Little Film Stars, Part 1

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by Tommy


Published: 19-Mar-2011

Word Count:

Author's Profile

Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Wow! Two for the price of one! Melanie Shaw repeated the joke over and over as she drove the car down the motorway, taking care to stay within the speed limit. Of course she’d only meant to take the girl. She glanced in the mirror. Yes, they were still asleep. The chloroform would last a good thirty minutes yet.

Only about six, the little girl had a figure that aficionados all over Europe were crying out for, innocent face and a nice butt! So easy to please!. Better for me thought Melanie. Makes my job a lot easier.

The other figure in the back was not on her list of ‘things to do’. She hadn’t really counted on finding a boy so easily, but this one just happened to show up as she was lifting the girl into the car. Roughly ten years old, she’d taken him, not just because he’d witnessed the girl’s abduction, but just by luck, he happened to be just what she needed for the new photos.

Being a female wedding photographer doesn’t pay too well. Years ago Melanie had discovered how to make a bit more money, in fact an awful lot of money. One week spent taking photos and making short films made her more than she usually earned in a year. The real earners were the photos done specifically to order. She knew what she was doing was very wrong, wrong enough in fact to land her in prison for a long time. But, as she kept telling herself, she never did anything life threatening to the kids. Just dressing up, plenty of photos and videos. Of course, some of the scenes had to be as authentic as possible. But she did try and save those till the end. She blushed. How she enjoyed her work!

She looked in the mirror again and checked her reflection at the same time. Hair dyed a different colour and much shorter than she had it usually. Good for avoiding any identification later on. Not that she ever had any problems. The kids were taken hundreds of miles to her country house, then brought back after one or two weeks and left in the same park where she’d found them. Of course it got mentioned in the news, but since there was rarely any harm done, and the kids had been abducted by a woman, the police didn’t treat it with the same urgency that they would if it had been a man. She chuckled. They probably thought she was just a sad perverted old woman, desperate for kids of her own.

It was getting dark when she arrived at the house. Set within its own grounds, it was extremely private with a high fence all around the garden. The automatic gate swung open and she drove straight into the garage.

The little girl slowly opened her eyes. Where was she? She’d been walking through the car park looking for her kite and that horrible boy had been following her. She saw a lady smiling at her. “Come on, I’ll give you a hand” said Melanie, helping her out of the car. She felt herself being carried through a door and down some steps. The mist returned and she whimpered. “Okay, don’t worry” she heard a faraway voice say. “Let’s get you to bed.”

The boy pulled the sheets up to his chin and yawned. Slowly he opened his eyes. Was he dreaming? Perhaps he should call Mummy. He looked at the ceiling. That wasn’t his ceiling-was it? Suddenly, he realised in that way that all small boys do, that he had to pee very, very badly. He sat up and looked around. Not his room. Where was he? “Mummy?” he called. “Mummy?” a bit louder. Where were his pyjamas? He only had his underpants and vest on. His lip trembled and he started to cry. “Mummy!!”

A door opened and Melanie entered. She yawned and looked at her watch. Six o’clock in the morning! She went to the boy and knelt down next to the bed. Bobby looked at her, tears running down his cheeks. “Where’s Mummy?” he asked, looking behind her. Not very big for his age, it had been the large brown eyes and light brown curly hair that had captivated Melanie. That and the sweet innocent expression. She’d never used a boy before This was truly undiscovered country for her.

“Sssh, everything’s okay” she said gently, wiping his tears away. “Don’t worry” She smiled warmly. “You’ll see mummy soon.” Noticing where his hand was, she grinned and stood him up. “Come on, I’ll show you where the bathroom is.” The boy followed her and relieved himself while she waited outside.

Checking that the girl was still asleep, she went back to the boy’s room where she’d left him drinking a glass of cold milk. “Are you still sleepy or do you want to get up now?” she asked, taking the empty glass. He wiped the back of his mouth with his hand. “I want Mummy” he repeated. Melanie groaned. “You’ll see mummy, I promise you. But she’s not here right now.” She took his hand. “Come on then, let’s get you some breakfast. I hope you like sugar puffs.” He looked suspicious but interested. “Has it got a toy ?” Melanie thought. “Probably. I have no idea to be honest. Come on!”

“What’s your name?” she asked, putting the bowl in front of him “Bobby.” The boy replied. The presence of the lady had calmed him. A friend of his mother perhaps? Melanie smiled. She wanted to get a few things clear right from the start. “You say ‘Miss’ when you talk to me, okay Bobby?” Bobby looked round, his mouth full. “Are you a teacher miss?” “Yes, I am Bobby” she replied, placing some bread and jam on the table. “But rather a special teacher!”

From down the corridor, she heard a noise. “I’ll be back in a minute Bobby” she called over her shoulder. “Help yourself to whatever you like.”

