Published: 8-May-2012
Word Count:
You might call me a liar, and I guess you wouldn't be the first, but the story you are about to hear never happened, the videos that are safely hidden away from prying eyes, don't exist. The names have been changed to protect the guilty. Namely me.
Hello my name is Charles Saunders, Charlie to my friends. I'm a 63 year old man who is quite overweight. In case you want to know I weigh 307 pounds, sadly it is mostly fat. When I was in my early teens I was very shy around girls my own age, so I turned to little girls, seven and eight years old to satisfy my never ending lust for pussy. My desire for little girls has never left me all through my twenties, I married at twenty nine years old, and didn't touch any children for eleven years, I would go home and jerk off thinking about the little sweetie that I had just seen in the mall, but I just thought it wrong to stick your face in the crotch of a sweet little seven year old girl, and then go home to kiss your wife.
I am a card carrying member of T.P.S. of A. (The Pedophile Society of America).
Twenty three years ago my wife left me, and 14 days after the divorce, I won the State lottery $34,868,642.00 I now live and play in Asia. No one here knows that I am rich, I go to the very poor parts of the country, under an assumed name (living in Asia it's easy to get anything that you may need, fake identification included), I would rent a house, then find a live in house-keeper that has two or more beautiful young daughters, ranging in age between 7yo and 14yo. After eight weeks maximum I am gone in the middle of the night.
I knew that with the kind of money that I now had, I could easily find enough child prostitutes to keep me busy for the rest of my life. But there is no challenge in that. And I loved and wanted the game. I was sitting at home in Manila enjoying my luxury apartment, my housekeeper here was a middle aged woman, who had a remarkable knowledge about the geography and political climate of the country. I began working out my plans, and dreaming about how I could implement these plans. I hired an electronics expert, the best in his field. Whose job it was to buy the equipment, and teach me how to use the latest technology for secret surveillance cameras. All motion sensor activated, and wirelessly connected to a state of the art portable computer. Plus, I will needed three wireless hand held video cameras that could also be connected to the computer, and three tripods. I did the shopping for the other personal items myself.
I woke-up the next morning and said to myself, Charlie old boy, it's time to dance or leave the party. I got in a cab went to the bus station; and from there I went to the village of Tibiao, in Antique Province.
Julie Carumbana is a single mom, and my new neighbour, thank God. Julie is about 38 years old (but being Asian she looks only 30). She is a truly beautiful woman with an incredible body. She has three of the most delicious children that you ever will see. Christine is very shy, she stands four feet six inches and already she is developing a smouldering hot body, with her slightly dark Asian complexion and her small round face I predict she will become a beauty that will surpass her mother, (I can hardly wait to see how my cum will look splattered all over her tanned face), Christine will be fourteen in July. Mary Ellen, Ellen for short, just turned eleven two months ago, (beautiful, but very snooty, thinks she is better than everybody) and Sally is a beautiful little nine year old heartbreaker. (always happy and full of energy).
I had just rented the house that day, using the name George Tripp. I went to the market for some groceries, when I was returning to the house I saw smoke and lots of people. Julie's house was fully ablaze, the firefighters were working as hard as they could, but she and the children lost everything, the only thing they had left was the clothes they were wearing and each other. As I had not yet hired a live-in housekeeper I asked Julie if she would like the job, and she could come to stay at my house tonight while she thinks about it. She was so grateful to have someplace to go, and to get a job, so it was settled, Julie and her three kids came to work and live in the house with me.
Julie loves her kids and tries to look after them the best she can, but, she is so poor, and her husband had run away with another woman. She is the kind of person that you want to help them get a start in life, if you can.
I didn't sleep well that night thinking about the children, and making plans for their molestation. The next day Julie had many house related things to attend too, and she was not scheduled to start work until Monday, she asked if I could look after the children for two hours after school, she thought it might be a terrible imposition for me, and she was embarrassed to even ask, but please. I answered don't be silly, I'll be glad to look after them any time. Just ask. I had lots of personal shopping to do getting ready for my plan tonight. Sally would be my first volunteer, then Christine, Ellen and Julie will join in the fun later.
All day, I could hardly concentrate on what I was doing; my mind kept going over my plans for tonight. After my shopping was completed I rushed home to get things prepared.
At four o'clock the kids came home from school, they asked if it would be ok if they called me Uncle George. I told them I thought it would be a great idea. At five thirty Julie came home feeling very tired. I told her to sit and relax, I would make dinner tonight, she complained saying that she had to do her share, but I reminded her that's what neighbours are for.
Now I am no cook, but the takeout meals that I got earlier were in the microwave, Julie never even saw the containers. After warming the food I added quite a lot of the powder that I had gotten from a pharmacist friend of mine, everything was going good. About a half hour after eating, everyone was feeling very sleepy, I told them it was probably the stress from yesterday, and they should all get some rest. I checked in on them thirty minutes later to find they were all passed out in their own beds. My heart was beating like a jackhammer.
Christine, Sally and Ellen were sharing a room; Julie was in the guest room. I went to the computer room, turned it on, I then picked up my bag of goodies that I had bought earlier, and walked to the girl's room. They were passed out cold so I went to work quickly, setting up the three wireless video cams and hooking them to the video recorder on the computer, one camera at one thirty, one at four and one at eight o'clock. The girls were lying side by side on the bed, wearing only their night clothes, three beautiful pre-teen Asian angels.
At first I took a few still pictures and then relaxed, as I knew I could get as many still pictures as I wanted from my videos. So it was time for some fun. I started with nine year old Sally. Now Sally is a real charmer, sweet, playful and sexy as hell. Very slowly I started to unbutton the night shirt she was wearing, she was to young to have any swelling at the chest area, but I still took my time tugging at, and removing her shirt. Oh lord she is beautiful just lying there topless, you can just see the two little brown areola on her chest. So I leaned over her, and began sucking and licking her titties, each one in turn.
