Published: 16-Apr-2012
Word Count:
'You alone?' came a pleasant male voice. 'Wow! What have you seen?'
Dom turned to find a teenage boy and girl standing close to him, accompanied by a younger girl who was playing in the sand with a bucket and spade. The boy nodded at Dom's erection and grinned as did the girl.
'Nice one,' she added. 'You new here?'
'Er yes! I'm with my mum,' he replied shyly, glancing at the girl's chubby body.
She had a light growth of fair coloured pubic hair and cute wobbly tits with puffy nipples as if nipples were growing on nipples. Her slit was very clear to see.
'Wanna play ball, we need four for our game,' said the girl.
Dom agreed eagerly. The girl introduced herself as Angie who was fourteen and the boy as Peter who was 16.
'It's OK dad. Dominic will make the four,' Angie called to an adult on the beach.
Dom looked and saw the wave of grateful acknowledgement from a large man. The man talked to a very fat woman sitting by him and sat down heavily on his chair again. Soon Dom, Angie, Peter were playing an energetic ball game near their younger sister Karen who was eleven and time passed with Dom's erection subsiding and him not bothering to spy on anyone. Sheer childish pleasure was enjoyed until their father called them for lunch.
'Play again?' asked Peter.
Dom agreed and went to Marilyn and told her about the family who were only about four metres away. Smiles passed between the two encampments as Dom scoffed his lunch. He passed the time watching the adult foursome again. Much oiling was going on between the white couple. The woman was oiling her partner, a squat older man, the well endowed one. He lay face down and she was lazily rubbing the liberal amounts of sun block on his fleshy body. They giggled as the Asian woman commented on something and all four looked at something away across the beach. This seemed to stimulate the white man who opened his legs wide, at the same time arching his body and thrusting his cock and ballocks down the towel so that they protruded between his legs in a squashed up bundle.
The woman sprayed some oil on his genitals and started to spread it over them, accompanied by ripples of laughter from them both. He opened his legs wider and her hand started to creep sinuously up his arse crack and Dom stared as her fingers twiddled around his anus. He wriggled - obviously delighted. The Asian woman leaned over and watched and said something, answered by peels of laughter and the oiling stopped as the man got up and altered his position, betraying the considerable erection her attentions had stimulated.
There were more chuckles and innuendo, but Dom's voyeuring was interrupted by Angie's father who wandered over and introduced himself to Marilyn and Dom as George Foster and pointed out his wife June who waved cheerily. Dom, who hadn't seen her before in any detail, being shielded behind George, now noticed her flabby arms, several chins, enormous thighs, floppy breasts which seemed to settle under her arms when she was still and the massive rolls of fat round her midriff. She like all the Fosters was a mahogany sun drenched colour. He didn't get to glimpse her pussy, as she was sat down most of the time and the base of her torso was a series of rolls of fat.
'Oh we are old members..... not old you understand hah hah! We've been members here since we married,' George answered Marilyn's query.
'Oh right,' Marilyn responded. 'You'll know Mickey Haskins then?'
'Sure Mickey.... He just about started this place. No that's not right - it was here before him, long before him, but run down and seedy. He and Harold Brown, Ben Chapman and another guy have revitalised it in it's new format. It's cool,' enthused George. 'So you're friends of Mickey?'
'Yes,' said Marilyn quietly.
Dom watched her closely as her mind seemed to shift away for a moment. He recalled the events of last night and tensed his dick. He was sitting opposite his mum, who sat with her legs up, but wide apart. Both Dom and George, who was stood next to his shoulder, had uninterrupted views straight into her cunt. It had a lovely soft fold to one side where both of her labia were sort of glued together and hanging left side. Beneath was a small dark hole that glistened with moisture. Wow! Her pussy is open, he mused. The lad noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. It was George's prick that quivered. Dom glanced at it again as it tensed, seeing the tiny shrunken unsheathed cock, under a beer belly roll, nestling amongst a big hairy pair of balls. My mum won't be interested in that, he scoffed to himself. Wow! Dom - what are you talking about? that's evil.
',' murmured George, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. That would be one sweet snatch to fuck. She's wet too, impressed with my gear, he mused. Compared to June's fat sticky old minge - there's no contest, he added to himself. 'Say! When you've finished your lunch come over and join us, just for a chat you know. Angie said you were new here, that right?'
Half an hour later, Marilyn packed their things carefully and joined them as Dom played with the Foster clan in the water. George made a great fuss of her arrival and once arranged, he lay directly in front of her so that she could see his genital package and he - more importantly, could see her fanny. He frequently adjusted his position, blatantly rearranging his meagre genitals each time. Marilyn guessed his plan but didn't care. He could look at her pussy all day, but never get to touch it. It certainly didn't inhibit her positions and movement, so lucky George got several eyefuls of her thirty eight year old privates. It made him think up ideas for the evening. The afternoon passed pleasantly, with the juniors occasionally breaking up the adult chat and snoozes, having drinks and snacks.
'Is your dick always up like that Dominic?' whispered Angie one time, as the two wandered back to the water's edge. She pointed to his rampant stiffy.
'Yes, but it's only started to do that recently,' he told her truthfully, glancing down proudly.
'Cool,' she murmured with a cheeky grin. Yeah most novices on nude beaches get like that. It's cute and he's cute, she thought.
Marilyn met several other nudists through George's connections. Her own connection with Mickey impressed them all.
'Oh you're mum to the boy with the perma hardon,' chuckled Bettie Proudfoot, a heavily pregnant, large breasted, chirpy woman in her early twenties.
I wonder if it is mine? She'll never tell me - the bitch, grumbled George to himself.
