Welcomed Visitor, Part 3

[ M/F, M/g, rom ]

by stepdad


Published: 29-Jun-2012

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All people and events in this story are entirely fictitious.


There stood my neighbor Kimberly (Susie's Mom) looking very serious and concerned. She came right to the point with "Greg, we need to talk. May I come in?" Of course I motioned her in and offered her a seat on the couch. I asked "Can I get you something?" to which she replied "A coke would be great."

I went to the kitchen getting a couple of cans out of the fridge and returned to the living room. I offered her one of the cans and took the other over to my recliner where I sat to face the music as it were. My mind was being bombarded with all that has gone on last week and earlier today. My heart beating a mile a minute I readied myself for the axe to fall.

Kim started out "Greg I am aware of what went on last week between you and Susie and also what happened with Janet today." She paused for what seemed like an hour letting me stew about it. Then she asked my "Would you care to explain what happened and why?" Now it was up to me to figure out what to say. Pondering the situation carefully led me to the conclusion that she already knew something big happened and I should come clean about it and accept the consequences. Let the chips fall where they may.

Speaking slowly and deliberately I said "Kim, I have to say that I took liberties with those sweet girls that I know I should not have done. When I asked Susie to show me one of her routines she said 'Sure, wht not' and proceeded to go through one of the teams dances. I was extremely impressed with her style and adorable sexiness that I started to get nasty thoughts concerning her and what I would like to do with her. I did not intend to hurt her in any way since I like her too much to cause her even the slightest discomfort."

"I guess I misread the signals she was sending out and invited her to sit on my lap while we chatted. Somehow it seems that I convinced her to have sex with me. She agreed and we went to the bedroom and did it there." I paused a bit and then continued " Today when they both came to my door I was happy to see them both soI invited them in and a replay of last week took place with Susie leaving and Janet ending up in my bed. I can't say anything more than it was all my fault and I should have known better and I will accept whatever you or Janet's mom decide.

Still sitting straight faced on the couch Kim paused for another while and dtarted in with "Greg, I am a little disappointed that you left out some very important points. You failed to mention that Susie had taken her panties off for the dance routine and when she hopped up on her lap uninvited she put your hand under her skirt. It was her that asked to have sex and you gave her several chances to back out. It seems to me that she seduced you and not the other way around. She told me that when she asked if you were going to have sex you told her NO,............ that you were going to make love. You and I both know that there is quite defiantly a difference. When she gave me the details of what you did to her she had that dreamy look in her eyes like some one falling in love. Nothing, and I repeat, nothing you did caused her any discomfort at all. On the contrary, it made her feel like someone very special and loved. I don't know where you learned about 'around the world' but you lear ned it well according to Susie. She thoroughly enjoyed every second of it and I am sure she will remember the day with fondness for a long time."

"Janet gave me basically the same description and said she also had an extremely good time. You made her first time one to remember." With a slight smile she continued "There is a down side to all this though. It's that she is going to hold all her future lovers to your standards which are tough to meet. It seems to me that you really care about both of those girls and maybe even love them."

Sitting there soaking this all in and breathing a little better while my heart slows down to almost normal I had to ask "Kim, what do you intend to do about the situation now that it is all out in the open?" She took a deep breath and said "First rest easy, I am not going to call the police or any other authorities. You did not force the girls to do anything and by their description they both enjoyed it immensely. They both begged and pleaded with me to not do anything to you. Further, I will not interfere with the girls if they want to come back here again. It's their decision and, within reason, I'll go along with them."

She went on to say "While we are laying all our cards on the table I have to tell you that while the girls were telling me, I was getting aroused myself from just hearing them talk about their experiences." Then she flashed me a big bright smile just like her daughter did, almost blinding me. I still need put it on my to-do list to wear sun glasses on weekends. She then continued "That brings me to the other reason I came over here. In the interest of scientific investigation, would you please demonstrate, on me, what you did for the girls?"

Now is a good time to describe Kim for you so you can appreciate my incentives in my answer. Kim is a blue eyed blonde with shoulder length radiant blonde hair that shines like a halo around her head. Peaches and cream complexion from head to toe with not a single wrinkle or blemish (I found out later) anywhere on her body. Standing about five foot six and weighing only a buck thirty she fills out her clothes like a high fashion model with breasts and legs most pro models would kill for. It's quite obvious where Susie got her good looks from. Dressed in a mid thigh mini skirt and tube top she is defiantly a total knockout. I would find it hard to believe that this goddess has given birth to four kids. Two girls and two boys. She looks young enough to be Susie's big sister not her mother. If you want to see for yourself what she looks like just grab any Victoria's Secret catalog and dream.

Simply put I said "Kim if that's what you want I would be happy to." She then asked "Do I have to take my panties off and dance for you like they did?" I answered "It seems to be standard procedure so If you would like to do it, I would be thrilled." She then stated "OK, bear with me 'cause it's been quite a while since I was a cheerleader in school." She made a dash for the bathroom then on her return she dug in her purse and came out with Susie's CD player, placed it on the coffee table and pressed the play button.

Well let me tell you, this girl can still dance up a storm to rival the performance of her daughter, her friend and the entire Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders. She swatted her rump and recited the same poem the girls had done.

Roses are red, Violets are blue, This special cheer, Greg, is just for you.

