After the Party, Part 1

[ M,f(4) ]

by UKSnowy

Published: 26-Apr-2012

Word Count:

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

It had been loud, raucous and I was tired but having been handsomely paid, I was happily packing my stuff away. The balloons were in the box and I had tidied up the odd ones either burst or discarded on the expensive timber floor in the large open plan, modern detached house in Chilworth, Southampton. Voices still echoed round the hard surfaces of the minimally decorated rooms and I knew one or two Mums were enjoying a glass of wine with Margo Mears, the hostess and mother of little Natalie, who had just celebrated her fourth birthday.

She had driven a hard bargain, trying to knock my fee down, but I had started high, once I got a feel of her place and her gear. Things weren't from the cheap end round the Mears household, finding that John, her huge, ugly, shaven headed husband was in the property business as well as a scrap metal recovery business. They had hired me to entertain the twenty or so pampered pre-school kiddies and my original act of ventriloquism with puppets as Disney characters, was rare, mainly because I took the risk others wouldn't by using recognised characters. If Disney found me out, they would hit me hard with legalities, initially a warning to take the act off the market, which I would do anyway, happily financially comfortable having retired from my life as a regional director of a major bank and on a very tasty final salary based pension.

Part of my deal was that there would be no other entertainers present who could - in a fit of jealousy, report me to the big Hollywood outfit. I had to take the risk with the parents, so I was always careful to stay on their good side, hosts and guests.

Margo wandered through into the Orangery attached to the side of the enormous residence where I was, followed by an agitated, extremely thin, tall woman in a minuscule skirt and extraordinarily tight tee-shirt which exposed her nut hard nipples, unfettered by any brassiere over tits that were just about visible as two small lumps. On her tanned, painted, stringy veined feet, she wore six inch high stilettos which clattered noisily on the hard floor. I did think her legs were quite shapely, even being so long and lanky. Margo padded around in bare feet, her wide, fleshy, pear shaped figure quivering with each step as she circumnavigated the room, obviously searching for something. I watched as she twisted and bent, making her close fitting stretch black pants display every nuance of a butt that was going to fat and didn't seem to be held in any restraint by panties.

"Oh sorry to disturb you Mike, Deidre has lost her bag, it must be in here," Margo explained with unnecessary politeness as the stick insect tried to smile at me.

I smiled back and continued packing Donald Duck away in his case, whilst keeping an eye on the two ladies of leisure, such was their wealth. A bit like my wife Corinne I suppose, the fat old bitch! Lazy, self indulgent and with all the sexiness of a wet night in Doncaster. I got my pleasures now from the internet of course and also setting my mini cameras in the bathroom or toilet of the houses I visited on my party plans, to capture delicious views of females going for a piss and all the other things they do in private.

I was in high hopes of today, seeing the mass of top tottie in the Mears house. Some had dropped their kids and moved on, but several stayed right through, drinking wine with Margo and no doubt opening their lovely, pampered cunt flaps and emptying their Chardonnay filled bladders on her plush downstairs toilet. There was even a couple of very shapely and attractive grannies, as I am not averse to seeing 'lived in' cunts sluicing their waste water away. Margo's downstairs toilet, which she had designated for the guests, but was mainly for the staff as she told me, was a large room and low down behind the bowl was a shelf with various bottles and cartons of cleaners and bleaches. I had spotted this on my initial negotiating visit to the house some weeks back, so I had adapted an identical carton of powder and substituted it for the original, but of course loaded with a mini camera that would record the knickers going up and down from below, timed with the other cam I had hidden in a convenient pot plant opposite the bowl.

I was hopeful of some good views from behind today, knowing that there was a German and two Russian women present. Those nationals often still squat and hover over a toilet bowl, as they would in their own country, even though we British have good clean quality toilet seats.

Suddenly the bundle of energy that is Natalie Mears burst into the vast echoing space, the four year old wearing her party frock of pink frills, which barely reached her bottom.

"ee it bid bama," she spluttered, brandishing a small fancy bag. "Os bin dur boilee."

It was difficult to understand the kid with a serious speech impediment, but Margo seemed to understand her child as she advanced across the room and swept Natalie up into her arms and smothered her with kisses. The little girl would have been very pretty with thick dark hair in ringlets, gorgeous sparkling eyes but she had a seriously wonky eye behind pretty but special spectacles which marred the overall picture.

