Published: 25-Jul-2011
Word Count:
Author's Profile
Jack Hale sat in the cocktail bar of the Ambassador Hotel on Sukhumvit Road in Bangkok, sipping on a soda water and lemon.
It was almost 7 pm. Jack didn't drink alcohol at all so when he went out, apart from an occasional Pepsi, he usually drank soda and lemon. He often stopped by the Ambassador for a refreshment; its foyer and cocktail lounge were spacious and serene, and also provided an excellent location to view tasty looking Thai females either working in the hotel or walking around or through it.
Jack had enjoyed some nice lays from the Ambassador over the years. Since living as a resident in Bangkok he'd screwed about six chicks working in this hotel: two waitresses from the coffee shop, a cocktail waitress from the lounge piano bar, a lady from reception who loved to give blow jobs, and two sweet young things who worked in the hairdresser shop attached to the hotel. These last two were the easiest, of course, because most large hotels in Bangkok have hairdressing salons which often are a thinly disguised cover for prostitution. They usually offer 'Thai massage' in your room, which means about ten minutes of massaging your legs before you negotiate a fee with the lady for her pussy and then proceed to eat and screw it.
Pussy from a hotel like the Ambassador was very good eating indeed! And this was just one hotel that Jack frequented; he got around the hotel scene in Bangkok fairly well, and had enjoyed the charms of a great many of the 'respectable' females who worked in them. The newbies and tourists in Thailand go to the Go Go bars and brothels for humping; experienced expats and foreign residents just go about their business and lives and pick up twat for hire as they go along. It was everywhere: you just had to know where to look and how to negotiate for it.
As Jack sipped on his soda and lime he saw his closest friend in Bangkok, James Tiley, walking in from the hotel entrance towards him in the cocktail bar.
'Yo dude, how're they swingin'?' said Jim as he sat down.
'In the breeze man, in the breeze.'
This kind of hip talk was not normally how the two men conversed; it was just a kind of greeting ritual that had evolved between them.
On this occasion Jack had not been waiting in the Ambassador for accommodating females. He was in fact expecting his friend Jim to arrive to join him. They were planning a special evening together. They actually enjoyed a special evening like this about every two or three months, and they always looked forward to it. The two men had a great deal in common. Both were aged in their late forties, were unmarried with marriages behind them, and were both quite well off financially. They both lived in luxury apartments nearby and enjoyed a variety of common interests and hobbies, such as badminton and classic movies.
Jack was a freelance writer and researcher, who specialized in magazine articles on various subjects. He was working on a novel as well. Jim was basically retired having the good fortune of coming from a wealthy family in the first place and a canny eye for good investments as well.
Amongst their numerous commonalities and shared interests, there was one in particular that acted as a strong bond between them: they both loved screwing as many females as possible. It was the main reason they lived in Thailand; the abundance of ready, willing and able to please young women made it a perfect country of expatriation for both of them. They shared all their experiences, travelled together to hump anything tasty and available, and had shared a great many women, one trying a girl out first before providing an assessment of her features and performance, and then the other giving her twat a whirl.They'd often screwed the same chick on the same night, or acquired two chicks and then exchanged them during the night. They weren't into doing threesomes with women, however. A little tacky for their taste.
There was no rivalry or competition between the two men at all in matters of pussy and humping; indeed they were very relaxed about it. They knew each other's tastes, predilections and idiosyncracies extremely well. Jack was into chicks, basically every way that was possible and his tastes were extremely broad, including pregnant and twosomes and even more. He was your basic heterosexual dude and he pursued and fucked females assiduously. Now Jim, on the other hand, was more or less a 'try' sexual: he'd tried and succeeded to fuck just about everything in his time.If it was human, had orifices and talked, he'd poked it really.
But, more than all of this, the two men had something else in common that helped formed a strong bond and trust between them: they both enjoyed having sex with children. Indeed it could truly be said that they were both prodigious and committed pedophiles. Neither man felt any guilt about it; they actively sought it, enjoyed it, shared it, and even revelled in it. Both had enjoyed sexual encounters with kids as young as five or six, although the age range eight to ten suited both best. Jack even enjoyed writing stories based on his sex life in Bangkok, and publishing them anonymously on anything-goes internet web sites. Of course, in referring to himself in these stories he always used a fictitious name.
One irony that the two men often discussed was the fact that many tourist pedophiles arrive in Thailand thinking the streets are lined with children ready, willing, and available to be procured for sex. Often they come up empty handed. Sometimes the 'children' they procure are actually late teenaged, and, because of the boy or girl's natural youthful appearance, the tourist is taken in. In fact, finding genuinely pre-teen youngsters to hump in Thailand is harder than most people imagine. Generally Thais can tell a tourist from a mile away, and tourists are seldom shown little more than the superficialities in Thailand. But for resident foreigners, especially rich ones, like Jack Hale and Jim Tiley, all sorts of doors to the dark underbelly of their country of expatriation, were open to them.
The two men chatted for a while in the bar. But they were keen to get the evening's pleasures underway a soon as possible. As they prepared to leave Jim, keeping his voice down, said, with a broad grin, 'Ok, lets go go go to the Bangkok Kiddy Hump Hump Show.' Jack smiled back. Even hearing his close friend use those words started to make him horny for a pre-teen. It wouldn't be long before he'd have his hands on one, or two, or three...
The two men walked out of the Ambassador Hotel to hail a taxi.
Outside the Ambassador, things were bustling along as usual: the touts were ever ready for passing tourists, the noodle vendors plied their trade, and the night stalls were selling their usual variety of fake designer clothes, watches, jewelry and what have you. They proceeded through the bustle, across the pedestrian cross-over nearby to the other side of the road.
There, they hailed a passing metered taxi. Being April it was a particularly hot, still, stifling, Bangkok evening, and the traffic was appalling, as usual. But, fortunately, they weren't going too far, and the air-conditioning in the taxi would make their short trip that much more comfortable.
Both Jack and Jim spoke Thai language extremely well, so getting the taxi driver to understand where they wanted to go was no problem at all. The driver took them to a quiet residential area of Bangkok away from the shopping and tourist centers. After about fifteen minutes they arrived to what appeared from the outside to be nothing more than a large house. He drove in and they asked him to stop in the driveway.
They paid him and then waited until he'd left the area before proceeding to the front door. Above the door was a security camera pointing down at them. They looked up and smiled. If they had not been 'acceptable' visitors to the house they would have gotten no further. But the two men were known to the proprietors of this place. Jack and Jim were in a special category of foreign resident in Bangkok: they were long termers, rich, known, and, for a whole host of other reasons that have to do with acceptability in this foreign culture, they were trusted and respected.
The door opened and a Thai man beckoned them to come in. They followed him down a long corridor and then downstairs to a doorway to large room. The door opened and another Thai man, the manager of the place, greeted them.
'Ah Mr Jack and Mr Jim. Please come in.' Then he asked them if were both "saby-dee" (well or healthy). This is typical polite question Thais tend to ask when they greet someone. Of course they smiled and assured him they were quite saby-dee and looking forward to the show. He gave a broad smile back and replied 'Ah yes. Have many new girl and boy for show tonight.
You like, I think.'
The two men looked at each other briefly. They'd been to several of the shows at this establishment, and had never been disappointed. They weren't expecting to be tonight either.
Jack handed the manager a roll of Thai banknotes which he took and placed into his pocket. This not inconsiderable sum was both the entry fee and entertainment charge for this establishment, and the money Jack gave him covered both himself and his companion. This was a place where things were done with a degree of discretion and fees were always paid in advance.
Tonight it was Jack's treat. Next time it would be Jim's turn.
It was an arrangement they both liked, minimizing fussing around with money when they arrived.
The Thai manager escorted the men to a small round table to the center left of the room. They sat down. Jim ordered a small beer, while Jack asked for his usual soda and lime. As they sat back, they could see that the show had already started.
At the front of the room there was a slightly elevated stage, and on it were a young Thai boy, about thirteen years old enjoying receiving fellatio from a beautiful Thai pre-teenaged girl. The boy was sitting on a bed at the center of the stage, as the girl below slowly sucked his cock in time with the background music being played.
The girl was doing a very nice job on the boy; licking his erect prick very sensuously as she held it by her fingers, running the tip of her tongue down to his balls, and then back up again to suck very expertly on the end of his young dick.