'Oh it happens to all of us,' added Billy Thompson, a twenty five year old, lean father of two adorable little girls who shyly snuggled round his legs . 'I had one only last weekend. Have no say in the matter and it's not particular to any girls either. Might just be sleeping and up it comes.'
'You men,' chuntered June with disapproval.
You frigid cow, thought George.
'Peter often gets one,' added George. 'So do I now and then,' he roared with laughter.
June grimaced at Marilyn, with obvious loathing for the image.
'It's not a problem. Tell him not to worry,' said Billy.
'No it's OK really,' added his slender, twenty year old, bespectacled wife Mo. 'Come on Billy, we've got to get these two kids showered, fed and into bed.' I'd like to get you into bed Mo, mused George. That superb arse is just itching to be split.
'I don't think he has worried himself about it, just his age really,' said Marilyn, quietly to June who shrugged her answer dismissively.
I would love to have a hard dick of any age to play with instead of George's pathetic weenie, June thought.
Peter took Karen off to the shops, leaving Dominic and Angie swimming lazily or floating on an inflatable tube. She was very friendly to the lad and he liked her. She tipped him off the tube at one point and as he floundered in the chest deep water, happily splashing his way back, she dived under him and tweaked his pecker, which was flaccid. She had come from behind him, taking him by surprise and they surfaced and giggled.
'You mustn't do that,' he whined pleasantly. Please do it, keep doing it, all the time - please please, his brain whirred
'It's only a game Dominic. I like to pull boy's dicks,' she told him. 'Help me onto the tube please.'
He hoisted her as best he could, while she tried to climb into the bouncing tube and he saw flashes of her teeny twat as he manhandled her soft soaking bum from behind. Angie made no attempt to conceal her crotch and was wide legged several times as she gleefully sought his help. He suddenly felt adventurous now there were just the two of them and no one around to hear him.
'You ever pull one so it got hard Angie?' he puffed as she settled into the shape.
'Course I have Dom. It's cool.' she happily chuckled, splashing him gently as he slowly rotated the tube.
'Yeah right,' he added, knowingly.
'I watched my dad pull his one night,' she whispered, dreamily dragging a hand in the water.
He gasped and giggled as the Asian lady swam past very close. Angie gulped guiltily and clasped her hand over her mouth. He made her continue when the lady had gone some distance.
'He was watching a video and didn't know I was in the house one afternoon. I was home sick and mum forgot to tell him,' said Angie, leaning against the tube and bolstering her boobies over the top. 'I heard funny noises and crept downstairs and it was this dirty video on the TV and my dad was sprawled on the sofa playing with his dick.'
'Wow!' gasped Dom. 'What else did you...?'
'Dommie, come on and put some more oil on. It's as bad in the water as out,' called Marilyn from the waves.
Marilyn and Dominic were invited to dinner at the Foster's cabin and she accepted, thinking it would extend the nice weekend, it wasn't far to drive home and save her cooking anything. She was told the family dressed for dinner and they split up on Marilyn's insistence that she and her son would shower and dress in the camp facilities and not upset the Foster clan routine. George nearly got angry about her resolute decision, she not knowing the true reason for his urgency.
He cursed silently.
Fuck! That's one tasty chick who I could spy on with my pinhole cam in the bathroom and she isn't coming. The last time I had something good looking in there was Angie's fifteen year old friend Clare and that was weeks ago. Oh well, maybe charm her tonight and fuck her before she leaves or at least give her loads to drink even though it will be non alcoholic and she'll go in for a pee.
Marilyn threw on a white sarong patterned with large exotic flowers, that Mickey gave her as a gift the previous night. She did her hair casually neat in a top knot with combs and put her makeup carefully on to enhance the golden tan she had collected over the weekend. Dom was given a clean tee-shirt and clean shorts. She had wondered about some odd looking marks on the blue shorts she intended him to wear.
When they arrived at the Fosters, Marilyn was surprised to find that George was wearing a colourful orange sarong below a black tee-shirt. June wore a very skimpy, black halter top over a white knee length linen skirt. Marilyn's lack of brassiere was greatly appreciated by George who drooled incessantly at her, whilst June's similar lack of underwear looked simply ridiculous. Marilyn's upright nipples pierced the silky material that clung to her torso and the wobble they produced with each tiny movement, had George near cumming as he feasted over the sight.
Mrs Foster's breasts slunk into her armpits to hide in shame, but they had sudden moments of wanting to expose themselves at the scooped armholes of her top.
God! Don't let me ever get like that, Marilyn thought.
My mate Justin was right in the idea we should try and fuck an older woman, mused young Peter Foster as Marilyn passed him the Cajun sauce.
The dinner passed without incident and was well cooked and served in an orderly neat fashion. Peter excused himself to go to the TV room in the camp to join some of his pals and catch a satellite transmission of a key European football match. While the adults went to the camp bar, Karen stayed in with Dominic and Angie. They watched TV. Karen didn't like the programmes and retired to her room with her Play Station.
'You know you were telling me about your dad,' he suggested.
'Oh yeah! The dirty video. You should have seen the stuff on the screen. It was wicked,' Angie enthused. 'Some big dicks on there,' she added clambering into a huge chair.
She wriggled around and he watched as her clothing became untidy and wrinkled up, but she didn't seem to care. Angie's tight tee-shirt became even tighter and betrayed the fact that she wore no bra, in that her tits which had not filled out yet - were straining against the material betraying their shape and burgeoning growth. Her sturdy legs were not quite apart enough to see all the way up, but he hoped.
'Your dads got a big one?' he asked.
'Nah, well you've seen it. A tiddler even when he plays with it,' she told him, indicating about four inches with her fingers. 'Peter's is enormous......well you know,' she broke off suddenly, frowning and biting her lip.
