Published: 15-May-2012
Word Count:
You might call me a liar, and I guess you wouldn't be the first, but the story you are about to hear never happened, the videos that are safely hidden away from prying eyes, don't exist. The names have been changed to protect the guilty. Namely me.
Hello my name is Charles Saunders, Charlie to my friends. I'm a 63 year old man who is quite overweight. In case you want to know I weigh 307 pounds, sadly it is mostly fat. When I was in my early teens I was very shy around girls my own age, so I turned to little girls, seven and eight years old to satisfy my never ending lust for pussy. My desire for little girls has never left me all through my twenties, I married at twenty nine years old, and didn't touch any children for eleven years, I would go home and jerk off thinking about the little sweetie that I had just seen in the mall, but I just thought it wrong to stick your face in the crotch of a sweet little seven year old girl, and then go home to kiss your wife.
I am a card carrying member of T.P.S. of A. (The Pedophile Society of America).
Twenty three years ago my wife left me, and 14 days after the divorce, I won the State lottery $34,868,642.00 I now live and play in Asia. No one here knows that I am rich, I go to the very poor parts of the country, under an assumed name (living in Asia it's easy to get anything that you may need, fake identification included), I would rent a house, then find a live in house-keeper that has two or more beautiful young daughters, ranging in age between 7yo and 14yo. After eight weeks maximum I am gone in the middle of the night.
I knew that with the kind of money that I now had, I could easily find enough child prostitutes to keep me busy for the rest of my life. But there is no challenge in that. And I loved and wanted the game. I was sitting at home in Manila enjoying my luxury apartment, my housekeeper here was a middle aged woman, who had a remarkable knowledge about the geography and political climate of the country.
I began working out my plans, and dreaming about how I could implement these plans. I hired an electronics expert, the best in his field. Whose job it was to buy the equipment, and teach me how to use the latest technology for secret surveillance cameras. All motion sensor activated, and wirelessly connected to a state of the art portable computer. Plus, I will needed three wireless hand held video cameras that could also be connected to the computer, and three tripods. I did the shopping for the other personal items myself.
I woke up that morning and said aloud, well Charlie old boy, it's time to shit, or get off the pot. I dressed myself in normal street clothes, got into a cab, went to the bus station, and traveled to Bangui, in Ilocos Norte in the north of the country. That first night I stayed at the only hotel in the village, under an assumed name of course. Next morning I surveyed the village to find a very nice house to rent, again under an assumed name, I found the right size house in exactly the right location,(for the rental price I offered they got some friends and moved their personal belongings out that day). By the end of the first day I had found a house and was interviewing housekeepers.
The first eight applicants didn't meet the requirements, still had a husband, ugly, children to young, children to old, and always something was not right. Then applicant number nine walked in the door. Thirty eight years old, kind of dumpy looking, she was clean about her appearance, but she was sorry to tell, she has three children. Please Sir, I need a job and I will personally make sure the children are quiet. Sharon: I asked, are your children boys or girls? I am sorry to say Sir, but they are all girls, the youngest aged six, and the identical twins are twelve and a half years old.
Well Sharon, I think that you have all the qualities that I need. But if you don't mind I would like to go to your home and see if I will like your children to live at the house. If they are ill-mannered or rude I'm sorry, but I can't allow them to stay. Plus he secretly wanted to see if she was a clean housekeeper in her own home.
I quickly discovered that I really lucked out with this lady. Sharon has worked for a British family in Hong Kong and she has taught her children how to speak English. Sharon proved to be what she said she was, her husband left with another woman, left her with the children. Her home was as neat and clean as any home Charlie had ever seen. But the children... 6yo Melinda, with her bright eyes, soft tender lips, and charm with no end. Damn near took his breath away, he could feel his cock starting to swell when she politely shook his hand. I hope Sharon doesn't see this. You wanted to just snatch her up, and give her cunt a licking right there... Then Sharon said. The twins are not home, but if you could wait Sir, I am sure they will be home soon. Sharon I'm sorry: I can't wait, but do you have any recent photos I could see? When Sharon produced the picture Charlie could see right away that Mari-Joyce and Mari-Janet were indeed living dolls, long strait black hair down past their shoulders. They have small round faces, two cones about one inch long swelling out from their chests and beautiful heart melting smiles.
