The Taking, Part 15

[ M/g, celeb, pedo ]

by Teacher


Published: 7-Dec-2011

Word Count: 6041

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This is a story of fiction and is intended for entertainment use only!

Julianna went and got dressed while Travis made breakfast. She was in a really great mood. Being in love and having her lover get her off the way he did was just so intense to the preteen girl. Julianna wanted to look sexy! She dug through all the drawers until she found the scarves, tons of them. "Oh this could work well," she thought as she pulled out a few of them and covered her baby titties with one. Her first reaction was that she wanted to show off her nipples, after all Travis really went after them. "I think Travis has a thing for my little titties." She giggled to herself. Picking out a very dark purple set she took the first one and folded it length way in half. Wrapping it around her hips she bunched it up and tied it on her right hip. "Oh my, I guess I better wear panties with this," she giggled as she could see her bald little snatch right through the material. Just for fun she did the same with the other one covering her chest. She wrapped it around herself and tied it in a bow in front then slid it around so the bow was in back. Looking in the mirror she felt very sexy, "Oh my, do I dare wear this, I'm showing so much of myself! Hummm.... What to do... what to do..." She took a deep breath and decided to take off the outfit and put it back on tonight, "Yes tonight it is, and tonight I give myself to him. To Travis, giggle." Julianna had reached the point that she was ready to give up her virginity. She still felt like a virgin inside even though it had by taken from her. The rape to Julianna didn't count. In her mind she was still a virgin and she had found the man to give that special gift to, his name was Dr. Travis Newton! She found some purple ribbons to go with the outfit and put it all in a special place for later on tonight, "Tonight Travis, your mine. I will give myself to you willingly, I hope you want me as much as I want you." With that done she found a nice pink outfit, bikini panties, very loose short, shorts, and a camisole top that cut off right below her nipples. It had spaghetti straps and was almost see through. Julianna wanted to look as sexy as she felt and she wanted to tease Travis with her nipples all day long! She looked in the mirror and put her hands up to see how far she could put them until her nipples popped our in plain site. She found that it was about shoulder height. "Oh Travis, giggle, your going to get flashed today my sweet, sweet man." She was laughing to herself now. She didn't want any shoes but she found some nice perfume put it on and went out to the kitchen.

It didn't take Teacher long to make breakfast and he had it on the table when Julianna came out of the bathroom. He was sitting at the table taking a sip of his juice waiting for the cute little preteen. When he saw her come out he spit up his juice, "Wow Julianna you look really good Mermaid." He said staring at her nipples that were sticking out beneath her almost see through top. He could tell that if she lifted her arms just a little bit he would get the full show. His cock burned for her. Teacher was after all was said and done a tit man, or lack of tit man. He loved tiny just budding breasts better than any other thing in life. Julianna had nice tiny preteen budding tits! They were fantastic and he couldn't keep his lustful eyes off of then. Teacher jumped up, went around the table and pulled out her chair for the sexy girl. When she sat down he pushed the chair in for her and lowered his nose down and took a nice sniff of her hair. He then went back and sat down and co uldn't help but stare at her nipples through her top.

Julianna was really impressed with Travis once more when he pulled out her chair for her. "Why thank-you kind sir." She said while giggling underneath her breath. When he sat down and started staring at her chest she thought to herself, "Oh My, he is really so sweet, no one ever compliments me like he does. No one has ever pulled out my chair for me either. He can't keep his eyes off my titties, giggle." Then she said giggling, "Travis do you see something that you like?"

Teacher was super embarrassed now. He was so busted staring at Julianna's sweet little nipples, "Well yes in fact I do Julianna, that would be you. Your stunning my sweet little Mermaid." He said while collecting himself and trying to move his eyes from her tits to her eyes. He couldn't keep his eyes off of her as they ate.

Julianna blushed as she replayed, "Well it's nice to know that you like me Travis." She was looking at him as well as they ate, "Travis you are going to make someone a very good wife someday with your wonderful cooking." She said laughing.

