Published: 9-Apr-2011
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Author's Profile
I can't just launch into this story without giving you some background. Because to know to me is to know to my mother. So I guess I better start with her.
My Mother was, according to some of my friends, the mother from hell. I didn't think so. To me, a teenage girl, she was just "Mother"... I had been brought up by her and was used to her and in fact other people's mothers seemed too colourless by comparison. Although she lacked a university education she did not lack an education and in terms of "general knowledge" there were a few who would outsmart her. Her special interest was "The Arts".
As far back as I can remember I ushered from art gallery to art gallery. Her idea of entertaining a five-year-old kid was to find a new art gallery. I would have much preferred to play with my friends in a sandpit! My birthday and Christmas presents were always a great disappointment because they would inevitably consist of drawing equipment and books about painters or sculptors. If she had a choice of being introduced or getting to know a musician or famous artist well the musician would not stand a chance.
It is against this background that this recollection is based. By the time I was in high school I was doing quite well in English, French and not surprisingly, Art. Unfortunately "quite well" was not good enough as far as Mother was concerned. Mother was determined that I was going to be the next great artist that this country had produced.
A modern-day female Nolan... or even Donald Friend. That was her dream. By the time I was almost 18 and approaching my final year at high school Mother decided that over the Christmas break I should have some extra art tuition... she would find me a tutor. I was quite good at and quite happy with my pencil and charcoal sketching and drawing. Watercolours and oils did not do much for me but I needed to know the theory. She was reasonably happy with my sketching but desperately wanted me into proper paintings (as she insisted on calling them).
She found a tutor through the Art Gallery called Cynthia Hogan-Selth. I can remember the first time we met. She had a lovely old house in the hills of Perth in town called Bickley. As I remember it was set in an orchard of fruit trees with a creek, which meandered through the property.
When we arrived there we found that she had about eight to ten students studying under her and just by looking at their easels it was obvious that they were not untalented. She struck me as being somewhat a clone of my mother as far as her approach to art and her extroverted behaviour was concerned. The walls were adorned with paintings ranging from the obvious work of her students -scenes painted throughout the orchard and along the creek banks - to more professional looking paintings of outback scenes and a good deal of female nudes.
The other students were all ages from my age upwards. I was received well and made to feel at home by the other students while Mother and the lady discussed the distasteful subject of pecuniary recompense.
Mother had some wild idea that I would be able to go there every day (by bus from home) and then she found out how much the fees were and also that she only held classes on the afternoons of Mondays and Wednesdays. She said she would also see me on Saturday mornings as well to help me catch up. Mother grumbled a bit on the way home about what it was costing but it was for the sake of "Art"... and that was the main thing!
Armed with my drawing equipment, I went to the house on the following Monday afternoon. I liked her teaching style and femininity immediately and tried my very best to please her. She never ridiculed her students' efforts and complemented them constantly. We normally started a project on Monday and tried to have it finished by Wednesday.
I discovered that she had made a special time for me on Saturday morning and as I was the only student at that time she was much more relaxed. Perth can be very hot during summer and on those days the class would stay in the house in her huge studio which was air conditioned but on cooler days we would all traipse out into the orchard or down to the creek to work there.
We painted or sketched the inevitable flowers and bowls of fruit and when she wanted us to paint or sketch human forms she had acquired some store mannequins from somewhere which she would arrange in various positions to simulate some human activity like, for instance, sleeping, sitting, or something like that. She was particularly keen on "available lighting" where the subject would be lit from one side, like standing by an open window or doorway, with heavy lights and darks. Not just the mannequins but even still life works.
Apparently the class had been going for four weeks before I joined it so there was quite a bit to catch up on each Saturday morning. After about a month I had just about done it. I particularly enjoyed Saturdays because I had her undivided attention. With a sort of magnetism about her, she was a striking woman in her early 40s with a string of successful exhibitions behind her and ahead of her and well-known in the art world in Perth.
