The Happy Unfortunates, Part 2

[ M(g6)F, inc, cons, pedo, mother, dau, unc ]

by UKSnowy

Published: 3-Mar-2013

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

"Fuck it," muttered Sharon, rolling her eyes. "Gotta do 'er, yer know."

Chris cursed under his breath and let his younger sister squeeze past him into Lisa's room. He did follow her however and saw Sharon bend to kiss the paraplegic six year old, enjoying large wobbling buttocks rolling beneath the mid thigh, pale blue denim skirt and thinking he would soon be rolling that over her hips and giving her a quick one over the kitchen table. Sharon hoisted Lisa's bulky frame, large for a six year old, upright and swung her stricken misshapen legs over the bedside.

"Potty or toilet?" asked her mother.

"Toilet please," replied Lisa with a glance at Chris's waning hard on.

"Cos yer 'ere," Sharon muttered, shaking her head and making the few pink hair rollers in her straw coloured dank hair rasp against each other. "Yer can do it 'ere can't yer?" she argued starting to reach for a pot under the bed.

"No Mum, I need the toilet," whined Lisa, pulling her tee shirt down on her scrawny thighs with a wry grin at Chris, who stuck his tongue playfully out at her, getting the same response from the child.

"OK OK. I hear yer. Right 'ere we go," her mother puffed, starting to lift the crippled girl off the bed.

Chris stood meekly aside, watching the morning ritual he had seen many times since visiting his sister over the years, then glancing sadly down at his soft dangling cock.

"EEeeooowwww!" screeched Sharon, dropping Lisa back on the bed making her sprawl backwards as her mother stayed bent double, clutching her hip.

"It's me fuckin' back," she wailed. "Fuck, that 'urts, 'elp me Chris."

Her brother reached for her not knowing what the best thing was for her, but hearing another wail from the stranded youngster. As he struggled with the not inconsiderable weight of his sister, he glanced at Lisa, her wasted legs spread wide, her pantied crotch exposed. Her loose, ill fitting plain white knickers were caught to one side of her pudenda and a fountain of piss arched up. The child burst into tears and her big body for a young kid, shook, making the flow scatter.

"I told yer I wanted to go," she sobbed. "I couldn't 'old it."

Chris had a real dilemma. His sister in chronic pain and his niece pissing on the bed. He knew that would stop and decided to help Sharon, who managed with his help to stagger to a chair and ease into it, puffing and moaning. His erection now subsided, swung heavily against his thighs as he manhandled his sister, trying to get her comfortable, but she was suffering a lot.

'Er Sharon, Lisa's pissed the bed," he told her.

"Oh no, not that too. Try and sort her out, I'll be OK for a while,"she advised, her hand kneading her hip and making it hurt more. "Tell yer wot before you do, get me those pills off the side of me bed. They work pretty quick."

Chris bustled off with another glance at his helpless niece, now lying back on her pillow. He returned with two cartons and the glass of water he found. Sharon knew which to take and popped two and gulped them down.

"Now do 'er," she told him with a nod at her six year old daughter.

"But I ain't got no clothes on," Chris whispered uselessly.

"Well she won't mind, she's seen Mark's dick before, just get on with it - please?" the last word a real plea.

Her brother puzzled over her statement about Mark's dick, then decided he must try and be useful, wanting a fuck as soon as possible. He shuffled self consciously round the bed to be confronted by a sobbing child, lying on sodden sheets, her useless legs wide apart trying in vain to hold her part soaked tee shirt down over her piss glistened, pantied pelvic area. She turned her tear soaked face away from him in shame, that her nice Uncle would see her pre teen twat and he did what most men would do. He stared at her cunt, then made a tough decision. With an expression of distaste on his face and using his forefingers and thumbs and as little as possible contact, he took hold of the soggy, saggy knickers and to Lisa's dismay pulled off the bedraggled undies and dropped them on the ragged carpet. Then he looked again.

Lisa mewed her embarrassment.

