The Taking, Part 10

[ M/g, pedo, anal, celeb ]

by Teacher


Published: 16-Nov-2011

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This is a story of fiction and is intended for entertaiment use only!

Julianna woke up; she was sleepy, disoriented and was lying back on pillows in a nice four-poster Queen Sized bed. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light put off by the bedside lamp on her right side she saw a Man sitting in a chair on the left hand side where she was lying.

"Well now, there you are welcome back how are you feeling young lady?" Teacher said with a smile...

Julianna tried to sit up when the pain hit her, it wasn't to bad but it was there. "Where am I, What happened, who are you?"

Teacher again smiled, "Shhhh, hush now young lady, take it easy not so fast my name is Doctor Newton and I'm here to help you, I will answer all the questions that I can. But please you have been through a lot and maybe you should just rest for a while."

Then it started coming back to her and she started to shake, she shot up and screamed, "FREDDY NO!"

Teacher went to her and sat on the edge of the bed and took the frightened girl in his arms and held her close, "It's Ok now, what ever happened is over, your safe now." He held her tight and stroked her hair as she just shook in his arms and cried... Julianna was after all just a 12-year old little girl.

Julianna wrapped her arms around the man; she desperately needed someone, anyone to hold on to. She held him tight and just let it out, "Whhhhaa aaaa aaa, Whhhhaa aaaa aaa!" She cried and shook in his arms, the arms of a man she didn't even know. Four the next hour she just cried while he comforted her as he stroked her hair and talked gently to her, "It's ok now, your going to be fine, your safe now."

When the two male Nurses got Stephanie down to the hidden apartment they turned her on her stomach and cut off her dress, removed her wig, shoes and socks. One of the men placed an IV in her arm and started a saline solution. Dr. Wong removed the bloodied towel, took some gauze soaked in 'Gel' stuffed it hard up her battered slit and went to work. Her anal ring was torn badly and needed taken care of first. Assisted by one of the Nurses he started to work on the delicate stitch work, most doctors would have just put in 16 sutures, Dr. Wong spent 2 hours and placed over 150 tiny sutures that would dissolve in a few days there would be no scaring if he had anything to do with it.

Larry and Paul had left the room after Paul had grabbed the disk from the computer; they had to get it to Mr. X for delivery as soon as possible. Mr. X was waiting in the living room where he had watched as well. They gave him the disk and was ready to take off but didn't. They looked at the screen when the hammer came down and saw the room destroyed in a matter of seconds, to them it just seem to be crushed. They didn't see the hammer or Teacher; they did hear Donna Scream, "NO"! Then they saw her run naked down the stairs and then down the ramp. Larry Shouted, "OH MY GOD TEACHER WAS IN THERE"! The two men started for the now non-existent room.

When Donna reached Teacher she jumped on him but it was to late, Teacher was dead! Donna look up deep into the 'Cloud' and shouted, "No you can't have him, he's mine!" and with that she opened up his mouth and placed her left nipple in and shoved his jaw up hard making him bite into her nipple. She then held his jaw hard and pulled up hard ripping open her nipple and spilling out all of her syrup down his throat at one time...

'They' were confused by this, 'They' didn't understand so in a split second decision 'They' stopped time itself, all but Donna, Teacher and Nancy that is along with one 'They' had no control over, the little girl who called herself Wednesday Friday Addams.

Donna shook Teacher but to now avail, She put her other nipple in his mouth and did the same thing crying out in pain. "WAAAAAAAAA!" To no avail...

Wednesday looked on crying for her friend Donna, "It won't work this time Donna, it just won't." You see Wednesday knew what Donna did not. What was it that Wednesday knew?

If God's power now came from faith and the Devil's came for greed and corruption. Then 'They' got their power form "Will"...

'They' were in fact a much older and different power then God or the Devil...

'They' protected the week and powerless. If a group of animals were trapped in a forest fire and all cried out together in fear then 'They' just might come maybe in the form of a rainstorm putting out the fire and saving the helpless...