(For this adventure my name is Frank Wade). Sharon: I would like you to work for me; I don't leave the house much, so you will be responsible for all the shopping, cooking and cleaning. I will demand loyalty from you and your daughters. Due to my work, (my cover story was that I was a writer), I would need uninterrupted quiet during the day, (so I could sleep), and when the children came home, it was ok if they wanted to make a noise and play, because I really enjoyed seeing happy children.
You will be required to keep everything that you see or do in this house, top secret from anyone outside of the house. That goes for your daughters to. I will pay you a higher salary than you are used to for your work and loyalty. If you find that the job is too hard and you need extra help, your older daughters could help you, I can pay them extra. If you still like the job, I will need you to start work tomorrow, but you must be ready to move into this house tomorrow. If you can't move tomorrow I will need to find someone else. I can help you pay someone to move your belongings.
Sharon was there next morning with all her belongings, but the children were in school, so I still have not seen the twins. That's good because I need the time to get the camera equipment set and ready.
The only school was on the edge of the village about two blocks down past my house, which meant I could sit out front every day and watch the parade of little girls going to, and from school. I noticed that here the children wore uniforms to school, with the girls wearing a blouse and loose skirts, (somehow I would have to find a way to get all the girls to stop on the same spot, one at a time. I could install two hidden video cameras working in unison. One pointed at their face and body, and one looking up under their skirt). Hmm, something to think about!
Sharon's children arrived home at three forty five, and finally I get meet the twins. They are incredibly beautiful in person. They were very timid and shy and very politely shook hands, then introduced themselves. After introductions they went off to explore their new room, unpack, shower (the bathroom was covered by video from all angles) and change out of their school clothes. The three girls would stay in the bedroom closest to mine, the one with all the very well hidden cameras. Sharon will have the other room all to herself.
After reviewing the High Definition video of the girls showering and changing, I knew there was no way I could wait for seduction, to get my hands on these beauties. Thank you Asia. For being so corrupt. With very little money you could have any "designer drug" available today. A little money spent and I had the drug I needed. No questions asked.
After eating, Sharon was busy washing dishes, while I talked to the girls. They told me their mother owed a very large amount of money to some very bad men in the next village, (the truth was there father owed the money, but now that he was gone their mother was expected to pay his bill) she owed about one hundred and fifty dollars. That is why she needs the job here so bad Sir. I whispered to the twins that they could earn a lot of money to help their mother if they were interested, but it will have to be a secret between us, and they can't tell their mother or Melinda any of the details.
They were very interested, and wanted me to tell more, but I said they will have to wait until tomorrow after school, and I will explain then. But remember it's a top secret between you two and me, no one else, or no deal, ok. When Sharon finished with the dishes we all had some "designer" soft drinks, and went to bed.
After everyone was "asleep" I went to the girls room, stripped the twins naked, and left them lying on the bed with their legs spread wide for the cameras. Picking up Melinda I carried her to my room and laid her on the bed. I hadn't touched any little girl for twenty some years, and never a six year old, seven was the youngest that I ever had.
Melinda was so beautiful, innocent and sweet. With trembling fingers I removed all her clothes, pausing to admire her naked beauty. I put my hands on her tummy and started rubbing lightly, playing with her someday titties, and wandering down to her pussy. I wanted to take my time and enjoy her, but it has been a long time, and she is so beautiful. I dipped my head and spreading her lower lips I put my nose into her lovely slit and inhaled deeply. Then the thought occurred to me, why did I spend so many years with that bitch I married.
For anyone who reads this I want to tell you, if you have never tried it, there is no taste and smell to equal the taste and smell of a six year old girls clean pussy. The aroma, texture and pure joy of sliding your tongue through the slit of a 6yo beauty like this one is unparalled. You will feel with certainty that yours is the first tongue to explore such a heavenly place. I put my open palm on her tummy and pelvis and my thumb slowly playing with her clit. You know just toying with it. My tongue was going up and down through this tiny angels slit, stopping to lap at her tiny love hole. Oh I knew that she couldn't cum but man I was enjoying the taste of this prime little girl.
I was busy licking and kissing her girlhood when I noticed that she was awake and looking at me. Six year old Melinda was laying there with her head propped up peacefully watching me lick the hell out of her slit, just like it was nothing unusual. So I pulled out my rod and started stroking it in time with licking this 6yo angel. When I was just about to explode and Melinda was still watching me, I got up and showing her my tool, I held her chin down and slowly put my cock head into her mouth and still stroking I came in the mouth of an angel. She was swallowing my sperm and still looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes, when she finished swallowing she licked her lips clean, smiled at me, turned over and went back to sleep.
