Little Film Stars, Part 2

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by Tommy


Published: 23-Mar-2011

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

The drive to the local college took thirty minutes. In the library, she sat down at one of the computers, took out a few floppy disks from her bag and began sending some sample photos to her clients. Nothing like giving them a taste of what’s in store, she thought, grinning. She quickly checked some of her email addresses, spotting immediately the important messages disguised as spam. She knew all the codeword by heart and understood exactly what was written. She sighed. Why did some clients refuse to use encryption, preferring these old fashioned methods? Her eyes boggled. What on earth? She quickly converted Euros to pounds. She couldn’t do that to Bobby, surely? It would mean keeping him for at least a month for the drugs to work. She smiled at the thought of the young boy having his penis doubled or trebled in size. It certainly was tempting! The client was offering to send the drugs immediately. Shaking her head, she immediately sent a negative answer. The money was good, that was true, but she’d promised herself never to do anything that left permanent marks or altered the child physically. She grinned as she imagined Bobby returning home with a seven inch dick!

Some of the other requests were interesting. A pussy whipping for the girl, genital torture for Bobby, dildos and butt plugs, bondage, spanking, paddling, caning. The list was endless. Melanie chuckled. She was going to be busy!

Back home she went to her study and switched on her computer. The kids must be down in the studio, she thought. The web cams had been set to take photos every minute in every room so she was able to see where the children had been. She looked at her watch. Time for work.

She could hear them even before she opened the studio door. Emma was sitting on a box crying. Bobby was holding the same whip that the girl had stroked him with. He looked round guiltily as Melanie entered. “He hurt me!” the small girl whined. She held up her arm. There was a red mark just above the elbow. “He hit me with the whip and he said he’s going to do it again!” She looked accusingly at Bobby. “You started it!” the boy shouted back. “You were saying nasty things about me again! You said…” Melanie raised her hand. “That’s enough!” she shouted.

Taking the whip from Bobby, she quickly examined the girl’s arm. Nothing serious. The mark would be gone in an hour or so. She looked at the boy. Bobby was fidgeting nervously. He knew he was in trouble. Oh please don’t let the girl see his privates again. The lady could spank him, he didn’t mind that, but he didn’t want that awful girl poking and prodding him.

“I’m very disappointed in you Bobby. Emma shouldn’t have teased you and she’ll be punished.” The girl looked at her in astonishment. “However, you should not have hit her.” She pointed to the old school desk in the corner of the room where she’d left his school clothes. “Put those on!”

Bobby walked to the desk and quickly pulled his pants off, turning to hide his privates from the girl. The white underpants and grey shorts were both as tight as the pants she made him wear and he sighed as the material slid deeply into his crack. He wiped a tear from his eye. So she was going to spank him again. He saw the lady moving her cameras. His hands shook as he did the buttons on the smart white shirt. Why did she always want to film everything? He swallowed. His mouth was so dry and he needed to pee badly.

Melanie noticed him fidgeting. “Bobby, if you need to go to the bathroom, go now!” She smiled as he ran out. “Come on Emma, time to get you changed.” The little girl stood obediently as Melanie removed the white stockings and girdle. “Are you really going to punish me Miss?” she asked in a little voice. Melanie tousled her hair. “You teased Bobby when I told you not to, so I have to punish you.” She smiled at the girl’s frightened look. “Don’t worry darling, it won’t be that bad. You’ll probably enjoy it!” She tickled the girl’s tummy and laughed.

Bobby came back and stared at the girl. Why had the lady dressed her up as well? Emma was wearing a white blouse with an old fashioned black gymslip on top. He recognised it from an old film he’d seen about a girls school. The gymslip was clearly too short and her navy blue knickers were showing. “Doesn’t she look smart!” said Melanie, pinning a badge on the girl’s front. Bobby moved closer to have a look. “What does ‘Prefect’ mean?” he asked, reading the large gold letters. “A prefect is someone who’s in charge when the teacher isn’t around.” explained Melanie. “This film is all about a naughty boy who has to be punished and the little prefect who canes him.”

Bobby looked at her in dismay. “B..but Miss, I thought you were just going to spank me like before. I don’t want to have the cane Miss, please!” He buried his face in his hands and sobbed. Schools hadn’t been allowed to use the cane for over twenty years and he had no idea what it would feel like. One thing for sure though. It would be painful!