'They' were in fact 'The powers that be' and in the case of the little Pink Haired girl that sang and danced on the TV, 'They' were called by all the little girls who watched her on that TV. 'They' all received e-mails from a girl who was said to be in the Big House rumored to be owned by Teacher, brother of Uncle Larry himself. So 'They' all knew about what was to happen to the little Pink Haired girl who sang and danced on the TV 'Stephanie'. She was the nature and essence of 'Purity' itself, their Queen. Queen Stephanie earned her crown by unselfishly moving to Iceland to do Lazy Town as no other little girl would do it. Queen Stephanie sang and danced for her subjects like no Queen in history had done before so when all the little girls in all the houses heard what was to happen they all cried at once for their Queen. It was 'They' who called up 'The powers that be' 'They' who made up the 'Cloud'. The 'Cloud' after all was 'Will' the "Will' of all the little girls in all of their houses, even though 'They' didn't know it...

Donna poured her own life force into Teacher as her lifeless body fell beside his.

You see only 'The powers that be could restore what 'They' had taken'. The life of Teacher was taken by the children, angry children, angry at what he had done to their Queen. He had gone to far and 'They' like all children could, had a 'Temper Tantrum" and took him down with the barrowed "God's Angry Hammer".

Nancy walked out from the bathroom and saw on the screen her soul mate Donna give her life force to Teacher. She screamed as she ran naked down to her life partner, her sister of the 'Fly'.

'They' pondered for awhile, as time was irrelevant, 'They' saw the unselfish act of what Donna did. So the 'Cloud' opened up and like Randy and Betty they brought Donna's body and soul and delivered her to 'God' not the 'Devil"... Betty because she was an innocent and Randy because he was insane, 'They' held the insane accountable for their results but not their actions. Again it was a 'Temper Tantrum' that brought 'God's Angry Hammer' down upon them as well. 'They raised her slow and gently up into that space through the standing rain and frozen lightning. Then 'They' did what 'They' somehow knew 'They' had to do to save their Queen. 'They' restored the life force to Teacher, but not before leaving a scar in the shape of 'Gods Angry Hammer' the shape of a Black Smiths Hammer as a warning on the inside of his thigh... This warning could NOT be dismissed, as this warning could bring pain, this warning could return death!

Nancy ran out into the rain that didn't fall, she looked around at the stoppage of time with wonder and amazement. Then she saw Donna's body rise up into the heavens as the 'Cloud' opened up and then closed once more. Nancy understood now of the sacrifice made by her sister and was now happy for her seeing her soul go to heaven as no one on earth had ever witnessed before. If they had they would never fear death and the fear of death keeps mankind alive.

Wednesday also saw this great act of 'The powers that be' and it brought tears of joy to her as well.

The 'Cloud' closed up once more hiding its secretes as the rain started falling again then slowly fissile out and stopped all together.... At least for now!

Wednesday turned to Lurch, "Lurch go get Teacher and take him to his room please." Lurch stared out of the room.

Nancy saw Teacher roll over and cough out the poison of death, roll back on his back and pass out; it was vile smelling ooze all green like puss...

Larry and Paul came out and went past the naked Nancy to Teacher and were able to see that he was indeed alive. Lurch came out and picked up the man gently and took him to his room. Larry went to Nancy and held her naked body close, "Are you ok Nancy? I didn't even see you come out here." Nancy replied, "I'm fine now Larry, everything is going to be ok now, you'll see my love you'll see." Then he asked, "Hey where's Donna?" Nancy looked up into the sky and replied, "She's ok Larry she's with God now, don't ask anymore questions love!" Larry gave her a stern yet wondering look as they went in together arm in arm, as two lovers should...

Lurch got Teacher back to his room and laid him down on the bed just as he was coming to. His assistant took over and started removing his molded makeup, as his assistant was a makeup artist that worked in Hollywood. She worked for over an hour as she took out his red contact lenses and the voice modulator around his neck. She took off the ugly veins on his hands and striped him naked. She removed the fake coarse hair that made it look like he had pubic hair and hairy balls. She cleaned him and then she left.

When Dr. Wong finished the last of the sutures in the girl's anal ring he filled her hole with 'Gel' and then packed it with gauze. He then had his Nurses turn her over and as one of them cleaned up her nose, chin, and ripped lips from the coarse hair the other Nurse helped Dr. Wong. The Nurse gently spread Julianna's legs open and strapped them down while Dr. Wong took a look at the damage that was done to the poor girl's vagina. He first cleaned her out then he took a very tiny scalpel and removed any trace that was left of her torn hymen. If it had been up to Dr. Wong this would be done to every girl after they had been devirginized, or 'Plucked' as some people called it.

