Published: 28-Feb-2013
Word Count:
Before diving into it, I bent and sniffed getting many strong odours of perfume and body. On the top was a pair of black briefs, not in pristine condition with threads loose. I guessed they may be what she wore this morning and lifted them to my nose. There was a strong cunt odour, but very little staining front or back of the gusset. Then a black delicate bra, the label read 36B Primark. Another black pair of box briefs with slight stains, a white thong with heavy but not bloody stains and a pair of white tennis shorts added to the handful of Magda's undies I put by for wanking material. None of them had any signs of pubic hair, but I realised that the trend is to be bald as a baby these days, God knows what will happen when a teenage lad meets a girl with a full set. He will probably run away in horror.
There were more pairs deeper in the basket, including a very exotic silk pair in pale green and I noticed the Janet Reger badge. I knew Betty wore a lot of that expensive brand, oh yes I've raided her dirty laundry too; and wondered if these were her castoff handmedowns, a present or even that Magda had stolen them from my cousin's extensive collection. They were heavily blood stained but the odour had dissipated. I grabbed another lacey brassiere and went outside, checking Kim's peacefulness on the way to the cinema room. In the dim light playing a series of voyeur videos I had made, I wanked happily, edging, delaying my climax a couple of times until I spunked some hefty globs and spurts into Magda's latest worn pair. I cleaned it to a point, leaving a mark which would soon dry and crust on the cotton gusset. I dumped the whole lot back in the basket as I found them.
Out at the poolside, the heat wasn't as intense, so I remained in the sun, well oiled and now naked, with my Kindle and one of the Jack Reacher stories from Lee Childs. The baby monitor occasionally gurgled but Kim seemed to be still asleep until she woke with a sudden bellow. That was the feed me holler, so I warmed the milk, got her up and took her outside to the shady place, where she happily gulped her mother's milk. Now peaceful and alert, she responded to my back rubbing with two enormous belches and I wiped the small residue of milk from her mouth and placed her in her own personal pool and sat with her as she played with all sorts of floating toys. The fact that the babe was completely naked all this time had not sparked anything randy in my brain - up to the point where I noticed she was partly sat on a rubber duck and seemed to be a in a bit of a trance as she rocked on the yellow toy.
Was the child masturbating? Surely not. I watched fascinated for a while, not disturbing Kim, until she ceased and reverted to pushing other things around in the pool and pouring water from one container to the other. I lay back on my lounger again and tried to read, but keeping a lookout for a slip which would harm her, I found it difficult to concentrate and you have to do that with Mr Reacher. I was feeling sleepy and Kim seemed listless, so I plucked her wet little chubbiness from the pool and sat her on my lap. We tickled and snuggled as she dried quickly, she is a cuddly sort, always wanting close contact and soon it became apparent that she could be quiet and peaceful, so I pushed the lounger back and laid her on my chest.
I started to doze, still in awareness of the naked, wet, little baby comfortable on my chest and mindful of the fact she could wriggle off and fall to the decking. Kim seemed to sense my doziness and lay quietly, watching butterflies under the real thatched canopy above us. To my horror, some time later, I awoke thinking how careless I was, but the baby was still there, but she had shifted and was on her back, my arm still lightly round her naked body, and one of her arms cast above her head, with my right nipple caught between her first and second finger. Her face was quiet, calm and her eyes were closed while she toyed with my nub. I remember my sister always had a piece of her "blankie", a soft comforter between her fingers, lazily rubbing it as she dozed and went off to sleep.
The effect was electrifying. Automatically I flexed my cock and it shifted several inches across my thigh, gaining weight and length. My nipples are larger than other mens I have noticed when in the gym showers and the like and I don't know why, but Kim was sending waves of pure pleasure rippling through me and all via that small lump of redundant teat flesh. I dared a finger on her nipple, not that was anything there, just the slightest little disc of darker skin and a pin prick of teat. I circled it deftly and she gurgled.
