good feel of her randy cunt. She never cared who fucked her as long as she got something out of it and her easy reputation got spread around. All three teachers had been inside her many times, and if she hadn't been laid by so many other guys as well she'd probably be able to recognise their cocks blindfolded by now! Both her liberal par-ents knew she fucked around with men but felt it might be psycho-logically damaging to try and stop her once she'd got started, so they told their adored daughter that her promiscuity was okay with them as long as she first came to them if ever she needed any help.

The only help Tanya needed right then was to get the school principal to fuck her, but she doubted whether her loving parents would be inclined to do anything for that cause. It had been her main ambition for weeks, and she'd certainly made damn sure he knew she was an easy lay by touch-ing, teasing and flashing her cunt 'accidentally' at every opportunity. So far all she'd got back was a smile, but just recently the growing bulge in his pants whenever she was around told her all she needed to know. He'd called her to his office a few times for the flimsiest of reasons, and each time the hopeful child-lay had removed her panties in the loo before knocking on his door. But so far she'd only managed to casually let her legs fall apart to flash her cunt at him before being dismissed, although her visits had been extended from a few seconds to two or three minutes. "Not long now!" The lovely ten year-old slut promised herself, and had made up her mind to boldly grab hold of his stiff cock next time he called for her...

Vicky swung her pelvis back and forth to let the teacher's throbbing cock explore all her intimate vaginal crevices as she moved up and down. She'd been brought up to fuck her very best ever since she was a little infant and she was now beginning to appreciate just how good at it she really was. His hands were stroking her slender back and small but-tocks, occasionally teasing her sensitive little bum-hole. Once or twice he wet his finger and played with her flat nipples. Although her breasts were still a year away from developing, she could swear her tiny buds tingled under his sensual touch.

Feeling good, she flung her arms around the thirty-three year-old yummy teacher's neck and gave him a 'daddy-bear' hug, as she called it. She ground her hips into his lap and screwed them around until she felt the familiar stretching deep inside as his cock pressed into her immature cervix. It hurt a little bit, but she didn't care. She wanted to show these teachers and her new friends how good she was at something really important!

"Aaaarrrgh!" He exclaimed, as his cock began to twitch uncontrollably. Vicky held still, her tongue pushed lightly between her lips. Then she tipped back her head and whimpered an "Oh!" as each strong jet of sperm shot straight into her young pre-fertile womb. His fluid felt warm and comforting inside her belly and she immediately decided not to suck off the other two men. No, this time she wanted to feel a helluva lot more spunk shooting deep into her cunt instead...

And so it was that, twenty-five minutes later, the six girls crept out of the lecture theatre having had at least a good feel-up each. Tanya and one other girl had also sucked off two of the teachers once they'd recovered from fucking Vicky. Much to the others' amusement, both sexy pre-teens kept licking their lips suggestively as they strolled along the school corridor. Vicky was without her knickers since the Geography teacher had jokingly pocketed them as a ransom until his next fuck, un-aware that the concept of denying men free access to her pre-stretched under-age cunt was alien to Vicky. Just to make sure, the ten year-old easy lay had assured all three teachers they could fuck her anytime they wanted. As she walked along the corridor, the runny triple spunk mix-ture which hadn't reached the locked security of her child-womb slowly oozed out of her tingling cunt to dribble down the insides of her smooth white thighs. "Men are so nice!" She thought to herself.

She waited until she was sat back at her desk before using the inside of her skirt to make a futile attempt at wiping it up, but the strong scent of sex around the classroom that afternoon was unmistakable. The new young Maths teacher looked concerned at first, giving some of the more brazen looking girls a stern expression. But he hadn't reckoned with the front row! Sitting next to Vicky was the latin-looking Conchita, who had just been boasting how she had finally "furrcked" wuth a hunky ice cream salesman that lunchtime. "Vicky, tell-a the urthers!" She whispered in her strong accent, "Take-a your panties off-a when he is-a not-a looking." She hesitated while the teacher walked by. "And-a when I cough we awl open our hot-a legs-a wide, yeah...?" Vicky passed the message on, then briefly flashed her bare pubis to show Conchita she was already pantie-less. "I no surprised-a you furrck-a," Drawled the dusky sex-pot, "You're too 'bella' to be a virgin-a."

