Bangkok Kiddy Hump Hump Show, Part 2

[ MMgg, ped, pt, prost, nc, cons ]


Published: 26-Jul-2011

Word Count:

Author's Profile

show Story Summary
It is recommended that readers read the story 'Bangkok Kiddy Hump Hump Show Part 1' before moving on this story, which picks up and develops a thread from the first story. For those who haven't read 'Hump Hump Show', either cannot or do not wish to, the following overview will be helpful.

The first story introduces two long term western expatriate residents in Bangkok, Thailand: Jack Hale and his close friend Jim Tiley. The two men, both committed and active pursuers of young girls, attend, as they regularly do, a highly discrete sex show featuring pre-teen and early-teen children performing various acts of sexual intercourse with other children and with adults. At the show, audience members are permitted to fondle and play with a variety of young boys and girls mingling around the room, before taking them upstairs for sexual enjoyment.

During the show, and after having already enjoyed the sexual charms of one pre-teenager, Jack Hale is brought and offered a particularly beautiful nine year old virgin Thai child for his enjoyment. He decides to accept the pre-teenager, and, at the end of the show, arranges to have the girl brought to his apartment, where she will stay with him for his pleasures for one or two days. His compatriot makes a similar arrangement for a pre-teen girl he'd chosen also while watching the show.


Jack Hale arrived back at his apartment around one in the morning, a little tired from the evening's exertions at the Bangkok Kiddy Hump Hump Show, but on a natural high, and looking forward, with pleasurable anticipation, to deflowering and enjoying the nine year old girl, Nohk, whom, he knew, shortly would be escorted to his apartment.

It had been an enjoyable, entertaining, and, to some extent, intriguing evening so far. Jack and his friend Jim Tiley had been pleasantly entertained by lots of child humping at the Bangkok Kiddy Hump Hump Show. He, like his friend, had enjoyed a charming pre-teen girl while at the show, and, now, there was this delightful and enigmatic prepubescent virgin to look forward to.

Jack took a moment to think about some of his old male friends in his home city in the United States. It crossed his mind that they probably spent more time wacking themselves off now than they did when they were teenagers. Fortunately, he lived here.

So many people just 'existed', he thought, filling their lives with 'things' and empty pretense like status and position.

These bring only superficial satisfaction at best. So, they fill the void with fantasies that can never be realized because "society" disapproves. Here, in Thailand, there were drawbacks as well. But at least Jack felt alive. Maybe he did live in the twilight fringe of a foreign country - most sensualists seem to have to live on the periphery of somewhere or other.

Jack's life, though, wasn't about "things." Apart from his apartment and furnishings he had few "things" at all. No expensive cars, yachts, and so on, although he was a wealthy man. In fact, day to day he lived quite modestly. What he had, though, were experiences and pleasures. Transient, maybe, but ultimately everything in life is. And these sensations seemed more real, valid and worthwhile than any object or possession, no matter how valuable or highly prized. Jack, in his earlier days, had lived the life of an acquisitor; he wouldn't go back to it or exchange his life here with anyone. He took a moment to count his blessings. He was indeed a lucky man!

In his spacious apartment, Jack felt safely ensconced from the bustling city around him. Here, he had every modern convenience and felt secure, safe and comfortable. What deprivations there were, from living in a developing non-Western country, were tolerable, as far as he was concerned. And these paled into insignificance compared to The Great Sexual Deprivation of the West - the moralizing hypocrisy that underscores Western culture, obsessed with every gratification other than that which fulfills completely.

He turned on his large rear projection TV to watch CNN news which he received by a cable service. There was more on the Clinton and Monica Lewinsky story. He shook his head slightly, thinking to himself how puritanical and hypocritical the West is becoming these days. Then, thinking out load, he mumbled

'Kennedy had them crated in; Johnson use to hand-pick his interns for overseas trips so he could fuck them on different nights; but this guy they crucify!' He turned CNN off. Walking over to his living room window he enjoyed, as he always did, the night time view looking along Sukhumvit Road, one of the longest and straightest roads in the world. The lights at night were wonderful.

Jack was lost in thought when he heard the chime from his front entrance gate. He walked to the door and looked into the small security camera just to one side. To enter Jack's apartment, one had first to press the button at the other side of the gate. The security camera provided a clear view of who was calling. When Jack pressed a button from inside the outer gate would open allow a visitor to proceed to the front door. Then he would unlock that door to allow guests to enter his apartment.

As he expected, his virgin child, Nohk, and her adult female escort had arrived. He did the necessaries, and a minute or so later they walked into his apartment. Nohk walked in behind the woman, looked straight at him, and smiled. She was wearing a cheap light blue dress, the kind sold in all the markets all over Bangkok. It probably cost no more than two or three dollars. To Jack, she looked like a million bucks. Even dressed in a old sugar bag the girl would look stunning. She was so beautiful and tall, for her age, and elegant, even for a nine year old, that nothing she wore could detract from her looks.

'Sawadee ka,' she said to Jack, giving his the usual polite Thai female greeting, and offering a wai as she did so. She seeming genuinely happy to be there, and looked around the apartment. It was probably the most luxurious home she'd ever visited.

Jack acknowledged Nohk's greeting with a smile and a nod, as was customary for a foreigner in Thailand, if not returning a formal wai. He found it hard not to just look at her. He wanted to play and fondle her so badly, the feeling was almost irresistible. A fantasy of mounting her young slender body and feeling her tissues give way to his thrusts had been in his mind since he first saw her. Making the fantasy a reality, however, would truly be a pedophilic treat. And yet, at the same time, he wanted to take her slowly, easing her into the world of sex, and exploring her delicious young body and charms.

