The Taking, Part 9

[ M/f, celeb, rape ]

by Teacher


Published: 13-Nov-2011

Word Count:

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This is a story of fiction and is intended for entertainment use only!

The Kidnaping and Rape of Stephanie from Lazy Town

Julianna Rose Mauriello was on the plane about an hour out of J.F.K. International Airport. The 12-year old star of the new hit TV show for kid's called Lazy Town traveled as her character Stephanie. There were fans at the airport when she left and they were expecting fans when she arrived at J.F.K. as well. Julianna preferred to be called Stephanie when dressed as her character even by her Parents and of course Julianna when being herself. Her Parents were with her on the plan and a Limo Driver was to be waiting at the airport.

Stephanie loved kids, all kids, every kid, she loved to dance and sing for the children and was always signing autographs and talking to her fans as much as she could. She loved to make them smile. One day she hoped to be in the movies but for now she was just having so much fun being Stephanie and studying the Icelandic language, working on Lazy Town, while also working on her ballet, Irish folk dancing, singing and gymnastics along with a tutor for general studies. Julianna Rose Mauriello was a very outgoing, fun, energetic, smart, determined, and dedicated young lady who planned on going to great heights in her life and was indeed well on her way to doing just that. She was also an incredibly kind little girl, who was not in the least bit spoiled. She had manners and she talked with conviction she had morals and just loved life in general. Julianna Rose Mauriello brightened up every room just by walking into it; everyone loved her and loved her a great deal.

At 10am the plan landed at J.F.K. and Stephanie got off the plan with her Parents, they went though customs and she put on her pink coat and hood then started out of the high security part of the airport and into the non secure part when she was all of the sudden surrounded by tons of fans. There must have been around 250-300 little Stephanie's, Robbie Rotton's, and Sportacus of ranging age's form 6-11.

The fans surrounded the three holding up pencils, tablets, markers with pictures and all different kinds of stuff to sign, lots of little kids pushing and shoving getting in-between the young girl and her Parents.

Stephanie was smiling and signing as many as she could while being pushed gently toward the front part of the airport. He Parents as well were bombarded by the children asking for their autographs as well and they were being gently pushed back toward the security part of the building, back some more as all the little children shoved things in there hands.

Further and further the girl was separated form her Parents by the children, all the little boys and girls asking questions and pushing her gently along to the front of the airport.

Further and further the Parents were being pushed gently back away from the front door. Stephanie's Father looked and saw his Daughter in the middle of all the little kids and smiled.

Stephanie was doing the best that she could with all the little boys and girls asking for her autograph, she didn't even notice that her Parents were now a good 25 yards away, she was still getting closer to the door when the hood of her coat got pulled down, she didn't notice. Stephanie couldn't believe all the fans and was so happy to sign and sign some more. She loved the little kids, not the attention she just wanted to make them happy.

Her Father now saw that they were a long way away but could still see the hood of his Daughter's jacket and he was proud of his little girl, they were now about 50 yards away...

Stephanie was close to the door when she saw the Limo Driver holding up a sign that read: Mauriello: The Limo Driver smiled at her through dark glasses and went up to her, "Miss Mauriello, we should get you out of here and into the Limo, it's just right here outside the door." Stephanie looked and indeed saw the limo just a few yards away and asked, "What about my parents?" The Limo Driver replied, "All these kids, I will get you to the Limo and then wait for your Parents but these kids arn't going to leave until your in the car." Stephanie nodded her head and then she and the Driver worked their way out through the kids who all started parting the way open to the door. He took Stephanie's arm and led her through the door, then to the Limo and opened it up and helped her in and shut the door. Then turned around held up his sign and waited.

Her Parents saw the kids starting to thin out not nearly as many as there were before, they could still see Stephanie's coat with her hood signing photo's and such. They were now able to move again and started toward their Daughter, the crowd around her was thinning as well.

Finally they got to their Daughter and her Father tapped her on the shoulder and a girl turned around and said, "Isn't this great? Did you see her? It was Stephanie, look I got her autograph." Then the girl that was not his Daughter skipped away down the long airport hallway... There was no sign of his Daughter anywhere!

He went outside and didn't see her there just a Limo and a Driver with a sign that read something in Russian. It was cold so he put his hands in his pocket of his overcoat; there was a manila envelope in his left one. He pulled it out and looked at it. It was bulky and he opened it up looked inside then shook out the thing that was there into his hand. There was something wrapped in bubble wrap so he unwrapped it. It was a cell phone with a note around it that read:

Mr. Mauriello, we have your Daughter. If you call the police or the F.B.I. she will be killed. You have 12 day's to come up with 2 million dollars in small-unmarked bills. You will be contacted on this phone at that time for further instructions.

At 9:45am that same day 4 bus loads of kids dressed in Lazy Town costumes departed the busses and went into the airport. If anyone had looked closely they would have noticed that they were all little girls. Larry's girls to be exact...

