The Taking, Part 11

[ M/g, pedo, celeb ]

by Teacher


Published: 18-Nov-2011

Word Count:

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This is a story of fiction and is intended for entertainment use only!

Teacher held Julianna in his arms as she cried for over an hour, before she finally stopped. He took another tissue and put it up to her nose, "pppuuuutttttt" Julianna blew her nose on it and sat back on the pillows.

"I'm sorry Dr. Newton, I just don't know what's going on." She said now looking at him with wonder.

"Well let's start here, would you like some pineapple juice? You must be thirsty young lady." He asked the girl. Julianna nodded her head yes so Teacher went to the kitchen and brought back a glass of juice with pain pills, muscle relaxes and 'Fly' in it. He also put some sleeping aid in it, as he wanted her to get some more rest however; this aid would not kick in for about an hour or so and was very gentle.

From here on out she would be given 'Fly' with all of her juice to awaken her sexual feelings along with the nerve endings on her clit, nipples and anal ring. The new 'Fly' again was progressive and caused multi-orgasmic results in both male and female subjects. It would also make the vagina and the anal ring elasticized, along with a heightened and prolonged state of arousal in said areas. In short the longer she was on it the hornier she would get day by day.

Teacher gave her the glass of juice and she drank it down, she was very thirsty. He went and filled it up again and set it on the bedside table, "Ok now young lady, we need to talk about some things. For one you have me at a disadvantage as you know my name but I don't know yours." He said as he sat right next to her on the bed with his feet on the ground and her hands in his.

Julianna look at him and lifted one eyebrow, "You, you don't even know who I am?" Teacher nodded his head no. "Well my name is Julianna Rose Mauriello, now where are we Dr. Newton?"

"Julianna I just can't answer that question, let me explain. I was on my way home from work, I got in my car and suddenly felt sleepy, then I woke up here on that chair over there with a note in my hand. That was about 6 hours ago. I was hoping that you could fill me in." Teacher explained.

"What? Your kidding, what is going on here Dr. Newton" She was about ready to start crying again so Teacher held her, "Hey Julianna, we will figure it out together ok, now I need you to be strong for both of us if we are going to figure this thing out ok." Julianna sat back again and said ok.

Teacher began again, "Here is the note, I wouldn't normally give this to a patient but I think we need to share all of what we know, so I will go first then I want to hear your story as I have no Idea what happened to you Julianna, but note or no note I'm here to help you, ok?" She nodded her head and he handed her the note:

Dr. Newton,
Your services are required in the service of the young lady in front of you. She has been Brutally Raped and Sodomized and has over 150 tiny sutures in her vagina and anal holes that will dissolve in just a few days. Physically she should be fine in the same few days. She is now packed with gauze and it should be changed soon after she wakes up. Your bag is on the table and there are medical supplies in a cupboard in the kitchen along with medications. You and the girl will be here until we feel she is completely rehabilitated!

There is plenty of food for the two of you both in the refrigerator and the freezer along with caned goods and other dry supplies in the cupboards. There are closets and drawers filled with cloths for the two of you and a laundry shoot in the bathroom for your dirty ones. You will find the apartment has many features for entertainment purposes and there is a massage table and a jet tub to help with the patients recovery.

We have chosen you Dr. Newton as this girl is very important to us and given your specialty we trust you can help her in this her time of need. You will find that there is no way out of this apartment and you will receive the sum of $100,000 for your time and discomfort along with your freedom, the girl will also be set free at that time and returned to her parents. Please do your best for this girl; your help is truly needed and appreciated.

Julianna was almost in shock as she looked down toward her lap, "150 stitches? Oh My God am I really that messed up" She was crying again so Teacher cut in quick, "Julianna, now let's not over react, the note says tiny sutures, that will dissolve in a few days so that means that its not really that bad, even with that many. I suggest that we take a look and see what we are dealing with, also it would be a good time for you to go to the bathroom if you need to ok." He took her chin in his hand, "Julianna I am a Rape Specialist, I have worked with several hundred girls just like you, I work for the State of Main, under the Surgeon General of the State. I'm very good at my job and will take very good care of you but you have to trust me ok?"