After cleaning her he saw only slight injury compared to what her anal hole looked like. Any other doctor wouldn't have done anything at all for this child. Dr Wong spent 30 min and placed 25 very tiny sutures in the tiny opening of her vaginal hole just to make sure she was as whole as she could possibly be. Dr. Wong cared a great deal about all of the girls, yes he did his experiments but those experiments saved lives and helped the girls. In cases like Nancy he got their permission before doing anything rather than the normal ration of 'Fly'. When he finally finished he again filled her vaginal hole with 'Gel' and stuffed it with gauze like her bottom. They removed her IV and put cotton panties on her in white, and then dressed her in a long white cotton nightgown with big puffy sleeves on it. They gently put her in the bed and propped her up on pillows just a bit so she could breath a little better then they covered her up and left her alone. They had cameras on her and would monitor the girl 24/7 until she left. Dr. Wong would tolerate no more abuse of this child period however it was an unnecessary gesture as 'The powers that be' had already taken care of that problem. Forever!

Larry had Nancy go wait in his room then he, Paul, and Mr. X had a quick meeting. Paul looked at Larry and said, "Larry, Teacher is out of control how do we proceed from here?" replaying back Larry said, "I'm not worried about Teacher Paul, he's been under tremendous pressure over this rape." Then he screamed, "It's OVER!" Then collecting himself, "I'm sorry Paul, this whole thing has been a fucking nightmare on all of us, but believe me, this stage is over and now we need Teacher more than ever. This is his field, he's good at working with these little girls."

"Ok Larry I trust your judgment however this is different, but I trust you. You have never let Randy down I know that and he has always told me to trust both you and Teacher."

Larry asked Mr. X about the exchange of the Disk of the rape, Mr. X told him that they were going to monitor the whole thing again and try to take him again but if anything went wrong they would pull out before anyone could even tell they were there. Larry was very concerned because if Mr. X blew it again the Mystery Man would bring in 'The Butcher'. "Ok Mr. X but you better not blow it or that girl is history and if that happens then so are you!" Then he left made a phone call and went up to talk to Teacher.

Wednesday was monitoring the room as well and watched as Dr. Wong worked his magic, Wednesday was very impressed with his skill and dedication to his patient. She was starting to change her mind about Dr. Wong, "Maybe he's not so bad after all," she said to Lurch who watched with her on the bed. She was also in the meeting with the three men although she wasn't invited to it.

Larry walked into Teachers room as he got out of the shower, "Teacher we need to talk. I'm very worried about you my Brother, are you going to be alright with all of this?" Teacher replayed, "Larry I never wanted to rape that girl and you know it, and as far as I'm concerned if you put a lamb in with a wolf you get lamb chops. I couldn't help what happened anymore than I can control my own shit, I held it as long as I could but not long enough. I feel horrible about what happened but that part of this nightmare is over. We need to now be concerned with the health of Julianna. That my Brother is all I'm concerned with now." Larry hugged his Brother, "Ok Brother, its up to you know. I will leave you to your work, if you need me you know what to do." And with that he went back to his room to talk to Nancy about Donna. He said nothing to Teacher or anyone else about the girl as they all had enough on their hands as it was.

Teacher just wanted to get away to his hidden apartment, he just knew he would feel better when he got down there but he had to talk to Dr. Wong first about his assessment of the girls injuries. And just then Dr. Wong and the two Nurses came out of his Big Walk-in closet. They talked for a while and Dr. Wong gave him some pills to clean out his system as he poised it with liquor and such so his cum would taste as nasty as possible. Now it was time to get back to himself, back to Teacher. Teacher was kind and loved little girls, and Teacher was needed badly now. Teacher needed Teacher as well. He needed his sanity back. They then discussed Julianna's condition and Teacher felt sick just hearing about what he had done. Then alone with his thoughts Teacher went into his big walk-in closet, pressed the hidden button that slid back the two-way mirror and walked into the elevator. He rode it down and looked out through the two-way mirror into the big walk-in closet in the hidden apartment. Seeing nothing he pushed the button and walked out into the closet then into the studio like apartment, Teacher was home now, Teacher was safe. He looked down at Julianna sleeping on the bed and vowed to help her. He then pulled the big chair that sat beside the nightstand, moved it to the bottom side of the bed and sat down. Julianna would wake in about 12 hours; Teacher would sit there until she did. Teacher would sit there and think, Teacher was a very deep thinker indeed.