"Oh your going to get it for that one young lady, you just wait and see." Teacher replayed. When they were finished teacher cleared the dishes then came back and sat down as Julianna reached over her head stretching out her arms to yawn. Her entire chest was now bare and his cock roared to life in appreciation and tribute to her wonderful chest. As she slowly lowered her arms he couldn't take his eyes off of her nipples, as they seem to grow right before his eyes. His mouth was watering and he had to wipe his mouth with a napkin.

Julianna was having the time of her life teasing Travis, "How long can one man stare like this I wonder? Hummm, I guess its time to pull out all the stops now watch closely Travis." She thought as she slowly lifted her arms all the way above her head and pretended to yawn. "Oh my, now that is the look I was after, he is sooo sweet trying to hide his stare. He can't stop he's sooo cute! Look at him he must be hard as a rock; I'm going to have him for sure tonight! It's ok Travis I'm going to give you some later Pooh!" She thought to her self but said, "POOH! What are you looking at you bad little bear you! Oh my you're looking at my nipples aren't you?"

Teacher was snapped out of his trance by what Julianna said, "Errr... I... well..." Then blushing very badly and hanging his head low, "I'm sorry Julianna, I was looking at your nipples, I like them very much. I can't help it, like you they are truly amazing."

Julianna felt bad now and replayed, "Well I'm very glad that you like them Pooh and you have my permission to look all you want to, what are we going to do now?" She was hoping that he would want to play with her now that he had to be turned on. She really did want him badly and didn't get near enough this morning. She wanted him to play with her nipples again as the more time she spent with him the sexier she felt. The sexier she felt the more she wanted him.

"Well Julianna first of all I will take you up on the offer to look at your nipples. But first I think another therapy session is in order, so where would you like to have it today?" She told him she wanted it in the bed again as it was just more comfortable. She also told him she didn't want to do it at all. Julianna didn't want to talk about what had happened to her. Teacher once again reminded her of how important it was and they moved to the bed. Julianna was in it and Teacher sat with his right foot on the ground and his left knee lying on the bed. He held her hand again and started to speak.

"Ok Julianna, you left off saying that you didn't remember much after Freddy raped your mouth, what do you remember?" Julianna replayed, "Well I remember just flashes of things, a buzzer going off and him leaving. Then he came back in saying nasty stuff again but I'm not sure again what he said, then he, then he... The he spread my legs and he hurt me Travis he hurt me bad. He shoved his nasty thing inside of me and it hurt!" she was crying again and Travis handed her a tissue and some juice to drink.

"Ok you're doing fine Julianna, take your time and tell me what happened next." Teacher said holding her hands and looking into her big brown eyes.

Julianna replayed, "No way Travis it's my turn to ask a question!" "OK, OK, Mermaid ask away." He responded with a laugh.

"If you really liked a girl, a young girl like me that is and she wanted to have sex with you. Would you do it?" Julianna asked blowing her nose.

Teacher cleared his throat a little. Took her face gently in his hands so he was looking directly into her eyes and then replayed, "Julianna If I were lucky enough to have a young girl like you and she wanted to have sex with me. I mean really wanted to and I liked her as much as I like you. Then yes I would love to have sex with her."

Julianna started to say something else when Travis interrupted, "Wait a minute now young lady it's my turn now. Let's finish up about the rape then you may ask me anything Ok. Now what happened next?"

Julianna decided she had to go back to the story and just get it over with. Travis seamed only interested in that and not her. She was mad now! "Well Dr. Newton! After he raped me and hurt me the buzzer came on again and he left. I thought it was over, I really did. I mean what else could he do to me right? Well he came back in and turned me around and shoved his cock in my asshole! He hurt me really bad! He wouldn't stop! I could feel the blood flowing down my legs! After that I must have passed out because I don't remember anything else until I woke up here with you! She was so angry now she was screaming at Travis and crying as well, "Now I hope you're happy, is there anything else I can tell you about the worst day of my life Dr. Newton! Now leave me ALONE!" And with that she rolled over and stared crying into her pillow.