He looked up at the woman who had brought her to him. He recognized her immediately. She was the same woman who'd performed several times during the Hump Hump Show he'd attended earlier that evening. Her specialty was vaginal ejaculation. As she climaxed, the woman seemed able, every time, to gush and squirt pussy juice all over her partner. She always performed with young girls, and Jack thought it likely that this was her natural sexual orientation. He was intrigued, though, by her ability to ejaculate in this way, and, for a moment, he contemplated asking her about it. But he decided against it; it didn't feel right to him. The woman was very beautiful, but there was a coolness about her that detracted from her sexual attractiveness. Thai lesbians, or 'Toms' as they are called, are often like that: beautiful but aloof, especially around men. He wasn't prejudiced about it; it was just a matter of fact.

The woman confirmed with Jack the agreed arrangement: Nohk would stay with him for a day or two for his pleasures and then she would return to escort the child back to the Hump Hump House. Jack reiterated that he'd telephone the Hump Hump to let her know when he was finished with the girl. The woman proceeded to leave. Jack thanked her, indeed he gave her an appreciable tip, which she accepted gracefully, and let her out through the security system.

He walked back to the living room where Nohk had been sitting on the large leather sofa. By the time he returned to her, she had removed her clothing and was sitting naked and relaxed, with one leg raised, affording a nice view of her prepubescent hairless pussy slit. She looked up at him and smiled. This child had a way of surprising him, and that was unusual. The more time he spent with her, the more she intrigued him. She seemed to know instinctively how to please him.


As Jack walked in he smiled at Nohk to let her know how much this act of submission and cooperation had impressed him.

First, he decided, they'd have a bath together, but he couldn't resist leaning down and taking her small left nipple in his mouth and sucking on it just a little. 'Hmm, yes,' he thought,

'I'm the first to take it in my mouth. It has that virgin flavor. I knew it.' He suckled on her for some time, even surprising himself, and felt a wonderful feeling of satisfaction from it. The child very sweetly placed her arm around him as he sucked on her. She was enjoying the sensations as well. When he looked up at her, she smiled at him and asked if she tasted "aroy" (delicious) to him. Of course he confirmed that she tasted "aroy mahk" (very delicious).

Jack had screwed a great many youngsters here in his time, and had enjoyed them all, apart from two or two who had exhibited an ingrained fear of foreigners and resisted seduction. A couple of them had obviously been very sexually aware, despite their youth. But there was something about this child. It was in her eyes and the way she looked at him; the way she connected with him and he with her, and he wasn't quite sure why. It was like she was much older in her head than her sweet nine year old body showed, and he felt a presence with her that was hard to define.

He led her to his bedroom. Then she sat on the end of his king sized bed, looking up at him. He went to turn on the bath in the off suite bathroom. When he returned, she was lying on the bed, gazing up at the ceiling, as if lost in thought, and her legs spread wide while she unconsciously stroked the inner thigh of her left leg with her middle finger. Looking down at her exquisite young pussy fully exposed before him, Jack felt his cock stiffen. As he stood before her, she turned her head to gaze at him; it was such a knowing and aware gaze.

As he undressed in front of her. Nohk looked at his now fully erect penis, and, without being asked to, gently took it with her hand. As she held Jack's manhood in one hand, she gently stroked it with the other. Nohk raised her head slightly brought Jack's penis close to her face. It seemed to him that she wanted to take his male sex aroma. As she breathed in, she looked up at him. 'Those wonderful big brown sensuous eyes,' he thought to himself. Jack was taken aback at the girl's forwardness. She was clearly intrigued by his prick, and wanted to feel and play with it and felt no inhibitions about doing so. It dawned on him that what struck him most about this child, and had since the Hump Hump Show manager brought her to him some hours ago, was that the girl had no inhibitions about her nakedness, her sexuality, about being sexually touched, or reaching out to sexually explore.

With a sweet whispering voice, Nohk asked, in Thai, Jack if what she was doing felt good, and naturally he replied in her language that it was wonderful. Nohk beamed. The child was learning, acting out of instinct, observation of and probably advice from, others. She just needed some encouragement and support. Jack knew this. He knew how important this first sexual encounter was for her. And she was taking the initiative as well. As she continued to fondle him, he gently stroked her beautiful young face, told her how beautiful she was and how good he felt being with her. 'It is so wrong for an adult and child to enjoy such experiences together?' Jack pondered. In his heart of hearts, he couldn't believe so. Not when it is about giving and learning and sharing and pleasure.

As Jack was lost in thought and pleasure, the nine year old placed her small hand around his penis and brought it to her open mouth. Then, to his astonishment, she took it in quite a way, sucking on it softly but sensuously, all the while looking up at him with those extraordinarily revealing eyes of hers.

Jack felt a wave of pleasure throughout his entire body as the soft moist pre-teen's mouth caressed his erect penis. In all the girl children he'd had sexual pleasure with and all the virgins he'd deflowered, he'd never experienced a child quite like this. The child had an understanding and an intuition that was beyond her years and experience and, again, Jack wondered why.

Young Nohk sucked on Jack's prick for quite some time, and the sensations were sublime. Then he placed his hands gently around her face, as she let his engorged cock drop from her mouth. Too much more of that wonderful sensation, he thought, and it'd be over too soon.