Dr. Wong went to the room that was set up for him; his TV was monitoring the hidden apartment, he took a shower and then went to bed, form there he just watched Julianna, as he had the first shift he would let no other. The other two Nurses had the other two shifts of 8 hours each. They would watch out for her 24/7 until her release.

Paul was given Randy's old room and he took a shower and went to bed. The two nurses stayed in the employee Cottage out back and a monitor was setup out there in the Nurses room as well.

Wednesday didn't have the luxury of having that much help so she taped it all along with tapes of every thing else going on in the house. She had also gotten a hold of Mr. X's cell phone and put a bug in it as well as a transceiver so she could listen to what he was up to as well. She trusted now one and was still looking for the man she had the picture of that she didn't know that Larry had too. She knew about the last meeting and the flash of light and would make sure she was at the next one. She needed something else though something she couldn't buy so she started programming. "Clickity, Clack, Clickity, Clack, Clickity, Clickity, Clack, she played her keyboard once more!" Over two hours later she was done and went to bed with Lurch, "Lurch would you please lick me like you do?" She purred to him. Lurch picked her up gently and placed her on his face and started licking the sweet tasting 6-year old girl. He loved her so much and loved how she tasted. He lapped at her kitty like a thirsty puppy. Wednesday creamed on his face in a very gentle climax, as she didn't need to be an alarm clock this day. She creamed and creamed all over her puppy. Then laid down beside him and holding his giant cock she fell asleep, as did he. She was tired and had a lot to do, she had the Heidi tapes that she knew somehow were important but didn't know why. She had to watch them all to find out.

Larry got to his room and Nancy was in bed waiting for him. She was naked except for her tiny white thong panties and lying under the sheets, Larry took a shower and then climbed in with her, he was naked when he pulled her close and held her tight then told her, "Nancy, you have to tell me about Donna now." Nancy told him the truth, Larry could tell that's what she believed but he himself didn't. He wanted to believe but just couldn't. They held each other close, and started kissing. Larry had missed Nancy as she was so down but now she was like herself again so to Larry something did happen because she had shaken off her depression and didn't seem to mind that Donna was gone. He didn't want to believe that Donna was gone, she was one of his girls and he was devastated with her disappearance but he let it go, at least for now.

Nancy turned over onto her left side and slid her ass back into Larry's crotch and stared wiggling it. She turned her head to him and reached her right arm around and pulled his head to hers and kissed him deeply.

Larry kissed Nancy back; he never stopped being amazed by her beauty. Little 11-year old Nancy, the 100% Swedish beauty queen at 4'6" tall and 70lbs. She had just below the shoulder Platinum Blonde hair that was just a tad frizzy with bangs that hit just above the eyes; her hair was streaked with pink and purple highlights. Her skin was the smoothest and whitest skin around and her eyes were Royal Blue trimmed in two shades of light blue eye shadow and jet-black mascara, eyeliner as well. She had high cheekbones and fat juicy lips with dark plumb glossy lipstick, her left eyebrow was pierced with a nice white gold ring, and her nose on the right side had a very tiny diamond stud in it. Nancy was the ultimate fox and as he kissed her he reach in with his right hand and took in her very soft right cone shape breast and started to massage it gently.

Once Larry started kissing her back Nancy dropped her right arm from around his neck and reaching around she took his cock in her soft hand and started stroking it lightly. Larry was already hard, as she knew he would be. They hadn't had sex in about a week and she had yet to give up her ultimate prize to him. Larry was an ass man and Nancy knew it, she was ready to give hers to him now. So she pulled the crotch of her panties away and stared to rub his cock head around her wet pussy to lube it with her honey nectar, then she slid it back to her tiny pearl white back hole. She kept it up back and forth gently, it was like stroking him, back and forth and she could hear him sigh as she did.

