The Life of Cassie Brown

[ g-mast, voy ]

by TNT


Published: 20-Mar-2011

Word Count:

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show Story Summary
This story is a fantasy designed for entertainment. In real life these actions are neither entertaining nor acceptable.

"Hi, Mommy. Are you okay? You look worried?" ten year old Cassandra 'Cassie' Brown skipped from the bedroom into the small living room in the tiny apartment she shared with her Mom. It was barely big enough to fit them both and the cracks in the wall were large enough to fit your fist in. As if that wasn't enough, outside the shouts of street vendors and hookers competed with the blare of cop-sirens, all easily heard through the rotten window frame and single pane glass.

Melinda Brown looked up; the apartment was cheap and on their budget it was all she could afford. They been in Los Angles three months, with nary a sign from the deadbeat she'd married, no pleas for them to come back, or threats of court action. No alimony either. Melinda had been so sure that with her charm and looks the producers and film makers would be queuing up for her - she'd several times won first prize in the local beauty pageant and had acted in a couple of school plays, with distinction. But that didn't seem to cut any way in Tinsel Town and it certainly didn't pay the rent.

"Nothing baby," said Melinda, "Let's head out and hit the shops."

"'kay," Cassie's smile was as peppy as her bounce and she almost skipped out the door. Melinda paused long enough to grab her keys and follow her daughter. The lift was broken as normal; the stairs smelt of piss and worse, but there wasn't much choice. Taking her daughter's hand Melinda went down stairs. The lobby was grimy, with a pockmarked receptionist watching some Mexican soap-opera; the fluorescent like flickered making him look pale one second and dark the next. He cast a brief look in the Brown's direction and possibly leered, or it might have just been his natural expression Melinda didn't know. In either case she wasn't interested. She turned and headed for the exit, not sure where they were going, but anything to kill a few hours.

A leaflet, sitting on a rickety table near the entrance caught her eye. The owner seemed to have a fetish for dumping advertising flyers, whether he got paid for them or whether it was a doomed attempt to cheer up the tenants was impossible to tell. Normally Melinda walked past buy one get one free Pizza offers only tempted if you could afford the first Pizza and car washing services were less appealing if the dirt was all that was keeping your banger together. But this leaflet was different, for starters it was headed 'Girls - earn big bucks'.

Below it was a picture of a girl, about eleven or twelve. She was naked, her legs open and pouting at the camera. Yellow stars over her pre-teen nipples and slit hid them from view, if not from imagination. Below her, framed by two other girls, even younger, but with their panties on and hands over there no-existent tits was more writing, "Pre-teen models wanted. Glamour sessions paid in cash."

There was a number below, with an e-mail address under that

Melinda picked up the leaflet and looked at it. Consensual pre-teen pornography had just been legalised less than a couple of months ago. She had heard rumours that it paid well, as there were plenty of consumers but not many models. The thirty-year old looked at Cassie, the young girl was standing by the door looking both sweet and seductive. She was thin, with long blonde hair and a gap-tooth smile, one that with her cheerful personality was often on view. She was the type that Melinda guessed would be popular and Cassie was such an extrovert as well. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her mobile, dialing the number on the leaflet.

There was few moments of the phone buzzing before it was picked up.

"Angelic Models. How can I help?" it was a woman speaking, with the neutral tones of a professional receptionist. That made Melinda feel better, it didn't sound like a fly by night con-scheme which would snap some pictures and run.

"My name's Melinda Brown. I'd like to bring in my daughter Cassandra for a Glamour Session."

There was the sound of typing from the other end and small pause, "Has she modelled for us before? She's not on our database."

"No," replied Melinda, "She's never done any modelling."

The typing stopped and the woman paused, "Thank you Ms Brown. I'm afraid we don't do sessions without seeing her portfolio to see if she's suited for our needs. What I would suggest is you get some photographs of her e-mailed to us, some clothed, enticing, nude, whatever you thinks works and if we like her we can arrange a proper session."

"Okay," Melinda nodded, "We'll get some over to you."

"I look forward to it," said the secretary with polite indifference, "Thank you and goodbye."

The phone went dead.

"Who was that?" asked Cassie.

"Do you want to be in some photos?" asked Melinda, "Naughty photos without any clothes."

"Sure," giggled Cassie.

"In that case," her Mom replied smiling, "It's our ticket out of this shithole."


Melinda hoped the investments were worth it. The camera, the new clothes and getting Cassie's hair and nails done at an expensive salon had all bored deep through her small savings and well into her credit card. If the model agency didn't like them, they were sunk and would be begging for food beside the interstate.

However, looking at the beautiful ten-year old angel in front of her Melinda couldn't believe that the agency could be anything but entranced, what with her ruby red-lips, blushed cheeks and long, curly blonde hair she looked like a literal angel. Especially with the pale-blue party dress she was wearing, the outfit Melinda had thought she'd photo. The young girl was bouncing with excitement as her Mom picked up the camera. She raised it to her eyes and said, "Smile."

