Published: 27-Mar-2013
Word Count:
Author's Profile
Chloe Winter was early for her appointment; so she took a few minutes to sit in her car and relax. Neither of her other appointments that morning had gone well. Both porn producers had listened politely and taken a look at the portfolio of pictures of her daughter Olivia; Olivia in a bathing suit, Olivia in a party dress, Olivia naked her legs spread and her smile inviting. But neither had shown enough interest to hire her, though one had mentioned that he thought the girl had potential and to come back when she'd got half a dozen more movies under her belt (literally, given the kind of movies they were talking about).
Chloe opened the portfolio and looked at it. There was no doubt, in her mind, that Olivia was pretty with that pre-teen sexiness that guys (and some women) loved. And Olivia was a slut, loving every second of the fuckings and screaming and screwing with enthusiasm. But perhaps that didn't come over in cold print, you might need to see it. Chloe took a deep breath and closed the portfolio, she had to relax and remember if Rome wasn't built in a day nor was her daughter's porn career. If she reflected, it wasn't doing too bad. They'd been here almost a month and already Olivia had done half a dozen movies, which wasn't bad and even if the money wasn't pouring there was enough to pay the rent with enough left over for Chloe to treat herself to a spa treat whilst Olivia was at school. The Mom took a deep breath and got out of the car, she straightened her blouse and tightened her suit top, it was important to look professional; in this town a pre-teen might get ahead by flashing some gash, an adult woman had no such luck.
The receptionist was efficiency itself, quickly buzzing Chloe through where she was met by an equally efficient PA who made her wait no more than a minute, before sending her through her appointment's office.
Doug Henley was in his early fifties, but in the right light would have looked younger. It was the wrong light and he looked his age. He smiled and gestured to Chloe to sit down in a seat opposite him. As she did Chloe took a look at his office; part of it was business like, the desk with a computer and papers, a shelf with box files. But there were other sign that he was a successful maker of pre-teen porn, the pictures on his walls of naked pre-teens, cum covered, holes opened - all taken from his movies; the front covers from some of his DVD's arranged in a montage on a wall behind him and on his desk an award from the 'Pre-teeners' for best gangbang scene. He stood up waiting as Chloe sat down and then took a seat himself, he smiled politely as he said, "I understand you're here to talk about your daughter, Olivia, is it? and whether I'd be interested in casting her for one of my movies."
"Yes," said Chloe, "She's new, but she's good."
"I see you've brought an up to date portfolio. I had a look at the pictures you send by e-mail, but I'm old fashioned, I find there's nothing like a proper glossy," he held out his hand and Chloe passed him the porfolio.
She sat, resisting the urge to fidget and wiggle impatiently, as he looked through. It seemed a good sign that unlike her last appointment he didn't turn over the pages as quickly as he could, but went through them slowly, looking intently at the pictures of Olivia. After a few minutes he put down the folder and slit back across to Chloe. She took it and waited for him to speak; he lent back in his chair and pressed his fingers together, looking like he was thinking. After what seemed like an age Doug spoke, "How old is she?"
"Ten," answered Chloe.
Doug said, "I see she's done a few movies, so she's not a complete beginner." Chloe nodded and Doug continued, "I liked the look of her so I took the liberty of putting in a call or two to a couple of the guys who directed her, seeing what they thought." Chloe could feel her insides knot as Doug paused for a second to draw a breath before he carried on, "They said good things about her; said she was a little performer, definitely worth a look."
Chloe felt her insides unwind, it seemed positive so she said, "Yes. Olivia's really enthusiastic, she always put her heart and soul into it."
Doug nodded, "I've got a scene coming up, which I think she'd work for, but it requires anal and when I asked the guys none of them had done an anal scene. Is she up for one?"
Chloe replied quickly, "She is. In fact she's was saying a few day's ago she was hoping she'd soon have an anal scene, " it was a lie, but a white one, Chloe knew her daughter well enough to know that Olivia would be happy with an ass-fucking.
"So she's not done one before?" Doug probed.
"Not on film, but she's done it plenty of times in her personal life," said Chloe.
"That's good, now let's get down to discussing her fee."
Chloe smiled, this was always her favourite bit.
