Published: 2-Dec-2012
Word Count:
“Dad, can you help please?” came the phone request from my daughter Becky.
I wasn't too pleased to be interrupted from the computer fiddling I was into, trying to set up a new router and a printer. The mess of wires under the desk was pure plastic knitting and I was on my knees, a painful position if held too long at my tender years of seventy three. It was a sensible time to attempt the switch over while my wife Celia was ill, as she tended to use the computer an awful lot with her home business of cooking aids, which I helped her with.
“What's the problem?”
“I have had this urgent call from work and they want me to go in. Adrian's at work too, but that's common for him on a callout Saturday,” she explained.
“Ah so it's baby sitting duties eh? You know Mum is ill and can't be disturbed.”
“Yes I know, but can you do it please. I can bring them round to you if it's more convenient, please?”
“Listen pet, you don't have to plead, of course it's OK. I am just in the middle of a problem right now, sorry if I sounded a bit off. Hey! you said bring them round, them? You've only got one, last I counted,” I chuckled.
“Well I have Millie's cousin Kate here too. She is staying over, as it's been planned for weeks, she is no problem”, added Becky.
I knew the other girl, not as well as my grand daughter Millie of course, but she had been present at various family gathering. She was actually Millie's half cousin. Adrian's sister's child. Adrian and Becky weren't married. Millie is five and Kate is nearly eight, going on eighteen Corinne and I had been told. As for being no problem as Becky put it, I wasn't sure based on the tales I had heard about the little girl's exploits. Tempers, running away from her parents in a shopping mall, very fussy eating habits and a nightmare if shopping and she doesn't get any clothes bought for her. Hmm! Did I want this brat in my care especially when Millie is a little dream to deal with.
“OK pet, bring them round, but I think I'll be lazy and not attempt to entertain both of them, just put the telly on and if you can bring a couple of suitable DVDs would be handy. How long are you leaving them anyway?”
“That's fine Dad, Cool thanks. About three hours max, I guess, knowing what they want me to do. The temp has been in while I've been ill and ballsed up the accounts.” Becky told me with obvious disgust in her voice.
She was coming straight over. I tidied up in the office, made a cup of tea and relaxed after checking Celia was OK in her bed, thinking I might have a few hectic passages in the afternoon. On the telly was a programme I like to watch when possible called To Buy or Not to Buy. It's a house hunt helped by two presenters. Being an out and out total voyeur, I watch any female on TV or in real life, studying their apparel and actions, looking out for nipple pokies, visible panty lines, the cut of the brassiere, tit wobbles and anything else that help my arousal.
There are two tasty main women, Jenny Powell and Rani Price, but hot as fuck and both coloured. I think but not sure that Jenny is half Guyanese and Rani is half Paki. It was Jenny today and she looked magnificent, tall, lean and elegant, happy in the sunny surroundings and wearing a beige just above the knee skirt below her brightly coloured shirt. When talking, she often stood in an almost combative stance, bare legs planted wide. I wished I could have slid a camera between them and seen what her undies were like. Minimal I reckon and probably brief enough to give a glimpse of her sure to be hairy cunt flesh bulging out at the side. I stroked my cock through my shorts, knowing I couldn't strip them down and have a good play as I would have visitors soon.
They arrived in a whirl, but Kate who is eight was a little subdued. Millie who is six was full of beans as usual and they were both in flouncy, heavy material princess dresses, seemingly overdressed on this hot spring day near Easter. I was only in shorts and tee shirt. I had seen them dressed like this but not on arrival, normally their play gear for the day would be in a bag. Becky Told me that Kate was a bit under the weather (Hmm! another little bit of deception there dear daughter), a slight cold and her mum Sally had given her some Calpol but maybe overdosed it slightly. Stupid, fat, slut bitch that she is as a mother, I shook my head as Becky left them with me, complete with tissues and Calpol, spare under and outerwear and shoes. Her apologies at leaving me stranded with two pre teens meant well but I did think Becky could have thought it through better as her Mum wasn't well.
My wife was poorly in bed. April up and down weather for spring bringing on colds, flu and also all sorts of viruses were coursing through the entire country apparently. I had escaped with a light snotty nose cold and was now under siege to entertain the two brats for about three hours in school half term. Millie is usually over ruled by the elder infant in all manner of things, not that I saw much of Kate, as I often baby sat Millie being a direct grand daughter, Kate being her half cousin and was a spoiled brat. but she was visiting Becky's place this half term as some sort of emergency and as we had agreed to have Millie for part of the day so I took on the pair as a matter of convenience to let our daughter earn as much money considering her dire status as far as finance was concern. Celia my wife who is sixty-nine was really laid low, the virus which affected her tummy and things happened at both ends, as it were, so we decided not to let the kids see her as the virus could be airborne.