She was terribly "alternative" in the way she dressed -almost predictably she wore Asian sort of clothes like sarongs and saris or just a kaftan sort of thing. Her figure, despite the unusual clothes, was clearly well looked after. Initially I could not tell whether or not she had a shapely bust because of her clothing style but a few glimpses of her legs indicated a woman in very good shape.
I really enjoyed Saturdays and the mannequins and was quite good at capturing the details and contours that she wanted and she was lavish with her praise for my efforts. One morning she started me going with one of her mannequins down at the bank of the creek and left me alone. She came back after about a hour to check my progress and was very pleased with what I had produced.
"You are the only one of my students here who, when they have a mannequin as the model, managed to make it look like a mannequin and not like a person. Have you ever worked with a live model? A friend perhaps?" she asked.
"You mean, unclothed?" I asked.
"No! Never! I don't know who I could ask." I responded.
"I would very much like to see how you handled the live model. You have an excellent perception. Because of the cost I cannot afford to use live models, which is why I bought the mannequins. But it would be interesting...I'd love to know how..." she mused.
"What would be very interesting?" I inquired.
"To see how you painted a live model.even me."
"You?" I asked with astonishment.
"" she said and to my amazement she picked up the mannequin which had been lying back in the grass with its feet dangling in the water and with an almost imperceptible flick of her wrist the sarong she was wearing fell to the grass revealing her to be completely naked.
I gawked in amazement! She arranged herself and regally gestured at my sketch pad as if to tell me to just get on with it.
I started to sketch her. Now that the superfluous layers of clothing had been removed I could see that she had the most amazing figure for her age, indeed for anyone's age. She clearly had never had children and had never been overweight and then lost it all because there was not one stretch mark on her body. Her skin was silky and smooth looking!
True to her "alternative" lifestyle her armpits were not shaved and her pubic area was not trimmed - terribly hairy - and fascinating to look at. If I think of all the women I have ever seen naked I cannot recall anyone who had nicer breasts. Big without being pendulous and beautifully proportioned. Breathtaking!
Mother had always told me that in good Art there is no such thing as 'smut'. How many art galleries had I visited with her as we gazed on nude female and male forms and I heard her say, "If that was a photograph people would say is pornographic but because it's a painting... it is Art!"
I could not argue with that idea because I had never seen a painting that aroused me in the slightest including some very erotic works in which people were obviously engaged in some sort of sexual activity but the first time I ever saw a photograph of a couple making love I just about wet my pants. Isn't that funny! But here was a woman, albeit much older than me, lying back in the grass totally naked and completely unashamed. This was Art, wasn't it? But as I sketched her I was aware of my own feelings of arousal and I was confused.
"May I see how you are going?" She asked.
"Of course" I said.
She got up and walked over to me and looked at my work. She was so casual about being naked. She made no move at all to cover herself.
She was ecstatic. "What a wonderful touch! Look at the skin tone... you have made me come alive on your paper! You haven't done my head and face details yet... so let's get on with it. Excellent... you are excellent!"
After pouring praise upon me she resumed her pose on the bank of the creek as I completed the drawing with her head and face. Her face was so peaceful. So serene. She seemed to drift off into a private world as she lay back while I sketched her. Within 30 minutes I had finished and I roused her from what seemed to be a deep day dream. She got up and came over to my easel and gasped, "Wonderful! You have captured exactly the look on my face that I wanted! Well done... you know you really are very good!"
I was happy to bask in this deluge of praise. We walked back to the house as she examined my drawing and commented on it all the way. It was starting to get a bit warm by now so she asked me if I would like to have a cold drink and I accepted with glee. Back inside the house she discarded the sarong again and strolled around the house without a stitch.
"One of the wonderful things about living out here in the middle of an orchard is the seclusion it affords me on the weekend. During the week there are people coming and going, fruit pickers, packers and so on but on the weekend I can do what I like. It doesn't offend you does it?"