Julianna just looked at him for a minute then spoke, "Ok I will trust you under one condition Dr. Newton." Teacher replied, "Ok fair enough Julianna, what's the condition." She took his hand in hers, "You tell me your first name and I can call you by that. Deal?" Teacher laughed, "Fair enough young lady, my name is Travis and it's a pleasure to meet you Julianna Rose Mauriello." Then to his surprise Julianna laughed for the first time. Teacher was always amazed at how fast a young girl bounced back. They were a long way off but a laugh was a great start indeed, a very good start he thought. He liked the girl a lot already. He also noticed that she looked a lot different without that pink wig, her hair was a light brown almost strawberry blonde and was quite long going down past her shoulders and the different cut made her chin look a little more pointy. Julianna was truly a very pretty girl. Teacher liked very pretty girls.

Teacher went on, "Ok now if you look over there next to the wall there is a massage table that is padded, it has a light that can swing down and I have my bag set up to examine you over there, I think we should take a look at you now, are you ready?" Julianna took a deep breath and said, "As ready as I will ever be Travis." So he gently uncovered her and she put her arm around his neck and he picked her up then carried her over to the table and set her down. He went back and got a pillow for her to lie on then stood beside her holding her hand, "Now I will be as gentle as I can, if at anytime you want me to stop for a minute let me know and I will. I will also let you know what I'm going to do before I do it. Deal?" Julianna laughed, "Deal." They now had a common phrase to use together, another step forward in Teachers book.

Teacher got a chair and put it at the end of the table, "Ok now lie back and put your knees up ok." She complied, " Now I'm going to lift up your night gown, which is rather nice I might add." She laughed again, "Well it's really not my style but hey it's not the Ritz right?" Then teacher laughed, "No its not now I'm going to remove those panties which I assume arn't really your style either, I bet you have Hello Kitty panties at home." Julianna stared laughing again, "I do NOT wear Hello Kitty panties, I wear Little Mermaid panties!" and she laughed again. Teacher laughed as well knowing that the pain pills must have kicked in and they were sure helping. He removed he panties.

"Ok, now lets be a little more serious," he said as he brought down the light to examine her closer, she was packed alright and he told her he was going to remove the gauze from her vagina and carefully did, it didn't stick at all because of the 'Gel' and as he looked closer with a magnifying light he could barely see the sutures at all. Also the healing was already working overtime as she look like it happened days ago not hours. He was really impressed with Dr, Wong's work, of course he didn't see how bad it was before but Dr. Wong had told him about it.

He told Julianna that there was good news and that she was looking very well and that he didn't want to repack her, at least not just yet, she was happy about that. He added that whoever did the work on her was amazing; he couldn't have done such a wonderful job. He added that this could not have been done by anyone who wanted to see any harm come to her at all. Julianna really smiled at that one.

Next with his help she rolled over so he could take a look at her anal opening, he told her again that he was going to remove the gauze and did. It looked very bruised and of course black and blue, upon further investigation he decided to leave the gauze out as well, just for a while anyway. He told her that it was not as good as her vagina was but it wasn't as bad as it could be, he further explained that it was badly bruised and would take a few days to heal, longer then her vagina would. She took it pretty well, then said she had to go to the bathroom so he picked her up and took her in and sat her on the toilet. He asked her if she wanted him to leave and she said yes please and would call him when she was finished. He told her not to try to clean, as he would do that at the table to make sure there was no chance of infection. She really was embarrassed about that but understood.

