Olsen Twins Pass Gangrape.101

[ Mmmmff, ped, rape, nc, anal, celeb ]

by tjf27


Published: 11-Feb-2011

Word Count: 9478

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show Story Summary
Author Note: This is a fictional story involving violent sexual scenarios and may offend many. Also if you are not above the age of 18, I strongly suggest you read no further. By no means do I condone the acts depicted in this story.

Chapter One

I'm sitting here alone in my empty apartment complex. I haven't slept for weeks. My last unemployment check came in the mail today. I needed to write this account of my life, for my own personal piece of mind. I was fired two months ago from my teaching position at Langley Junior High. I had worked there for five-years.

I never thought my desire for nubile young bodies would surface in such a horrific manner, but unfortunately the Devil has powers over me that I must not be able to harness. What makes it worse was not the act itself, but who bared the brunt of my carnal desires. I wake up in a cold sweat every night. What did I do that was so horrible you ask? I raped the Olsen Twins.

It all started a week before school was supposed to be let out. I walked into my math class; preparing to hand back the test papers I had graded the night before. I sat sown behind my large oak desk and took the tests out of my briefcase. "All right class these are your test papers," I said with a tired tone. I placed the stack of thirty exams on the corner of my desk. "Joey, would you pass these out please?" In the front row to my right was Joey Bishop. The kid was the best student in my class. Unfortunately for him he was kind of a nerd. The kids at school harassed him to no end.

"Sure Mr. Tompkins." He got up from his chair and made his way to my desk. But as per usual he tripped on his own feet on the way. He fell face down on the floor, bashing his nose hard onto the tiled floor. He picked himself up, but his wide-rimmed glasses were slightly crooked, and his nose was bloodied. The class broke out in cruel laughter, as I sprang from my seated position to help the child up.

"Be quiet!" I shouted to the cackling students. I felt bad for the guy. It wasn't that long ago that I caught the same treatment in my school career. "Haven't any of you ever fallen before? Have some compassion." It was then the Olsen Twins started to get on my nerves.

"Don't blame us because he's such a dork." That was Ashley, the biggest cock-teaser at 13-years-old, I've ever seen. She was sitting next to her rich twin at the back of the class. She was wearing pink shorts, her bare supple legs were crossed, and covering her budding beasts was a thin lavender shirt. She had a smug look about her. I guess when you've been famous since diaper times; you feel the world owes you something. "I mean really Joey. How do you expect to get a girlfriend looking like that?" I finished helping him, got a Kleenex for his nose, and proceeded to pass out the papers myself.

"That's alright Joey you can sit down," I told him. I slowly ambled by way through the maze of desk, making my way to the teenage slut. "Ms. Olsen I don't care how popular you are," I told her standing in front of her desk. "If you keep up this attitude where going to have problems." I looked down on the child with a stern stare, but she wasn't fazed a bit. Mary-Kate sitting next to her sister tried to hold back a chuckle. "What's so funny Mary-Kate?" I asked her. She was not as much a prick-tease as her sister, but I must admit she was looking fine, with her hair in a ponytail; her ass packed in skin-tight blue jeans; and on her chest draped a black oversized Pearl Jam T-shirt. I was surprised to find my cock beginning to stiffen as I observed the young girls.

"Sir?" Mary-Kate asked in an angelic tone. "Don't you know who we are? What are you going to do keep us after school? The class began to laugh at me now. Two snot-nosed brats were challenging my pride.

"Yeah, you can't touch us," Ashley said with a sexy-but-sarcastic look. "We donate money to the school. One word from us and we can have your ass fired." I was fuming now, but I had the perfect answer. I started to set the Olsen girls test papers down, but before I could, I received welcome support from my students.

"Hey bitch shut up!" Frank Bonoduchi shouted. You're no better than we are." He was a large 15-year-old kid. I guess he had been left back a couple of grades. He was the school bully.

"Oh yeah Frankie?" Mary-Kate shouted across the room. "Go shave why don't you."

Ashley wanted to keep pounding on me though, so she redoubled her efforts. "Mr. Tompkins you can't do anything to me. She stood up from her chair and tried to show she had a dick, by staring me down. I couldn't help but notice her tiny nipples hardening inside her shirt. Guess her mommy feels bras are optional.

"You are staying after school young lady," I told her in a matter-of fact way. "Both of you are." I took the two top papers from the large mass off exams I was cradling, and placed them on their tiny tabletops.

Ashley sat down and studied her grade along with her pretty sister. "You failed us?" she was beside herself. "How the fuck could you do that to us." She had a trashy mouth for someone so young. I'd been secretly wishing I could wash it out with some cock-juice all year. Little did I know, my chance would come soon.

Chapter Two

There was six periods of teaching that I had to muddle through. That little episode I had with the twins took place early in the morning. I was growing mad with desire. I've been single and alone for the bulk of my adult life, most of the time I just squelched my human need to procreate, but for some reason that day was different. I don't think I had a conscious thought that I was going to rape those girls, but subconsciously I had to ravage their tight young bodies. The sexual tension between those two and I had been building up for a long time. Truth be told; I've wanted to mouth-fuck them ever since the last year of their old show. When the year started, and I found out they were in my class. As soon as I got home that evening, I became all too familiar with my palm. Now was the moment of truth.