After a few minutes more she moved to lie on the bed, and as she lay there the boy sucked her small budding breasts while inserting his fingers in and out of her hairless pussy.
Finally, he parted her legs and she was perfectly happy to let him penetrate her pre-teen twat with his early-teen prick, and they proceeded to fuck away as everyone in the room watched.
There was no pain or blood as he thrust his cock into the child; her young cherry had been popped some time ago in all likelihood.
Jim and Jack sat sipping their drinks, enjoying the pleasurable sight of these two kids humping away in time with the music.
'Wish I'd had a young cunt like that to hump when I was his age,' whispered Jim.
'Well, you're certainly made up for your early deprivation,' quipped his friend. Jim chuckled.
Around the room there were about twenty tables. There was a fair amount of space between the tables. Jack and his friend were the only westerners in the room, as was usually the case.
Most tables had up to four people sitting around them. There were some men and women sitting alone, and a number of couples, either a man and woman or two men sitting together. The lights on the young humping kids were quite bright, giving everybody a nice view of their bodies in action. Lighting around the tables was subdued, however. This was to give the audience members a degree of privacy and anonymity.
It was also considered inappropriate to approach or address anyone sitting at another table at the Kiddy Hump Hump Show. It just wasn't done. On the other hand there was also a sense of fraternity amongst the audience, perhaps arising from sharing such a forbidden but immensely pleasurable experience. For this reason, since everybody was equally 'guilty', everyone seemed to feel comfortable and relaxed. Even Jim and Jack, as foreigners, could sense that.
Nor was there any concern that the police might burst in at any moment. Like many illegal sex operations in Bangkok, this 'show house' was under police protection. Indeed, Jack had heard that a group of senior police officials actually 'owned' it. He and Jim even laughed about it. As they often joked; 'what is the purpose of the Thai Police Vice Squad?'; answer: 'to manage the vice of course, otherwise some other criminals might do it.' As the expats say here, "TIT": this is Thailand!
Mingling around the room were a number of children aged between about six and thirteen. They wore only silky thin rather sexy looking underclothing. The little girls, topless, wore pink panties, and the boys wore burgundy red underpants. These could be easily slipped off to give easy access to their genitals. Just about every customer in the room had his or her hands on or around a little boy or girl.
The Thai guy sitting at a table ahead of Jim and Jack's had a sweet long haired girl about eight on his knee, and it was evident from his arm movement that he was exploring her small cunt with his fingers. Sitting to the left and away from them was a woman about forty or so. She had a lovely dark skinned girl, probably from the south of Thailand, and she was sitting on the woman's table while the woman fondled her small nipples and between her legs.
To the other side a fat guy was busy stroking a young boy's almost erect penis, as he watched the two kids fucking directly ahead on the stage. Behind him, another smallish man was fingering quite vigorously a twelve year old's cunt, and it was obvious from her face that she wasn't enjoying it too much. He was being very rough with her, and Jack observed this with some disapproval. The kids were there to be savored and enjoyed, he thought to himself; they were readily available and there was no need to hurt them.
And so it was around the room: little boys and girls being fondled and fingered by members of the audience, either talking to them or playing with them as the show went on. The rules of the place were quite simple: you could fondle and play with as many children as you wanted to have approach your table, one or two at a time, and you could lick and suck on them, and they on you, while the show proceeded. But if you wanted to fuck one of them, you had to take the child to one of the many rooms upstairs to do it. You could fuck more than one if you were able, but only one at a time, unless it was agreed with the manager to take two or more. Having orgasms and ejaculating while watching the show was considered very bad form, and if you did this it was unlikely you'd ever be allowed back to see another one.
The kids humping away on stage were getting into a nice fast pace. It seemed evident, also, from the boy's distorted face that he was going to shoot his load very soon. Jack, by this time, was already chatting to and playing with a sweet ten year old girl who was sitting in his lap. He'd already pulled her pink panties down, and was fingering her small twat hole, making circular motions while he did it, pausing to squeeze lightly her little clit between his fingers. Jim on the other hand had started off with a young boy, about nine, and he'd already stroked the boy to a full erection. Not only that, but he'd gestured to the kid to unzip him and take his cock out, and the kid was already gently holding Jim's half erect prick in his hands, playing with it. Jim never wasted time when he and Jack came to the Bangkok Kiddy Hump Hump Show.
The men, along with the audience, watched as the young boy and his pre-teen girl fucked away nicely towards a climax. They had changed positions a couple of times over the past ten minutes or so; from the missionary position to the girl on top, then the boy behind the girl. Now they were back to where they started, the boy on top now furiously humping his child fuck to get himself off. It was necessary for him to cum; there was no dry humping in this show. He was having trouble just getting over the edge to shoot his young nuts off, but, finally, after a vigorous final effort, he took his cock out of her and she massaged it with her fingers as he ejaculated several very powerful spurts of his boy cum on to her stomach. He groaned in pleasure as his shot his load, but suppressed himself somewhat, perhaps self conscious with the audience watching him.
After he'd finished, his cum splashed pre-teen partner moved to the end of the bed, and facing the audience, spread her legs wide before picking up the semen on her belly with her fingers and pushing it into her twat. She gave a lovely smile as she scooped up and inserted the cum inside her young body, before licking her cummy fingers clean of residue semen.
After the girl finishing inseminating herself both she and the boy stood up, faced the audience, and then gave a traditional Thai wai, both hands pressed together in front of the face, and then bowed slightly. As they left, the audience, including Jack and Jim, applauded to indicate their approval of the kids' performance.
It would be about ten minutes before the next act followed along. No one in the room would be bored until then. There were kiddy pussies, cocks, butt holes and titties a plenty for everybody to play with and taste while the audience chatted and sipped on their drinks. The background music helped to add to the ambience of the place as well.
Jack was still fondling his ten year old and she was by now sitting naked on the table in front of him while he fingered her twat. He liked this little pre-teen; she was just what he wanted first tonight: lovely long hair, sweet face, beautifully proportioned young body, and her body scent was wonderful to him. She had lovely soft skin, and apart from fondling her soft silky genitals, it was just a joy to stroke her young body all over. He started fingering her rectum a little too, he loved doing that, and she didn't object, even when he inserted his finger in to her ass just a little. He sensed, though, that she didn't care for it too much, so he went back to fingering her pussy and pulling back her soft labia folds. There were a number of other lovely available pre-teen girls around the room, but he'd decided he would fuck this little child first when the time seemed right.
Jim had moved on from a young boy to a pre-teen girl maybe nine or ten years old. She had short hair and looked rather boyish actually, but she giggled and was being very cute as he fondled and fingered her orifices. He pushed her head down only slightly towards his prick, but she knew what to do, and seconds later she was softly sucking on it in his lap. Jim just closed his eyes, enjoying quietly the sensation of her kiddy mouth around his bulging pecker.
As Jack fingered away at the now moist pussy of his ten year old, he said to Jim 'if fucking kids is so damn terrible, can somebody tell me why it feels so damn good?'
'Search me,' replied Jim. What a question to ask him, he thought, while he sat there enjoying the delicious feeling of a warm moist pre-teenager's mouth sucking sensuously on the tip of his fully erect penis!
'You know something else,' Jack continued while pulling open and exploring the vagina of his pre-teen now lying back on the table,'I'm prepared to give little girl pussy the award for the best designed physiological....,thing in the universe.' He couldn't think of a better word than "thing" at that moment.
They both laughed as he continued. 'No, hear me out on this OK?
Look at what it does: it pees, it self secretes, it has a hole for menstruation and babies later on that's perfect for fucking now, a little knob on the top that's nice for sucking, perfectly shaped little labia flaps that look great when you pull 'em back, and it that wasn't enough, it smells wonderful, tastes likes nothing else in the world - except maybe expensive fresh oysters - and feels just as good inside as it looks on the outside.'
'And it feels nice when you stick your dick in there too,' added Jim, just in case this point was completely covered in Jack's evaluation of the design features of pre-teen twat.
Then Jack started to say 'If I ever get to talk to God, man.....'
'You don't believe in God.'
'..don't interrupt,' said Jack, rebuking his friend in jest, 'when I get to talk to...whoever set the universe up, I'm gonna tell...whatever it is that it fucked up big time on all sorts of stuff, but ten out of ten for kiddy pussy.'
