Running in the Sprinklers

[ MFg, cons, spank, nosex ]

Published: 27-Jun-2012

Word Count:

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All people and events contained within are ENTIRELY FICTITIOUS.

This author does not support, condone, encourage, nor instruct anyone in having sexual relationships, no matter how harmless you may think it is, with a minor. Embellishments have been added to increase the erotic nature of the story, but this does NOT change the fact that IT NEVER HAPPENED.

Character Background

For as long as she could remember, Our main character Tara has always been a cock tease. Up until her late-teens, she never fully understood what her actions did to guys psychologically, but she did understand that occasionally a guy would get a hard on. This fascinated her to no end. Something that could be soft and limp one minute could stand tall and erect based solely on her words or actions and with (almost) innocent intentions. More then fascinating - it was a powerful addiction. An obsession.

As we begin to explore her journey, it's only natural to define when this obsession first began. And for that, we roll back the clock, open our minds, and imagine what our Male character must have been thinking.


It was probably 95 degrees on the day I went to my neighbors home. I was 8 yrs old. My mom was inside our house cleaning while watching her favorite soap opera. I was being the typical bored pest and mom insisted I go outside to play and get out of her hair.

My neighbor Mrs. Easterly was in her backyard watering her flower beds as she did almost every day. She was always a fun lady. She and her husband were avid gardeners. They would constantly bring large flats of baby flowers home to enhance their backyard garden. Occasionally Mrs. Easterly would let me help dig the holes, plant and water her new purchases. Getting dirty is always fun.

Her backyard was large and secluded. A tall wooden fence surrounded the garden retreat from all sides, and in front of the fences were tall, narrow evergreen trees that provided a greater level of privacy. Unlike other homes including my own, their lawn was always dark green, lush and thick. Walking on the lawn with bare feet was fun. Feeling the soft turf under my soles and green blades sneaking between my toes felt nice.

I called in to Mrs. Easterly to ask if it was ok to come in.

"Of course you can Tara, your always welcome here", she said. We talked for a few minutes about what she was doing, but I wasn't really hearing what she was saying. My eyes and mind were fixated on the sprinkler running over the lawn. It was the orbital type that would produce a "chut, chut, chut" rhythm while turning. And when it reached the end of its cycle, it would race back to it's start position. She must have seen that I was distracted and asked me of I wanted to run in the sprinklers for a while. She then suggested I go home and put on my swimsuit and come back. I remember telling her that my suit was too small, and that mom didn't buy me a new one yet. The real truth was I didn't want to go back home. That would mean I'd have to ask permission, running the risk not getting it.

"Well in that case sweetie," Mrs Easterly said, "When I was your age, we'd just run in the sprinklers in our underwear." I looked at her shocked that she would suggest such a thing. "In just panties?" I said.

"Sure. Why not?? It's not like anyone can see you anyway. And it's fun." she said.

"But...what about Mr. Easterly? Mom said that good girls don't allow boys to see their panties." I claimed, sounding very mature for my age. She laughed out loud.

"Your mom is right Tara. But Mr. Easterly hasn't been a 'boy' for a very long time. He's a grown up. And, he's not even home at the moment. I think your mom would be OK with it...if you want too that is."

It didn't take but a few seconds to consider my options. I walked over to her covered patio and pulled off my shirt and my yellow flowered shorts. I stood there briefly in my little white brief style panties looking over at Mrs. Easterly for final approval. I must have been a sight. A short skinny, long haired girl clad only in panties looking longingly.

"Go on sweetie... go have fun". And I did.

I ran to the sprinkled area and every time the sprinkler would spray me with it's summer blessing, I would squeal and scream about how cold it was. Undeterred to let the waters cold temp spoil my fun, I made up games like 'duck and cover', where I would allow the water to spray over me while I knelt down in front of the nozzle. The cool mist would give me goosebumps.

Other games included jumping across the stream or allowing the stream to chase me back and forth. Just enough to get me wet without feeling the direct cold. And when I was used to the waters frigid temps, I'd stand facing away from the set pattern and allow the water to shower me with each refreshing pass, almost massaging my back and little panty covered bottom each time.

After about 30 minutes of fun, Mr. Easterly arrived home. He went over to Mrs. Easterly and gave he a kiss on the cheek and turned to look at me.

