Baby Squared: An Alien Ground Zero Addition

[ b, tod, nc, mast, anal, bd, 1st, milk, tentacles, alien ]

Published: 9-Feb-2013

Word Count: 4953

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Hi all! I hope you enjoy my work of fiction. I do not condone any sexual acts with minors in real life and see this type of erotica as a chance to blow off some steam (among other things). Please be of age if you read this work and please do not violate any laws in your jurisdiction. If you plan on using this story in any way (ie posting it somewhere), please seek my permission. (I don't actually sell anything - sometimes alliteration is a big bad bitch) Thanks a lot!

"This is very strange," the captain thought to himself as he maneuvered the shuttle farther away from the H.S. Obstetrix. The vessel, his pride and joy, floated several miles off the port and seemed to be getting smaller as his little shuttle continued to plow through the darkness and away from the large stationary spacecraft. To an outside observer, it would appear as if he had ordered the large medical vessel abandoned.

The year was 2645 and the Obstetrix, along with the six shuttle that were now flying away from her, floated just past the Hyrotian nebula some twenty-three thousand light-years from Earth. Her crew of sixty, mostly doctors, had responded admirably to the Tarkeesian Flu that was ravaging the colony at Beta 3HB. In fact, they, along with several other medical vessels, had been able to contain, and cure, the disease before any on the planet had died. Unfortunately, the illness still plagued two hundred thirty six young boys who, for some reason, had resisted the medication and the Obstetrix had been given the important mission of transporting the children, all younger than six and many only infants, back to Earth for further treatment.

Due to some distortions in space, the captain had ordered the ship on a generally unused space route in order to avoid the dangerous storms. When the Obstetrix dropped out of hyper-drive, in order to skirt the nebula and make a course change, the captain and crew began an orderly evacuation of the ship. One minute the crew was sitting at their stations or tending the children. The next, they were squeezing into shuttlecraft and leaving the ship. "Really, really strange" the captain thought to himself again, taking one last look at the Obstetrix before it slipped behind his viewing port. Had the captain been able to maintain visual contact for a few more moments, he would have seen that the large cargo bay doors were wide open on the Obstetrix and two massive, shapeless, translucent creatures, one much bigger than the other, were slowly slipping inside.


The Creature had run into this species before, several hundred years earlier. Delightful species, it thought to itself. A wonderful meal. In fact, even though it was much too soon to feed and though the creature was still incredibly full from it's last encounter, perhaps a small taste would be... No. No, it wasn't going to feed. It was a parent now! It had responsibilities! It's offspring, the baby creature or Junior, had been born six decades ago and was out of the nebula for the first time! In fact, this little journey was supposed to be an opportunity for the Creature to show Junior how to feed properly and let the baby do so. Yes, it would let Junior have this meal - as was right.

When the cargo bay doors closed and pressurized, the Creature, communicating patience to Junior, extended its sensory organs and tested the air. Yuck, the Creature thought disgustedly. The place smelled awful. Like sickness! Junior, also sensing the illness in the air, posed a question. The Creature, explaining what was going on, began to pump its potent venom into the air where it quickly disseminated throughout the ship. Under normal circumstances, it would take a bit of time for the venom's healing power to do its job. This time, however, due to the Creatures familiarity with the species, the potent venom was already at full strength. Together, the Creature and Junior waited.

After a half an hour, both the Creature and Junior again tested the air. Success! There was no illness. Had the doctors been present in any of the hospital wings, they would have watched in astonishment as the children regained their health rapidly, their coughs subsiding, their sinuses clearing, the odd spots on their bodies disappearing, and any and all signs of sickness fading away. Sensing victory, the Creature took the time to impart all it's wisdom to Junior so that it's progeny would be successful in this endeavor to find and consume pleasure. Feeling ready, Junior grateful began to extend it's Suckers, Prodders, Feeders, and Scoopers through the air vents, hallways, and infrastructure while pumping it's own venom into the air.