The school day ended and I sat back at my desk in room D6 reading the sports page waiting with anticipation for my little sluts to come swallow their punishment. I didn't have to wait too long. Mary-Kate slowly opened the large wooden door and poked her head in to see if I was there. She looked like a soldier looking out for a possible ambush. "Come on in Mary-Kate," I told her as I placed the newspaper back on the desk. You may be wondering how I can tell them apart. If you're around student's everyday of the week for the whole year, you pick up the small differences. Mary-Kate is a tad bit smaller than her sister is, her face is slightly less seductive, but her shyness makes you want to pop her even more. "Did you just return from a run or something?"

"Yes the stupid P.E requirements." God she looked hot as she sleeked into the room. She put her red duffel bag on the floor, which presumably carried her clothes from earlier in the day. Now she wore gray sweat pants and a blue sweatshirt. Beads of perspiration leaked down her pretty face. She still sported a ponytail, but now she had on a white headband, I guess to trap the glistening sweat before it entered her lovely eyes. "How long do my sister and I have to stay?" Mary-Kate inquired now seated at her desk at the back of the room.

"Well that all depends on how fast we finish our oral exam?" I answered her back. "Come to the front of the room so I can work with you better MK." She did as she was told, like a shy-wallflower with no fight, and plenty of innocence for the taking.

"We didn't know about an oral exam," she said confused. "How do you give an oral exam in math?" She stopped her questioning for a second, so that she could remove her musty headband. "Can't we do this some other time? I have a date in an hour at the roller rink."

"I'm sorry Ms. Olsen, but I only give one chance for a make-up test." My dick was growing by the second; this child had no clue how much I needed to rip those sweatpants down. I always wondered if those two girls wore silk panties. "And as for how I give oral exams in math, let's wait for your sister to get here then I don't have to explain it twice." I had a few more guests scheduled to arrive. They came before Ashley, much to Mary-Kate's dismay. Three of my students came by basically; at least it was planned this way at first, to get an apology from both girls for their behavior earlier. Joey Bishop stumbled into the room like a timid dear.

"Hey Joey glad you could make it," I told him with a friendly grin. Go over next to your friend Mary-Kate and wait. Seconds later Frank Bonoduchi sidled his wide frame into the room.

"Hey teach what did you wanna see us for? I thought the pixy twins were the ones in trouble." Frank had a retractable key chain in his hand and was twirling it above his head like a helicopter blade. "Mary-Kate looked mortified. It was clear she was frightened of the young man dressed in all black garb. His hair was total opposite of mine. Jet-black and greased like he lived in the 50's"I'll explain it when Ashley gets here." I grabbed a comb out of my desk then proceeded to primp my blonde hair. It was then the idea formed fully in my brain, like a demon on a one-way-trip to hell. I guess it came to me fully when Frankie began to paw at little Mary-Kate's fragile body. Five seconds into his groping my cock bulged, and I remembered the door locks from the inside, a design oddity that would prove very useful this day.

"Stop touching me you creep!" Frankie damn near had his hands inside the buttons of her sweat pants. "Mr. Tompkins get him off me!" She was twitching and squirming like a fish out of water. I was hypnotized by the erotic nature of this moment. It took all my self-control not to whip out my eight-incher right then. Even little Joey was not in a hurry to spring to the bitches' aid. It was then, I knew we were in for the experience of a lifetime.

"Get off her now!" I ordered Frank. I didn't want her to lose trust in me, not yet anyway.

"Ahh come on teach schools out. I'm just having fun with the cherry. I ran about five steps forward and grabbed Frank by his leather jacket. Then with all the force I could muster, I slammed him to the far wall of the room, pinning his head to the blackboard.

"I said leave her alone!" The rotund kid looked angry and scared, as I had my forearm pinned against his windpipe.

"Come on Mr. Tompkins we don't want any trouble here," Joey said. It was then that I knew I had to get that kid at least some head. This assault was planned on my part. I had to find a way to discretely let Frank onto my plan so he'd help.

"Listen carefully Frank," I whispered quickly in his right ear. "When Ashley gets where gonna have some fun, just stay cool till the time is right" The message registered to the bully, as he gave me a sly smile. As I released my hold Frank sat in the desk to the left of Mary-Kate and just starred at me in awe. I was too busy gawking at Mary-Kate re-buttoning her sweatpants to care. There was a good five seconds of a panty peek.

Ordinary white cottons. Damn!

"Are you okay Mary-Kate? I asked in fake sincerity."

"Can we just start the test. Boy when my dad hears about this your in big trouble Mister." The bitch still thought she was bigger than I was.

"The test starts when your sister comes in." I took the keys to the door out of my desk and sat back down. Frank was obviously telling Joey my plan. Because, both boys took a fast stroll around the room. I examined a math-book, every so often peaking at the door for my next guest. In between those two activities I'd peer over at Mary-Kate who was resting her lovely head on the table like a good little girl.

When I heard a tap at the closed door, I knew we had a full party. The rape lesson was about to begin.

Chapter Three

I slowly made my way from behind my desk and opened the classroom door for sweet little Ashley. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Joey and Frank almost salivating at the prospects of the upcoming events. Mary-Kate was darn near asleep. Her head rested on her arms across her desk; she looked so darn sweet. The younger generation has the attention span of a cadaver. "It's about time you arrived young lady," I told the unsuspecting teen as she entered the belly of the room. "I don't enjoy waiting around, especially when I'm attempting to do you a favor." Ashley gave me a snotty stare, as she found her way to the desk directly behind her sleeping twin.

"What do you mean favor?" she asked me. She once again crossed her thin swanlike legs, and flicked her sister in the back of the head with a flick of her fingers, in order to awaken her. "I see detention here is very exiting, you bored my sister to sleep. What's he talking about MK? What favor is he doing for us? I made a non-verbal head-nod to Frank, taking the keys to the door out of my pocket. With that simple gesture Frank knew instinctively what to do. Mary-Kate looked back at her sibling to answer.