She passed the small decorated clutch bag to a relieved Deidre, who tottered off outside muttering that she needed a smoke, while Margo cuddled her offspring. When her Mum had lifted her, Natalie's dress had been trapped round her hips and this afforded me some strangely exciting views of the child's plump pink bottom, with one side of her - yes, pink knickers caught up in the fleshy crack of her gorgeous arse.

This was the sort of thing I would get excited about on her Mum or some of the other yummy mummies, so I was slightly disturbed at being so intrigued at a toddler's bum. I had seen many of them over the years of doing parties and while noting them, had thought no more about the tiny camel toes, pinched puffy pussy skin nipped at one side and the damp patches.

John's arrival home was noisy and suspended my views and thoughts of Natalie's little bottom and soon I was alone again packing my stuff, while everyone else including one or two kids were out in the garden. The elaborate backdrop I use was, although complicated and fiddly, well worth the effort, so I got on with that. Having finished, I retrieved Mickey Mouse from the table and started to unlock his case, as Natalie again appeared, sucking on a straw in a smoothie. She trotted over to me and started an inane conversation with me as I hadn't a clue with most of her words, but I tried to respond.

I had got Mickey on my knee and the kid obviously expected me to do some of my act just for her, but I wasn't going to do an encore. I had noticed a tear in his costume had got larger than I had realised from the last party and had forgotten to repair. I put my hand inside the puppet and tried to find the folds of the material and my finger popped out of the hole. Natalie burst out giggling and pointing and I realised that my finger must have looked like a penis to her, jutting out of puppet Mickey's crotch. Instead of pulling it out, I wiggled it and she giggled again, her legs clamped together as she twisted on her feet in that shy, anxious yet inquisitive manner kids have.

"Bis willie, ickey's biddle willie," she chuckled, pointing.

There was a comical slurping noise as her straw sucked the last dregs of the smoothie and she put the glass down. She seemed fascinated by my finger and I wiggled it again and she chuckled once more.

"Mickey's willy," I murmured, softly. "You like it Natalie?"

She nodded and grabbed my finger tip and rubbed it. I was amazed as it looked like she was wanking it.

"You like willy's?" I prompted.

"Mmm," she whispered, still wanking my finger.

I cannot for the life of me, work out why I carried on with the crazy, dangerous and totally taboo ideas suddenly scouring my brain, but I scanned the room, the outer corridor and the garden. There was no internal noise above the distant chattering and bursts of laughter.

"Do you want to see a big willy?"

She frowned slightly, then nodded, so I took a deep breath, scanned all round again and then dropped the waist cord of my loose jogging bottoms and hefted out my slack floppy cock. The babe stared at it and back to my finger as I pulled her close in, my hand on her chubby bum.

"Play with it Natalie, it likes to be played with, but you must not tell anyone," I encouraged her, by twitching my pelvic floor muscles and making my dick lurch up slightly.

I was in another world, not sure how I had entered it as I had never harboured any notions of child molesting. I had been checked out by the police to work with children and had been surrounded by hundreds of them over some years, including my own brood of seven grandchildren which consisted of six girls and one boy.

Her fingers neared my sheathed knob, her eyes shrouded in curiosity, occasionally glancing up at me, but soon she had me grasped in her miniature fist. I moved the puppet behind her and dared to insinuate a finger that she thought was a cock into the warm crack of her panty gusset, finding warm fat flesh.

"Mickey's willy likes you too darling," I murmured, getting a little nod and a wriggle of her cute bottom.

The child never flinched or reacted as I sought out her tiny slit. The mystery of how well she knew about a cock and handling it did enter my mind, but I was lost in the incredible exploration I was involved with, the consequences of which were horrendous to think about.

However, I was ultra careful in my scanning around, ears pricked and prick hardening under the little stricken girl's touches.

"NATALIEeee?" came the male bellow, from outside somewhere.

I froze with terror. Fuck! What happens now? as she immediately rushed away like a scalded cat, as I adjusted my pants, fearing the worst outcome of an irate mountain of a man storming in on me and beating seven bells of shit out of me. But nothing happened. Nothing - laughter, chattering and the odd chink of glass, were the only sounds to filter through to me.