'Yeah, you do that,' Jim murmured sarcastically, enjoying this banter. He continued savoring his little kid's oral servicing of his now rock hard cock. Then he added 'fucking anti-pedo zealots don't know what they're missing. If more people actually experienced the buzz from have hump hump with kids instead of condemning those of us who do, they'd be plenty more of it going on.'
'There is plenty of it going on, despite all the anti-pedo hysteria,' retorted Jack. 'It's a natural part of the human sex need. It can't be stopped, only suppressed because of the left over religious moral bullshit that we're weighed down with.
Wait a hundred years and it'll be acceptable, I guarantee it.
Like, a hundred years ago you couldn't be publicly gay; now you can. Remember they ruined a great writer like Oscar Wilde back around 1899, and for what? He liked having loving friendships with young men, not even kids, mind you, but twenty something year olds, and he wasn't even fucking them, he just enjoyed being with him! He died ruined and broke. And for what? Fucking nothing, that's what. But the lawyers and the judges and the great moral majority of the day who condemned him knew best didn't they? They knew shit. They know shit now.'
Jim shot Jack a quick glance. He'd heard all this before; it was, of course, preaching to the wholly converted. But, he let Jack get it off his chest, one more time.
Jack went on. 'It's the same old story: everyone is forced to accept a moral framework that some people think is the "truth", and anyone stepping outside it is condemned. Just as everyone had to accept that the earth was at the center of the universe, and anyone saying it wasn't was condemned. But the scientific framework changed didn't it? And so does the moral framework.
It's changed enormously in a hundred years. It will continue to change as well.'
'On our soap box again are we Jacky,' quipped Jim, at last, feeling the need to lighten things up. Next thing, he thought, Jack will be on about indigenous people who practice childadult sex without harm to the children and recent research which shows kids who have consenting sex often benefit from it rather than suffer ill effects.
'Yeah, well, fuck.' I just hate all that hypocritical moralizing anachronistic antiquated bullshit,' mumbled Jack, poking fun at himself now.
'A hundred years you say, and we can fuck them all we want?' asked Jim, with a smirk on his face. 'I'll have to put myself in a cryogenic chamber.'
'Just get 'em to put your dick in there sport, and they'll be able to grow you back from there' Jack said, laughing, and Jim cracked up as well.
As Jim laughed, the pre-teen sucking his prick looked up at him. He patted her on the head as if to say 'you're doing a good job down there.'
'Hey, no jokes alright,' Jim said with a make believe serious look on his face, 'I'm getting a blow job here.'
'Well excuuuuuuse me,' said Jack, laughing.
The next act in the show was about start, and Jack brought his little girl up from the table to sit up next to him. She liked him and put her head on his shoulder as he caressed her. She started unbuttoning his shirt, and when she saw his nipple inside started playing with it with his finger. Jack loves to have his nipples sucked by young girls, and when he indicated this, she immediately took hold of his left nipple, licking and sucking on it. Jim, on the other hand, was perfectly content to have his little one's mouth exactly where is was: nicely ensconced around his procreative protuberance! They were both quite content as they prepared to watch act number two.
The second act was a short one, and very amusing too. Two naked five year olds, a boy and a girl, came out, gave the audience a wai and then commenced a comical pretend fucking exhibition.
The girl leaned down to take the boy's small penis in her mouth, half sucking it while looking around at the audience and at someone from the side, probably a woman, who was giving direction and encouragement for their efforts. After a few minutes they changed, and the boy had a go at licking his little girlfriend's twat, sometimes his tongue actually connecting with her slit!
Everybody got into the spirit of the joke, and gave the kiddies a clap for encouragement every now and then as they played at fucking on the stage. Then the kids placed themselves into the missionary fuck position as the little boy rubbed his small only slightly erect dick on to the cunt of the five year old girl, not even coming close to going into her probably still virgin cunt. Jack and his friend watched and chuckled along with the rest as the kiddies changed from one fucking position to another, never really achieving penetration or having sex at all. Finally, the kids were told from their 'trainer' on the side that they'd done great, and they hopped off the bed, to give the clapping audience a thank you wai and bow.
As they were leaving the stage, one of the Thai's near the stage must have indicated that he wanted the kiddy girl to join him, and the little girl went to sit with him. It occurred to Jack that he would probably take the girl up to the rooms later and pop her cherry, although he'd be expected to cough up some more bucks, if she was a virgin, because an intact pussy was considered an extra service here. Either way, no doubt it would be very tight and fresh, and Jack envied him that.
'Well, at least their hearts were in the right place, even if his little cock and her young cunt weren't' quipped Jim.
'Cute little twat, that kiddy girl,' commented Jack. 'I'd like to hump her in about three years.'
'I'd like to hump her, period!' retorted Jim. Jack chuckled. He had no doubt that his companion would like to do precisely that.
The third act followed along quite quickly. A very attractive Thai woman in her early twenties walked on stage with a lovely young girl around ten or eleven years old. They both wore thin white robes. The woman removed her robe, then removed the robe of her girl companion to reveal her pre-teen nakedness. After stretching out on the bed the woman gently directed the child to lie beside her. Then the girl placed her head on the woman's breast, and the woman stroked her briefly before the girl took her left nipple and started to suck on it, very softly and sensuously.
The sight of a lovely young girl licking and suckling on an older woman was extremely erotic, and the two seemed to be engaged in a genuine show of affection. The girl's sucking gradually became more pronounced, and soon could be heard from where Jack and Jim were sitting. The woman gently caressed the girl's hairless pussy all the while, slowing putting her fingers inside to finger fuck the girl. The pre-teen started doing the same to the woman, and quite soon they had a very nice finger fuck and suck performance going on. Then, the older female, taking the initiative, moved them into a classic sixtynine position, and the two very skillfully licked and sucked at each other's pussies, much to the delight of the audience.
There was a hush in the room as the woman and her young companion performed cunnilinctus on each other. The licking and sucking became more and more vigorous, as the woman and child sought to explore each other's genitals as fully as possible.
The young girl could be seen inserting her tongue very deeply into the woman's twat, and the woman took special delight in spreading the child's labia as widely as possible for the audience to see, while she sucked on her clitoris.
The two lovely females went on for some time licking, sucking, probing and exploring each other's cunts. The woman at one point turned the girl's ass towards the audience and, spreading her ass cheeks wide, pulled at her anus to reveal her pink rectal passage. Then she extended her tongue to lick at the child's ass hole, pushing her tongue in as far as it would go before darting it in and out, and then sucking it fully.
Jack and his fellow pedo companion watched the performance with much enjoyment along with everybody else. Across the room Jack also observed other audience members enjoying their kiddy play toys. A Thai guy over at the next table was now sucking on the erect prick of his little boy, and the fat guy sitting a ways off had a thumb in the ass and a forefinger in the cunt of the little girl child at his table. He was being none to delicate in his probing, and it showed on the face of the slightly wincing pre-teen.
The Thai woman sitting across from them with the dark skinned pre-teen had the girl lying on the table in front of her while she ate the girl's twat out as fully as she could, all the time keeping her eye on the charmingly adult-kiddy lesbian act on the stage.
Jack thought it interesting but odd that adult Thai women often came these shows to eat out and finger fuck the little girls, but he never saw a woman with a little boy. This seemed to be the case elsewhere in Thailand as well. Well to do Thai woman were well known to frequent the massage parlors and other places where young girls were available, but not the boy bars and similar places.
He knew, for example, a young Burmese girl called Dao in Chiang Mai in the North of Thailand who worked illegally in a baan sao or 'lady house', as most illegally entered Burmese girls do.
She was a sweet girl, as the Burmese often are, and he went up there to fuck her, and many others, from time to time. She told him that a rich Thai woman came to get her every two weeks and took her to a big hotel and then would eat her pussy out endlessly over two days. The Burmese was also expected to suck extensively the twat of her client, something she didn't mind doing, even though she wasn't a lesbian because the woman paid well, although she joked with Jack that pulling out all those pubic hairs from her mouth afterwards was a bit of a chore.
u On the other hand, Western women pedophiles - a reality denied mostly by the anti-pedo male-hating zealot brigade but a fact nonetheless - tended to go to places like Vietnam and Cambodia to fuck both young girls and little boys. It was more dangerous to go to these places, but very cheap: one can fuck kids there for a few dollars each. It occurred to Jack that you'd never find this fact in any of the anti-pedo brigade's pronouncements; it didn't fit in with their general male hating ideology he guessed.