Therefore I had a major exhaustive session ahead of me.
How to keep them occupied?
Millie was all over me as usual but even more so because she saw Kate as a threat, kids do when they have a favourite relative and I was definitely that for the ball of fun that was Millie. Kate wasn't too bothered this time being low key from feeling poorly. I took them both up to shout to Celia that they hoped she got better soon. The door bell ding donged and it was Michelle from next door asking if Millie would like to play with her two children on the trampoline, as two other children were coming over and then they could have a snack too. Millie jumped at the offer, excited because she is an energetic six year old and also she loves Holly the seven year old daughter. Millie did ask if Kate could go too, the little charmer, but I explained the situation to Michelle, who awkwardly explained that she didn't really want another one especially one not feeling 100%.
The one bit of thrill I got from Michelle, were delicious down blouse views when she bent or knelt to deal with the excited child. Michelle is a big, plain, lumpy woman; tall, big arsed and not particularly busty but she had pale, unfettered paps under her light, loose, hippy, retro style blouse and bulged when against her knee as she stooped or knelt low.
I packed Millie off with her trainers incongruous under the Princess Ariel dress and off she went leaving Kate to lounge quietly on the sofa, her Princess Aurora dress gathered over her knees as I rummaged for a DVD to entertain her, as I thought it would be the best result for both of us. Shrek seemed to be the answer .
I read the papers and checked the TV schedule for the timing and teams for the big football match in the evening. Kate asked if I would sit next to her. To to be honest, I didn't want to. I had no bonding with her, I found her remote whenever I saw her, like I said - it was infrequent. Guessing she needed some sort of comfort and had me to herself, the pesky Millie in her terms out of the way, I agreed, having checked that Celia was OK, snoring gently in fact. Still with the papers I parked my seventy three year old butt next to the kid.
Kate wriggled a lot and was a fucking nuisance really but she was pale and listless, but gradually the wired hoop round the hem of her dress created an arc that curved about a foot above the sofa cushions she sat on. I could see she had cute pink ankle socks with a pretty lace trim round the top and there was a hint of bare leg from the angle I sat. For some reason she pulled the socks off, maybe it's something they do at her home.
"Do you like my dress?" she lisped, smoothing her tiny hand over the fake silk material. "It's my special Princess Aurora dress?"
"Hmm!" I nodded. "Why is it special?"
"Because it's better than Millie's," she replied forcefully with a roll of her eyes. "Hers is only Princess Ariel. Mine cost more money than hers and my Daddy got me it last week for being very good."
I considered the statement, nodding as if in agreement. It fitted very much with this child's persona as she was known to be selfish and definitely spoilt and she was certainly a daddy's girl. The dress was an over vivid pink to my rhumey old eyes and had a sort of fly away white collar at the front, transparent puffy sleeves, a vee shaped panel on the bodice with a embroidered Princess Aurora in the middle, trimmed with gold coloured sequins and a paler pink waist decoration. I did know from Millie's expert knowledge that Aurora was from Disney's Sleeping Beauty film.
"It's very pretty - I like it lots," I added, smiling down at the pale, waif like face beneath the mop of thick long brown shoulder length hair. I got a smile of triumph which shot me the sight of her two tooth gap at the top.
"Like it better than Millie's?"
"Well I haven't had a good look at them together, but has it any special things, like crowns and stuff to go with it?"
Kate shook her head and thought for a while.
"Can I have some medicine?"
"Ah OK Becky left some here," I replied getting up, registering the lack of the word please and seeking the carton with the bottle left on the hall table. I read the label on the way back in, then retreated to the kitchen to get a spoon.
"This helps you feel better eh Kate?"
She nodded. "I like it."
The dosage was for various ages right down to two months and the highest was age eight to twelve of Calprofen Suspension, 10ml up to four times a day. Of course I hadn't a clue to how much she had from her mother and Becky had mentioned a possible overdose, resulting in the weary looking child. But was that the effect of the dose or her condition? I reasoned that Kate knew about it and saw no reason to not give her some comfort. I did notice a warning 'Can cause drowsiness'.