He left her alone and when she called he came, picked her up, took her back to the table and proceeded to clean her with 'Gel' and spread it liberally into her vagina and anal openings. He then told her to wait and went and got her some new white cotton panties and slipped them on her. "Hey, those aren't my style remember." She laughed at him. Teacher replied, " I know, I know but they are cotton and not colored so they are more sterol so to speak. Now you be good little missy." And then he poked her on the ribs. Julianna laughed again. They were getting along very well and this encouraged Teacher.

He carried her back to the bed and put her gently in and covered he up then kissed her on the forehead and told her she should get some sleep as tomorrow would be a long day. Tomorrow she would have to tell him about the Rape.

Looking around Julianna said, "Where are you going to sleep Travis?" He replied, "On the chair, it is quite comfortable you know." Julianna looked at him with an eyebrow raised and said, "The note said we were going to be here for a while, it also said there were cloths. So why don't you find some pajamas and just climb in bed with me, you can't sleep on a chair Travis that's silly. Besides if I need something I can just smack you in the head." She stared laughing again. He said ok giggle monster and went to the closet got some pajamas and then changed in the bathroom and came out.

Julianna took one look at him and just busted up laughing, "Now that looks like your style to me." Teacher was wearing 'Winnie the Pooh" pajamas. "Hey now don't bad the Pooh!" Then he laughed and crawled into bed with Julianna. A very good start he thought a very good start indeed, he already wanted to bed this cute funny outgoing girl. In fact he wanted her very much. He reached over her head and turned out the light, then he kissed her on the forehead while stroking her hair, "Julianna, you are going to be fine young lady, don't you worry about a thing and if you need anything wake me up!" Julianna kissed him on the cheek, "Thank-you Travis, for everything." Then she rolled over, "Travis? Will you please just hold me until I fall asleep." Teacher held her and she started to cry again, Teacher held her tighter spooning with her and stroked her hair and told her everything would be alright, she soon fell asleep crying in his arms and soon he was asleep as well.

Larry, Nancy, Paul, Wednesday and Lurch were all at breakfast and all in a pretty good mood when Dr. Wong joined them sitting across from Larry. Larry was talking about a new girl that was to join them today but wasn't saying anything else about it. Except that he would like everyone to great her like normal around 10am, Paul of course was not accustom to this policy. He was about to be!

Now it's important to note: Dr. Wong did NOT know that Nancy was even at the Estate. He hadn't see his prize student or experiment for over 4 months. Nancy being the most sought after girl in the company if not the entire world had missed her last 3 appointments. The last appointment she was at she was given and injection of a New and still not yet distributed version of the 'Fly'. This newer version was time released and was to release over the period of 3 months. The major changes to Nancy were made in the last three months.

The last time Dr. Wong saw Nancy she had very long to the middle of her back light brown hair, not Platinum Blonde with purple and pink streaks in it at just below the shoulder, much less a tad frizzy with bangs. She had light blue eyes not Royal Blue. She had pale but not pearl white skin and wore little makeup. She also had a cute little mole on her left dimple. As stated earlier but may have been missed by many, Nancy carried NO makeup what so ever she didn't even own any. Nancy never colored or cut her hair. Her skin was flawless on her entire body she had no mole or even one single pimple.

Dr. Wong took in the wonder that was Nancy when he finally looked up and noticed the wondrous girl before him. He just took in her beauty, and the more he looked the more he realized a great many things about the girl across form him. Her hair hit him first, it was streaked alright but not by any hair color, the color was to vivid to pure, it had to be colored at a cellular level which of course is not possible with pink and purple. Looking further he saw the same in her eyes, no one alive had eyes of that color Royal Blue was a manmade color not really found in nature. Her makeup like her hair color came form the cellular level as well. There was just no way the color and texture could be applied that evenly and perfect. And then it really hit him, her skin, it was not possible for anyone to have skin that color or that perfect, impossible indeed but there this girl sat. Then it hit him, it was Nancy, it had to be, as there was no other explanation in nature for the girl tha t sat across from him.