Larry was really horny for Nancy now as he kissed her deep, when she took his shaft and rubbed it back and forth between her sweet little pussy and her pearl white ass he almost came. He hadn't had her ass yet and wanted it most of all. Nancy had the perfect looking ass and he wanted it. Larry was indeed an ass man first and foremost. So he rolled her onto her tummy and slid down between her tender pearl white legs and as he lifted up her tiny ass he licked he lips in anticipation.

Nancy was just about to slide Larry's cock in to her wanting ass when he rolled her over and lifted her up. Mmmm, she thought, as she knew what was cuming. She needed her ass licked pretty bad right about now as it was burning with desire for him. Nancy was so in love with Larry that she would do almost anything for him. So she had no problem going to her knees for him and grabbed a pillow and put under her tummy, she then just laid her head down along with her shoulders waiting for his assault to begin.

Larry took Nancy's ass and placing one hand on each of her tiny firm cheeks with his thumbs in the middle he spread open her back door. He slide his tongue beside the thin strap of her panties and buried it right in, didn't even lick around it. He wanted it now not later; he wanted to taste her ass and was again amazed but her flavor. Her ass tasted much like the rest of her sweet nectar but not of honey like her pussy but of peaches fresh from the tree. A sweet peach of an ass is what he had in his hands and his tongue disappeared into it and didn't come back out.

Nancy bit her bottom lip as Larry buried his nice tongue into her pearl white hole. He was fast but gentle as his assault began. He held her tight as he took it to her deeper and faster, his tongue was like lightning buried inside of her ass. Nancy couldn't help but cum for the man, "aaaaahhhhh, oooohhhh, Larry that's so nice my love." Nancy you see was also an ass girl by choice, she loved to have it kissed, licked, spanked, and the feeling of a nice tongue by someone like Larry was orgasmic to her. The 'Fly' added an addictive nature to her anal ring as well as the much-improved sensitivity and orgasmic tendencies. But what she really craved was Cock. Nancy loved nothing more than to be speared by a nice oozing cock in her ass and the bigger the cock head the better. Nancy thought Larry had a very nice cock head and she could always feel it when a blast of cum shot off in her tight ass and she craved it.

Larry was tongue fucking her ass but good when he realized that her anal ring was super wide and very thick, "This girl could take it very hard indeed" he thought as he pulled out and then plunged his tongue back in hard. Her taste was additive just like the rest of her wonderful holes were but it didn't take him and he was glad of that. Larry wanted to be in charge for a change with this super hot girl whose body it seamed had been alerted a great deal by the 'Fly'. She had been in control every time they had sex, "Not this fucking time Nancy!" He thought as he continued his tongue assault on her super hot ass. Then he spanked her right ass cheek "Whap" pulled out his tongue and bit her left one hard!

"Ooo...UCHHH! Larry baby that hurt!" Nancy laughed when he bit her butt, God spank me again honey.

Now Larry was indeed in love with her now and he knew it but really he wanted to be in complete control this time, not like a rape but as a man, doing what he wanted and when he wanted. He was not in the mood for anything else right now. He sat up on his knees and slide his right hand through the strap on her Thong Panties going down between her tight little ass and pulled back on it Hard ripping them off, "Nancy, I love you my dear very much, but its time for you to just shut the hell up and lie there and get Fucked!" He laughed as he stuffed her panties in her mouth and then spanked her right ass cheek again, "Pop".

Oh, Nancy loved it when Larry shoved her panties in her mouth and when he spanked her again she gave up a nice little cum just for that nice gesture, "ahhhhhh, ohhh". She knew she could pull them out at anytime but sure didn't plan on it. For one she wanted to show her submission to him and for two she liked the taste of them. "Ok baby now do me good", she thought as she chewed on her panties.

"Now that's more like it Nancy, now I can work in piece", Larry giggled as he slapped her left cheek "Slap" then slid back down burying his tongue in her ass once more.

Nancy jumped when Larry slapped her ass, not in pain, as he didn't do it hard but just in surprise. She sighed and spread herself open a bit wider when he buried his tongue back into her quivering ass once more. "Oh this is sooo oooooooo nice", she thought when he began his second assault on her tight tiny ass.

