Published: 9-Dec-2011
Word Count:
Author's Profile
This story is entirely fictional and any similarity between persons and events depicted in it and actual persons and events is purely coincidental. The story is pure fantasy and none of the events described herein are practiced, advocated or condoned by the author.
The year was nineteen seventy-four, and Vicky was very lucky to be nineteen year old Carol's daughter. The beautiful young mother drew admiring looks from men wherever she went and, since losing her cherry at the prepubescent age of ten, had enjoyed hundreds of sexual en-counters. She loved her freedom to fuck, and rather than get involved in lengthy affairs she was always on the look-out for casual sex. Put quite simply, Carol is an avid lover of cock, and her free and easy attitude to sex guarantees a ready supply of male studs willing to feed her greedy lust.
She had been introduced to the joys of sexual abandonment just after her tenth birthday, when an older woman neighbour had befriended her then goaded her into offering herself to a group of teenage lads. She was a quiet and very submissive type of youngster and, apart from some initial soreness when the first lad had taken her maidenhead, she'd enjoyed being manhandled and used. She had lain meekly as a sequence of stiff penises were pushed deep into her body, filling her up with their sticky white fluid, and loved the way she seemed to be the cen-tre of their attention. For six months afterwards Carol, led on by the older female, had enjoyed regularly submitting herself for gang-banging, really believing that a group of males were required for nor-mal sex to take place.
It wasn't until she was ten and a half, when a friend confided that she'd just let her boyfriend fuck her, that Carol even considered fucking with just one boy, but by then she'd got so used to multiple fucks that the experience left her with an empty feeling and she'd al-ways look for a group of males afterwards to fuck her senseless. Eventually she gave up single fucks as too frustrating and accepted herself as the cock-crazy gang-bang loving little nymphet that she was.
By the time she reached twelve she had settled down to a life of free promiscuous sex, and relished her body being used to gorge the sexual appetites of older boys and men. She was taking so much spunk into her womb that it wasn't surprising she fell pregnant after only her second period. After confessing her flagrant promiscuity to her par-ents, and of course being totally unable to identify the father, she got kicked out of the house and was eventually taken in by a group of squatters who couldn't care less what she got up to.
She slept around an awful lot, and somehow managed to cope with being gang-fucked almost every day right up to the eighth month of preg-nancy, before giving birth to Vicky just two months after her thir-teenth birthday. By then she had learnt enough about birth control to start taking the pill, because she had no intention of giving up her freely promiscuous lifestyle just because of a stupid kid. Often she would breastfeed her baby daughter whilst being continuously gang-fucked, and many times would scoop a dollop of spunk out of her cunt with her finger then offer it to the few-weeks old infant. The eagerness with which her daughter slurped and sucked at the thickly-coated digit would cause Carol to moan with randiness, sure in the knowledge that Vicky would eventually take after herself...
That was all several years earlier. Now aged six, with a very pretty face and slim body, Vicky had inherited her mother's very stunning features. Ever since she was a baby Carol had encouraged her to play with her cunt, and the child had squealed with delight every time her mother held a vibrator to her tiny clit. Carol had grown to love her little girl more than words could say, but her belief that every girl should be used for men's pleasure was very strong and she was deter-mined to see her daughter started fucking around as soon as possible. As a result, from the age of five Vicky had acquired a daily habit of pushing very slim dildoes into her cunt whilst watching hours of child porno videos on the squat's television.
Today was a very special occasion though because Carol had promised Vicky her first fuck. She'd been preparing the youngster for the past month by promising her a special treat and confiding to her that every little girl does it but doesn't talk openly about it. She had also given Vicky some larger dildoes and suggested she should try to stretch her cunt a bit so she'll enjoy being fucked.
After breakfast, mother and daughter had first had a bath together. "Make sure you dry your cunt properly," Carol advised, "Otherwise it might get a bit sore."
After they had both finished drying their lithe bodies, Carol reached for a jar of Vaseline. "Lie down darling and open your legs wide." She instructed her daughter, then rubbed a towel along her neat slit a few times before daubing a finger of Vaseline over and into the crevice that marked the little girl's vaginal entrance. "Oh Vicky!", She thought aloud, momentarily wishing she was a man, "You're going to get an awful lot of cocks in there...!"
After greasing herself in the same manner, she tossed a few dildoes of various sizes onto the bed. Carol picked up a huge fat replica of the male penis and looked at Vicky. "Could you get this inside you dar-ling?" She enquired hopefully. "I don't think so Mummmy," replied the girl, apologetically, "I tried yesterday but it started to stretch me so much that I got afraid." The child reached out and picked up another. "But I can manage this one alright!"