I sniffed my finger and got a whiff of pussy and piss and pondered on my actions. Were they wise? No. Were they stupid? Yes, Were they enjoyable? Oh very much so. I shook my head as if in denial, pulled my thoughts together and got on with clearing up. Everything was packed and I went down the corridor off which were several rooms of some description, through to the toilet for a piss as well as to retrieve my hidden cameras.

Unlocking the door, after pocketing the micro cameras and intending to return to the Orangery, I heard little gasps, moans and whimpers, the big hard surfaces of the house not muffling anything. I was intrigued and put my ears to two doors and then the third one, which proved to hold the source of the noises. There were two grilles in the door, so I decided to try and voyeur whatever was making the occupants express what seemed to be pleasant and appreciative sound, by placing one of my cameras at the grille and aiming it blind, in the hope it might capture some of the action, which I was convinced was of a sexual nature.

I turned the mini camera on and lifted it against the upper grille, trying to gauge if it was viewing between the metal louvres and hoping for the best and also ready to scarper on any alerts. I was however careless and in concentrating on the camera position, I leaned against the door and it swung open, making me stagger into what was now evidently a utility room.

A shocked outraged father was rubbing his erect cock on his daughter Natalie's little cunny as she lay back on top of a washing machine, with her legs in the air, held by the ankles in one of John's fists, her knickers near her knees. His face was outrage, shock and guilt all in one as his mouth hung open, his head snapped back and forth to me and his cock target, frozen in time as he and I realised the enormity on what I had stumbled on.

The child had a lollipop between her deformed lips and giggled when she saw me.

"What the fuck?" he exploded. "Get the fuck outta here."

"OK I'm going," I simpered, shit scared to be honest.

"Just changin' 'er nappy, can't we 'ave privacy in our own 'ouse, you ignorant cunt," he snarled, as I turned to slink away.

"Baddy's willy," chuckled the child. "ice willy like."

"Shut up Nat," he fiercely rounded on her. "She can't say 'er words proper."

"Yes I know, but she says she likes your willy," I retorted, sensing a change of mood with that last explanation and noting the change from pleasure to fear on the kid's face.

"Course she didn't, so get the fuck out of me 'ouse yer perverted old cunt, or I'll take yer 'ead off," he snarled.

"I got you on camera mate. I thought someone was screwing around in here so I snooped," I bravely told him, brandishing the camera - bluffing, as it was unlikely in the time where I barged through the door.

I was not quite sure why I said that, but I thought there might be some mileage to be gained, like doubling my fee or something.

"What on that fing? Fuck off," he sneered, but not quite as sharply.

"Well if you have the mini USB and a video programme and I'm sure you have, I could show you. As well as other stuff."

What the fuck!! Mike? What are you saying, but John started to appear shaky and vulnerable.

He had tucked away what I could see was not a very big cock and started to lift his tiny daughter from the top of the machine, how caring for the little one I mused, but I bravely carried on.

"I know she doesn't speak very well, but she did say you had a nice willy and she liked it mate."

"Fer fucks sake, keep yer voice down," he blustered stepping towards me, making me dodge to one side, but he glanced outside and then locked the door. "Look I know what you saw and you're right, but if I get your drift and I fink I can read people pretty well, yer not goin' to create a big shit stirrin' are yer - like yer sort of liked it, what yer saw eh?"

He had cracked and was in my hands, but what I was going to do with him I didn't know.

However the clue had come very quickly. I was the brains here against his brawn, no contest, no brainer as they say. But once again John let me further inside him.

"Yer a snooper you say - like what?"

"Well it's nothing to do with ki . . ."I nodded at Natalie who sat in her dad's enormous arms, still with her lollipop. "Like I have had a camera in your toilet all day and I can guarantee I have got some tasty videos of your guests having a piss."

"Shi.i i.i.i it!"he exploded. "They're not my fuckin' guests mate."

I was suddenly his mate. Had he been manoeuvring me away from the child molestation issue? "They're Margo's mates, stupid cows all of 'em wiv their poncy ways. Fink they're it. Yer should see their 'usbands, poor fuckers," he spat. "So we can see them pissin? Cool."