The small girl was sitting up in bed, crying. Melanie kissed her, then stroked her hair, calming her down. “Hey, come on, everything’s alright” she repeated. The girl sniffed. “Where’s my mummy?” “You’ll see her later, don’t worry. You have to stay here for a little while. I’m looking after you for just a little while.” She took the girl to the bathroom.

“Where’s all my clothes?” the girl asked on coming out, still sniffing. “They have to be washed but I’ll find you something later. You’re okay in your knickers and vest aren’t you? It’s quite warm.” The girl didn’t answer, but looked around her. “Where’s my kite?” Melanie sighed. “I don’t know, sorry. But perhaps I can go and get you one later. Would you like that?” “Yes, okay”

Melanie bent down and brushed the girl’s hair. “What’s your name?” “Emma” the girl replied. “Well, I’m a teacher so you can call me ‘Miss’. Is that okay?” Emma nodded. “Yes miss.”

She took Emma to the kitchen where Bobby was finishing his second bowl of Sugar Puffs. She looked at the alarm console on the wall. Not only was the house almost impossible to enter or leave, the extensive system of sensors and cameras provided excellent security.

When Emma saw the boy sitting at the table, her eyes narrowed. “That’s the boy who followed me!” she said pouting. “He was running after my kite and..” “I never did!” interrupted Bobby, spitting Sugar Puffs all over the table. “I was only following it. You weren’t pulling it right! You couldn’t even fly it ‘cause you…” Melanie banged her hand on the table. “Stop it you two!”

The two children looked at her and she burst out laughing. “Oh you’re so funny! Just finish your breakfast Bobby and go and have a wash in the bathroom.” She sat Emma down at the table.

Five minutes later, the door opened and Robby came in, a large towel wrapped tightly round him. “Miss, where’s my clothes. I can’t find them.” Melanie took him back to the bathroom. “Sorry, your clothes have to be washed” She looked down at him. “Just wear your pants and vest for now. I’ll sort you something out later.” She entered the bathroom and gasped.

A very neat and tidy person by nature, she was totally unprepared for the state in which she found the bathroom, puddles of water on the floor, towels left in heaps, soap in the plughole, toilet seat up, in fact all those irritating little things in which little boys specialise.

She looked at Bobby in amazement. With absolutely no experience of boys, she was starting to realise just why they’d been treated so differently at school. She’d always felt it strange that they were taken to the Headmaster’s study and beaten, when a girl was simply given detention for the same offence. Then it had seemed cruel, yet somewhat exciting. Now, however she was starting to understand.

“Tidy up this room immediately!” she ordered. Bobby put the towels back on the rails, soap back in dish and tidied up till she was satisfied. He kept the towel round him. She pointed to his pants and vest on the floor. “Put those back on and come to the kitchen. I have to talk to both of you.”

She saw him hesitate and look at her nervously. Melanie understood. “I want to see you in two minutes!” she said, closing the door.

Walking back to the kitchen, she wondered if perhaps she’d made a mistake with the boy. She was doing very well without getting any boys involved. The Lolita photos and videos she produced were sold for hundreds of pounds, while the bondage and BDSM material, mostly for private requests, netted her thousands. This was easy money. The girls hadn’t been hurt and some had even seemed to enjoy the acting. The faked screaming and pleas for mercy satisfied most of her clients. Recently however, some of them had been asking for more, a lot more. She had hesitated at first, until she’d seen the money being offered! The corporal punishment scenes and some of the BDSM had to be authentic now. Her clients weren’t stupid. For this sort of money they expected the photos and films to be real-and it was easy to spot a fake!

What she still found surprising even after all this time, was that she’d really enjoyed doing it all for real. She remembered the very first time. The small girl, expecting to be fitted with loose plastic nipple clamps had opened her mouth to start her pretend screaming and had found to her horror that the screams were for real. The cameras had captured every second as the two little nipples were squashed flat by the nasty metal clips. Once over the first hurdle, Melanie had realised rather guiltily, that she was enjoying herself. The final caning scene had been a work of art. No silly faked yells and screams this time. Melanie had even put a camera just in front of the girls face enabling the edited version to show the look in her eyes as the cane slashed down. She licked her lips as she thought of the extra five thousand sitting in her Swiss account.

The encrypted emails she’d received a month ago had shocked her. She’d been about to refuse when the first offer followed almost immediately. With dollar signs in her eyes, she had accepted the requests to make similar films but using boys as well. It wasn’t just the money. She didn’t know a thing about boys. An only child, her boyfriends had never lasted more than a few days. She soon scared them away. Of course, she knew all about the male bits, but she’d never ever seen one close up. She smiled. Yes, using Bobby would be quite educational!

Emma was drinking a glass of orange juice, her bowl empty. Melanie washed up and chatted to Emma about her school, friends and toys. “I don’t suppose you have a boyfriend, do you?” she asked, wiping the table. “No miss” the little girl replied looking shocked. “Boys are so yucky!” Melanie laughed. “You’re probably right there.”

