Tight Little Leggings

[ Mg, ped, loli ]


Published: 13-May-2013

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This work is Copyrighted to the author. All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

While many fashion trends are bizarre or hideous, some are fantastic: leggings in particular...

You see, I'm a 35 year old American male residing in Europe. I love warm days in this part of the world because I know that I'll get to see plenty of girls in nice revealing outfits...

It was a warm spring day and I was looking forward to whatever adventures the day might hold in store for me. My usual plan of action is to wear my black spandex bicycle shorts with nothing on underneath and wait at a tramway stop for some girl dressed in some tight little short shorts and follow her on the tram. In order for my plan to work the tram needs to be crowded, so I have no choice to be pressed up against her...providing me the perfect opportunity to rub my hard cock on her ass.

The Tram

This day had gotten off to a slow start and my opportunities had been quite limited. I'd seen a few cuties, but a good opportunity hadn't yet presented itself. Then, all of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye I spied a true vision of loveliness!

She looked to be about eleven-years-old with long straight blonde hair down to the small of her back, crystal blue eyes...stunning! Standing about 4-foot-10 she weighed maybe 80 pounds. She wore a white tube top (exposing her flat little-girl belly), shiny skin-tight black leggings, and tan Ugg-style boots.

I watched her as she walked by... As she looked at the tram timetables, I got my first clear look at her ass. Oh my God! Her ass was pure perfection: the shiny skin-tight black leggings held her perfectly round and quite firm looking little ass-cheeks so perfectly and making it better (if that was possible): not a hint of panties. As she walked past me I was entranced by the sight of each ass-check jumping and popping with each step that she took. Just watching her ass move was inflating my cock...to fully rigid.

There were two dozen or so other people waiting for trams at this stop. The first tram came...she didn't take it. A good thing for me since that particular tram is usually empty: it would have been impossible for me to rub my cock on her little ass without anyone noticing...

A moment later the next tram appeared. It was the number 4: possibly the busiest trams in the city. As the tram came closer to our stop, she moved towards the front of the pack to get on board. I also moved forward, working myself in so I was right behind her as she boarded. In order to rub my throbbing cock on her incredible preteen ass, I made sure to position myself so that I could get right behind her once we began our ride.

As the tram pulled-up to our stop, I noticed it was packed full of people...just as I had hoped. A few passengers stepped off but it was still quite full. As she stepped on board I followed right behind her. There weren't any free seats so she stood holding onto the rail. I positioned myself behind her. More passengers worked their way into the tram and I had no choice but too press up against her. I had succeeded at positioning myself perfectly: my rigid member directly between her two firm little ass-cheeks...only the thin fabric of my shorts and her leggings was separating my fully erect adult cock from her incredible preteen ass. Of course nothing about the situation seemed unusual to her because over-crowded public transport is a fact of life in this part of the world...

As the tram started moving it naturally sways from side to side, allowing me to rub my cock on her little spandex clad ass un-noticed. Barely two minutes into the trip, I felt my butt-cheeks tighten signaling the beginning of my orgasm. An instant later I felt my balls draw-up under my rigid cock. Another fraction of a second passed as the cum began to surge up the little tube on the underside of my cock. Remaining completely silent I inhaled deeply as the first spurt of my hot, thick, sticky, sperm-laden adult cum spewed out of the little hole on the end of my cock. A fraction of a second later a second spurt of cum joined the first: making a hot, sticky mess in the front of my black spandex bicycle shorts. I silently exhaled as the third spurt of my cum spewed out of my cock into my shorts. While spewing my seed all over this incredibly preteen girl's amazing ass would have been much more enjoyable, it also would almost guarantee me getting caught... Another two delicious spurts of my cum erupted from my rigid cock, further soaking the inside of my shorts...

Once my orgasm subsided, my cock began to return to its normal flaccid state as I managed to silently catch my breath. A moment later the tram pulled up to its next stop. A few people got off and a few got on, but more importantly the preteen girl remained exactly where she was: with her perfectly round and quite firm little preteen ass pressed tightly against my pubic region.

Thirty seconds later the tram began moving again...once again its natural side to side swaying motion was rubbing my cock back and forth against the preteen girl's incredible ass. Seconds later my cock was re-inflating...