Junior's tentacles slipped unobstructed into the many sickbays throughout the ship and slowly approached the prey, excitedly twitching at the thought of harvesting this first meal of pleasure. Junior wasn't the only one twitching, though. By this point, all the boys had been exposed to the Creatures potent venom for half an hour and that exposer, while it had cured them of their illness, had also flushed each of their young bodies with incredible arousal while allowing their immature testes to begin to produce semen. Thus, as the mass of tentacles began to peek over the two hundred thirty six bio-beds, it discovered its prey, from the five year olds down to the youngest who was only two weeks old, twitching uncontrollably as their horny bodies grappled with their innocent minds.

The boys, so caught up in the feelings, didn't even notice the tentacles at first. It wasn't until the tentacles darted into the bed and scooped each boy up that any had a chance to protest. "Hey!" cried a five year old on deck six as he was hoisted into the air. "Hewp! Hewp! Mommy!" blubbered a four year old on Deck three. "Nurse! Nurse! Is a monster! Is a monster! Help!" yelled another five year old on the same deck; to no avail. Throughout the ship, those old enough to be aware of the alienness of the tentacles began to protest while those too young either wailed or remained oblivious, too caught up in their own new sexual desires.

Because the Tarkeesian Flu eliminated bowel control, every boy on the Obstetrix was clothed in only a diaper and the prodders made quick work of slipping those off the squirming boys. Little boyboners, a few as large as three inches but the vast majority much smaller, sprang into view already soaked in precum and dribbling more with every heartbeat. Enthusiastically, the tentacles began to maneuver the boys while holding them comfortably above their bed. For many of the older boys, their struggling forced the tentacles to wrap around arms and legs and torsos in order to hold them steady. For many of the younger boys, their own lack of muscular development meant that the tentacles had to support their backs and necks and heads. Rather rapidly, though, all the boys were in place, with their legs wide open and their bodies exposed.

Normally, at this point, the Creature would begin to tease the prey sexually by focusing on secondary and non-erogenous zones. The goal would be to force the prey towards ever more powerful peaks by teasing more and more sensitive organs as time progressed. Junior, not nearly as skilled as its parent at the fine art of teasing out pleasure, had no such skill. Though Junior knew the Creature would probably have several phases it would work through on these delectable morsels, Junior only had two phases. Thus, as the vast tentacles hovered around each floating child and the Feeders each snapped into place at the base of the skull of each boy (causing a bit of discomfort that was soon lost in the sea of sexual arousal), Junior licked it's proverbial lips and commenced with phase one.


Five-year-old Marlin's eyes were big as saucers as the things approach. "No" the pale boy said forcefully, his blond hair whipping back and forth as his droopy blue eyes, somewhat unfocused because of the strange feelings in his peepee, darted between each tentacle. "Don't touch me! No! Don't touch me!" he said huskily. After all, those same words had worked on his big sister whenever she annoyed him and he was sure it would work now. Instead, the tentacles seemed excited by his refusal and moved all the faster. Struggling his thin frame, the little boy tried his best to avoid the incoming monsters. He was unsuccessful.

Two Suckers immediately found his flat nipples and clamped on, using their internal cilia to stroke and rub the sensitive nubs. As Marlin opened his mouth in a gasp, a Prodder ran lightly across his small hairless sack and began to writhe up against his immature balls. "Oh! Oh Stop" he cried, the feelings strange and alluring. A moment later, as he was about to continue his protests, another Sucker slid gracefully down his stiff two and three quarters inch boyhood, pealing back his foreskin. Once it reach the base of his tiny woody, the internal ring of the Sucker, designed to stroke back and forth, began to travel back towards his now exposed helmet while thousands of tiny micro-filaments began to wiggle and tease his member. "AHHH AHHH AHHH" he yelled, the sudden onslaught of feelings in his peepee driving him wild.

Two decks above Marlin, three-year-old Ian was bawling uncontrollably. The boy, his fiery read hair matted down with perspiration, was crying half in fear and half in lust as his little body bucked wildly against the rush of feelings. The thing on his boyhood was flying rapidly back and forth and Ian gasped each time it ran smoothly over his very sensitive glands. "Ohhh Ohh Ohhh" he moaned between tears. Had Junior not been putting a light sedative in it's venom to keep the boys calm, little Ian would have passed out by now. Instead, the boy kept thrusting his little hips forward, his body trying to get more of the wonderful feelings while his mind tried to process the unknown urges.