At the same time a Limo was stolen from a nearby Hotel, it was taken from the back lot because it was not going to be used this day as it was scheduled for a tune up later in the day.

The girls were inside as the three came into the non secure part of the airport and proceeded to separate the group as instructed, at the proper time a girl dressed exactly like Stephanie only with her hood down went up behind her and pulled down the real Stephanie's hood and put hers up blocking her from view of her Parents... About the same time another little girl slipped a manila envelope into the Father's coat...

The Limo Driver Mr. X himself, helped Stephanie into the car and shut the door put his hand in his pocket, pushed a button on a small remote letting the sleeping gas out of the container under the front seat that would knock the girl out then dissipate in three minutes. Then he turned around the sign so it read a name in Russian instead of Mauriello. He waited and watched as the Father got the phone then another man came out, he opened the door quickly and the other man got in. He went around and got in the Drivers seat.

They drove around the back of the airport to one of Larry's Companies private hangers where a Lear Jet was waiting with Dr. Wong and his two Male nurses, they took the girl and put her in the jet on a gurney, the jet taxied up and got clearance to depart then was in the air by 10:45 sharp.

Dr. Wong and his two nurses put a gas mask on the girl and preceded to remove her shoes, purple socks, purple cheerleader type panties, her light pink tights and her very cute pink panties. The two nurses gently spread her legs while Dr. Wong inspected her; indeed Julianna was still a virgin. He wanted to put a couple of small cuts in her hymen but it was just to thick and would still be bleeding when they started filming so he couldn't. They turned her over very carefully and Dr. Wong inspected her Anal Ring. Then he took a squeeze bottle of 'Gel' and filled both her holes then covered them with a towel and gently put her back onto her back. Both of her holes would be able to marinade for at least 6 hours. The flight would take 2 and the drive from the private airfield would take 4. Then he sprayed her throat with a thinner version of the 'Gel' and would do that every 10 minutes until the Rape. He also put a spoon full of 'Fly' under her tongue.

Dr. Wong then called Teacher and told him they were about five and a half hours out. He added that the girl was indeed a virgin as they both thought she would be, but she also had a very immature completely bald vagina and that her hymen was very thick and would hurt badly and bleed a lot when broken and her vaginal hole was very small for her age and size. Her Anal Ring was also a problem because it was very thin and would rip right open if he wasn't careful. This was NOT good news and they were both concerned... He added that he had stuffed her with 'Gel' and that it should help a lot and when done he would be there to take care of any problems that occurred...

When the jet landed they moved the gurney into the van that Teacher used to 'Catch' his girls it was more an Ambulance than anything else. Mr. X drove, as he was to deliver the finished DVD of the rape. During the last 30 min of the trip Dr. Wong and the two male nurses cleaned up Stephanie and replaced her clothing.

They went through the gate as the storm slowly started up again and backed the van up to the French Doors at the front of the Estate, they removed the gurney and rolled Stephanie into the Estate, took a right down the ramp through the big girls recreation room into the little girls recreation room and then stopped at the door to the Rape Room. They then picked up the girl and put her on the Raping Chair and cuffed her wrists over her head, Dr. Wong then sprayed her throat one more time with the 'Gel' and left the room. She would be conscious in 15 minutes without the gas and the video would start at that time...

Teacher had been in his room at the other end of the Estate getting ready for over an hour with his helper. He was ready and started down...

Donna and Nancy were in their room watching on the TV at the foot of the bed, all they could see was the outside of the Rape Room and the two men at the two tables from a camera at the door of the little girls recreation room.

Wednesday and Lurch were watching from the closet in their room as Wednesday had tapped into all the feeds and could see everything that went on inside and outside the Rape Room with Audio as well. She was also monitoring the hidden apartment and 'The Cloud' it was calm at present appearing to be appraising, watching, and maybe somehow looking out for the innocent little girl that was strapped to the chair...

Larry was sitting at the table on the left side of the Rape Room door, the table sat back about 10 feet from the door and had a large monitor with the video feed coming from the room.

Paul was sitting at the table on the right side next to Larry's, it too had a large monitor but also had the computer and video controls to the 6 cameras, they had placed one on each of the outside walls against one way mirrors except for the front as it had two one on each side of the door. Then one in the center on the top of the ceiling with a one way mirror as well. He would also activate the small buzzer in the room that when herd by Teacher would signal him to leave. Also the clock outside on top of the door a stopwatch of sorts to be set for the five minutes between the rapes.

Dr. Wong and the two male nurses stood by the door behind Larry with the gurney ready to help when the Rape was over...