I sat on the edge of the sofa and measured a spoonful, the sight up her dress not exactly helping to keep a steady hand. Bare slender legs, crossed and showing a wide splits version of her crotch and white panties with pink bows on the front. Thin adductor muscles disappeared into her crotch creating two slim gaps above and below them and not quite revealing the side of her fanny. Why was I gazing on them with so much interest? I had seen Millie naked many times, had bathed her and even showered with her without any thoughts and desires, but here I was licking my lips at the sight of the crotch of an eight year old kid - maybe because I wasn't as close to this one as to a direct relative and someone so precious as a grand daughter. Kate gulped the dose and I realised I had no idea of how much 10ml was and read the carton again. There was no means of measuring, although there would be something in the kitchen, Celia being a keen cook.
Kate giggled slightly at something on the TV and I glanced at her bare arms and the light folds of skin of her clearly visible armpits in the wide holes of her dress. Why are armpits sexy? At her age? She may have sensed my gaze as she turned and smiled up at me with a gap toothy grin and then her face turned again to the DVD. She was certainly cute and a little bigger - well taller than Millie, both are slender mites as yet. I have never been a foot man but her little piggies were painted bright pink and seemed to give her a grown up look, I know many kids are adults well before their time with copying fashions, makeup and even underwear made for under ten year olds that would suit late teens. Maybe that's what Julie her mother was aiming at, the fat ugly cow.
However this cutey was no fat ugly cow, her long brown hair, free flowing over her pale shoulders matched many of the current fashion plates adorning magazines like Hello, Look and Heat. I remember reading an article about the loss of childhood in the way mothers dressed their daughters in adult styles, with thongs and bras way before they had any signs of tits. Provocative outer clothing was already the norm as far as I could see, but I had no problem with that. I concentrated on an article about computer activities for the over 60s in the newspaper relishing the quiet, except for the TV noise until I sensed a shift in the tiny body next to me.
"My dress is very special 'cos it's got a hidden secret pocket. Millie's dress hasn't got one," Kate told me in a sort of confiding murmur. "Want to see it and what's inside?"
I nodded and grinned down, thankful to arrest my evil thoughts from her sex. The problem was, she lifted the dress hoop high to her tummy and sought out an inner pocket and while rummaging inside, I now had views of her tummy. Eight year old tummy, knickered crotch, inner thighs was a very potent mixture, more likely a sight for me on the internet these days, but on a pre teen it was fucking dynamite. I gulped until she woke me from my dreams.
"Look I keep my lipstick in here," she giggled producing the phial.
"Lipstick? Is it one of Mummy's?" I spluttered, genuinely surprised.
"No course not," she retorted with disgust in her eyes, then she sniggered and pointed.
I looked in the direction of her finger and saw my knob end protruding from the leg of my baggy shorts.
"I can see your willy," she chuckled throatily, as I hastened to shift it's heavy lie along my thigh. "It looks a bit sore."
"It's only because it's caught tight under here," I muttered with genuine embarrassment, shifting my seat.
"Well why is is it leaking wee wee?" she said, leaning forward, but I had tucked my swollen cock away by then and it left a damp patch on the thin beige cotton material.
"It's not wee wee Kate. It's a sort of juice that comes out when I get excited," I told her with a matter of fact air. I liked the way the situation was developing, although I had no prior knowledge as to how and why.
"Why are you excited?" The little one persisted.
"Because you are a pretty little girl sitting next to me that's why."
Kate yawned and rubbed her eyes and gave a wan smile.
"You think I'm pretty…. prettier than Millie?" she queried after a little pause.
"Different pretty. You're brown hair, she's blonde, dirty blonde and I've never seen her secret pocket, lipstick and knickers like that," I lied, nodding at her still exposed crotch and not getting an approving glance at my lack of enthusiasm for her childish favouritism.
"Course you have," Kate sneered. "She hasn't got a pocket or lipstick, but you've seen her knickers."
"You said my willy looked sore, it looks like your little fanny is too," I volunteered daringly, peering closely at her crotch.
I was on a roll somewhere from within and was curious to see where it would take me. All sorts of scenarios were racing through me. I was thinking of security, doors and windows, Celia, would Millie come back soon?
"No it isn't and it's a minnie not a fanny, that's a silly word," she retorted bending her head, placing her hands either side of her panties and stretching the taut flesh, bringing into sight the peachy edges of her mound.