Now he asked her if he tasted "aroy" (delicious) to her, and she smiled, and half laughed, saying "aroy mahk" (very

delicious). Having returned the compliment, he'd let her know just by the way he looked at her that she pleased him mightily.

They proceeded to the bathroom.

They were just about to enter the bath when Jack, thinking out loud in English said, 'I wonder where you come from, little one, you seem different from other Thai kids I've enjoyed.'

'I come from Phitsanulok,' Nohk replied. 'I come to stay in Bangkok about two weeks already.'

Phitsanulok is a medium sized Thai city, in the central region of Thailand, several hours by road from Bangkok.

Jack stopped and looked at her, astonished. 'Nohk, you can speak English!' He had been around her since mid evening and she'd not uttered a single word other than in Thai. Obviously, she'd waited until completely alone with him to reveal this.

'I can speak little bit,' she told him, 'my Mother learn me before she die already. She want me to speak English very good.

But now I not go school.'

'Did your Mother speak English well?' Jack asked her.

'Yes,' she replied, 'because she go to....., "mahawitayahly" (college or university),' she added in Thai.

As he reflected on Nohk's story, something didn't quite add up, or was missing. A poor child, but with a college educated mother, who'd taught her English, sent to Bangkok to work in the Hump Show house. Where was the father? Why was she here?

He was ruminating over these facts when Nohk continued 'and my father speak English very good too, but I not know him. He go back to America before I born.'

'Huh?' said Jack, starting to wonder if there was any truth at all to Nohk's life's story.

'Yes,' Nohk continued, 'he come from America. He stay with my Mother not too long. She not say too much. She say "never mind, he not some back," but she not angry. She say "he good man, have good heart, but gone already"'.

Jack gave the girl a studied look. 'You're telling me your father was a farang?' he asked. Nohk nodded. 'What was his name?' The girl shook her head, saying "my roo" (don't know).

It would be easy to dismiss Nohk's story as childish fabrication, Jack thought. But, if true, it would explain a lot. The girl's Luk Kreung appearance, for example; her passable English, despite problems with grammar; and also why she'd been sent to Bangkok after the mother's accidental death.

Since half western and half Thai kids feature prominently on Thai TV and advertisements, perhaps they thought the Hump Show house would use her to make a fortune for the family. It was an unusual story; not the typical 'poor kid been sold to the brothel' which he'd expected.


After a short time, Jack and Nohk got into the bath. They had a great time. They soaped each other all over, he cleaned and played with her little pussy and butt hole, and she in return washed his prick and balls and cleaned his ass, pushing soap inside and enjoying feeling his rectum. This was something Jack loved too, and finding a young girl to do it willingly wasn't easy. The child was totally relaxed about her body, and gave herself totally.

Finally, they just lay there soaking in the bath, the child resting her lead on his shoulder while playing with his cock.

Jack great delight at playing with the nine year old's soapy nipples and silky entrances and folds.

Now, both relaxed, Jack asked Nohk some more questions about her background. She told him that she'd lived with her mother until one year earlier when she was killed in a motorcycle accident. Her elderly grandmother, although quite poor and in failing health, had taken care of her since then. When the woman from Bangkok came to visit them, her grandmother told Nohk that she must go with the woman and live with a family in Bangkok. Jack felt sure that the "woman" was the same one who'd brought her to his apartment, and the "family" was the Hump Hump Show house. So there wasn't a greedy family in Phitsanulok waiting for her to bring back the fortune, he concluded; just an old granny who couldn't cope.

In fact, Jack reflected, sending Nohk to the Hump Hump house wasn't as bad a decision as it seemed. The Hump house was quite a classy place. The kids who worked there weren't mistreated or chained to beds and so on, as is common is appalling brothels in some countries, including even, in Thailand. Jack, and his friend Jim, refused to frequent such places. The Hump house, which was essentially a police-sanctioned operation, catered for the well to do, mainly Thais. The owners brought in the kids in to work for a while, earning their families some appreciable money, before sending them back again. Jack had heard that some of the older kids moved on to household service jobs with rich Thai families after they finished their stint at the Hump House. Some rich Thai guys kept them as a teenaged mistress, or even young "mia-noy" (minor or second wife.) Very likely Nohk's granny had hoped for something like this when she sent the girl to work in Bangkok.

'Were you sad about leaving your grandmother?' Jack asked her.

'No,' Nohk replied thoughtfully, 'I think something good is here for me'.

There was innocence and hope mingled in Nohk's answer, and it touched Jack a little. And yet, it occurred to him also, there was more in her eyes than just childish dreams. Strong instincts, and an awareness of some kind, it seemed.

Nohk gave a Jack a furtive smile. Finally she asked 'Can I call you DaddyJack? I no-have Daddy now but I want you be my DaddyJack while I stay.' With any other child in his apartment he would have said 'no' to a suggestion like this. But he said Nohk she could.

Kissing Nohk's beautiful young face, Jack whispered 'would my lovely little girl like to play with her DaddyJack now?' The pre-teenager nodded, giggled slightly, and pressed her face into his wet chest. It was a charming act of submission, Jack felt.