"Yes, but it's my private stuff. I don't show it to anyone, I was just telling you," I lied, as my successful toilet bathroom videos were all over the internet. "It's my private thing you know . .

like ?" I nodded at the ever happy Natalie and dared to pat her chubby leg which was very close to me as we stood in the cramped room. He watched my hand and licked his lips.

"She's your thing yeah?" I added. "She's so gorgeous. Been an absolute gem all day and so friendly, I think she's adorable, aren't you Natalie?"

His pug ugly face gradually creased into a smile, at least I think that's what it was as I touched her leg again.

"Look mate, I know it's unusual er! 'ang on," he muttered, squeezing past me and opening the door to peer out. "Why don't we go and 'ave a quiet chat in private, me office, come on," he gestured, to follow him, so I did.

We passed the kitchen windows and I could see Margo, the German woman and Deirdre the stick insect lounging around as two kids played on a trampoline. Upstairs John led the way to a large well appointed room that was extremely untidy; he had carried his child all the way, as if she was attached to his hip, legs either side of him, one huge mitt under her delectable bum.

Was I now under his control, yet willingly - as there seemed to be another agenda all of a sudden.

He sat on an ordinary office swivel chair and I perched on another next to him, taken by surprise as he offloaded the babe onto my lap with a big grin, while he took out some cigars, offered me one - declined, lit it and then sat back in an expansive mood. I tickled Natalie and she giggled, grinning that crooked bent lips smile up at me and shrank into my embrace, gabbling some indecipherable words, as I ignored her and watched John gaze at me as if assessing me, while booting up his computer.

'So let's see me on camera?" he challenged. "Maybe I can return the favour."

He grinned, nodded at Natalie and licked his lips. I could see cables on the desk. I managed to extract the mini cameras from my pocket under her lovely little round butt and he stared in amazement at their size. I found a USB to fit and connected them and then at a glance from John, which was returned by a help yourself gesture, I soon found a video programme.

"To be honest, I don't think I would have captured anything of you mate," I added the 'mate', getting down to his level as it's not a usual term for me. "And it will be milliseconds right at the end of this which is all your toilet stuff."

"OK let's see that then. Nat, 'ere," he added, patting his knee.

The little girl did as he told her, like a little puppy would, sliding off me and taking a step to her father, which helped in that I was trying to set up the video with her hot bundle of four year old flesh squeezed on my lap. I ran the programme and fast forwarded until a woman came into view.

"Well it's definitely our toilet . . . fuck that's Kirsten. Fuckin' Kraut bitch, but tasty. Love 'er big tits," John gurgled. "Oh I love that," he chortled.

Kirsten had lifted her skirt and dropped her panties to her knees, then turned as an afterthought, giving us a brief glimpse of her bare bum and torn two long strips of paper and carefully laid them on the toilet seat before swivelling and sitting - instead of the squat hover position I had hoped for from the foreign woman. She leaned forward, deep in concentration and I tweaked the volume and soon we heard the unmistakeable splurt of a fart, which we both giggled at and then the hard stream of her piss into the bowl. Her arms were on her knees as she kept leaning forward, the position giving lovely views of a vast and billowing cleavage down her low cut tee shirt.

"She don't fink our toilet is clean enough, snooty cow. Typical Kraut, see what I mean about her knockers? Would love to see those puppies naked and wobblin."

"Well there might be a way," I hinted and he looked at me quizzically, but I kept my attention on the monitor.

"Fuck, that's a long piss. All me wine pissed away. Let's see if we can see 'er 'airy cunt, it'll be 'airy if she's a kraut," he chortled. "Ave' yet to fuck 'er."

We saw her wipe several times without getting off the seat and she stood and pulled her skirt up to her waist trying to adjust an under-slip which was caught up in the material. She was clean shaven bald as a coot and had a smooth gash with no piss flaps. John chortled and whistled in surprise. Kirsten's plain white panties were pulled up and adjusted, her skirt sorted and she turned to wash her hands. We watched a few women, with a great commentary from John, their names, the ones he had fucked (several including one of the grannies), their knickers, as I explained this was the front on view and where the other camera was. I forwarded to the end and then reeled back a touch, finding my attempt at peeping through the grille but we saw I had been unsuccessful.