Swiftly I slid my finger up her right thigh and lightly touched the exposed sliver of pudenda. Kate shivered but did nothing to avoid my delicate probing as I ran my finger tip along her mound under the elastic. It was silky smooth and hot but I wanted to see and more worryingly - worryingly? - was I worried that I wanted to feel it, prod it, taste it and fuck the little girl's tiny cunt? You bet I was, but that was pushed to the back of my mind as the brain in my cock urged me on. The last time I had seen a cunt close up and personal was years ago, when Celia used to be in the mood and such a looker and with such a magnificent body, I used to spy on her even though her cunt was available at any time in those days.
I thought of the number of times I had peeped on Celia, well that was a no brainer, as she was attractive, glamorous and was the object of lust from several of my internet pals, who I provided with videos of her showering, dressing and sat on the toilet. Photos of both her plain and exotic underwear, clean and soiled had been whisked electronically round the world, many of the showing me sniffing and licking the pungent odours of her hairy cunt on the gusset. Even now in her sixty eighth year there was a demand for the same features.
Then I had voyeured several friends in those same situations as above, using hidden cameras round my own home when they visited or using the same device when visiting others homes for parties etc. Equally I often would go out with the camera concealed in a bag and captured views up skirts and dresses of unsuspecting females while they browsed at the shops, viewing and editing the videos and sending those on to the internet. I had quite a good reputation for producing good wanking material. It is amazing the rush that provides. Not so much the capturing of their intimate undies, but that fact that I am violating their privacy without their knowing. How would they react if ever they knew many pervs across the world could see their crotch in luscious detail?
Becky's partner has a daughter. Now seventeen and I have been lusting for her since she first came into our family when eleven. She is a stunner and at eleven, her tits were burgeoning very well. She always wears the most provocatively short skirts and shorts, with sheer black tights or bare legs and her legs seem to go all the way up to her armpits, they are so lissome. I have managed to voyeur her too, by concealing a camera inside her room when she visits my daughter's place every two weeks to keep the contact with Adam. There are videos in my archive of her dressing, undressing, some just showing a glimpse of tits and butt, some underwear and the last glorious time I hid the camera, she showed us for the first clear cut time her hairy muff and cunt, which surprised me, thinking that all girls kept their pubes shorn as the celeb/porno fashion it seems. A horrible fashion in my mind. The pubic mat did not manage to hide her cunt lips and the protruding inner labia.
One particular occasion when I was placing the camera under a bedside table while they were all out on a big day trip, she had been staying a couple of days already and I rummaged in her travel bag to investigate her underwear. Apart from some nice clean stuff, there was a pair of spotted panties. Not only spotted in pattern, but spotted on the lining of the gusset and I guessed she had just started or finished her period. The odour was still fresh and I drank it in for several moments before capturing them on video. I also pocketed a cute blue pair of her knickers as there were about five pairs packed.
I pulled the elastic of Kate's panties up, while sliding my butt down onto the floor, swivelling and kneeling close between her splayed legs. Glancing up at her, I was amazed to see her eyes heavy and part closed. Was she enjoying some sort of sensual pleasure in having an old man's digits inside her knickers or was it the medicine? Who the fuck cares, I reasoned.
"It does look sore Kate, do you want me to stroke it or get some cream?"
"Does it?" she slurred followed by a huge yawn, her head lolling heavily back. "It doesn't matter."
"I'll stroke it a little, maybe that will help," I told her softly, getting a non committal murmur, but no adverse reaction.
With both hands located on her crotch, I could ease the flimsy little pair of cotton pants to one side and provide the cutest view of a pussy I had seen for many a year. Kate's mound wasn't a plump one, she was a very slender pre teen, but it still had the puffiness I expected. Where the pouting mound curved inwards to form the top of her gash, there was a small hollow, leading to a delicately shaped hood at the top and then two pinker slivers of inner labia showed until about half way down the tiny child's cunt, where they disappeared inside. With my thumb, I followed the line of her lips and eased up her clit hood, wondering if little girls had clits, or when they would enlarge. The answer was a sudden jolt throughout the stricken kid as my rough finger tip rasped her nervous button. Fearfully I glanced at her face, just as her eyes slowly closed. It suddenly occurred to me that maybe she had taken too much of the Calpol derivative and was she OK. From the depths of my old mind and education, I checked her pulse and it was fine and her forehead was not feverish, so I evilly resumed my exploration of her sex.