Bobby came in still wearing his blue underpants and white vest. “Have I got anything else to wear miss?” he asked, glaring at Emma on the other side of the table. “No Bobby, and don’t ask me again!” said Melanie. She was starting to feel irritated. “If you ask me once more, I’ll spank you!”

Bobby’s mouth fell open in amazement and she felt Emma’s eyes on her. Before they had chance to react, she ushered the two children into her study at the end of the corridor. Time for a serious chat.

She sat down behind her large mahogany desk, opened a drawer and pulled out a handful of glossy photos. “Right you two, I want you to look at these photos” she ordered, laying them out in neat rows. “Look carefully at each one and tell me what you think!”

Most of the photos were her own depicting young preteens in ropes, chains, gags, blindfolds, stretched out on strange looking devices being whipped, caned and spanked, hung upside down, dildos inserted into every hole, butt-plugs being inserted, the photos left nothing to the imagination. Some photos were from her clients and showed young boys in much the same positions. She leant back and watched as Emma and Bobby examined the photos, their eyes and mouths wide open in amazement.

Emma pointed to one of the photos. “What’s this boy got on his peepee?” Melanie laughed at the babyish word. “That’s called a cock ring Emma. It’s a stretchy rubber ring and it’s pulled over the boys willy and sometimes put over his little ball bag as well.” She saw Bobby glance at her and redden with embarrassment.

Melanie decided it was time to get down to business. She new from experience that kids were naïve but not stupid, and it was better to give them the facts right at the start.

“Those girls and boys in the photos are acting. Some of them had a great time, and today they’re all back home with their families.” She paused. “I’m not going to go into details, but this is exactly what I’m going to do to you! Not just photos though. I have to do a lot of videos, so you’ll both be film stars!” The children were very quiet, looking at the photos and listening. Melanie breathed deeply. “If you behave yourselves and do exactly what I say, you’ll both be home in one week.” They looked up, tears already forming in Emma’s eyes. “However, if you don’t do as I say, you’ll be punished and have to stay an extra week!” Melanie grinned at the shocked faces. They were too young to take it all in so quickly. They’d need a while longer to understand what she was saying.

She waited a few seconds before repeating everything she’d said. Bobby looked up, his high voice shaking. “What do you mean ‘punish’ miss?” Melanie looked at him sternly. “It means Bobby, that if you don’t obey every order, I’ll beat your bottom harder and harder until you change your mind!”

She stood up. “Well, I’m going to come back in ten minutes and ask you what you’ve decided. You stay here until I return. When I do come back, I don’t want any questions. You either do everything I say and go home in one week, or be punished and go home in two. It’s very simple!” She shut the door. From within she heard them crying. It was always like this, ten minutes of tears followed by a numb realisation of the facts.

While they cried, she went down to the basement where her two studios were hidden. The first was her ‘friendly’ studio, used for the soft porn Lolita photos. Brightly painted, it was well lit with flowers, soft rugs and a large double bed in the middle. Here she had an enormous wardrobe containing clothes that would have had any normal clothes store raided by the police within minutes. Melanie sorted through piles of clothing and selected appropriate garments for the children to wear around the house when not filming.

Back upstairs, she was pleased to see that the crying had stopped. “Well, have you decided?” she asked, holding the clothes. “Are you going to be good children and help me make lots of naughty photos and films?”

They looked up, their eyes red, and nodded. What else could they do. Bobby sniffed back his tears. Perhaps she’d let him go home even sooner if he did everything she asked. Emma just looked dazed by it all. Too young to have understood everything, she just knew that she had to do what the lady said, then she could go home to mummy. Besides, the lady wasn’t nasty, just strict. She glanced sideways at Bobby. At least that horrible boy had to stay as well. She wondered if the lady would put a funny ring on his peepee.

“Okay, well if that’s all settled, we can get going” said Melanie, unfolding the clothes. She gave a white tea shirt and black pants to Bobby. “Go in the next room, take your vest and underpants off, and put these on Bobby!” she ordered. “I don’t want to hear a word from you. Just do it and then wait for me there!” She smiled as he walked out. He was no doubt comforted by her respect for his modesty.

She turned her attention to Emma. “I’ll have to help you change, Emma” she whispered kindly. “These are very special clothes and I want you to look beautiful!”

Five minutes later, she looked both beautiful and spectacular. Fine white stockings pulled up to the very top of her legs, held up by four short suspenders attached to a soft white girdle and bra combination. Melanie had explained very carefully why she couldn’t wear any knickers with it. Emma had pouted slightly when she saw herself in the mirror. Wasn’t it rude to show her bottom and private parts like this? But the lady had told her it looked great, and to be honest, it did look kind of wicked.