Though her daughter's chosen dildo was smaller it was still as thick as her wrist, and Carol watched with gleeful satisfaction as the under-sized child pushed the object between her legs until it slowly wormed up inside her body, forcing the walls of her immature sex ca-nal to stretch unnaturally. She was now satisfied that her little six year old daughter was ready to cope with events which were to come and, after selecting a monstrous looking weapon for herself, lay by her side. For the next ten minutes both mother and daughter thrust their chosen object deep into the greased canal that led up to their respective wombs. "Oh how I've waited for this day!" Thought Carol, and vigorously frigged her clit before swooning at the memory of the fifteen labourers who had fucked her to a frazzle the night before...
By eleven o'clock they were ready to set out for their appointment. Carol had dressed Vicky in a boob tube with an extremely brief cling-ing micro-skirt and lent her a skimpy pair of panties with the words "FUCK ME" embroidered into the tiny front panel. Vaseline had soaked into the crotch and the little girl kept reaching under the skirt to relieve an itch. "Tell me Vicky," Carol tested her daughter, "What have I always taught you about little girls and men?"
"Little girls need fucking to help them grow into beautiful ladies, and good little girls are always ready for men to push their cocks into their cunts." She looked straight into Carol's eyes, "I'm going to be a really good girl Mummy."
"Good for you darling," Her cock-lusting mother replied, "Just re-member I've brought you up to fuck really well, so make sure these men enjoy fucking your cunt today."
"Oh I will Mummy!" The child replied, "I promise!"
A taxi collected the two and Carol gave instructions to the driver. After about twenty minutes the taxi dropped them outside a large building. Carol rang the doorbell and a large swarthy looking la-bourer opened the door. Seeing who it was, he reached forward and thrust a big hand into Carol's crotch.
"Come back for some more cock eh?" He worked his fingers between Carol's thighs, making her squirm with randiness.
"I promised to, arghhh!, bring my daughter." Gasped Carol, as the man gouged two fingers into her sopping wet cunt. "You, arghhh!, told me you wanted to fuck her, remember?"
"Yeah, that's right," He replied, looking down and leering at Vicky, "We did, didn't we." He removed his hand from between Carol's thighs and opened the door wide. "You'd better come in then, hadn't you."
As Vicky followed her mother into the hallway she felt the same big hand shoved between her dainty thighs from behind, and stood with her legs apart so the man could have a good feel of her greased infant slit. Suddenly he spun her around, and she stared wide-eyed at the muscled throbbing member which prodded her in the shoulder while he was yank-ing her tight skirt up to her waist.
"Get ready for your first fuck, little girl." He grinned and, placing both hands under her grapefruit-sized buttocks, lifted the child eas-ily until her legs swung round his waist and his big cock jutted be-tween her narrow thighs. Still holding her by the bum, he used the fingers of his left hand to pull the greasy pantie-crotch aside and then lifted her until the bulbous head of his cock started poking at the infant's tight vaginal entrance.
"I'm going to be used at last!" Vicky thought to herself, though she was more than a little nervous. "And this is what girls are really for." Then she gasped as the cock head probed in the right spot, stretching her rim until it gave way and the cock shaft lodged just inside her body. "I want to be fucked!" She told herself, and pushed downwards. The thick member burrowed deeper into the child's sex organ, stretching the walls of her channel until they gripped the cock tightly like a glove.
"Yes, go on and fuck her." She heard her mother saying. "She really needs it." The man tightened his grip on her bum. Deep inside her belly Vicky could feel the rigid pole of male flesh push further up her canal until she was completely stretched and filled right up to her cervix. She knew she was being a good girl now and actually felt relieved that she had finally started fucking. The coarse pubic hair around the base of the man's cock tickled the smooth skin of her crotch, and she ground her cunt around to relieve the itch.
Without warning, the stranger let go of her and she grabbed hold of his jacket to stop herself from falling, but wasn't quite fast enough to hold her weight and her hips dropped some more. Vicky felt the pressure build inside her as his rampant cock was forced even deeper into her child body, and she struggled to climb the man's torso in a vain attempt to relieve some of the pressure. Suddenly the strain was eased as she felt those big hands lift her bum once more. The man guffawed. "Just testing you little girl," He laughed. "To see how much cock you can take."
With his sex organ still buried inside the infant, the man strutted into a large high-ceilinged living room. Vicky twisted her head around to look, and saw a crowd of about fifteen men watching them enter. Another man was standing quite near, and Vicky noticed he was undressing her mother. She was holding the man's stiff penis and had a faraway look on her face.