"Not at all" I assured her. "It's your house, you can do as you please... no way am I offended. I would probably do the same if I was here by myself."
"Good. Just as long as you are not absolutely horrified. I'm sure that we have a lot in common." she smiled as she brought in two glasses of lemonade with the ice tinkling on the sides.
"I'm very pleased with your work today. I will probably model for you next Saturday again. I don't have many sketches of myself and you seem to have an amazing ability to capture me."
I said, "Thank you. I have never sketched a nude before. I was a bit worried that I would muck it up so I'm very relieved that you are happy with the result. I thought you had gone to sleep... did you go to sleep?"
"Certainly not!" She snorted. "I have the theory which I was testing and I will tell you about it one day when I know you better and you know me better."
"Now you have me most intrigued" I smiled. "Can you give me a hint?"
"I don't give hints. If I want to say something I say it straight out. Maybe next Saturday or some other time we will discuss it."
Subject closed.
And not just the subject was closed but my tutorial was too. I was just going to say goodbye to her when a thought struck me. "I was wondering whether your posing is something I should tell Mother and others or is this something you would rather I kept to myself?"
She walked over to me and put her arm around my shoulders and gave me a gentle embrace. "Let me ask you this, Marion, what do you think you should do?"
"Keep quiet?"
"You are not just a good artist but an intelligent young lady too. Yes, I think reticence is called for here."
And I was good to my word. But I spent a restless week. My body was on red alert! This woman had really stirred up my every hormone. I could not work out why. She was more than 20 years older than me and yet her allure was unquestionable.
I could not stop thinking about her "theory" and whatever that could be. Seeing her on Monday and Wednesday for the normal class was in some ways awkward because she was so normal in her actions and all the time I kept thinking to myself, I saw her nude last Saturday. I even drew her, and at no time did she give any hint or clue that the time we had spent together had been any sort of 'bonding' at all. It was as though it never had happened... as if it was a dream.
Saturday came again. Cynthia met me at the door with a broad smile and a big hug.
"I have been looking forward to your visit all week. As you know, I couldn't act any differently to you in front of the others during the week and I hope you understand." She said.
I pretended that it made no difference to me. I didn't dare say that I had been pretty perplexed by her distance to me.
"Well, we are going to do more figure work and because it's a bit hot outside I don't fancy getting burned to a crisp so we will stay inside. Set yourself up and I will make us a cup of tea and then get myself ready."
I set up my easel, secured my sketch pad and got my materials ready while she busied herself in the kitchen. She brought back the tea and removed her things and lay back on a couch. I felt a warm flush of excitement: this woman was so attractive to me!
"Tell me about your theory now?" I asked with a smile.
"I am not ready yet," she said with an air of finality. "I really know nothing about your personal experience in life and it is possible you would be offended or completely mystified. I am starting to feel sorry I mentioned it..."
I was mystified all right! But I accepted her decision and started sketching her. This time she was very much full frontal and I debated what to do about her pubes... do I put in the hair or leave it like a mannequin? I opted for the natural look and penciled in her substantial bushy bits. As usual I left her head and expression until last. Satisfied and not at all put off by the dark triangle I had sketched in, she told me to do her face and again she went into a trance-like state... quite serene and relaxed.
I commented, "I love that look on your relaxed and happy. I hope I can get it onto my paper..."
She murmured, indicating she had heard me. I was happy with the results finally and asked her to look at the finished work. She seemed slow to rouse but then came over and said she was happy. There was one problem though.
"What?" I asked.
"My nipples. You have them flat against my body. It is more dramatic if you draw or paint them standing... if only slightly."
"But that's how they were," I protested.
"Then you can always tell your model to stand them up...pinch them, or use an icy cold cloth...and they will come up. And if all else fails and if you have a close rapport with your model pinch them yourself because when someone else touches your nipples they will react immediately. You know what I mean?"