Teacher got up and went all around the apartment and turned off the lights. He then went to his side of the bed and removed his bathrobe and his boxes. Sliding into bed he grabbed onto the crying girl as she turned around facing away from him. He held her close in a spooning embrace and stared singing Bob Dylan's "Knockin' On Heaven's Door"

Mama take this badge off of me.
I can't use it anymore.
It's getting' dark, too dark to see.
I feel I'm knockin' on heaven's door...

Knock, Knock, Knockin' on heaven's door.
Knock, Knock, Knockin', on heaven's door...

Julianna was still crying when Travis finished singing to her. But she was crying not out of madness toward him but of love for him. She turned on her back and removed her shorts and panties, slid them off the side of the bed to the floor. Then she said, "Pooh I need you!"

Teacher was on his side when Julianna told him she needed him. He slid his right hand up her top to her left nipple. Taking it his hand he looked her in the eyes, "I need you too Mermaid, I really do!" And with that he kissed her ever so gentle and deep, caressing her nipple as he went, kneading it between his thumb and middle finger.

Julianna reached down and found that Travis had nothing on as she grabbed ahold of his cock. She didn't realize that he was naked until then. She held his cock; it was the first time she had ever held one. It was very large and very hard, as it felt warm and was twitching in her hand. She coaxed him to slid between her spreading legs and he obliged.

Teacher had slid between Julianna's legs; she had pulled him there by his cock. He was afraid of the scar that was on his thigh because of what happened earlier. He figured that if he had any trouble he would simply slide down and eat her out. He knew why she was really mad before. She had gone to a lot of trouble to look sexy for him and he didn't respond the way she had hoped. Instead he made her talk about the rape again, but he needed to know what she remembered if he was to help her. But now it was time to make love to her and he so wanted to do that. He had become very attached the girl and wanted inside of her very much. Julianna was not only sexy as hell; she was a lot of fun just to be around. She made him feel like everything was ok in the world. She even made him forget about Heidi for the first time in a long time. Julianna was bright and cheerful even at the worst time in her life. She wasn't strong in the way that Heidi was, or even Donna was. But in a different way she was just as strong as they were and he admired her for it and he did love her. He wasn't in love with her, he was in love with Heidi, but he did love her and wanted to show her his love. Teacher slid up on his knees spreading them, which in turn spread her even more. His cock naturally lowered itself to her now spread open wet little slit.

Julianna was ready now. She was just upset before, more because Travis wasn't paying attention to her then about the rape itself. When a girl goes to that much trouble to look as sexy as she did. When she is ready to give herself for the first time to a man, he better pay attention to her and he didn't. But after he sang to her again her heart dropped once more for him and she had to have him now, she really did need him and need him now. It was time and so when he slid between her legs and went up to his knees she spread wide for him. Showing him that she was now his for the taking. Showing him that she was ready for him to take her anyway he wanted to. Julianna was in love and in lust as well. Wrapping her arms around his neck once more she said, "Take me Pooh, I'm yours take me now Pooh!"

Teacher responded by kissing her while pressing the tip of his cock to her pussy. The head popped inside with no trouble at all either from the scar of from her. The Gel and the Fly had done their work, as she was elasticized and wet as she could be. He held her close and pushed on into her about and inch then pulled back. He pulled off the kiss as Julianna was pushing her hips up to meet his cock. She wanted more, he slid it in about two inches this time. As he did she pulled back with him. She was breathing hard so he asked, "Are you ok Mermaid, how does that feel?"

Julianna replied, "Oh Pooh I love you, please don't stop, please... keep going Pooh!" she was stuffed with Travis's cock and loving it very much. She wanted more, a lot more as he started stroking in and out of her about three inches were inside of her now. Mmmmmm, "Oh Pooh, that feels sooooooo nice, I love the way it feels inside of me. Its sooo big and wonderful." Julianna was in heaven...