"Look what I've got on my cock!" Boasted the swarthy man. Grabbing Vicky by the waist he lifted her slightly then started fucking his fat cock in and out of her greasy hole. "Oooh!" He groaned through pursed lips, "You feel so fuckin' good and tight!"
Holding her away from him he looked at her elfin face. "How old are you little girl?" He demanded. "Six and a bit." Replied Vicky. "Well, you're certainly a very good little six year old!" Laughed the stranger, and resumed his rutting of the child's body. Vicky looked round to see if her mother had heard, but she was being fucked stupid by one of the other men and was conscious of nothing except the rigid cock which was skewering her totally yielding and compliant body.
Suddenly, Vicky's defiler buried her in his big arms and froze. In-side her groin she detected a few twitches, then she could feel the cock shaft start to swell and jerk. There was a sensation deep in-side her as though something was squirting into her belly, and then the realisation dawned. He was shooting his spunk inside her!
She had seen it happen thousands of times on porno videos, but they always took the cocks out before shooting their spunk, so this had taken her completely by surprise. With each jerk of the cock she could feel more sticky cum spurting into her, and quickly decided it was something she liked the feel of.
After about half a minute the jerking died down and she felt the arms relax their grip. Fearing he might drop her, Vicky grasped his coat, but she needn't have worried. The big man lifted her off his now softening cock, and laid her gently on an old mattress which lay at the side of the room before he wandered off to get a beer.
Oblivious to the men looking at her, Vicky stared up at the ceiling and re-lived the past few minutes of being used for her first fuck. Absently she let her legs fall apart and, through the thin wet nylon gusset of her mother's panties, the child's narrow slit was clearly visible. Semen was leaking out of her hole now, making a patch where it slowly seeped into her bum-crease.
"Let's take these off, shall we?" Although it was a question, the man was already hooking his fingers over the thin elastic, and he then pulled until her panties finally slipped over her shoes. This wasn't the same swarthy man who'd just fucked her but a smaller and com-pletely naked man with a rigid cock which was just as big as the first.
Without thinking, Vicky opened and lifted her legs to expose her leak-ing slit, and the smaller man moved up between her thighs until his cock rubbed against the smooth skin of her cunt. Grasping his shaft he worked the head up and down her narrow slit to wet the end, then positioned it against her stretched opening and pushed. With a sud-den jerk the second cock to fuck her surged into Vicky's spunk filled channel and, as he sank into her up to the hilt, the infant auto-matically wrapped her little legs around his waist...
About forty minutes later, after another four men had erupted their sperm into little Vicky's prematurely stretched sex canal, her mother tottered over to where the child lay drawing spunk patterns on her stomach with her fingers. "You look beautiful darling," Said Carol, admiringly, "We're both getting well fucked today, aren't we?"
Her daughter nodded. "I'm ever such a good girl, aren't I Mummy?" "Why, yes!" Gushed her mother, "You're a very good girl indeed." As Vicky looked up at her mother she noticed trails of runny semen were making narrow rivulets down the inside of both her thighs. "We can have a drink now and watch the porno movies for a few minutes," Her mother continued, "then we'll both be ready for lots more fucking."
Vicky got up off the mattress and immediately could feel runny semen start to dribble down her own thighs. It was nice to know she was just like her mother, and getting used in the same way too. She sat down on the settee with a drink of lemonade, and watched the film av-idly. It was reassuring to see that everybody else fucked in the same way as she and her mother were doing, though she did wonder why the men in the films always pulled their cocks out to shoot their spunk.
They had been sitting there for only fifteen minutes when two men led Carol over to the mattress. Another man then came over and undid Vicky's micro-skirt, which was still wrapped round her waist. He pulled her boob tube over her head and removed her shoes and socks, leaving her completely naked. "Come on little girl," Said the man in a kindly voice, "Let's fit you around this." He pointed at his big stiff penis which protruded from his trousers, then sat on the settee and pulled Vicky onto his lap so her back was to his face.
Knowing what was wanted of her, she wriggled backwards until the man's hard cock was rubbing between her thighs. He lifted her with one strong hand, which allowed his cock to flick upright, and the large bulbous head began probing at the little child's still wet slit. In-stinctively, she reached between her legs to move it into position and, while the man lowered her body, she held her breath as her open-ing started to stretch once more. Eventually, the taut rim of her ultra-young cunt slipped over the head and she breathed again. He then gradually lowered her until her tiny three stone frame was com-pletely impaled on his eight inch cock.
