Published: 1-Jun-2013
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This story was edited by Carroll Lewis
When you spend a few hours in worry, you get up and move around at night. Water and bathroom, looking for food that you are not even interested in. That was the way my night went. Fatigue finally took me into slumber, not a good restful kind, but at least sleep.
The cell phone woke me up at 8am. Tired and in a fog, it took a few seconds to realize that It was Mia. She sounded upset and said that Sami woke early and said some things through tears that she could not understand, and then took off on her bike. Trying to focus, I asked if she ever gets mad like that usually when things get out of hand? Mia said that Sami only took off for a few hours upset and to be alone when her father died. Her dad had been around a bit more than he usually had been when they moved. She enjoyed it, but felt deserted and abandoned when he died, so she went off to be alone for a while.
Mia told me that the last time, Sami had vanished to the far side of the park down the road, and sat at the base of some rocks. I told Mia not to worry, and asked how did she thought the best way to deal with it was?
Mia said, " She is very upset with me, and she knows that she has made that clear, but she has not said anything to you yet. So maybe she will have calmed enough to talk with you."
I said " Okay, I guess I can at least try. But we need to talk soon too. I may have been more the cause than you know, "
Letting Mia know I would call her as soon as I could, I rung off and took a very quick shower, before I got dressed and headed toward the park.
The best part of living here was that it was quiet, and had few things to draw people. So this also made options as to where an upset young girl could go. Parking and starting to walk, I could see that about 200 yards ahead there were some trees but also some large rocks, perhaps moved there to allow for easier care of the park area.
As predicted as I got off to the side of the rocks, I could hear some very sad sounds, those short gasping intakes of breath that come during hard sobbing, especially when your a kid. My all night worry was certainly justified. I wasn't so worried about Mia finding out about my activities with Sami, but worried about her reaction to seeing me with her mom. Mia had already told me of her childhood experiences, so that whole issue I knew could be dealt with, and would by necessity, be today.
I moved quickly to Sami, and before she could pull away, I held her close and said " I love you. Please, don't ever run away upset like that again! Your mom called and told me where I might find you. "
She wasn't really trying to struggle, but more wanting to adjust herself to look at me. I let up on my grip and kissed her cheek. They could not have been more wet if she had been under water for a few minutes. Hearing those sobbing sounds had broken something in me, something deeper than I had ever known.
Sami said, between short gasps, " Why? Why did you do that with my mom? You said you love me?"
I told Sami that I would try my best to explain this, but did not want it to be excuses, I wanted first to just hold her for a minute to think and calm myself, and give her time to relax a bit too.
"Sami? I have been alone for a very very long time. When I first saw you, something happened inside of me. Your mom has been alone too. She had a very strong need to be held, by someone she knows, cares. I know that what you saw hurt you, and I would have told you about it today."
Sami just looked up at me, her jerking motions were getting calmed. So, I continued after kissing her cheek again.
"I promise you that I am in love with you. Even though it is very against the law and values of society. I can't help that. What happened last night was just out of care, and a need to fill both my needs and your moms. I am so sorry that I hurt you, and you have every right to be mad at me. I'm even more mad at me for lack of judgement."
Sami said, "I love you too, but... but..."
And then the sobbing started again. I just held her close.
I want to hear what you have to say, but please, let yourself cry first, go ahead and let it out honey, it will help you feel better and clear your thoughts later. Let me take you back to my house. I can call your mom, and tell her to come over too, after you are in better condition."
She nodded her head and buried her face in my chest. Picking Sami up as I stood, I carried my crying angel back to where I had parked.
Opening the door, I sat Sami down on the passenger seat, and sat down on the rocker panel just below her seat. I buckled her seat belt and lay my head in her quivering lap. I can't explain the relief I felt when Sami simply stroked my head in her lap. Still some crying and those little jerking gasps, but it was at least a sign. I kissed her hands, and stood up, I closed the door and moved around to the drivers side and slid into place.
I said, "Sami? I love you so very much. You are the part of me that has been missing all of my life."
Then we drove home.
I carried Sami into the house, sat her down on the sofa, and again kissed her cheek, but at the corner of her sweet lips. I told her I would be right back, and went to get her something to drink. Finding pineapple, orange and banana juice, I poured us each a glass with ice. I also grabbed the honey and a spoon, to hopefully moisten and help her throat feel better.
