Published: 15-May-2012
Word Count:
Diane had been planning this trip for a couple of weeks keeping it a secret from her daughter. Her plan was to tell Katherine that they were going away for the weekend and that something very exciting will happen on the trip.
It has been almost a year since Katherine's best friend had moved to Atlanta with her parents and she really missed her.
Early Friday afternoon Diane picked Katherine up at her school and they started the long drive to Atlanta. The only thing Diane had told her young daughter was that they would be driving all night and to be prepared for the surprise when she woke up. Diane had driven most of the night and somewhere on the interstate there had been road construction that put all the traffic onto a detour. Some how I guess because she was tired, Diane had made a wrong turn in the night and now that the sun was coming up she realized she was very much lost, deep in the back country of north east Georgia.
Claude enjoyed living alone with his five Red-bone coon hounds in this remote area of North East Georgia, he enjoyed things when they were quiet. Claude was a true redneck, born and bred. He served with special forces at the end of the Vietnam war doing cleanup work. Find and eliminate any threat to peace, those were his orders and Claude was very good at his job. He had just finished cooking his deer steak and eggs and was sitting by the window getting ready to eat his breakfast when the dogs started making a fuss.
Quickly grabbing his pistol and running out the back door Claude heard a car coming up his driveway. Now Claude Spencer hadn't had a visitor in about a year, so being the careful man that he was he waited to see who got out of the car. When Claude saw the woman going up to the house he thought "what an uptight bitch she is with her fancy clothes, and dressed in pants like a man, what a bitch".
Hold it right there ma'am, what do you want? Excuse me sir, I'm lost. Can you direct me to the road that will take me to Atlanta. When Claude got a closer look he found that the bitch wasn't half bad looking, she looked like one of them bitches that you see on the cover of magazines, you know the type, tall with high cheek bones, perfectly applied makeup and five feet nine inches of smoking hot body.
When Claude pulled out his pistol and pointed it directly at her face then told her to walk over to the barn, and don't make a fucking sound or it will be your last, she did it. Lay down on your stomach bitch, and put your arms out straight away from your body, do it now. When Claude had her hands and arms tied to the six foot piece of two by four, he took the dirty snot rag out of his pants pocket and shoved it into the back of her throat, completely filling her mouth and tied it there with a piece of cloth that he ripped off her jacket.
Grabbing the back of her jacket Claude began dragging her out back to the well hidden place where he skins his illegally killed deer. Claude tied the spreader bar to her ankles spreading her long, beautiful legs about four and a half feet apart, then hooking the pulley to the spreader bar, he hauled her into a hanging upside down position just like he has done so many times to the deer he has brought home to be skinned.
With her head raised about a foot off the ground and her hands tied to the piece of wood, Diane was plenty scared. She had Claude's dirty snot rag stuffed into her mouth which filled her mouth so much she couldn't close her teeth together and left her lips slightly open. You stay there bitch Claude told her, and don't make any noise to scare my chickens, or I'll come back here and kick the shit out of you. I'm going inside to finish my breakfast and figure out what to do with you.
Now dogs being the curious animals that they are, came over to investigate the new thing hanging in the yard. Smelling her perfume they started sniffing her everywhere they could reach, The lady was plenty scared hanging there with these big dogs sniffing around her, who knows what they might do. She was yelling into her gag while watching them, trying to scare them away. The dogs only heard a faint growling through the gag, then without warning one dog lifted his leg and before she could turn her face away, he pissed all over the side of her head, into her ear and onto her cheek. Some of the piss began to run into her eyes. He was just marking his territory I guess. Then two seconds later while she was still blinded by the piss in her eyes, she couldn't see the second dog when he lifted his leg and took aim at her face, totally soaking her entire face and the cloth in her mouth. Now the dog piss was running down over her lips and into her nose making it very hard to breathe and she began screaming with fear into her gag.
When Claude came out and saw what had happened, he laughed and said to Diane, I'm right sorry ma'am, those damn dogs they just piss everywhere they want to. Then he muttered something about going to check her car to see if there was anything valuable. Two seconds after Claude left, the dogs were back to mark her again, now that they had marked her head as their spot, one or another of them came back every few minutes to recheck if the scent was still there and piss on her a little more just to keep it fresh, as if she didn't have enough dog piss on her face already. She couldn't open her eyes because the piss would run into them and it felt like her eyeballs were on fire.
Claude found a little girl about thirteen years old sleeping peacefully on the back seat of the car, wearing a beautiful white blouse and the skirt her mother had bought for her to wear on this trip. Claude grabbed the back of her blouse and dragged her out of the car, punching her in the stomach hard enough to knock out her wind. She couldn't breath, and therefore couldn't scream, not that it would have done her any good, Claude's nearest neighbour lived three miles away and in the last seven years has never come to visit.
Claude dragged the little girl across the yard to the barn and throwing her face down on the barn floor he quickly put a gag in her mouth and secured it there, then tied her hands behind her. It was no problem to tie her ankles to another spreader bar, but because she was shorter than her mother her legs were spread quite a bit wider, Claude then dragged her out to the tree beside her mother. Hooking another pulley to the little girls spreader bar he lifted her up only four feet away from her mother, but a little higher. The dogs could sniff, but they couldn't reach high enough to piss on her.