He stood up and turned the shower on to wash off the soap. The child stood too, and they washed each other. After getting out of the bath, Jack took a very large towel, first drying himself and then drying the nine year old. She looked very relaxed and enjoyed this attention. As he dried between her legs, she squatted slightly, both to allow him better access to dry her and also, it seemed to him, to enjoy the sensation of the soft thick towel rubbing against her genitals and anus. She looked up at him with a 'hmm, that feels nice' look on her smiling face. Jack, seeing her expression, laughed a little, and then said, in an affectionate way, 'you sexy little nine year old cunt.' Nohk laughed too, and their eyes met again, in one of those moments of connection, while Jack finished drying the girl's beautiful willowy body.

After he'd finished, Jack noticed a few small drops of water around Nohk's small, dark, but already hard, nipples. She noticed it too. He leaned down and licked each drop away, making sure to run his tongue over her nipples several times as he did so. He felt her sigh a little from the pleasure of it.

And again she looked at him, slightly enigmatically, but relaxed and happy at his touching. Jack very slightly caressed the girl's virgin sex slit with his middle finger. He felt wetness. For a moment he thought he hadn't dried her there sufficiently. But then he realized it was the girl's own secretions. They hadn't even reached the bed yet, Jack determined, and already she was lubricated for pleasure.

'Now I want to be your doctor and look at all of you' he told her. Nohk understood and giggled again. He led the girl toward the bed.


Lying on his bed, Jack asked Nohk to spread her legs very widely for him. She complied, willingly. The idea of being explored by him seemed to appeal to her.

'Something I want to look for' he told her, and for a moment she looked concerned. He noticed it, and stroked her cheek telling her 'everything was fine'.

Pulling back the pre-teen's labia, Jack somewhat clinically examined her to see if her hymen tissue was indeed still in tact. This girl seemed so sexually 'knowing' and 'aware' for a virgin, at least from his experience. Maybe his pedo's olfactory sense had been wrong and the child was no longer a virgin. Maybe someone else had been there first. But, as he parted the girl's tight sex opening as wide as he could without causing her discomfort, he was pleased to see that she was still genitally pristine. That wonderful little membrane awaited him.

It wouldn't have mattered if her cherry had been history, but Jack just wanted to know for sure. Whatever her experiences here in Bangkok, or back in the village, her hymen remained in tact; and the honor of popping it would be his and his alone.

The scent of her freshly washed nine year old virgin genitals soon hypnotised Jack, and he started kissing her pussy all over as she spread her legs apart as much as possible to allow him access to her most private opening. Soon he was licking at her slit, running the tip of his tongue along the length of it, stopping occasionally to focus his lick strokes on her clitoris and labia folds. The child responded, much like you would expect an adult: she moaned and emitted small noises of pleasure in response to his gentle and expert stimulation of her young erogenous tissues.

Jack especially enjoyed looking up to observe her licking her lips, her mouth open and eyes closed, and breathing more heavily: classic signs of a human female responding to sexual arousal. Her head turned slightly to one side, she was even playing with one of her nipples slightly, and she looked adorable in this aroused state of pleasure.

'She just gives in. Wonderful,' he thought. 'Nine years old and already she's learnt, or knows, perhaps instinctively, what she likes and what pleases a man.'

As he orally stimulated the girl's sex, Jack revelled in her juices and aromas. He opened his mouth very widely almost covering her pre-teen vagina. Sucking on her entrance in long intense motions he could hear her make even more pronounced 'mmm mmm mmm' sounds of enjoyment. It was delightful to hear this nine year old just relax and enjoy the sensuality of intimacy with him. He sucked harder and harder on her clit and folds, and then focussed his attention on her small and still virgin pussy cavity. He pushed his tongue inside her. The flavor was unimaginably good. Better than he'd ever tasted, and he'd tasted many delicious girl children in his time.

Jack could feel Nohk's tight young muscles around his tongue, as he gently prized her entrance open. There was so much pussy nectar coming from her he paused to draw it in his mouth and drink it. Elixir of life, the ancient Greeks considered it. So did he, and he drank hers with relish. It was exquisite. It was perfectly natural for a man to enjoy such gratification, he thought; such foolish taboos as there are.

As he felt his probing tongue lapping at the hymen membrane inside her vagina the girl flinched slightly. It was a reaction to burst of pleasure emanating from her genitals throughout her body. Jack understood why. The hymen tissue is very sensitive and provides a girl much pleasure when stimulated. The western preoccupation with tearing open hymen tissue with brutal destructive force seems to have more to do with absurd motions of dominance and desecration than anything else, Jack believed.

When Jack deflowered a child, he gently prized the hymen tissue open, and not before stimulating it fully with his tongue.

These sensations for the virgin girl are extraordinarily pleasurable and unique, as nature intended. It's a perfect preparation for the inevitable discomfort from the tearing that follows. And as good as a girl's pussy feels and tastes, there is nothing equal to the sensation of an intact hymen as you lick and probe it. Jack had no intention of tearing open this sweet little gift from the heavens. He would take his pleasure, and allow she, hers; slowly but fully.

Taking away his mouth away from his child's wonderful virgin pussy, he looked up her. Her head still on the side, she murmured 'I love you make me feel good DaddyJack.' He smiled back. Through her fractured English he knew what she wanted to say: 'thank you for the feelings, the sensations and the pleasure, for making me feel good, for not hurting me, and for caring about me.'

'I love to eat your little pussy,' Jack mumbled while performing on her sex.

Hearing these words, particularly "eat" and "pussy," Nohk moaned-murmured 'what you "eat" DaddyJack? What is "pussy"?'

Jack looked up at her with mischievous eyes. With playful force he darted his tongue into her vagina a deeply as he could, causing the child to shriek and laugh in response.

