Sunbathing With Kim, Part 1

[ M(g1), pedo, nc, ws ]

by UKSnowy

Published: 25-Feb-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

"Can you help us out Owen?" asked my cousin Betty, swiping thick brown hair off her sweaty forehead and behind her ears as women do.

"Sure, what with?" I replied, sipping an ice cold beer as I laid on the lounger by the pool.

"Tony and I have to visit mother in hospital. She's on her last legs as you know and we really want to spend some time with her before..." her voice cracked and tailed off.

"Just go Bet, you have to. What do you want from me?" I queried, looking up at her large dumpy body, overflowing her white bikini, her skin mahogany and silky looking with the cream she had slathered all over it that morning.

"Well it's fucking hot again and we have a two hour drive there and back and we don't really want to have Kim suffer in the car, you know," she grimaced, glancing at her one year old daughter splashing happily under the shaded area of the patio in her specially built section of the pool at the palatial villa. "The hospital really isn't the place for her to be while we are with Mum and it's Magda's afternoon off."

"Ah, you want me to look after her. I see. Well it will be a first but I've seen you do it so it should be easy," I started to grin. "Except for the breast feeding."

She grinned and nodded as I glanced at the impression of her over ripe nipples which poked through the thin white sliver of cotton over her vast tits. She had enormous teats, easily seen when she freely hefted them out without embarrassment for Kim to suckle on. Dark brown, a good half inch high and round surrounded by a three inch wide, dark, knobbled areolae saucer of similar dark brown.

"That's easy too. Loads of my milk in the fridge. I can show you the measures and stuff and she doesn't wear a nappy, in fact she doesn't wear anything as you know," she giggled.

I smiled and looked at her naked child in the pool, with the sixteen year old Romanian au pair dutifully watching for the slightest slip or stumble that could spell danger for the infant. I told Betty I would be fine, to give me a word when she wanted to show me the routine about milk before they were leaving, in about ninety minutes and she went inside after bending down to peck my cheek, giving me closeup cleavage, smell of perfume and sun oil and as she retreated from the relentless sun, I watched her sumptuous thirty six year old buttocks roll caught in a great wedgie.

I knew she normally would be naked or at least topless in this edge of town villa where she couldn't be overlooked, but was protecting her sore nipples from the sun, her endless expensive sun cream not helping to offset the pain little Kim gave her during her voracious sucking and biting to savour the nourishment from her mothers's tits.

In the shade with a beer, I considered my position. Happy with the relaxing two weeks Betty had given me after the stress of the banking takeover, making me tons of money, happy with my new Porsche back in London at the swanky duplex apartment at Shad Thames. I always chuckled over that name, it was Shag Thames to me, such were the numbers of women that padded through my pad.

I wasn't happy with Magda not being here alone with me, as I had made considerable inroads in seducing her, it had been slow, but I figured after a week we were very friendly and I was getting all the right signals, determined to screw her lights out before leaving, making her my youngest conquest so far. This could have been the day and she was fucking off. I asked her where to and it turns out she has a boyfriend who is a pool boy and this is his day off. Should I offer her money, it means a lot to the stinking, grasping, east European gypsy, low life, bastard immigrants who flood the UK with their thieving criminal ways?

The milk routine was explained - easy. The baby sun oil was explained - easy and nap times for Kim were easy too, the child slept easy. Tony arrived back from town having waited for the Beemer while it had been expensively and somewhat dubiously cleaned and valeted and off to Alicante they went. I concentrated on Magda, but she was high in spirit with her free time ahead of her and I had a light snack giving Kim some milk from a teated bottle, until Magda appeared, came to me at the pool and told me she was leaving. I watched her saunter away, hearing the boyfriend's scooter horn parping squeakily in the lane outside. Her slim butt and endless lithe legs looked delectable in the extremely short denim mini skirt, which just about reached the lower extremities of her cheeks and I wanted to see her cock her leg over the pillion seat of his scooter and see if she was rising commando. The tanned taut skin between her skirt and the floral cut off top, which betrayed signs of natural breast sway, no brassiere? looked tempting, topped by her unruly but fashionable mane of dirty blonde hair.

I caught up with the papers, checked some emails on my laptop inside in the shade and checked little Kim who was fast asleep in her room. Her dense black curls and olive toned skin conveyed the Mediterranean heritage passed on by Tony, Betty's Spanish husband, a local property magnate. Kim's room alarm was switched on, the CCTV was off as I was resident and as I left the child's room I realised I was passing Magda's room. The door wasn't closed.

Today had been a disappointment on the seduction front and I was pissed off, but I could at least wallow in her atmosphere by invading her room. I am an out and out voyeur. My duplex is rigged with hidden cameras, capturing the delights of my many girlfriends as they showered and changed clothes, plus the times when I shagged them. The thrill of watching females undress and dress is amazing and I love their little rituals and intimacies.

Nudging Magda's door open I found a mess of a room. Stuff everywhere, I'd heard from Betty it was like this, but she didn't despair as she girl did a great job for her. I wandered about freely, picking up items of clothing, things on the dressing table, checking the books, the gadgets and inside her wardrobe. The en suite bathroom was equally messy but clean somehow, shit! how many products do you need for hair? then I spotted some shit stains down in the bowl and thought if I had some of my own micro cams here I could catch some interesting scenes of a teenage intimate life, that would be new, as my conquests were all in their twenties, thirties and beyond even a couple of plus fifty year olds and the CEO of a huge finance outfit who was sixty five. The laundry basket was nearby, so of course I checked it out. There was so much gear in there, it was nearly bursting out as I lifted the lid.

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You are off to a good start. Do you know how many parts this story is going to turn out to be. I'm thinking at least 3 would be good for a start to finish story.

I can't wait to read the next part in the story.

Earl DeVere

Your main character is a despicable asshole. I am not interested in reading further.


I am sorry you find that Earl, but if you knew how two of my friends at opposite ends of the social scale had suffered at the hands of east european immigrants you might understand my description.


To be completely honest I never comment on these pages, but this has had no sexual relations to it, and so i scrolled down to just skip the boring stuff, to get to the good stuff. But there was none. It was long and drawn out and boring.


Depends what you mean by good stuff mate. I don't write stroke stuff.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.