What he could see was hairless, fat and pouting out from her rotund belly, housing a long slit with two thin flanges of labia, part opened to reveal a red hole. Wet, shining and not at all as small as he would have thought, it looked very sexy to the sex mad man and he automatically tensed his dick. He loomed over Lisa and tried to lift her and slide her to sit with her back against the head board which he knew was her usual attitude if in bed and not asleep. She was a big girl in upper body, very tall for her age and bulky. Forgetting while struggling with her weight, he placed his knee up on the bed to gain leverage and it sank straight into the piss soaked bedding. He cursed yet persisted and managed to get her somewhere near comfy.

He stood up, rubbed at his damp knee with the edge of the dry element of the sheet and pondered what next then glanced at Sharon who was watching, musing what a beanpole body he had when all the other members of the family were chunky. It made his big dick look bigger too.

"I know she's 'eavy, but if yer move 'er to the other side, it's dry there and I can do the sheets later," she urged him with a apologetic smile.

"Fer fucks sake Shar, she don't like it . . . yeah yeah OK," he countered her look of insistence and moved round the bed.

'That's the least of my fuckin' worries Chris. I've got two this afternoon and 'ow I'm goin' to do them like this," she moaned, clutching her rear hip.

"Cancel the buggers Shar. They can get a fuck anytime," he retorted, stooping his lean white frame over Lisa once more. "Right baby c'mon. Uncle Chris is only 'ere to 'elp yer that's all."

"Cancel?" Sharon screeched, then wailed with her back pain as she twisted on the chair. "That's a ton yer talkin' about. I can't lose a hundred fuckin' quid just like that. Anyway, I was hoping to make a bit extra on the side. . . . ," she mumbled, her voice tailing off.

Chris was now kneeling on dry bed nylon sheets and had managed to ease the youngster across the bed, not without some embarrassment to both when her left hand had flopped down and rubbed against his long flaccid cock. He patted her pillows, pulled a sheet over her and surveyed his work and she grinned up at him.

"Thanks Uncle Chris. Sorry about yer know - weeing the bed and yer avin' ter take me knickers off. Yer ain't got any on either," she giggled, pointing at his groin. "It's funny isn't it?"

"Wot's funny? Me cock or wo . . ?" he stuttered, turning away, puzzledly looking at Sharon and deciding to change the subject. "Those pills working yet?"

"Maybe a bit, but they will, get me a smoke will yer? Yer know where they are," she grinned. "They will definitely 'elp."

She chatted to her daughter while he shuffled off to the kitchen, rummaged in the special cupboard as they called it and returned with two misshapen cigarettes and soon the little girl's room was fragrant with the sweet, sickly scent of marijuana. Chris perched on Lisa's double bed and sucked in the relaxing fumes as Lisa did passively and soon she turned her upper body and started to doze.

"Shouldn't you . er me be getting 'er somethin' ter eat," he slurred.

"Nah! She'll ask for it when ready," replied Sharon watching the lazy curls of the smoke filter upwards. "Can't have a fuck now Chris, we're both fuckin' fucked," she giggled.

'That's OK sis, I can wait," he chuckled lifting his cock, giving it a gentle almost tender stroke and waggling at her, getting a wry grin. " 'ere what was that yer said about a bit extra?"

"Well yer know, I sell the fellas me knickers, dirty ones," she beckoned him forward to confide.

"Yeah, why not sis, good money. Yer wipe yer cunt with them when yer've fucked them right? Fuckin' great smell, in fact I need some more - free ones," he chuckled, getting an of course gesture.

"Yeah well I've been selling 'ers too. There's two of 'em that really like little panties," she chuckled, nodding across at Lisa. "Didn't know that, but sure why not. Good money I bet. Does she know?" he quizzed Sharon.

"Oh yes, I tell 'er to leave them out of the wash when she does it," said Sharon, lifting her face and nodding over the other side of the room. "Those'll be perfect, those really pissed on ones."

Chris nodded knowing his filthy prostitute sister augmented her benefit income with a small selection of appreciative men and also knowing that she got Lisa involved in mild chores round the house when she moved round in her wheelchair. The child was bright enough to sort herself out mentally if not physically, having to rely on a wheel chair. Born with a congenital disease and disfigurement, she was still a loved and cherished member of the family - in their own way.