I had ridden this particular tram line numerous times before and was quite acquainted with its route and idiosyncrasies. As we passed the orange building I rocked my hips forward, forcing my almost fully rigid cock to slide up the girl's ass crack just as the wheels of the tram hit the seam in the tracks sending a jolt through the entire tram...the girl didn't noticed my movement at all. I let the movements of the tram continue to provide me pleasure for another two blocks, before rocking my hips forward again, as we crossed a stich in the tracks: causing the entire tram to shimmy to the right a bit.

A hundred feet further down the line I rocked my hips forward again at the second switch in the tracks...this time as my hips moved forward I felt the smooth soft skin of the preteen girls lower back against the tip of my cock. For good or for bad that was enough to put me over the edge: my butt-cheeks were once again tightening. There was no way I was going to be able to put the head of my cock back into my shorts without people noticing, and I sure as hell couldn't stop my orgasm once it began so I thought "what the hell," and let it happen. An instant later I felt my balls draw-up under my rigid cock. A fraction of a second passed as the cum began to surge up the little tube on the underside of my cock.

I quietly inhaled a deep breath...and OH GOD...NO: the pressure of the waistband of my spandex bicycle shorts was just enough to prevent my cum from making it into the head of my cock. For a second it was excruciatingly painful as the second spurt back-up in the little tube on the underside of my cock behind the first...then both erupted together with more force than I had ever experienced. I was all but certain that the preteen girl had felt the massive double spurt of my hot, thick, sticky, sperm-laden adult cum fountain out of the little hole on the end of my cock and shoot up her soft young back. Strangely she remained silent and still... But since the same thing happened with the third spurt as had happened with the first, my attention was elsewhere. Thankfully the fourth spurt acted as the second had: causing another fountain of my cum to blast up the preteen girl's back. When there was no fifth spurt I wasn't sure if I should be glad or disappointed...

My cock once again began to wilt...thankfully I could feel it withdraw back into my shorts. A minute later we came to the next stop. Knowing that there was a park with public restrooms nearby, I made my way off the tram.

The Men's Room

As I was walking towards the park I noticed in the reflection of a shop window the incredibly gorgeous preteen girl was a few steps behind me...

Entering the men's room at the park I immediately went into the first stall, and using a wad of toilet paper sopped up the cum that was in the front of my spandex bicycle shorts: I had learned from experience that if I let it dry in there taking off the shorts will hurt like hell. A moment later I heard the door to the men's room open and close: not particularly strange since I was in a public restroom in a park on a warm day. The door to the stall I was in was being pushed open: "oh shit" I though as I realized I had forgotten to lock the stall door. Before I could say anything or push the door closed, I glanced down under the stall door to see black leggings disappear into the top of a pair of tan Ugg-style boots...like the incredibly gorgeous preteen girl was wearing.

It was her. Stepping into the stall, she put her right index finger over her lips. As she did so she reached back behind with her left hand and latched the door. I had absolutely no idea what was about to happen, but I did know that it would either be great or terrible...

When her left hand returned to my field of vision, the tips of her slender young fingers were covered in cum. Giving me a naughty grin, she turned around and lifted her very long straight blonde hair revealing the cum I had shot all over her lower back...

She let go of her hair (it dropped, once again covering her cum coated back) and turned to face me. I had to respond to her non-verbal accusation: so I opened my mouth. For a second time she put her right index finger over her lips. Suddenly her left hand was on my chest; she pushed me back until I was sitting on the toilet with my spandex bicycle shorts around my knees. Glancing down I noticed that my cock was standing straight up: fully rigid.

The stunningly beautiful preteen girl hooked her thumbs into the top of her shiny ski-tight black leggings and began rolling them down...the top of her narrow hips emerged into view...then her hairless pre-pubescent eleven-year-old mound... I was lustfully and unabashedly staring at her young body; unable to take my eyes off her. By the time her leggings were rolled down far enough that I could see the almost lipless slit that was her immature pussy I could feel pre-cum oozing out of the little hole on the tip of my cock in a nearly constant stream.

Once her skin-tight shiny black leggings were rolled down an inch or so below her crotch, the preteen girl pushed my knees all the way together before straddled my thighs. She slowly moved towards my upper body, while I sat there completely silent. Soon the crotch of her rolled-down leggings was pressing up against the underside of my fully erect cock. She lifted her incredibly firm round little butt and moved her hips forward...until the head of my engorged member had slipped past the top of her rolled-down leggings, appearing between her slender thighs.