"He's gonna give us some sort of oral exam," she stated. Frank got up from his chair and walked is stalky frame my way. When he reached my side I handed him the keys and nodded to the light-switch on the wall. The Olsen Twins were very perplexed by the actions they were observing. I began to innocently stroll up to the front row of desk. I had to create a slight diversion first, not because I needed it, I was thinking more of poor little Joey, he needed an opening before he would do anything to help us pork the children. He was too timid to jump without one.

"What do you mean an oral exam?" Ashley asked me, as I stood right beside her now. I couldn't help but gawk at her fresh legs, now swinging underneath her, kicking at the tiled flooring. "And what the hell are you looking at you old geezer?" Joey's eyes widened at her comment towards me. It was now time to spring into action.

"I'm sorry sweetie, but if you walk around with tight pink shorts on and wiggle your legs like you do, people are going to look." Ashley was horrified by my comment, but apparently Mary-Kate found it funny, she began openly laughing and pounding her hand on her tabletop.

"Mr. Tompkins loves you Ash," Mary-Kate said, trying to get her sister's goat. "Maybe if you kiss him, he'll let us out of here." She had a wide smile. My cock started to throb once more. She wouldn't be smiling so big when my cock rams up her anus.

"Shut up bitch!" Mary-Kate scolded her sister. "Get away from me Mr. Tompkins. Or I really will have you fired." She glanced up at me determined to show me up. "When's this test start anyway? I picked up a thick math-book on my way to my present destination. Cleverly I was thumbing though the pages, seemingly ignoring her smart-ass remarks. Within an instant I pretended to accidentally drop it at Ashley's feet.

"Oh geez," I said seeming disappointed. "Ashley would you be so kind as to pick that up for me? My back went out the other day, and my doctor says I shouldn't be bending down if I can help it. She looked at me with no sympathy in her young soul.

"Your back went out huh? Well we know you didn't throw it out because of your girlfriend. You probably don't get much action at all. Do you Mr. Tomkins?" Man, she was begging for a nice hard ass whipping. Her sister again started to chortle. "Besides, why should I help you?"

"Because if you don't the test is off," I told her. And both you and your sister will fail my class. And the best part of that is." I began to give her an evil stare. This shook her a bit. She began to squirm her tight ass around in her seat. "I'll be your teacher this summer. Just think a whole summer with me."

"Alright, alright," she said, finally resigning to my authority. "Don't have a cow." As she bent down to pick up the book, I glanced at Frankie and gave him one final sudden nod. With that I grabbed my opportunity, took a handful of Ashley's golden hair and pushed her with angry force to the ground. The room went pitch-dark simultaneously, and I could hear Joey and Frankie following my lead, they were ganging up on Mary-Kate. "What the hell are you doing?" Ashley asked as I made my way on top of the girl, pinning her light body face flat on the floor. My knees where pinched hard around her hips, like a cowboys grip on his saddle.

"It's time for the make-up test sweetheart. You're going to learn the first lesson of the year in respect!" Every-time she tried to rise up from under me; her ass would nuzzle slightly against the crotch of my pants. I can guarantee you I hadn't been this hard since I was twelve. "Calm down baby-girl," I told her, once again forcing her nose to the hard floor. "Or I'll make sure Frankie and Joey mess up sis real nice. She began to sob uncontrollably.

Ashley began to calm in the evil darkness. I could hear the sweet high-pitched cries of little Mary-Kate a few feet beyond me. "Help Ash! They're taking my pants off. Stop it!" Sure enough I could hear the unmistakable sound of cotton panties being roughly snapped against a slim waist. The plan was working out great.

Chapter Four

The next step in my plan required a bit of a drastic step. I had to immobilize Ashley, so that I could get off her back, and go illuminate the room once more. "I'm sorry I have to do this darlin," I told her almost in a whisper. I sprang to my feet, keeping a firm grasp of her hair, pulling her up to a standing position in front of me. By this time my eyes were beginning to adjust somewhat to the darkness. The terror in the child's expression was thrilling to see. She was whimpering, like a dog wanting to be let outdoors. She was struggling so hard to brake my grip in her beautiful blond mop, that I could hear the squeak of her all-white-tennis-shoes as they scraped the flooring.

"This is going to hurt just a bit." With that warning out of the way, I took my free hand; and with one furious punch fisted her right in the belly. Her legs caved out from under her, so I let her go, and watched as she crumbled like a ball onto the floor. She'd be gasping for air long enough for me to get everything set. And; as for her sister, the boys had her under control. I couldn't tell for sure, but I think Frankie was eating her out already.

As I went to the far corner of the class and lighted the room, I cold not believe the carnage I had brought on. Desks were laying every way imaginable, as if a tornado just hit. "Frankie get off her we have plenty of time for that. He had her pinned one her back. Joey was holding her hands above her head; her knees were at a 90-degree bend upward, as her sweat pants were pulled down to her ankles. Her panties had been ripped off her body; and were now lying in a ball five feet beside her. Frank was tonguing her all right; her cheeks were red with embarrassment. She couldn't make more than a mumbled sound because Joey was kissing her mouth.

"What do you mean wait?" Frank asked me as he pulled his face away from her bare pink pussy. "Look at her, she loves this."