Melanie stroked her hair and kissed her. “You look fantastic Emma. The sexiest six year old I ever saw!” Emma smiled at that. The lady’s hand patted her cute little bottom, then moved round to the front. Emma tensed as she felt Melanie’s finger stroke her small pussy. “Don’t ever be shy to show this off, darling!” whispered Melanie, giving her a hug. “It’s so very, very special. Much nicer than those silly dangly things that boys have!” Emma giggled.

Melanie went to the door and brought in Bobby. He was fidgeting and looked uncomfortable. “Miss, these pants are too tight miss” he whined, pulling them out of his crack for the tenth time. Melanie tried hard not to laugh. Bobby looked so sweet! The thin lycra shorts were slightly too small it was true, but they were very stretchy. Designed to hug every contour of the body, they were pulled deep between his buttocks, outlining his cute bum perfectly. The front was even better. Certainly nothing was left to the imagination! His little bulge could be seen in rather obscene detail.

“They look fine Bobby” she said, pulling his short white tea shirt down a bit. “Leave the shorts alone!” she ordered as he went to pull them out again. “They’re meant to be like that Bobby. I don’t want to see you doing that again!”

Bobby pouted, then looked at Emma and blinked. “Doesn’t she look beautiful?” Melanie asked, turning the little girl round. “Don’t you think she’s sexy Bobby?” Bobby looked at Emma with interest. At home, his sister was older than him and he’d never seen a girl’s private part before, apart from on the beach. Never as close as this.

Before Emma could react to his stare, she opened the door and walked out ordering them to follow her. Downstairs, she stopped in front of the studio. “Bobby, I want you to wait in the other studio while I’m taking photos of Emma. It won’t take long. I just want some preliminary shots.” She pushed him gently inside. “There are plenty of toys for you to look at” she said, smiling. Bobby had already seen the whips and chains hanging on the far wall.

Alone with Emma, she quickly made sure the digital camera was fully charged and placed the girl on the soft white rug. Emma was an obedient girl and giggled at some of the positions she had to adopt. “That’s right Emma, hands on your hips, smile!” Emma was enjoying herself. “Right Emma, blow me a kiss. Look sexy. Laugh, that’s right-pretend that Bobby’s having his willy spanked!” Emma doubled up with laughter at this. Melanie took shots from every angle. These would be excellent photos.

“Now a few rude photos” said Melanie, sitting Emma on the bed. “Legs as wide apart as you can-that’s lovely. Smile-perfect! Pull your pussy open a bit with you your hands!” Emma hesitated slightly at this, but did as she was told. “A bit more, bit more. that’s great! Now on your back and bring your legs back up to your chest-beautiful Emma! Wider-that’s right.

She lifted the girl off the bed. “Now just a few funny ones without these on and we’re finished” she said, removing Emma’s stockings and girdle. Emma watched as Melanie undressed her. The stockings had been a bit tickly and the girdle uncomfortable. She suddenly flinched as she felt Melanie’s hand stroking her pussy again. “Hey, don’t worry Emma” said Melanie softly. “You mustn’t feel shy. Once you get used to it, it feels so delicious!” Emma looked down with interest at the woman’s fingers gliding over her six year old pussy. Yes, it did feel kind of nice, especially when Melanie’s finger stroked her right in the middle. She closed her eyes. Hmmm, it was nice!

Melanie stood up and laughed. “Hey wake up. I’ve still got Bobby to photograph and I have to go out later.” She took some red rope from a drawer. “I want you to do some acting now Emma. I’m going to tie your hands behind your back and I want you to pretend to be really scared. Okay?” Emma nodded. It was just pretend-wasn’t it.

She put her hands behind her and felt Melanie tie them tightly. Suddenly she felt nervous. “Miss, please I don’t want to!” she squeaked, starting to cry. Melanie undid the ropes quickly. “Okay baby, that’s alright. If it’s scaring you, you don’t have to do it.” She held Emma and stroked her hair. “Tell you what Emma, I’ll just put them round your hands very loosely, and you can pretend they’re tied up-okay?” Emma sniffed and nodded. She felt a bit silly for crying. After all it was only playing.

Melanie wrapped the rope round the girls wrists, making it look realistic without it feeling tight. “Okay?” Emma smiled. “Yes miss.” The photos were very quick. “Look really scared darling!” Melanie called as she moved round taking snaps from the side. “Pretend there’s a big tiger just walked in!”

Next she took a small red ball gag and showed it to Emma. “Now just a few more with this in” she said, tickling the girl on her tummy. “It goes in your mouth and I tie it behind your head. Can you make your eyes look like you’re very scared?” Emma opened her mouth and Melanie popped the ball in and swiftly secured the strap. This was the bit that always scared the kids and she knew she had to move fast. “Right, look at me! Pretend there’s a monster coming towards you!” She’d only taken a few photos, when, sure enough, Emma started to look really scared and began grunting. Melanie took more photos as quickly as she could. These were so good! Real terror!