"Nancy my dear how are you, you have missed your last few appointment's, and I think after breakfast would be a good time don't you?" He said looking at her with a raised eyebrow. Nancy blushingly replied, "Why Doctor Wong how nice it is to see you again, it has been a while hasn't it. Tell me how do you like my new makeover?" Then she just started laughing, Nancy loved to laugh. No one but Dr. Wong got the joke however so he was the only one who laughed with her. Everyone else just looked at each other. Then Dr. Wong looked at Larry and said, "You are after Nancy my good friend, I'd like to take a look at your leg if you don't mind."

"FREDDY NO!" Julianna shot up and screamed and stared to violently shake. Teacher acted quickly and sat up and held the girl tight, "It's ok Julianna, it was just a nightmare your safe!" "NO FREDDY NO!" She screamed again before realizing what was happening, she grabbed Teacher tight shaking uncontrollably and cried in his arms. "Whaaa aaa aa" she couldn't stop. Teacher held her like he had before, stroking her hair and telling her it would be all right.

At 9am they broke breakfast and Nancy went with Dr. Wong to one of the guest rooms that he had the Nurses set up a type of office/examination room. Wednesday and Lurch went to their room and Wednesday tapped into a cam in that room.

Larry pulled Paul into the office/library and talked to him about replacing Randy as head of construction. It was a painful meeting, as both men love Randy a lot. Paul accepted Larry's offer and they gave each other a hug. Larry also gave Randy a check for $1 million dollars for the first six months and set him at a salary of half that a year starting in six months. He added that even though it was November, he would like for him to at least try to fix the roof in the room by Teachers as it was only covered in tarps at this time, the room that was destroyed by, "God's Angry Hammer". The other damage to the Estate could be repaired in the springtime as it was at the end of the Estate and miraculously only destroyed the one room and nothing more.

Dr. Wong examined Nancy and had her tell him everything about the changes in her body while he took notes on his Yellow Tablet. Nancy told him everything. She told him about the syrup that came out of her breast, the honey nectar that came from her vagina, and the peach cream type of sauce that she expelled from her anal ring. She didn't lie about anything to Dr. Wong. She felt indebted to this wonderful man who had given her the body of her dreams. She told him about how her eyes changed when her two hymens were torn and how they grew back in the middle of the night. She told him about how her juices were helping to cure Larry as well. She told him about how her makeup was messed up afterward and then fixed itself in the night. Nancy even told him about Donna, everything about Donna, from the changes in her body to the rising of her lifelessness to God. Yes Nancy told him everything indeed. Dr. Wong believed everything as well and took many notes on his Big Yellow Tablet!

Wednesday saw the Big Yellow Tablet once more and wanted to keep an eye on it, as now she could take her time and find out what he did with his notes. She trusted him now but still wanted a look at those notes. She was also at that time was checking up on Mr. X as he was setting up the exchange now with the Middle Man, she didn't get a good look at the man but he was there. She would find out what Mr. X could not! She would find out who the Mystery Man was, she wanted the Mystery Man, she thought the picture she had was the Mystery Man. She also knew something else or she thought she did about that same man that concerned the Pink Haired girl who danced and sang on the TV. That same girl named Julianna that was now in the hidden apartment with Teacher.

At 10am they all met at the front entrance to greet the new girl that Larry said was arriving today. As the girl came in, Lurch, Wednesday, and then Dr. Wong would be at her right as usual. Larry, Nancy and Paul would be at her left.

Erin came in and the driver removed her coat for her, It was one of those old green army field jackets with a ton of pocket in it, a custom made gift form Uncle Larry last year for Christmas. Erin was a little 10-year old, with light brown hair in a bob cut with bangs, light brown eyes, a cute narrow nose that went up just a bit at the tip, dark eyebrows that were maybe a little thin, rosy cheeks. She wore no makeup at all, and her lips were thick and wide. She was 4'5" and about 60 lbs. Her breasts were growing a bit more than most girls her age as she had golf ball size breasts with nice size nipples sticking out. She had a bit of a figure as well. Her waist was narrower than her hips and she had a really cute little butt that stuck right out. She was a really sexy little girl in a plain kind of way.