When Claude left to move the B.M.W. into the barn the dogs came again and one pissed on the side of her cheek and into her partly open mouth. With the piss running down over her face, Diane knew that she had to take a chance. When she opened her eyes to see if her daughter was ok and not hurt by that awful man, she had only a second to see her daughter hanging beside her because the second dog was primed and aimed at her face, she got it full blast in both eyes and screamed into her gag, but she had an instant of clear vision to see that Katherine was not hurt although for some reason her legs were bare.
When Claude searched the car, he found two purses and an overnight bag for each of them. When he returned to the women he emptied the contents of the purses on the ground in front of them and started looking through it. Lets see, Diane Webber thirty five years old from Nashville, very nice. Over here according to her school Id, we have almost fourteen year old Katherine Webber.
In her early teens Diane started modeling and soon became quite a famous fashion model with her face on the cover of many women's magazines, then she met a no good manager who got her pregnant. When she gave birth to Katherine she lost interest in modeling and started selling records from her basement. Twelve years later she is the owner of the largest record store chain in Tennessee, grossing nine million in sales last year.
Now thirteen and a half years later Katherine is growing to be a beauty like her mother. Standing four feet eight inches with short fiery red hair, the curves were starting to grow where they were supposed to be. Her young girl breasts were standing out from her chest about three inches, the hips were developing nicely and Katherine was blessed like her mother, with gorgeous long perfectly shaped legs. whenever Katherine walks down any street, men of all ages will stop and stare.
Claude took a look at Diane and said, you sure look like a fucking mess, With all that dog piss all over your face. Taking two pieces of rope, Claude tied one to each end of the two by four holding her arms. Then pulling the rope up until her face was a little higher than the level of his crotch he tied it off there. With no support for her head Diane could hardly hold it up to keep from falling back.
Claude came over with a bucket of water and poured it on Diane's face and head, it washed away some of the dog piss, he then immediately wrapped a cloth around Diane's eyes and ears telling her that it was for her own protection so the dog piss wouldn't make her blind. Claude then leaned down and whispered in Diane's ear.
Whether you like it or not bitch, you and your daughter are now my property and at my mercy. When ever I fucking tell you to do something bitch, you better do it. I mean right now, because if you don't obey me I am going to strip your little daughter bare while she is still hanging beside you, and then use my belt on her, beating her till she passes out, do you understand me? If you do what I tell you to do, I promise I will blindfold her and little Katie won't never be able to see or hear anything that we are doing. If you willingly keep me happy and look after all my needs, I also promise not to fuck with your little girl.
Claude re-checked the thick blindfold over Diane's eyes and covering her ears, then stepping over in front of little Katie who was hanging there with her dress hanging down and covering her eyes. He rested his old calloused palm on her bare inner thigh and Katie began shaking with uncontrollable fear. Using his fingertips Claude began tracing a line from one thigh to the other stopping a few seconds to slide his dirty fingers through her young slit outside of her panties, and tickle her clitoris. Katie's skirt had fallen down over her head when Claude hung her on the spreader bar and was now blocking her vision, so lifting the hem of the skirt he tucked it into her waistband so she could see what was going on.
Now that Katie could see, she realized that she was hanging only a few feet from her mother. Claude stood in front of Katie and slowly removed his pants and shorts, then with his soft five inches dangling only a couple of inches from her face, using his fingers Claude began playing with Katie's inner thighs again and moving his dirty fingers under her panties. Katie stiffened up and started screaming into her gag.
Claude got down and whispered in little Katie's ear, you can see your mother there, if you refuse me anything that I want to do to you, I will tie your mother on the ground and strip her naked then I will use my belt and beat her until she passes out, do you understand? Stop struggling and yelling right now and every thing will be ok, just relax and enjoy the show, not every little girl gets a chance to see what is about to happen to their mother. Claude stepped back over in front of Diane, her neck was so sore from holding her head up that she just let it hang back.
Now keep in mind, this was not a pretty thing. Claude is sixty three years old and weighs about three hundred and five pounds which is mostly fat. Being a loner he hasn't had a bath since last summer when he fell in the lake, nor has he changed his underwear and clothes for a long time. Claude reached over and swung Katie's spreader bar a foot closer and adjusted the height so that Katie's eyes were at the same height as her mother's mouth so she could have a good view, then motioned for Katie to be quiet. Claude took the gag from Diane's mouth and used it to wipe her face, then said, "you know what I want from you bitch, so open your fucking mouth". When Diane refused, Claude slapped her face and said to her, I don't give a fuck bitch, you or young Katie, I don't care.
When Diane slowly opened up, Claude started rubbing his cock head over and through her lips, and when his smelly old cock entered her mouth, her only thought was thank God he promised to blindfold Katherine and she wont be able to see this. If I can only get through this maybe he will let us go she thought. If I feel even a touch of your teeth I will finish this with the little girl he told her. Claude then held Diane's head in his hands, positioning it just right and began his journey into her mouth.
Claude was getting harder and began pushing at the entrance to Diane's throat making her gag, so he raised her body a little more pushing her forehead into his thighs and forcing her head back a little more, at the same time opening her throat so that he could now slide his growing member up into Diane's throat with a minimum of gagging. While his cock was sliding into Diane's throat and his balls were banging against her nose, Claude reached over and put his hand back under Katie's panties again and started fingering her slit.
Claude thought it might be kind of a fun challenge to see if he could get Diane's pants off while he was fucking her in the mouth, after all her legs and most of her weight were still being supported by the spreader bar on her legs. So bringing out his razor sharp skinning knife and starting at the ankle of her left pant leg he began slowly cutting the inside seam of Diane's pants, all the way down to her crotch while never missing a stroke with his cock easily sliding over her tongue and up into her throat.