Although Vicky experienced some pain each time these large cocks cleaved their way into her body, it didn't last very long and she soon began to feel comforted by the sensation of having hard cock flesh filling her sex canal. By squeezing her muscles she could feel the whole shaft right up inside her belly, and in this sit-up posi-tion it was also possible to watch the fucking on the television as well as see her mother lie meekly submitting to a relentless succes-sion of hard fucks.
"Come on little girl," The man's voice came from behind, "Let's have you kneeling now." His big hands reached forward and encircled her skinny calves, then lifted before bending her knees to bring her legs back until they rested either side of his big muscular thighs. Vicky realised she could now lift herself to relieve the fullness, but was actually elated by the sensation of the throbbing cock-head pressing into her womb, and it took the man's instruction to make her move. "Be a good girl now," He urged, "Bounce up and down until I come."
Obediently, Vicky began to move up and down, the gnarled shaft of his cock making her tingle as it rubbed against the tight walls of her in-fant vagina. She increased the momentum, trying to keep pace with the cock- battering her mother was taking, and it took only a couple of minutes before the shaft began twitching inside her gripping chan-nel. After having six cocks ejaculate into her cunt already that morning, she now knew the signs and plunged her hips down before rocking her pelvis forward. This opened Vicky's narrow cervix and positioned it just over the cock head and, with the big cock spasming inside her, the infant sensed an alien fluttering deep within her body as jets of fertile adult sperm spurted straight into her young child womb.
The cock inside her hadn't gone completely soft when yet another man came and lifted her into the air. He was swinging her around in the way that children love, and Vicky started to giggle loudly. Then he kissed her and said "You're certainly a very lovely and very good little girl!" Vicky was beaming with pride as he laid her across a sofa and slid his slim seven inch cock deep inside her body, and was still smiling several minutes later when the membranes of her under-developed infant womb were swamped again by several more ounces of hot male sperm.
By this time Vicky was beginning to get tired and, after gamely taking another two cocks to orgasm in the sit-up position, the little mite had no energy left and just flopped over to one side. Despite this, she was carried to the mattress by yet another man who then stretched out with her little body laid over his. The infant lay obediently passive with her face buried in his hairy chest, vaguely aware of him fumbling between her splayed thighs, before the familiar sensation of flesh sliding inside her renewed the little girl's earlier feelings of fullness and contentment. He took his time to fuck her, holding her tightly while he slowly rocked his pelvis, making his cock slide in and out of the child's sex hole. After a few minutes spent dream-ily enjoying the leisurely movement, Vicky uttered a tiny whimper as the cock twitched and spasmed, pumping yet more semen into her upper vagina and womb.
The last man to use Vicky's body was a powerfully built Midlander with a cock which had brought tears to many a grown woman's eyes. The little infant had been left dozing on the mattress beside her semi-comatose mother, who was still being fucked into a stupor, and had neither the strength nor will to resist him as he lifted her but-tocks until the huge cock-head almost filled the space between her skinny thighs. Too many beers had dulled his sense of reason and, with one giant arm supporting her buttocks, he started to squeeze the swollen knob into her spunk- filled narrow channel. First the child held her breath, then winced and squirmed in an attempt to avoid the pain as her aperture continued to be stretched wider. But his strength was irresistable and, unable to escape, Vicky burst into tears as the pressure built up against her vaginal opening, finally fainting when her cunt was stretched far beyond normality before the huge shaft was able to surge into the child's sex canal.
It was only seconds before Vicky came round, the nerves around her groin were busy complaining, and she sobbed loudly at the immense feeling of stretching which dominated her lower torso. Yes, that huge phallus was inside her now and fucking back and forth in its re-lentless quest for ecstasy. Somehow, through all the pain, years of preparation by her mother reminded the infant that she must submit to this man's wishes and let him use her in any way he desired. Her mother's ongoing subjugation also helped Vicky to accept what was happening to her, and she squeezed. Incredidly, her flexible young muscles responded and began adjusting to allow for the massive girth in their midst, easing the pain sufficiently for her to recognise the pressure against her cervix. The rutting continued inexorably to-wards its peak, when her defiler lunged forward as his cock began to jerk, spraying his fertile adult sperm into the deepest and most initimate confines of the lovely child's tiny young body.