"Well one of them coming this afternoon has been paying for a peep at Lisa's cunt, just a peep mind," Sharon told him, virtually whispering as if there was more than the three of them in the little disabled girl's room. "She would open 'er legs and pull her knickers sideways in 'er wheelchair. Twentyfive for five minutes, not bad eh, but ee's fuckin' loaded."

"Fuckinell Shar, wot's she say?" Chris exploded, then with a chuckle and a glance at the bed, "Nice view, she's got a lovely cunt - I like her lips."

"Yeah, tell me about it," Sharon muttered ruefully. "Fuckin' tighter than mine. Wish I knew the value of it when I was six. Anyway, ee's asked if ee could touch it a few times and I 'aven't let 'I'm, but I was tempted to today."

"Hey sis, your snatch is lovely with those big fat flaps and all that 'air. Us older blokes like fanny 'air. Anyway are yer goin' ter let 'im touch 'er? Might as well, cash on the nail. 'ow much you thinking?" Chris asked, licking his lips at the sudden nice idea of touching his niece's little cunny.

It had never occurred to him before, happy with the many fucks he could get, being a free agent, a charmer and a small time stand up comedian. His lean dark looks and easy chat made him popular with many women across the country ranging from a fourteen year old schoolgirl to an eightyone year old grandma. Any cunt was a magnet to him and while he had never thought about fucking little girls, he did look at them closely, especially when their mothers dressed them in mini skirts, cropped tops and added makeup and elaborate hairstyles. The sight of their little pink knickers stretched tight over their fannies, showing the cleave of a cameltoe particularly excited him and when one of the older ones started to show the buds of tits under the dresses and tee shirts, he got very interested. "Fifty," Sharon replied.

"Fuck me - cheap. Don't sell her too cheap, yer've got 'er future ter think about," he advised. "Seventy five at least, five minutes and one finger in I would say. 'ee's loaded you say? Drop in the fuckin' ocean sis. If he fuck. . . . ." Chris halted and took a long drag.

The pause was long and heavy.

"Were you goin' ter say fucks 'er?" asked Sharon seriously, stubbing out her joint and puffing out her cheeks, thinking the back pain had eased.

"Well yeah, but yer know."

"Yeah I do know. There's a big fuckin' market for little girls Chris and I aim to get some of it. There I've fuckin' said it. Are yer mad at me?"

Sharon's big brother stared wide eyed at her as she smiled defensively, her eyes almost pleading, her hands nervously fiddling with the ragged hem of her denim skirt which was so high over her thick thighs he could see her crotch, noting she had black panties on. He shook his head and stubbed his joint on the same dirty saucer next to her chair, reaching over to do so and in a gesture she knew would likely appease him, fearing an angry reaction, she clasped her hand round his cock and pulled him to her. Chris towered over her, six foot of lean, mean, low life male as she took his cock in her mouth.

"Course I'm not mad Shar, just surprised that's all, but I guessed you would be letting her fuck fellas a bit later. God! That's fuckin' good," he murmured as she deep throated his burgeoning erection. "Yer said earlier, she's seen Mark's cock - in the bathroom or something?"

"Ah well, I 'aven't told yer really. 'ee's been fuckin 'er," Sharon murmured pulling her face away and glancing up, getting a gasp from the head way above her. "I only found out two weeks ago, but 'ee fiddled with 'er when she turned six apparently. I only found out with the blood, yer know," she added with a grimace of disbelief. "Ee was fuckin' stupid for a bright lad who knows all about sex. I know 'ee's fuckin girls at school."

"Well so was I, but not six Shar. When was it I fucked you - ten?" he pondered, getting a nod and a grin as he stepped away from her and perched on the edge of the bed, his erection sticking up between his wiry thighs. "Fuckinell, the little dirty bastard, can't blame him though."

Chris glanced down at his dozing niece, watching her chest rise and fall under the thin sheet.

"She''s a cute and pretty kid, never mind yer know. . . " he faltered, automatically stroking his cock. "Yer know, 'er legs."