Dom frowned quizically at her sudden self interruption.
'Seen it in the shower,' she added after a gulp. 'And when he gets hard on the beach like you did. What about yours?...I mean your dad's. I've seen yours. That's big for twelve by the way,' Angie added pleasantly, as if she was a world expert.
Dom smiled smugly and tensed it in his shorts. He liked the girl and felt he could confide in her. She sprawled casually on the chair opposite, with her pink denim mini skirt high round her thighs. His peeping feelings crept back and he wondered why he wanted to see up her skirt, having been naked with her practically all day and seen many views of her pussy and arsehole.
'My dad's left home,' he said shyly. 'But yes he has a big one, so has my brother Jason. He is fifteen.'
'Cool,' she murmured, shifting in her chair.
Angie's legs went even wider and he saw that she wore no underwear. He could see straight up to her cunt. It looked so different and more interesting beneath a layer of clothing.
'What stuff was on the video?' he asked.
'Fucking and sucking stuff,' Angie told him matter of factly. 'You know - the usual.'
Dom nodded wisely, but didn't really know.
'You done it Dominic?' Angie giggled.
He looked mystified.
'You know...fucked......a girl?' Angie pressed on. 'You haven't have you?'
He shook his head hurriedly and buried his face in his chest, skulking down into the sofa and peering at the game show on the TV.
'You seen a girl's pussy properly - like.... felt one?' she continued.
'! well I've seen lots on the beach,' he blustered - then, 'It's not the same thing is it?' he added tremulously.
Angie shook her head earnestly and smiled.
'It's OK don't worry. You like being a nudist?' she queried brightly.
'Oh yeah! It's wicked,' he enthused genuinely. 'Hope my mum joins here.'
'Maybe next time you won't get so hard,' Angie chuckled, nodding at his crotch.
'Yeah!' Dom muttered.
'You hard now Dom?'
'Sort of.'
'Sort of?' Angie scoffed. 'What do you mean? It's hard or not.'
'Well's hard I suppose.'
'Don't believe you,' Angie mocked, sliding forward in her chair. 'Show me - go on.'
He shook his head and curled up against her further urgings, suddenly embarrassed. Angie squirmed again and her skirt rode up under her chubby butt. She splayed her legs and started to stroke her smooth pussy.
'Bet I can make it very hard.'
Dom gulped before he could comment - as she lisped the words out slowly and softly. His eyes were fixed on her fingers which were starting to open her slit. She grinned naughtily at him, licking her lips and he gasped as a finger started to penetrate her sweet pussy.
'Come closer Dominic and have a look. It's OK it won't bite you,' she teased him.
With a practised air, Angie withdrew her finger and sucked it and the lad nearly fainted with shock. He tumbled off the sofa in eager anticipation and scrambled across the floor to her feet. Angie grinned and invited him as close as he could possibly get. His face, rapt with attention on her fingers which played with the delicate folds of her young cunt, was only about six inches away from her snatch. She could feel his hot breath on her tender folds. He could smell musky odours which intrigued him.
Angie peeled her labia apart and opened her gash, letting him see the moist inner layers. It was so perfect, so new, so delicate in it's structure, Dom was stunned. The myriad colours of pink that formed the arched lips that Angie displayed, shone out at him, contrasting with the nut brown pigments her skin had turned and rattled his brain.
Dom's brain was at the base of his belly at the moment and he tensed his dick and felt it strain against his shorts. Her plain neat fingernails raked across the vee meeting of her labia and unearthed to Dom what looked like a little heart shaped peach. She drew her legs up high, almost folded against her sides. Ripples of puppy fat spread across her bronzed belly.
'That's my clitty Dominic,' she whispered, watching the intensity of his gaze.
'Cool,' he gasped, not knowing what she meant. But it sure looked good enough to eat.
'Do you want to touch it?' she lisped.
He gulped and nodded, glancing at her and getting little urging nods back. She smiled sweetly in expectance wanting him to touch her. Angie's tongue rasped across her dry lips as she tickled her cherry - showing him. Dom budged round to allow his hands to become free.
Tentatively he reached out as if pointing with his index finger forward. He prodded sharply at her clit and Angie leapt back. He withdrew his finger and sulked in embarrassment.
'Phew! Not so hard Dominic. Lightly...just lightly and rub it gently. Here let me. Give your hand,' Angie breathed.
'Sorry,' he whimpered.
She smiled forgivingly, taking his hand and virtually had to drag it forward such was his reticence. His finger curled out and she drew it to her cunt, her head curled down between widely splayed legs, her back curved forward, supple and willing to teach her new friend correctly. Placing his finger tip on her love button, Angie started to rotate it, soon finding that his own motions were taking up the example. She loosened her hold and gasped as the sheer fact of someone else doing it to her was far better than her own hand. Dom was a quick learner and had ample evidence of the pleasure he was creating from Angie's gasps, gentle writhing and nodding smiles.
After a while, just when he was getting a little worried about the slimy stuff oozing from her fanny, Angie stopped him. She grinned at his expression of concern.
'It's OK, it's lovely,' she breathed. 'Your cock Dominic, let's see your cock.'
Seconds later, she was cooing over his hardness, jutting up at her from his kneeling position on the floor.
'Just look at you Dominic, you sexy beast. It's amazing, it's lovely,' she lisped. 'Come here.'
She scrambled onto the floor making her sex pupil take her place on the chair. She yanked off his shorts and savoured the view. His pecker looked red raw and solid, the knob end blisteringly exposed, his foreskin stretched way down under the purple pink ridge of his helmet.