The twins were still lying nude on the bed with their legs splayed out and their pussy's stretched, the cameras capturing every detail. I rubbed their clits and sucked hard at each girls nipples, and then I had a late night snack deep in the crotches of these beautiful little brown girls.
Mari-Joyce and Mari-Janet, approached me the next day after school, asking about how they could earn money. Janet was very shy so Joyce did the talking, or at least I think it was Joyce. Girls: What I am going to tell you is top secret, if you say anything to your mother, anything at all, I will have to fire her and ask all of you to leave this house forever. (Children are so gullible, they believe anything), How much money could we make? Mari-Joy asked. Well, if you tried very hard you could make almost fifty dollars each, for every month that you work. They couldn't believe that it was possible to make that much money, but Joyce asked what kind of work is it Sir? Well girls, I enjoy taking photos and you could be my special models. You will pay us for being special models? Yes, but only if you both will be my special models.
What does that mean Sir? special model. What will we have to do? Ok, do you girls promise that you won't tell your mother, even if you don't like to be models and you don't like the job? Ok Sir, we both promise. Super promise. Yes sir. You girls are so beautiful and you are identical twins, because you are twins if I take your pictures we can sell them to magazines.
The more pictures we take, the more money you will make. If you look sexy you can make even more money, the sexier you look the more money you can make. But Sir we don't know how to look sexy. Girls, that is my job as photographer, if you listen to me and do everything I say, I will show you how to make a lot of money. Is it a deal? Yes Sir, we want to be special models, and we promise to do everything you say. When can we start?
It is Friday, and there is no school tomorrow so why don't we start tonight after everyone goes to sleep. I will go to your room, and we can move Melinda into my room to sleep. Please wear your school uniforms; we can start with that. Then at ten o'clock I entered their room, and they were dressed in their uniforms as requested, I picked up Melinda and carried her to my bed, when I went back into the girls room, Mari-Joy asked: Sir, what is a special model? I told her don't think about that now, first we have to take some photos of you two and see if you are photogenic.
I started them off easy with a few simple poses for about twenty pictures, and then suggested if you want we can try some sexy pictures, you get paid extra for those. What do we do Sir, just go set on those stools in the centre of the room, and I will pose you the way I want you.
After they sat on the stools facing each other with one foot on the floor, I told them to remove their neckties and unbutton the bottom three buttons of their blouse, they hesitated and I harshly said; that is how you become sexy, by showing your bodies. But if you don't want to make extra money!!! I will find other girls who do like extra money. How much extra Sir? Well you can make an extra two dollars a night.
How much of our bodies will we have show? Probably everything before the night is over. (Little did they know that I have already chewed and licked at their famous parts). Quickly now make up your minds before we waste too much time, if you don't like to do this, that's ok. I will get two other girls who want extra money. You take off your clothes to go bath don't you, and you take off your clothes when you sleep, so why don't you take off your clothes and make lots of money?
That did it; they slowly undid the buttons and sat on the edge of the stool with one hand pulling back one side of the blouse to reveal their bellies. Girls I will use the video camera to take the pictures, then I can take out the parts where I tell you what to do next. Ok Sir.
I went to get the video and gave Melinda a kiss while I was there.
When I came back the girls apologized for being silly, we will do anything you ask, but please let us keep the special model jobs. Smiling at them I said that's ok girls, I guess everyone is shy at first. Maybe you are just shy to take off your clothes in front of a man. Yes Sir, that is why. Girls if you won't take off your clothes for the camera, I can't give you the job. Ok listen, what if we all three take off all our clothes right now, we can just sit and talk for awhile, then we will get used to seeing each other naked. Then when it's time to take the pictures we won't be shy around each other. I could tell that they were very uneasy about what they were doing, but they slowly started taking off their clothes. I had all the secret cameras rolling.