The instructions by the Mystery Man were implicit any waver could cause him to hire the butcher to take out the girl at a later time. If the girl looked drugged for pain there would be trouble for sure. Teacher was to come through the door five minutes after Stephanie came around. The five-minute periods were to frighten the girl as required by the instructions as was everything else. The Mystery Man wanted to destroy this girl for some unknown reason. He then was to rape her mouth for twenty-five minutes straight, then leave. Five minutes later he was to come back in the room and rape her pussy for another twenty-five minutes and leave again. Five minutes later he was to come in and rape her asshole for twenty-five minutes and leave for the last time time. Teacher was to bury his massive meat all the way into the girl in every hole, and belittle her with nasty talk as well. The camera would then stay on her for five more minutes and fade to black. After that the girl was theirs to do with what they wanted as per the instructions.

At that time Dr. Wong and his nurses would go into the room and put a mask over the child's mouth and gas her until she was unconscious if she wasn't already and then put her on the gurney once more at which time Dr. Wong would give her an injection to put her out for 16 hours. This would give her time to heal a bit and also give Teacher time to collect himself after the vicious act he was to perform. After that she would be transferred to the hidden apartment under the Estate where Teacher did his 'Catch and Release' video's, They would strip her completely and do what ever needed to be done to help her physically Teacher would take over from there after she regained conciseness and try to help her mental state as much as possible until they had to return her. It was very important to everyone that she didn't break her contract with the Lazy Town show. She was on a Thanksgiving break and needed to be back in Iceland in 14 day's. They were counting on her to be a very, very strong girl if she was to return to Lazy Town or anything else after what was going to happen to her this night... It was in fact far better then anything the 'Butcher' would do.

It was time!

Teacher walked out of his room down the open walkway, down the stairs took a left and went down the ramp. He walked through the older girls recreation room and opened the door to the little girl's recreation room and walked in. He looked at the clock on the top of the door and had 1 minute before he was to enter.

Larry and everyone else in the room couldn't believe what they saw when Teacher walked into the room. He was frightening as hell; he looked like he had just walked out of a horror flick or nightmare of some kind...

Stephanie got into the Limo and sat down waiting for her Parents when all of the sudden she got really sleepy and just wanted to lie her head down for a minute. When she woke she was a little bit groggy and it took a minute for her to realize were she was. Of course she didn't know where she was. She shook her head and looked around, tried to scratch her nose and realized that she couldn't move her arms from above her head as her wrists seemed to be fastened in some way. She swallowed and tasted a very pleasant taste, looking around she saw in front of her what must have been a door as it had a door handle on it. There were two mirrors one on either side of it and looking around more she saw that she was indeed in a small padded room. A room like she would think an insane person might be locked up in, except there were mirrors on all the walls that she could see and when she looked up there was a mirror on the ceiling as well. It was also very bright in the room she cold see two lights in the front top corners of the room and could tell that there were others behind her. Stephanie was starting to get very scared and noticed that her little slit and her bottom weren't normal feeling, they felt damp with something that just wasn't right.

Teacher opened the door and walked in slamming it behind him, 'WHAM' "Well now look what we have here a little Pink Haired Bitch! Hey Bitch!" he said as he walked up right in front of the terrified little girl. "Hey Stephanie, my name is Freddy and I have come here to make all your nightmares come true. You look like you could use some serious Face Fucking with that cute as Fuck Pink Hair and that Fuck me in the mouth face of yours!"

Stephanie was scared all right but she was horrified when Freddy Kruger walked into the room and slammed the door. It Was Freddy by God, the red and green striped sweater, the hat that face and those eyes, those Red Evil Eye's, the only thing he didn't have were the knives on his fingers, and when he started cursing at her in that raspy voice then unzipped his pants pulling out his gigantic ugly hairy cock and balls she Screamed!

When Stephanie screamed Teacher grabbed her by the back of the head and slid his massive cock in her open screaming mouth and held it to the back of her throat, "Ah I see the little Pink Haired Bitch does want a big fucking Dick in her mouth, mmmm what a good little whore you are to open up so nicely to Freddy, now lets see how much you can take my tiny Pink Haired girl." With that he 'Splat', came in her mouth and pushed, she had to swallow she had no choice and when she did he followed it down to the root of his cock then grabbed the back of her Pink Hair mashing her nose against his stiff fake pubic hair and her chin up against his balls! He came again, 'Splat, Splat,' "AAAAhhhhhh aaaaahhhhh Stephanie I knew from watching you on TV that you loved to suck cock the way you tease the camera with your sweet sexy lips you filthy little Bitch! How is my nasty fucking cock tasting to you Stephanie? I can tell you like it let me give you some more." He rubbed her face back and forth across his pubic hair and chin, 'Splat', AAAAhhhhhh, "What a nice little face fuck you are Stephanie so nice indeed!"