Dave Watson loved his job; he was chief reviewer for 'No Teens Here' which billed itself as the biggest pre-teen porn magazine in the business. Whether it was or not was debatable, but it was certainly in the top three (or possibly four, if the straight shota magazine 'Boys and Babes' was included). Every month Dave got to review the pick of the pre-teen DVDs and websites, picking out his favourites for four stars and consigning the crap to the trash can of one (or even zero stars). And every month, one and one only would get the coveted Five Stars.
He frowned, this month was much more difficult than normal, Sandy Johanssen had released a DVD, and whilst it was a compilation of lots of scenes from other movies, they contained many of her best scenes - a complete two hours of continual jack-off material from one the best cum dumps in the business. But she was competing against 'Mommy loves me', four top notch movies where young pre-teeners made out with women aged from fourteen to forty - and as he watched it Dave Watson's prick hadn't gone down once, all the pre-teeners had been gorgeous little nymphos and the oldies have been hot as hell as well, combining perfectly.
But what made him pause, what he was agonising over was the third DVD, 'Pre-teens on the go'. There were five scenes on it and four were good, not brilliant, but worth unbuttoning your pants and pulling your dick out for. It was the fifth that made it stand out. He had watched it a dozen times, watching young Olivia Winter as she first sucked and then fucked the thirty something stud. She was beautiful, that was true, cute and blond, with slender body and tiny hardly formed bumps for titties. But it wasn't her looks, or not just them, that had enamoured him - it was her enthusiasm, she had sucked the schlong like she had be stuck in a nunnery for years, slurping and sucking away like she was born with a dick in her mouth. And the way she had jumped the guy's dick was incredible, her body quivering as she took it all and bouncing like she was elastic, all the while screaming and shouting out her enthusiasm. She was a natural, but she was unknown.
He gave a sigh, much as he'd like too it would be too unprofessional to give her the pick of the month, not when Sandy was releasing in the same month.
Olivia Winter finished talking to Mr McAndrews, her teacher, and walked over to her desk. She was sure he was checking out her small pre-teen ass as she walked, encased as it was in a tiny little mini; if he wasn't he should be. Her friend Lila Menzies looked at her as she took her seat, "So are you filming tonight?" A lot of the girls in the school worked in the pre-teen porn industry and it was common that they needed to leave school early to shoot.
Olivia smiled for a second, then she nodded. "Mom told me last night she'd got me something booked. They just finished the contract yesterday and I signed it when I got home from school."
"Anything interesting?" asked Lila.
Olivia looked around and then leant forward conspiratorially, "My first anal." It was a sign she was still new that she thought that her classmates would have been interested, in reality few of them were, plenty of the young girls in the class were long-term pros who'd done plenty of anal scenes and the many of the boys were brothers of stars and from homes where pre-teen ass-fucking was talked about over the kitchen table.
Lila was interested, not because she was inexperienced or new herself, she had taken plenty of boners in her butt over her two years in the business, but because she was Olivia's friend. She gave a smile, showing her little gap-tooth, "Wow, that sounds good. You've done it before? I mean not on film, but you know... with a boyfriend."
"Oh yeah," said Olivia, "but it's different from personal. I mean you go on a couple of dates with a guy before you let him fuck you up the ass, this time it'll be someone I hardly know doing it," she paused aware she was sounding prudish, then she gave a grin to Lila, "I'm looking forward to it though. That's why I came to this town, for the dick and for the money."
"Preaching to the choir," agreed Lila, "That's what we're all here for." She smiled, "So who are you doing it for?"
"It's for Doug Henley of Petite Girls, for the 'Brother, I want your cock' series," said Olivia.
"I've done one of them," Lila replied. She smiled and said, "It was fun."
"There's not much of a plot; I'm alone in my bedroom and in comes my brother, it doesn't take long before he's dicking my butt," said Olivia.
"Do you know who he is?"
"Joe Vergara, he's pretty young only about nineteen" said Olivia.
"I know him, he's been around a year or so. He won't look like your brother though, he's Latino, not blonde."
"All I care is he good," grinned Olivia back.
"Oh he's good..." Lila was about to say something when their teacher stood up and coughed as he started to take the register.
The editorial staff of 'No Teens Here' sat round the table sipping lattes and eating croissants, spread in front of them were various A3 sheets with potential layouts, papers filled reader's stories and letters from which they would pick a selection and plenty of photos of young pre-teeners who would be appearing in the next edition.