"Like that honey?" I murmured, getting a little nod and a sharper nip on my own nipple as she squirmed a little and I saw her chubby little legs clamp together until they relaxed. She wouldn't answer as she was backward with her speech.
I shifted gently up the lounger rather than lie prostrate, allowing myself more freedom of movement, intrigued about my cousin's sweet baby's sexuality. Glancing around guiltily, knowing no one was around, but still guilty I ran my hand down over her velvety rotund tummy, dipping a finger in her cute little inny navel, then stopping as my finger tips reached her pudenda. What the fuck are you doing Owen, I asked myself as my middle finger settled into a tiny hollow at the head of her vaginal slit. This is a baby. Still breast feeding, daughter of your favourite and sexy cousin, only one year old - but hang on folks, she was naked on my naked body, showing signs of sexuality I had never dreamed or fantasised about until now and seemingly not bothered about my now searching digit.
Further search threw up some remarkable finds in seconds. First of all I felt a lump and as I nudged it, Kim near shot off my chest. Her fingers released my nipple and she grunted.
"Hey baby, you OK?"
"Mmm, she lisped, smiling and twisting her head to gaze up at me.
Her doll like features with that mass of black curls, the cherubic mouth and button nose were captivating as they were, but when naked, on my lap and twisting round to look at me, it was astoundingly beautiful. I glanced down at her crotch, that round soft belly curving into the vee. Kim's legs were apart and I thought why hadn't I noticed it before, but there was a considerable bulge of flesh at the top of her slit. I know why - I hadn't looked at it before to be honest. She was a little one year old girl and her genitals held no interest for me. Now her mothers? Yes please, but I was now locked into it. A cunt is a cunt after all.
"Is it nice or shall I stop?" I probed gently, shifting her thighs apart to reveal more of her tiny vulva. She nodded. "Can I have a look Kim, just a peep?"
The reply was a nod again and she let me lift her off my belly and lay her beside me on the wide soft cushions. I spread her fat little limbs and stared, stunned and amazed. It was a beautiful sight. The plump wide pout of her mound was split by a large protrubance of flesh that reached half way down her slit, which was about two inches long. I didn't know babies developed labia so early, but as I touched it ever so lightly, Kim flinched and giggled. I grinned up at her getting no objections, but the next touch made her flinch again. The soft hood I was tickling stuck out about half an inch and was lovely and floppy, so that it could sway to side. Kim giggled again, watching my fingers manoeuvre the fleshy flap until I spotted the front edge of them had parted slightly and a shiny pink blob was peeking out from the twin folds I was flicking.
"Shit!" I loudly remarked, then silently rebuked myself for using the word in front of the innocent toddler. "That's a naughty word Kim and don't ever say it right?" I pressed her, getting a serious frown and nod.
It didn't dawn on me telling a child something was naughty, which would make it more likely they would do or say something, but there again when would she be forming words correctly? However, I had realised that this baby girl had an abnormally large clitoris under that hood. I've seen porno vids with the like, most often on muscular specimens, but always wondered when the sex button would grow and was it part of their hormone, drug and steroid usage. Well now I knew - occasionally it will happen from birth I supposed. Carefully I drew back the sides of the hood, Kim's tiny body quivering and breathing heavily as the full extent of her cherry became evident. It was as big as my finger tip and looked exactly like the adult versions, in that it was a miniature knob end. I wet a finger and softly stroked it and she was like jelly.
"I bet it tickles baby," I murmured, bending forward to take in the full beauty of my discovery, but she was just a writhing, gasping mass.