Stephanie was chocking on his cock, it tasted so nasty and gross. It was humongous and she couldn't breath. Then it spit up the most disgusting stuff she had ever tasted in her entire life. She started to throw up but then Freddy pushed hard down her throat and she had to swallow the vile thing making her want to puke again. She couldn't get away from him Freddy was holding the back of her head and rubbing her face into his smelly balls and rough hair. She was terrified and thought for sure that she would die because she couldn't breath as he just kept spiting out the vile gooey stuff into her. Finally he let up a bit and pulled his nasty shaft out of her throat leaving it in her mouth. At least she could take a breath out of her nose and that she did, she was panting, gasping for air and her heart was racing. She couldn't believe what was happening to her. She was crying so hard the tears were flowing down off her cheeks as she pleaded to herself, "Please Someone, Anyone Help Me"! But no help came as Freddy now held her and started stroking the nasty head of his cock in and out of her mouth. It was so big that she couldn't bite down on it even if she had the courage to do so which she did not.

Teacher was now in truth enjoying himself as he fucked Stephanie's face. He had indeed lusted after the girl like every other man that saw her show. He longed to just gently fuck her pretty face nice and slow. So now he took about two minutes to do just that for himself, he hadn't had any pussy or anything for over a week and the 'Fly' was on him bad and his 'Need' ran ever so deep. He slid his hands to the side of her head and slowly fucked her nice sweet wet pretty little mouth giving her time to regroup as well. Oh she was so pretty even while crying. She was spitting cum and it spit out of the sides of her mouth as he looked at her Big Brown Eyes that were just pouring tears...

Stephanie was spitting out some of the nasty gooey stuff out the sides of her mouth and was a bit relieved that Freddy seemed to slow down a bit, but that didn't last long and in just a couple of minutes he creamed that nasty stuff in her mouth again and when she tried to spit it up he pinched her nose and said, "No, No, No, Stephanie swallow my nice tasting spunk. I'm working hard so you have a nice snack now take it all down now you fucking little Cunt!

When he came Stephanie tried to spit it out so he grabbed her nose and when she took her next breath he followed it right down to the root of his cock once more. Then he started fucking the crap out of her throat, he pulled it out about two inches then slammed it back in again, pulled it out an inch then slammed it back home and held it there repeated it several times ending by rubbing his balls on her chin 'Splat, Splat' ahhhhhh "Fuck Stephanie your such a hot little whore 'Splat, Splat' ahhhhhh Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!"

Stephanie was in real trouble she couldn't breath and she was about ready to black out by the time Freddy had pulled back into her mouth and started once again to slide the head of his giant cock in and out of her now very tender mouth. She gasped for breath and spat uncontrollably, coughing and trying to puke. Then he pulled it out of her mouth and she took as much air into her burning lungs as she could.

Stephanie was gasping for air as Teacher swung the chair around and tilted it back all the way so her head was now level with his cock, he pushed her head down, pinched her nose and when she took in her next breath he split her lips and entered her mouth once more. Now he had her where he really wanted her!

Stephanie still hadn't even caught her breath when she felt herself swing around and fall back, then he pushed her head down pinched her nose again and as she took her last deep breath he shoved his nasty cock into her mouth, all she could see now was his big smelly nasty sweaty balls and they were coming straight for her face!

Teacher came just a bit and when she swallowed he followed it down and pressed his balls on her nose, "OOOOHHHH... MMMYYYY... GGGOOODD... Stephanie your nose is sooo soft on my balls, Splat, Splat..." He then slid his hands down inside her top and stared squeezing her just budding breasts. "Fuck Stephanie you have nice ass tits as well, I thought you just might, Fuck they are S...W...EEEEE... T!" Then he stared rubbing his balls back and forth on her nose and eyes as he pinched her nipples and played with her tits... "Fuck you're a sweet little bitch Stephanie!" As he brought his cock back out and just started to fuck her mouth again giving her a break. "Oh my oh my, Stephanie your are so much better than any of those little whores on Elm Street, your Pink Hair is the ticket for sure, 'Splat, Splat' aaaaahhhhh mmmm aaahhooooo now swallow Freddy's nice sweet spunk while I play with these incredible baby titties of yours."

Stephanie was spitting out spunk again badly again when Freddy backed off and just fed her mouth again, she had no idea how much of that filthy stuff she had swallowed and she didn't know how she could go on. Freddy was pinching her nipple hard and she was so helpless, so afraid and scared. "Where was her Father who was supposed to protect her?" she thought as Freddy then ripped open her dress and stared to suck on her nipple while using her mouth on his ever-oozing cock.

Teacher couldn't take it anymore and had to rip her dress and take a look for himself at Stephanie's now sprouting tits, he was so happy he did as they were just wonderful he couldn't help but again be himself for a couple of minutes and while giving Stephanie a break he sucked in her right nipple and stared to feed on it, mmmm... Stephanie truly had nice little titties and her nipples while small were so tender and juicy. Mmmm he feasted on them and squeezed them and gently fucked her face Splat, Splat, ahhhhhh, aahhh that was for her nipple he thought as he came once again. She was pretty and sexy and he had indeed wanted her for a long time and now he had her. Yes now at last he had his cock in her mouth and was fucking it well mmmm mmmm splat, splat. Stephanie was a super fucking hot little girl.