But Bunty McGuire was still not happy, she was a forty something woman with a big thighs and an even bigger body; no-one had ever called her an oil painting and her love life had been a series of disasters. But she lived for her job and never put out an issue of pre-teen porn that wasn't 100%. She stared round at her colleagues, pausing at each one of them hoping they'd challenge her as she slowly said, accentuating each word, "This is crap." She paused and expanded her argument with a sigh, "It's the same old stuff as last month." She picked up one of the sheets of paper and glanced down it, "Look at these readers letters... 'I met a girl at the shops' 'I banged my daughter's best friend' 'I anally fucked a nine year old student'. Shit guys, change the names and words and it's the same as last month."
The staff gave a nod, but didn't have time to offer any suggestions before she picked up a photo, "Becky Cooze, Charleen, Cherry Wilkins... They're all great girls and I'm sure half the fucking readership would give their left testicle to get their lips round their cocks, but shit... they're not new. You want a picture of Charleen finger fucking herself - you got that three issues ago, Cherry strips out of her party dress the issue before that... fuck, I don't disagree she was fine, but she's not fresh. We need new blood..."
Dave Watson gave a small cough, "Bunty... there's a new girl I saw in a video, Olivia Winter. She's pretty hot... no make that really hot. We could do a spread with her, perhaps a few questions about her ambitions and stuff."
Bunty nodded "That's the type of thing I like to here. So guys brainstorm, what else have we got?"
Olivia was sitting on the bed in a small nightie. Around her were the film crew, making their last minute adjustments. The make-up girl touched a little bit more powder on the pre-teener's nose and cheeks before going to sit with Chloe in the side of the room. Doug Henley, who directed as well as producing his films was talking to Joe giving him some last minute instructions. He finished and Joe walked to the fake the door which he was going to come through. Doug came over to Olivia, "How are you feeling," he smiled pleasantly.
"Fine," said Olivia and then decided that sounded too unethusiastic so she gave a big beaming grin and added, "Really looking forward to it."
Doug ruffled her blonde hair in a fatherly way, "I know this is your first anal, so relax, just let it flow." He smiled again, "I think you're a natural yeah?"
"I do enjoy," confessed Olivia.
"Don't we all, I sometimes can't believe we get paid for this," Doug shook his head in wonderment. Then he straightened, "You've used a dildo in your ass?"
"Yes, just enough to open it," said Olivia.
"Good, Joe's lubed up, but not too much, we don't want the viewers get blinded by the lights shining off the lube," said Doug. He smiled again and ruffled her hair, "You remember the lines? We'll do it one run-through. I'll edit it later."
"I remember them," confirmed Olivia.
"Good, let's shoot this baby," Doug said. He walked to the side of the room and said, "Let's go."
Olivia got into position, lying face down on the bed and pretending she was reading a book. She kicked her legs and let her nightie slide down her legs and onto her bottom. She knew one of the cameramen would be zooming in to film her exposed pussy, teasing the viewer. The door opened and in walked Joe. He was wearing a pair of sports shorts and rubbing his hair with a towel, water ran down his muscular torso. He patted his damp hair once more and then let his arm drop so the cameras could focus in on his pecs. He grinned, "Hi sis."
Olivia turned her head, "Hi Joe," she said. Her eyes moved down to his packet, she'd seen him pumping it earlier, it was eight inches of schlong. She stared at it for a moment and then moved her gaze back up to his face, "Are Mom and Dad gone yet?"
"Yes," replied Joe, "They've just gone. I'll be babysitting you for the evening alone."
He sat down and his hand moved up the back of her thigh, slowly massaging at her naked flesh. "That tickles," giggled Olivia and wiggled herself some more. Jon's hand continued up to her butt, resting there and squeezing it slightly. Olivia giggled some more and let him stroke her. His hand moved again, sliding over her ass crack and then down between her legs and over her pussy. She gave a little moan as his finger slid between her puffy lips between the gap of her pre-teen hole. Her little pussy was dampening with excitement and she shuddered, aware one of the camera's was zooming in on Joe as he touched her pussy. He carried on for a few moments, as she gave little titters of enjoyment, before she said "That feels good."