After such forceful treatment, the little mite collapsed into a heap with semen pulsing out of her well used vagina. Soon afterwards, Carol had also been shagged into a shattering weariness, and both mother and daughter were finally left alone for an hour to recover. Of the seventeen men there, twelve had screwed the little six year old, whilst her mother had been vigorously fucked by all seventeen at least once, and had taken a full twenty-two doses of sperm into her compliant cock-loving body.
Carol was the first to get up, she was still shaking and her skin glistened with perspiration as she staggered around looking for her clothes. Once she had managed to pull her things back on, she took Vicky's clothes over to the mattress. The little six year old was in no state to dress herself, so Carol fitted her feet through her still wet "FUCK ME" panties and pulled them up. Then she re-fastened her daughter's micro-skirt and pulled the boob tube back over her head, finally putting shoes and ankle socks back on her feet. The pair lurched groggily out of the front door while one of the labourers hailed a taxi, then he thrust some money at the driver before dis-appearing back inside the house.
The crisp air had refreshed them by the time they arrived home, and Carol immediately ran a lovely hot bath in which they both sat grin-ning at one another. "Weren't those men so masterful and strong?" Carol uttered the question as a statement, and her little daughter nodded before she went on. "You see darling, all little girls need to be fucked a lot or they won't grow up looking beautiful and feminine." She accentuated the last word by patting her daughter's cunt. "So you simply must let them fuck you whenever they wish."
"It was the last man that hurt me Mummy." Complained her daughter, "His cock was so big I thought I was going to burst." She thought for a moment before continuing. "But the other men were alright, and it feels lovely when they squirt their stuff inside me."
"Don't worry darling," Said Carol, reassuringly, "There aren't many men with cocks as big as that." She stroked a hair off her daughter's forehead, "and you'll soon get used to it anyway."
"I want to grow up looking beautiful, Mummy," Vicky declared, "and I know my cunt needs lots of cocks inside it to make me beautiful." Al-most absently she eased the brush handle into her soapy hole and squeezed her muscles, whilst her mother looked on with interest. "It was only that silly last man really..."
After that first day, Carol contacted many men who she knew liked to fuck little girls and proudly offered Vicky's cunt for them to sink their cocks into. Word quickly spread amongst paedophiles and fares were often paid for Vicky and her mother to travel around Britain and Europe for the youngster to be used. Usually, a group of such men would meet up for each visit, and merely thinking of her child's cunt being inundated with so much sperm was enough to give Carol a wet crotch. Though after the first few such encounters she'd get frus-trated by not being used herself and so, while Vicky bravely took cock after cock in someone's private house, her mother would saunter round local parks hoping to get banged by groups of youths or even raped. Once, in a notorious district of Bristol, she was raped four times but still couldn't resist offering herself to a gang of twelve bikers, and later proudly admitted that she'd taken more cock that day than Vicky's own fourteen!
Vicky's education was something that had been giving Carol some con-cern, since she knew she could not escape for long from the necessity to register the child for schooling. Her natural fear was that most teachers might turn her daughter's mind away from non-stop fucking and all the child's valuable progress would have been wasted. Luckily, a knowledgeable paedophile, who was also a fully qualified infant teacher, raised the subject with Carol and offered to help. Soon Vicky was receiving private tuition with official blessing. The ar-rangement worked really well, with little Vicky being taught all the necessary basics while the teacher was able to feel up and fuck his little pupil quite freely. Often, especially when she was bored with lessons, Vicky would start to fondle her teacher's cock through his trousers and this always led into another lovely feel and fuck ses-sion.
Soon the little child became hooked on cock, although the many gifts which were showered on her probably had something to do with it. The gusto with which she would repeatedly take big throbbing erections into her tiny little body had certainly brought her a wealth of top quality toys and expensive sluttish clothes, not to mention the doz-ens of well made child-sex videos which she always studied with an intense interest.
Eventually, the little lolita became rather blase about it all, and by Christmas nineteen eight-five when she was seven and a half, her im-mature sex organs, which should be tightly constricted, had been beautifully stretched until she could accommodate the largest of adult penises. She now identified completely with the child-sluts who fucked on film, and preferred to wear the same "tartish" clothes. Quite nonchalantly she would undress, but with a sensuous look, in front of twenty men and, copying something she'd watched, she would run her finger up and down her vaselined slit, look straight into the eyes of the nearest man, and say "Oooh, my cunt is so-o-o tight!" Then she'd climb onto his lap, press his huge erection against her vaginal aperture, take a deep breath and force herself down until the head pushed right into her cervix. She would visibly relax once her cunt was stuffed full of rigid throbbing cock-meat, a strong feeling of contentment having taken control as when an ordinary unfucked young child is taken in her father's arms....
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