The kiddy-woman lesbian treat on stage was nearing its end. The woman kneeled over the young girl's face as the child below furiously licked at her clitoris. From the moans the woman was making it was apparent that she was approaching orgasm. Moments later she indeed climaxed, and as the child continued clitoral massage with her tongue, the woman came, amazing and delighting the audience, with several squirts of vaginal secretion which landed on the kid's mouth and chin. The older woman literally gushed cunt juice over the mouth of the young girl, who took as much of it in, drinking it, as she could. After the woman's pussy flood had subsided, they showed their appreciation to the clapping audience as they left hand in hand from the stage.
'Now that's something you don't see everyday,' Jim whispered to his compatriot.
'So much for the myth of female ejaculation,' replied Jack. 'As I always say,' he went on, 'if it's possible, it happens in here in Thailand.'
'When are they going to have pop-a-cherry time I wonder?' asked Jim.
'Probably after the break. Sometimes it's early in the show, sometimes they leave it until the end. They like to keep you guessing,' concluded Jack.
The guys chatted for a while, fondling and fingering their girl children all the while, and waiting to see if there was to another kiddy fuck act before the intermission. They were getting to that point in the evening where a nice fuck with their respective pre-teens upstairs would be most welcome indeed.
There was a general sense of arousal around the room as well, not surprising really because all the adults in the audience had been foreplaying with kids for quite some time. Some members of the audience had already gone upstairs with kids to get their rocks, or their twats, off.
Jack looked across the room towards the Thai woman sitting alone at a table. She'd been finger fucking her young girl throughout the show; now the child was under the table between the woman's legs and, despite the table cloth providing some cover, it was obvious that the kid was giving fairly serious head to her mistress.
The fat Thai man sitting at another had his little girl stretched legs apart across his lap, and Jack guessed that maybe his cock was already inserted into her hairless little fuck hole. This was against the "rules" somewhat, but he wasn't being too blatant about it so that was OK.
Everybody's attention was again directed to the stage when a tall very slender Thai girl about thirteen years old walked on stage with two slightly younger boys. They all disrobed and the girl sat on the bed facing the audience. She was a beautiful early-teen child, her breasts just at that budding, beginning to protrude stage, and one or two little pubic hairs were evident above her clitoris.
The two boys sat both sides of her on the bed. Then she put an arm around each of them to draw them towards her nipples and the boys started sucking on her at the same time. The girl then commenced playing with the boys' young cocks, bringing them to erection, while the boys, still sucking on her nipples, each took hold of a her labia folds to expose her lovely pussy to the watching adults in the audience. It was a very erotic site to see these young ones perform their obviously well planned act, and it got even better when each of the boys took turns to go down to the girl's cunt and lick her pussy and clit with deliberately long tongue strokes.
After a few minutes the girl lay back on the bed and took one boy's dick into her mouth, sucking on it very expertly while simultaneously cupping and stroking his testicles. The other boy wasn't idle either; he'd moved on to inserting his fore and middle fingers into her twat, and he pushed them inside her young moist hole as far as they would go. He lifted her thigh up just a little at one point, and used his middle finger on the other hand to massage her anus, inserting his finger tip just a little.
The kids fucking on stage where really good to watch. After a while the boys changed places and the young girl sucked the other boy's dick giving his friend a chance to explore her openings for the benefit of all in the room.
'She's a sexy young twat is she not?' whispered Jim. 'A bit older than I like 'em, but tasty anyway.'
Jack didn't reply. It was a very horny threesome act, and his prick was bulging in his pants. He was enjoying it enormously but looking forward to the end as well. 'Enough watching kids fuck for a while', he thought, 'I wanna fuck my kiddy girl and feel that pre-teen pussy of hers around my cock.'
The three youngsters on stage were nearing the end of their performance. It was intentionally short act just before the intermission break. The older boy had the honor of hump fucking the girl's pussy while she performed fellatio on the other boy's prick. Having mounted the girl, the boy doing the fucking, did so with youthful energy and enthusiasm, thrusting his young dick vigorously in and out, seemingly determined to 'do his thing' as quickly as possible. It didn't take too long, and he emitted a low pre-cum groan, just before quickly removing his cock from her pussy and taking it to her mouth, wacking himself off to get his rocks off. He didn't quite make it, however, and a couple of spurts of his boy cum landed on her chin and neck before he was able to empty the rest of his urgent load into her mouth. The younger boy pulled back as his friend performed the ejaculatory honors. He kept rubbing his young dick against her face, though, as a way of hanging in there, but was unable to shoot his load. Perhaps he wasn't expected to anyway because of his age.
The early-teen girl raised herself up to face the audience.
Then she opened her mouth widely so the audience could see her boyfriend's cum around her tongue, and then swallowed it, receiving a round of applause as she did so. After that all three offered their polite thank you wais and started to walk off stage. As the cum swallowing girl was walking away, one of the couples at a table called her over and she went to sit down with them. After a brief discussion, all three proceeded together upstairs, for what would no doubt be a nice little threesome.
'I've filed that young pussy away in my "must mouth, ass and cunt fuck her at a later date category,"' announced Jim. Jack nodded in approval.
There would indeed be an intermission, if that was the appropriate word, in the show. It would allow time for the remaining acts to be prepared, but it would also enable the more horny members of the audience to hump their kiddy of choice. Several audience members with a kid in hand, including the Thai woman and her little girl, proceeded up stairs. Both Jack and Jim took their kiddy sweeties upstairs as well. After arriving at the hallway to a number of rooms similar to those found in a hotel, Jim escorted his cute boyish looking eleven year old girl to the room on the left, and Jack led his lovely long haired ten year old to the right.
'See you in about one hour, man,' said Jack, and his friend indicated agreement with a thumbs up gesture.
Jack was very pleased to finally get to a room with his sweet ten year old long haired kiddy girl. He was as horny as a motherfucker, and needed to get off in her as soon as possible.
He undressed and then they went to the shower together where he washed her all over, an extremely pleasant 'chore' if ever there was one, and then she washed him. It was great feeling her lovely small hands gently washing his cock and balls, and by the time she'd finished, his not insubstantial penis was full erect. She was amazed by the size of his western prick, she probably hadn't seen one before, and whispered to him that it might hurt her. His was used to this, and he reassured her that he'd go bao bao (slowly slowly) with her little twat. She seemed to trust him and went along with whatever he wanted.
Freshly washed and spread out on the bed before him, Jack immediately went to work on the small nipples, twat and butt hole of his kiddy girl fuck. 'Hmm, the intimate taste of little girl genitals,' he thought, 'nothing in this world tastes as good if one is a pedophile'. Jack believed that every adult is in fact a pedophile, but only a proportion of people who are courageous enough to confront the reality and extent of their sexuality are prepared to admit it. He was, and he revelled in sucking and licking this little girl's youth, beauty and sexuality, inducing for him feelings that human being always seek but rarely find: pleasure and happiness.
Jack's pleasure and happiness were enhanced even more when the little girl voluntarily took his cock in her mouth and proceeded to suck on it slowly, sweetly, and sensuously. She was quite relaxed, and the feeling of her soft moist little mouth and tongue around his manhood was exhilarating to Jack.
He felt the beginning of those pre-cum tingles so he pulled back a bit. 'Not too soon, not too soon' he said to himself but out load, and he stroked and kissed the ten year old to show her how much she pleased him.
He tongued the openings and titties of the child a while longer to savor her delicious favors, while she gently held with his hard prick with her small fingers. Finally the need to penetrate her pre-teen body was too great, and he entered the tip of his cock into her cunt and slowly filling her young fuck hole. He thought about using a condom but decided it was OK to fuck her without one. He couldn't resist the opportunity to feel to the maximum her tight kiddy vaginal muscles gripping his fully erect prick.
The girl breathed in and braced in anticipation slightly as he entered her young pussy. But it didn't hurt her really and she relaxed after his cock penetrated her as far as possible. Jack had found through extensive sex with children that a young child's vagina can easily accommodate an adult male's penis, even a large one, so long as a degree of moderation is used upon entry. After all, that's what nature designed it for: for sex. Where, he often thought, is it written in the book of nature that a female's twat needs to be eighteen years old before its 'ready' for penetration? Nowhere. Only in the books of religious know-alls and moralists who seek to force their morals onto everybody else are such 'truths' found.