She was wearing very modest clothing starting with just a thin yellow t-shirt and no bra; you could see her wonderful breasts and nipples through it. Over that she had on a blue flannel long sleeve checkerboard shirt that was unbuttoned and not tucked in, the sleeves were rolled up to her elbows. She had a very well worn black leather chocker around her neck with a cross hanging off of it in sliver. Her pants were thick Levies in blue and were flared the button kind that they made no more, another gift form Uncle Larry she had several pairs she wore a plain black leather belt with a plain buckle in sliver and if you looked closely she had a small Buck Knife in a sheath on her right side. She wore small hiking boots as well; you could tell she was a little Colorado Rocky Mountain girl that is if you were from Colorado. A bit of a Tom Boy if you will, rugged and tough yet pretty and soft. Just the type of girl Paul would find irresistible, and when he saw her he fell for her in a heartbeat. His heart was racing as his jaw dropped, he tried to swallow but his mouth was suddenly dry.

Erin ran up to Uncle Larry forgetting the greeting she was supposed to give him, that was for sissy girls anyway. She threw her tiny arms around him and started crying, "Uncle Larry I have missed you so much how are you?" Then remembering her self she backed up and did her best to curtsy, which was not a very good curtsy. "I'm sorry Uncle Larry, thank-you so much for having me here in your home."

Larry laughed like Larry always did and went and pick up the small girl and gave her a great big hug kissing her on the cheek, he turned so he could face everyone, "This my dear friends is Erin, she is one of my pride and joys in life itself and I have brought her here to meet all my family as you have all become.

She is also to be treated as family and if it is ok with Paul I would consider it an honor if he would look after her personally." Then he set her down in front of Paul, "Erin this is Paul, Paul this is Erin, I think you two will get along famously, Paul why don't you show her around and she can stay with you in your room if you both agree, if not she may have a room of her own." With that he winked at the two. Then he introduce her to the rest of them and they all just loved her especially Wednesday! Then they broke it up and Larry told Paul to get his men on the roof and to take the rest of the day off to spend with Erin. Erin took Paul's hand, as she already liked him, she thought he was really cute.

Paul was mostly Italian at 6 foot even and 185 lbs. He was about 10 years younger then Teacher and Larry. He had a muscular build with an olive complexion His hair was dark brown as were his eyes, he had thick eyebrows and a nice sloped nose he was always clean shaven, he sported a 7.5 inch cut cock which was a good 3 inches around. He was a very good-looking man and women drooled over him.

He like normal wore blue jeans and work boots a blue T-shirt under a red checkerboard flannel shirt that was always un-tucked. His hair was a bit longer and maybe a little messier than most men his age down almost to his shoulders. He also wore a thick leather belt with a plain buckle and on his side he had a large Buck Knife as well. Paul was a native to Colorado, tough strong the outdoor type. The type that could live off the land for weeks with just the clothes on his back and his knife if need be...

Paul and Erin took off together hand in hand as Larry looked on being very proud of himself. Dr. Wong looked at Larry, "I see that leg is much better Larry." Larry looked down and just noticed that he had been holding Erin and his cane was leaning up against the wall.

Larry laughed as Larry would do and went with Dr. Wong to his examination room.

Wednesday and Lurch walked upstairs as well, Wednesday holding onto Lurch's index finger with Lurch waddling behind like a big puppy dog. When they got to their room Wednesday quickly got to the computer and watched as Dr. Wong examined Larry.

Nancy went into the living room and turned on the TV found a DVD to watch, "Clueless" and sat down to watch.

Dr. Wong examined Larry, he was in fact the only Doctor that Larry ever saw except for of course his brother and he hid a lot from him. When he was finished he was amazed at the health of Larry as he was a dieing man, or at least was, he wasn't anymore. Dr. Wong explained to him that he was completely healthy and that the cancer was gone. Further more the bone in his leg that was bent was straitening on it own.