Teacher was really enjoying being inside of this girl; she fit him like a glove! She was so wet and tight. Julianna was as soft and firm as any girl could ever be. She was also a natural as she moved with him with every stroke, feeling what he felt as he was feeling what she felt. It was incredible the way she moved on his giant shaft. The way she was talking to him was such a turn on as well. He started talking back, "Oh you little Mermaid you, your spell has worked on me very well. You're so soft inside and my cock feels sooooooo good in your warm wet pussy, Mermaid I love you too!" Teacher started stroking her just another inch so he was now feeding her a good five inched of his thick meat when he came for the first time, "oooohhhh, I cant stop it Mermaid, aaaaahhhhh, oooohhhh, splat, splat, your so fine and sexy, teasing me with your sweet nipples all day. Splat, splat, oooohhhh, aaaaahhhhh, Julianna I just have to cum for you my sweet little Mermaid, splat, splat, oooohh hh, ahahahhhhhh."

Julianna came when Travis did, at the exact same time, "Ohhhhhh, Pooh, I love you, Ohhhhhh, you make me feel so good. Your sweet cock is so nice inside of me, take me Pooh, ahhhhhh, ahhhhhh, Ohhhhhh, ohhhhhh, Pooh, Pooh, I need you Pooh!" she came all over his cock and when they were both done cuming Travis just held his pulsating cock inside of her and kissed her deep. Julianna kissed him back and for the next five minutes they kissed like two lovers that had been together for ages. Their tongues seemingly knowing every move the other one did. Dancing in each other's mouths together. Then they started up again as Travis sunk his still hard cock in to her another inch and started stroking her once again. "Oh My God Pooh, your sooooooooo deep! Oh My God, keep it there Pooh Oh please keep it there! Ahhhhhh Pooh, Ohhhhhhhhh." She came again!

Teacher was so into Julianna now he was totally infatuated with this girl. She liked it deep and he was glad to give it to her as she now had a good six inches of his nine and a half in her now. "Ok Mermaid, I have to have a taste of your sweet nipples now. I have to cum again and its for you Julianna, its for you teasing me all day with those incredible nipples of yours. I need you Mermaid, I need your sweet nipples in my mouth!" with that he took her left nipple into his mouth and bit it then sucked it in and came. "Ohhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhh, splat, splat, oooohhhh, fuck your so fine Julianna your pussy is so tight and wet. Your nipples are so hard for me. Mmmmmmmm, aaahhhhhhhh, Ohhhhhhhhh, splat, splat!" He sucked on her nipple and then bit it again making her cum!

Julianna was creaming too when Travis stared on her nipples. She had not even got to tease him nearly as much as she wanted to. But he was going after them like she had teased him for days and she loved it. Travis was making her feel so sexy once again by biting her nipple and sucking it in that she couldn't help but cum for him again. "Ohhhhhh Pooh, Ohhhhhhhhh, Pooh, you can have my nipples anytime you want Pooh. Ohhhhhh, Aaahhhhhhhh, Ohhhhhhhhh. Pooh please give me more of your sweet cock I want it deeper Pooh! Please Pooh Deeper!"

When Teacher herd that he started to slam it home all the way when the scar said NO! It started burning but when he backed off it did to and was gone. He went in deeper but gently another inch he was now seven inches inside one of the sweetest preteen girls in the world! Julianna was hot, wet, and super horny with no end in site. He fed her another half an inch gently and she took it!

Julianna was gasping for air as she was so stuffed full of meat, "Oh My God Pooh, Pooh, just how much more do you have, I'm so stuffed with you and it feels sooooooo good! Oooohhhh, oooohhhh aaaaahhhhh, aaaaahhhhh,"

Teacher was pumping her at a very nice rate feeding her at least seven and half inches; he couldn't believe how well she was doing. "You want more Mermaid, I have more if you want it! I would love to give it to you Julianna. Your so fucking hot Mermaid and I want you so bad! Splat, splat, ohhhhhh, ahhhhhh!"