To Jack's mind, this young girl wasn't a psychological wreck; in fact she was quite relaxed and enjoyed the sensations of licking, sucking and vaginal penetration. Well, that's what her pussy was for: to be pleasurable and to give pleasure to males.
Now of course if the anti-pedo zealots got hold of her, terrorized her in front of doctors and child welfare 'experts', and then dragged her into a court room to be grilled and frightened by hard faced self righteous adults, then she'd be an emotional cripple and psychologically ruined for life.
Fortunately, the chances of that happening here were zero.
He gently humped the ten year old's pussy, simultaneously squeezing her nipples with one hand and massaging her rectum with the other. This was sublimely wonderful and fulfilling sensual pleasure, and Jack enjoyed the girl's young body as he always did when he screwed a pre-teen: without reservation or guilt. He turned her over and around several times during the next fifteen minutes or so, screwing her from behind, from the side, with her on top, lying flat on the bed and then finally on her back as he kneeled between her legs. He started fucking her in long pleasurable thrusts, as he prepared to empty his now urgent load of procreative fluids into her moist tight preteenaged pussy.
When Jack achieved orgasm and ejaculated fully inside his accommodating ten year old, it wasn't even vigorous or brutal for her. As his mind and body erupted together in collusion of pleasure at that exquisite moment of inevitability that immediately proceeds orgasm, he paused movement briefly while fully penetrating her deliciously tight vagina. Then, as he felt his powerful spurts of seed begin being propelled within her, he needed only small rocking movements of his penis to achieve extraordinary waves of pleasure with each successive spurt of semen.
Jack took hold of the girl's face and looked into her eyes and cried out with satisfaction and relief as he climaxed; the child looking up at him, if not fully able to comprehend the extent of his pleasure, nevertheless aware that she'd made him very happy.
After his wonderful orgasm had subsided, Jack kissed the child tenderly on the forehead and then thanked her, in her language, for being so sweet and good to him. Then he took out some money and gave it to her, telling her it was for her and not tell anyone else. She gave him wai to thank him, as Thais often do when receiving a gift, and then she kissed him on cheek. She explained that she wanted to take it and hide it in her room, since she could hardly conceal it dressed in panties, and then she'd return. He understood this. He even expected it. Jack was an old hand at places like this in Thailand. So after they showered together, the girl dashed quickly to her room to hide her 'tip' while Jack dressed. After several minutes she returned, and together they proceeded downstairs to the show.
As they entered the room, Jack caught a glance from the Thai manager who saw them walk in. Jack smiled to let him know that he was extremely happy with the girl and the Thai smiled back, pleased. For the girl's sake it was a good idea to convey this to the dudes in charge. In the Land of Smiles, an appropriate and well directed smile can be an extremely useful skill for a foreign expatriate to learn and apply judiciously. In a place like this, it was essential.
Jack kissed the ten year old lightly again on the forehead before she left him to mingle again around the room. He then walked over to his friend who had already returned and was sipping a small beer. Jack ordered another soda and lime and then the two men spent several minutes debriefing each other on how their respective pre-teen fucks had worked out. Jack of course had enjoyed a great screw with his young sweetie, and told Jim so, leaving out none of the details about the girl's body and reactions. It was like that between these two guys: in matters of humping, particularly kiddies, they shared everything. It made their experiences that much more enjoyable.
'So how was little miss short hair?' Jack wanted to know.
'Fucking great,' replied the other, 'she was happy to do the lot. I love a kiddy triple-holer' he added.
A "triple-holer" was a term they used to refer to girls who'd let you fuck then in the ass, mouth or pussy. Not all girl children, even in this place, handle a cock up the ass very well. From Jim's account, his sweetie had taken his full cock up her rectum with no complaints. Jack had wanted to butt fuck his little baby too, but, he didn't think she was into it, and anyway time was a little short so he was just happy to inseminate her tight little pussy. He'd get to ass fuck later maybe, possibly with Jim's kid, now that he knew she 'took it' anywhere, although she was bit boyish for him. He liked his pre-teen pussy sweet and cute.
Jim pointed out a girl over the other side of the room he hadn't seen before and he pointed her out to Jack. She looked partly Chinese, possibly from up north in Chiang Rai or thereabouts, and she clearly appealed to him. She was about nine years old and had shiny hair cut medium length. He gesturedto her to come over, and seconds later she was sitting on his lap.
'Lovely sexy little mouth,' he said, eyeing her over and feeling up all her private parts as he did so. 'Hmm, she smells so delightfully kiddy kiddy too,' he added. 'If she's been popped, it sure as hell ain't been too long ago.' She, he knew, of course, didn't speak a word of English. Then he said 'ooh, I'd really love to shoot my next load inside that sweet little mouth of hers. I wonder if she'd take it happily.' After some probing of the lovely little girl's small openings he said 'well, only one way to find out I guess.' It was clear that the nine year old really spun his pedo dial and he would in due course take her upstairs for a hump session, featuring cum swallowing in particular.
Jack observed all this, smiling at his good friend, sharing the pleasure of checking out the young child's charms. Clearly Jim was taken care off for a second kiddie hump later in the evening. Jack decided to look around for a while, looking over the pre-teen faces that came and went around the room. When something appropriately kiddy-female, sweet, and eminently fuck worthy came along, he'd grab it. In the meantime it was time for some more acts in the Bangkok Kiddy Hump Hump Show.
The next act in the show didn't really interest Jack too much.
Three Thai boys aged between about ten and twelve came out for a hump session. Jack, being quintessentially, indeed rapaciously heterosexual, didn't get much of a buzz from boys butt and mouth fucking each other, but, the show catered to all tastes, so he was happy to let the boy bonking members of the audience have a good time. The Thai sitting over to the left was a good example: he was clearly enjoying the boy fucking going on in front, while giving long strokes to a pre-teen boy's erect penis while the boy returned the favor on him.
With the boys in front getting into major action, with one on all fours while the other two were fucking him in the ass and mouth, Jack looked around the room hoping to see a cute preteenager he could take upstairs later for some serious butt hole bang bang. Moments later he felt movement behind him. He turned to see the Thai manager standing near with a beautiful young girl he hadn't seen anytime before that evening. The Manager spoke to him in broken English and, in politeness, Jack didn't use his Thai. 'Mr Jack. Have new girl, about nine years.
Start tonight only. She is..."Boorisut" (virgin girl),' he added in Thai. 'If you want, no problem, can have. I ask you first. I think you like.'
Oh Mr Jack "like" all right. The child was a pedo's wet dream come true, especially for him. She was quite tall for a Thai nine year old, with beautiful long hair down behind her back.
Her slender body was perfectly proportioned for her age, and even for a child girl she seemed elegant and graceful. Her skin was relatively fair, a great asset as fair skin in much prized in Thailand, especially by females. He couldn't quite place her with respect to the four regions in Thailand. With experience this becomes relatively easy, based on skin color, facial features, local dialect and so on. This child even looked slightly Eurasian, Luk Kreung, as they call half Thai and half Western children here. Jack had never seen a Luk Kreung here at the show before, and it seemed unlikely that she was one.
Possibly there had been some European ancestry in her family somewhere, he concluded.
Whatever her ancestry, one thing was abundantly evident to Jack: the child was eminently, indeed prodigiously humpable.
She had a lovely sensitive face,large expressive brown eyes and just radiated sweetness and sensuality, combined with a touch of vulnerability. For a guy like Jack she was a made to order pre-teen kiddy girl fuck. She couldn't have been a better gift for him if Santa Claus has gift wrapped and sent her with a note attached saying 'please "open" your present up and fuck your nuts off til they explode!'
Jim was observing the girl being offered to Jack and quipped 'think she's got your name written all over her Jacky - in cum of course!' It was his usual crude amusing way of saying that he knew she was just right up Jack's pedo alley.
There was something else about her that sent Jack's dial spinning: a delicious aroma, a fragrance that no perfume, no matter how expensive, could ever replicate. Jack knew the fragrance well. His finely tuned pedo nose was expert at detecting it. It was called virginity. It was the best aroma in the world to Jack, and her's was unmistakable and almost hypnotic to him. It was the musky smell of a freshly washed young pussy, but there was something else in there as well.