Releasing her from further massive sensations that were obviously searing through her tiny, olive skinned, one year old body, I slid my fingers lower and carefully opened the lower part of her peach smooth cunt. This revealed a bright pink hole about a thumb wide and I guessed I could see the membrane of her hymen not far inside it, not that I'd seen one before. I was rock hard, my five inch cock throbbing and leaking precum as I had free paedophilic access to a baby's vagina. Yes, I was suddenly a paedophile and not sure I liked the label, but the attraction was irrepressible and I couldn't take my eyes off it. I wanted to get off and I thought Kim won't have a clue what's going on, so why not? But first let's see the whole fruit and not just a bite size. I laid her back and she cooed as I tickled her curvy tummy, giggling and throwing her arms up and wriggling. Scooping both tiny feet up in the air, she was used to this when Betty or Magda changed her nappy, I bent her legs back to her chest and examined all of her undercarriage. It wasn't a lot in terms of volume, but what beauty.
I opened her hairless little cunt and made her clit pop out, then traced down, delving slightly into the tiny hole that would one day take much bigger cocks than mine, would I be the first? I hadn't even thought I could, then continued the minute distance to her arsehole. That seems such a crude term for such a tiny, pretty crevasse. A wrinkled little dimple with its darker surrounds and I poked at it tentatively. She chuckled and wriggled, but I had her feet held firmly and without thinking about it, I slid off the lounger, faced into her crotch and dived in, tongue extended to savour the whole fruit. Man, it was delicious, oily yes, but musky somehow although totally unlike the full blooded odours of the mature minges I have tasted over the years, the youngest being sixteen, the oldest sixty five.
I lapped at her bum and up to her slit, then put her in to total quivering chaos as I nibbled and sucked her engorged clit. It was amazing to see this mature sized nerve centre bright and shining amid its folds, throbbing with attention as the body that it would delight over many years wobbled, shook and wriggled. It stuck out like a little boy cock and Kim was now screeching with delight as I devoured it, sucking it as hard as I could extending it's already prodigious length. I let her legs go and they clattered each ear as I moved to lick up her tummy, dwelling on her navel and then to those teensy weeny buds that started the whole incredible experience. I kissed her lips full on, stuffing my tongue onto hers and down her throat, then retraced my licks to end once more on her clitoris. I lapped it every which way as it wobbled delicately and then thrust my searching tongue into her baby snatch.
I imitated a fucking motion into her tiny twat and with a scream and wriggle, feeling her body clench with my hands lightly resting on her tummy and searching her nipples, she filled my mouth with hot furious baby piss. I wrenched back in surprise and then with delight, let her wash my face with the strong acidic waste, leaving my face a few inches away from the source. The flow stopped and I wiped my stinging eyes with some tissues as Kim gurgled and chuckled on the very wet cushions. I decided to let her calm down and clean up a little, lifting her and taking her inside the villa. The air conditioning was fierce and both of us were soon a mass of goose bumps, but into the bedrooms it was less so and I laid her on her own cot and prepared the large marble basin in the en-suite bathroom with some warm water, popping to my room to get my video camera. From then on it was recording.
Kim wallowed easily in the hand basin and I gave her a swift rub and dry, swiping through her crotch several times and making her squeal with delight. I must admit to hearing similar sounds when it was her bath time, regardless of whether it was Betty, Magda and Tony administering to her. Now I know why I thought and worked out that the toddler would think it not unusual if I did the same, although - I hope, no one else had given it the same evil pedo attention.
I was still nurturing a raging erection and thought the best way would be to wank over her. After all I couldn't penetrate such tiny orifices, but I might make it more realistic... Hmmm! I powdered Kim lightly and took her onto the unused bed and captured some close up stills amongst the movie. I sat with my back to the head board and placed her face down on my lap, facing away, legs either side of my hips. I hefted my cock from under her chubbiness and let it ride up and down her crotch, just penetrating slightly, precum leaking profusely as always. I moved the camera several times and on some occasions hand held it, probably making it shake, such was my excitement. I levered Kim back so she was laying against my belly and spread her legs wide, my small dick sticking up between her thighs. Even though it is small, I know how to handle my sexual prowess and have never had complaints, as I am good with my hands and tongue too, plus the appreciation of the female body and respecting it. Placing her hands on the shaft, I showed her how to rub and I nearly came on the spot, so I pulled her hand away and then started to dry hump her, holding my knob against her clit. She went wild, wriggling and squealing and then grasped my cock as if to stop it irritating her engorged nerve centre.