"Come on, just do as I say," I told him as he looked back at me, but keeping her legs wide apart with both hands. "It's more fun if we make them sweat a little." I walked back over to the gasping Ashley, picked her up by the arm, and led her back to one of the chairs still standing, and sat her down. "Get her pants back on and sit her down next to her pretty sister her. No arguments either." The two boys obeyed reluctantly, but I couldn't resist a little tease myself. Ashley's head was in her lap; she was thoroughly humiliated. I undid my brown slacks and pulled out my hard member. With my right hand I gently raised her face, it was now eye-level with my cock-head.

"Please nooooo!" She pleaded. She had obviously never seen a live cock before, she tried to turn her face away, but I grabbed her under the jaw and held her stationary. I pressed her face close enough to my lengthening tool. Forcing her lipstick-covered lips to touch my rod. With my other hand I guided it back and forth over her pink lips. Tears were rolling down her eyes. God I'd never seen anything more beautiful.

"Don't be scared honey," I told her. I'm gonna give you and your sister a chance to get out of here, without giving up much at all. Of course you have to pass your make-up test first."

I gave her a snide smile. Then I put one hand around her throat and choked her a bit. Just enough to open her precious mouth. "Suck on it for ten seconds, and I'll let go." I pushed my full length inside her face, but she didn't suck at first. So I squeezed her windpipe a bit harder. "That's it baby-girl. You know how long I've wanted this from you two. She sucked softly and timidly, but the warmth of her mouth caused me to twitch with each ram of her face. "Oh god after this day is over, you'll be so good at this!" I rammed as deep as I could; she started to moan from the lack of air. I pulled out fast. It wasn't time to cum yet.

"Now boys and girls let's begin the exam." I hitched my pants up, had Joey sit next to Ashley, as I began to fumble around my desk. I had a lot planned today. This was only the start.

Chapter Five

There I was admiring my handy-work; while at the same time shocked at the depths I would sink to satisfy a yearlong fetish. In my desk drawer, were just the right items, for delicious titillation. I had pulled out a roll of duct tape, searched high and low for some kind of sturdy rope, but none was available. So I pulled out my trusty pocketknife and proceeded to cut the strings that raised and lowered the blinds on each window shade.

Joey and Frank were busy keeping the starlets entertained. I had to look back from my chore from time to time, in order to make sure one or both of the girls weren't being penetrated before I deemed it was time. But all they were doing is swearing juvenile things in the two girl's ears, while at the same time enjoying some heavy petting drills. "Alright class I think we're ready for the first part of the test. I tore of a healthy strip of tape, then slyly continued. "Which one of you wants to go first?" The twins were both shaking like they'd just come out of an ice-cold pond. "Come on, someone has to go first. All right, Joey you think of a number between 1and 10. Joey was beginning to enjoy himself, as he cracked a mischievous smile.

"Alright Mr. Tompkins," he said. "I've got one picked.

"Good now don't tell either of our honored guest here," It was then that Ashley said something to make me aware she wasn't quite broken in just yet.

"Fuck-you you pervert. Leave us alone!"

"I'll let you fuck me sweetheart, but I'm sure as hell not going to leave this fresh meat un-sampled. "I'm going to count to ten Ashley." I walked up to her slowly. "And you'd better pick a number between one and ten. Or else I'm not going to give you girls the shot to save your precious virginity. The three of us will just go right ahead and have our way with each of you. One.... Two.... Three....Four."

"8!" She shouted it out at the top of her sexy lungs.

"Good girl, that wasn't so hard was it? Now for the shy one, pick a number darling. And do it fast or ill whip the shit out of both of you. I'm getting awful horny" I paused for emphasis. "Don't make me wait too long."

"Please sir leave us alone," she was a great beggar. I had a hell of a time resisting those doe-eyes. "We won't tell anybody." I wasn't buying it though.

"You have ten seconds. While I was waiting for her answer, I guess Frankie got a bit bored. He himself had a small knife and was calmly caressing Ashley's legs with it, inching it ever so close to the bottom of her shorts. Easy there Frank, don't damage the merchandise."

"Oh my god leave her alone with that knife!" Mary-Kate bellowed.

"Well if you would hurry up and choose a number, this would all get going much faster." I had a scolding tone towards her.

"That's right cherry," Frank said putting his blade away, and kissing Ashley's cheek between syllables. We're not getting any younger."

"Oh my God 4 okay! Are you happy now." Joey put the palm of his hand over her mouth. "Be quiet Ashley this is not your class." Joey seemed pleased at his statement.

But I had to correct the young man.

"The girl in the gray is Mary-Kate. Ashley's hot pants to your right." They're twins; it was a mistake that was bound to happen at least once. Who the closest to your number Joey?" I was now right in front of the quorum in my class, eyeing both girls hungrily.

"My number was 9 sir." He said eyeing Mary-Kate, not knowing what was next.

"Well Ashley you get a reprieve for now. What happens to your sister is totally up to you now. I pulled Mary-Kate up from her chair, placed the slab of tape on her mouth, and yanked her to the front of the room inches from the blackboard. "Don't worry sweetie," I told her with fake reassurance. "I'm sure your sister will pass her test."

"Stop it leave her alone!" Ashley begged. She watched as I tied Mary-Kate's wrist together. And hoisted her on to a pole-like structure that jutted out from that particular wall. I hung her up there with both hands above her head, and her feet a good 2-ft. off the floor.

"Come over here Frank," I motioned to the eager horn-ball next to Ashley. "Its time to get this make-up exam rolling.