Well I really wanted to finish undressing her, but I thought that if she was so beautiful like that, why not have all three girls lying there topless. So I made it happen, with trembling fingers I pulled the t-shirt over the head of thirteen year old Christine. She was wearing a training bra, and the slight swelling at her chest was a promise of great things to come. The areola was a little browner, and I could make out the pea sized nipples on her chest. I also gave each lovely tittie a lick, nibble and suck.
Christine is very beautiful, and very shy. Ellen, what can I say about Ellen, she wasn't very friendly, she didn't like me (or any man for that matter), and I didn't care much for her. But she was a beauty to look at. I stripped her top off anyway, inspected her thoroughly. She has the tiniest hint of chest swelling, and delectable nipples. I gave each one a lick and suck. The beauty that I was beholding was more than I can express with words.
All of this had only taken only about thirty minutes, and I was quite sure that I would have all night to play and experiment with these three beautiful little girls before they woke up.
So far I had not molested any of the girls, (I guess that depends on your definition of molestation), but the temptation was becoming overwhelming. I just had to see more of them, and positioned just the way I wanted them to be. So I undid the clasp of Christine's jeans and pulled down the zipper. With a little pulling and rolling her back and forth I slipped her jeans down below her hips, being careful not to pull the panties down with the jeans. When her jeans were coming past the hips and her little mound was beginning to show, I noticed that I had stopped breathing and my heart was hammering again. So there she was, the girl I had fantasized about for two days, little Christine, laying on my spare bed almost naked with her equally beautiful sisters laying beside her, and three video cameras capturing every detail of these the greatest moments of my life.
But I can't neglect Sally and Ellen, and just leave them topless on the bed, that would be bad manners on my part. So I opened the buttons pulled down the zippers and pulled off their shorts to, also being sure to leave their panties on.
At this point, a touch of sanity came back, I remembered to check on their mother, I found Julie still passed out and oblivious to what was happening to her little angels only a few feet away in the next room. I rolled her on her Right side so her breathing was good.
Getting back to the girls room I stripped down to my skivvies, I just couldn't stand it any longer. I had to have a taste of these girls, but where to start. After about two seconds I thought why not let them have a taste of me first, so I pulled out my tally-whacker and moved over to Sally, I just knew that she would look like an angel with my pole in her mouth so I gently pulled down on her chin so her mouth was open and was about to let my pole slide into her mouth when I remembered that I hadn't even kissed these girls yet (and I love all forms of oral sex), so instead I got down on my knees and ever so gently kissed and used my tongue on all three girls mouths for as long as I could stand it.
I stood up, focusing the one o'clock camera on Sally, and the four o'clock camera on Christine for a close-up of their faces. The eight o'clock camera was focused for a complete shot of everything going on. I stooped lower, so my pecker could reach Sally's mouth then I let it lay on her lips for a minute rubbing gently, when I opened Sally's mouth I slowly let my soft pecker enter all the way to the back of her throat, I let go of her chin and watched as Sally's lips slowly closed on my soft cock. Her mouth was so small that it closed around me very nicely. What a beautiful picture I have as a remembrance of this moment.
Gently I started a slow rhythmic motion with my hips, and watched my peter slowly going in and out of this little girl's mouth. Right then and there I realized that I had to pee like a race horse. I was enjoying this time with Sally, and I don't like Ellen anyway so I slipped my tool into Ellen's mouth and urinated there, going slow so that she could drink it all. Her mouth was full of piss for a little while, but everything went down her throat and we didn't spill a drop. Thanks Ellen. Now that's a relief, time to get my tool back into Sally's mouth, my pecker was getting harder now so I had to change Sally's position. I rolled her on her side facing me, I put my pecker against her face again and rubbed the head against her lips gently, and I'll be damned, she opened her lips involuntarily and let me in. Well I must tell you from personal experience, there is no feeling as good as having your cock deep in the mouth of a beautiful nine year old round faced Asian angel, when you are pumping gently.
I fucked Sally's face a few minutes then switched over to Christine, when I opened Christine's mouth she was dreaming about something and kept wetting her lips with her tongue. I slipped my pride between her teeth; she subconsciously took my rod deep into her mouth and started sucking it into her throat. I thought I was dying and on my way to heaven, because this Angel had a very educated mouth, even if she didn't know it.
Christine subconsciously gave my tool a very warm welcome, almost every time I stroked in or out she would re-adjust her mouth and lips to accommodate my stroke. I had a lovely measured stroke going into her mouth, so I reached over to cup her mound through her panties and started sliding the full length of my finger up and down deep in her sweet slit.
I promise, I lasted as long as I could. I wanted this feeling to last forever, but before I even knew what was happening, I started throbbing so I quickly switched back and dropped my load into the mouth of hateful Ellen, and I guess it was only reflex action, but Ellen swallowed every drop that I gave her. A few drops of cum dribbled out onto her lips, but being a good girl she swallowed then I gently began a slow face fuck and left my cock there until it went soft and fell out, and I swear she never stopped sucking on it just like a baby sucking on a bottle.
Christine was still lying on her back beside Sally, wearing only her panties, and they both were still lying side by side. So I now have a problem, I just finished shooting my load down hateful Ellen's throat, and I won't be able to get it up again for a little while, so what to do now? I know!!! (Remember I told you that I really enjoy oral sex). Well I took Christine's leg and pulling it over top of Sally's tummy I spread Christine open for an oral examination. I don't like to just tear off the panties and go at it, I like to start slowly and work my way into paradise.
Ever so gently I started at this beauty's face and using my tongue I washed every inch of her face and neck paying a lot of attention to the mouth, licking and sucking at her lips. Then I slowly started heading south. This girl has the best tasting body I have ever tasted, these titties are heaven to nibble, lick and suck on. The nipples are small but they really started to stand after I gave them my full attention. Going further south was creating a new dream come true, I very easily took hold of her behind the knees, lifting and rolling her foreword with her knees wide apart, still wearing her panties (just to be modest), she was in a lovely position for a good tongue lashing, and I am just the right guy to give it to her.