When they were down to wearing only their training bra's and panties, I told them to stop there and maybe we could sit and talk for awhile. They liked the idea, and were very relieved, as we sat in their bedroom talking, with the twins wearing only their bra and panties and sitting on the bed, and I'm wearing only my underwear sitting in a chair. The twins were trying hard not to look at my growing bulge. Then Mari-Joy asked, will we really be naked Sir, all the way? Yes Mari-Joy, when you are completely naked that's when you make the most money. When you are naked I will ask you to sit on the stools again like before, then I will be talking to you all the time asking you some personal questions, and directing you what to do. Will you be naked to Sir? Yes Mari-Jan, whenever the girls are naked I get naked to, so they won't feel embarrassed, will you two feel scared if I get naked to?
When we start again I will ask you to remove each other's bra's first, then do a complete turn in front of the camera and then take off your panties, ok? It was easy to see, these beauties were nervous, so time to do it and get it over with. Ok ladies, are you ready? Yes sir, I turned on the video and said to them you know what to do. They stood and walked over to the stools, then facing each other they each put their arms around their sister and unhooked their sisters bra.
When the girls bra's fell to the floor I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, then they hooked their thumbs into their panties and taking a deep breath slowly slid them down their legs to the floor and stepped out of them. They looked at me and I made a circle with my finger, then clasping their hands behind their heads they did two complete three hundred and sixty degree turns for the camera while wearing the most beautiful smiles you could ever see.
Now, was that so bad? No Sir, I guess not. Good now we can start getting comfortable, and make some money. They looked at each other then smiling for the camera did two more three sixty's. There they stood facing me 12 1/2yo identical twins, wearing only the suit they were born in. I smiled at them just to break the ice, when Mari-Joy said, Sir, I thought that you would get naked to!
Well ladies I'm not shy, but it would be more fun if you would take my shorts off for me. They looked at each other and giggled. What's the matter, did you never see a man naked before. No Sir. Well come over here and take off my shorts, then we will all be the same. So they did what I told them to do, when they pulled my shorts down they were on their knees in front of me and when my pecker was freed from prison it sprang out and hit Mari-Jan on the cheek. Mari-Joy started laughing, then Mari-Jan was laughing and then me, it was funny, and we laughed until we cried.
That's all it took to get these girls naked and at ease being naked in front of me. This time Jan spoke asking why my thing was getting hard, and I told the truth. I am getting hard because you girls are so beautiful, and sexy, and you turn me on. But Sir: what happens when you get turned on? Will you hurt us? Don't be afraid; when I get turned on there are many ways that a girl can make me satisfied and happy. How Sir: please tell us one way. Well I will tell you two ways tonight, and if you want to know more I will tell you more next time we take photos. Please tell us the two ways Sir. The easiest two ways are when the girl puts this thing in her mouth, the man really loves it, but the girl doesn't get very excited, and the other one Sir? Well the man puts his thing down there and rubs it up and down through the girls slit. The girl really enjoys that.
These little girls were curious, I could tell. They wanted to know and experience everything, and I was sure that I could teach them a lot. So smiling I asked. Ladies shall we take some photos first, and then I can explain what I mean, or I can show you what I mean first, and then take some photos, it's your choice. Please Sir: we would like to try the second one. Ok. Remember that you asked me to teach you.
Sitting in the easy chair I said come here girls. Which one would you like to try? We would like to try both of them Sir. But which one would you like to try first? It's your choice. First Sir we would like to put it in our mouth and try that, if it's ok with you. All right, who is first. Pointing their fingers at each other they said in unison, she's first. Then Joy pushed Jan to the front saying she wants to be first.
What do I do first Sir? Well Jan. There are only two steps to sucking a cock.
Step one: You put it in your mouth as far as you can, all the way to the back of your throat if you can, then close your lips around the shaft and start to suck just like trying to get soda from a straw, while you are sucking you are slowly moving your head back until there is only the end still in your mouth.Step two: Do that three or four times then take it out and start licking it, like you are licking a Popsicle. Then start all over again with step number one. Do you still want to try? Please Sir, yes I would like to try.
Ladies I must tell you, if you allow me to video you while you are doing this, you can more than double your income and make five dollars. Five dollars, for both of us Sir? No if we do this and you allow me to video you doing this, the pay is five dollars each, for every time we take photos. When we work you have to stay as long as I say before you go to sleep. Or I can teach you these things for free, but you only make two dollars for the photos.
Sir: we say it is ok to use the video camera, because we need the money to help our mother. Are you ready Jan? Just make believe that there is no camera here, but Joy, you should be here beside your sister so you can see clearly what she is doing. They are sitting on their own feet in front of me on the floor, my cock has gone soft with all this talking, but I assured the girls it would get big again. I slid my ass to the front of the chair and spread my legs as wide as I could to accommodate the twin lovelies.