Swiftly I lifted the child and lay her flat on the bed and kneeled over her, Kim's face puzzled, probably as to why I stopped her obvious pleasure. I worked my dick up and down over her butt hole and cunt, delving in and allowing myself just about half an inch of ingress in each orifice, each time eliciting a gurgle accompanied by a wide eyed expression of surprise. My knob end was as inflamed as her clitoris and within seconds I shot a rope of cum at her two holes, then another slithered up her tummy, some drops hitting her cherubic, olive skinned face. I made the last dribbles invade both her holes, roughly shoving my greasy knob in them, but careful not to break anything. Climax over, I heaved and panted, sweating and ashamed, but capturing my jism in her cunt and arsehole on video.
The little one beamed up at me, which made me feel better, in that if I had hurt her, I would have been really sickened with myself. My knob dribbled and feeling evil yet somehow relieved I hadn't done anything drastic and be found out, I knelt over her face and made her suck my cock clean sliding it all over her pretty mixed race face. I surmised that her sucking could be quite a potent asset in pedo play with her, knowing how well she sucked Betty's huge knockers but I decided against extending her sexual experience with a full blown male, why? don't ask me, it just seemed right. Kim dutifully licked my bell end free of cum in a close up mode, then I lay down beside the tot and cuddled her for a while.
The bed was unused and had a temporary cover on it, so it was easily cleaned with a tissue. I smoothed it carefully, then wet wiped her small frame, clearing my cum and her piss from round her cunt which made her giggle again, then took her outside. I oiled her rotund sexy body, making sure her gorgeous clit and hood were shielded from any sun rays as it moved beyond the shade and placed her in the play pen next to the pool in the late afternoon shade. The lounger cushions had dried with any trace of piss. They always had an element of sun oil on them. I took a shower outside, always keeping an eye on my charge for the afternoon; god help me if anything foul and nasty befell her.
I took stock of the event, most of the time wondering how Kim would get through life with such a monster clit. Would she have to wear reinforced knickers? Could she wear knickers? Even walking must be a problem, so do the females that have this abnormality live on the edge of extreme sexuality and do they become nymphos? Had I cleaned everything? Was everything in it's rightful place, her room, the bathroom, Magda's room, the kitchen. I got up and checked finding it was all fine.
The toddler couldn't spout up and tell on me? But if she did - when? It could be a year or so they reckoned. That was the main fear, but maybe because they all knew she had her unusual genitalia, she would be sexually excited way beyond her mental age and dismiss whatever she said as fantasy. Little girls are always fantasising about princesses and love and kisses and all that crap, so hopefully Kim wouldn't be heard and if she said I kissed her, well I did that often and her family and au pair knew that. Her being naked a lot meant I was trusted in her presence.
I was desperate to sleep and glanced at her, to see she was already fast asleep on the mattress in her play pen. I took the camera and took more video in her peacefulness, making sure I covered every inch of her delectable little body, which was easy as her legs were wide apart and that amazing wadge of cunny clit flesh was very much in evidence. A last zoom onto it lingered, then I closed the camera down, took it into my room and returned for a lovely snooze by the pool.
Feeding her later went to plan and with no attempt by me to further my pedo activities. I didn't know what time Magda would be back but I guessed late, but Tony had called to give me their ETA and it was long before they duly arrived. The hospital news wasn't good and Betty foresaw a further visit or two in the near future with Tony away on business for about two weeks. Magda was handy of course and the coincidence of her getting a day off and Betty going to the city was slim, allowing me some more pedo sex with the beloved child. It didn't happen, but I have a beautiful wank worthy video of my experience and the hope that things might still be possible on my next visit.
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