Handing her a glass and sitting down beside her, I gave her a tablespoon of honey, explaining that it would help her feel better after so much sadness and crying. She took it and let it slowly coat her throat as suggested, then took a bit of juice. I asked her if it was time to ask her mom to come over so we could sort this whole thing out, and even tell her mom about us? Sami quicky looked up, eyes focused, almost confused. I told her I thought it was time to tell her mom the truth too. In what seemed 10 minutes, but in reality only seconds, she just said, "Uh-huh."
Grabbing my cell, in one ring Mia answered. Telling her that Sami was here and seemed to be getting better, I asked her to come over so we could all talk this out. With no pause, she agreed.
I added Grey Goose vodka to my juice and got one ready for Mia too. This was not going to be an easy talk. Sitting down with both glasses, I put them on the table, and put my arms around Sami. I kissed her lips. Sami followed my lead and our kiss got deeper. She crawled into my lap without breaking the kiss. I kissed her neck, kissed her earlobes and again focused on her lovely mouth.
Maybe ten minutes into our connection, the door bell rang. I picked up Sami and carried her in my arms to the door. Holding on tight, Sami kissed my neck as I opened the door. It actually made me chuckle a little. Mia had a very strange look on her face, confused, amazed and a little shocked at the sight. Motioning with my head, Mia followed us to the living room.
Mia just stared as she sat down very slowly. Pushing the glass to her with juice and vodka, still a conflicted look on her face. Sami kissed my neck and one more squarely on my lips, turned herself around in my lap, then took her place between her mom and I.
Sami said, "I'm sorry about this morning mom. Everything was just crazy in my head! I wanted to scream and cry and I don't know how to explain... it just kinda exploded?"
Sami leaned into her mom and put her arms around Mia, laying her head on her mom's tummy. It would have been a great movie scene. Mia had a tearful and still confused look on her face, but she hugged Sami in return and rubbed her back.
So many things were running through my mind, I had no clue how to start. Mia, to her credit, actually got things going on a good start by simply saying, "Boy, this is going to be one hell of a day I can tell!"
Maybe it was just the way she said it, or the fact that the stress from not knowing where to start was overcame, but I actually laughed, and laughed hard! Mia followed and so did Sami.
Mia could see that Sami was a lot better now, so explaining the park and trip home was not needed. I went right into spilling my guts about what had happened between Sami and I. Mia just listened while I fumbled through the whole thing. It poured out of me. Hell, it even had my own throat clinching and my eyes watering as my fear took hold at times. Then after all was said, it just got quiet. Mia did not say a word, she just sat, drinking her drink and deep in her own thoughts.
Sami broke the spell and just simply told her mom that she thought that she loved me, and that she was just so angry and jealous that she just felt like she had to run and be alone.
I wasn't sure about much, and just suggested that Mia and Sami go home and try to talk their part out. Then for Mia's part, as to what she wanted to do about my love for Sami, I told Mia that if it took her calling the police or my moving, I would comply with her decision, even though it would for certain kill the biggest part of me. Sami started to cry at that suggestion, but I scooped her up into my arms and held her close. I told her that no matter what, that whatever happened would happen, and that I loved her with all my heart and would be forever.
"Try to be strong and talk things out with your mom, because she is the biggest and most important part of you."
I also said that loved them both, just in different ways.
After they left, I felt so empty. My thoughts unsure. Part of me was optimistic because of Mia's background, but part of me felt dread that other unknown forces could be in the background too. Somewhere in all that, I cried and slept.
To my amazement I actually slept until nearly 4 in the afternoon. When things started to come back in mind, I just felt numb. I put on swim trunks, grabbed my cell and a few beers from the cooler, and went to the pool. A hard swim and alcohol seemed to be the only thing that may take my mind off things. And swim I did! Pounding the water and letting go of the fear and uncertainty of the situation, had a very good effect. For that matter, even the beer sat unopened.
Making coffee instead and filling the carafe, I reclined in a lounge chair and tried to keep my mind clear of the past morning, trying to figure a plan of action in various scenarios. But for all I was worth, all I could think of was Sami. Her giggles, laughs, her sobbing and her sweet kisses. What the fuck am I going to do without her? How could I ever make her understand what I feel for her? So many things to overwhelm my mind.