While Freddy was working on her small tits Stephanie just held on as he kept flooding her mouth in his nasty tasting spunk. It was horrible tasting and he smelled something awful; his balls were like sandpaper on her nose as well. She was crying so hard but no one could hear her, "How could this happen, I've always been good?"

Teacher pulled out of her mouth and then stood straight up again and stared rubbing his balls all over the girls face, "Ah Stephanie your so pretty my balls want to say hello to your sweet face with that nice Pink Hair, mmmm 'Splat, Splat' he came and it shot all over her tits. "Ah and to think they couldn't be improved upon." He said as he rubbed the nasty cum around on her sweet as fuck tits... Then once more he entered her mouth, all the fight if there ever had been any was gone and he just slid it in and came once more as he sucked in her left nipple this time, "Ah now this one is for you, you nice little tit you." Teacher loved tiny tits most of all and Stephanie's were indeed a set of the best he had ever encountered, splat, splat, mmmm, he came again for her little tits...

Then he went deep on her again, and then backed out once more starting a rhythm of long deep strokes not going in all the way but most of the way. Over and over again he fucked her pretty face as he played and pinched her sweet tiny tits. How long now he didn't know but he was having the time of his life in sweet Stephanie's mouth. However it did take a toll on his balls as they were churning and burning for the sweet as fuck Stephanie, and he came hard and deep in her mouth once more, AAAAHHHHH, AAAAHHHH Splat, Splat...

BUZZZZZZZZ... Went the buzzer-signaling Teacher to stop and leave the room...

Stephanie couldn't believe it, she herd like a buzzing noise then all of the sudden Freddy just pulled out of her mouth after flooding it again in a huge burst of gooey stuff, the biggest, nastiest of the night and just went out of the room. She coughed and turned her head spitting out as mush of that vile filth as she could. She was tired and her mouth and throat hurt. Her wrists as well were not doing to good and her eyes were full of salt from her sweat and they stung. All this came roaring to her when he left, it was all there before but she just didn't notice it because of all the worse things that had happened to her in this awful place. Was this it? Was it over? Was it just a nightmare that just came in the night? She was still tipped on her back and her nose was running and the lights from the ceiling were bright in her eyes as she looked up and saw herself in the mirror. Her dress now torn down the middle and about half way down exposing her breasts that looked very red and swollen, there was blood on her nose, chin and lips as well from his coarse pubic hair. She now noticed that her nipples hurt too. Stephanie coughed up and spit out a bit more of the spunk then just closed her eyes and cried shaking uncontrollably.

"One down two to go, hang in there Stephanie." Wednesday said to Lurch as she also had an eye on the 'Cloud' that was boiling now as it started to rain hard again...

Nancy and Donna clutched each other as Teacher dressed as Freddy came out of the room, he was indeed a frightening looking monster and they felt so bad for Stephanie they were shaking as one for the little Pink Haired girl that was strapped in a chair in the horrible room.

Teacher just came out and took a drink of Crown as no one even looked at him, and he knew why. He was scary looking but he had to be, he was the one after all that had to rehabilitate her after this madness was done. He had to make sure she could never recognize him or the whole thing would be for nothing.

He went back in the room and slammed the door once more; 'WHAM' "Well now Stephanie did you miss me sweetheart? Did you miss your lover boy Freddy? With that he tipped the chair back up and swung it around fast. His cock was still out and again right in front of Stephanie's pretty face. "Now I know you want to suck on my cock some more but we have other things to do so maybe later if you're a good little slut", he said as he pushed the pedal that raised the hydraulic chair up to where her crotch was at cock level...

He leaned in with his hands on the back of the chair beside her head, "Now Stephanie I don't come into your living room every day and shake my cock in your face just begging you to fuck it. So why do you come into my living room every morning and shake your pussy at me in this short ass dress begging me to take my cock out and jack off all over my Television set? It's just not fair, so lets begin with just being honest about how many men jack off while you dance around spreading your legs at them. You know it and I know it, the question however that every one of them is asking is. Does Stephanie wear any panties under her tights? That my dear is the question we are going to answer right now!" Then he lifted her legs up and took off her shoes and her socks, he put her legs on his left shoulder so her feet were by his ears.

Stephanie was once again horrified at this man, my God he was so nasty, she never teased men at all. She just danced for the little kids to make them happy, she had no idea what he was talking about. She also realized that Freddy was about to remove her clothing and rape her for sure. She knew what rape was and Stephanie hadn't even thought about that yet with all that was going on. He took off her shoes and socks. Then he slid her purple cheerleader panties off.

"Ok now no telling" he laughed at her, "Now I'm betting that you do wear panties under those light pink tights Stephanie and I'm also betting that they are either purple like your socks here or pink like your dress". He then rolled down her tights to her knees, mmmm oooo yea, Pink, like your pretty hair Stephanie now this is indeed going to be a treat. Then he completely removed her tights and put back on her shoes and socks!