She gave it ten seconds before quickly removing the gag and ropes and cuddling a very tearful Emma. “Oh I’m so sorry Emma, I thought you were still acting! Don’t cry darling!” She held the sobbing little girl tightly. “You really are very beautiful you know-and such a good actress. I think you’ll be a famous film star when you grow up!” Her fingers brushed the girls pussy and she started to stroke again, edging her finger a little deeper. Emma’s sobs started to die down and she leant against Melanie. “There, there, just relax, just enjoy it” whispered Melanie. Emma closed her eyes. It was such a strange feeling. Why did her weewee hole feel so tickly? Her body relaxed and she felt like she was floating away on waves of pleasure. If only the lady would put her finger in a bit more- just a little bit.

Melanie held the little girl tighter and kissed her cheek, her finger seeking out the tiny preteen clitoris she knew was begging for attention. “You know Emma, one of the films I’m going to make this week is called ‘Little Dominatrix’. Do you know what that means?” Emma opened her eyes sleepily. “No miss”. Melanie grinned as the girl opened her legs wider. “Well it’s about a little girl who has a slave boy. You’ll be the beautiful girl and Bobby will be the naughty slave. He’ll have to do whatever you say. You’ll make him take his clothes off, play with his funny peepee, spank him whenever you feel like it.” She paused. “You’ll even be able to make him do what I’m doing now- though it’s probably even nicer if he uses his tongue!” Emma looked at her in amazement. Wouldn’t that be awfully rude? She closed her eyes again. Then again, if she was really the star and he was just a silly slave…

Emma’s breathing grew heavier and she pressed herself against the lady. It was really so nice! Melanie suddenly stopped and kissed her again. “That’s enough for now darling. I have to do Bobby now.” Secretly she was delighted that Emma could be sexually aroused so easily. Perhaps she could film her having an orgasm. Yes, why not?

After dressing the girl again, Melanie took her to the other studio and laughed at the sight of Bobby sitting on a bench waving a nasty looking whip through the air. “Come on Bobby, your turn!” she said, showing Emma the ‘toy box’. “You stay here Emma while I’m photographing Bobby. She glanced at the boy. “There are some of those cock rings I told you about in the box!”

Bobby stood self consciously on the rug while Melanie took her snaps. Why did she make him wear these awful pants? He was dying to pull them out of his crack, but he remembered the look in the lady’s eye. He shivered. At least he wasn’t showing his private bits like Emma! He’d had another cry while he was waiting. What did this woman want? Why didn’t she let them go home? It was silly taking photos of him.

“Good Bobby, now bend over a little bit more and hold your knees-that’s right. Lovely. Now put your legs wide apart-no a bit wider. Bend your knees and give me a big smile. Pretend a big bucket of ice-cream has fallen on your teacher’s head!” Bobby laughed. “Great Bobby, hands by your sides, look really frightened-can you? Good, now on the bed-good. Bring your legs right over your head like a gymnast. Excellent!” Melanie moved around him clicking away.

Stopping for a second, she pulled his tea shirt off over his head. “There, that’s better. Not cold are you Bobby?” The boy shook his head. “You are a handsome boy!” Bobby watched her put his tea shirt on the chair. She prodded his tummy gently. “Not getting fat are you?” she laughed.

Back on the rug, she took more photos. He was so cute! “Okay Bobby, turn round, that’s right. Put your hands on your hips-great. Now on your bottom-perfect!” Melanie paused while she put a new memory card in her camera. “Good Bobby, now hold the top of your shorts and pull them down at the back, just a little-just an inch or two.” Bobby hesitated for a second, then did as she said. “Good boy, now pull them down halfway over your bottom!” Bobby turned and looked at her, his voice a little unsteady. “Do I have to Miss?” Melanie smiled. “Don’t be silly, there’s only you and me here. Don’t you think I’ve seen lots of boys’ bottoms before? Now do as I say!”

Bobby swallowed and pulled his pants down more. “Lovely, now look at me over your shoulder, that’s right-try and smile. Pretend a policeman’s looking!” Bobby grinned. “Lovely, now put your tongue out at the policeman!” The boy stuck his tongue out and giggled. “Great, now pull them down just to the top of your legs-come on Bobby!” She spoke kindly but firmly. The boy slowly pulled his shorts down further, feeling the tight material being pulled out from where it had wedged deep between his buttocks.

“Good boy, now hands on your bottom again-lovely. Bend over again-great. Now right over. See if you can touch your toes-marvellous.” Bobby sighed and looked down at the front of his shorts. At least they were still covering his privates. He looked round at the lady taking photos. When would she let him pull them up?