Several rooms over, Little Ernesto, his smooth brown skin unblemished and his chubby face staring off into nothing, didn't make a sound. Instead, the little one-year-old continued to suck enthusiastically on the Prodder that had slipped inside his mouth. It's soothing presence comforted the boy as his very small penis was masturbated at an incredible speed. His coco nipples, hard as steel, were getting sucked just as he might have sucked at his mothers breast had she been near. Suddenly, the boy began to writhe around, his chubby little legs kicking out as if trying to dislodge the assailant on his boyhood. In fact, that is exactly what the boy was trying to do. Something was happening.

Ernest, his eye going wide and the Prodder in his mouth withdrawing, climaxed for the first time in his life while his little penis launched rope after rope of babycum into the eager Sucker getting him off. The baby boy shook, flailing his legs as and arms as his body was overcome with inconceivable feeling. He still didn't make a sound.

Ian, by this point shouting "Bad! Bad! Bad! No! No! No!" in time with the stroking of his boycock, suddenly came hard. "EEEEYYYYYEEE" he screeched suddenly, overwhelmed. His pecker, emitting the most amazing feelings as his strong kiddie-cum swept through his nervous system, became the boy's entire focus. "Good! Good! Good! Yes! Yes! Yes" he began to chant, in time with his ejaculation.

Marlin yelled at the top of his lungs, hoping someone would hear him and come running. "Help! Help! Help!" he pleaded as the feelings raced through his body and the naughty tentacle continued to molest him mercilessly. Unfortunately for Marlin, the boys in his room were oblivious and the adults were no longer on the ship. Suddenly, Marlin was overcome with a new feeling. "Oh! Oh no! It's bad! I feel funny! Help! Mommy! MOMMMEEEEEEEE!!!" he cried, his climax finally slamming into the poor boy with amazing force and making the child shake as if in a seizure. He kept yelling for his mommy as he shot blast after blast of baby boy cum shot into his Sucker, his boygasm raw and new and wonderful.

The tentacles, though the slowed somewhat, continued to molest Marlin, Ian, and Ernesto. In fact, they continued to molest all of the boys. The venom that had entered their bodies was at full strength and Junior, taking advantage of that fact, left them only a few seconds of recovery time before it's tentacles resumed their breakneck sprint towards climax. Nearly a minute and a half after finishing their kiddie-cums, Marlin, Ian, and Ernesto where thrashing about as their second climax hit them ruthlessly. Then they climaxed a third time. And a fourth time. And a fifth time. For nearly an hour, Junior milked the boys on the Obstetrix repeatedly to orgasm after orgasm. It wasn't until the boys started to wear out, that they were all reduced to blubbering idiots drooling all over themselves and unable to respond to any external stimuli, that Junior withdrew it's tentacles away from each boy and retracted them back to the cargo bay.


The Creature was a little confused as to why Junior had withdrawn it's tentacles. Posing the question, Junior reassured it's parent that this was not the end of its feeding. Instead, Junior wanted to take some time to process all of the biological data it had gathered from the prey. Then it would commence phase two.

Relieved that Junior was alright and proud at Juniors maturity, the Creature contented itself with occasionally peaking into Juniors mind at it's offspring's thoughts while busying itself with it's own musings. To an outside observer, it appeared that both the Creature and Junior had fallen asleep - their massive bodies idle and their tentacles entirely retracted. For two hours, they sat next to each other contently, each to their own reflections with the Creature occasionally offering a bit of parental wisdom to it's offspring but generally leaving the youth alone.

In the meantime, the boys of the Obstetrix slept; exhaustion having allowed each of them to fall asleep rather peacefully after the tentacles left. Even the older boys drifted into naps, too tired to really protest and unable to leave their beds. The venom, coursing through their bodies, remained active however. In fact, as their minds floated on clouds, their bodies rapidly re-energized. By the end of thirty minutes, each boy was hard as a rock and dripping pre-cum like a leaky faucet. By the end of an hour, the boys, still asleep, were rolling around in immense arousal, their dreams filled with ghostly images of naughty tentacles and even naughtier pleasures. By ninety minutes, many of the boys were awake and moaning in need, their bodies aching for release. It was at this point that little hands began to find little boycocks and began to experiment. By the time two hours slipped by, many of the boys had discovered masturbation and were rapidly abusing their tiny peckers.

