Diary Of A Naughty Seven Year Old Daughter, Part 1

[ pedo, 1st, inc ]

by tittak


Published: 27-Oct-2012

Word Count:

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Story Summary
This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

Ride home, almost by inertia, I do not see the cars and people around me, in my head, just thought the image to see in my best friend's house. my body is hot flashes, a sense of "terrible", strangely, does not describe. Until then, I suddenly realized that my body was stiff, my ass touch down saddle and grew strange feeling growing up, and oh, my god, what is this, ahhhhhh, my eyes closed , as choked breath, my body hurts, I feel like diabetes, such as flush water in my cunt. Steering wheel wobbled, I crashed the car into the side of the road, gasping, abdominal cramps. Pleasure, yes pleasure, I am both happy and afraid, not knowing what had happened.

"How are you?" Someone asked.

"No, no, I am fine" embarrassing my answer and continued driving home. my pants wet.

I rushed into the room, undressed, sat down on the bed, open my legs and take the mirror. My cunt is wet, I do not know what is. I lay down, hands lingered on the soft edge of the cunt and recall scene I saw .

I and Belle hiding behind the wall of the attic of his house, looking through the hole. that room is for a couple rent the attic.


One day she told me.

"I know how the couples Make Love."

"How is how?"

"You fool, sleep together, is ..., oh this stupid. You know couples in my house, one day I discovered, a wall hole, I look at. Startled me , both naked, the tongues kiss. Alas, his cock, very terrible, not just like some kid, it's this long (just said, she just arms), like wrists, red, pointing straight out, stand up, so much hair "

"You lie, something long and big like that?"

"Well, some day, you come to see."

"Come on, continued," I nervously said.

"And her cunt hairless, naked, open edges. Mr. John both kiss her and squeeze her breast, two fingers to squeeze the nipple. Ms. Maria bending her legs apart and take her husband's hands into cunt, while her hands grabbed the cock, stroking. Mr. John also put two fingers in her cunt, in and out, then put in her mouth and suck, while his tongue licked around the breasts, Mrs T . paralyzed, she seem to like it.

Belle constantly speak, I feel hot, both Belle blushed.

"What then,"

"Suddenly he objects to Mary, flattened her legs real wide and bent down, oh you know, he's sucking cunt. The woman grabbed her husband by the hair, clasp, mouth yawning yawn like fish out of water. He lick, likely. Ms. Maria said something, so he is turning around and ... and she opens her mouth to swallow all his cock, I'm serious, then she spit it out, licking along the length , around the head, then suck again

A moment later Mr. T. sit up and take cock inserted into her cunt, she took her hands, ball cunt, oh, see, his cock to hit, I'm shaking, legs like elbows down, When all the cock inside John shaking ass, strongly, wife seems very happy, eyes closed again, babble something I do not hear, her legs curl on her husband's back. Moments later, I saw him with drawn out, his hands, shake cock Quickly, and a ray of milky water, septic, I saw her turn up, sucking cock, swallow the water, he cried, oh my god, she swallowed all the time, even licking a while "

I tighten thighs, feeling wet, hot flashes. I just said, "Do you know, at that time I also want to go crazy, if someone puts cock in, sure, I'm ok."

"You are naughty!"


Say that, but for now, remember, I also think, like her. Today, I went to Belle and two kids, lie in wait watch couples marrying "sleeping together." perhaps, just now, I was happy, when my pussy Touche into the saddle, and that feeling is when people "sleeping together." I suddenly feel, want a man and want a cock. I rub on the edge of the cunt, imagine a mouth licking the edges and tongue crept into my cunt slit. Suddenly, my fingers touched a thing, as I jumped up, my god too amazing, I continue, continue and ahhhhhh oh, the feeling just now, just now feeling back to, I Died to happy. Water in my cunt dripping wet.


I sit study on my room, but, my mind just think of Mr. John's couple. I wear short jupe, no panties, I do not like to wear panties, that entangled me. Winds blowing from the fans on the floor make me cool, I open my lap, touch my hand in, my cunt is wet again.I put my finger on, imagine it's a cock, my fingers back to the place made me happy, oh so good (after all this I know it is a thing, when you lick in, that make a indescribable enjoy). I crave a man so much, but how I can, I just was a tiny, eight-year-old girl, who scare about me, my little breasts like two small lemon circle, compared with the beautiful girl on newspapers, radio, I feel I am so ugly. . The boys - same my age - see me like them, nothing strange at all, I wonder if they know anything.. I'm still waiting for the opportunity to see how their penis is, and I also started to look into the abdomen of the man, wondering if it are big and long.

I was wrong, at least two men desire me and want to make me happy (Now I know there are many men who like girls in my age)


Me and my dad live in an apartment, my mother passed away.

my new neighbour, Mr. and Mrs. Bear just moved in one month ago, they have a child under 3 years of age. He was so cute, I used to hold and play with him.

When I started paying attention to men, I also realized, that Mr. Bear is often looked at me strangely. A terrible thing is that every time my dad hugged me, I feel very excited, wet cunt... Oh, before, did not like that. At night, I used to sit on his lap, watching television, and his arms round me and held me. But now, when they are holding me, I'm ecstatic, just want to take his hand in the middle of the groin, and I also started to feel something hard in the butt , oh, maybe .... his cock is hard for me, before I never noticed.

One day, I do accidentally, move the butt a bit and stood up, my dad hurriedly put his hand between his thighs, but I was able to see, oh dear, his cock pointing straight, make his shorts up, I turned away quickly with a blush face.


I began to feel I can do man cock hard up. Enjoy that idea, I want to try it with my neighbour Mr. Bear. One day, I was wearing my shortest jupe, to go to his house, of course, no panties. Uncle was sitting on the ground with his boy. I squatted in front of him, with my lap open and pretend to play with the child. Suddenly I looked up and saw Mr. Bear are dull to look at my cunt, and I saw, whoah, his cock is poking up. he gave me a goofy smile, that is so funny!


Increasingly, I itch cunt more often, all the time when I am alone, I touch my pussy until very happy, I do that 5 or 6 times per day. I decided to let my dad fuck me. I know he wants to fuck me. Then I will also entice Mr. bear to play with me. I will suck both of them and they will lick my cunt.....

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Wow I actually have a headache now from trying to decipher this incoherent piece of crap.....

Dave Miyagi

Great start tittak.

Writting as would a seven year old would observing lifes situations, interesting.

Exciting her attitude is. You have set up lots of encounters for future chapters. Looking forward to see how this progresses.

Cheers, -Dave

That One Guy

This was very hard to read. There was no flow to it.


Umm ... you need to learn English if you're going to write English. Some of that had to be interpreted, some of it didn't make sense.


Awful, unreadably bad English, two or three mistakes in every sentence. Many sections you literally have no idea what the author was trying to say, as the English is so bad.


Dear Tittak, I enjoyed intensely your unusual writing, I was turned on. Please read my texts here.Dont listen to ignorant shamers, you have gold in your hands.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.