"Aren't you a little old be running around in your underwear Tara?" He asked. Mrs. Easterly cut him off.

"Oh relax Steven. Let her have fun. Who's going to care?" she said.

Mr. Easterly shrugged and said, "yea I guess so. Sure, why not?".

He walked over to the covered patio and sat down on one of the two cushioned chairs, leaned back and relaxed. I went on with my games not caring about a man seeing me soaking wet in just my panties.

Mrs. Easterly went inside for a little while and came back out with a tray of snacks and drinks and a large towel with a big sunflower on it. She called me over to take a break and have a snack. Mr. Easterly sat up, and the Mrs took the remaining chair. She handed me the towel and I draped it across my shoulders. I reached for some chips and my drink when Mr. Easterly invited me to sit on his lap. I took the towel and wrapped it around myself and plopped down on his large lap. We sat and snacked while Mr. and Mrs. E were talking about gardening plans.

After a while, Mrs Easterly excused herself from the table and said that she needed to run some errands and would be back in about an hour. She asked if I was done with the sprinklers, and I immediately said "No way!". She smiled and said, "just a little longer, but then we need to shut off the water".

"Ok" I said. She went into the house and a few minutes later we heard the car pull from out of the driveway.

"Are you going to run more?" Mr. Easterly asked?

"Yea!" I said excitedly. I jumped up, shed off the large towel and raced back to the sprinklers. I was showing Mr. Easterly all my games I made up previously and he watched and smiled and laughed. Mr. Easterly picked up the dropped towel and laid it across his lap to keep it dry.

I looked over again a few moments later and noticed the towel was moving up and down on his lap.

"What are you doing with my towel??" I asked blindly curious.

"Oh, I have am annoying horse fly bite on my thigh that keeps itching me. Go on and play honey" he replied. So I did.

I was showing him how I would let the fast stream massage my little bottom and I would step sideways to keep the strong stream of water pulsating on my cute hiney.

He called out "Turn around. It tickles more in front". I giggled and said OK. When the water first caught my "pee pee" as I called it, I screamed and laughed.

"That tickles!!" I yelled.

"I told you!" Mr Easterly replied. I did it again, and again, and again. Letting the hard flow pulsate against my puffy little pee-pee was wonderful.

After a few minutes, I ran back to the patio and sat back down on his lap. Something was different this time. His usually soft lap was lumpy. I didn't mention it, but I wiggled my little wet bottom into the lump to get more comfortable.

I yawned and said "I'm sleepy now".

"I bet you are!" he said. "You've only been running non-stop for an hour". I looked down at my naked body and noticed something I didn't pick up on before.

"Look!!" I said excitedly. "You can see my pee-pee though my panties," and laughed almost uncontrollably.

Mr. Easterly eagerly leaned forward and said "Oh, yes your right. Its almost as if your not wearing any panties". We both laughed and I looked back down and my little girlhood. I don't know why, but I pulled my wet now transparent panties up tight so the stretched material would show even more of my girlhood.

"Look!" I said innocently. "Now its really showing. hahahah".

"Your so naughty Tara", he claimed while giggling along with me. "And it looked like you enjoyed it when the water was massaging you there too", while pointing to my private area.

"That tickled, but ya I liked it". Without thinking, I told Mr. Easterly how I would do the same thing in the bathtub with the hand wand. He laughed and said, "see, I told you were a naughty girl".

"I'm not!" I demanded. "It's not ME that's naughty. Its my pee-pee that is!" I declared. We both laughed and I opened my knees wide and playfully spanked my naughtiness. "Bad bad pee-pee", I said while tapping myself.

"Oh, That's a fun idea. Just like you get spanked when your a naughty girl, you can give your pee-pee a spanking when it's naughty too."

I giggled and agreed, and with one hand, pulled my panties even tighter up my crack and with the other I was giving my girlhood more playful punishment.

"Naughty naughty naughty naughty pee-pee". I looked back at him for approval and he just rolled his eyes and snickered.

"Your crazy", He said.

"Just don't be too hard on it Tara. Ya gotta rub a little to take the sting away" he offered.