"You're wetter than the girls at school," said Joe, "The slutty ones at least." He pulled his finger away as Olivia moved onto her knees facing him. They looked at each other and then moved into kiss, their mouths closing together. Olivia felt Joe's lips open and his tongue move into hers and for a few moments she was lost in his kiss. Then his head moved back and he said, "Prettier too."
Olivia smiled and nodded. She started to pull up her nightie, Joe's hands helping her as she slid it over her head. The naked pre-teener sat on the bed, her legs beneath her. Joe's dick was straining at his sport shorts. It got harder and straighter as Olivia reached in and pulled it out, she stroked the dick, "You're big," she said in amazement, "Are all boys this big?"
Joe didn't answer. Instead he got off the bed and pulled down his shorts, his hard schlong stuck out, his shaved balls made him seem even bigger than he was and Olivia's stomach jumped with excitement. He got back on the bed and his head moved down to her little nubs, they were so small that they easily disappeared between his lips as he sucked one and then the other, alternating between the two little bumps, his tongue and lips playing with the nipples. Olivia gave little moans and with one hand began to finger her wet hairless pussy, sliding a finger into her smooth pre-teen cunt. It was so good to have Joe licking her tits as she played with her titties that she could have stayed there for ever, but that wasn't what the film was about, so she took his cock in her other hand and began to gently jack it back and forth, masturbating the thick slab of meat. She carried on moaning in pelasure as she did, crying out little gasps and giggles, "Oh Joe, oh brother, oh I love you Joe."
Joe brought his face up from her pre-teen nubs and kissed her again, holding her naked body close to his as they made-out, his hands reaching down under her buttocks and gripping them hard. After a few seconds he broke, "You little nubs are so sexy Olivia. They taste so good."
"They do?" giggled Olivia, "Fair's fair, let me taste your dick."
She began to kiss and lick his boner, running her tongue up and down the hard member, coating it with spit as she moved from his tip down to his smooth balls. Then after she had licked it enough she slid her mouth over it and began to suck, moving her head slowly up and down and giving him a first-class bj. Joe groaned in excitement, his hand moving to her head and pushing her gently down. Olivia carried on sucking, starting to move energetically and vigorously, but not enough that Joe was going to cum. She pulled her head up, "That was yummy. Did you like it?"
"Yeah," grinned Joe. He picked her up and turned her over on to her back, his hands moved onto her cheeks and he plucked and pulled at them, exposing her tiny-puckered hole, "Can I bang you in the butt?" he asked.
"Oh yes" said Olivia excitedly. Joe pulled her buttocks apart further and lying down on her began to push his schlong into her hole. Despite her earlier preparation with the dildo and his lubing, the eight incher was still a tight fit. The contorted expression on her face and uttered groans weren't totally a product of acting, but gradually he pushed it in, sometimes having to pull back and thrust again to get that extra push. Olivia grunted in pleasure, his cock might have been big, but that was how she liked them, stretching her pooper and making it ache with pain and pleasure. She let out a cry, "Oh that's good, fuck me, fuck me."
Joe continued to thrust, his naked body battering down on her bare back and his schlong slamming into her ass. He grunted in pleasure as he moved, drops of sweat falling from his forehead onto her. Olivia gripped the bedding, pulling it towards her and looking directly into the camera, "Oh, oh, that's it fuck me, fuck my ass, fuck my ass so fucking hard. I want your dick to wreck my butt, I want you to turn my shithole raw with your big dick. Faster, harder, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!"
Whether it was her calls or Joe's professionalism, but he did, ramming her pooper more vigorously with his thick meatpole. Olivia screamed and cried, her body shivering in pleasure as she was filled and stretched, "Oooh, oooh, fuck me, ram my ass. Treat me like a whore, fuck me like an anal hooker!" Her screams were loud and passionate.
After a while they changed position, with Joe on his back and Olivia in reverse cowgirl position, his hands under her thighs, keeping them up and open so that the cameraman could focus on her smooth pussy and the hard schlong entering her bottom. Joe thrust upwards, hard, sweating and grunting as he pounded the ten year old's ass. Olivia's hands rubbed at her body, she could feel the sweat and perspiration, feel the heat rolling from her like lava as Joe's cock continued up and down in her ass. She screamed loudly in enjoyment, "Oh that it's. Ram my fucking asshole open, screw my butt, bang my fuckhole with your huge member."