Angie shuffled nearer - into the gap between his splayed legs as Dom looked on in some trepidation, fearful but tinged with wonderment at what would happen next. She gazed at his tight pack of junior gonads, all totally bald and echoing the lack of pubic hair on his belly. She reached up and Dom squealed with pleasure as she bent his cock away from his belly and put her lips over it. With a triumphant glance up at him, Angie dipped her head and he watched as his prick disappeared into her open mouth.
'Oooer!' he gasped, feeling the warm suck of her lips.
His head fell back as he gave up to her expertise, not knowing the etiquette of sharing sexual pleasures. Where he could have stroked her hair, cupped her gobbling face or whispered encouragement and endearments, the boy immersed himself in the acute pleasure pain he was suffering.
Angie's cheek hollowed with each withdrawal, getting the maximum suction until she barely exposed his knob end before dipping again to encompass his hard shaft that throbbed in her hands.
Hardly a minute went by with Dom's little breaths, utterances and wriggles before he suddenly found himself wanting to cum. But she was still sucking hard and showing no signs of stopping. It was the most delicious sensation he had ever experienced, but he felt he should warn Angie. As he reached to tap her head and pull out, she induced his jism to rise and spout. Even Angie's obvious expertise, for all of her fourteen years hadn't anticipated the success of her fellatio skills.
The first gob of his enriched cum hit her mouth and she drew back in amazement and then with pleasure seeing the look of lost in space that Dominic beamed over his face. With a girlish squeal she pounced again as his seeds fountained from his fist held cock. She slurped on the juices, sucking them out, encouraging him to give more and more he gave her. Dom had not had many climaxes, this in fact was the third, but whilst the first was self induced alongside Jason, the second was instigated by his mother's anal adventure, this was done by a girl on him with the sole object of making him cum.
Cum - Dom did, with a spirit and digestion of his first episodes in the book of sex.
It ceased finally and Angie wound down by laying his softening penis carefully on his belly as if it were the state jewels.
'Wow! Dom. That was something else. So quick but what a lot,' she grinned sleazily up at him, her cheeks and chin awash with his sperm.
'I'm sorry Angie. I tried to tell you but...'
'It's OK. I wanted to do that for you. Your first time eh?' she interrupted. 'It was meant to happen like that. Don't you see. That's what girls can do for boys. Cool eh?'
'Cool,' he echoed dreamily, not wanting to move.
She lay her head on his thigh for a while and stroked his loose flabby cock which had wept a little more cum onto his stomach. The breathed heavily, almost in unison until Angie spoke.
'Better go and wash my face or it will go crusty on me,' she giggled.
'Yeah,' answered Dom knowingly, but not.
He watched her trot from the room, her pink skirt still up round her hips, her cute chubby bum undulating softly. On her return, her clothing was neat again. She poured them glasses of juice and they started to watch TV.
June arrived back a bit tipsily and alone.
'Your mum and George have gone a drinks party at the Palmer's cabin,' she told him. 'Whole crowd going and I'm not keen on some of them. I said I would take you round there for about eleven, then you'll go back home. The Palmers are nearer the car park than us. It will save her legs OK?'
'Dad'll be pissed,' muttered Angie, glancing at the clock and noticing it was 9.45 p.m.
'Angie!' barked June.
'Yeah cool Mrs Foster,' said Dom, starting to get out of the chair.
'Well we won't go yet,' said June quietly, eyeing Dom's relaxed state and his shorts which were tightly creased round his crotch. Wonder if the little bugger is as hard in there as he was on the beach? she mused naughtily, sprucing her hair in a mirror. 'It's a bit early.'
'I think I'll go to bed,' announced Angie uncurling from her chair.
June responded with a wave and an air kiss, wandering into the kitchen. Dom watched as Angie deliberately flashed her legs wide to show him a last view of her peachy pussy. He grinned as she smiled and blew him a kiss walking towards him.
'See you again Dom,' Angie chuckled standing very near to his chair. 'Maybe have more time. I like you.'
'Like you too! Thanks,' he added, then gasped as she raised her skirt the few inches necessary to expose her crotch.
There were some noises from the kitchen and Angie shuffled her skirt down, turned and left the room with some throw away goodnights. Dom bade goodnight in his mind to the dark slit in it's little patch of hair as it nestled at the base of her soft round belly.
'Had a good day Dominic?' June asked, plonking herself heavily onto the sofa.
The whole piece of furniture seemed to ripple as much as she did until her weight settled. It was amazing that she managed to keep a goblet of red wine upright and unspilled He was suddenly faced with her left tit which oozed out of her top. It was trapped beneath the flab of her upper arm and June seemed impervious to its escape as she leafed through the TV listings magazine. Her nipple poked out defiantly. Brown and soft it protested silently at the mass of flesh round it and seemed to be calling to Dom to rescue it. It drew his eyes and he tensed his cock, finding it responded positively.
'Yes thank you Mrs Foster,' he squeaked, wondering how long he dare stare at her tit.
'June pleeeaaase,' she chuckled, sipping her wine. 'No formalities Dominic.'
'I like it here,' he said truthfully. 'The camp I mean.'
'Yes I could see that,' she chuckled. 'Your mum said it was your first visit. Peter, Angie and Karen love it, as indeed I do and George of course. We started nudism just after we were married and have done so ever since. It's soooo natural and a great leveller.'
If that tit keeps wobbling at me, my dick won't stay level,' he thought.
'Angie entertained you?'
'Oh yes.'
'She's a great girl. So open. Karen is a bit timid at present, growing pains maybe.'
If you knew the growing pain I've got in my shorts right now Mrs Foster.
'And Peter is so friendly. It was he that first approached you yeah?'
'Yes that's right.'
'Made some friends then.'