Her daughter opened her mouth and rewarded her with a gap-tooth grin.

"Act cheeky," said Melinda. She snapped and snapped again as Cassie stuck out her tongue and waggled her thumbs in her ears. The young girl danced around the apartment bedroom, throwing her round and down, with cheeky grins and wicked laughs. Melinda licked her own lips, watching Cassie was making her horny, but she knew she had to remain professional, "Okay stand in front of me, turn your back and let down your dress, about half-way."

The little girl did as she was told. The satin dress fell to her waist, exposing her flawless skin, the silky blonde hair flowing down sensually against the light tan from the LA sun. Cassie turned her head over her shoulder and purred seductively for the camera, licking her lips like she was a seasoned pro rather than a ten year old amateur.

"Face me, again" said Melinda,

The young blonde did so. Neither hands, nor hair, nor dress covered her two pre-teen nubs. Seeing that her Mom was pointing the camera at them Cassie leant forward, pushing the nipples out, before erotically sliding her hands up so the were only visible if you held the camera at the right angle. She smiled, "How's this?"

"Very sexy," laughed her Mom, "Now wiggle your way out of that dress."

Like a seductress Cassie slid down the party dress, her smile never leaving her sexy angelic face as her Mom moved round taking pictures from all angles and appreciating the enticingly, teasing way that Cassie moved. The young pre-teen stepped out of her dress and stood above it, her hands on hips, seeming to shout sexual defiance against the world. Her white cotton pants had a small cat embroidered on them, either symbolic or a co-incidence.

"Now let's see some pussy and ass," ordered Melinda, raising the camera again.

Cassie spun round so her back was facing her Mom and slowly peeled the panties down, exposing her firm and slender buttocks. Melinda clicked away, as Cassie pulled the panties slowly up again and twisted back to face her Mom. She grinned cheekily as she began to lower them for a second time. Her cunt was smooth and hairless. And deeply attractive... if Melinda hadn't been her Mom she'd have been tempted to throw down the camera and bury her face in it. If it was having that affect on her, God knows what it would do to others.

Cassie paused when her panties were at her ankles and stood with her legs as far apart as the elastic of the underwear would allow. She moved her hands up and down her sides, "You like?"

"So sexy..." agreed Melinda. It had suddenly become hot. She reached up and wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead, "Now let's get rid of the panties and move to the couch."

Leaving the panties on the floor Cassie sat on the couch and spread her legs. Melinda dropped down to one knee and began to snap close-up after close-up of the sexy pre-teen twat. Cassie's began to move her finger across the hole, moaning with excitement as her Mom took photos by the dozen. The young blonde's finger slid into her hole and she began to work it around. Melinda felt her own cunt wetting up as she continued to snap away, "That's it baby, work that hole."

The young temptress jammed her finger deeper, before pulling it out. Seconds later it returned, joined by a second digit. Cassie began to finger herself quickly as her Mom shot picture after picture of the blonde's pussy, her bucking body and her expression filled face. Melinda knew that the pictures would be damn hot, especially as the Cassie was turning her on.

"Wow, baby, wow," said Melinda, taking the camera from her face, "That's going to knock them out."

"I hope so Mommy," replied Cassie, "but you said I'd have a toy."

"I'd almost forgotten," Melinda put down the camera temporarily and reached for the pink dildo on the kitchen counter. It was one of her smaller ones, but for her daughter's tight hole, she didn't think the large ones would fit, "You remember what I said to do with it?"

Eyes twinkling Cassie took the dildo from her Mom and ran her tongue down it like it was a lolly. She looked up with a sexually, mischievous grin, "I remember Mommy."

She continued to run her tongue over it as Melinda took more pictures, before sliding it into her open mouth and sucking it, again like it was an unmeltable lolly. Melinda felt her pussy boil, how professional porn photographers coped she had no idea. She took another picture, framing the toy as it slid between her daughter's ruby red lips, "Now put it in your cunt."

"Yes, 'kay," Cassie slid the toy into her hole. It might have been small for Melinda, but for the pre-teen it was large. The young blonde gasped in pleasure as it pushed apart her cunt and went deep. She began to wiggle it back and forth as Cassie snapped away, her body arching. Melinda took more shots and yet more, some of the girl's whole body, some of her face and some of her twat as it was filled with rubber.

Eventually Melinda decided she had enough for a demonstration. She lowered the camera, "Let me send these off and then we wait."

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i hope there is more to this story. it's a crime to leave at this. we need more!


Great story start. Please continue. And I hope someday soon, the 'morality police' really will relax a bit! - Corn53


The story is good. Hope there is more coming very soon.


Hello, Great story so far....wish it was really like this....being able to buy whatever you want....we can all dream I suppose


You are a very good writer. Please continue

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