To make things easier for my pedo actions, I slipped her panties off, sniffing the hot musky odours, she didn't notice, before putting them in my shorts pocket for safety, not wanting them to be lost down the sofa cushions to be embarrassingly found later. Then she moved in the most unexpected and delightful way. Her right hand found its way over the myriad folds of her her cumbersome dress and onto her crotch and her fingers played on her little girl twat. It was automatic is seemed, as if once her undies were off she played with herself. Her hand rubbed the whole mound then drew upwards, stretching the peachy skin, lengthening her slit and labia until she let it all go with a slight quiver of adorable cunt flesh until her middle finger rested on her clit. It started to rotate as I glanced up at her face, which wasn't easy to see over the top of the hoop and thick folds of her rumpled Princess gown.
Her countenance was a mixture of sleepy tiredness and pleasure, her face part turned away and into the cushion and on lighting my eyes back on her pre teen crotch, I could see a glistening wetness appearing below the now agitated slips of labia. I dared a finger into the shiny dribbling and found her baby cunt lips easily parted and her tiny vagina was laid open to me. I licked my lips and shuffled forward shoving my finger inside her hot little hole. I reamed her gently for quite a while, two knuckles deep, alternating with nibbles and lapping her aroused pussy having lifted her hand back to her upper body. Ah! her upper body, what would her tits be like? No bigger than Millie's for sure, but damn it I wanted to see. This was a different child and I could molest her freely it seemed as against the odd innocent wipe with my soapy hand when bathing my grand daughter.
Hating having to leave the musky, salty taste of her now well lubricated vulva, I manoeuvred Kate upwards, getting only a sleepy sort of grimace, mixed with a smile managing to get the lower part of her Princess gown lodged under her bottom. Round her back I found two Velcro pads which fell apart easily and I drew the bodice off her milky white shoulders and down to her midriff. I didn't dare take it completely off, as who knows when I could be interrupted but the vision of two tiny pale pink nipples was highly erotic in the fact that I could ease my now aching knees off the hard floor, onto the sofa and suckle them. To my astonishment they hardened quickly, not into big teats of course, but the nubbins that did emerge, were just the slightest darker than those cute little areolae.
My cock was hard and held down my thigh as I dwelt on her chest, but it was rasping against her lower limbs. I glanced down and saw the tell tale snail trail of precum as I continued sucking and fingering her tiny hole. I bit gently on her right nipple, raising a tremor on her face and then I combined another nip with a fast frig on her clit. She jolted and her face registered a frown, then a small expression of shock, her eyes suddenly wide open, then again she lapsed into another world. This was so cool to be able to have this young fragile body at my mercy, so I reverted my main attention to her teeny twat.
Celia and I haven't had a fuck for about 10 years now. She's right off it, partly because her mind set changed during the change and she is forever dry up her snatch and we used to get through gallons of lubrication. In the end, I was having trouble keeping hard while trying to get her worked up and wet, so we just agreed to play when we felt like it, which in her case isn't very often, so apart from the odd feel of her hairy, slack old minge and saggy tits, I satisfy myself with wanking with computer porn. But now I was hard and ready to fuck a real live and sort of willing cunt. Small, tight, virginal, eight year old but wet and available.
I eased over her and lowered down, crushing Princess Aurora and her dress, as I manhandled my erection towards her crotch. It was awkward I soon realised, so I slid back to the floor flinging a cushion under my boney knees, in the meantime pulling Kate sideways so her legs fell off the edge. I hoisted them high and wide and shuffled forward, making her cunt open slightly and there was the pink glistening aperture waiting as I slid my leaking knob end up to it. My tip poked the delicate opening gaining about half an inch as it dawned on me the ultimate action I was undertaking. Was I going to fuck this kid, this child of a distant relative, this virginal pre teen, bossy little spoilt brat?
The repercussions flew through my brain and out of my cock as the temptation continued to grow and then - then I saw her arsehole. I leaned back dislodging my cock and bent Kate's legs double and together over her chest and gazed at her tiny brown eye almost beckoning me. Of course, it would be the perfect place to violate her and not puncture her hymen and leave an indelible scar on her. Whilst I had no feelings towards the kid, my morals were churning as I fingered her bum. It's cute wrinkled little rosebud in its slightly darker crater gave in easily to my searching thumb and I felt the heat inside as my digit sank fully. This was it I decided, but I needed some sort of lubrication to facilitate my buggering goal.