At 6:30 my phone ringing made me damn near jump out of my skin! Picking it up, the call was from Mia. Without much to say, she simply said that she and Sami would be right ove, if that was okay with me. All I could say was yes.
Not three minutes later, the door burst open and radiant Sami jumped into my arms.
"I love you... I really love you, and everything is gonna be okay!" Sweet Jesus! She was kissing me, wriggling around and so damn excited. I still couldn't grasp things. My mind had been so buried in fog and fear, that this whole new stimulation really had me in shock.
Mia, still the proper one, rang the bell, and holding Sami close in my arms, invited Mia in.
Before I could say a word, Mia said, "This is going to sound strange right now, but walking over here, it dawned on me that I am damn near starving! We haven't eaten a thing all day!"
As she spoke I had to laugh, because I hadn't eaten either. After a quick agreement on Chinese food and getting orders, I called a place that delivered.
Mia said that the hardest thing about the day, was wondering what the right thing to do was. She said that she already had an idea that Sami had some serious feelings where I was concerned, but just could not see how all of us could end up satisfied. She admitted that she too had very strong feelings for me, and when I mentioned loving them both yet not in the same way, that she really had to look at things from a bunch of angles.
If I was not shocked in my life before, what came next was the mount Olympus of it. As she continued, she looked at Sami and asked her if she wanted to explain the rest?
Sitting in my lap with her arms around my neck, Sami said, "Me and mom both think that it would be okay if we could kinda share you. Not all the time, but only sometimes. Mom gets lonely too, and I hate knowing my mom hurts. I never knew how much she needed things too. So, if you can really love us both, everything can be okay... okay?"
I closed my eyes, head rested back, and a smile started to form. It came from god knows where, as so many things were in my head and so many pent up emotions, I didn't know.
After a minute, I kissed Sami and said, "I do love you both, that is certain. But Sami? You are the most important person here for both your mom and me. I will do everything I can do, everything in my power, to never ever see you hurt, either of you. Listen... my life has had some very great parts, but something was always just missing. Something I never knew, until I met you."
Then looking at Mia.
"Mia? You are so damn bright, such a fine fine lady, I've never met anyone as full of love and as caring as you. To top it off, both of you are just about the sexiest girls I could ever imagine, but this is not just about sex, this is really about love. I realize that this may be awkward at times in the beginning but believe me, I really do love you both!"
Mia came and knelt between my legs. She kissed my hand and held it to her face. Sami kissed me deep and sat back some. I leaned forward and pulled Mia's chin up, and kissed her as well. The passion in both was just too much. My joy was just beyond anything I had ever known.
We held each other and talked, making some plans as we went. Mia also decided that old customs were silly, especially since it was just old ways. That today, things were so different and moved so fast, that things had to change with the times.
The food came, so we chatted and ate. It was the best and most enjoyable meal of my life. Mia was the first to get up from the table as she started to put things away. She said that she wanted to let Sami stay overnight with me, if that was okay. That didn't even require an answer!
At about 9:30, I kissed Mia deeply as she stood at the door, Sami beside me, waiting her turn. She too kissed her mom and let her kiss linger - my eyes caught that one big time - mmm talk about a mind on the run! Mia said goodbye and walked home.
Shutting off lights in the house, I took Sami poolside. Sex in water was not the idea, but some damn good kissing and snuggles in a lounge chair sure had appeal. The outside walk lights were dim and only a bit from the pool, but enough to be able to see my little love princess.
I sat down first, standing Sami in front of me, I kissed her long and with passion, my love was just in overdrive. I tugged the shirt loose from the shorts she was wearing and pulled it up over her head. Then hooked my thumbs in the waist band of her shorts and panties, and slid them down her beautiful legs.
I said, "Sami.... You are the most beautiful girl to ever be born, Your heart, your sweetness and every inch of you, I promise to love you for as long as I live!"