Stephanie started crying really hard now and chocked out a, "NO, Please don't, I've never even had my little finger in there please don't!"

"Well you can talk after all, Stephanie you need not worry I'm not going to use my little finger, I'm going to use my COCK"! And with that he ripped off her panties and shoved them in her mouth, then he took her legs, spread them and put a foot on each of his shoulders. "Now shut the fuck up, you have been teasing me running around in that short dress making my dick hard long enough, its time for you to pay up and I'm here to collect for every man's cock you have made hard"! With that he placed his shaft on her very tiny slit and stroked her twice making his cock wet on her as she was soaked from sweating then he split her sweet pussy lips with the tip of his cock and slid it in to her hymen held it there. "Well now Stephanie you are very soft indeed get ready now because. Here Comes Freddy. Splat. Splat" He came and then thrust forward HARD burying his cock in her half way and destroying her hymen in the process, and held her tight as blood started seeping out of her stretched out hole... awwwwww, splat, splat, now that is NICE!

"MMUUWWWWWPPPPPPPPPPPGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH" Stephanie wailed in pain, "WWWAAAAA AAAA MMMUUUU WWWW", " AAAAHHHHHHHH" She tried to get off of him and bucked and squirmed.

"Oh no you don't Stephanie, you deserve this and you know it, your not getting off that easy"! He removed the panties, "Go ahead and scream if you want you whore!"

"AAHHH HHHAAA NNOOOO, NOOOO, NOOOOO" she shook and bucked in pain as Teacher held on to her, "OOOOWWWWW" he looked at her face and her eyes were closed he started fucking her. He pulled out about two inches and went back in to the same depth, he did it again as she wailed, "aaaaahhhhh," he creamed in her she was just so tight and soft Splat, Splat, ahhhhhh oooohhhh Stephanie now that is some first class pussy if you ask me, now this is much better than jacking off to you on the TV, Splat, Splat, ahhhhhh oooohhhh, your soooo fucking Tight.

Stephanie couldn't believe the pain she was in as this Monster shoved his enormous cock into her, she knew she was about to pass out. Freddy seemed very angry with her and she was terrified more now than she had ever thought possible. But he didn't stop there he started sliding his cock in and out of her and the pain was terrible.

"Oh My God, Stephanie you're the sweatiest piece of ass I have ever had, your pussy. Stephanie I just have to tell you that your pussy was worth waiting for, it's wonderful and don't you ever let anyone tell you differently. Now let's fuck little one". Teacher then stared going faster and deeper with every stroke he knew he had to bury it in all the way for the tape but wanted to work up to it for her sake. He knew if he did it now she wouldn't last the time that was left. So he fucked her about ¾ of the way in, he had to do it hard he had no choice. He also liked it as he fucked the little Stephanie girl that he had lusted for and started sucking on her tits again, making the most of HIS time with her. Ahhhhhh, oooooo, splat, splat, your tits and pussy are so fucking sweet Stephanie, splat, splat.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH, OOOHHHH, mMMMMUUUUHHHH," Stephanie screamed again and almost passed out once more...

Teacher stared stroking her a little more gently, he had done what he had to do now he wouldn't go as deep like that again until he went to his root on the child, he felt bad as hell for the little girl but in fact he was saving her life. Stephanie was just there with her mouth open now spit dripping off of her bottom lip quivering. He fucked her and as he did he started rubbing his hands up and down on her super soft legs. "Oh My God, Stephanie, your legs are sooo soft. Fuck you're a great piece of ass, and Teacher meant every word he said, aahhh, ohhh, splat, splat.

"Please no more", Stephanie begged him in a low voice, as he again slid the tip inside of her spreading her legs wide apart and fucking her with half his cock. "Ah now what's the matter with you Stephanie? This is exactly what you have been asking for every morning from all the Dad's that watch your show with their little kids. You should be enjoying yourself." And with that he held her soft thighs a stroked in and out of her at will, she was tight and smooth and a wonderful fuck. "Mmmm ahhhhhh, yes now that is nice Splat, Splat, ahhhhhh " he wrapped her legs around him and put his hands on the back of the chair, looking in her eyes he fucked her and fucked her some more. He went slow he with fast he went half way in then came out an inch and then he couldn't help it anymore and he knew he had to do it at some point anyway so he slammed it all the way to his root, held it there and came hard. Ahhhhhhhh... oooohhhh... Stephanie cried out in pain once more at the on slot of his giant tool now buried all the way inside of her ravished little slit. Her face was just blank as Teacher backed out and then fucked her deep he went all the way in she just felt so nice he couldn't help himself now, he pulled out half way and then went back in hard and came again, AAAAAHHH, Stephanie your wonderful, your sweet pussy is the best, aaaaahhhhh oooooo... When he finally got hold of himself he backed off and started gently fucking that very nice pussy that belonged to him right now. He was lost in it now, he had never fucked a real young girl and he figured this is exactly what it would be like, she was so fucking soft and tight, her legs were like silk, not even Donna's were as soft nor her pussy so sweet as this girl. He never wanted this fuck to end...