Larry couldn't believe what he was hearing and his face lost about 10 years in that time. He hugged the Doctor and asked how in the world it had happened.

Dr. Wong explained that the different nectars expelled by Nancy were in fact life giving, that somehow the healing power of the 'Fly' had mixed with her specific D.N.A. He went on to say that he had picked Nancy because she had an unusual D.N.A. pattern that he had not really encountered and could not explain. He also said that now Nancy would never again age! She would remain an 11-year old girl forever, she wasn't immortal as she like all people could die, but not from sickness. Also from her a serum could be made that in theory anyway be "The Fountain of Youth" itself.

This enthralled Larry, "You mean to tell me that she will never change, and that others may be able to do the same? If that is found to be true, we must never speak of this. It could put her life in extreme danger if anyone found out about it. Everyone would try to take her and put her under a microscope." Dr. Wong agreed, "Yes indeed my dear friend, we need to keep a very tight lid on this but isn't it amazing?" The two men just looked at each other and laughed. Dr. Wong was indeed a genius!

Dr. Wong worked in has makeshift lab, office, and examination room as he monitored the hidden apartment. Dr. Wong was a work alcoholic and it showed in his tremendous accomplishments, in science, medicine and everything he tried. He knew now that he could indeed stop aging for a select few and he planned on doing just that, with Nancy's permission of course, starting with himself. He worked until dinner and then went to join everyone.

Larry walked down the to the living room with out his cane, he was limping but he didn't care, he had Nancy to thank for everything. He saw her lying on the couch watching a movie and went up to her kneeled on the floor next to her and kissed her a deep as he ever had. She sat up and asked what that was for and he told her that it was for giving him back his life and that he loved her and never wanted her to leave him. He then picked her up and limping took her upstairs to their bedroom where they made love till dinnertime. Then went down to dinner together Nancy helping Larry as he no longer wanted to use the cane, he would rather lean on Nancy.

Paul and Erin were having a blast together, Paul had shown her every part of the Estate while giving her a piggy back ride the whole time, he didn't want to let the girl down at all. They played games in the only recreation room that was left. They threw darts and Erin trounced him 5 out of 5 games. They shot pool and although she lost it was a very close match at 5 to 3 it was supposed to be best out of 3 but had to go more games. They played computer games as well mostly shooting games and ended up pretty even on those. Then when it was dinnertime she jumped on his back for a ride to the dinner table. That is after a trip to wash up first. They got to Paul's room and cleaned up as Erin's bags were in his room as well. They had decided to wait to make a decision about where she would sleep until later and had just let them there before they went off on their tour. Then he carried he once again down to dinner giving her a piggyback ride the whole way.

Wednesday was really busy, "So much to do Lurch, so much to do. She was monitoring the hidden apartment, Dr. Wong, Mr. X while watching the "Heidi" tapes as well, so much to do Lurch, so much to do." She was getting tired as she was after all only 6-years old. Lurch stopped her, "Wednesday needs to have dinner now!" and he picked her up and made her go to dinner, if he hadn't she would have not gone. So she reluctantly took him by his index finger and led him to dinner Lurch waddling behind her like a big puppy dog, "Ok Lurch you win lets eat, besides you need to keep up your strength."

When Teacher finally got Julianna to clam down he went and got a stronger sleeping pill, and had her take it and wash it down with the juice this would stop the nightmares for now. Tomorrow they would start therapy and hopefully he could help the poor girl, the girl that he was responsible for being in this condition, the girl that was innocent in all of this, the girl that need him.

When she laid back down Julianna said to Teacher with tears in her eyes, "will I ever get over this Travis?" Teacher spooned with her once more holding her tight, "I swear to you Julianna you will, I will help you to get through this by God!"