Larry was feeling fine now as he concentrated on his prize, his ultimate prize, Fucking Nancy's ass! He stared tongue fucking it harder and faster with both hands now on her naked ass cheeks. He pushed it in slow, he pulled it out fast, she buried it and swirled it around and pulled it out again. How long he went he didn't know and didn't care. He was free now to get a little lost in the emotion of seeing how much pleasure he could give her.

Licking ass for Larry was a two-sided sword, one side was for him, for the flavor and fun of holding on to something that he had been craving. Looking at a fine ass and holding it in your hands while your tongue was harpooning it was a totally different thing. So he grabbed her cheeks hard and spanked them nice and easy. He squeezed them and nurtured them, massaged them in his palms.

The other side of the sword was the pleasure he could give a girl by fucking her sweet ass. Not every girl liked a big cock in her however they all loved the way Larry sucked ass, he was good at it and every once in a while he could get just the right girl to cum while he did it. He felt Nancy cum twice already for him and it made him mad with lust to make her do it again. Nancy just might be that ultimate ass fuck that he had been searching for all of his life and Larry was on a mission to find out!

He slid his hands under her soft silky pearl white thighs and around then up her sides back toward him, grabbed her cheeks and spread her wide as he went down to his elbows. He had her where he wanted her now, it was time for a nice long tongue lashing, so he began his third assault on her tight pearl white ass that he had been watching shake around for over a week now teaseling his poor cock and tongue. He was aware of the cum oozing out of his cock head but that would have to wait, wait till he made her cum. Then Nancy would get his gift to her, if she were truly the one then a gift it would be to her for sure. The gift, his rock hard cock splitting her anal ring. Splitting it and then going all the way to the root in one single thrust of passion.

Nancy was quivering with delight as Larry started his second assault of her asshole, it felt so good that she just lay there chewing on her panties and creaming, she was quiet but she had cum several different times. Nancy loved having his tongue inside of her ass and was afraid that if she came to loud that he would stop and move on. She wanted to move on as well but not nearly yet, Nancy wanted more tongue please, yes more tongue please. So Nancy was as quiet as she could be chewing and mewing on her panties that tasted sooo good.

When Larry started his third assault on her ass things changed a lot, he had her in a position that no one ever had her in before. She was so spread that her orgasmic anal ring was stretched to the point that it was now super thin causing it to be even more sensitive. She lifted her head and got to her elbows lying on her forearms she lifted up her tight ass and stared to buck on his tongue almost immediately and came super hard in her panties with a muffled orgasmic cry, "MMMMUUUUHHHHHHPPPPPPHHH, MMMPPPHHH, MMMMM, UUU, PPPPPPPPPP, HHHHHH," That was as quiet as Nancy could be as she gave up a Huge cum for Larry and also something Larry didn't expect but Nancy did. You see the 'Fly' also added cum producing pinholes underneath and inside of her anal ring and she came for him flooding his face in her Anal Peach Cream sauce, several nice loads of it all at once. Squirt, Squirt, Squirt...

Larry was just having the time of his life as he had his tongue all the way inside of Nancy's tight fucking ass. His nose was between her ass cheeks and he had his eyes open looking straight ahead. He saw Nancy's back come up and her head go back and herd her muffled cries, "MMMMUUUUHHHHHHPPPPPPHHH, MMMPPPHHH, MMMMM, UUU, PPPPPPPPPP, HHHHHH," Oh that was fucking music to his ears, then he got his face Flooded in a mass of what he could only compare to a warm peach flavored cream sauce that pushed his tongue back out then covered his face. "Oh My God Nancy!" He wanted to scream, but he just licked his lips and dove back in to that ass that expelled it in the first place. He sucked her out and drank her down licking her and sucking her he couldn't quit. How long again he didn't know and when she gave it up again he was amazed once more. He drank that up as well only this time he realized that it was thick and slippery, he wouldn't even need lube with her not one drop. When he understood that his cock could no longer be denied so he let her go and rose to his knees. "Now aren't we just full of more surprises my sweet wonderful girl?" Larry said as he placed the tip of his cock against her sopping wet pearl white anal ring. He pushed gently and when it started slipping in he went to slam it home for her but it was to late as her ass somehow just sucked it right into the root and Nancy blew up in a tremors orgasm!