BUUZZZZZZ... Went the buzzer and Teacher said, "FUCK"! As he dropped out of her and left the room! Teacher did not want to leave; he wanted nothing more that to keep fucking the shit out of her. Stephanie was a fucking nice little fuck; her pussy was just wonderful like none he had ever had.

Wednesday looked at the 'Cloud' it looked dark and angry, Teacher was very close to crossing the line and she knew it. "Hang in there, both of you two down and one to go".

Nancy couldn't take it anymore and leaving Donna alone she went in the bathroom filled up the tub and started taking a bath.

Stephanie was almost in shock now, but she was sure it was over and had hope. Freddy was gone, what else could he possibly do to her that could hurt as much as that did. Nothing she decided. Not one thing in this world could hurt like that did. Was being Stephanie really what had caused this? Just dancing for the little kids and making them happy were reason for This? It must be, that is what Freddy kept saying, and it was her fault for dancing around in her dress with her Pink Hair. She was alone, terrified, bleeding and hurting. She didn't know how much more of anything she could take.

Teacher came back in the door and slammed it shut one last time, 'WHAM' "Stephanie how are you doing honey, I have to just tell you that your pussy is the best, now lets just turn you over for a while and take a look at that nice sweet tight little ass of yours what do you say to that my love"? With that he put her on her knees and lowered the chair to where his cock was at ass level to the little girl.

Stephanie couldn't believe it, Freddy was back and now he turned her over which hurt just by doing it. What was he up to now? She sure hoped he didn't put it in her slit again. She felt him lift her dress up uncovering her bottom then he poured some gooey stuff all over her butt. Then it hit her; he was going to shove that monster cock of his up her ASS! She stared to cry out but it was to late! Her mouth was stuffed with her panties again.

"Well now just one more hole to go Stephanie, you have been shaking that hot fucking ass of yours around teasing everyone with if for long enough now, shake that hot ass around and what do you think is going to happen to it? How many men would pay a ton of money to be me right now? Oh I have wanted your ass for a very long time mmmm it is a sweet one too". He put the tip of his cock on her ring and pressed then shoved, nothing happened, he pressed harder, nothing, "Dam Stephanie you have one tight fucking ass here honey but don't you worry your pretty little head, Freddy will spear it for you. After all you have been asking for it". He kept pressing and was beginning to think it wouldn't go in at all. Then it just kind of slid in all at once and he was lucky to be able to stop it about half way or he would have bottomed out in her.

"MMMMMMUUPPPPPPHHHHH" Stephanie shook and bucked from the pain, Freddy was nothing but pure evil, "MMMMMUUUUUHHHH" god it hurt so bad, she didn't think anything could hurt as much as that cock did in her slit but she was way wrong about that, "MMMMUUUPPPPPPHHHHHH" she tried to escape it but then he stared humping on her again sliding it in and back out again and again. Did this man ever stop? She just couldn't believe she didn't pass out it hurt so much, "MMMMppHHpphhh"!

Teacher was in a zone, he came back after his break determined not to get out of hand. Determined to stay in control but it was so hard, her fucking ass was wonderful he was trying to go slow but couldn't and he fucked her about half way down in earnest! "Ahhh, ooo, Splat, Splat, Stephanie your ass is so fucking great" He was creaming like crazy in the girl, she was so hot her ass looked so nice from behind as did the back of her head in that Pink Hair and her dress socks and shoes just added to it. Not to mention this girl had a fucking fine as hell ass it was soft and round and just tight as hell. So he pounded on her and creamed again, aahhh splat, splat, ooohhh.

"MMMPPhhh, mmmmmpppphhh, aaaahhhh..." went Stephanie's muffled cries, "MMppphhh, pppphhhtttt." She was in serious pain and Freddy just kept on and wouldn't stop even for a moment to let her even breath, "MMphhhhhPPPHH"!

Teacher was in heaven fucking Stephanie in the ass, he was telling the truth about her shaking it around on the TV she did make him want to fuck her and now he was, he was fucking her in that sweet ass that he saw on the TV many times shaking around in front of him. "Ahhhh, Splat, oooo Splat, owwww, Splat" and he was in control of it, so far anyway. He was only going about half way and could see no blood at all except for the blood form her pussy and that was not as bad as it was. "mmm, Fuck Stephanie, I love your ass, Splat, splat, mmmm aaaahhh, Dam its fine". He reached around and grabbed her tits and fucked her while squeezing them and pinching her nipples, which were also extremely nice. This girl in fact was a prime piece of preteen pussy and he had her all to himself now so he was taking advantage of it.

