Welcomed Visitor, Part 4

[ Mf(12), MF ]

by stepdad


Published: 3-Jul-2012

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All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.

More Confrontations

I solemnly invited Grace and her daughter in and had them sit on the couch. I took my seat in my recliner. And waited for Grace to begin. After several uncomfortable seconds she began.

"Greg, Janet has told me what happened today and I must say that I am most unhappy about what you did to my little girl. She is just 12 years old and is way too young to be having sexual relations especially with someone older like you. I was hoping she would not loose her virginity until she was much older."

Janet jumped up from the couch bounding over to me, hopping up on my lap and throwing her arms around my neck.

She pleaded with her mother, "Mom it was all my idea and I begged Greg to do it and I'm not sorry we did it. I love Greg and don't want to see anything bad to happen to him."

Grace paused for a while then said, "He should know better than to be led by you to doing something that he should not do. Greg, when I first found out what had happened I was furious and ready to call the cops and have your but buried under the prison. When Janet told me about what she and Susie had done with their little dance I was starting to understand how hard it would be for you to resist their efforts. Then when she explained how gentle and loving you were with her I calmed down and started thinking differently about the whole situation. It seems you did not take advantage of her and made her first time a beautiful experience she will fondly remember for the rest of her life."

"Grace," I said "I love and respect Janet too much to hurt her physically or emotionally in the least little bit or in any way. I don't think it is possible for me to hurt any little girl for any reason at all." Further "I will accept what ever consequences you feel are justified and I don't want to see Janet hurt at all. I accept full responsibility for what happened."

During all this time Janet was glued to my side hanging on to my neck tightly almost strangling me. She shook nervously and looked pleadingly at her mother.

Grace continued "Greg I have thought over the whole situation for hours. I called Kim and talked with her and Susie and they convinced me to keep my cool and not do anything rash. I have heard all sides of the situation and I have a lot more to think over. Come on Janet, let's go home so I can have some time to consider our alternatives."

Janet, shaking her head objected saying, "Mom, I want to stay here with Greg for a while."

Grace was surprised a bit but insisted Janet come home with her. Janet had a little tear in her eye as she kissed me on the cheek and climbed off my lap and accompanied her mother to the door. I asked Grace "Please do me a favor and don't punish Janet for what happened.

I spent a troubled evening worried about what Grace would do. I couldn't eat any supper and stared blankly at the Tv for hours. I don't even remember what was on since I was so deep in thought. Finally at 10:00 I shut off the TV and went in to bed. I stripped down, climbed into bed and then tossed and turned unable to sleep with all the thoughts and fears going through my foggy mind. After about 30 minutes I heard the front door open and close. I guess I was so far out of it I forgot to lock up. Now I was getting worried. Was there a mad mother coming to cut my balls off or a hired goon ready to re-arrange my face and other assorted body parts?

My bedroom door opened as I hid under the covers and in walked Janet in a nightgown bathrobe and slippers. She greeted me with smile that lit up the room brighter than daylight and a simple "Miss me?"

Needless to say I was flabbergasted beyond belief. I asked her "What are you doing here? You didn't sneak out did you?"

She said "Mom and I had a long talk and I convinced her that I truly wanted what happened and had no regrets. She asked me if I knew what I was getting into and I assured her that I did it with my eyes wide open and that after talking with Susie I knew then that I had to have you be my first. It was then that mom told me to go to my new boyfriend and be with him."

This news hit me like an oncoming freight train wiping away all my fears and frustrations in milliseconds. I lifted the covers and invited her to join me in my bed. She kicked off her slippers, dropped her bathrobe and skinned out of her nightgown then she said "Greg I'm still sore from this morning but I want to cuddle with you and just sleep.

I said "I would be honored to have you share my bed even without sex, just to love you. Let me tell you there is nothing to compare with the feeling of snuggling up to a soft and warm naked girl in your bed. I leaned over to give her a kiss on the cheek but at the last second she turned her head and I ended up kissing her on the lips. That kiss lasted a full thirty seconds and warmed my heart like a four alarm fire. We exchanged good nights and drifted off to sleep with my arm around her and my nose buried in her sweet smelling hair. After so many years of sleeping alone in an empty bed it just felt so right.

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These 4 stories are among the best I've read anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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