Melanie sighed and gave him a hug. “Don’t be a baby. You know very well you deserve it. Besides, I’m not going to allow Emma to cane you. She wouldn’t be able to use it properly.” She kissed him and tidied his clothes, giving his bottom a playful tap. Anyway, the cane wasn’t even a proper school cane, she thought. It made a great swishing noise and stung like crazy, but it certainly wouldn’t leave huge bruises like the ones she’d seen when she was at school. She grinned as she remembered the little window in the boys changing room.

The cameras were ready. “Okay Emma, hold the cane in both hands and bend it. Lovely. Look at Bobby. Hands by your sides boy! Great. Walk round him slowly. You’re very angry with him. Look at his bottom. Tap it with the cane, now look straight at him. You’re telling him off. Now tap the front of his shorts and smile.” Melanie adjusted one of the cameras. “Now point to the desk and bend the cane again. Great.” She stopped the cameras for a minute to take photos.

She turned her attention to Bobby. The boy was still crying. “Okay Bobby, bend over the desk, good, like that. Legs straighter, tummy on the desk-good. Stick your bottom up more-great. Now just stay like that for a minute!” In front of the desk was another camera which she focused on the boy’s face. She quickly checked the microphones. The worst part of the editing, she thought, was the sound. Getting the kids to speak was a waste of time and for most films she preferred to have background music. The punishment scenes were a different matter. The sound of the cane cracking down and the cries of the boy had to be recorded.

“Okay Emma, run your hand over his bottom-good. Now between his legs-excellent. Tap his bottom with the cane. Bobby move your legs apart just a bit more-great” She took the cane from the girl. “Now Robby, you’re going to get six strokes over your shorts, six on your underpants and then six on your bare bottom.” The boy started to cry louder. “Miss, please do I have…” “Be quiet!” ordered Melanie. “You can make as much noise as you want, but you do not get up! If you don’t do exactly as I say, I’ll beat you much, much harder!”

Briefly checking to see the cameras and microphones were all working, she tapped his shorts. The camera behind was focused on his bum. With luck, the edited film would make it look as if the little girl was caning him.

The first stroke landed right in the middle of his bottom. Bobby yelled. “Oww Miss, owww! It hurts Miss! He sobbed loudly. Melanie shook her head. It hadn’t been that hard! She really had to get him used to being punished like this! She smiled at Emma, standing back behind the camera. The girl was flushed, her eyes riveted on the boy’s twitching buttocks.

She waited about ten seconds between each stroke. Bobby yelled and wriggled but managed to stay in position. “See, it wasn’t that bad, was it!” Melanie tapped his sore backside. “You know, at school they used to do it much harder.” She gave the cane back to Emma. “Okay, your turn. Walk round to the front, that’s right. Stroke his head-good. Now run your hand over his shorts. Stand back and order him up. Stand up Bobby! In front of him Emma-tell him off more. He hasn’t been punished enough. Pull his shorts down slowly. No Bobby, don’t try and stop her! Take them off-good.”

Melanie stopped again for some photos. She kissed Bobby and gave him a quick hug. “Let’s just have a quick look” she said, pulling down the back of his underpants. “Oh that’s nothing!” she exclaimed when she saw the six pink lines on his bottom. “They’ll be gone by tomorrow.” She pulled his pants back up and turned her attention to the front. “Everything okay here?” she asked, grinning, giving his little bulge a squeeze. The boy blushed and wiped the tears from his eyes. “Is…is she really going to take my pants off?” he asked, glancing at the little girl. Melanie laughed. “Of course she is. It’s all part of the film Bobby.” She gazed at the boy’s bulge thinking. How best to do this? They’d have to stop, while she got him hard. She looked at her watch.

“Okay, let’s get on with it!” She got the children in position and started the cameras. “Emma, walk round him slowly telling him off. Now in front of him. Look down and smile. Tickle his bulge with your fingers, a bit more-lovely. Now you order him to bend over the desk again. Yes Bobby, head down more. Stick that bum out-good boy! Emma stand to the side more. I need some film of you actually using the cane. Be quiet Bobby! Do as you’re told! Right in the middle Emma. Now!” The boy squealed as Emma whipped the cane down. “Don’t make such a fuss Bobby, that wasn’t hard. Again Emma.” Melanie focused the camera on the little girls face. What an expression!