Diane began squirming a lot and trying to scream with his cock pumping into her throat as the knife was going down her pant leg and getting closer to her cunt. Although the vibrations from her yelling with his cock in her throat felt great, Claude had to stop pumping for a second and remind her to be calm, and remember about the teeth.
When Claude finished cutting her left pant leg he stopped a minute to re-adjust her head and mouth, there seemed to be a slight bump when his cock would enter her throat. There that feels better Diane, he said to her. Your doing a good job.
Moving over to her right leg he started cutting the inside seam, this time when he was getting close to her cunt she didn't struggle as much which Claude found to be a little disappointing. When both pant legs were finished he then cut through her belt and inserting his knife between her belly and the pants he cut the rest, and her pants just fell to the ground. Two more quick cuts to the sides of her panties and they were lying with her pants.
Claude felt quite proud of himself, he managed to remove her pants and panties without even missing a stroke while fucking this bitch in her lovely mouth. Meanwhile little Katie Webber was having a ring side view to the rape and degradation of her mothers. You should be happy little one Claude whispered to Katie, not many little girls have the chance to see close up the first time their mother gets throat fucked with eight inches of Georgia meat.
While Claude was busy raping her mothers mouth, Katie was having a problem. She had to pee really bad, but because of the gag in her mouth she couldn't ask to go. When Katie reached the point that she couldn't hold it anymore, she just let it go. At that moment Claude happened to look over and see the little yellow fountain erupting from Katie's panties. It looked so funny that he started laughing and laughed so hard that he almost fell out of Diane's mouth.
Holding Diane's head in just the right position to get maximum pleasure and penetration Claude continued pumping her for few more minutes, when his nuts caught fire he pumped her hard several more times with his nuts banging against Diane's nose, he shoved his cock down into her throat as far as he could then erupted and began spurting cock juice into her throat and mouth, he warned her again not to let a single drop fall to the ground. Make sure you swallow it all bitch. The last few drops he squeezed onto her lips and told her to lick it off.
Claude lowered Diane to the ground, and warned her not to move a fucking muscle from that spot. Then lowering Katie and untying her hands then retying her feet about one foot apart, he ordered her to remove her skirt and use it to clean her mothers face, then go over to the bucket and wet the skirt to clean yourself where you pissed, then clean your mother again with the wet cloth and put the gag back into her mouth, don't you dare to do anything that I didn't just tell you to do, and no talking allowed.
After Katie had her mother cleaned up a bit and with the gag reinserted, Claude hooked them to their spreader bars and hoisted them up again then tied their hands behind them and slid his fingers through the lovely little slit of Katie stopping to play with her clit for a minute. You girls just hang out here for a while, I have some chores to do, and don't get into any trouble while I'm gone. As Claude was turning the corner two of the dogs were back to visit Diane.
Claude went into the bedroom to get it ready for Katie's visit later that evening, then went to work in the kitchen making a delicious deer steak stew with potatoes and veggies.
There seemed to be a film of some sort over Diane's eyes, whenever the dogs would stop pissing for a few minutes she would try to open her eyes, but the piss would run into them quickly and sting very badly, whatever she could see was only a blur.
Diane couldn't understand how things could go wrong so quickly, she was sure it has been less than an hour since she stopped to ask directions, and now look at them. Both her and Katie were hanging upside down with her pants and panties having been cut off, and she has been pissed on so many times by huge brown dogs and savagely raped in her mouth. All this in less than an hour in back of some redneck's house in Georgia. Oh God she thought, how bad can this get.
When Claude came back with the stew he told the ladies they would have to work for it. Whether you like it or not one of you is going to get fucked now before you eat. Who will it be? Diane was trying to speak, but with the gag in her mouth it sounded like groaning. Ok Diane, you win. Wait here for a minute, I'll be right back. When Claude returned he was carrying a big comfy arm chair. Claude lowered Diane to the ground and untied her hands, but tying her feet one foot apart he told her to go to the bucket and clean herself, but don't take out the gag.
When Diane was clean she came back to where her daughter was still hanging, the scum was still on her eyes and she couldn't see more that two feet in front of her, but she could see that Katherine was still hanging there with a blindfold on. Take off that jacket Diane and remove your bra, but leave on your blouse. After she did what she was told, she was standing in front of him wearing only her blouse. Diane I told you that someone is going to get fucked and you volunteered. My dog is horny, go over there and give my dog a blowjob while I watch the show.
When Diane hesitated, Claude spun her around and viciously kicked her in the ass, then whispered to her. If you don't get over there and make my dog happy you fucking bitch, I promise that I will tie you back to the spreader bar and make you watch while I rape this fucking little girl of yours as hard as I can in front of you. You have three seconds to make up your mind, and you can take out your gag, but no speaking. One, two...
Diane had no idea what she would have to do with that dog, but she knew that she had to do whatever needed to be done to keep this man happy and to protect Katherine no matter what this lunatic demanded of her. Carefully so as not to fall down Diane moved over to the dog that lay on the grass about ten feet away, Claude quickly lowered Katie to the ground and brought her over to his chair, Standing her in front of him he whispered, you better remember what I told you, if you refuse anything that I want to do, you know what will happen to your mother, then removed her blindfold while Diane lay down beside the dog.
