Published: 22-Aug-2012
Word Count:
Back in the beginning of the summer vacation, right after we finished sixth grade; my best friend, Steve, and I decided to go swimming. We rode our bikes down to the river behind the old deserted Jameson's house. We had stripped off all our clothes except our underwear, and had fun splashing around in the water.
Apparently Nikki, a girl from the class behind our's, had seen us ride our bikes down there. When we got out of the water, we heard some giggling. Nikki was standing next to a tree, holding our clothes and laughing at us. Anyway, after a few minutes of teasing, she gave us our clothes back: thank god.
We asked her if she wanted to go swimming with us. She said she did, and shocked us by yanking her pants off and plunging into the river in her panties and t-shirt.
We swam and horsed around for a while. When we got out of the water my dick was semi-hard, and so was Steve's. Since, after all, all Nikki had on was her shirt and underwear; which were soaked through and nearly transparent. Which meant we could see her boobs and a dark spot was showing through her panties.
She started teasing us about being hard. After a few minutes of teasing, she must have felt bad for us or something; first she quieted down, then started being real nice to us. Steve and I finally got the nerve to get out. Once we were completely out of the water, all Nikki did was gawk at our privates.
Then she insisted we all go up to the back of the Jameson's house were there was some tall grass and lay in the sun for awhile. It was a good idea: the sun would help dry us off. We grabbed our clothes and went.
We were just laying there in the sun talking, when Nikki turned and took her shirt and bra off. She said her bra "felt weird 'cause it was wet" then put her shirt back on. We couldn't actually see anything interesting because she had her back to us. However, the very thought that there was a topless girl only a few feet away form us got our dicks hard again.
Nikki started asking about the things poking up in our underwear. I'm sure she knew what they were, but she was teasing us again. After awhile we were getting ready to go; and once again she asked about the bulges we had. Steve told her they were our dicks and asked her if she wanted to see them. She was all willing until he told her she had to show us her thingy...between her legs. Nikki was real hesitant but agreed. Steve pulled his underwear down first, and then I did the same.
Steve and I were now sitting in the tall grass naked. After a minute or so of us saying "oh come on..." and the like, Nikki pulled her panties down to her ankles and kicked them off. We could not see much because her shirt covered most of her crotch. The three of us sat there not saying a word looking at each other.
When we heard a car go by, it was over. We got dresses and went home.
It wasn't until after the Fourth of July that we went swimming again. This time Nikki came with us. Unlike the last time, we all had swimsuits. After swimming, we once again laid in the tall grass. When we were lying in the grass Nikki asked us if we wanted "to kiss like some of the older kids" did. Steve and I were a little embarrassed and told her we didn't "know how to." She said she didn't either, and suggested that we could "all learn together." Steve went first: they kissed for a while. Then I tried it: it was pretty neat. We took turns.
When it was getting time to head home, I kissed Nikki again, but this time we fell back onto the grass. I landed almost on top of her. This time while we kissed, I had a funny urge so I crawled up onto her and laid on her. I moved around a lot, at least my hips did; she must have liked the feeling too. By the time we stopped, she had spread her legs in such a way that I was laying between them. It just felt so good! Then, all of a sudden, I did something in my swimsuit...
Steve gave her the last kiss and he did the same as I did: laying on top of her, moving his hips a lot, doing something in his swimsuit. On the way home, we were both uncomfortable walking because of all the sticky stuff in our swimsuits.
After that day we would all meet down by the river a couple of times week to swim. Every time was the same, except I wouldn't always do the sticky stuff in my swimsuit.
Then one day it was just me and Nikki, Steve had to go somewhere. We didn't go swimming that day; we just laid in the high grass and kissed the way we usually did. Once again I got the urge when I was on top of her. But it was different being alone with Nikki, without Steve watching.
While I was kissing her, my hands wandered onto her chest. When Nikki didn't object I pulled one of her swimsuit shoulder straps down and felt one of her tits. While I was feeling her titty, I did the thing in my swimsuit again.