Three strokes later, Melanie took over. The girl hadn’t been bad, but some of the strokes hadn’t been quite hard enough. She’d have to play with the sound later. “Right boy, stay still and straighten your legs more!” She chuckled. His chubby backside looked incredibly provocative in the tight underpants. Bobby gripped the edge of the desk and gritted his teeth. True, overall the pain hadn’t been quite as bad as all that, and the throbbing was bearable. But it was still excruciating for a second when each stroke landed. Perhaps she’d go easier on him now? He felt the tears splash onto the old wooden desk lid. He was so thirsty! He had to pee again too! Perhaps they’d stop after this bit. Perhaps they’d….”Owwwww!” The first stroke landed, the tip of the cane biting into skin not protected by his underpants. Bobby gripped the desk even tighter. He had to stay still. He didn’t want that horrible girl to see him punished even more! By the fourth stroke he didn’t know if he could stay still much longer. “Okay, that’s all.” He heard the lady say. He felt her hand slide down his back and gently rub his sore backside. “Emma already gave you some strokes and we only need six for the film.”

“Right children, we’re going to have a little break now.” She stood Bobby up and kissed him. “You were great! Let’s see how it looks now.” She pulled the back of his pants down again. “Okay, stay still for a few seconds while I take some photos.” Impressive! She might have to touch up some of the lines before the next scene. No, perhaps not. “Go to the bathroom both of you.” she ordered. “I’ll just bring some juice and biscuits down.”

She opened a can of beer for herself and watched them devour the plate of biscuits. Poor Bobby had been so thirsty. Looking at her watch, she sighed. Another thirty minutes and she’d start getting their dinner ready. They must be tired by now. She grinned as she thought about the rest of the evening. Give them a bath, then perhaps one last film before bed? Would he be able to do it? If only Bobby wasn’t so shy! Suddenly she had an idea. Emma seemed quite happy to walk around showing off her privates. Why not Bobby?

“Nearly ready for the last few scenes?” she asked, pulling Bobby to her. “You do look so nice in those underpants” she continued. Bobby’s mouth was full and he stood obediently while she hugged him. Melanie ran her finger over his bulge and he flinched. “Now then, for this scene I need you to have an erection. Could you do that for me darling?” The boy’s face went red. Why did the lady want his willy hard again. He saw Emma staring at the front of his pants. It wasn’t fair! She didn’t have anything between her legs. He closed his eyes. The lady’s arm was round his waist and her fingers were dancing over his underpants. He sighed. It did feel very nice though! He munched his biscuit and leant against Melanie while she stroked the outline of his small penis through his pants. Her fingers went a bit lower and tickled the sides of his balls. Bobby gasped and crumbs flew out of his mouth. Melanie smiled and kissed his sweaty little forehead. She knew where his sensitive places were! Very gently, she slipped her hand down the front of his pants and teased him till his willy was rock hard. She nudged it a little so it was sticking out in front of him, then kissed him again. “Okay Bobby, I want you to keep it sticking up as long as you can.”

Activating the cameras again, she placed him in front of the desk. “Right Emma, bend the cane in your hands and tell him off again. Now look down at the front of his pants. Open your mouth and look shocked! Now you’re very angry indeed!” Melanie used the camera to follow the girl’s gaze down to where Bobby’s erection was pushing out his pants. “Kneel down, that’s right. Now pull them down nice and slowly.” She laughed at the expression of horror on Bobby’s face. No need for acting here! “Good, take them off. Now hold his willy and look at it very closely.” She looked at Bobby’s red face. His penis was already starting to soften.. “Now stand up and tell him off again. Order him back over the desk. Over you go Bobby-good boy. No, move back a little Bobby and open your legs more. Bottom up more-more Bobby!” She moved one of the cameras closer until she was almost touching him. Hand between his legs Emma-move to the side a bit-good. Feel his balls-tips of your fingers-great. Now his willy-pull the skin back a little. Oh be quiet Bobby!” Melanie quickly took some photos and moved back. “Run your finger down his bottom, now along some of the red lines. Pull his cheeks apart-show his little bum hole-lovely.” She saw the look of disgust on Emma’s face. “Now tap him with the cane-again-a bit higher up-great. Now give him three hard strokes and count to ten in-between each one.”