"Eh! Eh! Eh!" chanted five-year-old Taggert, the little boy's hand flying up and down his stiff boyhood as he sat in the middle of his bio-bed. Thanks to his ample pre-cum, his hand slid effortlessly over his two and a half incher and he squealed every time his little fist rubbed roughly over his sensitive helmet. "Eh! Eh! EHHHHEEEEHHHHH!!!!" he cried suddenly, his first self-induced boygasm rapidly hitting the boy while he continued to stroke blast after blast of babyboy cum right into his hunched over face. Without the tentacles sucking up his spooge, a small lake began to form around him as the drenched boy continued to milk blasts of cum out of his new best buddy. In fact, had the bio-bed not noticed the liquid and began to drain it through it's poli-sentastic meta-derigerical surface, the boy likely would have kept masturbating until he drowned in his own ejaculate. As it was, when the boy finished his first boycum and began to work towards his second, he found himself sitting in a dry bio-bed once again.

This marvel of smart-technology was very useful as boy after boy began to self-pump his own little organs; especially for the infants who couldn't even sit up. Some would have been shocked to look into little Terrence's bed and see the one-month-old rapidly stroking blasts of cum out of his tiny pecker despite the fact that the babe couldn't even sit up to see what he was stroking! Of course, what none could tell was that Terrence, though only one month old and only moving on instinct, needed to climax badly! His arousal was so great and his lust was so powerful, nothing short of climax could keep the infant sane. Unfortunately, as his first climax became his second which became his third, Terrence, and indeed all the boys, realized (to more or less extent) that self-induced orgasms were not making the lust abate. Indeed, the lust continued to grow!

Two hours passed successfully and Junior suddenly came alive. It had reached a great deal of conclusions while thinking and was excited about the possibilities. There was a great deal more to coordinate and organize but Junior believed it had achieved what none other of it's species had achieved. The Creature could sense Junior's excitement, of course, but Junior refused to explain and blocked it's parent's attempts at scoping out it's thoughts. Besides, Junior explained, it was time for phase two.


A great cry rose up throughout the ship when Junior's tentacles grasped each boy and raised him above his bed. It was not a cry of alarm. Instead, each boy, instinctually, realized that the creatures grabbing them would bring release from the maddening feelings coursing through their bodies. By this point, every boy was soaked in his own ejaculate while his tiny boyboner continued to quake in desire. The older boys wailed "Please... Please... Please..." as they were wrapped up snuggly while the younger boys gurgled demandingly as the tentacles cradled them with care.

Four-year-old Abejide, his ebony skin covered in white fuckslop, moaned loudly as a Prodder teased his balls and two Suckers latched onto his stiff sensitive nipples. A moment later, Abejide groaned in relief as a familiar Sucker slid gracefully over his two-inch boyhood, it's tight flesh engulfing his member as skin rubbed against skin. "OHHHHH!!!!!" he moaned sharply as the Sucker began to work it's magic, the tiny cila teasing his swollen flesh while the internal muscle began to stroke tip to base. As he sighed in enjoyment, two other Prodders carefully spread his legs open, revealing his tiny virgin asshole; it's tight flesh opening and closing slightly in time with his masturbation.

A deck above, two year old Logan was in the same position, his body wiggling as he enjoyed his molestation. Suddenly, the small boy gave a startled cry as a Prodder, very thing and flexible, made contact with his own pink flower. "Eep! Eep! Eep!" he exclaimed, his boyhood forgotten as the naughty tentacle at his backdoor began to tease his little boypussy by circling it vigorously. The pleasure was totally new but incredibly welcome to the boy as he began to hum loudly. Suddenly, the Prodder began to put pressure at his entrance and started to worm it's way inside. That feeling was odd and, as Logan's eyes shot open, he began to squeal. "OU! OU! OU! NO! NO! OU! OU! NO!" his high-pitched baby voice cried rapidly as the Prodder began to fill him. At that very moment, the Prodder made contact with his baby prostate and, with one final shove, slid abusively over the tiny knot of flesh. "OHHH!! OHHH!!! OHHHH!!!" cried Logan suddenly, his voice dropping an octave as he breathed heavily.