Sharon nodded and tried to stand. She got half way out of the chair and flinched, paused and then crossed to the bedside, grabbing his knob which was oozing precum. She gingerly perched next to him and reached round his back, slyly pulling Lisa's sheet off her upper body.

"You'd like ter wouldn't yer bro?" she whispered in his ear. "Touch 'er little fanny. Fuck 'er eh?"

"Shit Sharon, yer know what yer sayin? I'm 'er Uncle for fucks sake," he gasped, staring at the little one's naked crotch fully exposed to his eyes. "But yeah, course I would. Any fella would, that's fuckin' beautiful, ooooeerrhhh!" he gasped as Sharon wanked him.

"Go on then feel her tiny twat Chris, push 'er shirt up and feel 'er tits, go on. she's away with the fairies, 'ash 'its her straight away, not like us," Sharon prompted, fondling his ballocks.

The evil man with his brain in his dick didn't need any further prompts. Chris wasn't surprised by his sister's dirty ideas of making money, she had sold herself from the age of fourteen. He shoved the shirt up Lisa's lumpy six year old body and whistled softly as her little breasts were exposed. She had puffies, which he loved, mounted on bumps of baby fat rather than tit development. He knew she wore a bra, not sure why, knowing her tender years, but Lisa was very big for her age and had expressed an interest in a training bra, just to keep up to speed with the two girls of her age who she was friends with. One actually was developing breasts although she was eight, the other wasn't but pestered her mother to get a brassiere, because the other one had.

Chris ventured a hand over Lisa's little boobies feeling the velvety, warm, soft texture and rimming her tiny bumpies, their pale pinkness barely darker than the surrounding milk skin. Down went his hand over her rising and falling round belly until he reached her mound. He ventured the other hand and gently parted her slit, fingering the two accompanying slivers of inner labia, exposing the hole into her vagina. Lisa's clit hood was small and neat and he raised it with his finger tips, feeling the child jolt with the touch. She moved her head and her eyes opened then closed again, the hash scent still embedded in her tubes. He opened her little gash again and gasped.

"Ere look sis, that's cum isn't it?"

A pale white viscous glob oozed from the small hole and slithered down to her perineum. Sharon scooped her fingers into it and tasted it, nodding with a grin.

"Fuckin' ell. he did this morning, before school the lucky bugger," Chris remarked.

"Do 'er now Chris. Fuck the dirty little bitch and get 'er used to big cocks, she's goin' ter get plenty," sneered her mother, smearing his lube over his knob.

He nodded gleefully and climbed over the disabled child. Her legs were wide open and he lowered onto her crotch, his sister guiding his solid seven inches into Lisa's tiny snatch. They knew it was well lubricated and he pushed gently, stretching her labia as his knob end penetrated the hot hole, conveniently loosened up by his nephew earlier. Initially the sides of her funny caved in with the powerful width until they could go no further and as he exited they slid back out, lapping over the ridge under his cock tip until this time he thrust sharply. Sharon's hand dropped away as his sac squashed it. Lisa's body quivered under the initial assault and her eyes shot open and stayed open on realising that it wasn't Mark's little tool that was invading her junior minge, but a full sized one and thick with it. Her further realisation that it was her funny Uncle fucking her filled her eyes with surprise, especially when she saw her Mum smiling appreciatively down at her.

Chris commenced fucking her in the only way he knew, long slow strokes, enjoying the tightness and the heat and the way Lisa's cunt was juicing so early. Their eyes were locked in mutual enjoyment until Lisa's eyes shot wide again as she felt her mother's finger penetrate her bum. That was a new experience to the paraplegic child, but it was nice. Chris rammed at her crotch as he would an adult. Not fully penetrated although she was taking about six of his seven inches, the new pedo experience with the incestual addition had really turned him on and he felt his jism bubbling. He grabbed her bony limp legs and swung them floppily up to her chest, Sharon sticking more of her finger up Lisa's turd tunnel until her fist knuckles stopped any further insertion. Battering at Lisa's upturned crotch brought on his climax and he roared with the effort and exhilaration of cumming into a six year old's vagina.