Claude had planned to save Katie for tonight's pleasure, but the temptation was to great. While Katie was still tied and standing in front of him, using his skinning knife Claude reached under her blouse and cut her bra and the two straps, pulling it off her body. Claude began by unbuttoning that ugly skirt, then with the zipper pulled down it slid over Katie's young hips and fell to the ground and Katie stepped out of it. Little Katie began shivering again, uncontrollably. Not from cold, but from fear of this big dirty man.
Claude started unbuttoning her blouse then pushed it off her shoulders and it too fell to the ground. Pulling her close he put his mouth over one of her beautiful young breasts and started sucking on the nipple.
Diane lay beside the dog waiting for instruction while Claude began seriously molesting Katie, for now he left her gag in place, then lifting her up he sat in the arm chair with Katie straddling his lap watching her mother. Katie has a long beautiful young body with short legs, where Claude was short in the body, Which made a good fit between them. What the fuck are you waiting for bitch he yelled at Diane, start pleasing my dog. Diane lay on the ground beside the dog with a confused look and didn't know what to do, for fuck sakes Diane, start scratching his belly and play with his balls then suck the dogs cock.
With trembling fingers, Diane moved her hand around on the dogs belly to find the animals big cock, Claude was taking turns fondling Katie's tits. When Diane found the dogs cock she felt how big it was, this dog is as big as the man she thought, but for the sake of Katie's safety and with her heart beating hard in her chest she took it in her hand and started stroking it. Within a few seconds the cock came out of it's sheath, Claude was nibbling on one of Katie's tender tits when he noticed Diane still wasn't sucking on his dog.
Claude jumped off the chair and whispered to Katie "don't you fucking move little girl" Diane was only ten feet from the chair so with two fast strides he reached her and kicked her ass, again commanding suck on the fucking dogs cock. Listen very carefully Diane this is your last warning, I want you to slowly start counting to twenty, then put this dog's cock in your mouth and start sucking that cock like there's no tomorrow, or there will be hell to pay for your little Katie.
Diane was terrified that Claude would hurt Katherine in his anger, so with her heart hammering in her chest she started counting to twenty. When Diane began counting Claude walked back to the big chair, removed his pants and shorts before he sat down, then removing her gag he put Katie on her knees in front of him. Eighteen, nineteen, twenty. With Katherine's safety utmost on her mind she prayed that the man would keep his word and not hurt her, Diane took a deep breath, lowered her mouth, and put the dogs cock inside. Within seconds the big dog was squirting cum into Diane's mouth and she began gagging, the taste was so terrible she almost puked.
Claude had this timed to the second, when Diane's lips were closing around his dogs cock, only ten feet away her gorgeous little thirteen year old daughter was naked and kneeling in front of Claude. Claude held her head and tightly and at exactly the right second Katie's lips were closing around the shaft of his man cock for the first time. Katie was terrified of this man, but also she was afraid of what he might do to her mother so tried so hard to do whatever the man told her to. If I don't do this he will hurt my mum she thought. So when Claude forced her head down onto his cock she tried very hard to make it all fit.
Diane started gagging when she put the big dogs big cock in her mouth, but she was afraid that Claude would hear so she closed her mouth around the big dog and buried her face in its groin to muffle the sound. When Diane pushed her face into the dogs groin his cock hit the back of her throat and made her gag more, but keeping her face buried with the cock going down into her throat she just held on tight until the gagging eased off.
After the initial shock of having a dogs cock in her mouth wore off Diane began to think, maybe I can do this. Diane soon discovered that if she put the dogs cock into her mouth and all the way down into her throat as far as she could, then keep it there without choking and work her tongue along the shaft, it was less tiring for her and she didn't hardly taste the cum, it just squirted down her throat. Once she had the cock in her mouth and throat she would just keep it there until the dog finished and went soft. At first Diane would open the corner of her mouth and let the cum run out onto the dogs groin, but soon there was so much cum that it was easier to just swallow.
Diane couldn't see Claude, but she thought he was sitting in the chair just watching her and probably playing with his thing, and in her mind she knew that by doing this terrible thing with the dog she would be protecting Katherine from this monster, while he was busy watching her, Katherine was still hanging from the tree and safe. But instead, Katie was now naked and on her knees in front of this evil man. The hands holding her head were pumping her mouth up and down on his dirty old thing and while Claude watched Diane sucking his dog he grunted and exploded all over the tonsils of her beautiful little girl.
But Diane couldn't see any of this, so to protect Katie she closed her mind and started sucking on the cock of Claude's coon hound with a passion. Diane hoped that Claude was watching so he would leave Katie alone, so she sucked this dogs cock like it was candy, meanwhile Claude noticed and turning Katie around to face her mother he ordered her to watch. Your mother is a natural cocksucker he whispered to Katie. You should watch and learn.
Diane was not feeling anything anymore, just sucking hard on the dogs cock in her mouth, when she put it all in, it was going down into her throat, so she thought that if she continues doing it this way very soon it will be over. The dog was shooting a continuous stream of cum down Diane's throat, but she kept swallowing it and soon he began squirming under her. When Claude saw his dog squirming he told Diane to let him up, now you can do my other four dogs bitch.