'Yes. You have lots of friends here?'
'Not lots...friends that is. Acquaintances more likely. George knows hundreds but he's like that,' added June, thinking that her wayward husband would probably be sniffing round some bitch right now.
'George, please don't do that,' Marilyn hissed after she felt her very persistent escort hand her a glass of juice and deliberately nudge his fist into her tits. Why am I here? She mused. But this artist chap is really nice though.
George Foster ogled her erect nipples and smiled cheesily. I like that in a woman, defensive but interested in me. She wouldn't be here otherwise, he pondered.
'Oh. Cool,' remarked Dom
'We go our own ways often,' said June.
'But you wouldn't understand.'
'Got a girlfriend Dominic?'
'No...not at present.'
'You should. A big strong lad like you.'
'You speak nicely, have a nice family and a nice body and you're good looking.'
'Oh! Er...thanks.'
'You ever had a girlfriend?'
'No.' I hope I can work on Angie for my first one. 'Pity - but they will come along, no worries.'
'Expect so.'
'Did I say you have a nice body too?' Did I tell you you have a nice cock?
'Er ..yes. Thanks.'
'No worries, Your mum has a nice body too.' That bastard George has made that clear too.
'Yes...she has.'
'Wish I had one like hers.'
If that George touches my arse one more time like that I'll smack him in the face, thought Marilyn, as she tried to have a sensible and intriguing conversation with a very interesting man in his sixties. I think I would model for Jose...yes in the nude. Why not.
God that's one great arse, George mused. I'm going to shag that before the summer is out.
'You think I have a nice body Dominic?' asked June, uncurling her piano style legs from under her. 'Th th!. Oh dear, some of my body has escaped. I'm sorry.'
She rounded up the flat flab of her left tit and made a great fuss of tucking it back in her top. As she shuffled about, her skirt rode several inches up her thigh. Dom watched the clash course of her thighs get longer and longer until she finally patted her chest as if to say - that's my tit stored away.
'Yes you have a nice body,' he told her solemnly. 'Er...June.'
'Thank you, you sweet boy. You're so nice,' she smiled sweetly, taking a large slug of her red wine. 'I like boys. Girls always give me problems. Mind you - I love Angie and Karen to bits, but Peter is an angel.'
'Mmm!' Sexy Angie is the angel round here June.
'Do you see your mum's body at home too? I mean know?'
'Yes, often.'
'I think that's nice to be naked at home too. Even when we are at home I am mostly naked. It's so free.'
'Well I haven't tried that.'
'You must, you must Dominic. I'm sure your mother will from now on. You must too.
'Would you like to be naked now? Tell you what, lets get naked to celebrate your last hour or so on the camp,' June urged.
Before Dom could protest - not knowing why, but for the first time all weekend he was thinking he might not want to see this particular female in the flesh again, June had flung off her top and was fiddling with the zip of her skirt. Her flabby breasts were nudged from side to side as she struggled to undo the zipper clasp.
Oh shit! I'm getting hard again, he feared as he watched the tumble of her breast flesh.. Her belly roll spilled over the waist band of her skirt so much, she had difficulty locating it. Dom looked on aghast, until she smiled across at him when she finally wrestled the zipper open. She stood, not without difficulty as her legs were a touch unstable after her wine consumption.
Dom was transfixed by the bulbs of her tits, which supported the neatest nipples in dark tight surrounds. He flexed his dick and found it was bursting at his shorts.
'Go on Dominic try it. I am, it's fun.,' she wheezed, leaning on the arm of the sofa.
'Well I...' he responded. 'Karen and Angie?'
'Oh they will be fast asleep now. Both sleepy heads once they hit the sack,' giggled June, easing her skirt further down her legs. 'And who cares if we are naked. We've been naked together virtually all day.'
'But...' he murmured, watching as she stumbled out of her skirt which was a mere pile of material on the floor.
'Don't wear panties on the camp so don't wear them when I'm dressed,' June confided with a cheeky chuckle. 'There - that's better.'
She posed like a fashion model, arms akimbo, legs splayed, grinning from ear to ear. Dom gulped as he stared at the jelly like lump that stood bare naked before him, but then he homed in on her crotch. It was bare shaved, just visible - tucked under a low roll of flesh. She chuckled.
'Come on Dominic, you've seen a naked woman before. Get naked with me, come on it's cool,' she breathed, before taking another gulp of wine.
He froze as June waddled over to him. She towered over him in his chair and he felt the heat of her flesh searing his senses. His eyes burned into her crotch, they wouldn't move and she spotted his fixation.
'Ah! Is it this you want to see Dominic? You naughty boy. OK Let Auntie June show you a few things. It's obvious you are very naïve when it comes to the details of a woman's body,' June chuckled as she placed her hands at the side of her cunt. 'I will teach you a few things don't worry. Now get undressed that's a good boy.'
As she spoke, June gradually pulled her pussy pouch wider, stretching the skin and displaying the start of her slit. Dom gasped and in a sort of trance, started to off load his clothes. The shirt was easy and as he swung his shorts down, his cock snapped hard against his belly with a clearly audible noise.
'My my Dominic. What a naughty boy you are. You mustn't get excited when Auntie June takes her clothes off,' June murmured, her eyes glued to his erection. 'Well not on the beach anyway, but it's OK here.'
'Bbbb..uttt!' he stammered, as she shuffled closer.
June reached down and grasped his cock and smoothed it, all the time issuing little mews and coos as she investigated it's hardness and length.
'Auntie June likes your body Dominic, especially your penis. Is that what you call it?'
'It's my cock,' he declared, gazing in rapture as her tits jiggled in front of his face.