"Clever cunt," he smirked. "You 'ad noffink on me - well, on camera, but you did see didn't you?" "Sure did mate and you can rest assured I'm not going to say anything. Like who would believe me and more importantly why should I blab. For what? I've been paid for my job here and that's that."

"Can I 'ave a copy of that?" he asked pointing at the screen.

"Yes maybe, I need to edit it, cut the crap out if you see what I mean."

"Yes - but none of those maybes. We could trade?"

He dragged long on his cigar, the room already smelled foul and I knew it would impregnate my clothing, but he put the cigar down and his hand slid between Natalie's legs, pushed her knickers aside and blatantly fiddled with her tiny fanny as she gazed down at his finger and chuckled happily. I was stunned and obviously showed him by my face as he grinned, while her fat little pussy was penetrated by the tip of his forefinger.

"Nice eh. Wanna piece? 'ere," he chuckled, budging the kid along his thigh and spreading her legs. " 'ang on."

He stood her up on his lap and pulled her knickers down and off and then lifted her over to me, letting go, so I had to grab the little darling as she wobbled on my legs.

"Go on, yer want to mate. Feel 'er little minge, she loves it. She might be simple and ugly but she loves fingers up 'er and I love the smelly finger, know what I mean?" he chuckled, smelling his finger.

The kid had a speech problem and bad eyes, but she wasn't as her father described. She was a charming gorgeous little soul and she happily lay against me and spread her legs.

"Bay wi my ingel," she urged me.

"We call it 'er tingle, play wiv it, she's askin' yer," he added to the urge.

So I did. I smoothed my hand over her plump pudenda, its silky softness cushioning my fingers as I fingered the surrounds, before I applied one finger to her slit. At the top of it, there was merely a cleft, but half way down, Natalie had a tiny bunch of labia peeking out and I flicked this finding it gradually parted to a small damp crack. I stroked upwards through it as if to find where a clit would be, if she had one and she lurched and squeaked and giggled.

"Yer found 'er tingle mate. She loves a finger on 'er clit, Give 'er a wank. She can wank you off yer know," he leered, hitching the tight folds of his jeans round his crotch.

Gently I pushed into the hot little crevasse finding moisture and then I slid my tip up to her clit and rounded on it, circling my finger round the tiniest but very definite bud of her clitoris. I was amazed, not knowing she would have one. Natalie moaned and closed her eyes. I glanced across at her father who was rubbing the outside of his zipper and it came to the point where I had to adjust my clothing as a hardon was well on the way. I shifted her to do that and John grinned.

"I fort so, you old perv. Like the little girls do yer? I fuckin' do mate. Since I found she liked it, Margo keeps me rationed yer know and I 'ad to do somefink to get off, I was fuckin' desperate one night and bingo, our little girl loves it. 'Ere lets try somefink," he suggested. "Put 'er down between us, you can still wank her."

I did as he told me, while he unzipped his jeans and hauled them down. He had a pathetic little cock, erect yes, but about four to five inches max and skinny. There was a pretty impressive pair of balls slung below. He told her something and she grasped his dick and started to stroke it perfectly as a wank should be and I realised where the prowess she had shown when I showed her my cock had been finessed, while I hoisted her dress up over her back and reached down behind her and played her cunt. I ventured my finger further in and she wiggled her butt, I guess in appreciation and then dipped her head and began to suck off her father. He grinned widely as her head bobbed up and down. I thrust my finger in deeper past the second knuckle and rotated it.

"Fuck! She loves it mate. You're a lucky bastard," I murmured.

"Yeah aren't I. Play wiv 'er arsehole as well."

I diddled her tiny puckered rosebud, by touch as I couldn't see it, but Natalie reacted by opening it with some inner pelvic movements, she had obviously been taught and another finger slipped in easily, full length. John asked if I was poking her bottom and on confirmation he lay back and let her do a damn good blow job, as she accepted fingers in her other two holes. For a four year old - four today in fact, she was fucking expert and I wondered how long she had been used to this sort of molestation.

"She might be fuckin' ugly but she's a goer I can tell yer. Wanna see somefink else?"