I started with the left bum cheek, and started licking toward the right bum cheek trying to explore everything in between. I left the panties on for a reason; I think it is more erotic eating pre-teen pussy when the panties are still on, so that you can do the work of getting them soaked with your tongue and her cum. I pushed my tongue into her slit as hard as I could on the outside of her panties, and burying my face in her twelve and a half year old crotch I started licking like a madman, licking nibbling and sucking on that little mound for as long as my poor tongue lasted. Christine was still on her back and still out cold, but she was breathing very hard and her pelvis was moving up, down and sideways all at the same time.
I couldn't stand it anymore my hotrod was ready for action again and I had to get relief somehow, so I moved the girls around a little so that I could lay on my side and face-fuck that sweet little angel Sally one more time while I was still chewing and sucking on Christine's heavenly twat. That was just about heaven, only one thing was missing. So I got my index finger very wet with my spit and Christine's pussy juice and started slowly working it into Christine's sweet little pucker hole after moving her panties aside. It took several tries and a lot of lubrication but I finally got my first knuckle inserted and then just started working it in and out a little more each time as I kept on chewing at her pussy.
Well this little girl's pelvis was moving in almost every direction at the same time, and I had a hard time to keep my mouth busy at her pussy and plus get my finger in her ass hole, all this while still face-fucking little Sally. (God she had a tight lock on my cock with her sweet lips). But somehow I managed, I got my right index finger right in to the hilt up Christine's tight little ass, and was sliding it in and out quite easily now.
She was breathing very hard now and moving wildly at my face then she came in my mouth, I was also breathing hard when I shoved my prick deep into the back of Sally's mouth and shot my load down the throat of a nine year old Angel that night. I don't know why but Sally swallowed my load like she has been doing it for years, I allowed Ellen to wash the love juice from my dingdong simply by shoving the still hard organ into her mouth pumping a little and leaving it there until it was soft and clean from her saliva.
It was getting late so I re-dressed the girls, but I left Christine's soaking wet panties still on her. Then I took down the camera equipment. I went to the computer and checked that everything had been recorded, and it was, all in High Definition, I checked on Julie, to check her pulse and make sure she was breathing properly, she was ok so I went to bed for some much needed rest. Tomorrow was Saturday, no school for the kids, and time to rest up for tomorrow night as it would be another long night.
The next morning was Saturday, the day of rest and relaxation. When the girls woke up Christine was walking a little differently, and had a little smile that she could not hide, she told her mother that she had a really nice dream last night, and was trying to remember the details. Ellen was saying that her mouth tasted a little salty. Sally was beautiful, and I just could not stop smiling. Julie asked if I had a secret, so I told her the truth that I was just so happy that they were all staying with me.
After breakfast I convinced Julie that we should take the kids to the water park for some fun and relaxation, so they could relieve some of the stress of losing their home to the fire. Julie thought it was a great idea but unfortunately she had some affairs that needed tending to. But it would be ok if I wanted to take the kids. So off we went, I bought the kids all new bathing suits and new towels. We stopped to eat, and all had some ice cream.
When we arrived home I asked if anyone was ticklish, they all said they were but sweet, shy, Christine did not like to admit it. So innocently I asked if they would like to play a game of truth or tickle. They all started to giggle, so I thought that meant yes. I won't go into the details of the game except to say that when it was time for me to tickle someone, my intentions were less than innocent.
The rest of the day went by fairly quick, regular chores and cleanup, meals and bath time. (Oh yeah I forgot to tell you about the hidden cameras in the guest rooms and bathroom, all HD of course). After bath time we all gathered in the living room for some Kool-Aid and sleeping powder laced cookies.
Night two of the fun was just beginning. After everyone was asleep I went to get the computer and cameras setup, and it was then I noticed my hands were shaking. It was time for Ellen to give, and get some action. I started by slowly removing Ellen's clothing, when she was naked I examined every minute detail of her beautiful little body. The whole family was there in the living room. Julie and Sally on the couch, Christine and Ellen had passed out on the floor. Up until this time I had not even touched Julie in any way since she had come to stay with me.
Remember I told you earlier that she is a very beautiful woman with a great figure even after having three children. But to tell the truth she did not excite me near as much as the little girl sitting beside her. But there she was just laying on her back on my couch, so I undid my fly, pulling out my soft pecker and just like that I slid it into her mouth, the camera was having a close-up of Julie, I held her chin with my right hand opening her mouth as wide as I could, skootching lower I put my pecker into her mouth, then let her lips close slowly over my family pride.
What a great picture this was going to be, Julie Carumbana, laying on the couch with my cock in her mouth, while her mouth was full her tongue just naturally kept moving inside her mouth trying to find a place to rest, but meanwhile creating lots of spit inside her mouth which she just kept swallowing.
The camera angle looked like Sally was sitting there watching her mother give me a great blowjob. Then I laid sally down so that she had her nose buried in her mother's slit. I started to pump my organ into Julie's mouth slowly then reaching over and spreading Sally's legs wide I started rubbing her little pussy through her clothes. The pumping tempo picked up and just before I was ready to explode I quickly lay down next to Ellen, opened her mouth and pumped my load into her mouth and throat. It must be a family tradition because she swallowed the whole load as good as Sally had. Then I got up letting my cock go soft while resting back in Julie's mouth, while her saliva was washing my cock, she just kept swallowing the spit and drops of cum.