Two-week-old Eli was the youngest boy in the ship and, at that moment, was sucking contently on a Prodder that had slipped welcomingly into his mouth. Though he couldn't conceptualize what was happening to him, his body recognized that it felt both wonderful and on the precipice of something powerful. As his very tiny little boyhood was stroked and an incredibly thin Prodder pounded his petite boypussy rapidly, the baby began to wiggle and coo as climax was nearly realized. Then, two things occurred at the same time. First, the Prodder changed angles slightly and began hammer Eli's immature prostate. Second, the tiny Prodder imbedded deep within the Sucker on his little penis, shot forward and thrust itself deep in his urethra, sliding almost to his bladder in one quick move. These to actions caused Eli to arch in pleasure as his orgasm crashed upon him.

The baby wiggled while his hands and feet clenched repeatedly. He gurgled frantically, overwhelmed by the kiddie-cum. His eyes blinked and his nostrils flared. He shook, as if having a seizure. The Prodder in his urethra withdrew as his immature balls and abused little prostate pumped shot after shot into the greedy Sucker that masturbated him furiously.

Logan's hips thrust repeatedly forward as the boy expelled blast after blast of boycum. All the while, the Sucker on his little cocklett continued to stroke him, paying a great deal of attention to his sensitive head but not neglecting the rest of him. He howled as he came, unintelligible words pouring out of his slack jaw just as his spunk poured out of his randy pecker.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" wailed Abejide in his high boy soprano as he climaxed, the Prodder flying inhumanly fast in and out of his little shitter. His boygasm seemed to last forever and the poor boy, snot (or cum, perhaps?) dripping from his nose as he thrashed back and forth, was holding on for dear life. At the very moment that his climax finished peaking and he began to come down, the naughty tentacles rolled the boy in his right side and lifted his left leg high into the air, creating a brand new angle for the assault. Indeed, Junior didn't slow down the onslaught and instead seemed to increase the pace of the masturbating Sucker and the Fucking Prodder, sending the fucktube deep into Abejide. "AHHHH!!!!! AHHHH!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" he screamed, a second boygasm hitting before the first had actually ended. When that one seemed to be in decline, the tentacles turned him upside down and continued to saw brutally against his flesh, sending the blubbering boy into his third boygasm in less than a minute.

All around the ship, the boys were assaulted savagely, twisted and turned so that the tentacles could rape them to climax after climax. The boys cried, they pleaded, the wept, they squealed, they hollered. Nothing worked. They just kept cumming and cumming and cumming. The Creature, monitoring their life signs, cautioned Junior to be careful but Junior, fully in control, used it's venom to reinforce the boy's bodies to withstand their trials.

This was no longer about feeding for Junior. It was about something much greater. It's parent wouldn't understand. It didn't recognize the potential of this species. Junior would show it. Junior would show the universe. Evolution! It was so close! And these creatures, they were the key!

None of the boys of the Obstetrix maintained consciousness for more than a half an hour. By that time, they had each had dozens of orgasms, their climaxes practically continual and uninterrupted. Their eyes glazed over. Their bodies went slack. They retreated into their minds, hiding from the pleasure that sought to destroy them. It was a good thing too, for Junior, convinced of it's mission, slowly drew they boys to it while continuing to milk them to boygasm after boygasm. The Creature almost put a stop to the whole thing but it's offspring seemed so sure that whatever it was planning would work. Curious, the Creature didn't interfere.

By this point, Junior had changed it's bodies' composition a great deal and, as the first few boys arrived, the tentacles drew them into Junior so that the boys floated in the middle of it's gelatinous body, hovering in a massive empty air filled bubble and supported by the tentacles that grew from the walls. All two hundred thirty six young boys soon found themselves floating in the interior of Junior, the internal cavern brightly lit from Junior's now florescent tentacles. And those tentacles continued to work! Their boycocks were still milked. Their nipples were still rubbed. Their boypussies were filled with Junior as it continued to assault their prostates. They continued to cum, riding climax to climax. The only difference between being on the ship and being inside Junior was that this time, instead of being scattered throughout the decks, they were all in one place and had the opportunity to watch each other as they were communally molested.