Chapter Six

Mary-Kate looked so amazing, as she dangled there in front of us fear striking her glance. "Please let her go!" Ashley begged. I motioned to Joey to shut her up. I felt as though I had the force within me. I did not have to say a word and these two sexually frustrated young men followed my every instruction. "Ewww get awa-" Ashley's words were muffled by Joey's tongue that now began to snake into the young girls face.

"Get her Joe -Joe," Frankie cheered on his classmate, as the oral assault continued for about thirty seconds. "You see that sexy?" Frankie whispered in Mary-Kate's right ear. "You and sis are gonna give Mr. Tompkins some respect." He lifted Mary- Kate's shirt up a tad, revealing the cutest tummy you'd ever want to see. I peered over and saw the child was an outie. That's cute, my first order of business was going to be to have one of my cohorts cum all over her belly. "Now sit still starlet!" After saying those words Frankie pricked her just below her navel with his knife. Not hard enough to draw major blood, but enough to send buckets of tears rolling down her face.

"Now lets get you ready Ashley," I said walking slowly over to her and Joe. I had grabbed the roll of tape once more and tethered Ashley's hands to the back of her chair. "You ready for your first question Hon?" I asked, kneeling in front of her like a master who greets his dog when he comes home. She didn't respond instantaneously. "Joey go up there and get ready to party." Joey obeyed, he walked over to the other side of Mary-Kate, laughing on the way up because Frank had unsheathed his cock and was jerking it off right in front of the bound girl. "I said are you ready to start." Sternness came over me now, as I grabbed a fistful of her hair, and yanked her face towards the roof. "Answer me or I'll snap that pretty neck!"

"Owwww please you're hurting me. I'll do anything you want Mr. Tompkins, just let us go." Man the violence was turning me on. I let go of her hair, but I couldn't wait to brake her in a bit further.

"You boys watch this okay?" I said peering back over my shoulder at them. "Frankie give me that knife will ya? As I returned my glance at Ashley it was an epic sight. The girl was visibly quivering as Frank came and handed me the blade. She looked as though she had just gotten out of water that was ten degrees. Goosebumps formed on her smooth bare legs. I positioned myself in a squatting position to the side of her, eyeing her form as I moved. "You're damn right you'll do what I want sexy," I sounded sinister. I slowly caressed her legs with the knife-edge, moving it ever so slowly to the bottom of her pink shorts, right in the thigh. "Hold still, wouldn't want you to get hurt. Then I started shredding her shorts in half cautiously.

"Oh man Mr. Tomkins you're bad," Frankie said to me, with a hard-on raging in his boxers now. "Cut em off shit."

"Please don't mister," she started to plead for her fleeting modesty. Her leg twitched a bit from fear, so I lightly pricked her below the panty-line. This caused a tiny stream of blood to escape her young vessel. "Aghhhh!"

"I told you to keep still honey," I told her. "Just relax your gonna love this." I slit that side of her shorts all the way, and reached my bare hand to the right side of her underpants. "This might sting a bit babe, hang tight." Tethering the waistband of her panties around my strong and fiery hand, I pulled hard.

"Rip" was the sound that echoed through the class. "What in the hell are you guys up to?" Joey asked, wanting to join the fun. I threw her torn panties to the side, and swiveled her hips harshly sidesaddle in her wooden seat. This hurt her cause of her wrist being tied.

"You just hang loose Joe you'll see. Frank here's the knife, cut the bitch free for a sec k?"

"You got it sir." He cut Ashley's wrists free. Now I was able to get her anyway I needed her. "Hold still prom queen" Frank grabbed her hair and pulled it upward, in much the same way I had done minute's prior. He was standing over her, and looking down upon her fear stricken eyes. As he harshly began kissing her mouth. I began to strip away her pink shorts swiftly.

"Just as I suspected," I said admiring my site. "Peach fuzz." She barely had pubic hair, truth be told I was kind of bummed. I'd always imagined them baby-smooth all over.

"Stoooop!" No sooner did the words leave her terrified mouth; my lips tasted heaven. My hand pried her legs wide like a vice. Her pussy-lips tasted fine, and when I wiggled my wet tongue inside, Ashley's hips buckled under her. I sucked her hard and long, leaving spittle outside the walls of her womb. My mouth got to know her very well, and as I peeked up from between her legs, she was beginning to sweat. Frankie was talking dirty to her, and kissing her like he wanted to permanently be locked to her face.

"You like that don't you cherry?" Frankie asked. Wait till all three if us fuck you like the slut you are. I bet you'll really enjoy that huh?" He followed that question with another lip lock. And five minutes later I stopped sucking her pussy. I wanted to finger-fuck her too, but I figured that would wait. I had a hung girl to take care of first.

"There we go bitch that oughta hold ya for a few," I said. "Come on frank, re-tie the kid, and lets get up there and give Mary a little lamb." I rose up and walked to the front of the class again.

"You got it teach," He replied. "I'll be back soon slut." She was once more bound to her chair.

"Aghhhh," a meek little quiver was all she could utter. The child was in shock for sure. But I wasn't finished yet.

Chapter Seven

As I neared the front of the class, Mary-Kate was kicking wildly from her suspended position. My pole was thick and bulging. I was wondering how much more foreplay I could stand before I exploded. Mumbled noises came from the poor child's mugged face. "Frank, you're going to be the designated stripper," I told the young thug now standing on the other side of Mary-Kate. "I'm going to ask a question of little Ashley," I said winking at her seated bound next to Joey. "And if she gets it wrong you strip this kid here!" Mary-Kate was trying to scream, but I grabbed a fistful of her golden locks, pulling her face in my direction. "Shush now Mary-Kate." I leaned over to her right ear that was closest to me and said, "We all have to grow up sometime little one." Then I faced Joey and Ashley once more. "And if you get the question right I want you to suck Joey's dick until he cums Ashley.