Ever since they had come to stay, I had a lot of fun with everyone, but I still have not seen all the girls naked. I guess now was the right time, so I proceeded to strip Sally naked, not really paying attention to her pussy very much. Then it was Christine's turn and I wanted this to be special so I took my time disrobing Christine, when I got her down to only her panties, I was hesitant to remove them because I knew that from this family there would be no more presents to unwrap. But it has to happen sooner or later, so here goes. Well I must say that I did save the best for last. This young teen beauty turned out to be much more than even my perverted imagination could dream of. I'm not good with words and that is why I have the video cameras working overtime, but this little angel almost made me cry she looked so beautiful laying there on the floor fully nude, her pussy was just starting to have a little fuzz and I just had to have a taste before I went any further.
But the floor was not good for what I had in mind, so I picked her up very easily because she was so light, and carried her to the kitchen table. I laid her there with her legs hanging over the edge, her bare pussy pointed at my favourite chair. Then I also brought Sally and laid her beside Christine. The cameras had to be repositioned to get the best angle and then I sat down to have perhaps the best meal I would ever have imagined, nine and thirteen year old pussies.
Where to start? But wait a minute, I almost forgot about poor Ellen laying there naked on the floor, so I went back and brought her into the kitchen too. I secured a mouth clamp on her, and placed her sitting up under the table so that while I was busy eating my gourmet meal of fresh young pussy, all I had to do was spread my legs and then using a strap I secured Ellen's head tightly into my crotch with my cock in her mouth. Now this is what I call a family affair. Everyone is busy except Julie. But at the moment I can't think of anything that she could do for me.
With the cameras rolling I decided to start with Sally, and it was a simple matter to put my hands under her knees and lift and push out and up to her chest, and that is what I did. It opened up the freshest most beautiful 9yo slit, so that it was right in front of my face. I just bent my head foreword two inches from Heaven, smiled at the camera and buried my nose into her lovely little slit. I took a very deep breath in through my nose and then stuck out my tongue for a taste test. Her 9yo freshly washed pussy was the best thing that I have ever tasted in my lifetime. So I started at her little poop hole, and began to thoroughly lick and clean her pussy doing the best job that I possibly could using only my tongue and lips. I began working from her shit hole up to the tiny clit and back through that beautiful slit to her shitter again. I spent a little extra time licking her pooper to get it well lubricated, and then I wet my index finger and started slowly working it into her ass hole a little at a time while I moved back to her pussy and started attacking her tiny clit with my tongue again.
Her little ass hole was very tight, and I had to work quite a lot to get my finger started in. But still working hard at her clit with an occasional lick or two at her hole I managed to get the first knuckle in, I just started pumping slowly with my finger while licking like crazy at her clit and slit. After a few minutes her ass hole was loose enough to put in my whole finger. Then I just started finger fucking this little girl up her ass while still paying close oral attention to her lovely slit.
Ellen was doing a great job of keeping my rod lubricated while trying to find a place to put her tongue, my cock was rock hard now and filled her mouth to capacity. Now, my cock is not as big as it used to be, but I can still produce about six inches of hard steel and that six inches was pushing hard at the back of Ellen's throat, the poor little girl was gagging quite hard, and it was getting quite uncomfortable for my tool as well, so I loosened the strap holding her head to my crotch.
Sally was still out cold and waiting patiently for me to continue what I was doing before, or at least I like to believe that she wanted me to continue. So continue I did, I again put my lips to that sweet clit and started licking and sucking as hard as I could. This time I had very little trouble putting my finger up to the hilt in her ass, and that's what kept me busy for the next few minutes, finger fucking this sweet tasting ass, and chewing hard on Sally's mound and clit.
After about five minutes I noticed that my cock was now going part way down Ellen's throat, I had to be very careful as she could not breath with my cock in her throat so I had to pull out of her throat every few seconds. I lasted as long as I could under these circumstances. After about thirty five minutes my hips jerked and my cock buried itself deep into Ellen's mouth, I started spewing hot lava down her throat before I could stop myself. But god that felt so good.
I allowed Sally to again wash my cock and balls in her mouth. I'm not sure why but I just loved to put my cargo into her sweet mouth and leave it there as long as I could. I also must remember to thank Ellen for being so patient with me.
Christine was still waiting for her turn, and who am I that I could refuse such an offer. But first I took Ellen back to her mother who was still passed out on the couch face up. I placed Ellen face down on her mother's belly, with her twat in her mother's mouth and one leg on either side of her head, I put a strap tightly around her head and Ellen's thighs, to keep her pussy tightly mated to her mother's mouth. Ellen's cheek was resting on her mother's mound. I left one camera there with them.
Christine my sweetheart, be patient I'm coming. Well there she lay on my kitchen table completely nude and ready to satisfy my every desire. But first I thought that Sally might like to have her sister's old job, I inserted a medium size butt plug into her bum, and you never know when you might like to try some ass. But when my still soft cock touched her sleeping lips I could not believe, but her lips just naturally parted and my cock fell into her lovely 9yo mouth.
Christine was just lying there sound asleep, her knees were up with her feet on the table and legs spread very wide apart. Her pussy was looking directly at me begging to be stroked, so I did, up and down with only one wet finger. With my left hand index finger I started stroking her little butt hole. Gently to begin with and then I managed to insert the first knuckle into her ass, and just started to wiggle it around some. She soon began to loosen up and I could slip in my whole finger up to the hand, and then I began to finger fuck the sweetest ass this side of paradise. But that sweet little pussy was still begging for a lot of oral action. So I got down to business with her twat!
Bending over the table I started licking and kissing her down covered clit, while holding her pussy lips apart with my other hand, I slowly began licking the top, bottom and both sides of her teen cunt. I soon discovered a small opening, and renewing my dedication to her pussy, I went to work on the opening of this tunnel of love that I had just found, and like I have told you before I am blessed with a long tongue, so I stuck it into her tunnel as far as I could then pulled it out, I tongue fucked her opening for a few minutes, and then began licking hard at the opening while my finger was stroking her clit. Christine's pussy tasted like gourmet food would taste like in a five star restaurant. I am sure.