Bobby started to say something but was interrupted by the cane slashing down across his buttocks. “Oooowwww!” The boy lifted his head and screamed. “Miss, please no more Miss-please!” Melanie was pleasantly surprised. Emma had handled the cane much better this time. She flicked the boy’s bum with the tip of the cane. “Do be quiet you silly boy!” she ordered in her high pitched voice. Melanie was over the moon. The little girl was clearly enjoying herself. The next two strokes were not quite as hard but they still made Bobby shriek and yell. Melanie took the cane from her. “Calm down Bobby. I’m giving you the last three now. They’re going to be harder than the others so I want you to hold the desk as tight as you can. Stick your bottom up more-come on-the last three.”

Bobby howled as his sore backside received three more strokes. He pressed his tummy hard onto the desk, feeling the old wood becoming wet with his tears. At last it was over. Melanie gave the cane back to Emma and filmed the boy’s buttocks up close, its lily white skin now criss crossed with nasty red lines.

“Stand up Bobby. Yes, rub it better-that’s right. I know it’s sore. He’s been brave hasn’t he Emma? Go up to him and give him a little kiss for being so brave. Put your hand down and feel his bits. Soft again? Hold his willy tightly. Look down and smile-excellent.”

Melanie sighed and wiped her brow. That would keep two of her clients happy, very happy indeed. There was one however who’d asked for something more. Did they have time? She gave Bobby a minute to recover. The poor boy had been through a lot. She suddenly saw that Emma was still holding his willy tightly. “Okay Emma, you can let go now. Don’t worry, you’ll be able to play with it again.” She bent down and whispered something. The little girl looked puzzled for a second, then grinned and nodded her head. “Okay Bobby, almost finished now.” She wiped the tears from his cheeks and kissed him. “Emma’s going to make you do something now and you have to obey her if you want to avoid another beating. Will you be good and do what she says?” Bobby nodded, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his jumper. Anything to avoid the cane. He felt his buttocks again and rubbed a particularly sore spot.

The cameras were on. “Right Emma, put the cane on the desk. Order him to kneel in front of you-good boy Bobby. Pull your gymslip up to your tummy and tell him what he has to do. Open your legs a bit more. Yes Bobby, put your face close to her knickers-good. Kiss her knickers everywhere-all over, that’s right. Little kisses-keep going.” Melanie moved closer. The look on Emma’s face was incredible. She was loving every second. “Good girl, now you know what he has to do?” The girl looked down. “Take my knickers down boy-now!” Bobby was momentarily taken aback but didn’t want to risk finding himself back over the desk. His hands shaking, he slowly peeled down her blue knickers exposing her little pussy.

Melanie crouched down with her camera. “Kiss her private part Bobby-all over!” Bobby gazed with interest at the little girls pubic area. He knew she had a hole there that was hidden inside. He looked up at Emma and she ran her fingers through his hair. He held her legs and started to kiss her as Melanie had ordered. He felt the girl tense, then relax. “With your tongue now Bobby. Stick it between her pussy lips!” The boy felt his willy starting to stiffen. Melanie noticed and smiled. “Deeper Bobby-that’s better. Stick your tongue as far as you can!”

Emma was holding the boys head tightly, breathing heavily. She gazed down at what he was doing. This was an amazing feeling. She pushed herself forward. Melanie saw her eyes close. “Faster now Bobby. Lick that little hard thing at the top-fast as you can!” Emma appeared to tense for a few seconds before standing up straighter and clenching her buttocks. Her breath was coming in short gasps and she squealed loudly and pushed Bobby’s head between her legs as hard as she could. It was over. Melanie hugged her while Bobby looked at them in surprise. The girl looked dazed for a few seconds, then smiled at Melanie. “Get up Bobby” she ordered gently. He rose from the floor and stood in front of her. “I think that it will be your turn next!” said Melanie, giving the boy a hug. “I bet you’re hungry by now, aren’t you?” Bobby nodded. He did feel hungry. He also wanted to put his shorts back on. Melanie ordered Emma to remove her gymslip, leaving only her white blouse and then took them both upstairs. She paused briefly to take Bobby’s sweater off. It was far too warm for that. The boy grasped at her sleeve, a note of panic in his voice. “Can I put my shorts back on Miss?” Melanie took his hand and led him up the stairs. “Not just now Bobby. I think you can stay like Emma for a while

Dinner was a trifle simpler than she’d anticipated. Nevertheless, the children eat almost everything. She laughed at Bobby’s obvious discomfort in being naked from the waist down. Although they’d seen everything he had to offer, he still attempted to cover his private parts with his hands wherever possible.