Nancy had cum so hard on Larry's tongue that she almost passed out, it was the first time she had sprayed out of her ass and it was and incredible feeling, like no other she had ever had. She knew it was there because she felt the ooze when she had fingered herself, but this, this was way different. She bucked and shook, and then when she finally calmed down Larry had started again drinking her down and assaulting her ass for the forth time, he wasn't about to stop and she knew it. So she took a deep breath and just started creaming on his face gently as she was looking at the headboard but not seeing it. Then when he started going at it again she was in heaven put her head back down and went with it until she sprayed on her again and came a bit harder. The next thing she know Larry's cock was pushing on her ring and when he slid it in she pulled her ass cheeks together and pulled him in to the root and came hard once again in a muffled cry, "MMMUUUPPPHHH, MMMMPPPPHHHH, MMUUPPPPPHHHHH, MMPPPPP." She shook and quaked and shuttered. Then she just held him inside of her as tight as she could not wanting to let him out, she just wanted to enjoy his nice hard cock deep in her ass for a while and she planned on getting just that. Then when She was ready She would give up control and let him fuck her anyway he wanted to.

Larry tried to pull out a bit so he could start fucking her but she somehow had him tight, he couldn't move his cock at all. "Ah more surprises my love, ok you keep it for a while but you cant hold it forever and when you let go, your fucking tight little ass is mine Nancy you little Minx." Larry laughed as Larry would do and then he slapped her right ass cheek and held onto it and squeezed, "Dam that is so tight honey, you are such a find, I love you so much." Slap, Slap, Slap he spanked her right ass cheek again but not really hard. If she was going to enjoy his cock deep and not let it out then while she was doing that he was going to enjoy her ass as well. So he spanked it just to watch how it bounced just a bit and spanked it again just to feel it. Nancy really did have the nicest ass he had ever seen and he loved it.

"Oh My God! This is sooo hot I've got to get him to spray his cum in to me now." Nancy thought as he spanked her and spanked her some more. She started pushing him out about an inch then pulled him back in again, pushed him out and pulled him back once again. She kept it up as she wanted his cum, and she wouldn't stop until he gave it up!

Larry felt Nancy's ass push him out just a bit and then pulled him back in she started milking him and milking him with a determination, a frenzy of sorts. Larry tried to take over but there was no way he could, her ass was just to strong, stronger then his cock could ever think of being. Larry had his hands on her ass and tried but Nancy was relentless on her quest, his cock was loosing the battle as well he could tell by the churning in his balls. He knew now that this was the girl he had been searching for all of his life, the girl with the ass that wanted cock as bad as his cock wanted ass. It came in the form of the most beautiful 11 year-old girl he had ever seen as well. Nancy, a girl that was educated and fit into any environment she was put into. Nancy who was so sexy that men came in their pants just by looking at her. "Nancy, Nancy, Nancy!" He cried as his cock bucked and squirmed and burst up its seed. "AAAAHHH, Splat, Splat, Ahhhhhh, splat, splat, ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh, splat, splat, splat!"

When Nancy felt Larry cum in her deep she came as well very hard chewing on her panties with another muffled cry. "MMuuuupppHHH, MppppPPPUUUHH, MMMMmm, UUUPPPP, mmmuuppp, MMUUUPP, mmmuuummm, MMuuuupppHHH, ahhhhhh, MMMMUUUPPPPPPHHHH, MMMMMUUUUPPPHHHHH!" Nancy then breathing very hard dropped her assault on his cock and gave him control to see what he would do thinking, "God I hope he fucks me good now."

Larry was in heaven when they both came together, that was it for him. It was now his turn and he took her down to the mattress. He pulled her legs out from under her and wrapped his around hers from the outside then slid them underneath while he took his feet and stretching them over her calves he locked onto her putting his weight on her ass making his cock sink back all the way into her tight fucking ass. Next he slid his hands under her armpits and put the rest of his weight on his forearms, "Well now you little Minx, looks like it my turn my love, I want your ass now Nancy. That fucking sweet ass that you have been flaunting around me is now mine. I love you Nancy." He whispered in her ear as he started his gentle assault with his cock in her tight little pearl white ass. He was deep as he stared fucking her, his knees were on the mattress and his hips were against her ass cheeks as he stroked her from all the way in to back out only an inch. He pumped her slow and easy to start with. He was in total control as he fucked her deep.