As soon as the twenty-four year old teacher turned his back there was a flurry of raised skirts and pulled elastic followed by a flash of colour as five pairs of panties were hurriedly stuffed into school bags. Eventually, he sat behind his desk and leaned forward to emphasize a point. Conchita chose just the right moment to cough, and suddenly the teacher found himself staring at six luscious ten year-old cunt-slits less than ten feet away!

He abruptly stopped speaking and sat for a few seconds. Then he opened his mouth to speak but was totally unable to put his thoughts into words. The six girls just sat smiling sweetly at him, all the while keeping their thighs wide apart. The ultra-modern desks had not been designed to incorporate modesty boards, and he found himself looking at each girl in turn, first their neat cunts then those smiling but knowing eyes. And when his gaze finally rested on Conchita, the little minx casually rubbed a finger up and down her slit! Some sperm had leaked out of her hole, and the strong classroom lighting made her pink cunt lips glisten sexily. Meanwhile, Vicky's whole crotch was just a sopping wet mess of lubricant and semen. The teacher became suddenly aware of the raging erection in his pants, and his words surprised him when they finally tumbled out. "Conchita and Vicky," He blurted, "Will you please come and see me after school is finished for to-day."

The rest of the lesson passed with difficulty for him. Seeing he daren't react in the open classroom, the six sexy nymphets repeatedly closed then opened their legs to give him a non-stop eyeful of juicy pre-teen cunt. Despite his efforts to resist, the teacher found he couldn't stop looking straight into those young girls' lovely crotches, and the constant erection this gave him prevented him from standing up. Eventually, he gave up trying to teach, and asked the class to spend the last fifteen minutes revising the previous lesson.

The images stayed with him for the rest of the afternoon, and the school was almost empty when Conchita and Vicky returned to his classroom. Both girls were smiling as they approached his desk. "Don't you know you shouldn't have done what you did to-day?" He demanded, but he was too nervous to look such tempting lolitas in the face and stared at his desk instead. Vicky was a bit confused, but the bold Conchita didn't hesitate. "Do you mean-a this?" The little minx moved closer, lifted her skirt and pushed her groin forwards.

"Damn!" He thought to himself. The enticing latin child hadn't both-ered to put her skimpy knickers back on and the teacher found himself unable to stop gazing at the puffy hairless pube, half split by the cute gash which disappeared between her smooth young tanned thighs. Conchita lifted one leg slightly to give him an even better view. As her soft vulva eased open, the smell of sex drifted from her and he started to breathe more deeply.

"Only ten years old," He was thinking, "But she damn well knows what its all about!" The hard bulge in his pants was only too obvious now, but he quickly responded when the brazen latin girl reached down and grabbed his erection through the material. "No, Conchita, not here!" He started, and pushed his chair back to escape her boldly exploring fingers.

She looked hurt at first, then smiled again. By this time Vicky had also lifted her skirt to expose her own young pussy. "Lecture theatre three in-a five minutos, yeah...?" Although Conchita raised her eye-brows, it was hardly a question and she suggestively rubbed a finger along her slit before letting her skirt fall. Vicky then did the same before following her sexy classmate into the corridor.

It was ten minutes before the nervous young teacher entered the lecture theatre and carefully locked the door. The girls quickly took off all their clothes and began playing up to him from either side. Unable to resist their lush ultra-young bodies, he used both hands to reach be-tween the eager girls' firm thighs and fingered their juvenile sex-holes. Both girls were still wet with semen from their respective lunchtime sex-sessions, and he was surprised at the ease with which his fingers slipped inside their small bodies. He certainly had an awful lot to learn about ten year-old Californian girls!

Forcing back concern for his devoted bride of just two weeks, the maths graduate helped the dusky little Conchita to remove his pants and shorts. She then lay down with her arms and legs splayed ready, the way her Papa liked to fuck her whenever Mama wasn't around. Kneeling be-tween her smooth young thighs, he lifted her hips until his erection was nuzzling into her warm vulval slit. He hesitated and looked down at her body, so obviously young, breastless and undeveloped. She was staring into his eyes. "You really want it, don't you?" He needed to hear her assent. "Yes-a," She drawled back at him, "Push-a your big-a cock-a into!"