'This is your "pussy,"' he told her, 'and I love to "eat" it like this.' With that, Jack took the girl's clitoris tissues in his mouth and nibbled and munched on her in a mocking gesture, saying how good it was to "eat" her and how great she tasted.

Nohk flinched and laughed out loudly, aroused, excited at the intimacy, and learning, Jack could tell, about how her young body pleased and made him happy.

Almost without thinking he took her by the face and kissed her on the mouth. She wasn't the least bit concerned by the flavors and aromas of her own young vagina on his mouth. The child was a true sensualist, he thought: she wanted to experience it all, without fear, guilt or reservation. Still holding her face he looked into her eyes. There was such an understanding between them, a knowledge, a connection of some kind that neither fully comprehended but both fully sensed.

'What is it about this child?' he thought to himself, again.

Jack had sensed a uniqueness about Nohk from the moment the manager at the child sex show brought her to him. He'd mounted lots of young girls, beautiful ones too, and sweet, and adorable, and obliging, and they'd had sad stories to tell too.

In this country sad personal stories are a way of life.

Sometimes you believe them, sometimes you don't. In this child's case he felt instinctively that what she had told him was true. No, that wasn't it. He knew that. Something else.

Something about the way she handled experience and feelings; about the way she responded to him, wanting to please him, but not just because she knew she had to, but because she wanted to for her sake as well as his. She was using him for pleasure as much as he was using her, it seemed to him. It sounded ridiculous to think of a nine year old child using an adult for pleasure and experience, but that's how it felt. And not 'using' in an selfish uncaring way either, but in an objective almost detached manner.

As Jack gently stroked and licked the beautiful body of this young girl on his bed, these thoughts flowing through his mind, there was a moment of clarity and realization: objective sensuality. That's what they shared in common. The things that mattered to the child were what she could sense and feel, not what was correct, good, true or right. And so it was for him.

He had lived his whole life on that basis. Couldn't live any other way. And so it would be for her, he sensed. It didn't matter that she just a child. Her reactions and behavior were instinctive. She hadn't been cowed and browbeaten into enjoying sexual sensations. She just enjoyed them. That was her make up.

You are what you are, in sexual orientation as in everything else.

Jack was momentarily lost in thought as he allowed himself some delightful foreplay with his beautiful young girl. The moralists have got it all wrong, he thought. We don't all live under one set of moral principles. We each have our own. Life is about exploring oneself and coming to understand what is morally and ethically right for each of us, and being true to ourselves. In a world full of the morally self-righteous, that's often very difficult.

Lost in the exquisite pleasure of being with Nohk, savoring her young fresh sex, sweet small nipples, aromatic anus, and all the softness, fragrance and charm that was this tall, lean sensual young girl, Jack wondered why the reality of child sexuality was so misunderstood and feared.

Looking at Nohk - her eyes closed now, moaning slightly with pleasure, her hips rocking almost imperceptibly in a sexual motion, as he stimulated her with his fingers and tongue - what it was "all about" seemed clear to him: Some children simply respond to and accommodate, indeed thrive on, sexual experiences. As much as the moralists deny it, it's self evidently true all over the world. Sometimes they're exploited. Sometimes they're condemned for being "immoral" and "wicked and sinful." Almost always they're misunderstood. And so are the adults who connect with and wish to share the reality of child sexuality. Jack knew this

well. One day it might be different.

But not now. Not as we struggle to cast off the repression from millennia of moralism born from times of ignorance, fear, and superstition.

In this country, Jack realized, he could, with discretion, be the sensual person that he was. Around him, a foreigner, this girl, Nohk, it appeared to him, could also be the sensual child that she was. Just as he felt no guilt from enjoying his sexuality with her, she felt no shame from developing her sexuality with him. The sexual intimacy between them provided the perfect connection for this exchange and realization to take place.

Understanding this as best as he could in this intense sexual foreplay going on, Jack returned to extend the child's sensual pleasure experience. In one long tongue stroke, he commenced from her small but firm clitoris down her wet pussy slit all the way until his tongue pressed into her anus. Anal sexual is the most intense because of the complex nerve endings needed for its psychological functioning. Every true sexual sensualist revels in this kind of sex, for this very reason. He knew she would too. He licked around her small hole, pressing his tongue inside, enjoying the wonderful sensation of her anal tissue.

Quietly the child murmured 'oh, oh, oh' over and over again.

These new sensations must have been overwhelming for her, and exquisite too. In Jack's view, the most intense sexual pleasures invoke restrained responses; the more internalized they are, the greater the sensation and enjoyment.

Jack briefly looked up at Nohk's quivering face. 'Ok, sweetie?' he asked her softly. She nodded slightly, smiled, and closed her eyes. She was immersed In the sensations. She was very "ok."

Jack tongued Nohk's young tight rectum as fully and as deeply as he'd ever done with any girl in his life. He inserted his tongue into her hole s far as she could, and the feelings of pleasure for both of them was enormous. Finally, after vigorous stimulation of her anus, as well as occasional further tongue stroking of her clitoral tissues, the girl child gave an audible yelp, and flinched noticeably as well. Then she relaxed again. At that point Jack paused his oral pleasuring of her, and moved to suck softly on her small dark nipples. She rested her arm on him.

Jack believed that Nohk had experienced, not an orgasm exactly, because she wasn't quite physiologically developed for that just yet. But she had experienced the beginning of such a sensation, and this experience was a helpful step in developing the mind-erogenous zone 'wiring' needed for full sex pleasure enjoyment. She was a fast learner. Eager and willing students usually are.