'Yes, of course it....Oooer!' she stuttered, as he daringly leaned forward and tried to lick her nipples.
Her grip tightened on his dick as she lowered to allow him to suckle and she groaned with pleasure as he nudged at her boobies like a calf at the cow. Suddenly June's perilous stance and the laws of gravity caused her to stumble and she collapsed towards the floor. Dom's dick was pulled as she grabbed for something until she let go. She giggled uncontrollably as she finally lay beyond the chair, with Dom peering over the edge at her. The massive body rippled. June opened her legs and started to pull her cunt open.
'Look Dominic. Have a look at my pussy. Lovely isn't it?' she murmured, liking the feel of her fingers on her labia. 'Oh my - look at you big boy.'
Her words accompanied his getting out of the chair and kneeling next to June. His eyes flickered from her floppy tits - once more reclining in her armpits, to her crotch which was fully exposed as she widened her legs and heaved up the lower rolls of her belly. He saw her shaven pussy pouch and the long lips of her gash. It was bright pink turning to red and was leaking some sort of slimy stuff he noticed. Do all cunts do that? he mused. His mum's on the beach, Angie and now Mrs Foster was doing it.
June grabbed at him greedily. Not caring about the consequences, the age of the lad, the beautifully hard young lad who was going to fuck her. Yes June, use him, she argued within, against her mature and intelligent brain which was yelling STOP! All of her training as a school teacher was burning through her mind. Never have I done anything like this or even thought as much, but that bastard of a husband had driven me to this with his womanising and neglect of my sexy body and desires. He used to like me chubby, his little bundle of fun he called me. Never touching me for over eight years now and I need a good fucking. Please let this boy, this prime youth do it for me and I will never do this again...never. Just fuck me Dominic......
'Just fuck me Dominic,' she uttered as she roughly pulled him onto her pudding like frame. Dom lay ignorantly prone on her, liking the heat, the rubbing of his hard dick on her belly as she grappled with his buttocks trying to pull him into her groin. June groaned in frustration, feeling his dick wallowing on the pit of her stomach, wanting it hard up her wet snatch and realising she would have to do it for herself. She stuck her hand between them, levering him sideways until she grasped it. He winced as she swivelled the extremely hard rod down until Dom noticed it was now in a very hot and wet spot. He felt he should move and thrust forward, liking June's tight grip. It was like a wank and he wanted to cum now, such was the evening of excitement.
'No stick it in me Dominic. In my! there..ooer.yessss!' June gasped
The heat round his knob suddenly intensified although the iron grip had gone. Now it was hot, slippery and very easy to shove. The lad bucked, finding his dick entered even further and he loved the silky feel and total lack of friction that his hand produced. It was remarkably tight, without gripping and afforded him great pleasure as his body adopted a steady rocking action, with June's assistance through her hand on his bum cheeks.
S'funny - I thought that maybe fat women have big fat cunts. Hers seems small, he mused as he racked up the speed.
June gasped with pleasure as his love stick reamed her pussy. The first real dick in her for years. Why haven't I done this more often? She dreamed. There's those odd blokes who I have fucked but it's really that old bugger George who I love and want but he doesn't want me.
'Oh that's lovely Dominic. That's right - fuck your Auntie June. You must do this for me whenever we can,' she murmured as his crotch slapped into hers. "You're so good little man. You're not a boy any more. You're a man," she gabbled pulling at his arse cheek with more frenzied grappling.
Dom panted as the fuck lasted. He was getting the hang of this now and she seemed to like what he was doing. His belly was rolling on hers and it was difficult to get more leverage and he guessed that's what he needed. My cum must happen soon, I can feel it down there, but this...Oh yes....he thought.
Placing his arms each side of her wide mass, he found strength in the stiff arm approach, which raised his young tousled head. His shoulders strained as he upped the speed, while he gazed blankly down at June's nodding, grinning, bloated, sweating face. Not knowing the emotions of sex - Dom just plunged on and on, sensing the moment would come soon which would release all those wonderful inner sensations and his stuff into June's hungry snatch.
His body shuddered and he shook his head as the bubbling within started. His hard powerful body rammed at her relentlessly, making June shudder inwardly herself at the vigour and enthusiasm such an obvious virgin was showing. Suddenly she felt the massive surge and as his head shot backwards and his mouth distorted with the effort, she experienced the flood of ripe young sperm sluicing hot and full into her cunt. Seconds later, Dom was a spent force. He lay on her immense bulk, panting hoarsely as if it was his last breath, then he tried to roll off. She gripped him close, loving the effort, the sheer bludgeoning way he had fucked her without any thought for her well being or her climax. June didn't mind though.
Raw, fertile youth had taken her and the middle aged woman lay quietly hugging the virtual child to her fat sweaty body. She felt his cock slither out of her womb and sensed the warm trickle of his spunk and her juices onto her anus. Immediately, Dom again tried to rise off her but she held him close. She needed his undivided attention.
'No Dominic, just lie still and let your breath catch up my little man. That was wonderful. You are very good at this you know,' she whispered at his enquiring face.
'Thank you Auntie,' he gasped, making her smile. 'It was nice.'
'You must never tell any one about this Dominic. Anyone. If anyone and I mean anyone, your brother, your mother, your friends - anyone you can think of finds out about this, you and I will get into such serious trouble. Do not tell anyone about what we have done you understand? Our special secret, the biggest secret you will ever have. Yes?' she asked solemnly, her eyes boring into Dom's.
The lad gulped and nodded and she made him promise on God's honour, with the promise that they would do it again.
'Need a pee,' he told her, trying to pull away from her arms.
'Ok Dominic. Off you go. It's OK. Go and pee. I'll follow you in, as there are one or two things I have to take care of before I deliver you to your mother,' June giggled with raised eyebrows.