His willing young sex partner's face was a picture of exquisite pain and fulmination as waves of her own climax ripped through her, banishing her oft held doubts about being unattractive to boys and now men. Her expert lover's way of grinding his hairy crotch down on her tender little clitoris, engorged it and stimulated her first full blown climax. Yes she had been fucked by her fifteen year old brother earlier in the morning, but she was used to letting him have a quickie, which she liked, when ever he wanted since he bust her cherry two weeks previous. This was real sex and something she was able, legs weren't important and certainly aiming to enjoy from now on. Her mother had hinted she would have a useful and happy life, as much as Sharon had since the father of Mark and Lisa had fucked off with a woman ten tears older than Sharon, when he found out that Lisa was born crippled.

As Sharon often said to the kids, 'we may have an unfortunate life style, trapped in the low end of society, but we are a fucking lot more happy than many higher up the chain.'

Chris collapsed on the much smaller body, both of them heaving and panting as Sharon fondled his balls and her daughter's sphincter. No words were spoken for a while as the three happy unfortunates let the climax subside in its own natural way. Chris's cock finally slithered wetly from Lisa's widely stretched hole, Sharon deftly catching it in her hand.

"Let 'er lick it clean, she's got ter learn," she murmured. "ere you go darlin' that was really well done. Yer let 'im fuck yer like I would. Ee's been doin' me since I was a little girl too, so 'ee is good and yer can 'ave ''im anytime yer want when 'ee visits." "Wow Mum, thanks,' breathed Lisa as his wiry legs straddled the youngster's head, before her Uncle's heavy, swaying, greasy cock was lowered into her mouth and feeling something new at her cunt. Sharon had eased her painful body under her daughter's spindly legs and was lapping at her little cunny, which was leaking what seemed like gallons of rich verdant cum. The forty eight year old part time prostitute and mother swallowed all the overflow of Chris's cum, her sucking noises melding with her daughter's as she administered to her Uncle Chris. She reached up and fiddled her fingers into Chris's bum crack and finger fucked him while she drank his cum from Lisa's soaking twat.

"This 'as given me an idea," chuckled Sharon, before Chris finally dismounted Lisa's head and moved to sit next to her. "If me back's still bad this afternoon, I could kneel down at the bedside and let them do anal. I mean I can't lie down. That should keep them 'appy."

"Do they pay the same?" he asked, gently stroking the little girl's still heaving puffies as she grinned gratefully up at him.

"Oh yes like if I've got me periods, they can do anal then and they do. I keep 'em 'appy," she chuckled. "Any 'ole suits the buggers," cackled and then coughed.

"What's anal Mum?" queried Lisa, smiling up at her Uncle who was thoughtfully stroking the whole of her upper body.

"In 'er arse baby, that's anal. Yeah that should sort it and you don't lose business that way," Chris told his sister.

"Yer mean a cock in 'er bum? Wow! What's it like Mum?"

"Something you'll learn soon enough young lady. Now look, do you two want some breakfast? I reckon I might rustle something up even though me back's killin' me," muttered Sharon, getting enthusiastic nods and rising slowly and stiffly off the bed.

Lisa and Chris watched her shuffle painfully out of the bedroom, although more upright than she was earlier. He gently lifted the crippled child slightly across the bed, mindful of the piss sodden sheets on the far side, then he lay alongside her. They lay happily together while he stroked all over her including her wasted, bony legs right down to her toes.

"Don't think many men would do that Uncle Chris," she murmured. "Can't feel anything anyway."

"That's OK baby, yer've got to please the 'ole body. I love women's bodies."

"I like yours too," she giggled cheekily, playfully picking up his cock and letting it slide limply but heavily through her juvenile fingers. "It's enormous compared to Mark's."

"Yes, well of course you naughty naughty girl, I'm older and he will get bigger. I think yer mum has plans for yer to become an expert in cocks," he chortled, his fingers searching up the back of her thighs. "Yer can learn all yer want to with mine. 'ere lets get that tee shirt off yer, it's all scrunched up round yer neck and we'll get all naked."