Junior took over the vital functions of the boys using its Feeders, infusing their blood with all the necessary nutrients. The boys would survive without any trouble inside this cavernous bubble while Junior began to change their genetic structures. Because the process would take time, Junior, instructing to Creature to follow, left the cargo bay of the Obstetrix and drifted into space. As the two aliens made their way toward the nebula, nearly three hundred boys climaxing continuously in the depths of space, Junior began to plan for the future.


The Hyrotian nebula was at the heart of Human space, surrounded on all directions by colonies and spaceports and the boundaries of the human civilization. Though not a massive species, the humans had been able to carve out a small section of the galaxy for themselves. It was no coincidence, then, that the aliens had decided to inhabit this particular spacial anomaly. Indeed, this was one of the few safe places for the large creatures left in the galaxy. Though they were peaceful organisms, they had been hunted by many of the spacefaring species and had long ago taken to hiding. The humans had never discovered that this was their sanctuary because the alien's telepathy had driven away any curious human vessels seeking exploration.

Within the nebula were nearly a million alien creatures, a community in harmony but relatively static and constantly worried about being discovered. Among them, Junior was unique. Perhaps it had a genetic abnormality. Perhaps it's parent had caught some virus when it last visited earth. Perhaps Junior was simply smarter than the rest of it's species. Regardless, Junior saw in these humans a potential that it's parent, and indeed none of the creatures, had seen.

For nearly six months, Junior worked in secret on the boys of the Obstetrix. Oh, every creature in the community knew Junior had the prey and was working on them but none interfered. In many ways, they were all curious as to the end result. Junior, for it's part, changed the boy's genetic structure and neural pathways. It encoded lines of data into their chromosomes and imprinted vast amounts of knowledge into their newly hard-wired brains. These boys would be the start of something wonderful for the creatures and Junior was obsessed with his new project and the dreams it sought to realize.

For the boys, the six months were a ride unlike any other. They would awake from unconsciousness floating in a brightly lit place with no idea where they were or what had happened to them. The older boys would look around and notice that the place was filled with many other boys and, for a moment, they would stare at the glowing tentacles that bound them all. Then, just moments after they awoke, their bodies would be teased and pleasured and assaulted just as they had been on the Obstetrix. The Suckers would work their little penises rapidly while their nipples were tweaked and played with. The Prodders, as dexterous as ever, would tease their tight puckers before a large shaft would slip up into their assholes and fuck them silly. They would writhe and moan and cum and struggle and yell in delight and climax and pant and screech and boygasm and be overwhelmed with the onslaught of pleasure before finally, almost mercifully, falling into unconsciousness. Then, Junior would wait a few hours while continuing to work, wipe their memories of the previous experience, and start the process over again. In the six months the boys were in Junior, they experienced their first ever kiddie-cum thousands of times.

Of course, sometimes Junior would have to test the programing a bit so it would release the boys from the grip of the tentacles, give them some objective (through it's genetic re-sequencing or DNA restructuring), and watch to see what happened. Since there were no other options, Junior would always give them something physical to do. Junior might observe as two five-year-olds rolled around in a vigorous sixty-nine while slurping blast after blast of cum into their hungry mouths. Junior might watch as a chain of one year olds crawled towards each other and began to rim each other's assholes. Junior might even order a full on orgy where it could observe all the boys fucking and sucking each other with abandon; those too young to move much being passed around by the older boys and impaled on little horny dickies or sucked to screeching little kiddie-cums. All in all, Junior was pleased with it's level of control over the prey.

By the time the six months had ended, Junior was ready to put it's plan into motion. After sending out a telepathic message and luring a human ship closer to the nebula, all it took was for Junior to deliver the human offspring to that vessel. The humans were understandably ecstatic to get their young back and proceeded to whisk the former prey off to their inhabited planets. Of course, this was exactly what Junior had hoped for. As the vessel left the solar system, already contacting the human authorities to deliver the wonderful news, Junior could almost feel the galaxy draw in a collective breath. Soon, the course of human events would change radically.

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I enjoy your stories but describing the creatures as peaceful is hilarious.


Wow, this was fantastic. This was real sci-fi at its best.


Absolutely great story. Love the sci fi and the description of the aliens' motives and thoughts. I also really loved the age range. So hard to find good fiction involving sexy little toddlers and babies. Definitely got my rocks off. Only complaint: wish there was more!!! :)

The reviewing period for this story has ended.