"Ewww you're gross," Ashley said in disgust. "I'll make sure you are thrown in jail forever if you don't let us go right now!"

"What do you mean gross you stuck-up bitch!" Joey was insulted. So much so that he got up from his desk stood in front of Asahi's seated presence, and to my amazement began to dangle his small but ever-growing crank in front of her. "Mr. Tompkins I really have to go, can I give her a lesson in what gross really is?"

I looked over at Frank, gave him a wink, then replied to the outcast youngster.

"Oh I guess so," I said with a fake sigh. "Frank wants to join the fun too though. I'm not responsible for cleaning up." Frank left my side and went over to the terrified Ashley, who had no idea, what was about to take place.

"Here let me hold her head still poindexter," Frank said in a joking manner. He grabbed the top of her head and squeezed it like a vice around her skull. She tried to escape the grip, but she could not do so. The more she pleaded and cried, the harder I became.

"What are you doing! Get that ugly thing away from my face!" Ahhh the smell of terror covered the room like an air-freshener. I was beginning to see that prolonging the inevitable was not going to work much longer. "Please let me go!" With those words, Ashley came across the most humiliating experience of her brief life. A stream of urine spewed out of Joey's cock-head, assaulting Ashley's pert young face. "Ahhhh!" She bellowed at the top of her lungs. The odious smell hit the room seconds later, as droplets of yellow liquid dripped down her chin. Then a gagging sound came from the tortured girl.

"She liked it Mr. Tompkins," Joey said, excited by what he had just done. "He peered at me over his shoulder expecting me to congratulate him. I couldn't take any more; my balls were pulsating in my pants. It was time for the Olsen twins fuck fest.

"Alright Mary-Kate," I said to the bound girl beside me. "We are not being very fair to you are we?" She whimpered at me like a slave begging for mercy. "Your sister had the chance to play fair, but all she ever did was bitch." I reached my hand behind her slowly working my way to her tight ass. "I think it's about time I taught you how to fuck, don't you?" With that I spun her to one side, as she continued to dangle like a tetherball. With one hand, I held her stationary; with the other I slowly worked her gray sweats down past her ankles. "God what an incredible little ass you have." I stared at her flowery cotton panties for a second, before slowly peeling them down as well, revealing her perfect ass-cheeks. "I'm gonna enjoy getting the KY-jelly out on you honey." I released my hold on her and allowed her to swing to her frontal position.

"Boys it's time for fun!" I instructed my students. "I'm going to give little Mary-Kate here a party. You guys keep Ashley company for a bit. Oh, and remember," I said with an evil responsibility. "If you have to cum, use her mouth or ass. I looked over at Mary-Kate and roughly pinched her ass, causing her to buckle. Then gave her a chuckle before finishing my statement. "We don't need any pregnant starlets here." But, if you want to screw her behind, wait until I'm done with the jelly over here. We don't want permanent damage."

"You got it teach," Frankie blurted. Then, like vultures to a rotting carcass, two under-sexed teenagers hoarded Ashley. She was ripped out from her chair and pinned roughly to the tiled flooring. At first, I couldn't see her, I could only hear piercing screams, accompanied by the sound of clothing being savagely torn off her young nubile flesh. While the two boys prepared to rape Ashley, I was torturing Mary-Kate with a strip tease in front of her. She looked at the mammoth size of my prick as I discarded my last stitch of clothing.

"Big isn't it sweetie?" I asked her, looking into her teary crying eyes. "That's okay baby you are a big-girl you can handle it. I peered back at my young henchman, to yell out one more order. "I want that kid over there too, save some for me okay?

"Oh my God Mr. Tompkins she's so pretty," Joey said through Ashley's screams. "You're the coolest teacher in the world." If I weren't so horny I would've acknowledged him. But I was too far-gone.

"Ahhhhhh!" Ashley was now being deflowered. I could hear Frank moan as she screamed.

"Shut up prom queen!" Frankie sternly ordered as he struggled to get his size completely in her womb. "If you're good will be gentle with your sister over there. If not she'll get it much worse!" His pelvis slapped hard against hers, while Joey held her hands over her head, admiring the terror in her eyes, as Frank's beast ate her insides fast and hard.

Chapter Eight

As Frankie pounded the tight pussy-walls of young Ashley it was time for me to get to work. With great care, I hoisted my little prisoner down out of her hovered position, and laid her on her back. "You make a move to try to get away child, I will make sure you pay dearly," I told her in a calm but firm tone. Mary-Kate continued to whimper at me like a little dog. "Man you are such a hot piece of ass Mary-Kate. I'm going to enjoy filling you up with my juice." With that comment I decided play a little game with her. Holding her down roughly by pressuring her belly with one hand; with the free hand I placed it on her face, caressing her cheek, pushing her teardrops aside; gave her a fast smirk and reached the duct tape that bound her mouth and tore it of abruptly. "Sorry about that honey, but I'm gonna need that face."

"Please don't hurt me mister," Mary-Kate implored, while turning her head to the side, presumably to ovoid looking and my nude form bending over in front of her. Man she looked cute. Due to the violent nature with which I tore the gray duct tape from her face, her lips were rosy pink. I grabbed her blonde mane and forced her pretty face to look at me. "Please don't!"