Looking this preteen goddess directly in the eyes I reached down. Taking hold of my pre-cum drooling cock, I pushed it downwards. As the tip of my hard adult cock made contact with the girl's immature little slit I saw her eyes light up. An instant later I pressed the tip of my cock in between the almost non-existent lips of her pussy, and began rubbing its head up and down the length of her tiny slit. Her eyes rolled back in her head ever-so-slightly.

What I saw when I glanced down between our bodies was almost enough to make me dump my load then and there. The helmet shaped head of my cock being pressed into her pre-pubescent little slit made her immature pussy lips all but disappear: it looked as though my cock was quite literally splitting her little mound in two! I gritted my teeth and thought un-sexy thoughts for a moment; amazingly succeeding in holding of my impending orgasm...

Feeling around her tight little slit with the head of my cock, I found the warm wet recess that was the opening to her preteen love tunnel. Looking lustfully into her young crystal blue eyes, I waited for her to make the next move. She winked as she rolled her hips forward slightly. Taking that as a "go ahead," I head my cock against the entrance to her little hole and flicked my hips forward; pressing the helmet shaped head of my adult cock firmly against the tight fleshy ring at the entrance of her sweet little love tunnel.

I pushed harder...and harder. Then suddenly the head of my adult cock popped through the warm soft wet ring of flesh at the entrance to her tight little preteen pussy. "HOLY SHIT!!! The head of cock is actually inside a preteen girl's cunt..." was all I could think. And wow did it feel go: so wet, so warm, and almost unbearably TIGHT.

Still lustfully staring her in the eyes I continued pushing my cock deeper into her tight little pre-pubescent hole. When about half of my adult cock was buried in her incredibly tight love tunnel, the incredibly gorgeous preteen girl's crystal blue eyes rolled back in her head. An instant later the temperature in her pussy felt like it rose ten degrees and the walls of her pre-pubescent love tunnel began rippling around my cock: she was having an orgasm. "WOW!" I thought as I continued pushing my adult cock into her young body, all the while enjoying the sensations of her rippling pussy walls practically sucking my cock.

Just as the tip of my cock bumped up against the back wall of her young pussy I felt my butt-cheeks tighten under me. An instant later my balls draw-up under my rigid cock, feeling them bump up against the firm fleshy globes of the spectacularly beautiful preteen girl's stunning ass sent an electric shock through my entire body. Almost at the same time the cum began to surge up the little tube on the underside of my cock.

No longer moving my body, I let the rippling inner walls of the preteen girl's extremely tight wet, and hot pre-pubescent love tunnel do the work for me. I felt my cum moving up the shaft of my cock in its usual spurts... However the rhythmic rippling of the preteen girl's pussy somehow caused my hot, thick, sticky, sperm-laden adult cum to spew out of the little hole on the tip of my cock in a nearly constant stream: it was almost as though I was "pissing" cum...

By the time I had counted seven spurts (down at the base of my cock), my eyes were beginning to go blurry... In a vain attempt to maintain consciousness I focused on breathing. Feeling the spectacularly beautiful preteen girl climb off my lap I attempted to focus my eyes... through my still blurry eyes I watched as she rolled her skin-tight shiny black leggings back up over her visibly reddened pubic mound, and up over her slender hips. She leaned forward, kissed me on the forehead turned around, unlatched the door to the stall and left me there...alone, sitting on the toilet with my spandex bicycle shorts still around my knees.


For the remainder of that spring and the summer that followed every time I got the chance I waited at the same tram stop, rode the number "4" tram and visited the men's room at that park in hopes I might run into the incredibly beautiful preteen girl again. By the beginning of September I had given up hope of seeing her again...let alone getting a repeat performance.

Then during the first week of December I saw her again, this time in the city's main square. The weather was cold, but she was wearing the same shiny skin-tight black leggings and tan Ugg-style boots, this time paired with a short coat. I was about to approach her when I noticed that her coat was open in the front: exposing a very round pregnant belly. Fearful that it was me who had knocked her up (I certainly didn't want to be labeled a "kiddie raper"), I turned and walked the other way...never to see her again.

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One of the best stories here! Awesome!

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