"What do you mean?" I said curiously. and without hesitation, Mr. Easterly took his right hand and lowered it to my mound.

"See, you spank it a little..." and he patted my pee-pee 5-8 times, "then you rub it a little", and with two fingers he pressed down on my crack and in a counter-clockwise motion began to gently massage me.

"Mmm that feels nice" I said. "Not tickly nice but massage nice". And we both laughed quietly at our silly new game.

"But you know.." he added, "you don't get spankings with panties on do you?" he asked.

"No, mommy always pulls them down when she spanks me" I explained.

"Well then..." he went on, "to give your little pussy a proper spanking, these panties need to go". I looked up at him in confusion.

"My little what?" I asked.

"Oh, sorry" he said. "I meant pee-pee. Pussy it what older people call it. And if your under 13, we call it a little pussy." He explained.

"Like a kitty cat?" I asked, being happy to learn a new word.

"Yes, Just like a kitty cat, but we just say little pussy instead". HAHAH I laughed.

"So I have a naughty little pussy!" I pronounced, using my new word.

"Exactly!" he confirmed.

And what do we do with naughty little pussies?" he asked. I sat up proudly and said "give it a spank!". I laughed even more.

"A Bare spanking" I added. I lifted my bottom off his lap and slipped off my wet panties, and placing the soles of my feet firmly together, my little pussy was ready to be punished.

"You first" I said. And Mr. Easterly reached in and gently spanked my little pussy for a few seconds, and then rubbed it for a few more. My eyes would close when he rubbed and I would giggle when he spanked. He repeated his punishment about 4 or 5 times, and told me it was my turn. I giggled some more but then went to work. And with each little spank, I would scold my naughty little pussy into submission and tried to sound like my mom when I was getting spanked.

"Bad, bad naughty little pussy" I'd say. And following each half-dozen spanks with a soothing rub, my pussy was getting pink and swollen. It really didn't hurt any, but it was sure tingly and wet.

Mr. Easterly then reached down and slid his finger up and down my little pussy crack and was telling me how wet it got from our spanking game. The tip of his finger was pressing upwards into my tight little hole, just up to the first joint of his adult finger and back out again. I leaned back, pressing my long wet hair into his chest and closed my eyes while he explored my virginity more and more. As he pressed his finger tip into me, I could feel my hips pushing up, inviting him to dig deeper into my pink hole. And until the tightness was almost unbearable, I let out a loud moan as a rush of tingling goosebumps crawled all across my body.

We stopped our new game after about 5 minutes and I stood up. Mr. Easterly helped pull my panties back up into position and with his fingers, smoothed the material across my even wetter little pussy.

Mr. Easterly said, "well honey, I think its time to shut off the water".

"Awwww!" I said in a whiny voice.

"No, it's time. Besides, you need to go home and get some dry clothes on." That's when I remembered my shorts and top were already dry. And I couldn't go home without them.

"I need to change into my shorts, but I'm pretty sure I'd get into trouble if I got them wet". Mr Easterly had the perfect solution to my problem.

"Just take your panties off, and put on your shorts and top. You can carry your panties home in your hand." I stared at him more. Did he want me to take them off in front of him?? He saw my hesitation and reminded me that he's just about seen me naked anyway, but to turn away of If I was feeling too shy.

I turned slightly, and shucked off my wet panties quickly. When I turned to pick up my top, Mr. Easterly was looking directly at my girlhood. Blushing a bit, I pulled the top over my head and pulled my hair out of the neckband.

Reaching for my shorts, Mr. Easterly said, "Do you need any help?". No, I said. and stepped into my shorts, zipping them up quickly.

Wet panties in hand, we headed for the back gate of the yard. While walking out I asked if I could run in the sprinklers again tomorrow.

He laughed and said "Ohhh we'll see" in a very grown-up non-committing type voice. He gave me two quick pats on my bottom and sent me on my way.

As I was walking home, I saw him turn around behind his screen door and watch me as I walked. I noticed his horse-fly bite was bothering him again as he was really scratching it a lot as I walked out of sight.

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Loved it. Really looking forward to seeing how their story progresses!


Very good! More of spanking little pussy, please!


need more parts to this one I loved it

Philip Spencer

Keep it up! I'm sure Mr. Easterly will.

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