Then she launched into the most sexy dance I have ever seen (Even better than Susie or Janet) ending up with a twirl all the way around flashing me a spectacular view of her bare bottom and bald pussy. All I can say is "WOW!!!" I also noticed pressure in my pants from an erection hard as iron. This lady (girl?) is really something HOT. A true to the definition 'MILF' (Google it if you don't know what that is)

She then came over and plopped down on my lap and laid a passionate kiss square on my lips. I, of course, responded in kind and we French kissed for a few minutes until I felt like I was going to explode. I reached under her skirt and caressed her bare thighs for a bit and up to her very wet pussy. I found her swollen clit and when I strummed it she exploded into an immediate orgasm shaking and thrusting and almost jumping off my lap. When we parted our lips she, in a very sultry voice, said "Greg I want you in me NOW." When I went to respond she held a finger up to my lips and she then said "Wait right here for a minute." She bounced up off my lap and made a dash for the bedroom. Evidently Susie gave her a pretty detailed account of our session from last Saturday.

The next thing I knew there was a soft voice coming from my bedroom saying "Greg, I'm ready." I walked, or more like staggered, to the doorway and what did I see but a breathtaking invitation splayed out on my bed, totally naked, displaying for my enjoyment. She even looks sexier nude than dressed. Her gorgeous blonde hari splayed out on the pillow framing her totally angelic face. Her blue eyes (I call them bedroom eyes) are twin pools of the brightest blue to revel the color of the sky on a clear day. Cute little button nose and sultry lips complete the face to move mountains and launch a thousand ships. (Cleopatra eat your heart out.) Her breasts (34B) stood proud on her chest not smooshing down like mature ladies boobs do. Topped with erect nipples surrounded by areolas of light brown. Her skin seems to glow from her allover tan. Her umbilicus (that's a belly button) is slightly indented and surrounded with an absolutly flat tummy. Further down is her totally bald (undo ubtedly shaved) pussy with a tight slit looking very virginal. Four kids? ......can't believe it...No way. Then there's those fantastic legs that stretch all the way from the ground to heaven. Ending up with two of the cutest little feet that look like she must have stolen them from a teenager. My mouth was beginning to water as I looked at this true goddess of sensuality.

She spoke up with "Like what you see?" I only could nod and repeat my earlier statement "WOW." Then she asked "Can we have sex now?" I felt I had to say "NO" followed by a short pause while she had a crestfallen pouty expression, I continued "We are going to make love" (This is a recording). I'm sorry but that's the way I do it. No quickie wham bam thankyou mam. I always try to give my partner at least three orgasms before I even consider mine. Her smile returned with enthusiasm again almost blinding me.

I came over to the bed and shucked off my clothes then lay down and proceed to make love to her. Unlike what I did with Susie and Janet I proceeded very slowly with the 'around the world' process to let the frustration build up in her while she got hotter and hotter. Keeping her right on the edge of orgasm for what seemed hours I teased her unmercifully. She came out with "Greg you bastard if you don't make me cum pretty soon I will cut your balls off and shove them down your throat." I simply said "patience - patience - patience." And then continued for a few more minutes until I concentrated on her clit and vagina to bring her off. When I combined tongue flicks of her clit with finger ministrations to her G-spot and this caused her to explode into a gigantic orgasm where I thought she would break the bed. Her scream was so shrill I swear she broke a couple of windows and peeled the paint of the walls. I slid up to face her with a shit eating grin on my face and asked "so, w as that any good?" In answer she wrapped her armes around me and squeezed me so tight I could barely breathe. Since I was in position with my prick lined up with her vagina I started a slow penetration of her inner core. Stroke in and out slowly until I was buried all the way in bumping into her cervix. I held it there for a bit and then started slow strokes in her while raining kisses all over her face and breasts. Her breathing got heavier and the moans gave me the idea she just might be enjoying this. Shortly she burst in another orgasm not as big as the last one but still pretty impressive with her vagina clamping down on my prick trying to milk me.

Now I started to speed up my thrusts fucking her harder and harder triggering another orgasm and while she was in the midst of her third screaming orgasm, (or was it forth?) , mine decided to show up filling her with enough semen to keep her having babies for the next ten years. We just laid there basking in the afterglow of a memorable session of love making. Once we calmed down enough I came out of the dream state and asked her "How about a nice long shower?" She asked me "Are you going to fool around in the shower?" I casually said "Maybe." As we were getting up she coyly said "I hope so."

In the shower we soaped up each other paying particular attention to you know where and I even managed to bring her to another cum. Once we were rinsed off and ready to get out the shower door opened and in stepped a naked Susie who said "You guys were loud enough that I had to come see if you were being tortured to death or what....... Mom, I thought you said you were coming over to just talk with Greg." Mom replied "What can I say, I got carried away so sue me." Susie then suggested "since we're all dressed for the part how about a quickie." Well, not being one to disappoint some of the most gorgeous girls I know I simply said "Why not."

We all dried off and tumbled onto the bed in a snarl of arms, legs and bodies and had a just for fun romp in the world of love making. Kim and I double teamed up on Susie and brought her to a series of orgasms, (or was it one long one), lasting a good thirty minutes. The it was time to gang up on her mom and try to tire her out. After two earth shaking orgasms kim passed out cold. While she recovered Susie and I had a nice slow intercourse just enjoying each other like two long experienced lovers. Once Kim came to we all got dressed and I headed out to the living room as the door bell rang. I thought 'oh no, now what.'

I opened the door and there stood Janet and her mom. With a little fear I asked her if I could help her and she said "Greg we need to talk." I invited her in just as Kim and Susie came out of the bedroom. Grace raised her eyebrows and had a look of surprise on her face noticing Kim and Susie with their 'just fucked' glow on their faces. Kim said "Hi Grace, Hi Janet. What brings you guys over here today?" Grace said "I need to have a talk with Greg about what has been going on in this house." My heart jumped up into my mouth and Janet looked as scared as a bunny rabbit during hunting season. On her way out kim whispered to Grace "Be gentle with him. He's been through a lot today." She then gave me a wink as she and Susie headed home. As they were walking across the yard I distinctly heard Kim say "NO you can not. You'll just have to wait until tomorrow."

Chapter 4 - more confrontations

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