Julianna was thrusting her hips up to him and pulling them back down again. Like a dance she thought a wonderful dance that she never wanted to end, "Pooh, Oh Pooh if you have more please give it to me, I want it all, as much as you have Pooh, Oh my sweet Pooh! Ahhhhhh, oooooooooooohhhhhhh!' She was cuming nonstop now like a wild animal that had been caged to long she needed release!

"Mermaid I want you! I need you so bad," Teacher said as he then shoved another inch into her and held it there. "How is that Julianna, is that nice? Do you like it nice and deep like that my little Mermaid do you?"

"Oh God, Oh God, Travis, Travis, your cock is sooooooo deep in me. I can't believe it. You're the best Pooh. Give me all you have, all of it Pooh! I love it deep as deep as you can go Pooh! Its all just you and I need you bad!" she was breathing so hard and she was stuffed, he pussy was stretched out all the way! Julianna arched her back and pushed her hips up in to him begging for all of his massive cock!

Teacher gave her the last of it now, "Ok Mermaid here it comes hold on baby!" he shoved hard and the last of his cock disappeared into her sweet pussy! She took it all, every single inch of it. Right down to the root, "ahhhhhh, splat, splat, ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh, splat, splat! Mermaid you did it you took all of me you sweet girl you, God your so fucking fine Julianna Rose Mauriello! I have to fuck you good now baby I hope your ready Mermaid!" And with that Teacher proceeded to fuck her as deep as he could gently, he slid it out about half way then shoved it right back in all the way, "ahhhhhh, ohhhhhh, splat, splat!" Again he stroked her half way in then half way out, over and over again and again. He varied the speed and strength of the thrusts with his massive cock but he didn't stop at all! He also didn't stop cuming for the girl as he was on the Fly as well and it had built up on him for days now. "Ahhhhhh, ohhhhhh, ahhhhhh, splat, splat, splat!"

Julianna was in a constant state of orgasm when Travis slid her the last of his meat she went off like a rocket, "OOOOHHHH, AAAAHHHH, Oh Pooh, that is you! That is all of you Pooh! I can tell, I can feel your balls on my butt! Oh Pooh thank-you! OHHHH, AAAHHHH, OOOHHHH, AAAHHH, Pooh your wonderful, I knew you would be so gentle and sweet my sweet Pooh. My big Pooh! Oh My God you're so big and I'm so stuffed with your cock Pooh! Oh take me now Pooh, I'm yours! Take me now Pooh, take me now!! Ohhhhhh, ahhhhhh, ohhhhhh, ahhhhhh!" Julianna pulled when he pushed and pushed when he pulled as the to fucked each other with some kind of frenzy. Julianna had no idea what came over her; it was like she was a different person. She was totally lost in lust for Travis's giant cock. She couldn't get enough of it! "Pooh, give me more please give me more! Aaahhhhhhhh, Ohhhhhhhhh, Ohhhhhhhhh!"

Teacher slid down once more and took Julianna's sweet left nipple into his mouth as his hands cupped her just budding breasts. He couldn't get enough of them, her tits were just so sweet and he had seen them quite a few times with out being about to do anything about it. That was now to change as he was taking them! He sucked in her nipple and held it with his teeth as he flicked his tongue across it. Back and forth he went on her swollen little nipple, then he bit it hard, spit it out and sucked it back in again.

"Ahhhhhhhh, Ohhhhhhhhh!" Julianna came as Travis bit her nipple; she thrust her tiny chest up to meet his mouth begging him to take her nipple once more. "Oh Pooh, Pooh, take it, please take it some more, I need you Pooh!" Julianna was sure a natural talker, as she had no Idea she was even saying anything. Her mind was so into the next climax that she was lost to this world. When he sucked it in again she pulled his head down and held it to her chest and came again, "ahhhhhh, ohhhhhh, Pooh!"

Teacher couldn't take his mouth off of Julianna's nipple; it was so sweet and sensitive not to mention the fact that she had him by his head pulling him down to it. He sucked on it as if his life depended on it and as she came again he bit it again and came himself, "ahhhh, splat, ahhhh, splat!" he was running out of energy as he had cum so much. How much time had gone by he had no idea. To get Julianna off was what mattered to him now. He spit out her nipple and went after the other one fighting her headlock on him to do it. He sucked it in and bit it hard!