The grubby garment was slipped off and he reverted to paying attention to her thighs, his main source of interest up between them at the back. His fingers found her fundament and she chuckled with the flinch, then relaxed her muscles and he slipped his middle finger up her bum. It was very sticky with his cum which had dribbled down from her cunt and easy to penetrate as if it were with a cock. They heard a pan crash in the kitchen and a vicious curse from Sharon. They giggled and Chris realised he was half hard again under Lisa's early learning fingers, as Lisa sighed with pleasure with what he was doing to her arsehole.

"Doesn't 'it 'urt, in yer bottom?" she asked him. "Don't stop Uncle Chris, I like that, I mean a cock not a finger. You ever 'ad it in yours?"

"Only once baby. I was well pissed, yer know what I mean, some fella, but I think I enjoyed it and to tell yer the truth, I can't remember it 'urting, I mean once yer get used to it. Yer like my finger anyway."

"Yes it's nice. shall we do it?" she giggled naughtily. "Put yer cock in my bottom, go on."

"Fuck me Leese!" he exclaimed. "Yer've only just 'eard about it, now yer want to try it?"

Her chubby little face appealed and she pouted and melted his resolve. he didn't have much anyway, so sexually in tune and rampant was he. The thought of her mother preparing some food, noisily and slowly, didn't enter his brain, which was still in his growing erection still, so he grinned down at Lisa, hoisted her forward, turned her over, so her legs dangled loosely over the edge of the bed and parted them. He flattened her buttocks and licked his lips at the sight of the minuscule orifice of her shitter, greasy, slightly red and very inviting. He ramped up his erection and nuzzled his knob end on her anal crevasse, then -"Ere Leese, yer 'ad no shit this morning' 'ave yer?"

The six year old sudden sex addict shook her head and mumbled into the bed.

"Nah, but I never go till the afternoon anyway. Is that a problem Uncle Chris?"

'We'll see," he murmured, pressing forward, holding his shaft as he gained an easy initial entry into her expanding and relaxed sphincter.

His cock bent a bit, gaining tiny amount of penetration with his expert handling, finding that this extraordinary example of young girlhood was willing him on, pushing outwards instead of tensing her pelvic floor, thereby expanding her ring piece to accommodate what was no small male member. He gobbed some spit down and his aim was true, sliding round his partly submerged knob. Suddenly it popped in and he had his swollen helmet inside Lisa accompanied by a grunt and tremor through her body. Chris waited, checking she was OK and getting a positive answer and then started to fuck her arse with steadily increasing force and length. She was a trouper this girl, he mused, enjoying the hot heat of her turd tunnel. He found it incredibly tight and knowing he was breaking her anal cherry he was careful but penetrating with his thick shaft quite easily.

He was very hard now, slightly bemused how quickly he had gained a new erection but with a six year old irrepressible although disabled minx like Lisa not overly surprised. He shafted her hard and now with increasing speed, shunting at her butt, making her wasted legs flop about either side of him, but he held her firm on the bed.

"Wot the fuck?" exclaimed Sharon. "You doin' er arse Chris? Fuckinell, whatever next," she chortled, shuffling round to get a good view, the second joint of the morning hanging from her lips.

She passed it to her brother who paused his anal assault and took some steady puffs, while Sharon stroked her daughter's back and ruffled her hair. Lisa confirmed she was comfortable with the seven inch wide pole invading her anal canal and Chris and his sister exchanged unworried glances at the slight shit slicks on his pumping rod. Her ring piece seemed to cope fine, it was a pale purple colour as it wrapped tightly round his heavily veined pale weapon. He gave indication he was going to cum for a second time and Sharon playfully slapped his rocking butt as his climax built, his hips thrusting, sinking his cock fully into the little girl. With a huge roar, his body shaking, he pumped ropes of jism high in her fundamental orifice until he could shove no more. He sank against the kid, forgetting she had no strength in her wasted legs and they fell forward, his cock slurping out before he rolled off her.