Looking down her body, it was just too much to absorb. Her breast mounds that almost were not there, her sweet and small little dime sized nipples. The way they puckered and stuck out, with her knowing I was looking at them, her excitement was equal to mine. That beautiful puffy little mound, the contour of her legs, and the dreamy look in her eyes. Good god, I was in heaven. I stood in front of her and pulled off my clothing too. As I stepped out of my shorts, my cock was at full mast. Without any warning, Sami licked my cock, and as her tongue made contact, I almost jumped out of my skin.
She giggled and started to laugh at me. I sat back down and grabbed her, pulling her close. I leaned back to a lounging position with Sami on top of me. She held my face and opened her mouth on mine, out tongues dancing to a love song not heard. My hands explored her back and her rounded sweet ass. My hands were memorising every inch of her and as I slid my fingers into the crack of her lovely ass, her legs spread apart about 18 inches, allowing my hands to explore her further. My fingers slid to her puffy little mound, her wet little girl cunt was already hot to the touch. Rubbing her clitty bump, she pushed into my hand and let out a small cry. My fingers found her tight little wet entrance and gently went inside. Making small circle motions her hips started to buck.
"Please.. Please put your cock in me... I need it so much."
With my cock literally throbbing and vibrating with lust, I positioned her so that my rock hard cock was close to her tight little hole. With one quick motion, she dropped her hand down between us, and placed the mushroom head of my vibrating cock at her entrance. She push herself down slightly to lodge my cock head just inside of herself. So damn tight! She was wiggling her ass and pushing herself downward on my shaft, I gently helped her as my cock sank in slowly. She was flowing her nectar so much, that as tight as her tiny cunt was, it felt like an oil slick hole. Pushing herself up into a sitting position, my cock hit her bottom. She came up slowly and her breath caught inside as she dropped back down and let out a loud long moan.
Then with no warning, her already tight hole almost clipped my cock off, and she screamed. As her clenching young pussy and body went stiff, she started to slam herself up and down like a wild animal. Christ! The feelings were just unreal, almost painful. Frantically she rode me hard. I tried to keep up and drive back up into her, but she was just going to damn fast. Her cunt was in constant pinch mode, her breathing was laboured, and her cries were almost hurting my ears. One huge damn orgasm, and before even three full minutes. My cock just exploded, the intensity beyond anything I ever dreamed possible. She was still grinding as my load hit her deepest parts, then she let out a howl and collapsed on me.
Her breathing was in sobs with her moans. Her whole body was shaking like she was freezing. Little shakes and quivers hit at intervals, and so did mine. My body was jerking at its own doing. The last of my cum was still trying to get out, but the contractions inside of her were actually making it difficult. She was still breathing hard, but she pulled herself up and with a wanting mouth, attacked me with more passion than I ever knew was possible. My cock now free, still leaked and even those little pauses were heavenly.
We lay there, wrapped in each others arms, kissing, holding and riding out the feelings. I actually think I may have dozed off for a few minutes, and she was just out of it. Her little body still quaked a little. I gently kissed her face. She was asleep.
After a few minutes, Sami started to stir, and as she did, I realized that my damn cock was still as hard as can be. She must have noticed it too, as she tilted her head up to look at me. She looked a bit dazed, but she gently slid herself down again. Without any word, she again placed my cock at her little entrance and slipped my cocked inside.
"Unnn", was her only noise.
With a small tremble, she sat herself up once again, completely taking my shaft. This time however, she just moaned as she slowly worked her tight little fuck hole over my cock. Not rising up and down, but a forward and backward motion, grinding her puffy mound into my pelvic area. Ever so slowly, rocking back and fort. Her speed remained slow, but her breathing again deepened. As she got more upright, she still continued the pushes forward and back, grinding her clit into me. Now her pace started to quicken a little. I could not take much more of this, and my passion took over. I stopped her in motion, and without my cock slipping out, I turned and wriggled until I had her beneath me. Without any words, I strained to get her mouth on mine. I pulled almost out, then slowly went back into her bottom, again slowly. Then, I started to fuck her with powerful fast strokes. She to her credit was trying to buck up to me, her moans and cries were gaining in level, and I slammed into her tight little cunt with out any mercy, ramming her with full force.