I didn't get a chance to reply or disagree with his derogatory words about his child's appearance, as he lifted her high over his lap and lowered her over his erection. Natalie reached between her legs and grasped it and to my astonishment she aimed it at her delicate little sphincter and I watched his little but solid, short cock disappear inside her anus. I was stunned, but also excited and I thought it wouldn't do any harm to get my old todger out. She gurgled happily across at me with that wonky but disarming smile, her eyes live with interest and enthusiasm.

John grinned as I fumbled for my cock and then his eyes widened as I slung my length out. I may be in my late sixties, but I can still manage a decent erection and last measured it was seven inches. However I matched John in the sense that it is also quite thin, but that had never bothered me and I had fucked enough over my life to get the impression it suited the ladies very well.

"Fuck thats a big one," he muttered, sounding unsure.

"It's thin, makes it look long," I responded. "Nat suck it."

He supported her tiny frame, leaning her forward so she was suspended between the two of us. Automatically, not thinking about her size, age or relationship I levered my cock forward and her delicate little pair of lips devoured it hungrily. Natalie knelt along John's thigh, his huge hand holding her torso, giving her free reign to bob up and down on my knob. Fuck! She was good.

"Done this before then," I breathed, ignoring her specs which fell to the floor as she bobbed a bit too enthusiastically.

"Not really. You're the first uvver bloke that done it to 'er. Always been me - see? But I like a variation and you popped up wiv your cameras and all 'at. Yer should 'ave them on now," he chuckled. "But maybe later."

He shifted her and took his cock out of her anus and switched it to her cunt. She just let him get on with it and the angle she was offering him wouldn't allow him to get it all in, but it did allow him to poke a finger into her wet and willing bottom. I was just stunned that all this was going on so early after stumbling on the incestuous situation in the utility room.

The desk phone trilled and startled us both, the kid just carried on fellating me as he answered with an irritated snarl, having to pull his anal intruder from his child's shitter.

"Yes she is, so what? I'm 'avin a chat with that clown bloke . . . . the fuckin' party one yer silly cow," he blustered, mouthing Margo at me while pointing to the phone.

I nodded, having guessed he would talk to her like that but not happy with being called a clown.

"Yes. OK I'll send 'er darn."

He nodded at Natalie as he slammed the phone down.

"She's got to go and say goodbye, sorry mate."

"That's OK no problem, I enjoyed it," I answered truthfully, lifting a puzzled little girl off my slimy knob head.

She glanced at her father as if she had dome something wrong, but he just picked her up, put her knickers on, sorted her dress out, patted her bum, sent her off downstairs after she placed her specs back on, re-lit his cigar leaned back and spoke.

"She won't say a word. Look I'll do a deal mate. You give me all that video, copy like, all that you've got, you said two cameras eh? I'll get you to do more of them pissing and in the shower when they visit us and the bonus for me would be to get Margo's sixteen year old daughter Emily, my step daughter eh? in and out of 'er shower and gettin' undressed. I'll let you into 'er bedroom when she stays wiv us, like every two weeks. She fuckin' gorgeous mate, legs up to her armpits, lovely tits, hell of a shape, but I'm itchin' to see her bollock naked you know? What you fink?"

"And the deal is?"

"You get to fuck Nat of course yer silly cunt. You wanna' yeah?"

I know my mouth dropped open and I stared at his ugly smug face grinning at me.

"But.b.b.b . . "I stammered. "Yes of course, but there must be something else mate?"

"Clever cunt," he sniggered. "There is. I know Margo is shaggin' around and I want to get 'er and you could be the man who does it yeah?"

"But you could use a private detective for that," I suggested, not wanting to drop the idea completely as it sounded good.

"Nah, fuckin' rip off merchants and I know she's doin' it here. In me house and wiv those little cameras you could see 'er."

"Yes, but you could buy some, there's loads on the market and catch her without my help." The phone trilled again and he barked into it. Some arrangements were made and he added at the end . " I'm goin' down the pub."

"Fuckin' women, come on you could do with a snifter yeah?"

I agreed and followed his BMW after he did help me pack my stuff in my car. We got a pint of beer each and sat in the garden, where he specified, saying we could talk freely away from other punters. He explained it wasn't his usual haunt as he didn't want to see men he knew.