Joe thrust harder, ramming his cock so far into her that his balls almost followed, completely filling her with his member. Harder and harder he pounded, as she screamed and writhed, putting on such a show of pleasure that the camera loved her.
"Oh fuck, I'm ready," gasped Joe, almost apologetically as he pushed Olivia off his cock. The pre-teener was up and on the floor on her knees as Joe stood beside her and pumped. Olivia giggled as his warm cum showered her face, coating her in his manhood. He grunted and jacked until every strand was out and dripping down her.
"That's great," Doug Henley came forward. He waved at one of the cameramen who put down his movie camera and picked up a small digital. Doug turned back to Olivia, "Let's just take a couple of stills as well, for the cover." The cameraman moved closer and started to snap a few of the cum covered pre-teen; Olivia smiled and posed, making sure he got the best side of her. Doug nodded and then said, "Could you get on the bed, on your back and pull back your legs to your ears, we want to take some of your used hole, it'll be gaping."
"Sure," said Olivia and did as she was asked. The cameraman moved to take a few photos of her still open ass, as Olivia posed seductively. Without Joe's cock in it the open hole felt chilly, but it was also starting to slowly close, though it would be hours before it reached normal size.
Doug grinned, "That's great Olivia. That was one of the best shoots I've seen." He handed her a towel and she started to towel away the cum as he carried on, "If you're interested I'll see your Mom and line you up some other movie."
"Am I ever," said Olivia enthusiastically.
Doug nodded, "You better go get dressed."
Olivia nodded and still holding the towel the naked pre-teen walked over to her Mom to give her the good news. Now the shoot was over her Mom had checked the messages on her mobile and was now on the phone talking animatedly. She put a hand up as she saw her daughter approach to indicate she didn't want to be disturbed for a few moments. Olivia almost hopped from foot to foot with impatience as her Mom talked into the phone. It seemed ages before her Mom stopped and turned to her.
"I've got some news..." both said at once.
"You first," said Chloe.
"Mommy, Doug really loved the scene, he want's to talk to you about booking me again," said Olivia clapping her hands with excitement.
"That's great honey, I think you're starting to take off as I've just been talking 'No Teens Here' magazine and they want to do a photoshoot with you and then an interview.
Olivia gave a squeal of excited delight
Olivia was excited at doing the photoshoot for 'No Teens Here', they were one of the bigger magazines, available on many a top shelf all across the country. Whilst it wouldn't be as famous as appearing in 'Playpre-teen' it would still raise her profile and hopefully lead to lots more movies, and lot more cocks. The shoot itself was solo, 'No Teens Here' usually did that, though now and then they might do a couple of girls tomorrow. Not that Olivia minded, she was wet with excitement at showing her goodies. She was lying on a double bed with a big teddy bear between her knees, wearing a tight pair of blue jeans and a shocking pink T-shirt. The photographer was taking a couple of intro shots, used as the first in the series to show the preteener fully dressed. She smiled at him and he smiled back, "That's it, you're very beautiful."
She smiled wider as he said, "Loose the teddy bear". She tossed the teddy bear to one side and sat on he knees, looking seductively at the camera as the photographer clicked away. "Loose the top," he said. Slowly Olivia did as he said, pulling at the hem and lifting it gradually up, exposing first her cute tummy and belly-button and then her tiny pre-teen bumps. The photographer carried on clicking, taking shot after shot of the topless pre-teen as she posed, her hands moving to her waist and then up her sides, to cover and play with her tiny, almost-non-existent tits. She could see the man was hard, which was always a good sign and she licked her lips as she fiddled with her nipples between her fingers.
The photographer took some more shots before saying, "Stand up and start taking your jeans down. I'm gonna take a couple of shots from the rear of your cute little ass and then some of that lovely hairless slot."
"Okay," said Olivia. She stood up and turned her back to the photographer. Unbuttoning her jeans she began to pull them down, the tight denim squeezing at her skin. She could hear the click of the camera and bent over slightly to give her ass a more rounded look.
"Perfect," the man said and moved in front of her. He got to one knee and snapped away. Olivia started to pull her jeans further down, pausing once they got to her knees to rub her pussy and stick a finger in it; it tickled her and got an approving nod from the photographer. "Good," he said. Olivia slid it in deeper and then taking it out, stuck the digit in her mouth and sucked. The photographer clicked away at the seductive pre-teener. Olivia carried on with her jeans, sliding them down to her ankles and stepping out of them so she was left clad only in her white socks.