Sharon's further intake of pills in the kitchen plus her joint had eased her pain sufficiently for her to move with greater ease and she delved into her little daughter's bottom crack, checking it's retraction to a normal tight seal and if there were any tears. She patted the tight globes of Lisa's bum and budged Chris so she could get him to move Lisa to somewhere more comfortable. As he was doing so, Lisa let go a splashy fart and they all giggled and her mum dealt with her slippery hole with a tissue.

"Not too shitty are yer?" asked Sharon, nodding at her brother's deflating cock.

"Nah! She was fine, but I reckon you'll 'ave one before usual time eh Lisa? he added, sucking on the joint, getting a shy nod and grin in reply.

"Go and wash yerself our Chris, there's breakfast out there. I'll get your chair Leese, then we'll give yer a bath after yer've had something ter eat."

The morning meal was wolfed down, Sharon feeling perkier by the minute with the muscle relaxant pills and the hash, but still unsure about shagging her two clients. Lisa quizzed Chris and her mum about any after effects of having a big cock up her bum getting assurances there would be none, but usually it was best to have a shit before hand. Sharon added that if she was going to have it up the bum in the afternoon, maybe Lisa could give Chris a hand with an enema.

"I usually can manage it meself, but I'm not so mobile at the moment."

"No problem sis, we can 'elp 'er can't we baby?" he laughed, gesturing crudely with his hands and fingers at his sister's rotund bottom overhanging her stool.

Lisa screeched with giggles as Sharon shook her head in mock disgust.

"But first I want a piece of your cunt before you sell it twice over, so let's get the little'un bathed and dressed, her bed sorted and then we can do your arsehole properly. Yer can put some knickers on afterwards and then I'll have them ter take with me to sniff," he grinned at Lisa, then as an afterthought asked Sharon. "ere can I 'ave those yer 'ave on as well?"

"Yer'll 'ave ter take them off first," she replied, sliding off her stool.

Chris took up the hint and lifted her denim skirt as far as it would go, then gave up when it wouldn't slide over her thick thighs and hips. Lisa moved to help him and unzipped the worn garment and they pulled it down together not without a serious lot of pulling and wriggling. She was wearing a pair of black M&S high cut briefs, the front of which did not cover her fat, hairy pussy mound. The black forest of her pubes poked out shaggily from each side of the gusset elastic.

Her brother pulled her panties down and she stepped out of them. He raised them to his nose and inhaled deeply, holding the damp, warm garment to his face and wiping it. Lisa looked on in amazement.

"I know yer sell mine to those men Mum, is that why? I never thought," she gasped as her Uncle licked the sticky inner gusset with obvious relish. "Yer never said."

"Baby, that's the best scent of a woman a man can get, I can tell yer," chuckled Chris. "And when it's fresh of 'er cunt it is magnificent. Yer're on heat sis.Wanna sniff?"

The underwear was offered to the six year old paraplegic, Sharon slightly doubting whether it should be her inducting her own daughter into so many pleasures of the flesh so soon, but it was a trusted relative doing it and the kid took the knickers and tentatively sniffed the powerful odours.

"Wow! That's strong Mum but it's alright. Will I smell like that?" she queried.

"Too true baby," answered Chris, cupping Sharon's meaty cunt, sorting through her thick labia which seemed knotted together and sticking his finger inside. "And a smelly finger is as good."

He licked his finger as Sharon rolled her eyes.

"Yer gettin' all excited again aren't yer? Come on, let's sort Lisa like yer said. We can't 'ang about too much. I've got business to do. I'd like you to give 'er a few words of advice about 'ow these fellas will want to touch 'er and then you can fuck me 'ard, give me that enema and then we'll be ready."

And so a seemingly unattractive little crippled girl of only six and a bit years, started her unorthodox sex education in the caring hands of her randy, evil mother and Uncle.


R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Earthy. That's how we'd describe it in the states.

Magnificent descriptions; everything accounted for. Nothing 'off limits.'

However crude, the characters love and accept each other. That was very clear and, paradoxically, made this story heartwarming. Love and acceptance is pretty hard to beat anytime, any place, and with anyone. Thanks for two very interesting and well-written stories.

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