John explained that Margo was from a once wealthy but fallen on hard times family and he knew she married him for his money, but he married her five years back for her connections and she was a looker, as he called her, adding that she had let herself go these days, on which I didn't agree with but kept silent. He had done well in property dealing and renovations, she was a skilled interior designer and useful. The connections had been forthcoming allowing him to build or buy and renovate, hence the lovely property I had been in today.

She had wanted more kids, but he hadn't told her he was 'firing blanks' due to an illness years back and the reason for his first wife ditching him. He sheepishly suggested that it wasn't the sort of thing a successful man could talk about freely amongst his mates and I disagreed, but he carried on, sipping his beer and smoking a cigar. However Natalie had arrived and of course he knew she wasn't his daughter. He was totally pissed off and hinted at abortion as he had changed his mind about having kids with her, but he was over ruled. When the kid had been born with the eye problem, Margo had been traumatised and went right off sex becoming frigid. He admitted to raping her a couple of times, but then realised he had more pull with her friends who were rampant slags as he put it. So they lived a celibate marriage, each doing their own thing for the sake of Emily and Natalie. It worked, were his words.

Becoming frustrated, with a high sex drive although impotent, he had been doing the daddy thing, apparently a rare and resented occasion, with Natalie's nappy when she was about eight months old and she had pissed on him - ruining a new pair of slacks. He lost his temper and nearly slapped the child, but managed to curb his temper and blamed Margo for being inconveniently ill, Emily wasn't around and the maid was on a night off. Seeing a naked little slit lying vulnerable, it wasn't anything to do with him - the cow Margo - he had seethed, not getting any cunt and she knew how much he needed, the fucking selfish cow, bare and slickly wet with piss, he had pondered if babies would have a clitoris and fingered Natalie's puffy pouch and finding there was a reaction of sorts. He had got his dick out and rubbed it on the baby's cunt and found it so soft and pliable, although he didn't penetrate it, he managed to wank off, by holding her legs up, tight round his erection, adding some baby oil and blasting a huge rope of cum all over the baby.

From there it had developed into countless experiments as the toddler grew, culminating in him finally screwing her arsehole when she was two and a half and her cunt when she was three. It had become a minimum of once a week, shagging Natalie's bum or pussy, bribing her into keeping quiet, but knowing her words would be forever garbled.

"But one day she'll be able to talk properly," I reasoned.

"Nah! The bitch is in denial and won't let 'er 'ave speech ferapy, is that what it's called? She's sure the kid will be alright one day, stupid cow! She's havin' some work on her cross eyes, but I couldn't give a shit, I don't fuck her eyes," he chuckled. "And I'm certainly not goin' to suggest it or fuckin' pay for that speech fer.. fera.. whatever shit. It's 'er fuckin' problem mate and the longer the kid stays dumb suits me mate," John blustered, sinking the last dregs of his pint.

"Well, what can I say mate," I suggested. "You've offloaded onto me and we've only just met today, under unusual circumstances too. Do you mean what you said about me and Natalie?" my voice sinking lower and quieter as I leaned forward.

"Yes 'course. Fuckin' a four year old kid ain't somefink you can open the conversation wiv like, is it? Yer know wiv the blokes in the pub an' all that and it's such a relief to be able to share wiv someone, know what I mean?"

"Suppose not John and yes. I am truly amazed, but let me tell you - I want to do her. It's not something I ever envisaged yet you today have opened up totally new horizons for me and I'm excited," I enthused. "Let me get you another beer."

I got them in and while standing at the bar and as usual, scanning the female element in the place, I found my mind wandering away from lush big bosoms, hairy slack cunts, droopy buttocks, erect nipples and silk underwear, to tiny innocent, vulnerable, grateful, obedient frames, three to four feet high, devoid of any developing shapes and feminine attributes like tits and pussy fluff dressed in delicate pinks and yellows, cotton knickers, tight cotton shorts with camel toes and cropped tops showing cute rounded bellies.

We ended up with an arrangement that I would edit the videos immediately, which I did anyway and I would get access to little darling wonky eyed Natalie within the week. We exchanged mobile numbers and split.

to be continued

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dr. nick

Nice story. Doing those things in the real world (and specially to a child with problems like Natalie) would be beyond evil, but its only a story, and Natalie is a very special and likeable little girl.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.