Maybe not by God but by the "Powers that be" he had better! As the 'Cloud' was silent and had been since Teachers life had been given back to him for that purpose and that purpose only. The 'Cloud' it was still there, waiting, watching, and protecting the Queen!

They were all having such a great time at dinner, Erin and Paul were shooting peas at each other through straws across the table as Nancy giggled to Larry, "She is just a peach, where in the world did you find her? She is perfect for Paul, you're quite the matchmaker you are."

Larry replied, "I found her in a campground all alone looking in a trash can for a match or something to start a fire with, her parents had been killed by a rogue mountain lion and somehow she had killed the lion!"

Nancy just stared at Larry, "You're fucking kidding me, that little thing?" Nancy never cursed!

Larry replied "Nancy the girl was 8-years old at the time and had been there for quite awhile she was hungry and was trying to start a fire so she could eat the lion!"

Nancy buried her head into Larry's shoulder and stared crying.

After dinner they decided to roast marsh mellows in the fireplace and Erin quickly yelled, "Dibs on starting the fire." As she jumped on Paul's back for a piggyback ride to the living room.

They all went in and Dr. Wong went and got the marshmallows himself. Dr. Wong loved roasted marshmallows.

Erin went right up to the fireplace; she removed the grill then checked the flew, it was open so she grabbed a big chunk of split wood. She pulled out her Buck Knife faster then most of them could even see. She snapped it open in her right hand; "SNAP!" then quickly whittled off a bunch of kindling and put all of it but one piece on the grate. She closed up her knife on her leg and put it back in its sheath and placed 4 very small pieces of wood on the kindling then 4 larger ones on top of those. She picked up the last piece of kindling and held it in her left hand. Next she pulled a 'Zippo' lighter out of her pocket with her right hand, slapped it down across the outside of her thigh which opened the top, then brought it back up fast running the striker back up across her thigh igniting the wick. Then she held it up to the piece of kindling in her left hand which in turn caught fire, holing it up to get going better she slapped the 'Zippo' closed on her thigh and put it back in her pocket. She threw the burring piece of kindling onto the dry kindling and "Poof" it caught fire. Erin then turned around threw her arms up in the air jumping up and down and yelled, "Let there be fire!"

Every one in the room except for Paul was sitting there looking at her with their jaws dropped to the ground. Paul who just about came in his pants over the whole thing started clapping his hands together, "Well done Erin! Very well done!" When they all collected themselves they all agreed that Erin was now in charge of all fires in the house...

They all ate marshmallows; Dr. Wong ate more then anyone else. Then Larry and Nancy excused them selves and went up to bed. That is after Nancy gave Erin a great big hug and told her she hoped to see her in the morning. Erin liked that, and hugged her back. Wednesday and Lurch went off as well after Wednesday told Erin that she loved her knife.

Paul and Erin just sat in front of the fire as Erin tended to it, they just talked about camping and fishing and things like that. Dr. Wong went and got his Yellow Tablet and started reading it one page at a time then ripping them off and throwing them into the fire.

Wednesday saw on the monitor what he was doing, "What is that man doing? Those are his notes, I saw him taking them all day long!" Lurch looked, scratched his head and said, "He remembers?" Wednesday thought for a moment, "Oh My God Lurch you're so right, the man has a photographic memory! No wonder he doesn't have any computer files, he doesn't need them!" Wednesday felt so much better know knowing that no one could steel the technology that the great Dr. Wong had developed. They went to bed, as they were very tired once more.

Dr. Wong went to bed soon as well leaving Paul and Erin lying on a couch with their boots off in front of TV; Paul's arm was wrapped tightly around Erin. They fell asleep on the couch together watching "Jeremiah Johnson."

The next day would be Thanksgiving Day!

To be continued...

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Really looking forward to reading all of this series. I prefer to save it all and lay it out to suit my own taste and read the whole thing at one go.


Hey PoppaClyde, When you do, start with Catch and Release. It's the first part and if you don't you will miss a lot of importent information...


The reviewing period for this story has ended.