He groaned and eased forwards. His bulbous end pressed against her groin for a moment, then suddenly disappeared inside her stretched vaginal canal. He'd done it! Conchita gave her usual sigh that signaled a sexual penetration, the ice-cream salesman's spunk acted as a lubricant and her fifteenth new cock that month slid home without any difficulty. Vicky had watched her amoral schoolfriend with admiration, but now lay down with her head on Conchita's stomach to view her being rutted. Feeling quite debauched, the teacher plunged into the willing child's spermy hole a few times then pulled out and nudged the end against Vicky's sensual lips.

Without any hesitation the pretty child took his cock deep into her warm wet mouth, sucking and swallowing its coating of spunk before using her tongue to lather the shaft with her own saliva. She mewed when he pulled out again, to thrust the whole length back inside Conchita's willing body. This happened over and over again, by which time the teacher had completely forgotten his wife and his recent marriage vows. All he cared about was getting his rocks off, and teaching these two kids an adult lesson by unloading a good ballsfull of spunk into them.

Some lesson! He was deep inside Conchita when the first two spurts hit, and most found its way through her open cervix to coat the walls of her immature uterus. He pulled out fast but got his timing all wrong and the third jet went over her tanned thigh, but Vicky moved quickly to make sure her mouth took the remainder of his warm creamy ejaculation. When the jerking finally subsided she let his penis slip from between her lips, and savoured the taste for a few seconds before swallowing deeply. She then twisted her head to lick the spunk trail off Conchita's thigh, and the wet perspiration on her friend's skin gave it a stronger, saltier taste which lingered for a while even after she'd finished swallowing.

This treatment had him hooked of course, and the way he gave each girl a long deep soul kiss before they all dressed and crept out of the lecture theatre made it obvious a return bout was inevitable. Conchita and Vicky treated it all like a bit of a joke, although Conchita was par-ticularly proud of her success. But she quickly forgot the teacher when she arrived home, for her Mama wasn't due home for an hour and her gor-geous Papa met her at the door with a hard fat erection. He carried his sexy daughter upstairs and undressed her, then spent the next half hour in a friendly family-fucking session which left her with yet another cuntful of yummy thick sperm.

Her mother knew she was having regular sex from the semen stains in her panties and bedsheets but, rather than risk a big argument, told herself it must be a boyfriend from school and said nothing. In any case, she knew a scandal involving her husband having sex with their ten year-old daughter would be too much for her to handle, and therefore decided to ignore the signs, the lengthy kissing and the occasional indiscreet but obviously intimate caress. Conchita herself really couldn't care less whether her father fucked her or not as long as she was having plenty of fun. Her uncle and older brothers had been having her regularly since the age of eight anyway, so when her randy father started feeling her up in the bath a year ago she didn't bother resisting. Instead, she just said she could do with five dollars, and happily engaged in a vigorous fuck on the bathroom floor once he'd promised to pay up. Although they were a poor family, Conchita had had a lot of laughs with her Papa as an infant and he was always fun to be with, so when he pleaded with her to keep their fucking a secret she readily agreed. Since then, for an ex-tra five dollars a week, Conchita happily allowed her horny Papa to squeeze his fat dirty cock up her hot young fuck-hole anytime he wanted.

Vicky quickly brought the easy Conchita into her friend's group, and from then on the child-lays became known as the "Magnificent Seven", tinsel town's kiddy-sex equivalent of those old screen heroes. None of the seven youngsters much cared who it was they fucked with, as long as they got presents, fast car rides, stuff like that. Carol was thrilled to hear about her daughter's promiscuous schoolfriends and thoroughly approved of the in-school sexual experiences which Vicky also related to her. She was relieved her daughter had finally begun to fuck around with her own group of friends, because this meant she was freer to do her own thing. One of the best swing clubs in the centre of Los Angeles now held all-day sessions on Sundays, so Carol would claim her "Anonym-ity Couch" at eleven in the morning then spend all day being fucked by a succession of complete strangers. She would try to keep going as long as possible, but by seven or eight in the evening she'd usually have had all she could stand. Even so, it was the nearest she'd got to sexual perfection and her sore cunt would tingle like mad as she'd drive home with at least fifty different portions of unidentified sperm sloshing around her randy sex-organs, gradually soaking deeper and deeper into her flesh.