My mouth was so dry with excitement I couldn't spit and there was not enough of her own juice, so I looked round. I hadn't cleared away my breakfast things and the tub of butter looked tempting. I got up for it and spotted my camera through the door on the hall table. I grabbed it and on returning to the comatose child I snapped several shots of her and then set it on video. I tumbled a gob of butter onto her bottom and thrust in with my thumb, then another thumb to widen it. My cock was still reasonably erect, but it took some straining and fumbling to lodge it inside her turd tunnel. but with a few strokes it regained stiffness and I plunged freely into Kate's belly, guessing that she probably passed larger lumps of shit than my cock if Millie's turnouts from her nether regions were anything to go by. It would regain it's size and tightness naturally and would give no clues, it was designed to do that anyway and the child wasn't aware of what was happening to her.
In a way, I wished she was, to be able to enjoy the pleasure she would one day experience from her many lovers, but so what? I reamed her hole thoroughly loving the tight hot greasy hole, noting the slightest flecks of crap on my glistening shiny shaft. I grabbed the camera and aimed it in close up capturing the depths I was plundering the pre teen's rectum as I fondled the unused hole above it, tweaking the slight and delicate labia and tiny pink button at its head. I had her legs spread wide, holding them behind her knees as I levered in and out until my climax neared. Making sure the camera had recorded all of her semi naked body, her sweet face in its doze, her tiny nipple nubs, her soft belly beneath her bedraggled dress, I concentrated on cumming.
My jism soon bubbled up and deep into her bowels as the waves of climax swept intensely through me, making me gasp and moan loudly until the last drops had exited. I let her legs drop a little and leaned against her abused buttocks, catching my breath then holding both tiny limbs in one fist, I trained the camera on the delicious puffy ellipse that was her cunt mound and its tiny slit squeezed between her upper thighs and my softening cock gradually slithering from her bum. Out it popped in a slimy glob of butter, slight shit and her own lubrication and I recorded the immediate closing of the anal seal. It was little red and slightly distended from its original prettiness but that wouldn't be noticed and although Kate might feel a little strange and wet down there later, she wouldn't have a clue as to why and the strange mixture that left its mark on her panties would be dismissed as a bad poop experience.
I placed the camera on a side table, still in record mode focussed on her crotch and decided to clean her up and tidy her clothes. That was easy with no pressure and after a lingering smell and lick of her cute little knickers all recorded, I put them back on her. I lay her carefully on the sofa, trashed the tissues, tidied the butter and reverted to video her fully dressed and with sneaky forays under her dress and down her bodice to complete the picture. I recommenced reading as I was fucked well and truly. It's tiring being a virgin pedo and I partly dozed.
Millie came back long before Kate woke, the child clattering in the back door unannounced, but I heard Michelle's voice shouting that she was back and cheerio and we had a little chat about Princess dresses, the trampoline, who was there and how Holly's younger brother Jack disgraced himself by weeing on it and being on the naughty step and stuff. She was obviously tired and as the DVD was still playing, she was half watching that as she snuggled in tight to me, although I guessed she was impatient that Kate was asleep, yet pleased she had her loving old granddad to herself. We had a quiet read, finally switching the TV off, to read some books she leaves here and soon Millie started to doze and soon asleep.
Fuck! Now I had the dilemma of having two preteen girls asleep with me. But!
I laid her alongside her half cousin, the two princesses looking so cute and vulnerable. Their dresses comical in the way the hoops gathered and almost fought with the inherent stiffness. Millie was bare legged as well, her feet in little pink socks as she had taken her flashing trainers off entering the lounge as she was trained to do. I mused on what I could do to further my pedo curiosity, never having it entered my mind before, all the times I had seen Millie naked and bathing her. Celia and I doted on her - ah Celia! I popped upstairs and found her fast asleep and comfortable and to think I had seriously molested a sick child in the same house, where Becky had been born and had seen so many sexual escapades over our married life. I pondered on what used to be as I stared at my six year old grand daughter's tiny feet and bare legs.