“Stay like that a minute Bobby.” Melanie took a few close up shots. “Gosh, you’ve got a nice bum, haven’t you Bobby.” She said, tapping his right buttock lightly. “Do your parents ever spank you?” she asked, feeling his other buttock. Bobby took a few seconds to answer. “Yes Miss, sometimes.” She slid her finger down his crack. He squealed. It tickled when she did that. “Miss, can I stand up now?” Melanie laughed. “Yes, okay, but leave your shorts where they are!” He straightened and looked at her confused. Why couldn’t he pull them up?

“Good, now face me, that’s right. Now we’re going to do the same but with the front of your shorts.” Bobby gazed at her in horror, tears in his eyes. “But Miss, that’s not fair. You’ll see my privates. I don’t want to take them down. Can you just photograph my bottom and….” Melanie raised her hand. “Bobby, you saw those photos I showed you. All the little boys were naked. Now don’t be silly. I’ve been a teacher for years and I’ve seen hundreds of boys’ privates!” She grinned. What a lie! “They have to come down and I don’t have all day. Now just do as you’re told!”

The young boy started to cry and buried his face in his hands. Melanie knelt down and hugged him. “Oh don’t be such a baby!” she said softly, wiping his eyes. Her hand touched the front of his shorts. He gasped and looked up. “I tell you what Bobby. I’ll take them down just an inch at a time and take a few photos. We’ll do it nice and slowly.” She held the sides of his shorts and slid them down just a fraction. “Good boy, now don’t be scared. Just look at me for a second. Bobby sniffed. He didn’t want her to see his privates. Perhaps she’d just take the photos very quickly. Perhaps he’d only have to show his private parts for a few seconds, perhaps… “Just a little lower please!” said Melanie. Her tone was friendly but there was something in it that told Bobby she meant to be obeyed. He stifled a sob and pulled them down, just a bit more. “No, lower!” she repeated. “But Miss, my thing is going to..” “Lower Bobby!” she said a little louder.

He wiped a tear from his eye and pulled them down more. He suddenly felt his little willy pop out and he started to sob louder. “Good boy. There’s no need to feel embarrassed. I’ve seen hundreds and hundreds of boys’ willies before! Do please stop crying Bobby. There’s absolutely no need for all these tears!” She took some pictures. He looked so sweet with his small willy just sticking over the top of his pants.

“Pull them down to your knees now. That’s right. Good boy! Do try and smile!” Bobby wiped his eyes again. It wasn’t quite as bad as he thought. But when could he pull his pants up? He felt a bead of sweat trickling down his back. Was the lady nearly finished?

Melanie was ecstatic. She took snaps from every angle including some close ups of his penis and cute little balls hanging so innocently between his legs. Kissing him gently, she pushed his pants slowly down to his ankles. “Just get them off shall we?” she whispered winking at him. He was completely naked. As he stepped out of them she saw his lip start to tremble again. “Hey, hey, we don’t want any more tears!” She pulled him closer. “Come on, have a cuddle. You shouldn’t worry about me seeing your little privates.” Bobby nearly jumped out of his skin as he felt her hand holding his willy. “M…Miss, what are you…” “SShhh!” she whispered softly, kissing him again. “Just try and relax. Everything’s alright. Here, put your arms round me and just have a rest.”

With her hands gliding all over his private parts, it was difficult to relax. Why was she feeling his thing? Perhaps she was like a doctor. Perhaps she was just checking him. He sniffed and put his head against her. Her fingers seemed to be going everywhere. They were round his little bag now feeling the things inside. He flinched as her fingers prodded each one. Sometimes it felt funny-sort of tickly. His breathing slowed and he closed his eyes.

Was it only seconds or had ten minutes passed? He didn’t know. It just seemed so comfortable now with her arm round him and that nice feeling down there. He heard the lady laugh and opened his eyes. She was smiling. “Feeling better now are we?” she asked, kissing his cheek. He nodded sleepily and looked down. Suddenly he froze. His willy was sticking up straight in the lady’s hand. She saw his expression and kissed him again. “Don’t worry Bobby, it’s quite normal. I don’t mind at all.” She squeezed his willy a bit harder. “In fact I prefer it when it sticks up like this!”

The boy blushed a deep crimson. Why did his thing have to go hard now? It was sometimes hard in the morning and when he played with it in bed, but only mummy had seen it like this and she never said anything. It wasn’t fair. Was it a bad thing to happen? He looked at Melanie and she smiled. The lady said she didn’t mind and she was still holding it. It did feel ever so nice.

Melanie ran her finger over the tip. “Can you keep it sticking up for me while I take some photos?” she asked, tickling his balls. Bobby nodded, too embarrassed to talk. She took her camera and did a few close ups. “Hey, don’t let it go down!” she said, seeing his willy start to droop. Bobby watched in amazement as she quickly used her fingers to coax it back up. “Good boy, now hands on your hips and open your legs a bit wider-that’s right. “ She moved round quickly with the camera. “Hold it in your hand now-yes like that, now rub it a bit-good!”