Diane was laying on the ground at a ninety degree angle to Claude and Katie who were only ten feet away, her side was getting sore from laying on the grass so she got up on her knees for a minute. While her mouth was servicing the second dog, another dog came around back and started sniffing. Diane's mind was numb, but she felt it when the dog mounted her. Quickly Diane rolled on her side. Claude saw the quick movement out of the corner of his eye and yelled at her "get your fucking ass back up in the air you bitch". Claude's cock felt so warm and content sliding over Katie's hot tongue and he didn't want to disturb the rhythm, so he only yelled at Diane which saved her another kick .
Diane was terrified at what he might do to Katie if she refused, so she got on her knees again and in a few seconds the dog was mounting her again. When the dog entered her she knew this would be like no other sex that she had ever had with a man. As soon as he was in, he began pounding Diane like a jackhammer.
Claude was enjoying watching his now softening cock sliding through sweet Katie's lips, and when he checked on Diane he couldn't help but smile, two of his favourite dogs were being serviced by Diane at the same time. Katie had to see this, so Claude turned her around again to see her mother with one dog humping the hell out of her cunt, and the other dog bag deep in her mothers mouth. The worst part Katherine thought, was that her mother seemed to be enjoying it. After two minutes of watching her mother Claude turned her back around and Katie just naturally opened her lips and took his thing inside her mouth.
Claude pulled sweet Katie up to him and sat her on his lap leaning back on his big gut, with her legs stretched out on either side of his legs it was opening her little cunt wide. Claude began amusing himself by first putting two fingers in Katie's mouth and whispering, suck on these. Then he would put the fingers into Katie's stretched pussy, finger her a couple of minutes then put them in her mouth again all the while they watched her mother with the dogs. Claude got carried away fingering her cunt and went in to deep with a dirty fingernail, and that's how sweet little Katherine Webber lost her virginity at only thirteen years old.
At the same time that Katie lost her cherry to Claude's fingernail, the dog that had just finished fucking Diane was stuck inside her with a big dog knot, when the knot softened and fell out along with what seemed like a pint of dog cum. Claude looked at Katie's virgin blood on his fingers and yelled what a fucking mess. Diane assumed that he was yelling about her and when she looked his way, although she couldn't see him (or anything else for that matter) he yelled at her "keep sucking on that fucking dog" then whispered to Katie, use your blouse to clean my fingers you little bitch.
After awhile when Diane would finish sucking or fucking a dog, he would just wander away, finally when all the dogs were gone Claude offered the stew he had promised, but Diane's stomach was so full of dog cum that she couldn't eat it. Claude dressed Katie and put her blindfold back on, taking one last suck on her tits, then tied her spreader on. This time he tied her hands in front then hooked them to the pulley and hauled her up until her feet were just touching the ground. When Diane was tied to the spreader bar again in the standing position, she noticed with relief that Katie was still hanging beside her and hadn't been touched.
Diane was tied stretched out on her back in one of the sheep pens for the night, her hands were tied above her and tied off to a post. Her feet were spread and tied to two other posts. With her mouth spread open a little by the gag she was tucked in for the night. Taking Katie by the hand Claude led her in the house with him explaining to Diane that if she escaped he knew that one of them would not leave without the other.
Diane had a really bad night that night, worried sick with the thought of Katherine in the house with that monster and there was nothing she could do. All five dogs came to mark their territory several times during the night, and they must have smelled the dog cum still seeping from her pussy, because they took turns licking her clean. Diane was shocked when she had an orgasm while the dogs were licking her, then she had four more before the night was over. The dogs all spent the night with her, laying beside and on her.
After they went in the house, Claude stripped Katie and laid her on the bed face up with her head hanging over the edge, putting his soft five inch cock in Katie's mouth he started an easy fucking rhythm while pushing deeper into her mouth with each thrust. Claude would pull all the way out then all the way in pushing at the back of Katie's throat with each thrust, then pump a few times and all the way out again.
Katie began gagging when Claude's cock would hit her throat, but he showed no mercy. Katie was trying to make it fit because she knew if she made him angry what would happen, so with tears running from her eyes while she held her mouth as wide as she could so as not to touch his thing with her teeth, Katie continued gagging and after a few more minutes she began to relax a little and she realized that it didn't make her gag as much if she could relax her mouth. Claude realized that he was going into Katie's throat, and that she was hardly gagging anymore. When the time came Claude gently held her head in a good position so he could get maximum penetration and began pumping her mouth with a passion for a few more strokes, then pulling almost all the way out he pumped his load onto her tongue.
After the tension in his man cock was released with the first cum of the evening, Claude rolled Katie onto her left side, he put a rope around her neck and tied to the foot of the bed, then tied her hands behind her. He tied a rope around her right ankle and pushed the rope through the hook that he had installed in the ceiling earlier that day. Then with a slight pull of the rope he pulled her right leg straight up and a little forward in the air spreading little Katie wide open, Claude wondered to himself if Katie was as comfortable and happy as he was. Putting his arm around Katie's tiny waist, Claude tenderly pulled her close to him after putting his cock back in her mouth. Gently he laid his unshaven cheek on Katie's thigh just about a short tongue length from the best smelling thing he had ever smelled, then settled in for a long night of enjoyment.
The next morning after she gave him his good morning blow job, Claude noticed that something was wrong with Katie, What's wrong? Nothing is wrong sir. I'm just thinking about mom and your dogs. I know Claude said, I saw you watching her yesterday. How does she do it? Does it hurt? Does your mother look like she is in pain? After thinking about it Katie said, please can I try. Ok, this afternoon I will teach you, but watch your mother this morning and you can learn a lot.