Again I could feel an orgasm starting inside of her, as she was now panting and making guttural sounds. Her pussy was trying to contract, but had lost its muscles ability to really clamp down which was good for me, because god almighty, she was so damn tight anyway. It did not take long with this action and pace for me to feel that familiar feeling of sperm churning up from the depths. Riding hard and really fucking my angel fast and hard, I was hoping that I wasn't going too far, but my body had taken over. Want, need and passion were driving me. Then I reached my peak, and my cock once again erupted inside of my little lover, shooting again large shot of cum deep into her. She was spent.
After my little lady had taken all I had to give, I rolled myself off her, and my cock made a slippery exit as I lay beside Sami. Then we slept.
I wasn't sure how long this had all taken, but I woke up looking at my cell and discovered that it was 2am. Getting up from the lounger, I picked up my young love and carried her to my bed. She never even stirred a little. A quick trip to the bathroom to relieve myself, I climbed into the shower. I felt like rubber. Wetting two wash cloths with very warm water, I washed as best I could, my sweet sweet Sami. With the bedside lamp on, I could see that she was terrible red and swollen. If awake, I am sure the soft wet cloth would have been a comfort. I found an ointment in the cabinet with aloe and no alcohol, and gently messaged it all over her poor swollen pussy.
It was unexpected to find sleep again, but I fell in deep with my little angel in my arm, and didn't wake up until 6:30 in the morning.
My heart was so full of love as a gazed at her beautiful little face, radiant with peace. I cried at the sight of her. The love inside was so powerful, I could never imagine a single day without her. My mind was made up.
Slipping out of bed, I went to the kitchen and started fresh coffee, throwing out the mess of dark tar like coffee that had been on the warmer all night. Searching the fridge, I took out eggs, sausage, milk and left over boiled potatoes. Cupboards held nutmeg and vanilla, which I took down as well. French toast, maple syrup, sausage patties and fried potatoes. I woke my little lover. Dreamy eyed and a bit stiff, she didn't even bother dressing, she just held my hand until she slipped into the bathroom. In a few short minutes, she sat at the table, breakfast served with fresh fruit on the side, milk and more juice. She savoured everything, like it was the first time she had ever tasted heaven. That look on her face. Even if I live to be 10,000 years old, I will never forget that look.
"Did you sleep well Princess?"
She smiled and said, "Like never before. I'm not even sure if know what happened? I just flipped totally out I think. Am I a freak or something? Gee, if I am, I sure loved what happened!" and she gave me that wonderful giggle.
"Honey, I think we better chill a bit for a day or so?"
I told her how red and swollen she was, and that she may stay kind of sore for a day or two.
"One more thing... Being that you are now mine and I am yours, part of all we do and decide will be done as a couple. You're young I know, but you still have feelings that I respect and need to hear... Okay?"
She just smiled so sweet and nodded her pretty little head.
"So, our first morning talk needs to start now honey. This morning when I was watching you sleep, I had an idea."
Still nibbling, she looked at me with full attention.
"Do you think we should ask your mom, if both of you should move into this house with me?" I said.
Eyes now wide open, she said "Really?...N o foolin?"
I told her that we needed to ask Mia what she thought, but yes it was what I wanted, and the main reason was that I never wanted to spend a day separated from her. Sami slid from her chair and came to my lap, hugged me close and started kisses all over me. It was my turn to giggle.
A very sexy nude little girl helped me clean up after breakfast. I took her to the shower and helped her shampoo, washing her whole body with as much tenderness as I could. Knowing that her little pussy must really be sore, I took special care, and what a little minx! She actually started to move her body as I tried to be so gentle.
"Oh no you don't! No fooling around for at least a day!"
She actually had me laughing, and for her part, just a blush and giggle.
Putting on more aloe cream, I put her in a very small t-shirt I had. It had shrunk some, so at least it didn't touch the floor with her in it. We went to the living room, cell phone in hand and I called Mia. After a brief chat asking her to come over to talk about things more, I also asked if she would bring a change of clothes for Sami. All agreed, Mia popped in about twenty minutes later.
Finding us in tight embrace, she just smiled. I wasn't sure what my proposal would bring or even a clue to her response, but the time for the really big question was here. Poor damn timing though. Looking at these two actually had me getting hard all over again and I admit, hell, I was sore too. Huh!
Part 4, the conclusion coming soon... (Or should that be cuming soon?)
A Purvversion
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