I worked hard at what I was doing to Christine's pussy for about fifteen minutes and my tongue was getting tired so I stopped work for a few minutes to go check on Julie and Ellen. They were just as I left them. Too bad she is asleep. But what a great video this would make.
I have been thinking about Christine, she is thirteen, her hips are starting to widen nicely. I wonder if she is still a virgin, only one way I know of to find out. I again straddled Sally and dropped my cock into her wet little mouth; I started pumping my dick back and forth down into her throat. I don't know, but I suspect that when they are asleep the throat muscles just relax. Because I had no problem, it was nice and tight, but really felt good...
Then I went back to work on Christine. I started by using my right hand index finger on her slit, working it top to bottom in the slit, and my left finger was back in her bum again going in and out with no resistance, so I added another finger and sure enough I had very little problem using two fingers in her ass, just sliding in and out like it was normal.
My finger working in her slit decided to try exploring the cave it had found, so gently, with lots of lubrication already in her pussy my finger started in. She moaned in her sleep, and rolled her head to the side, but my finger slowly went all the way in with no hymen to stop it. So I started finger fucking Christine one finger in her sweet pussy and two in her sweet ass, and all three fingers pumping as fast as I can. I could barely reach it, but I had to get my tongue back into this pussy, and onto her clit.
Christine began breathing hard, she rolled her head again, her pussy tightened nicely around my finger, she moaned, and then she started to cum on my finger my hand, and my mouth. Her pelvis was jumping and moving with abandon, the camera was doing a close-up, and I shot another load of protein down the throat of nine year old Sally Carumbana.
I thought that Julie might like to clean my tool this time, so I went to the living room couch and untied the belt holding Ellen's pussy onto Julies mouth, while my cock was still hard I put a cushion under the neck of Julie, and slid my cock fully into her mouth and began to face-fucked her for a couple of minutes before I went soft, then I pulled my cock out of Julies mouth and put it into Ellen's mouth to let her wash it with her tongue.
It is now eleven thirty five PM, after removing the butt plug from Sally, it was time to dress everyone again and put them all to bed. Now I had some work to do on the computer, I started reviewing some of the video that I had taken, and after selecting, and making about fifteen still photos, all with just the right angle to clearly show the various action, my face could be seen in some, but the face of the girl was always turned so that you could not tell who it was. I printed off all fifteen High Definition 8 x 10 pictures and put them in a photo album. Somehow if I can get Christine alone in the house tomorrow, I would accidentally leave the album where she will find it.
It is now Sunday morning, and everyone is wondering why they woke-up in their own beds when they don't remember going to bed, but they all said they feel well rested. Although now everyone, was talking about the slight salt taste in their mouth. I suggested that a good breakfast of eggs, toast and juice would make everyone happy.
Julie wanted to go to Church this morning, so her and the children got dressed, and ready to go. At the last second Christine remembered she had an important exam tomorrow, and asked if she could stay home and do some last minute studying. She asked her mom if it would be ok, and much to my delight Julie said yes. So there I was, I would only have about two hours before they came home again, but I knew exactly where to put the album so she would find it quickly.
Find it she did, but she only peeked inside, and blushing very hard she hid the album, and started studying.
I don't know when she had the time to look, but I know that she did, and she had no idea that it was her and Sally in the pictures, I left out any pictures of Ellen as I did not want to worry her. I could see that she was now looking at me with a surprised look on her face.
As tomorrow was a school day I let the children have a night off. (I really needed a night off too). After Christine and Sally went to bed I went to the computer room and checked in on them via the hidden cam in their room. After sally was sleeping Christine got out the album again and started looking hard at the pictures, I could not see which ones she was most interested in, but I could see that she was trying to figure out the position of the girls in some of them.
I knew that she could not come to me, and ask about the pictures. But I knew that she was almost bursting with questions about them. As it turned out I had given them three days to rest up, and on the third day I saw Christine alone at the back yard swing sort of dreaming, so I casually asked if she had seen my very secret photo album. She asked me "what pictures are inside". I told her that it was a super secret album, and if she had seen the pictures inside she would know why it was a secret.
You have to love the innocence of children, she told me that she had looked at the pictures in the album, and had hidden it so no-one else would see it. Because she was afraid that I might get into trouble if someone else saw it. So I innocently asked if she liked any of the pictures. She asked if that was really me in the pictures, and I told her it was. Then she asked who the girls where, and did she know these girls. I told her that she does not know them, but if she has any questions about the pictures she could ask me anytime.
Christine then asked if she should keep it secret from everyone, and I told her that if she told anyone about these pictures, I would go to jail, and that she and her whole family would have no house to live in, because if I went to jail they would sell my house.
Christine then looked at me with those beautiful brown eyes and told me that she would never tell anyone about the album, no matter what. Then she asked me how I took the pictures if I am in the picture. So I explained how a tripod works, and she said, do you like taking pictures? Yes very much! I mean pictures of little girls? Still my answer is yes. Then she asked, do the girls have to be naked? I answered that they don't have to take off their clothes, but it is more fun sometimes if they want to. What about when you are doing those things with the girls, does it hurt them? No never! I only do those things if the girl likes to try and see for herself if it is fun. If she tells me that she does not like what I am doing I will stop immediately.
I could tell that I had her, and that she was willing to try anything, if I approach her the right way. She is so shy, but she looked up at me again with those beautiful eyes and said, Uncle George, could you take some pictures of me? Am I pretty enough? Or am I too young? Am I too small?
In my excitement I almost chocked on the words, but I assured her that she would be perfect in every way to be my model. Then she asked me, Uncle George, do I have to get naked too? When could we start taking pictures? Can we do them now?