Katie was fully dressed when Claude put her in front of her mother close enough for her to see, your mother is worried that I might touch you in a bad way, or that I might hurt you Katie. Did I hurt you or touch you in a bad way either yesterday or last night? Mama please don't be afraid, this man did not touch me or hurt me at any time, last night he took me to his bedroom and put a blindfold on me then put a chain around my tummy and locked it there then attached it to the floor and he went to sleep while I slept on the floor. I love you mama, please don't be scared. Diane breathed a sigh of relief when she heard her daughters voice saying that. Maybe this man could be trusted to keep his promise after all.
Claude got down and whispered in Diane's ear, I kept my promise not to hurt your daughter, yesterday you did good pleasing my dogs, considering it was your first time. But today I want better.
Diane you have seen porno movies I'm sure, and how the girls suck cock, well I want you to do the same things to my dogs. I want you to lick and suck their cocks like it was the best lollypop you ever tasted, and I want to see your head bobbing over their cocks not just deep throat them like yesterday. I want you to put their balls into your mouth and gently suck on them, and I want to see you licking their ass holes and putting your tongue into their ass like you were fucking their ass with your tongue, and when they mount you I want you to squeeze their cocks with your cunt muscles and make my dogs happy to be fucking you and stick your ass in the air like you want to get ridden. I want to see you smiling and happy all day like you really enjoy what you are doing. If I don't see all these things. when I take your daughter to my bedroom tonight I will probably forget my promise.
Diane decided then and there that she will do anything this maniac asks her to do, if it will keep him happy and away from Katherine. Diane now felt sure in her heart that Katherine will never know about any of the things that she has to do with the dogs, so she will do anything to keep him happy so he leaves Katherine unmolested.
Now take off your jacket and blouse, Katie will take you to clean you up a little at the bucket. You can wash the piss from your own clothes and she will remove my piss soaked snot rag from your mouth so you can wash it to. I will set with you while you are bathing to make sure that you don't talk to each other. This will give you time to think about what you have to do with the dogs today.
Claude left them for a couple of minutes warning them that he will hear it if they talk, when he returned he had a hair brush, some shampoo, soap and some kind of face cream shit that his wife had left in the medicine cabinet seven years ago when she left. When they were bathed Claude put lots of cream in both of Diane's ears and more on each eye. Then he wrapped a bandage around her head and ears about ten times, totally blocking all sight and sound. What kind of cream is this Diane asked, Claude backhanded her across her face, not to hard, but hard enough. I'm just trying to be nice to you bitch, don't fucking piss me off, he said in a pissed off voice. Sorry Diane said, and this time he slapped her face, but not to hard. That was for talking.
I will have Katie blindfolded and in the barn all day so that she cant see or hear anything you do. I will keep my promise, but only if you do your best with my dogs. Remember, you are not only sucking their cocks out there, but you are there to entertain me as well.
Claude left Diane chained in the pen, blindfolded with her hands tied behind her, then taking Katie's hand he led her to his comfy chair. Standing her in front of him between his legs, Claude stripped her naked, taking her head in his hands he began French kissing her, he knew that after today he wouldn't enjoy kissing her anymore. Moving down to her tits he spent a long time licking and gently biting them. It was wonderful to see when he put her whole tit in his mouth and started sucking as hard as he could, slowly moving his mouth out to her nipple while still under suction creating perfect cone shaped tits. Claude put his hand into her slit and she was soaking wet, dipping his finger into her hole he put it in her mouth and told her to suck.
Claude truly enjoyed playing with Katie's young body, but it was time for Diane to go to work. Telling Katie to wait in the chair and be quiet, he laid three blankets on the ground about five feet from their chair, then he brought Diane out naked as the day she was born wearing only her blindfold. Remember Diane, I will be watching you all day, if I don't see you and the dogs enjoying each other, Katie will pay for your disobeying me. He laid her on the blankets and whistled for the dogs. Only one dog came for now, you can talk to the dogs, but not to me. Play with him a little, scratch his belly, scratch his balls, but you better fucking put on a good show and entertain me and my dogs Diane.
When he led her on the blanket naked, she didn't worry because she knew her daughter would be in the barn with a blindfold on, and that she had to make it look real because he would be watching her and probably playing with his thing. When the first dog came near, Diane put her heart and soul into it, sucking on his cock and making love to his nuts and ass. She felt no shame today because she was protecting the innocence of her little girl. Katie meanwhile only five feet away, was naked and on her knees with Claude's cock in her mouth. Diane was concentrating on what she was doing and trying to keep Claude's mind on her and away from her daughter.
Diane felt more relaxed with the dogs today, she believed the man when he promised that Katherine could not see or hear anything that she was doing with these dogs. Katherine had told her with her own voice that the man hasn't touched her. She also felt more relaxed because she had already sucked cum out of these dogs a total of nine times yesterday, and she knew what to expect when they mounted her. Diane had decided that no matter what this man told her to do with the dogs nothing would be worth taking a chance that he would hurt Katherine.
Diane reached out her hand and the dog came to her. While Diane's mouth went to work on the dog, Claude's hands went to work on little Katie Webber.
Claude put his finger to his lips signalling Katie to be quiet, then picking her up he moved her to the other side of his dog and began scratching his ears and petting him. The big dog lay on his side with his hind leg raised in the air giving Diane easy access to his cock. Diane felt more than heard Claude when he lay on the other side of the dog that she was working on, and thought thank God, if he is here that means Katherine is safe, and thank God she cant see the degrading things I am doing. After Claude got settled beside his dog he again put his finger to his lips and motioned to Katie what to do, a few seconds later Katie was sitting on Claude's mouth while watching her mother deep throat this big brown dog.