This extreme intimacy was his way of conveying to her how important it was for him to give her pleasure. For her part the child conveyed that the most private and sacred part of her young body was for his pleasure anytime for the asking.

After a while Jack decided to rest, and Nohk snuggled up to him on the bed as he gently stroked her body, sometimes kissing her. He'd decided not to proceed with popping her cherry. It was now very late - the early morning hours. There would be plenty of time tomorrow to fill her in every conceivable way and open up her sexuality.

He started to drift off to sleep, but then felt the delicious sensation of Nohk's mouth around his cock. The child had taken upon herself to pleasure him before going to sleep. As he lay there, in a sleepy, dreamy state, the nine year old gently performed fellatio on him, using her lips and mouth around his penis tip, producing wonderful sensations of pleasure. Using her lovely young fingers and mouth together she brought him to the peak of orgasm before finally facilitating his ejaculation by strong sucking on the end of his cock.

It was a superb orgasm, and Jack felt the strong spurts of his semen enter her young mouth, coinciding with the waves of release. He even squeezed her little nipples between his fingers with some force as he came - one of Jack's small sexual proclivities. She gave no hint of displeasure.

He felt relaxed, restful almost, as the child induced from his manhood the semen she desperately wanted to taste. After his long cry of pleasure from the orgasm subsided, he looked down to the pre-teen to see her savoring his fluids in her mouth, analyzing the taste, before eventually swallowing with enjoyment.

As she nestled herself next to him on the bed, he put his arm around her. He couldn't resist inserting the middle finger of his other hand inter her young vagina, gently pressing until he could feel the pressure of her still in tact hymen tissue.

Gently, he probed it. Nohk didn't object. In fact she obligingly parted her legs slightly, allowing him access.

Quite soon they were asleep.


Jack awoke around 9 a.m. The next morning. Nohk was still asleep, her head resting partly on his shoulder and partly on the pillow.

As he lay there gently stroking her hair, Jack looked at Nohk; he thought about her, and the impact she had made on him, for a long time. Usually Jack remained somewhat detached from the women and young girls he had sex with in Thailand. He did this intentionally. Thailand is replete with stories of foreigners who get involved in "saving" females from "exploitation" and "depravity," and end up the worse for it because the fail to understand the underlining mercenary nature of Thais, who will take advantage of a foreigner's naivete, despite his good intentions.

But, despite himself, despite what he knew about the underlining realities of Thailand, Jack couldn't get it out of his head that this child deserved more. She deserved a chance for a better life. Children in Thailand have foreign fathers usually fare quite well. The culture doesn't discriminate against them, indeed often they thrive because of their good looks acceptance by the society as a whole. And usually foreign fathers provide good financial support for their upbringing.

But, Nohk's circumstances were unusual. She had the beauty of a Luk Kreung (half Thai and half western), but without support her fate was uncertain. Unpleasant, perhaps.

Nohk awoke and, looking up at Jack, smiled as she yawned and stretched slightly. Placing her head on his shoulder, Nohk starting lightly licking Jack's right nipple with the tip of her tongue. 'Hmm, very good, little one' he murmured, sleepily, in response to this pleasant sensation. With that he brought his arm around her, pressing her to his chest. Nohk brought her mouth to Jack's nipple and started sucking on it with moderate intensity. Jack gave a sigh of relaxed pleasure, as he felt his child guest's moist soft mouth sucking at him. He felt his cock stiffen. Nohk had already placed her hand around the top of his penis, gently massaging it with her fingers.

'You feel happy when I do like this DaddyJack?' she asked him, looking for reassurance.

Jack nodded and whispered 'everything you do makes me happy, Nohk. Everything you do make me feel good.'

The child beamed. She gave him such a knowing and aware look.

Nohk was not a loquacious or babbling youngster by any means.

She spoke sparingly; had since Jack first met her many hours earlier. But, she managed to convey so much through her looks and glances. Increasingly, Jack found this fascinating about her.

Feeling his pleasure building, Jack at first decided that this would be the moment for young Nohk's defloration. He placed her on her back and prepared to penetrate her tight nine year old vagina. It was time to rupture and tear her young hymen, he thought, formally bringing to an end her virginity, but also extending her along life's sexual pathways. It was a cherished and defining moment in every girl's life. But, with this child, Jack felt, it was especially so. He smiled at her to give reassurance that he cared about her and would not hurt any more than nature had deemed necessary. She gave him a knowing look.

Her bright sensitive eyes were fixed trustfully on him. She closed her eyes in readiness.

Jack pressed the tip of his penis just a little into Nohk's tender tight young vagina. He could feel her moistness, and a delicious scent from her virginal secretions seemed to permeate the air around them. He breathed it in. Jack pressed his cock a little further inside her. The girl braced slightly, not in discomfort but in apprehension. She gripped his arm a little for comfort, and, in return he bent down and kissed her forehead, whispering "bao bao" (gently, gently), further reassuringly her.

As his engorged penis pressed against her virginal tissues Jack paused for a moment. He readied himself for the honor of opening her, an honor that no man in the future could ever take from him. A further slight press against her vaginal membrane.

The child's pussy was so tight and firm around the tip of his manhood. He could feel her young muscles tighten and relax slightly around his partially penetrated penis. Whether to not this was an intentional or involuntary response on her part, he didn't know for sure. The effect, however, was a feeling that her young body was drawing him inside her, longing for this consummation to take place, longing for sexual initiation.