Jan didn't use her hands, just leaned forward and using her tongue and lips, she guided my cock into her mouth while I had a close-up of her face, she slid it along her tongue all the way to the back of her mouth, and my cock head was pushing at her tonsils. My cock was still soft, but even soft I can give five inches. Jan closed her lips around my pole and started sucking like I told her to, (this little girl could suck start a leaf blower) damn she had a powerful mouth, soft, wet and warm. She orally attacked my schlong and didn't give an inch. She was doing it how I told her, but she was adding some moves of her own, born of female instinct.
After only a few seconds my pole was rock hard, and Jan never let up, she was doing more wonderful things with her mouth than I could ever dream of . Joy; I think, was getting jealous, she gently pushed her sister aside and grabbed my cock with her mouth then immediately began sucking with earnest. I had to tell these little ladies that if they don't slow down the action there will be an explosion.
Joy was sucking slower and easier now, when Jan said, Sir: What do you mean explosion? Please Sir, don't do something that will hurt us. So I explained what happens when the sucking begins feeling very good. I explained about cumming and that if the guy cum's in the girls mouth, with the video camera catching the action, that means an extra twenty five cents for each girl, every time the man cums. The girls switched places and Jan began sucking again, slower this time, but with as much enthusiasm, but how will the camera know if you really cum in my mouth? Joy asked. When the man cums in the girl's mouth she has to catch it all in her mouth and then open wide so the camera can see it on your tongue.
Jan has the right mouth to become a great cock sucker, full lips, lots of suction, an active tongue, and most importantly you never feel her teeth. Considering this is her first time, I can honestly say that I think this girl is a natural born cocksucker.
Joy started to ask a question about the other way a girl could please a man, but just then my cock began erupting in Jan's mouth and she instinctively began swallowing. I was beyond caring; I shoved my cock into the back of her mouth and sprayed her tonsils. Jan wanted some too and pulled my cock into her mouth to get the last few drops. I told the girls that they did a great job, but now they had to clean the cum from my pole using only their mouth and tongues.
When my cock was spotlessly clean one of the girls was almost crying (I can't really tell them apart) and said that they had made a mistake, and now they would lose twenty five cents each. Why? What happened? What mistake? The tears were starting to come now, when you came in our mouth we didn't hold it to show the camera, we just swallowed it, now we will lose fifty cents. The tears were running freely on both faces, and I said, girls if we do it again, will you try to do it the right way next time, oh yes Sir. We promise. Well in that case, considering that it was your first time, and you made an honest mistake I will pay you the whole fifty cents anyway. Thank you Sir. When can we take some photos next?
Do you still want to know about the other way for a girl to please a man? Or are you scared to find out more because of what just happened. Please Sir, we weren't scared, putting it in our mouth was fun, and we would like to know the other thing about the thing in the girls slit. Please Sir, show us...
I went to sit on the edge of one of the stools and they played rock scissors paper to find out who would go first. Joy won, we were still naked but it was one thirty in the morning, I told them that after a man cums he has to wait a little while before he can get hard again. But if they would suck on it again it will help me get hard faster. Joy got on her knees quickly and started sucking my flaccid cock. If I was allowed to touch your bodies girls, it would help. Where would you like to touch Sir? I would like to kiss and suck on your titties, each one of you. Ok, Jan said, and she stood beside my chair to give me free access.
The chest of these gorgeous young ladies was beginning to be a very lovely place to have desert. There was a swelling that would soon become the fantasy. The nipples pointing straight at my mouth, I wet my lips and taking her breast into my mouth I sucked as hard as I could on her beautiful young tit, getting as much as I could into my mouth and putting a lot of pressure on the nipple. Then I used my tongue to lick rapidly at her nipple while it was under suction. Almost immediately she started to squirm, but I held her close to me with my arm around her waist, after a few licks I moved to the other side of paradise and started again, noting with satisfaction that her left breast was somewhat larger and pointed.