"I want some sexy poses..." the man grinned and they began to go through them.
First were shots of Olivia lying on the bed with her legs in a V shape. In some of the shots she was fingering her pussy and in others rubbing her tiny mounds and in some she wasn't touching herself, just lying with her arms spreadeagled.
Next were some of her sitting on a stool, her legs agape again and her hands behind her head as she thrust her body out, or down with her pussy as she slid one or two or three fingers over and into her smooth pussy. She would lick them seductively after and open her legs even wider, exposing the pinkness between her legs.
Then were some pictures of her playing with a small dildo, standing up and sucking it, sitting on the edge of the bed and rubbing herself with it, between the small nubs of her tits, over her belly and between her legs. Then she lay on her back and masturbated, the photographer taking shot after shot off the toy sliding into her naked cunt and her face twisting in pleasure.
Finally, she got on her hands and knees and he took photos off her behind, as she pulled apart her cheeks and touched her tiny puckered hole with her finger, easing it in just a little.
"That's great," the photographer said, "Fantastic."
Olivia was at school and Chloe was at a computer in an internet store, looking through her messages. It was mostly spam, but there was one from 'No Teens Here', the interview with her daughter they were sending to her in advance. Chloe opened the attachment and began to read...
'You may not have heard of Olivia Winter, but trust me you will. She's ten year old blonde beauty, with deep blue eyes and the most sexy smile (and if you don't believe check out the pictures in this issue). Originally from Virginia, she's just moved to Hollow's Green and entered the industry. She's sitting with me, wearing just a towel and that smile, still glowing from only her second anal scene. Even the shower she's just taken to wipe away all the cum hasn't got rid of the smell of sex, this pre-teener practically exudes it.
I ask her how's she finding the experience of entering the porn business. She smiles and laughs, "I'm loving it. Everyone is so nice; you hear terrible stories about girls been conned and tricked, but it isn't true. It's fantastic." She smiles and talks about how friendly everyone is on her shoots, from the camera operators and make-up ladies to the directors and male talent. And she seems to genuinely mean it; some girls talk that way because they think they have too or because they think it'll help them get on, but Olivia seems to really enjoy working with her new colleagues.
She's equally complimentary about her Mom, "Best Mommy ever" who doubles as her manager. "I wouldn't be here without her; she's so supportive every step of the way. She really looks out for me." Some people say any porn star who has a parent for a manager had a prude for a manager, and that they hold them back from doing some of the hardcore stuff, not wanting to see their little beauties violated. I put it to Olivia. She laughs, "I've just being having a big dick rammed up my ass."
'So does she like anal?' She twists a lock of hair seductively, "What girl doesn't?" she asks with a smile, "Yes, love it." She's certainly enjoyed the last scene, which I had the pleasure of watching her film, stripping out of her jeans, before sucking the older man and then taking his cock between her butt-cheeks. She's certainly an enthusiastic performer, screaming and yelling and moving like she's on fire; there's no doubt she's enjoying it. She's not done a lesbian scene, but is looking forward to doing one "or more." She's also hoping to film a scene with a couple of guys, "I just love thinking about it and imaging what its like to have one guy pull out of my hole and have him immediately replaced by another. That's just something I've got to do and soon."
She's certainly got plans. "I've got three years as a pre-teener and I want to bang my way through them."
"I entered this business to get laid and make movies; I want to be the best, as the best get fucked all the times." She says this with that mixture of innocence and sluttishness that makes her so appealing.
I ask her about boyfriends and learn she's currently single. Not that she minds, apart from the dicks she's getting whilst filming she's enjoyed a few one night stands since moving to Hollow's Green.
"You just know most men here are up for a bit of pre-teen pussy, it makes it so easy."
"So if she was looking for a boyfriend what would she look for?".
She teases me with a serious face, "Well they need to be sensitive and smart and treat me like a proper little girl with trips to the zoo and pony rides." Then she laughs and giggles and its contagious and I laugh too as she shakes her hand, "In a boyfriend... I just want someone who'll fuck me, that's all I want is dick in my cunt and ass."
I can say with certainty that's what we all want for Olivia as well.'
The reviewing period for this story has ended. |