Nancy was ecstatic when she felt Larry take over, she knew he would fuck her ass and fuck it good just like she craved, longed for no, Needed, yes she needed him to fuck her in her tight little ass and fuck her good. Then when he told her that he loved her, she for the first time believed him and started to cry, as she loved him so much. She bit hard into her panties again as he starred his assault on her. Oh it was so nice just having him stroke her sooooooooo deep and he was so strong about it. He knew what he wanted and he was taking it, that just turned her on even more and she started creaming on his shaft with her anal peach cream sauce lubricating him so he could keep going. "ahhh, squirt, ooohh, aahhh, squirt, ooohh." Nancy came in sweet little cum's. This was the best ass fuck Nancy had ever had and it was just starting...

Larry had her now; she was cuming on his shaft. He had no idea how all the changes had come to her and he really didn't care, he was just so happy that she was who and what she was. Nancy was a great fuck, the best he had ever had. No girl in the world could ever replace her. He stroked on her deep and whispered in her ear, "I love you so much Nancy." Then he tried to take the panties out of her mouth but she held them tight and growled at him. "gggrrrr." Larry laughed at that and said, "Ok baby you can keep those nice panties if you want." Larry just fucked her as deep as he could, how long the two lovers fucked that way is unknown but they were one, finally, fully, altogether one in their quest for the perfect ass fuck that they had found in each other...

Nancy giggled to herself after she growled at him, she was having so much fun she was just being silly, but the cock in her ass was serious indeed and she was loving it more than anything she had ever felt. And when he told her again that he loved her she cried and tears came to her eyes and ran down her cheek. She wanted to be with Larry for the rest of her life. She felt his cock and the way he had her pinned she had no control and that was fine with her as he was sooooooo good at feeding her his shaft. "Nice and deep baby." She thought as he did just that.

Larry was about to cum in her ass once again, he started pulling out more and stroking her with more power, speed, and he was varying his stroke depth. He fucked her deep then shallow then hard then soft. He fucked her with passion and feeling. Then he unlocked his legs and just lay on her ass giving them both control to work together for one final giant orgasmic climax.

When Larry gave her some control as well Nancy took him up on it and took him up on it fast! She started bucking her hips up and down into the mattress, she pulled her hips down deep into it then pushed her ass up till she was almost on her knees. She rotated and shook and bucked her tight ass all over his cock, as she came in one long hard muffled climax, "MMUUPPPHHH, squirt, MMUUPPHH, squirt, MMMM, MMM, Muumuus, Muumuu, Muuu, MMuuuupppHHH, squirt, MMMMuuuuMMmuuuppPPHHH, mmmm, mmm, pphhhh". She came again, "MMMupphhh, squirt, Muummpp, mmmm, mmmm, pphhhh, squirt, squirt, squirt..."

Larry couldn't hold it anymore when Nancy started cuming like that, all her hard cum's had built up on him as well. Every time she came it was like filling his balls even more so the last time she went off on his cock he blasted into her Hard, "AAAAHHH, SPLAT, FUCK, aahhh, splat, OOOHHH, Nancy Fuck! Aaahhhh, oooohhhh, splat, splat, oooww, ahhhhhh Fuck, Fuck, Fuck..." again he came, "aaaaahhhhh splat, splat, splat...

The two lovers then collapsed exhausted, and gasping for air, Larry finally realized that he was probably crushing poor Nancy and slid off to her side on to his back breathing hard. Nancy crawled up to him exhausted and dripping sweat looked over him with her panties still in her mouth. She spit them out onto his face and giggled, "Larry did I ever tell you that I like it up the ass baby?" Larry laughed, and Nancy laughed because both Larry and Nancy loved to laugh and it seemed now that they both love ass fucking as well. They talked for a long time just about things in general, they laughed and held each other close. Then finally they fell asleep together, happy and very much in love...

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


Thank for not killing Teacher.I hope they do get the guy or guys behind this and end them one way or the other. I also like the characters Wednesday Friday Addams and Lurch I hope that the stuff about them will be explained better has well has the stuff about the 'they'.


Would have been better with the 'god' bull, but other than that a good story.

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