Jack didn't know how or where a young virgin girl emanates this erotic aroma, possibly through hormones secreted in or around her hymen, but secrete it she does and it seems to last only as the hymen itself. Any serious child screwing pedophile will tell you the same thing. Probably it was nature's way of her pussy saying 'I'm secreting and I'm ready but I haven't been fucked so please come and pop me.' After defloration a kiddy pussy still smelled and tasted great, but that extra fragrance was now gone. He liked to think all this anyway.
Now being offered a virgin nine year old is great, but even here an extra cost is involved. Jack, being a rich guy, didn't care so much about that. But even a rich rapacious kiddy fucker balks at procuring a virgin pre-teen if she's unhappy and likely to be uncooperative while being inducted into the world of hump hump. So, he spoke to the girl first, asking her if she'd like to sit with him, softly stroking her face and, quite deliberately, fondling her small dark nipples, which were hard even as she stood before him. She smiled at him and then nodded slightly. She didn't mind her nipples being fondled either.
Jack sensed that she'd be a delightful kiddy screw, and he smiled to the manager to indicate that her cherry would indeed be his that evening.
Jack sat the pre-teen down on his chair while he went with the manager to make a suitable arrangement for the child's pleasure services. While he was away, Jim, sitting next to Jack's girl child, and still enjoying bodily exploration of his own little one, ran his fingers over Jack's girl's nipples and cunt slit, just to get the feel of her. Jim never let a child fondle opportunity go by, and anyway he knew Jack wouldn't mind. Nor did the virgin, who smiled at him. 'Ooh, you're a tasty little twat, indeed you are,' Jim said to her, not expecting her to understand, of course. 'I could even take sloppy seconds on you" he added amusing himself.
She continued to look at him, smiling, with her bright young brown eyes. From the way she looked at him he thought for a moment that maybe she understood what he said. Then he dismissed the thought. She must have intuitively sensed that she was arousing to him, that was all, he concluded. In any case any man with a cock that still worked would want her, he was quite sure of that.
As Jack returned, the boy bonk act on stage was almost over.
The two boys screwing the butt and mouth of the third boy had shot their loads onto him, and they were taking turns to suck him off. He finally blew his young wad in an enormous spurt of semen which hit one of the other two boys right in the eye, much to the audience's amusement. Then they took their bows and left the stage.
'I wish they'd get to the cherry popping,' complained Jim. It was his favorite part of the show. Jack was less fond of it. As close as they were, the two men had slightly different motivations in enjoying sex with kids. Jim basically saw kids as little gifts from the heavens, to be opened up at the earliest possible opportunity. Jack, on the other hand, saw them as little pleasure treasures, to be enjoyed but also enlightened and educated by adults to help them along life's sexual pathways. But the two men respected each other's differences; there was never any moralizing between them. They were both well above that nonsense.
Jim was to be disappointed because the cherry popping wasn't coming up next. Now it was time for the kiddy shower show. As a curtain area to one side of the stage was lifted, four sweet girls aged between nine and twelve years old were already taking a shower together. The kids all soaped each other all over, taking care to let the audience observe them washing in between each other's legs, even pushing soapy fingers into pussies and ass holes. The young girls laughed and giggled as they washed and soaped and probed every other girl's orifices and titties, and although it was more humorous and erotic, the audience enjoyed it all.
Watching along with the rest of the audience, Jim had his little pre-teen next to him as he continued fondling her cunt, ass hole, and nipples to amuse himself while he marked time before taking her upstairs for some fairly serious humping.
Jack kept an occasional eye of the soap show, but was mostly occupied in enjoying his little virgin sitting on his lap. She put her hands around him in a 'holding on to daddy' posture and rested her head on his chest, sometimes sucking on his nipples which she'd started doing earlier with little or no encouragement from him.
All of this delighted him of course. He slowly started to finger her openings to see how well she'd take it, and she was quite accommodating, even parting her legs to give him good access. He inserted his finger into her anus. This is a good test and helps determine how well she'd take to fucking later on. He pushed it in quite a bit and she didn't object at all.
She told him in her language that it felt good and she liked good feelings. He thought the way she expressed herself was unusual for an nine year old, and that intrigued him.
Jack continued playing with her butt hole. He had found from experience that girls and women were either 'anal' or they were not. If they were, even girl children, they just liked being screwed up the butt and enjoyed the sensations of anal penetration. If not, they might allow it during sex for various reasons like they wanted to please a man or were being paid to or whatever, but never really enjoyed it.
Jack had learnt to tell from the moment he invaded a girl's rectum with his middle finger where she was 'anal' or not. And he could tell immediately that this nine year old virgin definitely was. It seemed to make her feel passive, and she enjoyed the feeling of total submission to man neither frightening nor threatening.
As Jack fingered his sweetie's lovely tight rectum, she watched the shower show along with him. The showering kiddies were now eating each other's pussies. Each girl performed cunnilinctus on all the other girls at one time or another until, finally, as arranged, the two younger girls kneeled before the two older girls standing in the shower giving them vigorous head, no doubt to bring them to orgasm. The girls receiving extensive sucking on their pussies started to squat slightly, probably to facilitate greater probing by the younger girls' tongues. It occurred to Jack that whoever had trained the young girls to eat out pussy had certainly done a fine job; they sucked those twats like there was no tomorrow.
While the older shower girls moaned their way towards orally induced climaxes, Jack, whispering in Thai language to his no doubt vaginally intact pristine little girl child sitting with him, asked whether she knew about going with a man and letting him get inside her. She told him that she knew what he was going to do with her and that they'd told her it would hurt a little bit but that she must do everything asked of her and not complain. She looked up at him with a slight look of apprehension, but he kissed her and offered reassurance that she'd have a nice time with him. All the while his finger remained in her rectum about one inch and he moved it in and out slightly. She didn't complain about it. She was quite relaxed. The feeling of a kiddy's obliging sphincter muscle around his middle finger was always an enjoyable sensation for him.
As Jack finished talking to his virgin, the two pre-teens being sucked off on stage cried out in orgasm, one just before the other. Whether the sensations were real or not is anybody's guess, and Jack thought it probably unlikely. But the cunnilinctus shower show had been fun, and everybody clapped as the girls each gave a wai and left to dry off.
'Hopefully now we get to see pop-a-cherry time' sighed Jim. who was anxious for this portion of the show to proceed so he could, if not pop a cherry himself upstairs, at least fill his sweet child's openings with him manhood before too long.
At that point Jack made a quick decision. He asked the manager if his virgin child could go to a room upstairs and await him.
He would join the pre-teen after the pop-a-cherry segment concluded. The Thai manager said sure, anything he wanted, so Jack quickly took his unsullied little sweetie upstairs and left her in a room. He made her promise she would stay there until he returned. She did.
Then Jack returned downstairs to watch the final act of the show - Jim's favorite: pop-a-cherry time.
Jack had good reason for removing his nine year old hymen intact little girl before the next segment began. He was looking forward to a gentle and enjoyable deflowering of her, and he didn't want her upset from observing the final performance.
Moments later three young Thai men came out forcefully bringing a young Thai girl around eleven or twelve years old. The pretty innocent looking child was dressed in a classic school girl uniform: white school style top and long navy blue skirt. She was struggling and looked extremely scared as she was manhandled by the males. This was no act: the girl had probably been 'donated' by her family, who needed some money, to be violated before the audience at this Bangkok Kiddy Hump Hump Show.
Two men held her firmly by the arms. She cried out and asked them to let her go, but the other man took her by the jaw and said something so frightening to her and she visibly shook and cringed. Then he commenced the girl's ordeal by tearing open her shirt to reveal her slightly protruding breasts to the audience. It was obvious that she'd just started puberty. The men holding her pulled her shirt clear away so she stood topless on stage. Then they started fondling and squeezing her small nipples, and quite vigorously because she winced noticeably.
The man undressing the pre-teenager then pulled her skirt down and off, revealing her light pink panties underneath. As she squirmed he placed his hand between her legs, rubbing her panties against her pussy, fingering her crack through the thin fabric. Then, he pulled the panties off as the girl cried out in humiliation at being completely naked before a room full of people. He held the panties up to show the room, an when a Thai man on the right raised his hand the panties were thrown to him as a souvenir. Jack observed the guy with the panties sniff at them to breathe in her virginal secretions and odors.