"Oh you bet I'm going to make you feel so good," I told her. "Now we can make this hard or easy." I placed my left index finger to her lips. "Suck my finger honey." I began to insert my digit in her mouth, but she protested. "Not smart kid!" I removed my hand and within second struck the side of her face. "Do everything I say. Or you may not survive this party. Understand?"

"Yes, just don't hurt me anymore," she begged meekly. With that I reinserted my finder into her lips, moving it in and out slowly, enjoying the warmth of her mouth on my hand. Soon I was able to work three fingers into her unwilling face.

"Suck those fingers harder baby. I want to hear you suck. I wanna see spit on the corners of your mouth cutie." She reluctantly complied. A sexy look of bewilderment came over her eyes as she continued tasting my hand. After one-minute of this erotic pleasure, I took my slobbery hand away from her face. "That was a good-girl." Gave her another fast smile, then slithered down towards her hot young box. "Relax sweet, this may hurt for a few, but after you get used to it you'll love it." She was shaking like a leaf, as I ripped her legs apart and rammed my three wet fingers into her slippery virgin hole. I finger fucked the girl fast and hard, causing her to bawl, her hips to ungulate and quiver with each ramming thrust. "Ahhhhh! Came the blood-curdling scream from her.

"Oh yeah babe, this is fun isn't it?

"Stop please!"

"Will you let me fuck your face if I stop!" I rammed harder. "Say fuck my face Daddy. If you don't then I have to assume you want it harder." I began to laugh as she began to convulse. "Say it bitch!"

"F-u-c-k my, ow, face daddy! Please stop this you're hurting me!"

"That's my baby-girl." I seized the hand assault. Climbed up to her face, pinning her ribs with my legs on either side of her. I stoked my rod until it was fully erect; veins showing throw the skin. "Now lay down flat and open real wide. I pressed my cock to her lips, but she didn't open, so I took one hand and pulled her lower jaw open. "That's it baby, just take it like a cute little tramp." I fit my member into her mouth, lying over her face jabbing my dick in and out of her throat as though it was a snatch. She gagged as the size of my dick hitting the back of her throat shocked her. I buried her face, as the mass of my mid-section was all she could see. It was the best face fuck I'd ever had. She was loosing oxygen I could tell, because she wasn't fighting much now, so I withdrew my bulging cock.

But, before she could catch her breath I had to spring to action. "That was good babe." I swiftly rolled her over on her belly and pinned her so she was unable to move once more.

It was time to butt fuck an Olsen twin!

Chapter Nine

Frankie and Joe were having a blast torturing young Ashley. While I was getting ready to ram the anal canal of Mary-Kate. Ashley was being ass whipped by Frankie's belt. They had positioned her in the doggie style position. "Stay there you stuck up bitch," Frank said, as a cracking sound reverberated though the room. "You're no better than a teenage street-tramp" Smack after smack pierced her tight ass. Joey had the trunk of her body pressed to the ground. Her nose and face were grinding painfully into the tile, but her bare ass was in the air facing Frankie's abuse.

"Come on Frankie," Joey called to him. "Hurry up and fuck her. I'm so horny, I need some of this." With that Frank whipped her hard once more leaving a pink welt mark on her butt cheek. He looked over his shoulder and looked as I began to spread Mary-Kate's crack wide. He knew I would need his aid in retrieving the KY-jelly. But, he knew Joey couldn't keep Ashley tame while he humped her.

"Come over here Joe," he said to his classmate. I'm gonna give you my knife. You gotta keep this squealing bitch under control. I'm gonna help Mr. Tompkins with cherry2 over there. Joey bolted to him, and was handed the blade of control. Before Frank left Ashley's beaten form, he blurted out a few instructions. "Lay down flat Joe, I wanna see this girl ride you. If she fights u too much, draw some sweet blood with my blade.

"Please no more." This was about all Ashley could say. Her ass was red and sore, and Frankie enjoyed busting her cherry, there was still evidence of blood mixed with cum around the walls of her clit. It was impossible to tell if it was Frank's pre-cum, or Ashley quietly having her first unwanted orgasm.

"Shut up bitch!" Frank barked. "We don't have time for your complaints. He then reached forward and yanked her to her feet by the hair. He marched her over to Joey, who was eager for a screw. "Sit on his prick now!" With much resistance Ashley mounted Joey. She could feel the head of his cock knocking at her opened door; she didn't want that thing to jab inside her. "Sit down slut!" Frank grabbed the top of her shoulders and shoved her all the way onto Joe's cock.

"Oh yeah Frank," Joe said as his tingling member made its way inside her. "What an idea." He was in ecstasy. He thrust his pelvis upwards as Ashley screamed in shame. He held the blade up so Ashley was not at all tempted to dismount him. "You be nice to us Ashley or we'll find your little sister and do the same to her." He was threatening Lizzie; he did know where the family lived. And his father was rumored to be a prisoner with a record. This scared Ashley greatly as that bulging cock penetrated her. Would he hurt their mom? Leave Lizzie and Trent alone. If she had to be raped one day, it wasn't as bad as the prospects of their family in danger. "I've dreamed about fucking you for so long now.

Ram, Ram, Ram! The sound of Joey's balls slapping Ashley's ass with each downward trust of her young body. He was well into the action now, and did not need any aid. Being young though he couldn't keep his load to long before exploding all over her behind as he pulled it out at the last second. By this time Ashley was exhausted, and Frankie was with me lubing up Mary-Kate's ass-pipe. All Ashley could do was watch as her sister was about to be doubled up right before her very eyes.