Bobby started to feel a little more relaxed. The lady had seen everything he had and even liked him playing with his willy. Whenever he touched himself at home, mummy slapped his hand away. Was it wrong to touch it? Perhaps mummy just didn’t understand. After all, this lady was a teacher so she must know about these things.

Melanie stopped taking photos and pulled the boy gently to her. “Let me have a good look at it” she said, rubbing her thumb over the tip of his willy. She examined it closely noticing how he flinched if she tried to pull the foreskin all the way back. His little balls were so strange, she thought. If you watched them carefully you could see them slowly changing, contracting and then relaxing.

“I bet it’s nice when I do this, isn’t it?” she asked, starting to gently rub his stiff penis. Bobby swallowed. “Kind of Miss.” At that moment he felt he’d do anything she asked-just as long as she didn’t stop what she was doing. He remembered when he’d played with himself the week before. The tickly feeling had grown so strong he’d had to stop. He’d been afraid of what might happen if he carried on. This was much nicer!

“You know Bobby, this afternoon I’m going to make the first part of a film where you play a little slave boy. I hope you can make your willy hard when I’m filming. Would you like that?” Bobby nodded, most of his attention fixed firmly on what her hand was doing.

“Tomorrow, I want to do a nice little film called ‘Young rapist’ “ continued Melanie, rubbing a little faster. “Emma will have to wear a blindfold so she won’t be able to see you, but you can do whatever you want with her. You can even make her do this!” Lowering her head, she deftly popped his hot little erection in her mouth and played her tongue around it. Bobby gasped and gripped her tightly. “M..miss, please miss, it’s tickly, too tickly miss!” His high pitched voice grew louder and she let him go and watched his red willy twitch as though the tip was frantically searching for the nice warmth of her mouth.

“Okay, I think that’s enough for now” she said, giving his balls a little squeeze. She didn’t want him to orgasm just yet. Save it for the camera. She grinned as she planned the next few days.

Bobby sniffed and turned his head to one side. What was that? He heard whispering. If only he could see. The blindfold was tight, even tighter than the gag in his mouth. He tried to relax but the chains holding his hands high above his head kept him almost on his toes. They weren’t hurting. The lady had put soft wide cuffs around his wrists and had made sure they were comfortable. But how long had he been here? He knew if he wiggled his fingers, she’d release him. She’d promised. He was sure now the lady was close to him taking photos. Why had she made him wear these weird pants. Just as tight as the other pair, she’d showed him how they worked. Two small pieces of velcro kept the front attached to the back meaning they could be put on and taken off without him moving his legs. Why on earth was that important? He sighed. There was giggling from somewhere in front of him. That would be Emma. He tensed. He knew he was her slave boy in the film, but what was he supposed to do?

Melanie stopped taking photos and smiled at Emma, putting her finger to her lips. She couldn’t take her eyes off the girl. The perfect Dominatrix, she thought. The little girl was dressed almost the same as before, though this time in black and with the addition of long black boots. Melanie picked up a riding whip and tickled the girl’s pussy with the end. “Here, take this baby. Hold it in both hands and bend it a little. That’s right, now look at Bobby. You’re really angry with him. That’s great.”

Flicking a few switches on the wall, she adjusted the lights until they were just right. She glanced at Bobby, standing on a wooden platform, his arms pulled high over his head. She’d wrapped the chains loosely around his wrists, making it look as though they were really holding him up rather than being just attached to the cuffs. He’d only been there five minutes. She wondered if perhaps she could give him a break before continuing. No, he hadn’t wiggled his fingers and she’d made sure he was comfortable.

She pointed her remote control at a few of the video cameras positioned around the room. “Okay Emma, walk slowly round your naughty slave boy and do what I told you before. Okay?” The girl gripped the whip and nodded. “I’ll whisper what I want you to do. Remember, he belongs to you and you can do whatever you like with him!“

Standing back, she focused one camera on the girl, zooming in on her little pussy as the girl stroked it slowly, her eyes on the young boy helpless before her. Activating two more cameras, she watched as the girl started to gently run the end of the whip over the boy’s body.

Bobby flinched as he felt something touch him. It ran over his back. Then his front. What was it. It tickled. He swallowed nervously. Now his chest. It tapped his shoulders. Nothing for a few seconds. Then he felt it moving down his side. It tickled him again! He held his breath. Just as long as it didn’t tickle too much! Next it was on his leg, moving higher. Up his calf, behind his knee, his thigh. A slight pause, then it was nudging his balls. Bobby jerked back. He felt nothing for a second, then it was running over his lower back and down to his buttocks. He felt it tap each buttock a few times. Somebody giggled. What was Emma doing? Round to the front again, he felt it tap his bulge. He tried to move his hips back but it just followed him. He stayed still waiting for it to stop. It didn’t.