The three men brought the naked distressed school girl to the front of the slightly raised stage for all to observe her. They took the girl to one Thai man and his female companion sitting on table right at the front, and they proceeded to finger and fondle the pre-teen's orifices and nipples adding to her humiliation.
Then the girl was placed in a sitting position on the bed on stage and her legs parted so one of the men could expose her vagina to the audience as fully as possible. He pulled back the hapless girl's labia with his two hands, opening her entrance up for all to see. They then pressed the girl back a little so both her butt hole and pussy were fully exposed, and the man took great delight in pulling at her ass cheeks to allow her pinky rectal passage to be exhibited to all watching.
Although not Jack's favorite part of the show, he nonetheless felt a aroused as they all did at seeing a twelve year old's virgin genitals and passages forcibly exposed prior to defloration before the room. Jim, on the other hand, enjoyed this school girl rape scene enormously, as he always did, and this young girl was especially cute and innocent looking, adding to the pleasure of it all.
After full bodily exposure to the audience, the twelve year old was placed and held face down on the bed, her legs parted as the man leading the violation procedure kneeled behind to sodomize her. Fortunately for the virgin, some lubricant was nearby and he inserted some of it into her rectum, the sensation causing her to whimper.
The man's anal penetration of the young girl thereafter was swift and brutal, and the she cried out with pain at this sudden and complete violation of her rectal passage, the lubrication helping only slightly it seemed. The Thai anal fucked the girl cruelly for some time, sparing her no discomfort as he thrust his penis to the maximum into her time and time again. After the few minutes he withdrew and one of the other men took his turn at her ass hole, pounding into it with equal vigor.
Shortly the last of the three men got his chance to sodomise the virgin girl and after that they started over again, each man butt humping the girl for twenty of thirty thrusts before allowing another to return to her anus. By the time they finished sodomizing her, the girl's rectum must have been agonizingly painful and raw.
'I don't think this little twat will forget her first butt-fuck for a while' remarked Jim, enjoying the spectacle going on in front.
Jack didn't say anything in reply. He felt sorry for the young girl and hoped they wouldn't damage her inside. At the time his prick was semi erect and he couldn't deny feeling aroused. He was looking forward to getting back to pop his little virgin in the room. He was glad he'd taken her out before this part of the show.
Next, the girl being raped on stage was made to sit back up on the bed to face the audience. Her rectum was obviously so painful now that she could hardly sit on the bed, and she tried to sit to one side to minimize the weight on her hurting butt hole. The head violator of the three men gestured to her to take his cock in her mouth and suck it. She resisted, turning her head to the other side. He slapped her face hard and said something to her beyond hearing of the crowd. If she didn't do as she was told it would get worse.
With a piteous face the girl took the man's semi-erect in her mouth and started to suck on it. Her face showed that it must have had a vile taste, having just been removed from her lubricated rectum shared by three other pricks. She performed fellatio on each of the three men in turn, being constantly ordered to suck harder and more fully on their pricks.
Then a man in the audience, the same one who now had her panties as a memento, said something, and the men dragged the twelve year old to him. He already had his fly unzipped and his dick out, and she was forced to kneel and service him with her mouth, much to his satisfaction.
After the man in the audience indicated that he'd had enough fellatio, the girl was returned to the bed. It occurred to Jack that her pussy was up next for deflowering, but they had something else in mind first. It seemed that they wanted to expose her to both sides of the sexual divide.
A Thai woman walked on stage, the same one who had vaginally ejaculated onto the face of a pre-teenager earlier that evening. She climbed onto the bed and spread her legs before the face of the young girl who found herself looking into a waiting cunt hole. She started to cry out again, but her cries were muffled as the men holding her forced her face into the woman's clearly very moist vagina. They pushed her face up and down and all around the cunt, even rubbing her nose into the entrance, and then pressed her mouth into the woman's rectum as well.
Finally, they held the girl's face down flat on the bed, and the older woman sat above her, rubbing her soggy vagina and rectum all over the head, face, and particularly the mouth and nose of the moaning whimpering twelve year old. Like earlier in the evening with the young girl, the older woman brought herself to orgasm, squirting vaginal fluid all over the face of the horrified girl beneath her. It seemed that vaginal ejaculation was this woman's specialty in the Bangkok Kiddy Hump Hump Show.
'I'd really like that cunt to squirt her juice into my mouth,' commented Jim, 'the sensation must be amazing" he added.
'I'm sure she'd do it for you if you ask the manager,' Jack replied, 'every pussy in this room is for hire no matter how old it is.'
'Maybe next time,' said Jim, 'I'm set now on dropping my load into the twat of this little cunt here on my knee.' He had a thumb up her butt and a middle finger in her pussy and rhythmically finger fucked her while he watched the rape going on in front. She was quite relaxed as she sat there, her orifices penetrated by him.
The twelve year old was becoming more and more distressed on stage, but her ordeal wasn't over yet. It was time to perforate her hymen to end once and for all her virginity status. The men held her down by the hands, and spread her legs very widely.
The audience was afforded a nice view of her pussy exposed in readiness for penetration.
Then, the head violator walked over to the guy at the table who'd acquired her panties and upon whom she'd performed fellatio. He spoke to him, and, in a new twist, not seen before at any of the shows Jack and his companion had attended, the guy from the audience walked towards the girl to perform the honors.
The room went dark and two small spot lights were focussed on the girl's face and genital region. This was to give the audience a good view of her cunt being violated as well as her reaction to it, while lessening the exposure on guy from the audience. Maybe he a well known "Poo Yai", or VIP in English, and this was for his benefit.
The man wasted little time, first licking the virgin's twat a little to get a taste of her virgin flavor, and then fingering her hole to see if it was ready to be torn. He guessed it was, and without any further ado he took his cock, which he'd already taken out, and lunged it into her cunt with tremendous force, causing to girl to first cry out and then start weeping.
He ignored the girl's distress, humping his average size cock into her pussy, working up to a vigorous fuck.
Quite a lot of blood seeped out of the twelve year old's torn vagina, and soon there was red smeared all over her genital region and thighs, and on the guy's as well. Finally, after he fucked away at her, he withdrew, to shoot a respectable load of semen onto her belly, letting out a long sustained cry of pleasure as he did so. He moved back quickly from the stage to walked towards upstairs, no doubt to wash his bloodied dick, and as he did so the audience gave him a round of applause to express their appreciation.
Now the three guys holding the girl took turns quickly to fuck the pre-teen and shoot their loads onto her. The first man humped the girl's bloodied twat ferociously, taking only a couple of minutes to ejaculate onto the girl's already cummy belly. The next man took a little longer, but soon he too spurted out his baby making fluids to add his load to that of the previous two men. Finally the last guy, in a particularly frenzied assault on the girl's ravaged twat, dropped a prodigious amount of semen on to the now very cum splashed abdomen of the violated twelve year old.
Having finished fucking the girl, they quickly picked her up from the bed and took her as close as possible to the audience.
As she stood, all the accumulated semen on her belly started dribbling down towards her cunt and thighs. Then the cunt squirting chick reappeared on to the stage. As the men continued holding the raped girl, the woman scooped up the semen with her forefinger and commenced pushing it into the bloodied pussy of the girl. She clearly relished this task of inseminating her, and the point was not lost the audience: the girl probably had commenced menstruation cycles, so pregnancy was a possibility. After inserting most of the cum into the girl's vagina, the woman used her hand to gather the remaining residue semen and then rubbed it all over the girl's face and mouth to give her the scent and taste of it.
The girl's violation now concluded, the audience clapped in a show of appreciation of the men's efforts. To add a further irony to the proceedings, the men then forced the devastated young girl to return a 'thank you' wai to those sitting at the tables. The girl was led away and soon the stage was clear.
'Hmm, that was good,' Jim said to his friend.
'Yeah, not bad,' agreed Jack. He knew Jim had especially enjoyed the cherry popping, as always. He, as usual, had mixed feelings about it, but it was best to go with the flow. In Thailand, as far as possible, this is usually the wisest course of action.
'Maybe I'll drop by and tell her how great she was, if I have the time and energy' added Jim, with a wry smile.