Claude continued eating Katie's pussy while she watched her mother working this dogs cock and nuts. Katie thought it was gross to see her mother licking and sticking her tongue in the dogs ass hole. Diane tried to remember everything she had ever seen or heard about oral sex, and she was applying it all to the dog in front of her. After watching her mother for a half hour Claude asked if she had learned anything, oh yes came the reply.
Diane had her face as far into the dogs groin as she could get it, and with the blindfold covering her eyes and ears she didn't know that Katherine was only two feet away watching her every move. Katie's tender young cunt was firmly attached to Claude's mouth and her eyes were intently watching every detail of what her mother was doing. Katie was already wet when she sat on Claude's mouth and every time Claude ran his tongue through Katie's slit he collected the sweetest nectar. Katie began taking deep sharp breaths and moaning quite loud so Claude whispered to her" go get your gag and put it in your mouth. Then come back.
When Katie returned she didn't wait, she just straddled his mouth and sat down. Within one minuet Katie's hands were on Claude's chest and she was having her first ever orgasm moaning into her gag and her thighs were getting a bad case of whisker burn while locked to Claude's face. When her climax finished she just collapsed onto Claude's belly with her cunt still on Claude's mouth.
When Katie revived she noticed that another dog has mounted her mother and was having trouble getting his cock into her, Katie knew that girls had a hole down there and she figured that was where the dog was trying to go, gently so as not to touch her mother Katie reached under the dogs tail and holding his thing she guided it into her mothers hole. Katie was fascinated watching this big dog pushing his thing into her mother so fast. Claude made Katie cum three or four more times before he got up and said to Diane, so far your doing a good job, but just keep doing what your doing I'm going to go sit in my chair and watch the show.
Claude motioned for Katie to stay where she was and watch. After a half hour he called her to come to him, its time for you to show me what you have learned sweetie. Sitting on the edge of the big armchair chair, Claude leaned back spreading his legs wide while putting one leg on each arm of the chair. Ok sweetie go to work on me and show me what you have learned.
Katie started by taking his tool in her hand and slowly stroking it, she was on her knees in front of him and leaning forward she used her hands to spread his bum cheeks while sticking out her tongue. She began licking the asshole of a three hundred and five pound, sixty three year old rapist pedophile like it was her favourite ice cream. When Katie's tongue had wiggled its way into his bum hole and cleaned the surrounding area she turned her attention back to his rock hard cock and began orally stimulating the head, she would alternate between his nuts, first one then the other she would put in her mouth and gently suck on them.
Claude put his big hands on her head and ran his fingers through her hair while Katie was pleasing his big cock and after a few more minutes her lips had worked their magic and Claude felt his nuts catch fire. Pulling Katie's head down onto his tool he blew his load into the back of her mouth, spraying a half pint of old pervert cream onto her tonsils. When the tremors stopped Claude lifted Katie and sat her on his knee, holding, stroking and cuddling her, he told her that she had done a really good job and that her mother couldn't have done any better.
Claude sat on the chair with Katie on his lap, her legs were spread wide on the outside of his, they just sat and watched her mother work the dog and Claude whispered, do you see any thing different? Yes, she looks much happier today. Then Claude whispered, I almost forgot, do you still want to learn how to service the dogs? Katie nodded her head so he lifted her out of the chair and onto the blanket on the other side of the dog her mother was working on.
As soon as Claude laid down another dog came over and he gave clear instruction to Katie about how to please the dog. When Katie put her lips on the dog cock and let it slide into her mouth she was on her knees just like her mother, but her mother had a dog fucking the shit out of her and Katie had Claude sliding his cock head through her slit and over her bum. Yesterday Claude's dirty fingernail took Katie's virginity, today he would take her innocence, and only four feet from her trusting mother.
It became a daily ritual that Diane would be on the grass with the dogs, while Claude would be in his chair with Katie. Most times they would start with Katie standing in front of him with her hands tied behind her while he sucked and bit on her tender young tits. Claude loved Katie's tits and would spend a lot of time working them over, then with her hands still tied she would go down on him. But always when Claude told Diane that's enough with the dogs, when she returned to the pen there was Katie still safe from the monster.
After about six days the dogs hardly came around when Claude called them, so he thought to himself what the hell am I keeping that bitch around here for. Diane I'm going to visit my friend over in the next county. I cant take both of you and I cant leave you both here, so I will leave Katie chained to the floor in my bedroom and you will come with me.
Diane was dressed in her panties and an open jacket with no blouse or bra when they arrived at Big Willie's place. Claude chained Diane to the pickup truck while he went inside. About ten minutes later he came back and brought Diane inside. Big Willie walked over to Diane and started kissing her, exploring her dental work with his tongue, which made Claude smile to himself remembering that only two hours ago Diane had sucked all five of his dogs dry of cum and now Willie was kissing the same mouth.
Willie immediately started groping her breasts through her open jacket, and when she tried to move away from him he grabbed her hair and threw her on the floor.
Diane quickly discovered why Big Willie got his name when he unzipped his pants. This man was about the same body size as Claude, only Claude was all fat and Willie was all muscle, but his tool was huge, at least four inches longer and a little bigger around than Claude.