Checking my watch, I had about an hour before Becky would return to collect the infants and my pedo taste buds were on fire. Sitting at their feet on the big sofa, my hand crept onto Millie's little legs and I stroked gently up to her knees as a test of her sleepiness. Not a murmur or stir. I got up and grabbed the camera again, primed it and lifted the Princess Ariel dress up, exposing the delightful sight of a little girl's white and pink striped knickers. They were a bit baggy and I guessed they might have been Kate's once, as Sally her mum often gave Becky a bag of hand me downs. My daughter was always pleased to receive them due to financial hardships and also because they were always top quality and lasted far longer then the child growth spurts. Did mums exchange or pass on underwear? I mused, thinking that Sally's would fall off Becky, the difference in sizes massive. My dirty brain thinking it would be nice to get hold of fat Sally's knickers too, having sampled the filthy pleasures of her teeny daughter's. Dirty knickers are dirty knickers and to be enjoyed in my mind.
It was easy to slide my fingers inside the leg hole and I gazed with lust on the tiny little, labialess cleft of Millie's cunt. It pouted nicely between her thighs and I ventured a finger onto it and stroked gently along until her legs hindered more progress. She didn't stir much but what she did move were her legs, giving me about an inch more, which is a long way on a tiny six year old smooth vagina. Now I could reach where it formed her perineum, holding the knicker leg high, but I decided to remove them completely, having a plan. Quick thinking has got me into trouble as much as out of it, through my life. They slid off easily, the child helping by shifting slightly and with the movement of her slender little limbs, suddenly they were under my nose.
Inhaling deeply into the warm soft gusset, I smelled musky sourness, the usual long term odour of being worn over a snatch for any length of time on any female. They went into my shorts pocket, then I used the camera in video and stills of her bare genitals, before sliding in between her legs and licking the jewel of Princess Ariel's crotch. My finger slid in it about an inch before finding resistance and to help matters, I held one of her legs high and wide to expose the pouch of her soft little pudenda and capture it for my later pleasure. Placing the camera on the sofa in video mode, I again prodded at her cunny, spreading the lips exposing her pink shiny hymen and then down to her bum hole, which had a lighter toned surround than Kate's.
I stuck my saliva wetted thumb into it and she startled me by stirring and crying out. I drew back and checked her face but it must have been a little dream, as she was soon peaceful again. My evil mind was in top gear now and I grasped one of Kate's hands and placed it on Millie's cunt attempting not very successfully to push her fingers inside. The angles didn't help, but I dared not moving them too much. However it was a stunning picture.
Wondering what other evil I could do in the time I had left, I knew I wouldn't get hard again for a while. It's not easy for me at my tender years, but I lifted my cock out of my shorts and played with it lazily - pondering. Getting it close to Millie's cunny would be really horny on the video, so I knelt up and shuffled forward, shoving their feet out of the way. I grabbed the back of the sofa and leaned over my granddaughter, letting my flaccid few inches dangle over the target area and gradually lowered down. It wasn't easy as I was holding the camera in my free arm and I'm not as strong as I used to be.
However, I managed to get my sticky old knob end resting on her teeny cunt. I took a chance with the camera hoping it would be the right angle and placed it on the sofa between Millie's and my legs, then with both arms to support me I rocked forward and back making my dick run the course of her slender short slit. It started to stiffen very slightly but I knew that would be the best, so I grabbed it and rubbed it firmly against her little girl snatch. Maybe my dangling big ballocks would mask the camera view, I didn't know but I did a bit of dry rubbing on her naked twat until I couldn't stand the strain any longer and eased away, rescuing the Canon and placing it down on the floor.
Then Celia's little bell alerted me. There was no other way. I tidied up the girls, getting a pair of pink knickers from Millie's bag and putting them on her tiny body. I tidied myself and dampened Millie's striped ones and put them near her bag, aiming to tell Becky she had had a little accident. The camera was shut down and placed back where I found it and then I tended to my stricken wife. She needed fresh water and a bit of a wash as a friend was going to visit. By the time that was all done, I didn't dare any more adventures with the children.
Becky and I had to work hard to wake Kate, but she came round and gave no reaction. I think or hoped the Calpol would have deadened her senses, so she wouldn't remember and tell anyone. Becky did ask when it would be possible to have Millie over as half term holidays were approaching and she couldn't afford full time child care. Celia and i always lent a hand with looking after the kids and I jumped at the chance, but of course my wife would be well the next time so getting Millie on her own for any length of time and dozing her with medicine wouldn't be easy. Maybe I should give Celia a bottle full too.
The videos were edited and having told one or two of my usual internet contacts about the experience, some of them are prizing the excerpts I have sent them. it's amazing how much stuff is now returning to me too. Is every bloke into pedo stuff?
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