Mondays became her quiet days, when she would stay in the house re-living the pure excitement of having her body used so much the previous day. By around four o-clock her lust would get the better of her, and she would dress in something flimsy and revealing before driving a few miles along the highway. Then she would pull over and lift the car hood, and shamelessly offer her gorgeous wet cunt to any man who stopped to help. Most were truck drivers but she also had a number of business-men this way, and it surprised Carol to find out how many conscientious policemen were quite prepared to enjoy a roadside fuck. Still only twenty-three with a perfect figure, stunning looks and a sex-hungry ex-pression, she met very few heterosexual men who didn't want to fuck her, with the exception of the more strict paedophiles who refused on prin-ciple to fuck girls over the age of twelve. Their polite refusals al-ways drew Carol's respect.

It was through these casual roadside meetings that Carol received in-vites from a dozen or so other paedophile groups for her daughter to visit them. Most groups numbered between fifty to a hundred members, although one had two hundred and the biggest claimed six hundred regular members. The reason for the latter's popularity was because the organ-isers had managed to adopt or buy a couple of dozen orphaned or il-legitimate girls aged between three and eight years old. Each group member paid a reasonable forty dollars a month which provided the girls with a totally luxurious upbringing on the group's ranch, and a care-fully administered system ensured that each girl wasn't fucked more than five or six times in a day, with two complete days off each week.

This meant each member was guaranteed a good healthy child-fuck at least once a week, although not all members visited on a regular basis. How-ever, a constant flow of applications from men wishing to join the group had forced the organiser, who'd introduced himself as Gerry, to consider expanding the facilities currently on offer. He confided that he was already negotiating for two Mexican girls, aged four and six, from a poor family in El Paso; the illegitimate three year-old daughter of a Puerto Rican hotel worker in New York, and three lovely blonde four year-olds from an almost bankrupt private foster home in Texas.

To provide for this expansion, architects were drawing up plans which would ultimately double the ranch's present size to provide self con-tained luxury accommodation units for up to fifty girls. These would be fully equipped with hi-fi, toys, child-sex picture books and magazines, sex toys and three-channel in-house round-the-clock video screening only the very best in child-sex feature films. To finance these plans, Gerry had recently undertaken a survey amongst members, and had found that most would not object to paying fifty or even sixty dollars a month in order to maintain the group's very high standards, so an increase in the subscription was imminent.

Unfortunately for new members, who were currently joining at a rate of four a week, the most popular girls were often booked up long in ad-vance. Since this seemed unfair, the organiser was considering changing the booking rules to limit advance booking to three months.

His current 'star' girl was a beautiful but very easily influenced and eager to please eight year-old slut named Rachel who 'didn't give a shit' what she got up to sexually. He'd found her on the street when she was a five year-old runaway from an orphanage, had easily taken her virginity on the first night and taught her everything he knew about paedophile sex. Now she simply adored being dirty, couldn't open her legs wide enough and laughed all the time, but she was booked up almost right through to puberty. The knowledge that she was reserved at least seven times over by all six hundred members for a good hour's hard fucking didn't bother her one bit!. "Its great living here!" She'll say to anyone who asks. "Gerry looks after us and he says I'm doing really good at fucking! I've got lots of toys, my own TV and all my friends live here at the ranch too. Yeah, its just great and I'll never ever want to leave!"

It certainly sounded great to Carol and she told him so. Young girls with an uncertain future within a crummy institution or slum would be much better off living in a healthy ranch environment surrounded by such luxury, was her view. He quickly confirmed this to be true, and since many doctors and dentists were group members all the girls were checked regularly so any health problems were dealt with promptly. This ensured the girls would be able to fuck almost all the time.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.