Under the constant attention of the beautiful creature sucking at my cock, I was hard and ready for action, so I picked up Joy and sat her on my wet pole facing me with each leg spread wide around my body. Her pussy lips were spread wide on either side of me and engulfing my pole in her heavenly slit. She naturally started sliding on my pole while holding my shoulders, her eyes were closed, meanwhile my lips were busy at Jan's tits gorging myself on the taste and texture of each one, she seemed to really enjoy when I sucked hard then abused her nipples with my tongue. Joy had her eyes closed and was sensually sliding her slit over my pole, my cock-head was massaging her clitoris each time she would slide ahead , and sweet Joy was enjoying immensely the new feelings coming from her groin.
Jan wanted to try sliding, so the girls switched places with Joy now the recipient of my crazed mouth and tongue, and Jan spread her pussy lips wide and sat on my pole, her twat was soaked with pre-cum when she sat on me and when she discovered my cock head on her clit she started shuddering. Both girls were breathing hard and I knew they were about to cum so somehow I held off until they both finished. They were catching their breath when I said, it's my turn, I am going to cum. These beauties almost fell over each other trying to get my cock in their mouths... That is the best nine dollars that I will probably ever spend, paying these girls their "salary"
Then it came to me in a dream, how to get all of the school girls to stop at one spot, I would donate a restroom and install a vanity mirror positioned just the right way to force the girls onto one spot and keep them there for a couple of minutes and they could freshen up before going to school. No girl of any age anywhere in the world can pass a mirror.
Saturday night the girls asked if we will take more photos, if you would like to, I like it to. At ten o'clock I will go to your room again, and we will start with your school uniforms again. When I arrived first thing to do was setup the cameras then move Melinda to my room, stopping a few minutes to pull down her pyjamas and give her pussy a lick, just to get me in the mood, when I returned the twins were stark naked. Sir, could we take the sexy pictures right away before we get scared. Then we can take the regular photos. Is that ok? Sir.
Now tell me, if it was you, would you tell these identical twins to put their clothes back on? Be honest now. I am really starting to lust after these girls. Maybe pre-teens aren't so bad after all. Jan asked, Sir could you show us the lessons we learned last night, we were not sure that we were doing it right. Please sir. If we do it wrong you don't have to pay us. Ok let's make a deal, if you do it wrong I won't pay you, and if you work hard and do very good, and don't forget to prove to the camera, for tonight only I will pay double, but only for the proof and not for the sexy pictures. Is it a deal ladies?
We won't forget Sir. Ok ladies, tonight it is your turn to show me what you have learned, and maybe if you don't mind I can show you something new.
You may start anyway that you would like to. They asked if I will set on the stool again. So I did and they proceeded to remove my clothing till I was as naked as them. Joy dropped to her knees to administer a tongue lashing to my cock. Taking the soft member into her mouth she went to work, meanwhile Jan moved over beside me, and not thinking I reached around her waist and pulling her to me I kissed her on the lips. It was a long lingering kiss with as much passion as I could muster.
She just looked at me with her beautiful eyes, and asked, is that part of being sexy. Yes it is and I have to tell you that you girls are the sexiest girls that I have ever seen. Joy took her mouth from my pole to say really Sir: Is that really true. Then she went back to her job. Joy worked my pole a few more minutes, and then crawled into my lap with her pussy lips spread wide. She was wet, I don't know why; I guess she was turned on by sucking my cock. Anyway she was wet, and hot. Her pussy seemed to be on fire, and when she started sliding on my pole she didn't know that she was about to lose her virginity.
Jan didn't seem to mind that I kissed her, so I continued making love to her mouth using my tongue as a cock. I reached down and started massaging her outer pussy lips with my finger and she involuntarily spread her legs a little. But Joy was working up a storm at my cock and every slide that she made loosened her love channel, and "accidentally" my cock head started the journey upward. At that moment Joy was too far gone to even know that I just entered her. A few more pumps and I was hitting the hymen and then I was through, Joy stopped, shuddered and then started the rhythm again.
This little girl was tight, my cock was pushing hard just to get deeper into her. I was into her almost all the way and she was panting, and sweating, but she never slowed down and my cock was surrounded by the tightest, most tender little pussy on this planet. I was still fingering Jan's clit, while Joy dropped all the way onto my pole and just sat there shaking, and breathing hard, her inner pussy was quivering, and it was about to drive me crazy. I had to stop molesting Jan for a minute and concentrate on holding onto my load for a little while longer.
Joy simply collapsed against me while she was having her orgasm, I put my arms around her and held her tight to me crushing her titties against me while my cock was still buried deep inside her once virgin cunt.