"I think I do," I said.
I had to do her breasts again. The nipples were flat so I said so. She seemed only too happy to run her hands in the most sensual manner over her breasts and soon both nipples were very erect. I was very relieved that I was not called upon to touch her.
I should tell you about now that my sexual experiences at this time in my life had been with both boys and girls. By 'girls' I mean that since we hit puberty together my very best friend, Allison and I had always got huge pleasure out of touching each others breasts and masturbating covertly under the sheet together when we had sleep-overs. I had also touched another girl's body more completely once when on a camping trip to Geralton. But I had never touched breasts like this woman had.
I was glad she had not asked me to but I was awash with excitement nevertheless. I knew what a lesbian was and I understood the concept of bisexuality and as I also liked guys well, I was obviously in the latter group.
My Mother had always encouraged me to accept nudity as "normal" and took great delight in cavorting around the house without a stitch on as though she expected Pro Hart (hardly!) to come in through the door any moment and demand that she sit for him. As a result of her extroverted behaviour I was fairly unabashed about my own body and although I did not flaunt it with plunging necklines and push-up bras, I was not the slightest bit shy if the right person, say, a doctor or a friend sleeping over were to see me without anything on but I did not go out of my way to achieve this end.
Mother would make me blush furiously sometimes when one of my friends from school stayed at our house. "There is no pornography in nudity" and "Don't be embarrassed with the body that God made for you" were just two of her oft-repeated lines. If I had a visitor from sheltered background she would look at me askance and in panic and I would have to tell Mother to behave and then she would be a bad mood for the rest of the time that my friend was there.
Before she separated from my (now deceased) father she also embarrassed him and his family with this sort of lurid behaviour. I made a promise to myself that I would never do this to my own children but having said that, I would have a very liberal attitude to nudity and genuine respect for privacy.
The weekday lessons continued unchanged. Cynthia gave me no more and no less attention than any other student and no one would have guessed that I had sketched her naked.
By about the fourth Saturday she became more openly affectionate towards me. She was welcoming and seemed genuinely happy when I arrived at 9 a.m. As I arrived she gave me a hug and walked with me into the studio with an arm around me talking happily as though we were close friends of long-standing.
"I have a proposal to put to you." She said one Saturday.
"A proposal?" I asked.
"Yes," she smiled, "I have. You are dying to know what my theory is, right?"
"For your serene and relaxed look?" I asked.
"Yes. Today I would like to have a personal chat with you. I want to find out a few things about your experiences in life and if everything goes well, we will talk about my theory."
"Okay!" I said happily, "what pose have you got planned for me to sketch today? Where do you want to go?"
"How would you feel about a complete change?"
"Such as...?"
She looked at me carefully for my reaction, "I would like to paint you! I can see you have beautiful breasts under all those clothes. What would you say?"
I was taken aback. I had not even contemplated what my answer would be if she had asked me this. It had never occurred to me that she would want to paint me. And I knew instinctively that if she did a good painting of me topless my Mother would be thrilled beyond words and very supportive of the fact I had posed for her. It was not a matter of being shy would be like going to the doctor.
"I would be honoured to pose for you."
"Very well. Good. Let me set up my things up and then I'll tell you what I want you to do."
She busied herself with a sketch pad and directed me to sit on the chair next to the window and she inspected the available light. After she had arranged me, and then rearranged me and finally was happy with the way the light fell across my body she told me to remove all my clothes down to my waist and make myself comfortable and as relaxed as I could.
I took off my T-shirt and my bra throwing them onto the ground.
"Undo your ponytail and comb it out letting some fall over your breasts but not completely obscuring them."
I did as she said and when she was happy with the result I lay back on the fairly comfortable chair and felt the sun shining on my left side. It was easy to relax. She worked quietly and industriously for about 20 minutes occasionally making complementary grunts of approval like, "beautiful breasts..." or "magnificent lines" or "a certain innocence but at the same time there is something else...."