Then I told her that we would have to be very careful, because if Sally or Ellen, or her mother ever finds out we will both go to jail. I told her that I can't say exactly when, but if she will come out to the swing again tonight after eating, I will tell her then. Maybe we could start tonight after every one goes to sleep.
I think that tonight Christine Carumbana will start her training, and learn exactly how to please me. My prick is twitching just thinking about it.
We finished eating about seven thirty, and almost immediately Christine went out to the swing. I waited for about forty minutes; just to see how really interested she was about this idea. When I came out she was bubbling with excitement, (and so was I). Uncle George! When can we start? I couldn't wait any longer, so I told her that after everyone had gone to sleep, we could start. I also told her that she should bring the white mini skirt that I saw her wearing two days ago, and one pair of short pants.
We can go to my computer room, and take the pictures there, I can't wait, she said. At ten fifteen I went to her room to get her, I knew that she was wide awake because I had been watching her on the computer. I knew that she had been looking at the album again, and that she slipped it into the clothes she had brought with her. I also knew that everyone else had already passed out because of the powder. I did not give any powder to Christine; because I wanted her wide awake for this session.
When she came into my computer room, I told her that we don't want anyone to catch us so we would have to be very quiet. I already had two cameras set up; when she saw the cameras she was so surprised and said, I thought we were going to take pictures. So I then explained that it was better that we have videos because then we would have thousands of really good pictures to choose from. I told her how I could take a real picture from the video, but if she doesn't like the videos then we don't have to take the pictures, and we could just go to sleep.
Her lower lip began quivering and I thought she was going to cry. Uncle George Please, I really want you to take my pictures, the video cameras are ok if you say so. So I asked her if she wanted to get started right now, and she smiled one of the sweetest smiles that I have ever seen and said oh yes please. But Uncle George I don't know what to do. Can you teach me?
Well Christine I think we should start with you wearing your mini skirt. But where should I change? I told her that it would be dangerous if she went out into the bathroom to change, but if she would trust me she can change in here and I won't look at her. That was ok with her so she took off her jeans and put on the white mini while looking at me, to see if I was peeking. Everything was ok for her because she saw that I was looking at the computer screen, and not her.
I asked her what kind of pictures would she like to have taken, and she said I don't know. So I asked do you want to keep wearing clothes all of the time, or take some off later, or take all of the clothes off, and take pictures while we are taking off our clothes. She thought that it would be to embarrassing to take off her clothes like the girl in the photos, so I asked if she would like to do play acting, and I would take off your clothes while you were pretending to be asleep. Oh Uncle George that sounds like fun.
Christine, did you remember to bring the photo album with you. Blushing she answered yes. Well did you see anything in the pictures that those other girls did, and you would like to try too? Oh yes she answered, I want to try everything the other girls did. If you think that is ok.
Well first I would like to just take some video of you dressed like that; maybe you could just slowly turn around while standing in front of the cameras. Then you can come over here sit on my lap, and make believe that you are falling asleep while I hold you.
So here we are, little Christine, and me, Uncle "George". She walked over to the cameras, then very slowly started turning and modeling her clothes, while I am sitting in my chair and trying very hard to not start stroking my cock. This beautiful young lady was doing a very good job of modeling, and she made three more slow turns before slowly walking over to my chair, she climbed up on my lap, curled up like a little girl and went to sleep. Of course I had to re-position the cameras when she started walking to me, so I could have me in my chair, and her little back field in motion walking to me. This girl is a natural actress.
We had already talked about what I was allowed to do while she was "sleeping" in my arms. Christine's heart was going ninety miles an hour, and so was mine. While she was "asleep" in my arms, I gently kissed the top of her head, and put my free hand on her upper thigh under her skirt to hold her from falling off, and then I raised her chin and kissed her on the lips, with as much passion as I knew how. She was breathing hard, but still "sleeping".
I raised her up so that I could put one leg on either side of my body, and Christine was now straddling my slightly growing package. Her mini was hiked up to her groin, I had one camera doing a full profile, and the other was in back of me looking over my shoulder directly at Christine's beautiful face and body.
With trembling hands I cupped her face and kissed her on the lips again, this time parting her lips with my tongue, and shoving my tongue into her mouth as far as I could, I washed her mouth and lips with my tongue. Then I began kissing and using tongue in her mouth for about ten minutes.
My both hands were around her back so that she would not fall backward. Then I held her with one hand, and started unbuttoning her blouse with the other. I started at the bottom button so that when I reached the button between her titties I just left it closed, and that way she looked more erotic. I pulled the blouse up and out of the mini skirt. Then I kissed her again.
Christine was enjoying this, I could tell by her heart rate and her breathing. So I put my both hands under her shirt at the back, and started rubbing and gently massaging her back and sides. Her mini was getting uncomfortable for her and me, so I laid her on the desk and removed it. What beautiful legs she had, for a thirteen year old.
I took off my trousers, and still wearing my shorts, I picked her up again and put her on my lap the same as before. Only there was no skirt or pants to get in the way of some serious massage/molesting.
I looked at Christine's face, she had a faraway look, her breathing was getting erratic so I kissed and tongued her some more. She was straddling my crotch, with nothing between her sweet cunny and my swollen package but a pair of thin panties and my shorts. I then removed my shorts trying not to disturb her position very much. I know she was awake, but she was playing the role of a sleeping princess, perfectly. I whispered in her ear that I was going to show her the video so she could see all the things that she was missing by being "asleep". She answered with a sigh.
I did not know how much more of this I could take, but I had to last until she was naked, so she could cum first. I unbuttoned the last button and just let the blouse hang open, not yet showing her nipples. I started kissing her passionately again, and slipped her blouse off her arms and onto the floor. This was Christine's cue to wake up and look really surprised. She would try to struggle a little, and I would be kissing and fondling her everywhere, and then she would shrug her shoulders and just accept what was happening.