Emma stroked the end of the whip against the front of boy’s pants. That’s his willy, she thought, grinning. She glanced at Melanie. “Keep stroking it darling, nice and gently!” the lady whispered, pointing her remote at the side camera. Melanie smiled as the camera zoomed in on Bobby’s little bulge. Sure enough, after about a minute, she saw it move and start to grow, pushing out the front of his pants. Emma giggled. She knew what to do now. Melanie had explained how to pull the velcro fastener on the boy’s pants and remove them.

Bobby felt himself getting an erection. It was impossible not to. He breathed faster. Did it show? Would Emma notice? He felt his face getting red. He was just hoping that she’d stop stroking him when he felt a hand pulling something on his pants. He screamed behind his gag. No! She can’t! He wiggled his fingers frantically. The lady had to stop her. She couldn’t let a six year old girl see him like that!

Melanie smiled as she checked the camera on Emma’s left. The girl was holding Bobby’s pants and staring wide eyed at the boy’s stiff penis. The boy was writhing about, wriggling his fingers like mad. She laughed. What a scene! She looked at Emma. “Go closer and feel it!” she whispered. “He belongs to you remember. You can examine everything he’s got.” The little girl went right up to the boy and stretched her hand out. It looked so funny. Why on earth did boys have these strange dangly things? Why was this one sticking up?

Bobby felt her hand touch him and kicked hard. Emma staggered back clutching her leg and crying. He heard the lady shout something, then suddenly her hand slapped his bottom hard. Melanie gave him a second slap. “You stupid boy, why on earth did you do that?” She slapped him again. “You’ve just earned yourself a good slippering my boy. Any more stupid tricks like that and I’ll use the cane. Now stop wriggling and relax. I only want to do ten minutes more filming. Just behave!”

Bobby sobbed behind the blindfold. He wanted to stop. Why wouldn’t she untie him? He was starting to feel uncomfortable. He felt the air around his privates. The girl could see everything he had.

Melanie kissed the small girl and looked at her leg. “It’s okay darling, just a little bruise.” She glanced at the boy. She’d have to get him erect again, otherwise the film wouldn’t look right.. “Don’t worry, you’ll get your own back.” Emma looked up. “In a few days, we’re going to do a scene where you whip him. You’ll be able to whip his bottom as much as you want – and it won’t be pretend. Would you like that?” The girl smiled and nodded. Oh yes, she’d enjoy that very much!

Bobby eat his lunch slowly, occasionally glaring at Emma who sat opposite him. Melanie was washing dishes at the sink, humming one of her favourite songs. It wasn’t fair! He wriggled on the chair trying to stop his pants from riding up even higher into his crack. At least his bottom wasn’t sore like it had been. He sniffed and looked down at his half eaten sausages. She hadn’t been joking. She really had spanked him with a slipper after filming but she’d even filmed that as well. ‘Naughty schoolboy’ she’d called it. She’d dressed him in grey shorts and sweater, then told him off for ages before taking his shorts and underpants down. The slipper hadn’t really hurt that much. “Sounds much worse than it feels!” she’d said at the beginning, pulling him over her lap. It’s just that she had spanked him for ages, occasionally stopping to do something to the cameras.

He looked at Emma hugging her knees to her chest as she played with her food. She still wore those rude clothes that showed he privates, he thought. She noticed where he was looking and opened her legs wider as if mocking him with her cute little pussy. Bobby blushed. How could she do it and not be embarrassed? She didn’t care at all. He avoided her eyes. The ten minutes after he’d kicked her had been awful. The lady had finally got his thing hard again and then she’d let the girl play with it. He felt himself turning red at the memory. Her little hands had been everywhere. She’d even spanked him a few times, telling him what a naughty slave he was. The worst bit was probably when she’d pulled his foreskin right back. That had been so uncomfortable and he’d screamed behind his gag for her to stop. If that wasn’t enough, she’d pushed a rubber ring right up to hold the skin back. That had been really sore! He wiped a tear from his eye. Something told him she’d be seeing his privates again, probably very soon.

“Oh look Bobby!” he heard the girl say. She was holding a sausage in her fingers. “It looks just like your willy!” She laughed and bit it in half. Bobby glared and was about to say something when Melanie turned and told her off. “Don’t tease him Emma!” she said, trying not to laugh. “Boys don’t like jokes about their private bits.” She leaned against the sink.

“I’ve got to go out for a few hours now so I want you to be good.” She pointed to the window. “Whatever you do, don’t touch any of the windows or doors. You’ll set the alarm off.” The children listened in silence. “There are hidden cameras everywhere so I’ll know if you’re behaving yourselves. You can play in the studios downstairs if you like.” She looked at Bobby and smiled. “I don’t want you to be nasty to Emma while I’m gone, and as for you young lady, no teasing!” She kissed them both and tickled them playfully between the legs before leaving.

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


HOT and VERY captivating!

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