He knew, as did Jack, that the girl would be taken away and washed and then placed in one of the rooms upstairs for the night. If anyone wanted to fuck the recently deflowered young girl, they need only ask the manager. Obviously Jim had in mind adding his semen to that of the others sometime during the night. The twelve year old cherry-popped girl, who'd gone from a pristine virgin to having been fucked by four men in just thirty or forty minutes, would probably have to service several more men, and very likely a Thai woman or two as well, before the night was over. Then she'd be given some money and returned to her family or released somewhere.
The girl's rape was the final act in the Kiddy Hump Hump Show for that evening. The audience could stay on as long as they wanted, playing with the kiddies and humping them upstairs as they pleased. They could leave at any time but also were welcome to stay overnight with a child in one of the hotel style rooms in the house.
Jack and Jim decided earlier that they would stay over. Jim was more than happy to spend the night with the little darling he'd been fingering solidly now for at least one and a half hours or so. Jack especially wanted to stay the night: he wanted to take his time in enjoying the charms of the nine year old virgin sweetheart sitting waiting for him in his room. There was a lot to savor and enjoy, and also a great deal to teach her in the ways of giving and receiving sexual pleasure. He didn't want to suck fuck and go with this little baby: he wanted to enjoy to the full her transient virgin nectar, and then sexually initiate her for the pleasure she would give others in the future.
Then Jim off-handedly said 'I'd love to take this cock sucker home with me for a day or two; then I could really send the needle swinging on her meter.'
Boing! As soon as he said it he and Jack looked at each other in full realization of what they should do next. Instead of staying the night, they could negotiate to take their respective kiddy fucks home with them for a day or two before returning them.
They had done it before. A degree of discretion was required though. Even in Bangkok only an idiot newbie tourist pedophile walks around with a pre-teen hanging on his or her arm. Just the sort of dumb thing to do to enflame a passing western feminist ice maiden, or a God bothering kiddy-saving moralizing self-righteous know-all, or even worse, a pontificating foreign 'investigative journalist' who's come to Thailand to do the 'big expose' on prostitution - the same ill-informed expose that's been done by dozens of tourist-journalists before: big on outrage, small on understanding. Jack Hale and his companion would never allow themselves to be compromised and exposed by the zealots and moralists because of intemperate behavior or poor judgement.
Jack gestured to the manager to join them for a discussion. The three talked for while and then the following arrangement was agreed. The kids would be brought by women to the respective apartments of the two men in a few hours. The women would stay briefly and then leave. Each guy could keep his little child fuck at the apartment for a day or two, it was up to them. They could screw them as they pleased, take photos of them, naked and fucking, for their private collections or do whatever they liked. Then the women would return at the appropriate time next day or so to collect the girls. The kids, as they came and went, would always be seen the company of the women; the men were not compromised in any way, so everybody was happy.
The guys decided that since it would be around 2 am before the kids were brought to their apartments they would go off and have something to eat. It was now around 11.30 pm. Jim explained to his little girl what was going to happen, and she just nodded, happy to go along with it, especially when he whispered to her that he's give her a nice 'tip' if she made him happy. Jack went upstairs to his room to tell his virgin she was coming to stay for some private hump hump show at his place. He hoped she would be OK about it.
Jack opened the door of his room to see his sweet young girl lying naked in bed. Having been mostly naked all evening, she took the opportunity to cover herself up, for a while at least.
When he walked in she threw the sheets back, thinking he might be angry at her for being in the bed. Maybe it was also contrary to some house rule: 'always be naked around our guests' they told her. But Jack wasn't angry at all. He understood that a nine year old virgin girl might find being naked for hours somewhat difficult.
Then in his fluent Thai he explained to her about the arrangement of her coming to stay with him in his big apartment for a day or so. She looked up at him with those lovely big brown eyes, and he could see in her face a mixture of apprehension, uncertainty, confusion but also trust that he wasn't going to hurt her.
Then, much to his surprise, she put her arms around him and hugged him. He wasn't expecting it and he wondered why she did it, but it was a lovely gesture, and he noted as he held her how natural it felt. Jack wasn't by nature a hugging and kissing guy, but this small act of intimacy felt very comfortable.
'Oh you are a sweet little pussy,' he said, giving her a hug back. He meant it affectionately. She giggled.
Then Jack let his fingers fall down to her still virgin pussy slit and he pushed his finger in slightly. He did it just to make sure that she understood that she was coming to stay so he could screw her little twat as he saw fit. She responded by opening her thighs a little more to enable him better access to her genitals. 'Yeah, she understands alright,' he thought to himself. 'She gets it completely.' It occurred to him that a day or two with this amazingly cognizant nine year old could prove very interesting as well as pleasurable.
He stood up to leave the room. Then he told her she'd see him in his place in a few hours time. Before he left he turned and asked her what her name was.
'Nohk,' she answered. It meant "bird" in Thai language. 'My little white dove,' he thought to himself, 'but not white for much longer.'
Then he left the room to join Jim downstairs. Shortly after that the two men departed from the Hump Hump Show house. They would have a couple of hours to fill in before their preteenaged fuck partners were to be brought to their respective apartments.
Within an hour Jack and Jim were sitting outside the McDonalds Hamburger restaurant on Silom Road, just opposite the famous Patpong Go Go and night shopping bazaar. The two men never went to Patpong Road to look for pussy. The place was for gullible tourists. It was just that Jim had suggested a hamburger, and the McDonalds here was open until 3 am or so.
They sat outside the restaurant munching on their burgers. The restaurant was full of Thais mainly, and some tourists. But outside is where they preferred to be. It seemed appropriate somehow, for these men were definitive outsiders; outside their respective cultures and stifling western sexual moralism as well. Here, in this country, they were outsiders too, despite their wealth and connections. Foreigners in Thailand are never fully accepted, no matter their position or status, despite appearances to the contrary. But here, the twilight world they lived in was, at least, pleasurable and satisfying to them. For sensualists like Jack and Jim, it was a great place to be, and they knew it, never abused it, were always careful not to fall foul of any local authorities, and did whatever was necessary to maintain their pleasurable expatriate lifestyles.
The men munched on their burgers. Then, Jim broke the silence, saying to his compatriot 'it's fun, isn't it.' It was a statement, not a question.
Jack looked up. 'Hmmm, yes it is.' They looked at each other, smiling, as close friends do. This banal, seemingly meaningless exchange, nevertheless summarized it all. These two men were quite happy with who they were, what they were, where they were, and why they were there doing it. No regrets for anything. No apologies to anyone. No reservations at all.
They took a taxi to the Ambassador hotel where the evening has started for them many hours ago. From there it was a short walk to their respective apartments. They'd had a fulfilling night of it; a pre-teen each so far, lots of kiddy humping during the show, and a kiddy girl each to look forward to shortly.
'I'll expect a full report of that little virgin of yours' said Jim smiling as he left to await the arrival of his little girl.
Jack gave him the thumbs up as if to say 'you bet I will'.
Indeed he would, as the guys always shared fully their kiddy fuck evaluations.
As Jack walked quickly towards his home he contemplated with anticipated pleasure what would doubtless be the delicious seduction and education of his nine year old Nohk. But Jack was aware that, somehow, there was something different about this particular pre-teenager. He couldn't quite define what is what; some quality about her that left an indelible impression.
A kind of instinctive intuitive sensuality almost. As this thought entered his mind he stopped for a moment. 'An instinctively intuitive nine year old sensualist' he said to himself out loud. He laughed slightly. He wasn't quite sure what that really meant, but, somehow, it seemed an apt description for her.
He set these thoughts aside and continued walking. He reminded himself that he simply liked to enjoy sexual pleasure with children. Here, he had both the means and the opportunity to give his sexuality full rein. And arriving at his apartment shortly was a beautiful pre-teenaged virgin girl who would provide him with enormous pleasure, the kind of pleasure most men dream about, he felt sure of that, but were never fortunate enough to experience. There was nothing more to think about he told himself; it was time to focus on her upcoming seduction and sexual enlightenment. In his mind he started to plan the details.
Here in Cambodia we have 'Action pour les Enfants' doing all they can to snare foreigners, so casual tourists DO need good advice and guidance.
Thailand and Cambodia are blessed with hundreds of thousands of beautiful, sexy little willing preteen fuck toys, so this series can -- and should -- go on forever.
a fan
little bitch
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