It all worked perfectly, just like it was planned; I even thought it was real struggling for a few seconds. The only problem was that during the struggle, with all of that wiggling, Christine was still straddling my crotch, and her panty clad pussy was pushing down hard against my bare rod, and it was pushing her panties up tightly into her slit.
Christine was naked except for her panties, and I was naked with only my tee-shirt and my socks on. I continued to kiss and cuddle this angel in my arms "now that she was awake", and she was responding very nicely to my touch. I stood her up and slowly removed her panties, then she put her hands behind her head again and I put my hands on her hips and slowly turned her around twice for the cameras.
After turning her, I again asked this angel to straddle my legs, and sit on my groin. That sweet cunny of hers was pushing up tightly against my rock hard pecker, and it fit into her sweet slit like it was custom made to do so. Then I went to work on that extremely sexy little body. Licking, kissing and nibbling on every part of her upper body that I could reach without lifting her off of my rod. She was biting her lips, breathing erratically and squirming that lovely pussy all over my aching cock. But I had to hold on, somehow.
I was bent over licking and sucking on those pea sized nipples, when she started having her first spasm, then her head started rolling back and forth, and her eyes closed. Her slit was sliding back and forth on my cock, and I held and kissed her. Her orgasm lasted about one minute, and she was laughing and crying, and her pussy never stopped pleasing my tool, the cameras were recording every detail for later, that's when I fell in love with thirteen year old Christine Carumbana.
After about five minutes of holding and kissing Christine, while she still sat with the full length of my erect member being swallowed by her lovely slit, she looked up at me with those beautiful eyes and asked. Uncle George, did I just have my first orgasm?
Yes sweetie, did you like it? Oh yes I loved it very much. Uncle George, will you help me do it again tonight? I assured her that I would try very hard to please her again. Then she noticed that my erection was still buried deep into the full length of her slit. She was surprised that it was there, and was not quite sure when or how it got there. So being the bright and caring person that she is, she asked if that was a part of me, and did it hurt? And should she move?
So I explained that it was a part of my sex, and that when she was sitting there and sliding back and forth like she did before, it really felt good, and that is only one of the ways that a girl can help to give a man an orgasm.
Then the flood gates opened and she wanted to know everything about sex and making love. So I told her that she could not learn everything at one time, but if she will continue sliding her pussy back and forth on my pecker, I will try to explain some things, and then we could try some new things every time we could get together like this. That is if she still liked to do this again.
There we sat for about one hour, with her sliding her sweet and wet little slit back and forth over my aching tool. (she was still wet because her slit never dried after she came, and every time she slid back on my tool the head was rubbing her clit), Christine came twice more while sitting there and I was busy talking, kissing and probing, every inch of her body. I slid my hand and finger into her butt crack, and my finger played with the entrance to her bum hole rubbing and tickling for about five minutes. If she noticed that she was being molested, she did not seem to mind, and neither did I.
Then we came to the part where the man can cum too, if the girl will help him. Then she said! What about the girls in the album? Are they helping you to cum? Yes they are, in almost every picture, by the way Christine; you never told me if you would like to try to do the same things as either of the girl in the pictures!
She looked at me very shyly, and said that she would like to start with the first picture and do that, if I wanted to, she liked it to. But she wanted to play the role of both of the girls, and do whatever either one was doing. I did not remember which picture was first, so I asked if we could look at the album. The first picture was a close-up picture of me, inserting my soft tool into the mouth of nine year old Sally, but you could not see her face clearly because of the camera angle. Christine had no idea that it was her sister in the photo.
She wanted to try this because she could see the very happy look on my face. So I reluctantly allowed Christine's pussy to release my cock from its warn and inviting slit, then I laid her on the floor, explaining to her that we could not go lay on a bed for this picture because someone might wake up, so we had to do this picture on the floor. I turned the camera so that we could have a close-up of Christine's face in clear focus at profile, and the other camera was showing her and me, full body. Then I had her lay down on me, and place her knees on both sides of my head in a sixty nine position I asked her to slowly lower her lips onto my pole, and let it slide into her mouth while holding her lips tight around the shaft. She said! But Uncle George, in the picture your thing was not big like now, and I told her that we had to do it this way this time, but next time it will be soft.
Christine lowered her mouth down to the point that my pole touched her lips and she giggled, but she opened wide, and lowered her mouth onto my cock about five inches. Christine closed her lips around my pole and was looking directly at the camera while trying to smile. She wrapped her arms around my waist and held on tight. I started a slow rhythmic mouth fuck of this pre-teen beauty, and she was holding on tight with her mouth and lips. I raised my head and started to give that little slit that had tortured my cock for so long, a good, long, and hard, tongue lashing.
Being in a sixty nine position, and now having both hands free I could spread her pussy lips apart and really go to work on her clit, and go deep down into her slit working from her bum hole back to the clit and back to the bum again, I just kept going back and forth, I thank my mother for giving me a long and hard tongue, and still up and down went her head with my pole in that delicious mouth.
This went on for a long while, and then I could feel Christine go tense, and her breathing was ragged again, that is when I reached around to put my finger into her sweet pucker hole. I pushed gently, and it went in to the first knuckle very easily so I kept pushing until my finger was buried up her ass. I then started pumping my finger in and out quite fast as she was well lubricated. I also pushed my mouth onto her mound as hard as I could, and while she was Cumming all over my mouth and tongue, I was finger fucking her pooper, then I shoved my cock as deep into her mouth and throat as I could and spurted molten lava up into her throat and mouth, she was trying the best that she could to swallow, but she was still in the aftershock of her own orgasm, and I was not letting up on her little pussy, I kept licking, sucking and stroking her slit, and clit, while still pumping her ass with my finger.