After they’d eaten, she went to run the bath. “Has everyone had enough?” she asked, clearing the plates away. “Some more ice-cream Bobby?” The boy shook his head. “No thank you Miss.” Melanie smiled warmly at him. He really was a polite little thing. “Well then, I think it’s time for your bath.” She took them to the bathroom and checked the water. Bobby looked around him, one hand still covering his privates. “Who’s going first Miss, me or Emma?” She laughed. “Oh I’m not wasting any more time. It’s a huge bath so you’re going in together.” The boy looked at her in dismay. “But Miss, I don’t want to…” Melanie picked up a few bubbles and put them on Emma’s nose, laughing. “Don’t be silly Bobby. I don’t have time for arguments. I want you to go to the toilet next door first. Don’t take all day!”

A few minutes later she had them both in the bath. Emma was totally at ease and played with the bubbles while Melanie started to wash them. “Stand up darling!” she said, turning the girl to her. “Never forget the important places!” she whispered, smiling. Her soapy hand caressed the girl’s pussy. “You as well Bobby, stand up!” Bobby obeyed, both hands held firmly in front of him. He looked at what she was doing to Emma. She wouldn’t wash him there surely! He was old enough to do it himself. Especially not in front of the girl. She couldn’t!

“Oh do put your hands down Bobby!” exclaimed Melanie, moving them away from his groin. “How on earth can I wash your genitals if you’re always hiding them?” Bobby gasped as her soapy hand fondled his small testicles. “M..Miss, I’m old enough to wash myself there, really Miss, I can…” Melanie laughed. “Don’t be silly Bobby. You’re only ten years old.” She examined his little penis carefully and soaped the end. Bobby jumped and it slid out of her grasp. “Sensitive there isn’t it.” she said smiling. Gripping it between her fingers, she slid his foreskin back . “The problem with young boys is they don’t wash themselves properly.” She saw the boy was close to tears. “Tell you what. I think it would be a good idea for you to wash each others private parts. Your hands are smaller than mine.” She took Bobby’s hand and soaped it well. “Emma darling, can you open your legs a little wider-lovely.” The girl watched fascinated as Melanie put the boy’s hand on her pussy. “There you are Bobby, clean it all over, the middle as well, in deeper-that’s right. Let your fingers slide in as far as they can-nice and gently.” The boy obeyed clearly relieved at having attention diverted away from his own genitals. He poked his finger deeper. Emma suddenly flinched. “That’s deep enough now Bobby” said Melanie, gently holding his wrist. “Just let your fingers wriggle around while you wash her.” She looked at the rapturous expression on the girl’s face and felt a bit jealous. Never mind, plenty of time for that later. She gazed at Bobby and sighed. It would be a nice change having a little boy to play with in bed. The girls had been cute, yes, but this would be the first time she’d had a boy to do all those things to her she liked so much. She smiled. After all every job had its perks!

“Okay Bobby, I think she’s clean enough now.” Emma looked disappointed as Melanie removed his hand from her pussy and rinsed it with water. She didn’t want the girl coming again so soon. Bobby reddened as he realised what she intended to do. “P..please Miss, I don’t…” Melanie ignored him, guiding Emma’s hands so one cradled his scrotum, the other his small willy. “Careful with his balls!” she reminded the little girl. “If you squeeze them gently you can feel the two testicles inside.” Emma examined them. “Why do boys have balls under their willies?” she asked quite innocently. Melanie laughed. She had never believed in dodging the truth. “The balls are there for making sperm” she explained, poking Bobby’s left testicle. “But they won’t do that until he’s at least twelve.” She stroked the tip of his penis. “When he wants to make a baby with a girl, his willy goes hard and he puts it inside her pussy. They bounce up and down a bit and have fun till he has an orgasm-a bit like the nice feeling you had earlier when he licked you inside, but even better. The sperm shoots out into the girl and if she’s old enough, the sperm finds a little egg and makes it grow into a baby.” She looked at the children and laughed. Bobby and Emma were gazing at her, their mouths wide open. “Does the sperm come out of here?” asked Emma, pointing to the hole at the tip. “Yes, that’s right. It’s a white creamy liquid that comes out very fast.” explained Melanie. Emma looked puzzled. “So can Bobby have an orgasism like me if he wants?” Melanie laughed. “An orgasm! Yes he can but he hasn’t yet.” She watched Emma start to rub his soapy penis. She looked at Bobby and kissed him. “Tonight’s going to be very special for Bobby!”