And then, suddenly, Jack pulled back, withdrawing from her young eager but anxious body. He didn't know why he did this.

Rationalizations such as wanting to taste her virginal juices again and saving her defloration for later that day came to him. But, in truth, something else was going on in his mind.

What is was, he couldn't say for sure. But, for now, he wanted her young hymen left intact. For some reason, it just didn't seem the right time to tear away her prepubescent vaginal tissues.

Nohk looked up at him, concerned, and confused, probably.

'Don't you like me DaddyJack? Not feel good?' she asked with concern.

'You're perfect,' he said, smiling warmly at her, 'and, remember I said that everything you do makes me feel good. But something first,' he replied. Nohk giggled slightly. She seemed reassured.

Gently, Jack turned Nohk over so she was laying face down on the bed. Spreading the cheeks of her lovely young ass, Jack took a moment to relish the sight of her small butt hole. He pulled back the entrance skin to examine her pinky anal passage. Not only was it a joy to look at, Jack thought to himself, but the aroma was wonderful. Not fecal at all, but quintessentially girly and sexual, fresh and hypnotic to him.

Pressing his face to her ass, he at first breathed in her scent before licking at her entrance; slowly, methodically at first, and then deeply and probingly.

Nohk flinched and moaned as Jack pleasured her ass hole with his tongue. As his tongue thrusts into her rectal passage grew deeper and deeper, the child cried out with the sensations; at one point she said repeatedly, in English, 'good, good.' From Jack's experience, this is the kind of thing girls, who genuinely enjoy anal sexual pleasure, do involuntarily in response to the such sensations.

After a short time, Jack's probing of the child's rectum was so deep he was, in effect, fucking her with his tongue. He looked up and could just see her face against the pillow. Her breathing was heavy, as she darted her own tongue in and out with the sensations. He could see she was absorbed by anal arousal and stimulation. It had been a wise decision, he concluded, to develop her anal sexual sensitivity first. 'Not all kids enjoy being "anal-yzed,"' Jack thought to himself, with slight amusement. 'But clearly young Nohk does.'

Nohk's ass hole was now quite well lubricated from Jack's mouth work, but, just to ensure that she was penetrable without discomfort, he took some lubricating jell from a tube nearby and gently inserted it deeply inside her with his finger. He took a moment to feel and massage her tight sphincter muscle; stretching it, allowing her time to accommodate the sensation.

Jack's own need for relief was becoming greater. He raised the tip of his rock hard penis to her rear entrance and just commenced his gentle penetration, when, suddenly, Nohk jumped off the bed, and quickly positioned herself behind him.

'What the hell?' he let out.

Nohk did it so quickly that even Jack, an old hand at humping young girls, was caught off guard. A brief moment later and Jack felt the exquisite and unmistakable sensation of Nohk's tender little tongue enter his anus with deliberate and not inconsiderable force.

'Holy fuck!' Jack exclaimed, as the nine-year old's tongue penetrated his rectum as fully as she could. Then, in a gesture of reciprocation, the child darted her tongue in and out as vigorously as the could, then paused momentarily to suck his ass hole with as much force as her pre-teenager's mouth was capable.

As if these attentions weren't enough, Nohk also used her left hand to cup and gently massage Jack's aching testicles, while simultaneously stroking his throbbing penis with her other hand. She especially focussed her strokes on the tip of his dick, caressing lightly but very sensuously around his hole, inducing waves of quite intense pleasure for him.

'Jesus, Mary and Joseph' Jack, called out, not only in response to the child's superb pleasuring, but also at her inventiveness and initiative at wanting to please him. Jack could hardly believe that this young girl had been, indeed still was, a virgin. She was simply a sexy young girl - a conclusion he had drawn the previous evening - for whom, like him, such pleasure would not just be a part of living, but the main purpose.

Nohk's attentions were wonderful, but Jack was at the point where desire transcends urgency and becomes necessity.

Highly aroused, he took Nohk again and placed her before him, this time on hands and knees. Holding her from behind, squeezing the child's nipples, he whispered in her ear: 'I must fuck you in the ass hole, little baby girl; must pump my seed into you.' Such talk was perhaps a little beyond her English and sexual maturity, but, she knew enough to tell desire from anger.

The young girl responded to Jack's urgency with complete submission He could tell that she just wanted to please him.

Perhaps she understood the extent of his need for relief, perhaps not, but, despite her inexperience, Nohk just knew, instinctively, to give to him freely and allow him to have her as he pleased.

Holding the child firmly from behind, Jack first positioned and then pressed the head of his penis into Nohk's taut poop hole.

For a moment, as his mind raced because of the arousal and urgency, he thought, once again, of vaginally deflowering her.

But, no, this must come first, he decided. The desire to thrust his manhood into her slender firm body to help ameliorate his craving for relief was very strong in him. But, he controlled himself. Already he had too much affection for this lovely sweet young girl to prize her open anally and tear her delicate tissues. Some pain and discomfort was inevitable; but, it needed to be measured and managed, both for her pleasure, and sexual growth and development.

First he felt her sphincter resist his engorged manhood. Nohk's body tightened, and she bit her lip in anticipation. Then came that exquisite moment when her young tissues accommodated his hot sex organ. They both cried out. It was a shared cry of relief, intimacy, apprehension and collusion.