She was choking on my cum a little, and I noticed that some had run out the corners of her mouth, and on to her lips, but I did not care I kept going, chewing on her exquisite tasting little twat, and pumping her ass, then she stiffened up like a board, her breathing stopped for a second, and she began squirting cum all over my mouth and face and just kept Cumming over and over again, her little body jerking continuously, while her arms were holding onto my waist, and my joint still balls deep into her mouth and throat. But she never let go.
Her aftershocks were subsiding and I left my pole in her mouth gently pumping for another five minutes until my own after-shocks died, I still had my finger pumping gently deep into her sweet ass. I don't know if she did not realize what I was doing at her back door, or she was so eager to please me that she just did not want to say anything. Still I left my pole in her mouth gently pumping until my cock went soft, then I pulled out and let her use her tongue to wash the cum from the shaft, I noticed the few drops of cum still on her face, using my cock head I wiped the cum from her face, and put my cock back into her mouth for another cleaning.
Well! What do you think Christine? Did you enjoy that? Or did you get scared? It is getting very late, but if you are not too tired we can try something else tonight. She took her mouth away from sucking on my cock head long enough to reply, Uncle George, I was not scared, and I am not tired yet, please can we do something else...
Well honestly now, how could I say no to this gorgeous 13yo that had just finished giving much more pleasure than one man could stand, and still live through it. To be honest I had not planned for it to go this well on our first wide awake try. But there she was with those beautiful eyes looking at me and pleading. I said, Christine! A man can't go again as quick as a girl can, it takes about ? hour before my tool can stand again, the only to make it work faster is if a girl is sucking on it. What do you mean, sucking on it? Christine asked, so I explained the time honoured technique of giving a world class blow job.
Uncle George, can I try what you just explained with your thing? I think that first you have to come and sit on my lap again, just like the first time. Considering that we were still naked, she climbed on my lap again, and immediately my soft tool found its way into her slit again. Like a very good little girl she started to move her pussy back and forth on my little pole, as it was still lubricated from her own cum juice.
Meanwhile I reached around for her bum hole again, after I had one knuckle inside, I looked her in the eyes and asked, do you mind if I do that to your bum, I mean with my finger. Her eyes got bigger and she said, Uncle George! I really like it, but I was afraid to ask you to do it again because I thought that you don't like it, and you are only doing it to make me happy. Well I shoved it in her hole up to the hilt, and started pumping. I kissed her again and tongued her mouth and lips.
It just felt so natural to be sitting there with a naked 13yo on my lap, my pole being caressed by her warm slit. It felt so good to kiss, cuddle and caress this beautiful little girl, and have my finger up inside of her ass. I put a second finger beside the first; she just took a deep breath, and continued sliding.
My pole was starting to respond to the attention of her pussy, I was about half staff when she slid back, on the foreword slide my cock head decided to go explore her tunnel of love. I was busy kissing and nibbling at her neck, with two fingers still working in her ass I don't think she even noticed the change, so I just kept doing the same things. She had her eyes closed and was starting to pick up the pace of her sliding because my pole was rubbing her clit with every slide ahead.
My pole was still at the front door to heaven, and she was still rocking with my fingers deep in her butt when my cock head entered, and with only half staff, three more slides and I was half way home. Then I realized that I was not breathing. She was in her own world right then, because she kept on sliding and moving around, thirty seconds later my half hard cock was buried up to the bag inside of heaven, but it was growing. I moved my fingers in her ass faster as I heard her breath quicken, she was now squirming on my growing cock, and I was trying everything I could think of to last until she climaxed
Thirteen year old Christine's eyes were shut tight; she was nude sitting on my lap, with my l( hard pole buried in her snatch up to the bag, and I had fingers working hard pumping her ass. She was rocking, and sliding on my pole very hard now as her orgasm was building, I think this one will be the most powerful yet. She is making low moans down in her throat, and my cock can't stand it because I am now at full staff inside this angel. She is pumping for all she is worth, and I am holding her tight to me, with her bare titties now rubbing my chest with every move she makes.
I felt her pussy muscles start convulsing, tightening even more on my rock hard cock, her breath was coming fast now, and she was almost dancing on my pole, then she moaned long and hard, her body tightened, she started gasping and shuddering. This little girl was Cumming like a freight train, and my pole was being drowned by the pussy juice of a thirteen year old angel. But I held myself from doing the same thing.
She was so weak, I kissed her lips and held her tight until she stopped Cumming, I have not seen many adult women cum as hard as she did. I left my rock hard pole deep in her pussy while her aftershocks were subsiding. After a few minutes she was able to speak, her first words were to ask if I came with her. I told her no, but that I have a surprise for her.
Christine was excited to know what the surprise was, but I told her to wait a few more minutes. At that time she was still unaware that my cock was buried deep in her love hole. I told her to stay very still and don't move around. So after three minutes of not moving except when her pussy muscles were quivering, I asked her to slide back and forth on my cock again. She could not believe that my cock was deep in her pussy.
She was worried that I did not cum, so I told her that I tried not to cum so that I could show her that my cock will fit in her pussy. But Uncle George you have to cum to so that we will be even. How can I help you cum?
I asked if it hurt her to have me inside of her and she said no. It feels very nice, I told her that I would lay on my back, and if she would stay on top of me with my pole still in her, that way she could slide up and down on my cock for a few minutes to get me ready, and then when I said so she would get off my cock, and quickly put as much of it into her mouth as she could, so that I could cum in her mouth and down her throat again. She loved the idea and was very excited to be able to help get me off.
Christine rode my throbbing tool for about ten minutes, with one hand caressing her titties, and my thumb rubbing her clitoris, when I was about to explode she quickly jumped up, turned, and started the 13yo version of deep throating me. I think I pumped a pint of jizz through those perfect lips and down her throat. She held my cock in her mouth licking the head and shaft for a long time, just nursing at it like a child nurses a bottle. When she let my cock out of her mouth, she immediately started licking the head and shaft to make sure it was going to be clean.
I thought this was a pretty good start for "Christine's Beducation".
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