After a while I pulled both straps down: exposing both of her titties. All the while I kept moving between her legs. Before long my dick was hard again. And I did it a second time. As we were leaving Nikki, asked why I had 'a wet spot on my suit, and why her suit and legs was wet." So, I told her about what happens when a guy gets excited. That's when she got real inquisitive wanting to know more. I told her about how the sticky wet stuff is what makes girls pregnant if a guy puts his dick inside her cunny and squirts it in there. She asked so many questions, but I didn't have enough time to answer all of them ...
We continued meeting several times a week. It just took off, we brought an old blanket down to lay on after swimming so we would be more comfortable. Steve went bananas the first time he saw me her feel her titties. After a while, Nikki began pulling the top of her swimsuit down to her waist, so we could feel her titties...
Then, a few weeks later, Steve and I didn't have our swimsuits. Nikki, however, did. So, Steve and I went swimming in our underwear, no big deal. Once our underwear got wet our boners showed through a lot; and Nikki started in again with all these questions. Steve and I ended up completely naked. It felt a little weird being naked in front of each other, but I forgot about it quickly.
Steve was kissing her, his completely naked body sandwiched between her legs, the top of her bathing suit was down around her waist, and he was feeling her titties. Nikki got agitated when Steve started kissing her nipples: making these funny sounding groans as she grabbed and held onto his head. Steve started thrusting his hips real hard, then he stopped and rolled off her. A minute later Nikki let out this muffled yelp asking what "all this stuff was that was on her legs and suit:" Steve had let loose with his stuff all over her. It was very thick, and there was a lot of it.
When Nikki put her finger in it and pulled it away, it stuck like glue and left a trail across her suit onto her bare stomach. After she cleaned all the stuff off with the corner of the blanket, I was so excited I had to have a turn doing it on her. I did, just like Steve had done: kissing her nipples, thrusting my hips and doing the sticky stuff all over her swimsuit and legs.
For the next couple weeks we repeated that day's events every time we went swimming.
Sometime around the first of August it went a bit further.
Once again Steve had to go somewhere, leaving Nikki and me alone. Just the two of us were lying on the old blanket. Nikki had the top of her swimsuit down around her waist, as usual. That day for some reason, we both were feeling incredibly horny.
As I moved around the upper part of her swimsuit shifted lower and lower. After a little while it was bunched up around her hips, making it uncomfortable for both if us. I kinda pulled it down lower, then Nikki moved it a little lower. Pretty soon it was down around her knees, so I pulled it to her ankles and she pushed it off her feet leaving her naked.
I was curious of what it would feel like to have my penis next to her bare cunny. I could feel the soft hairs on her cunny rubbing against the head of my dick. I can't explain it, the feeling's going through my body: it was like I had no control of anything, it was like my dick was doing the thinking for me...
I kept pushing forward, every time my dick made contact with her cunny, I could feel wetness. Except the wetness wasn't from me; it was from her. So, I kept on nudging forward into her wet spot. All of a sudden I exploded: my stuff went all over her cunny. I never put it inside her. I swear, I didn't.
Steve and I did the same thing with her, a bunch of times... At the end of summer, during the week before school started we did it almost everyday...some days we would do it twice.
Both Steve and I tried to go further: but Nikki wouldn't let us actually stick our dicks up inside her cunny. We both tried, but every time we tried she would stop us... We weren't able to get it past the outside.
The most Nikki ever let us do was rub our dicks up and down her cunny. She only let us do that because it felt so enjoyable for her...
After that day we would just get naked right from the start. It was such a thrill: we never got tired of it. The blanket got extra crispy from Nikki using the corner to wipe herself off. Shortly thereafter she started bringing a towel from home. One of us made sure to wash it off before we went home.
We knew if we pushed our dicks up Nikki's crack she would get pregnant. So we never put it up inside her, just on the outside. We would blow our load right next to her hole. Each and every time, when we rolled off her there was spunk all over her cunny...quite a lot of it! Sometimes our spunk would be leaking out if her! We would hold our dicks right next to her cunny. just felt even better when squirted, to rest the head of our dick up against her cunny lips and let loose like that...
A few weeks after school started, Nikki told us that she had missed her period and was pregnant!
How could she have gotten pregnant? Its not like we had been pushing our dick's up inside her cunny. Never once did we do that. Heck she was still a virgin. Besides, who's ever heard of an eleven-year-old getting pregnant!
Seventh grade was gonna be weird...
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