He hadn't a clue what she was referring to but was thankful to relieve himself. As Dom stood over the bowl he examined his cock. It was greasy and slightly swollen but looked OK otherwise. He finished his pee. He dabbed at his dick with toilet paper, some of which broke away and stuck resolutely to his sticky knob and shaft, so he laboriously picked off the tiny tissue waste.
On vacating the bathroom, June waddled in and closed the door. She sluiced her crotch clean and dried, then sorted her hair and makeup. She joined a fully dressed Dom in the lounge and put her clothes on. He watched with fascination - the reverse process of something he knew he wanted to watch every woman do.
He was delivered to the Palmer's cabin on time and without fuss and Marilyn introduced him round to the few who had stayed on. As it was Sunday night, many of the nudists had left for home being weekenders, but George was still harassing any woman within reach and Marilyn in particular. She had refrained from hitting him, to preserve peace and protect her relationships with the nice people she had met. She was determined to let Mickey know of George's lecherous ways however.
'You'd like to come here again wouldn't you Dom?' his mum asked as they reached the car.
'Oh yes mum. I like it and I made friends,' he responded eagerly, climbing in.
'Didn't get burned,' she chuckled. 'Except maybe on your whatsit. Did you oil it? Oh of course you did, we ran out of oil didn't we? Needed so much,' she screeched.
With that she reached over and grabbed his crotch and shook it.
'Hello big boy. My lovely Dommeee,' she teased.
'Muuumm!' Dom giggled at her cheeky good spirits as Marilyn drove from the camp and he thought about the events of the two days, but more about her feeling him up that way and what he knew about her body and sexual exploits.
Maybe he would learn more about her at home too. He hoped Mickey would visit them and he could work out how to peep and listen. Happily he fell asleep in the car.
The following week being a half term and with Jason away, Dom saw a lot of his mother in that her part time work and voluntary charity work allowed her to buzz round the house in her normal bright and breezy way. They did things together, he helped her with some of her tasks, but oddly and frustratingly, he never got a glimpse of anything other than her occasional nakedness on the way to the bathroom and her normal sexy dress round the house. Glimpses of nipples down or through her tops, tight crotches and that distinctive cameltoe became a source of mild excitement for him. He knew what lay behind that slice of material high between her legs and liked the way it carved into her cunt. He found pleasure in thinking about her cunt as much as the others he had seen.
On the Thursday - she left him alone for virtually the whole day, knowing it was illegal - as to do so, a child must be fourteen, but also knowing he was such a responsible and careful child he would not have any problems. He had her mobile number too. After his breakfast and after doing some light chores to help her, he would be alone with virtually the whole day ahead of him. He did have some school work and he sensibly rattled that off within a couple of hours. Some of it was to do with his theatre project from the after school drama group.
Late morning came and Dom was free to relax as Marilyn prepared to leave. He had vaguely planned the idea and had been present as Marilyn changed clothes after her shower. Her happy, carefree chat as she drew off her clothes and quickly showered in the presence of Dom was nothing if not usual and he watched with interest as she donned a smart charcoal grey suit, over a cream blouse, over sheer black tights over a minimal pair of panties. As usual she didn't wear a brassiere and as usual her shoes sported the most incredibly high narrow heels. The clothes she wore during the morning were unceremoniously dumped in the big basket in her room.
June's and especially Angie's pussy smells had intrigued him and he guessed his mother's would be the same. He entered her bedroom stealthily as if afraid to be caught out. It was shady as she had pulled the curtains to block out the brilliant sunshine that would flood the front of the house for most of the day. Her perfume pervaded the room headily and Dom liked that. He went straight to the wash basket and on top were the black briefs Marilyn had discarded only twenty minutes ago. Realising there was quite a pile of dirty clothes he rummaged further and found two more pairs. A white thong and a white plain panty. He perched on her unmade bed and examined the black pair.
They were already inside out and he held them up, the elastic wound tight as she had pulled them down. The inner gusset was clean but damp and he smelt it. He breathed in the warm mysterious odours that flooded his nose and imagined what her cunt would have looked like as it leaked the dampness. Dom clamped his teeth on the gusset while peering into the other two pairs. The white thong had a slight yellow stain and the others were clean. Neither of them smelt like the freshly discarded pair, although there were faint odours present.
His interest aroused, he raided his mother's bedside drawers finding piles of underwear and he spent many happy minutes carefully examining the delicate and fluffy garments before placing them back as he found them. He saw the family photograph on her table. Sara's open, big eyed face beamed out at him.
He wandered into his sister's room which was on the back of the house. Marilyn had erected a clothes hanger with the latest pile of freshly washed clothes before ironing. It was a spare room in as many words and Dom desired it for himself. Sara had left little of her belongings, taking most of her treasured artefacts to college. On the wall was a year old photo of the family including their dad, taken on the beach and his eyes immediately focussed on Sara's busty bikini clad body. He had never thought of her tits or cunt before. Dom glanced around and on the far side of the bed, under the window was a chest of drawers.
He strolled round glancing out into the neat and leafy rear gardens. He opened one of the two top drawers and found pots and jars and tubes of makeup. The other one held a few trinkets of jewellery and ornaments. The second drawer yielded more significant treasures in the lad's mind. A few pairs of panties and some bras nestled sadly together.
Even Dom could see they were of a shabby nature, cords and threads hanging or snagged. A white bra that was now grey. A couple of pairs of sports bras, with permanently stained armpits. Disappointed he made to wander back to his mothers room, still sniffing her moist panties as he searched.