I guessed that she had penciled in the out line and was now working on the shadowing. As it was a frontal portrait and I was looking at her, I was able to see how fast she was working.
Without any warning and as though she was thinking aloud, "Yes, a certain innocence... but I wonder how innocent?"
I smiled, listening to her talking rhetorically about me. I did not respond.
She stopped working abruptly and looked at me inquiringly, "Well? Are you innocent?"
I blushed. "I'm not quite sure what you mean, Cynthia. What's 'innocent'?"
"Well, are you a virgin? Have you slept with a man yet?"
Now I really blushed. My cheeks were burning. I couldn't bring myself to answer her question so I just shook my head.
She smiled. "A dear little virgin. How sweet. But you have a ne sais quoi... a certain air of awakened awareness about you. I wonder if..." she trailed off.
It was my turn to smile. "What do you wonder about me?"
She continued working on my portrait as we spoke. It was a long time before she spoke...she looked up and said, "I was wondering if you have ever had any experience with...ah... girls perhaps? What I mean here is a romantic, even sexual relationship. I don't mean 'just friends'. Do you understand what I mean?"
"I understand what you mean."
Once again I blushed. I didn't want to say too much because I doubted that anyone would be impressed that I had had some sort of relationship with one of my girl friends since we had been young and my more extensive experience with the girl in Geralton. At the sane time her questioning me was direct and had a sort of no-nonsense ring to it and I was starting to get the message that she would be non-judgmental whatever I said. But I still could not bring myself to reply. I was silent.
"Let me ask you this then, Marion, do you know what an orgasm is?"
"Yes I do."
"Have you experienced one or do you just know what it is?"
"I have had one," I blushed.
"Only one?"
"Oh no! Many!"
"Wonderful. Just wonderful! Always alone?"
I wondered what to say. I was starting to feel more trusting as this interrogation continued. But thought to myself, 'Who does she know that I know?' Why not tell her?'
"Not always but usually. I have a girlfriend..."
"Even better! Tell me what you and she have done together and then after that I will tell you about my theory. Is that fair enough?"
"That's fair enough. But this is just between you and me. Just as I don't tell anyone about you posing for me."
She agreed. "Of course we will share many secrets with each other. I am sure I have more than you have!"
So I told her how Allison and I had touched each other experimentally and how we usually masturbated ourselves, (as opposed to each other), when we had sleep-overs and that we were both completely open with each other and had told each other little tricks which seem to be useful to make the orgasm bigger, better or longer. I told her about the girl in Geralton and how we had touched each other and given the other one an orgasm digitally. She listened in rapt silence smiling and nodding from time to time as I rambled on with my story. When it was finished I waited for the reaction.
"Very sweet. Very much like my own experiences at your age. Although at your age I had lost my virginity. But I prefer the touch of a girl. Have you had anything to do with boys?"
"Yes. Actually, I think I have done more with boys than with my Allison. She and I never touch each other 'down there' but I have touched a couple of boys there and they have done it to me... you know, with their fingers."
"Which you prefer?"
"To be honest I never masturbate thinking of having sex with a boy but usually about being with a girl."
She put the pencil down and looked at me, "One last question and then I'll tell you about my theory. Have you masturbated in the last, say, four weeks and if so what did you think about?"
Again the blood rushed to my cheeks. "I don't want to say."
"Was it... was it anything to do with me or being here with me?"
"Yes," I mumbled, my face fiery hot.
"I am complemented. I am delighted. I am thrilled! I had a feeling right from the very first time I posed for you that you were aroused by looking at me... am I right?" She looked at me and I nodded. She went on, "Here is a little secret for you... the way you looked at me aroused me too and I have been masturbating thinking about you and wishing, and hoping that you felt the same way and now that I know you do I am beyond just happy! We are so alike!"
I was stunned. I couldn't believe what my ears were hearing. I had to suppress an urge to run to her, to hold her and to kiss her. I felt every hair on my body stand up... I was a mass of goose pimples.