"OOOwWWMMMPPPHH, MMMPPPPHHH, oOOOWWWWHHH" Stephanie was not sure how much more she could take. Freddy was just relentless in her ass. He was going easy on her for a little while then he all of the sudden started going faster and faster and then deeper and deeper, then he stared spanking her as well and slapping her on her ass, 'SLAP, SLAP' and every time he did she jumped and it would shove his cock in deeper and the pain would be terrible "MMMPPPPH, PPPHHHHMMM"!

Teacher couldn't help it anymore, he was lost in lust and was fucking the ever-loving crap out of Stephanie now, her ass had him and had him good, he slapped it and slapped it good, and it was so firm that it didn't even move! OMG it was too much and he buried his now molten led cock in to her buttery fucking ass all the way, there was no stopping him now he was totally loosing it and who could blame him. He had watched that same fucking ass bounce around in front of him for weeks and he got hard every time he saw her. 'SLAP' SLAP' "Take that Stephanie, how do you like that? I have watched that tremendous ass of yours for weeks and now it's mine. Deeper he went to the fucking root; he didn't care anymore and let her have it hard, fast and deep. "FUCK ME STEPHANIE"! He grabbed her by the hips and pulled her hard onto his shaft and slammed into her again and again... he was lost in lust and lost in time... aaaaahhhhh, oooooo... ahhhhhh... Splat, Splat, aahhh, Splat... He was completely out of control!

Stephanie's ass was on fire; Freddy was pulling her back onto his giant cock and burring it as deep as it could go. "MMMMPPPHH, PPPHHHMMM" was all she could get out now her muffled cries did no good anyway. He hadn't stopped this time at all and it had been a very long time to her she could feel the blood running down her legs from her ass and knew she was being ripped apart by this crazy lunatic. She didn't think she would ever see her Family again.

BUZZZZZZZ ... Went the buzzer...

Teacher herd the buzzer and didn't stop he kept right on fucking her ass as he came again aahhh, oooo, Splat, Splat, ahhhhhh,


"FUCK YOU"! He said as he raped her tight ass more and more he couldn't quit...


Teacher faintly herd the buzzer this time and with one last frantic assault with his weapon he fucked her as deep and as hard as he could and howled..."OOOOWWWWWWWW, OOOOOWWWWWW, OOOOWWWWWW," like the crazy animal that he had turned into. Then creaming in her one last time, SPLAT, SPLAT, SPLAT, the two nurses came in and pulled him off of the girl and out of the room with his cock still spraying cum onto Stephanie's sweet ass...

Stephanie passed out cold as the pain took her in...

The two nurses took Teacher to the back of the room and sat him against the wall he was spent and not really there...

They had to wait five of the longest minutes of there lives to go and get the girl, things got fucked up bad and way out of control, they tried to talk but the storm was raging thunder and lightning everywhere. The noise was ear shattering...

CRACK AND THUMP... Went the thunder and lightning...

Paul finally said "NOW" and they rushed in grabbed the girl and un-cuffed her took the panties out of her mouth then put her on the gurney, Dr. Wong quickly gave her an injection and placed a towel between her legs and told the men to get her to the hidden apartment fast, she was bad very bad and all the supplies were down there it was set up for surgery if necessary. They all left the room except for Teacher who had been forgotten... but not forgotten by all!

CRACK... THUMP... CRACK... THUMP... "They" were angry...

Wednesday saw the 'Cloud' open and the 'Hammer' come up as the last of the men left the room, Teacher who had apparently collected himself was starting to walk out now and was beside the rape room when "They" sent the hammer down "God's Angry Hammer", and took out the entire recreation room...


That quick and there was nothing left standing, glass flew everywhere and Teacher was on the ground with the rain pouring down over his lifeless body!

Donna saw it and SCREAMED, "NO"! She was completely naked as she ran to him, down the stairs by the men with the gurney, down the ramp and through the older girls recreation room, out in to the rain to where her lover was, she threw herself onto him, but it was to late as Teacher was dead!

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


2 things will we learn what and who was behind this or I should say why it happened and who was behind it.The other is are you really killing off the Teacher?


Porn writing tip: You should not begin a sentence with someone being forced to perform oral and have them swallowing before the period ending that sentence.


Great story really hot of a nice young tight hot little girl, but not so great of an ending.


This story was terrible. 'Splat, splat?' Who cums that much? Learn how to write some erotic fiction.


Well you guy's I guess didn't read the whole story. I read in it think it was part 9 of Heidi why he could cum so much and so fast coating her mouth to make it easier for it to go down.. I like the stories some are a little rough but others are very tender.. I think you should read all of them before making conclustion's that you dont have the information to make. Maybe that's why whoever wrote this never finished it?? I'd love to see the ending of it and find out what happens. Just my opnion..

The reviewing period for this story has ended.