As Jack slowly press his penis as fully as possible into the lubricated canal of his young girl, she emitted a long, slow, groan, while lowering her head down to the pillow. Head down and butt up - Jack's favorite position when penetrating a youngster from the rear - he achieved, in short measured thrusts, complete entry into the child's rectum. For a moment, Nohk seemed overwhelmed by the sensation of complete male entry into her tight back passage. She started muttering some words and phrases in Thai; these were not directly translatable but she was saying something like "hurting good" and "feeling nice hurt."

'Take me, little one, take me,' Jack whispered in the girl's ear. Whether she understood the words of not, she understood the sentiment, and pressed her rear entrance against him, to impale herself fully on his manhood. She wimped, either with discomfort or from the newness of the sensations. She's testing herself, Jack concluded, finding her own limits, off-setting the discomfort with the pleasure.

Jack commenced rocking his penis gently inside her. Even with lubrication, her tight anal canal gripped his penis firmly, and he savored the occasional involuntarily twitches her muscles made, further massaging his organ. The child was taking the first part of her defloration very well, he thought. He desperately wanted to ram his cock with full force into her orifice, and propel his ejaculate to the maximum inside her young body. His mind raced with mental images of his hot sticky semen being projected, in powerful spurts, into her young healthy girly bowels. Constantly, he told himself to pull back, contain his vigor and allow her first taste of anal fucking to be pleasurable and rewarding.

'Oh Jesus, I want to empty my load' Jack grunted, the grimace on his face revealing the extent of his urgency. He even tried to suppress his words and sounds; even these might frighten the girl who might not yet know how painfully good sex pleasure can be.

Time after time Jack felt his pre-cum tingles but he willed himself not to climax. Holding back in this way, internalizing the sensations, though difficult, made the pleasure that much more exhilarating and exquisite. Nohk, in an extraordinary act of submission for a virgin receiving anal sex for the first time, responded by placing her hands on the cheeks of her ass, spreading them open in order to allow Jack even greater access and penetration. Jack could even feel the child pressing her hole towards him as he thrust his cock again and again inter her. The child's accommodation continued to surprise him. She wanted to feel it all. No holding back. No reservations.

Whatever the initial discomfort.

Finally, Jack could suppress and internalize the pleasure no longer. Once it started, there was nothing he could do to hold back. He felt his body flinch. Involuntarily, he thrust his penis into her gooey but tight rectum with full force. He hadn't wanted to, but his physiological need to ejaculate was too overpowering now.

Nohk cried out in response to the thrust, but only once. A second later the room reverberated to the sound of Jack's bellowing. As shot after shot of his seed filled young Nohk's rectum, Jack's orgasm was that much the greater and more intense for having been held back and contained for so long.

His come, and the powerful spurts, seemed so long and intense.

More than usual and pleasure at it's excruciating best. With a final powerful spurt, and blessed relief, Jack collapsed onto the bed, panting and spent. Nohk, surprisingly, had been quite during Jack's climax following her initial cry out. Perhaps she was just intent on focussing on the sensation of hot semen reaching deep within her bowels.

As Jack lay next to her, recovering, she gave him a wonderful knowing and understanding smile. Then, to his surprise, she put her arms around him, in a comforting gesture. This was a first for Jack. Usually, after deflowering a youngster, it was he who did the after-cum comforting. Nohk continued to surprise and delight him.

Jack and Nohk remained in bed for some time. As she rested her head on his shoulder, he gently stroked her. He looked down and saw the child inserting her middle finger into her anus. He asked her if she was OK. 'I like to feel the sticky in here,' she replied. 'See if it still tastes good,' he said to her, chuckling.

She poked her tongue out at him. It was a humorous but also a sensuous gesture. Jack laughed again and then held her close.

They talked for a while. Nohk asked him about other girls he'd "played with," as she put it. He was quite frank with her about his prodigious sex life. He told her about all the young girls and women he routinely brought back to his apartment. He told her he had lots of video of his humps with girls - young girls in particular. She told him she wanted to see it. He said "maybe."

The child asked lot of questions. She wanted to know what a girl "tasted like"; how it felt for him to "go inside a girl", as she phrased it, and why he cried out, and does it hurt, and why does the white cream he makes feel so sticky and..... On and on the questions came. Sometimes he explained in English, sometimes in Thai, depending on her degree of understanding.

She took it all in. Intrigued, fascinated even.

There was a long pause. Jack and the girl just enjoying the pleasure of being intimate and naked in his large bed. Finally, Jack, still reflecting on Nohk's personal history, asked her if she missed her mother a lot. The girl sighed. "Keet teung mahk" (miss her a lot), she murmured.

'What was her name?' he asked, almost as an after-thought.

'Reung,' the girl answered.

'And she went to the college at Phitsanulok?' he pressed her.

'Hmm,' Nohk replied sleepily, 'and also she work at the Riverside Restaurant in the night time. She have accident, come home one night.'

Jack literally flinched in bed. Nohk felt it. 'What?' she asked, with concern. 'Nothing,' he, mumbled. There was a pause.

The he said 'Ok sleep now. DaddyJack says so' he commanded with humour. The girl chuckled.

A few moments later Jack said 'Nohk, what day is your birthday?' The girl yawned, and then murmured 'I born 1990 on July 9.'

Finally, Nohk drifted off to sleep. But Jack remained awake.

Wide awake. Thinking. Reflecting. And remembering....

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Very fine story so far.
Please don't get too sentimental.


great story - thanks

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