"I don't know what to say..." I said. "I'm sort of confused."
"You have been honest with me. You have opened your heart so I decided to be honest with you. Anyway, you want to know about my theory. Yes?"
I agreed. "Yes tell me, I am dying to know what it's all about."
"You commented that I had a 'serene and relaxed' look on my face when you were sketching me. My theory is this: a woman's face looks at its very best just after she has had an orgasm. Haven't you noticed your friend Allison has a dreamy and faraway look after she has come? Well as I lay back and you sketched me I was having a fantasy about making love to you and I climaxed very quietly without even touching myself. Have you to done that?"
"I can make an orgasm by pressing my thighs together sometimes and moving my knees slightly against each other," I admitted.
"Exactly. I was dying to do that when you were sketching me, to have an orgasm secretly, and see if you could catch that look in my face. I might get you to do something for me."
"What?" I asked.
"I want to borrow a video camera and I'd like you to film my face as I masturbate and as I come down from the high and then we will make some still photos and see how they look. Would you be prepared to do that for me? There is hardly anyone else I know that I could ask. In a sort of a way, as I am sure your mother would say that it is a form of experimental art. But I don't think she needs to know." She smiled.
I asked her incredulously, "So you want me to make a video of your face while you have a climax? My God! How amazing!"
"Does that mean you will do it for me?" she smiled.
"If you want me to. Of course! Yes, I would do it for you."
I don't have to tell you how I felt that week, especially at the Monday and Wednesday session when she treated me just like any other student. My night time thoughts as I went to sleep were a mixture of nervousness and sexual arousal. Half of me couldn't wait for Saturday to come and the other half had a feeling of dread! But Saturday came nevertheless.
I arrived promptly at the orchard house and she greeted me warmly as usual and with a hug that could have been construed to have been loaded with meaning and intent, longer and tighter than necessary. She asked me if I was still prepared to do what she had suggested last weekend and I nodded and felt an electric thrill shoot like lightening to my ovary area. She led me into her bedroom where she already had a video camera on a tripod at the pillow-end of the bed. She asked me if I had never use the video camera before. I told I had once used one but was not a great cameraman.
She went over again what she called 'her theory' and explained again what she wanted me to do. It was basically a matter of keeping her face in the viewfinder as she wanked herself. That was the plan anyway. But plans do not always go quite the way we envisage because it was all just too clinical and not conducive to a sensual feeling for her.
She lay on her back naked and first with her fingers and then with a vibrator she desperately tried to achieve her climax but as her frustration grew so also the look on her face reflected this emotion. It was anything but' serene and relaxed' and finally she gave up in disgust, put the vibrator away, rewound the tape in the camera and turned it off.
"We should have done this last weekend after I talked to you... I had come before you got to the front gate!"
"Really?" I gaped. I couldn't imagine I had been able to turn a woman on like that! Or even a guy!
Then she had an idea. "I know what will get me going. I would like to do another sketch of you, if you will let me. I love your short shorts! I didn't realise you had such beautiful legs... you usually hide them under your jeans or a skirt. Let me sketch you again. Okay?"
I honestly misunderstood her. I thought she meant that she wanted me nude! We returned to the studio where I would pose for her and while she went into the kitchen to make tea I took everything off and lay back on the studio couch. When she came back in she looked startled and delighted.
"Oh my God... nude! I meant topless... I can't believe how beautiful you are!"
I was horrified. I was suddenly quite self-conscious embarrassed at my stupidity. "I thought you wanted me nude" I stammered.
"Of course I wanted to... but I didn't dare ask you. I was just going to sketch you wearing just your shorts with your top off."
"I'm sorry. I misunderstood."
"Never be sorry when you have a body like yours, my sweet! You stay like that. I will do a beautiful sketch and after that I will be so turned on we can make our movie as well. What joy!"
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