When Travis broke her headlock on him she was devastated until he took her other nipple into his mouth and bit it as well, "ahhhh, ohhh, Pooh!" Julianna came again, it seamed that she loved to have her nipples sucked on, bit and nibbled on as much as Travis loved doing it for her. She was building up to a final giant climax and told him so. "Pooh, Pooh, Oh Pooh its coming, its coming hard Pooh!" and when he spit out her nipple once more then took it in and bit it hard again she went off HARD! "OOOOOHHHHHH, MMMMYYY, GGGOOODDD! POOOOOOOOH! AWWWWWW, OHHHHH, OHHHH, OHHHHH, AWWWWWW!!!" Julianna bucked and jumped then jerked her hips coming off the bed. She pushed her hips up to his cock until her last quivering shake and collapsed!

When Julianna started to cum Teacher knew it was going to be a big one and got ready to ride her out! He buried his cock into her as deep as it would go and bit her nipple once more. When she blasted out her final cum he couldn't help but do the same as he shot off in her HARD! "AHHHHHH, OHHHHH, SPLAT, SPLAT, ahhhhhh, ohhhhhh, splat, splat!" He was exhausted when he collapsed on her as she did the same...

When he was able Teacher rolled off the sweet little preteen. They faced eachother side by side and both just let out a very loud laugh! "Errrr. Was that good for you too?" Teacher giggled at her.

Julianna replayed, "Oh God yes, but I think we just proved that you Mr. Pooh are a lover of little girl's, you bad Pooh you!" Then she just laughed, "And I'm very glad you are my sweet Pooh!"

It was still early, as they had fucked for only a couple of hours, they held eachother close when Teacher said, "Julianna I'm really sorry I upset you earlier, I really am just tying to help you."

Julianna replayed, "I know and I'm sorry to, I wasn't upset about that, I was mad that you hadn't picked me up and put me on the bed and done what you just did to me." She blushed, "I really do love you Travis and I have wanted you for a while now. Is that so wrong?"

Teacher smiled at the girl, "Not at all young lady, But society deems it to be wrong! You're right; I am drawn to girls like you and you Julianna are the most wonderful girl I have ever met. I wanted you from the moment I saw you. I can't help what or whom I'm drawn to. Fuck society, I don't care what they think. Besides there are a lot of men and women like me in this world."

"Well I'm sure glad that you do like girls like me Pooh! And I don't care either. I think you're the most gentle and romantic man I have ever met." And with that she kissed him very gently and very deep.

When Teacher broke the kiss he said, "Julianna I really hate to ask anymore about the rape but I do have one question for now if you don't mind. Also I love the way you talk when you're getting laid, its really sexy Mermaid!"

Julianna blushing badly, "I don't really know what came over me Travis. About the talking I mean, it just came out I guess. Ok you may ask me one more question but that is it for today Buster. Got it!"

Teacher replayed, "Ok, I got it Mermaid. Its an easy question and shouldn't bother you really. Julianna, what were you wearing when you were raped!"

"What was I wearing? Well Travis, I... well... I... Travis I don't really remember, is it important?" Julianna looked a bit puzzled at the question.

"Julianna, it may be, I want you to try to remember. Who ever did this to you did it for a reason. This was not just a random rape; it was a kidnapping for a rape. If it was just to rape you then they should have let you go by now. Is there anything special about yourself that you haven't told me? Besides the fact that your beautiful, loving, fun to be with and sexy as hell that is!" He said tickling her...

Julianna replayed, "Pooh stop it giggling, I'm really just a normal girl, I have now idea why anyone would do what they did to me."

Teacher dropped it then, as he knew that she had repressed her memory of Stephanie altogether. He would have to find a way to get that memory back to her and he thought he had a way. He didn't like it but there seemed to be no choice in the matter now. He would wait until morning. They watched movies then and just lay in bed, holding eachother and just being together for the rest of the day.