Chapter Ten

It was like trying to tame a wild rattlesnake. I had little Mary-Kate Olsen pinned face down on the tiled flooring, but she was trying with all her will to buck and crawl away from my firm hold. I had one hand pressing roughly on the small of her back, the other was wondering all around her nude peach buttocks. I have never felt an ass so tight and firm in my life. I felt all around her pink reluctant pussy lips, they were indeed on fire. "Oh my god!" Mary-Kate implored. "Please don't do this to me Mister Tompkins."

I was too hard at this point to pull back now. To shut her up I took my left middle finger and jabbed it forcefully inside her pink pussy, and began to vigorously finger-fuck the kid. My hand felt like it had twenty thousand volts of electricity running though it, as I let her pussy envelop my hand. "Ow! stop it you're hurting me." This very well could have been true, but she was getting nice and wet during this process. Frankie who had left the freshly raped Ashley and his classmate, made his way up to my side handing me the tool of choice, a small jar of Vaseline.

"Good going Frank," I told him out of breath by this point trying to keep my victim under control. "You must have been reading my mind. You hold her down for me while I lube her up. By the way how was Ashley? I don't hear too much from over there. Did you guys put her in her place?"

"Yeah Mister Tomkins she was a hot piece," he replied while making his way to the front of Mary-Kate's fighting form. He replaced my hand with his own, and gripped the blonde mane of her head raising it to his now squatted position. Mary-Kate looked into Frankie's hungry eyes as he continued. "I busted the bitches cherry, and she loved it. He gave out a sarcastic laugh; Mary-Kate's beautiful eyes were watering like a leaky faucet. "Now I'm gonna bust you too. You're gonna hurt being double stuffed honey. But Mister Tomkins and me don't care!"

I put a big wad of Vaseline on my hand, and began to moisten my cock first. On the ground next to me lay Mary-Kate's discarded gray headband, I picked it up and threw it over to young Frankie. Here Frank put that on her head and over her eyes."

"Please stop!" the helpless kid bagged once more, as the headband was wrapped around her skull and over her eyes. "Why are you doing this to me?"

"Its simple little girl," I replied. "I don't want you to know when and where I'm coming from."

The poor child was now as blind as a bat. "Now for the main course." I re-applied some Vaseline to my hand and caressed her ass softly, greasing it all up from her thighs to her butt crack. Her hot peach body glistened under the overhead lights above. Frankie had re-engaged his hard-on, and was rubbing it all around the outline of her lips; the pre-cum caked her innocent face. "God you're such a pretty girl." I put one last dollop of greasy liquid to the outer edge of her anus. Then forcing her hips up so she was again on her knees, I put my cock up to her closed hole. I enjoyed spreading her ass-cheeks apart, I knew this would be heaven. "Hold her still ok?" I then slid my bulging cock between her crack and into her bowels.

"Ahhhhhhhh stop it now! God that hurts! Please stop!" Mary-Kate was indeed hurting as I pumped my full size into her ass pipe. It took about three entrances to get the rhythm down and widen her puckered hole. She would have still been bawling, but good ole Frank was now assaulting her young throat. He had her hair gripped hard. So hard, in fact that tiny strands of her hair were falling to the floor.

"That's a good bitch," he said evilly as he pumped her face. "Let Mister Tompkins pump your butt." He slammed hard against the back of her throat. "Oooooh baby deep-throats real good. I better not feel any teeth either, or I will find your baby-sis and do the same to her."

Her ass jiggled with every penetration of my cock. She muffled in pain as I fucked her asshole roughly. Applying strategic slaps to her ass, I began to moan and breath with ecstasy. Cursing like a sailor with each push. "Oh you stupid whore, take it all. I know you love this cunt. Don't you dare lie to me." I thrust it all the way in once more, only this time I held it there. "Push it out little girl. If it hurts so much poop it out bitch." I whipped her ass one again, making a cracking sound against her flesh. "Come on baby hurry up." It was then her ass started to constrict, pushing my size slowly out. God I wanted to cum. "Oh too bad almost free weren't you?" As my cock just about slipped out of her anal cavity, a rammed it back home, causing her piercing pain. I continued to anally rape her for quite a while, it got much easier as time went on.

After the thrill of this wore off, I instructed Frankie to flip her over. We got to try a terrific new style. Mary-Kate was placed on her back onto the oversized Frankie, where he had taken his place in her ass. He had his hands on her breast and was gripping them hard; her shirt had now been cut away. I was between her legs and laying on top of her, ripping out her tortured pussy. She was the meat in a sweaty rape-sandwich. We fucked her like that for what seemed like an hour, before both Frank and I unloaded in her. I didn't want to cum in her pussy, but I couldn't slip it out in time.

As for Ashley, we all throat fucked her one final time about 30 minutes later. I was impressed she could fit 3 fully erect cocks in her face at one time. She nearly puked as the three of us timed it so we'd all cum down her throat at once. She was ordered to swallow every last morsel, and she did.

When we finally let them go, it was understood; that if they uttered a peep of this, we'd find little Elizabeth Olsen, and not just fuck her, but kill her while doing it. We scrounged up some spare clothing that we'd found in the lost-and-found department of the school, and allowed them to dress once more. When we all went our separate ways, I felt a tremendous guilt. But, by the same token it was the best fuck I'd ever had. So whose to say that pleasure is wrong.

I watch the two performing on TV, still trying to act all cute and pure, and I just laugh with my cock in my hand, with the knowledge that I raped the Olsen twins.

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