After Joy regained her strength she left my pole and Jan started to mount me but I stopped her. Jan can we try something different, I think you will like it. What is it Sir? Just trust me, lie back on the bed and spread your pussy. I got on my knees and gave her little twat a very hard tongue lashing. I then lay on my back to introduce her to the excitement of Sixty Nine. This lasted only a little while and then I felt my cock getting excited so I told Jan to turn around and lay on my belly with her legs on either side of me.
Jan was laying on me with her little pussy lips spread wide, using my cock-head I started rubbing it around her little virgin hole and it went in about two inches, so I started pumping in and out, I managed to get it in all the way with only a few pumps, when I knew the time has come so I told the girls to get ready, I was still deep inside of Jan and she couldn't get her mouth to my throbbing member so Joy took the full load into her mouth, I think I filled her mouth with jizz, but when I stopped Cumming she opened wide looked at the camera tried to smile then swallowed.
Joy and Jan took turns licking and cleaning my cock, working hard at the head, when they finished I told them that they had earned their bonus tonight. How much tonight Sir? It is supposed to be five dollars for each girl, plus twenty five cents each for proof of cum. But tonight I will pay you six dollars each plus double the proof of cum. That's thirteen dollars tonight but don't expect to earn that much money every time. Is that ok with you? I can't believe I took the virginity of both pre-teen identical twins in the same night. Life is good!!!
Mr. Frank Sir. You showed us two more things tonight, are there any more things that you could teach us? Yes Jan! Many, many more things. If I show you only one thing every night, it will take one year to cover everything. Can we do intercourse again tonight Mr. Frank, Please? Well we can try. But if we do it again you have to work for free, because I don't have enough money to pay you for two proof of cum shots in one night. Will that be ok? (Fifty cents saved, is fifty cents earned) But you ladies have to get me hard again.
These girls had no idea how beautiful they were (the innocence of youth) or how much they turned me on. Ladies before we continue, I would like to get a picture of the three of us laying on the bed in a sexy pose, and I will keep it myself as a souvenir of our time tonight. Ok. I was still laying face-up on the bed so they came to lay beside me one on each side; each girl put one knee on my legs, and smiled very sweetly for the camera. The camera angle was such that when they raised their legs up on me it gave a beautiful view of twin pussies. Not to mention the view from the other cameras.
They went to work on my soft tool doing everything they knew how to get me up again, this time Jan would like a longer time with it inside of her, so I promised I would try. I laid Jan on her back so that I would have easy access to her.
When I was three quarter staff, lying on my side I started to rub my cock head through the slit of Jan and toying with her opening. I asked Joy, do you remember how I sucked on your titties last night? Yes Mr. Frank, while I am fucking Jan you could start sucking her titties. She will really like that, I'm sure.
My semi erect member was going into the hole of little Jan slowly but surely, Joy didn't think anything was wrong about sucking on the titties of her sister and I didn't see anything wrong either, I was pumping Jan's hole gently, with my finger busy playing with her clit and then I started kissing her again, with me and Joyce paying an oral tribute to her at the same time she was a busy little girl for awhile.
My pole was inching its way to heaven, with me pumping gently, I was at full staff now and ready for action. Joy would alternate between kissing me, then kissing her sister and sucking at her tits, Jan lay on her back; with her eyes closed and clutching the sheets, and she was trying to control her breathing. I picked up the tempo of fucking this young pre-teen cunt and was now thrusting full stroke, Joy was keeping herself busy kissing, licking and sucking on Jan's mouth and tits.
Her breathing was erratic now and her hips were moving convulsively, I was ready to come again, but I held on waiting for her, her inner pussy muscles were convulsing and she started to moan softly, when I knew that she was Cumming I just couldn't hold any longer, I pushed my pole into her little snatch as deep as I could and shot my load into this lovely little angels pussy. I collapsed and lay there on my side, while Jan just lay there with my still hard cock deep in her cunt. Joy didn't like to be left out so she crawled on top of us and we all three lay there cuddling and kissing each other until morning, with the cameras rolling of course...
When the eight weeks of my stay came to an end and I knew I had to leave I felt sad, the girls had more than earned enough money to pay their mothers debt. I told them that I have to go away on business for a little while, but I will return to see them again. I told them to tell their mother that they had found the money in a bag laying beside the road, and that they should tell no-one a single word about our picture taking sessions. It truly broke my heart, but I said goodbye and was gone.
The End
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