Erin was drifting badly; she had lost a lot of blood and couldn't remember how many times he had fallen. It was dark now and she could see the lights in the distance of the Estate, "Hang on Erin, you can make it. Paul, oh Paul I'm so sorry!" She thought as she stumbled across the field toward the home.

"Closer now I am, Kill I must. Kill the thing that hurt me! Kill the trespasser! Kill, Kill, Kill!" The animal's eyes were red with fury as he was closing in on his prey. His shoulder was hurt but he didn't care, all he wanted to do was kill and taste the blood of the one who hurt him.

Paul was closing in as well he could see spots where Erin had fallen. She had fallen a lot, too much. He could also tell the animal was closing in on her but he was closing in on the animal as well." Stay strong Erin I'm on my way, please Erin stay strong!" He picked up his pace even though he was very tired as well.

Everyone at the Estate was worn out by all the stress of the day before. Paul and Erin were still not back and the tension was high. Dr. Wong finally put some very mild sleeping powder in everyone's drinks with out them knowing. They needed rest and he wanted to make sure the got it. So everyone went to bed early, except for Dr. Wong. He made sure all the lights were on in case Paul and Erin needed them to get home. He had also gotten the two male nurses to setup and emergency room just in case. It was getting cold out and he was worried about the two maybe getting frostbite or something like that. He went to his room when everything was done and watched the tapes he had missed from the underground apartment.

Erin was close now; she could see the back door of the Estate when she fell. It hurt badly this time and she really didn't think she could get back up. Then she heard it behind her. The animal was indeed behind her. About 200 yards and closing, she got up and moved as fast as she could to the Estate. She opened the back sliding door and closing it started toward Paul's room. "If I'm going to die, then I will die in Paul's arms!" She thought as she moved through the house and up the stairs. To weak to cry out she somehow managed to climb the stairs. That was it however as she fell once more and couldn't get up again and couldn't speak. She just lay there waiting to die...

The animal smelled the back door and knew that his prey was on the other side of it. There was a crack, as Erin didn't get it closed all the way. The animal clawed at it and it slid open just enough for him to get in. He was now in the house, his eyes angry his lust for blood had never before been so bad. "Kill, Kill, I must Kill it!" Then he heard it, a sound right behind him, "Thwack!" He saw the man behind him, "Kill, Kill the man who is tracking me, Kill him I must, Kill him I will!" The animal scurried father into the house and hid behind a wall.

Paul saw the animal trying to get into the house. He nocked the arrow to his bow, aimed and shot. The arrow missed and sunk in the side of the building "Thwack!" Paul now knew everyone in the house was in danger as he got to the door. When he got inside he yelled. "Erin, Erin!" He went around to the front room by the fireplace; he had another arrow nocked and was as ready as he could be. He lifted the bow up and pulled back on the string.

The animal had him dead to rights as he sprang at the man who was tracking him, "Now you pay, pay you will, die you shall!"

The arrow flew straight and true as it went right through the animals head just before it would have sunk its teeth into Paul's throat. The animal fell dead on the floor right at Paul's feet!

Paul let down his bow with the arrow still nocked looked down at the animal and stepped back in surprise. Then he looked up at the stairs just in time to see Erin drop her bow and fall, first to her knees then flat on her face as blood spurt from her mouth. Erin had just saved his life!

To be continued...

R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s - R e v i e w s


In an earliear chapter or story you mentioned one of the employees being a taxidermist.(hope it wasn't Randy)How are all of the improvements going on the house? Was the animal that bit Erin rabid?(Isolation and stomach shots for the 11 year old will make her nuts while wanting Paul all the more)Is Juliana going to wake up in the middle of the night and do things to Teacher while he's asleep? (Will he cry out for Heidi?)
And in further news ,a man and two children were found walking into town , all of them nude and in serious condition from the elements.They dont seem to remember who they are or how they got there.
And in Chicago young actress Naruita Shipka was aressted for prostitution.

The reviewing period for this story has ended.