Diane had her hands tied behind her and when Willie took out his cock and told her to suck it dry, she refused. Willie started to backhand her but Claude grabbed his hand and told him to hang on a minute, "you never bought her yet, so you get only a sample. You can beat her all you want after she's yours". Willie grabbed Diane's hair and pulled her over to a chair where he sat down. Pulling Diane into a kneeling position in front of him and using his big hands like a vice on either side of her head Willie forced her mouth down onto his black cock. Open your mouth you white whore or I'll take my sample from your skinny white ass.
Diane was still struggling and quick as a cat Willie back handed her, totally rocking her world. When her head cleared, slowly she opened her mouth and took his thing inside, and she began gagging immediately. Claude was a choir boy beside this big black man. Diane could feel the anger in him waiting to explode. Willie hasn't had a bath for a long time and the smell of his sex organ was overwhelming. Diane tried to get that filthy smelling thing out of her mouth, she decided that Claude's dogs were a lot better than this man. When she tried to lift her head Willie just pushed her head down harder onto his now growing cock. Willie's tool began pushing into her throat and he still had only half his cock into her.
Diane was on her knees in front of Willie and he had both huge hands holding onto her head, casually pumping her mouth up and down on his cock. Willie's cock was now sliding down deep into Diane's throat when he said to Claude "this whore's throat feels better than them whores cunt's in Nam, I think I will buy her".
When Willie finished with Diane, and pumped his cum into her mouth, Claude went to her and whispered, "I have just sold you to Willie bitch, if you don't keep him happy like you kept my dogs happy he will come to my house and complain, then I will have to give him Katie so he wont be mad at me. Big Willie don't got as much schoolin as me, and he aint so kind to women as me, but if you keep him happy he wont come to my house and Katie will be safe. Don't worry, I'll keep your daughter with me, she can take your job of keeping me happy. Don't worry Diane, I'll bring her over to visit once in a while.
When Claude drove away and left her there, Diane started crying for the first time since she and Katherine were taken. She knew there was no hope of protecting Katherine now, as soon as Claude got home he would rape her little girl and there was nothing she could do about it any more. The more she thought about it, the more she cried. Willie had her naked on the bed, fucking her missionary style for all he was worth when she began crying, and he began laughing at her misery.
Diane cried all night, and the next morning she was surprised to find that she could see much better because the tears had washed the dog piss from her eyes, but she didn't tell Willie.
Diane's life felt like she was in hell, Willie turned out to be the male version of a nymphomaniac and he liked rough sex. At least three or four times per day he would beat her, then fuck her in one of her holes. Mouth, pussy or ass it was all the same to Willie.
The eighth day after she was "sold" to Willie by Claude, Willie had been drinking all day, and he was in a bad mood. After slapping her around a little while, he decided he wanted to fuck her in the ass, Diane was chained to the bed so there really was no choice for her. Willie threw her on the bed and rolling her onto her stomach he lifted her ass in the air. After spitting on her ass hole he mounted Diane with a long hard push.
Willie was angry about something and was taking his anger out on Diane's ass, using most of his twelve inches Willie was bottoming out and his nuts were slapping against her cunt with every stroke. Willie began breathing hard and Diane knew that it would soon be over, the fire in her ass would go out and she could rest for a few minutes. After Willie shot his load deep in her ass, he collapsed with his full weight on top of Diane and just lay there face down with his cock still buried deep in side her.
Willie's weight on top of her was crushing the wind out of Diane, but she was terrified to move. Diane quietly lay there under Willie and it was several minutes before she realized that she couldn't hear him breathing, Diane was afraid to move because she thought he might be testing her like he has done before, so she held herself very still with Willie's huge cock buried in her ass and waited a few more minutes, still no breathing.
Willie was dead, but he weighed three times as much as Diane, and he was laying full weight on her, his cock still impaled in her ass. When she realized that he was dead, Diane fought down her fear and began wiggling her ass trying to get his cock out of her so that she could try to roll out from under him. After ten minutes of struggle finally she was free.
Searching his clothes she found the key to the chain that was holding her. Diane couldn't find her clothes so she put on his pants and shirt, and began running down the road. She ran about a mile then remembered his pickup was still in the yard, returning to the house and picking up her courage she went back inside and got the keys to his truck.
The North Carolina police knew about Willie and assured Diane that he was no loss to the world. After a little detective work checking his army records, it was no problem to find his old army buddy Claude Spencer living just over the state line in Georgia.
When the Georgia swat team surrounded Claude's house several of the seasoned officers were sick at what they found. There was Claude sitting in his chair stroking his pole, while watching a very beautiful little red haired girl, one dog was fucking the hell out of her while she was sucking hard on the cock of another dog.
Diane overheard one of the Officers saying that it was to bad the dogs would have to be put to sleep. Because now that there owner would be going to jail for probably the rest of his life there was no one to look after and feed them. Diane couldn't understand her reasons at the time, but quickly she made a couple of calls and had the dogs released to her, she couldn't understand why, but she loved the dogs and couldn't let them die because their master was a pig that didn't deserve to live. Diane spoke to Kristine about the dogs and Kristine pleaded please mum can we take them home with us.
The End
However, as all ready noted by other readers on earlier stories of yours, your grammar sucks and you have no idea about proper punctuation. Both of those skills greatly are necessary to help your reader follow the story with ease.
And for goodness sakes, keep the names of the characters consistent throughout. In other words, just who the fuck is Kristine?
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