Glancing out of the window again he saw a movement in the next door garden. A flash of white. He ducked back to the side, hidden by the curtains and waited. His voying instinct had returned and his heart leapt with anticipation, as well it should.
Rona Mendez had never entered his mind before apart from her neighbourly status. Friendly, but reserved, she would only chat to Dom for short periods.
He knew his mum liked her lots and they both did little errands for each other, but they weren't into being in each others house all the time. It was friendly but at a distance. She was always pleasant to Dom and Jason too.
Being coal black, self financing and single, Rona kept her distance with the menfolk who lusted after her tall, voluptuous body. Being a police sergeant didn't help her male relationships, but it didn't bother her. She was aiming for stardom in the force. A career could oft be hindered by male baggage. Her white tee-shirt again caught Dom's eyes. He watched her hang out some washing and strained his eyes to see the many pairs of panties she strung out, followed by a series of very large bras. He was straining as the washing was only just visible through a leafy tree.
He remembered his grandfather's binoculars at the seaside cottage and wished he had a pair to study Rona's underwear, but suddenly his interest went up two gears. She walked nearer to the house where the view was much clearer for Dom and then she pulled out a sun lounger from a shed, carefully lining it up on the paved terrace. His mind raced, it was very hot day. Would she sunbathe nude or just topless? Even in a bikini would be cool. She has enormous tits, just like that woman on the beach. How he wished he had a camera....Hang on. Jason has a video camera in his room.
Dom scuttled to find the cam-corder. He knew how to use it and was fiddling with the battery and controls as he re-entered Sara's bedroom. Stuffing his mother's knickers into his shorts pocket he crossed the room. Wondering if he could get the camera to a beach - the nude beach next time, he slid behind the curtains and scanned Rona's terrace. He nearly screeched with pleasure. She was laid out in her underwear - lacy black underwear and was busily oiling her body. He switched on the camera and settled down to capturing some private pin up shots for his own consumption.
Immediately into zoom, he focussed on her lush body. Rona was laid at about 45 degrees away from him with her head nearest. He trained the cam over her feet, noticing her painted toe nails, her dimpled knees and up to her belly capturing all of her crotch hidden behind glossy black, rather enveloping pants with lacy edges nevertheless. He used max zoom to look at her cunt mound, it was quite a large bulge and then he looked up her full curvy stomach to her chest which heaved gently and made the large lumps of her bra clad tits rise and fall. He tensed his cock and found he was hard. He put the cam on the window ledge and ripped off his shorts. His cock sprang up and slapped against his belly. His lucky talisman - his dick, came good again for him, as he picked up the camera.
Rona sat up and adjusted her sunglasses, then she rolled up her unruly thick black hair and captured it under a baseball cap. She glanced at her watch, then up at the sky as if studying it and then unclasped her brassiere. Dom's heart surged with pleasure as she cast off the large wired structure and let her magnificent breasts roll free. She started to oil herself, with slow luxurious moves of her hand as she lavished the sun block on her glistening body. Her boobs wobbled and bounced and he prayed for her nipples to rise, but they didn't. They remained mostly flat and glossy. She oiled all of her front and then lay back and Dom worked the camera slowly up and down her reclining torso, sometimes in zoom, sometimes not.
She was fidgety and moved around a lot but stayed on her back and finally she settled once more with her legs wide apart. She reached down her belly and tidied the elastic of her panties and lifted the waistband and slid her hand inside. It was brief moment that Dom captured as she removed her hand again and seemingly satisfied with her undies, she lay quietly for some moments. Dom steadied the camera on some books at his eye level as Rona laid immobile. This allowed him to play with his erection. He rubbed it hard and then soft - varying the pace, finding he could control the sensations. All the time he kept his eye on the LCD screen.
Rona stirred again and he took up the camera eager to capture every moment. She sat up and again he captured her knockers swaying wildly as she appeared to talk to someone, gesturing a hand towards the house. No one appeared and she lay back, legs wide apart, with Dom wondering if he dare sneak into Mrs Duncan's garden across the bottom of Rona's and get some shots up between her legs. Mrs Duncan was a formidable woman and he decided on safety rather than her wrath.
Another happy but odd moment then occurred. As the black woman basked in privacy or so she thought, Dom saw her little King Charles Spaniel enter the frame. The black and white hairy dog, which he knew was called Charlie, trotted from the house and across the terrace. Rona either didn't hear it or was ignoring him. The dog sniffed at the edge of the lawn and then approached his mistress. His sensitive nose elevated and without fuss he walked between Rona's legs, put his forefeet on the edge of the lounger and sniffed right into her crotch.
Rona squealed and flapped as she shot upright, her massive boobs wobbling dramatically. Charlie bounded away. Dom chuckled as he captured the moment and her reaction as she scolded her pet. He guessed Charlie's cold snout would have given her a real shock and wondered what she would smell like and what would her cunt look like?
He never got the chance to find out, because while she basked for about an hour, with the lad faithfully pointing the camera at her, she never took off her panties. Finally she got up and tidied the terrace, called Charlie inside and he never saw her again for some time.
He scanned the other gardens from his sister's window, but apart from laden washing lines lazily drifting in the light air, he saw no other females. He went down to the lounge and wired up the cam corder to the TV and VCR. Settling into the sofa out of view of anyone approaching the house, he re-ran the tape and wanked off to the recent views of Rona accompanied by big sniffs of Marilyn's panties. Wiping his dick, he heard a car start close by and leaped up to the window.
Rona was in full uniform and going to work. He watched her drive away and wondered what to do next. He zapped some TV channels, found The Simpsons and happily lazed the afternoon watching them and SouthPark. His voyeuring was over for the time being, but not for long - he hoped. He nearly forgot about putting his mum's panties back in the basket, but didn't.
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