Having finished with the children’s genitalia, Melanie made them turn around and bend over while she washed their bottoms. “This is going to feel very uncomfortable at first” she explained. “I have to wash inside your bottom. It only feels awful if you don’t relax.” She soaped around their anuses and started to stick her fingers inside. Bobby appeared to make an effort to relax, but Emma started to whimper. “Okay baby, just relax all your bottom muscles. Pretend you’re asleep!” She pushed her finger deeper into Bobby and smiled as she saw his penis twitch and start to stiffen. “Good boy!” she said, wiggling her finger about. “Tomorrow we’ll have a much closer look.”

She took them out and dried them with big soft towels before taking their hands and leading them naked down to the large Lolita studio. “Go and put your nice sexy clothes on” she said to Emma, pushing her gently to the chest where she’d put the girl’s white stocking and girdle. She lifted Bobby onto the bed and produced some leather straps and red ropes. The boy started to cry. He looked at the ropes. “Please Miss, don’t tie me up again. I’m scared Miss. Don’t do it again, please, I…” Melanie hugged him and kissed him gently. “Oh Bobby, it’s late at night and you should be asleep. I’m not going to hurt you-promise!” She stroked his small willy. “Before you go to bed, I want you to have that nice tickly feeling in you willy, but this time I won’t stop!” She kissed him again and then tied a soft blindfold over his eyes. She lay him spread-eagled on the bed and secured his hands and ankles to the four corners, all the while soothing him and stroking his tummy and legs.

The cameras were ready, arranged around the bed and a few on high tripods pointing down. She spent some time ensuring the boy was comfortable, stroking his cheek, then tickling him between the legs. Slipping a cushion under his bottom, she beckoned Emma over. “He can’t see you” she whispered, pointing to the blindfold. The little girl looked so incredibly sexy, her pussy and cute bottom on show. “Start kissing him all over, very slowly, but don’t go near his privates till I tell you!” Melanie started the cameras.

Five minutes later, she ordered the girl to straddle Bobby’s head and lower herself so she could kiss his tummy. The boy was relaxed now, Emma’s soft kisses were working. Melanie made the girl lower herself more till her pussy was directly over his mouth. He felt it brush his lips and explored it with his tongue. He obviously recognised it and his tongue was soon darting in and out. Following Melanie’s whispered orders, the little girl kissed him lower down. Bobby’s small willy started to rise-much to Melanie’s amusement. She quickly slipped a few pillows under Bobby’s head so he could continue his tasting session while Emma moved lower. Emma placed her fingers lightly around his balls. The boy gasped and his whole body jerked as he became desperate for further attention. His penis was now sticking straight up and seemed to be begging for something. Melanie whispered and the girl teased the tip with her tongue. Bobby moaned and tried to lift his hips up. She teased him like this for a minute before finally taking him in her mouth. Bobby’s breathing grew faster and Melanie quickly moved the camera closer. He opened his mouth wider and felt Emma’s pussy press down on his mouth. The tickly feeling was getting so strong. He always stopped at this point. But he couldn’t stop now. The girl’s mouth and fingers were making the tickle feeling even stronger. He felt something inside his bottom throbbing. It seemed to merge with the tickling in his willy and balls. The tickling was too much. He was exploding. His legs trembled uncontrollably as his very first orgasm wracked his body. Melanie saw him shake and quickly ordered Emma to stop sucking him and just rub his willy with two fingers and tickle his balls faster. She held one of the cameras only inches from his little throbbing penis and almost cheered as she caught a few drops of his preteen cum actually shooting out. Obviously, his prostate had already started producing the clear liquid that one day would be mixed with his sperm. Obeying Melanie’s whispers, the girl licked the glistening drops from his penis. Bobby squealed as her tongue tickled his glans, now extremely sensitive. He felt the ropes being untied and the straps removed. Someone kissed him. Curling up into a ball, he stuck his thumb in his mouth. He was asleep in five seconds.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Of all of the hundreds of stories I've read...This is one of the hottest top TWO!!!


i wish this story could go on forever

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